3 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Many intellectuals of that generation were deeply influenced by thatprogram – Saul Bellow, Susan Sontag, and Joseph Epstein, just to namea few.

      University of Chicago's great books program

  2. Feb 2016
    1. I’m sorry to have to tell you that books are now considered an endangered species. By books, I also mean the conditions of reading that make possible literature and its soul effects. Soon, we are told, we will call up on “bookscreens” any “text” on demand, and will be able to change its appearance, ask questions of it, “interact” with it. When books become “texts” that we “interact” with according to criteria of utility, the written word will have become simply another aspect of our advertising-driven televisual reality. This is the glorious future being created, and promised to us, as something more “democratic.” Of course, it means nothing less than the death of inwardness — and of the book.

      Letter to Borges: Susan Sontag on Books, Self-Transcendence, and Reading in the Age of Screens

    2. Books are not only the arbitrary sum of our dreams, and our memory. They also give us the model of self-transcendence. Some people think of reading only as a kind of escape: an escape from the “real” everyday world to an imaginary world, the world of books. Books are much more. They are a way of being fully human.

      Letter to Borges: Susan Sontag on Books, Self-Transcendence, and Reading in the Age of Screens