- Aug 2024
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
It helps users draft legal letters.
This is very likely to improve with time. * At the very least, it will add a level of consistency to the Legal process that should improve it. * Ideally, it will also ensure that all of the pertinent precedents are considered in CivilCases that as judged on the Preponderance of Evidence".
Review by Lawyers will still be essential, at least until "halucination" warnings from Bots are no longer needed.
- Aug 2022
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
DoNotPay as "the world's first robot lawyer"
Inevitably, this will turn into a very profitable business based on:
- My lawyer is faster than your lawyer
- Lawyer for Hire, rent or Sale
- My lawyer lives in a better part of theCloud.than yours.
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
Britain shattered its record for highest temperature
Consider the 3 Cs and their relative importance in the short/mid/long terms:
- Climate change
- Conflicts (wars)
- CoVid
- Hypothesis in the light of ChrisA's recent Zettlekasten comments.
- Hypothesis Use methods
- Feb 2022
www.notion.so www.notion.so
Slowly preparing some content I can share ...
- Oct 2021
debategraph.org debategraph.org
... T(ime) ...
The ability to link directly into a PageView is a key refinement to WaysH.e.TabH
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
Industry says it's committed to helping farmers make their own repairs, but
debategraph.org debategraph.org
DebateGraph is designed as a tool for visualizing
... the complex relationships between Ideas that arise during debates.
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
Canada's economy added 157,000 new jobs
Is it possible these are just the Temporary Election Worker jobs?
hypothes.is hypothes.is
www.protopage.com www.protopage.com
compare & contrast Annotate & Diigo
Testing the values of Tags with relatively rare characters
Striving for autoTagging consistencies and efficiencies
www.finextra.com www.finextra.com
NatWest pleads guilty to money laundering charges
encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com
Keynesian economics
encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.comBank run1
Bank run
from a game that informs
- Sep 2021
github.com github.com
Hans Wobbe edited this page
- Testing annotation for GitHub.Wiki pages
- try adding an image
Online voting
Why you cannot, in Canada
- Aug 2021
debategraph.org debategraph.org
I accidentally created a second annotation.
Decide how to merge these.
twitter.com twitter.com
Testing how extensive can these annotations be.
try annotating Flickr too
- there are at least 2 ways to link to images at Flickr, as is evident in the following:
debategraph.org debategraph.org
DebateGraph is designed as a tool for visualizing various aspects of complex Issues, specifically in Debates.
The preceding DebateGraph text was hi-lited in the originating site. Initial subsequent annotations include:
The following Notes are part of the initial considerations that may be evaluated.
Hypothesis as a way of annotating DebateGraph
- Images can be inserted.
Links can be incorporated.
- link to a flickr image like Thinker, trying different sizes
- Evaluate the use of gglDocs links
Searches can nest Tags
- Consider the practical limits of Notes like this one.
- Increase the size of this Note
- Review the markup support for HTML capabilities since the GUI is a bit limited.
- DebateGraph Ideas seem easily accessible via Hypothesis.
A NewPage note can be used to provide addition material.
Try linking to some of my other primary repositories; e.g.:
- GitHub
- TidddlyHost
- ...
debategraph.org debategraph.org
T(ime) n(ext) T(ime)
TnT = T(ime) n(ext) T(ime)
Cardinal, 9 others on trial at Vatican in money scandals
Corruption seems to appear equally in both Ecclesiastic and Secular environments. The promises seem to differ by stating "Pay me, so I can have a better life now." versus "Pay me now, so you might have a better after-life".
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
Legal Information Institute
Note the "onlyMe" private option.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Matching Annotations
- recursive reference test
- proof of Edit capability
Cryptocurrency heist hacker returns $260m in funds
groups.google.com groups.google.com
Save to Github
a successful GitHub new-start Save attempt
groups.google.com groups.google.com
"save to github"
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
The service Canada Post provides is based on a charter.
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
‘A code red for humanity’
a start at annotation the comprehensive report
- Jul 2021
groups.google.com groups.google.com
Welcome to the TiddlyWiki 5 discussion group
groups.google.com groups.google.com
How can I hide the color-picker when adding a "color" field?
hypothes.is hypothes.is
This Page note provides additional Controls
tiddlyhost.com tiddlyhost.com
Tiddlyhost Hub
An "open" site that hosts TiddlyWiki files for the community.
Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index
this index is a significant Weight within the Global Emerging Markets Index.
Cardinal Angelo Becciu
largest star sapphire
... an estimated value of $100 million
www.engadget.com www.engadget.com
wearable air purifier with a built-in mic and speaker
Now all that is needed is the Darth Vader black cape!
www.diigo.com www.diigo.com
a 2nd Comment.
... testing - in conjunction with Diigo
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
Ontario stopped enforcing credentials
If laws are ignored, they should be removed.
This can be done efficiently via SunsetClause in the initial legislation.
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
rehabilitate the image of MBS and Saudi Arabia
Money makes the world go 'round
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
economic historians have been trying to adjust
meatballwiki.org meatballwiki.org
Table Of Contents
Meatball: HansWobbe
- craft an convenient editCommandButton
- review the CommunityWiki environment
- Starting to update this (older) site.
- consider annotating c2: also
- pre-existing material should be removed to a proper repository
hww2021.tiddlyhost.com hww2021.tiddlyhost.com
Stubborn, like me.
It's about Attitude!
giffmex.org giffmex.org
testing some new TiddlyWiki style(s):
www.w3schools.com www.w3schools.com
Node.js Tutorial
- Jun 2021
www.diigo.com www.diigo.com