8 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. For existing students, the priority is immediate recognition of skills and knowledge in the major or complementary to the major, helping the student earn a fellowship or prepare for graduate school, to encourage persistence and completion, and to help students compete in the job market

      Naming the important learning => encouraging persistence/success => currency that helps access future opportunities

    2. Each microcredential is a substantive learning experience with set learning outcomes and assessments where student work is produced. While community building or participation in meetings or events can be important parts of the student experience, they do not rise to the level of a SUNY microcredential.

      Credentials must be credentialing something.

    3. All work is aligned with key pillars set by SUNY’s Board of Trustees and Chancellor John B. King, Jr., including student success; research and scholarship; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and economic development and upward mobility

      2 Keys: this synthesizes with student success, research, and other existing priorities; and executive sponsorship is baked in.

  2. Apr 2018
  3. Mar 2018
  4. Oct 2016
  5. Nov 2015