22 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
  2. Sep 2022
    1. Hypothes.is & 📒ShrewdNotes Web Page Annotation

      I'm blogging about how I'm using Hypothes.is as a starting point for documentation about 📒ShrewdNotes Web Page Annotation. Because I'm learning how to organize efficient workflows with 📒ShrewdNotes. Then I can be certain that my documentation is accurate for when I get more people involved.

      So these are practical notes that guide me. In order to become reference material for anonymous learners, followers, subscribers, and members. Also, these notes can become a framework for Hypothes.is-style 📒ShrewdNotes that I can adapt for Sciwheel and other annotation services.

      Hypothes.is Groups and Tags

      I use Hypothes.is Groups as follows: * Public Group for Anonymous Learners. * 🗃ShrewdSubjects Groups. * My Private Group.

      Public Group for Anonymous Learners

      I make most of my Hypothes.is 📒ShrewdNotes in public. Mainly on my own websites. But increasingly whenever I find anything useful or interesting. Especially where I find good content relating to one of my 🗃ShrewdSubjects. So anyone can follow my Public 📒ShrewdNotes.

      To recognize 🗃ShrewdSubjects, I use Hypothes.is Tags. Currently, these are Food, Gout, and Learning. Where Learning includes any topic not covered by the other subjects. In this way, as I recognize new subjects, I will separate them from Shrewd Learning.

      Note that Public annotations for my subject tags include notes from all Hypothes.is users. So, tags are a great way to collect notes by everyone who is interested in a topic. Also, you can mix and match User, Group, and Tag searches. As well as using free-format search.

      Additionally, I've started using Hypothes.is Tags to help me organize my workflows. Currently, I use 4, but I may extend this as I incorporate annotation into my daily life. My current 4 tags are: * New - denotes new content that I'm preparing. * Change - denotes changes I plan to make. * editing - means that I've saved the note that I'm currently working on. Or that I've forgotten to delete my editing tag! I use this to avoid losing text as I'm writing it, as Hypothes.is does not have autosave. Though there are ways round that. * BuildInPublic - read more at #BuildInPublic.

      🗃ShrewdSubjects Groups

      Though I like to BuildInPublic, I also like to collaborate. Now, collaboration is possible using public annotation. But I'm trying to create services built around teams. So I've created private groups for each 🗃ShrewdSubject.

      Currently, joining these private Hypothes.is groups starts by subscribing to one or more newsletters: * Foodary Nexus Newsletter * GoutPal Links Newsletter * Shrewd Learning Newsletter

      My Private Web Annotation Group

      I try to do most of my content creation in public. Or in teams. So I only currently have one group for private notes. But Hypothes.is allows you to create as many private groups as you need. Which is useful where you want to keep notes separate. However, I recommend using tags unless you are sure you want separate groups of notes.

    1. Related Topics

      Historically, the related topics section of each GoutPal page identified relationships using the WordPress Tag feature. However, after I invented WordPress Transmigration, I need a better approach.

      So I must replace this with a navigation map. And create new workflows that enable me to update these maps efficiently.


    1. facts about grains in general

      I have started researching the health benefits of grains in general. Which is generating a list of diseases that have been shown to be affected by grain consumption. Then I'll start researching each of those diseases in detail.

      Subsequently, I want to see if specific grains have special properties.

      I'll continue to add summaries here for Foodary Nexus Subscribers, as my research develops. So those subscribers get access to pre-publication information. Also, I'll be sharing my detailed research notes with Foodary Nexus Members.

    1. Acid-Alkaline Breakfast Cereals List

      Early feedback from the spreadsheets has prompted me to upgrade them. Because the original format was great for identifying high acid load cereals. Then switching to high alkaline cereals. But the spreadsheet format allows us to do much more.

      So I've added columns that allow you to easily make better alkaline cereal choices. Significantly, I've added a column for PRAL values per 100 calories. And to emphasize the fact that PRAL values are average estimates, I've dropped the decimal points from that new column. Hopefully that will encourage you to look for changes that lower your PRAL score by at least 2 points per change. Remember, you must plan for some acid forming foods. Just ensure that your total daily PRAL score is negative.

      One benefit from my PRAL spreadsheets upgrade is that it's now easy to see the most acidic and the most alkaline cereals. So here's a couple of significant lists for you...

      Top 10 Acidic Breakfast Cereals

      These cereals are listed with the highest acid load first. Where the first number in the list is PRAL value per 100 calorie serving: [See Foodary Nexus Subscriber notes for pre-publication details]

      Next, a few more from the other end of the scale.

    2. Please share your thoughts

      Please tell me how you use the Alkaline Cereal Spreadsheet to analyze and plan your breakfast cereal consumption. Then I might make more improvements t the spreadsheets. But also tell me about any difficulties you encounter. Because I can help you use the spreadsheet. Also, I can improve instructions for other users.

      You can send your questions, experiences, and opinions to [change link to specific discussion for this page.

    3. As noted, this is now a progress page to monitor the transition from old Foodary tables. So I recommend using search or the links above to get the latest information about alkaline cereals.

      This is true. But with the improvements to the spreadsheets, I recommend that you consider using them to make better alkaline cereal choices today.

