11 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
  2. Oct 2023
    1. By def

      برای Align کردنش به کار میره

    2. Optiona

      می تونی اندازه Pagination را مشخص کنی

    3. Go

      با این Prop می تونی بری اول یا اخر

    4. Scoped v

      فعلا نمی دونم اینا چین

    5. Lim

      برای محدود کردن کاربر که من فعلا استفاده نمی کنم

    6. v-model

      با این v-model می تونی مقدار صفحه جاری را نشون بدی. با این total-rows باید تعداد کل ردیف ها را بهش بدی با این per_page که تکلیف مشخص است.

  3. Aug 2023
  4. Oct 2022
    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephanus_pagination

      Stephanus pagination is a system of reference numbers used in editions of Plato based on the three volume 1578 edition of Plato's complete works published by Henricus Stephanus (Henri Estienne) and translated by Joannes Serranus (Jean de Serres).

      See also: - Bekker numbering (for Aristotle) - Diels-Kranz numbering (for early pre-Socratics)

  5. Apr 2022
    1. Pagination with Arabic numerals on both sides of a page was probably first used in a 1513 edition of Niccolò Perotti’s Cornucopiae. This commentary on Martial’s epigrams offered a wide- ranging commentary on every word that Martial used and was valued as the most sophis-ticated Latin dictionary of its time. But since the words were discussed in the order in which they appeared in Martial’s poems, a powerful alphabetical index was essential. The printer Aldus Manutius of Venice explained the novelty of using page numbers in his index: “a very copious index in which each word that is sought can most easily be found, since each half page throughout the whole work is numbered . . . with arithmetical numbers.”
    2. On leaf numbering in the Middle Ages, see Saenger (1996), 258, 275–76, and Stoneman (1999), 6. Saenger notes nonetheless that printing created the context in which leaf numbering flourished in both print and manuscript.

      Leaf numbering was seen in the Middle Ages, but printing in the Renaissance greatly increased the number of books with page numbers.