- Dec 2022
luhmann.surge.sh luhmann.surge.sh
As a result of extensive work with this technique a kind of secondary memory will arise, an alter ego with who we can constantly communicate. It proves to be similar to our own memory in that it does not have a thoroughly constructed order of its entirety, not hierarchy, and most certainly no linear structure like a book. Just because of this, it gets its own life, independent of its author. The entirety of these notes can only be described as a disorder, but at the very least it is a disorder with non-arbitrary internal structure. Some things will get lost (versickern), some notes we will never see again. On the other hand, there will be preferred centers, formation of lumps and regions with which we will work more often than with others. There will be complexes of ideas that are conceived at large, but which will never be completed; there will be incidental ideas which started as links from secondary passages and which are continuously enriched and expand so that they will tend increasingly to dominate system. To sum up: this technique guarantees that its order which is merely formal does not become a hindrance but adapts to the conceptual development.
Esta otredad de la memoria y la emergencia de un yo "distinto", histórico y flexible para dialogar, ocurre también con los wikis y los outliners. Y lo vi pasar en mi caso con El Directorio, TiddlyWiki, Leo, e incluso con Hypotesis y la lectura anotada.
Lepiter y otras herramientas ayudan a navegar las agrupaciones temáticas de notas enlazadas, pero la pérdida constante de información, por ejemplom en equipos robados, discos duros que no se revisan, backups inaccesibles, plataformas que cambian, ha sido una constante de esta memoria digital. En alguna medida he aceptado esa pérdida como un proceso de aprendizaje y desprendimiento, como un jardín zen que me(¿nos?) prepara para memorias más resilientes y conexas y exploraciones más colectivas de las mismas.