      Start by sorting the spreadsheet by the first column. Then find your current cereal choices. Finally look for alternatives with a lower PRAL score.

      Now I say finally. But the reality is that there are probably many ways to use these alkaline food spreadsheets to lower your acid load. So we can do much more together.

  3. Aug 2022
    1. What Cereal is good for Gout Sufferers?

      The biggest cereal-related concern for gout sufferers is what cereal is ok for gout

      But before I can answer that, I need to replace the outdated Gout Foods Table for Cereals. Because that GoutPal Index idea never came to anything useful.

      So my replacement pages need to: - Set cereals in the modern (i.e., DGA) context of the grains food group. - Replace the GoutPal Index column with Total Purines - Consider adding a fiber column. Especially with reference to the related concern is granola high in fiber

      For grains in general, the biggest concern is is whole grain bread good for gout. So I should probably start with a grains hub page. That can cover the concerns I've found so far. Then add related faqs and faqs as I complete research into grains, cereal, and fiber.

      Of course, fiber will link into fruit and vegetables groups. So it's not specific to the grains hub page. But I can make this clearer with maps.

      As there are no current cereal-related GoutPal Issues, I'll start this project from here.

      Please let me know what you think about cereal & gout by replying below…

      Please reply

    1. GoutPal Library

      I've tried this before with limited success. But, I'm hoping my Gumroad platform allows better access control for valuable resources.

      Certainly. I believe it's the only way I can develop effective gout-friendly recipes, meal plans, and eating patterns. With clear links to the science that helps gout suffereers make better food choices.

      But what do you think?

      #BuildInPublic: Please let me know what gout library resources are important to you by replying below…

      Please reply

    2. GoutPal Navigator

      Gossip, Triage, and Reasearch notes are the best way to see my ideas in context.

      By itself, that opening sentence is difficult to understand. But as soon as you see it alongside my draft product description, those terms begin to make sense.

      Eventually, I have published lots of notes about my upcoming GoutPal Links service. So I use my GoutPal version of 🗺ShrewdMaps to organize links between my notes and the pages they relate to.

      Not only do maps help you navigate my websites, but I will also provide templates to help resolve common gout concerns. Because templates will provide you with a fast starting point for recovery. That you can adapt to suit your personal needs, goals, and preferences.

      In turn, you can share your maps to ask for help from your professional health advisers. Or to get better quality collaboration with other gout sufferers.

      #BuildInPublic: Please let me know what you think about gout topic maps by replying below…

      Please reply

    3. GoutPal Gossip

      My GoutPal Gossip notes are rare. Because there's not much activity in GoutPal Discussions yet. Also, my focus is on resolving specific gout concerns.

      But as this is part of my #BuildInPublic project, perhaps you'd like to join in by starting a new gout discussion. Or add comments to an existing chat.

      What do you think about gout? Or reply below…

      Please reply

    4. GoutPal Triage

      Except for this GoutPal Links #BuildInPublic project, GoutPal Triage is my first gout priority. Because I want to resolve gout concerns as soon as I can.

      So I create new Issues when I realize that I need to add or change any gout content. Then I use the gout version of 📒ShrewdNotes to add notes about what I'm doing to resolve those concerns.

      More importantly, I want to encourge gout sufferers to triage their own gout concerns. So I'm working on documentation to explain how gout sufferers can use notes to identify what their biggest problems are. Then we can work together to resolve them.

      I hope you can make a start by telling me about your gout concerns. Remember, if you are asking a question, it's best to: 1. Search for that question in GoutPal Search Engine first. 2. Choose the most relevant result. 3. Refer to that result as you ask your question.

    1. ☊☋ Shrewd Maps

      Now 🗺ShrewdMaps

      #BuildInPublic: Please let me know what you think about gout topic maps by replying below…

      Please reply

    1. About Shrewdies.com

      Shrewd Learning helps you learn online. With a range of tools to support better knowledge. Read all about Shrewdies.com.

      This page contains 📒ShrewdNotes for the page: About Shrewdies.com. I am preparing documentation for 📒ShrewdNotes. So once I publish that documentation, I will replace this with a link.

      In fact, that explains one of the key purposes of 📒ShrewdNotes. Because they allow me to tell you of planned changes to my articles and new content in progress.

      About Shrewdies.com Audience

      I wrote About Shrewdies.com for people who want to learn:

      • How and why Shrewdies.com exists.
      • Facts about Keith Taylor's Shrewdies brand.
      • Examples of website admin pages.

      So I hope this gives you the facts that you want. Or resolves any concerns that you have. If not, I provide several ways you can find additional information. Including leaving comments. Which is usually the last item on most of my pages.

      Please see all links for extra information and support below...

      Extra Information for About Shrewdies.com

      Extra information about my articles includes some or all of:

      • 🆘 ShrewdOnlineSupport services links
      • 📒ShrewdNotes links
      • 🗺ShrewdMap links

      🆘 ShrewdOnlineSupport Services

      • Public Support: Discussion
      • Issues: none
      • Group Support: As described in 🆘 ShrewdOnlineSupport services.
      • Private Support: Audio or Video calls as described in 🆘 ShrewdOnlineSupport services.


      • Progress notes: none
      • Learning notes: none

      Please see all my Public 📒ShrewdNotes for extra information about many web pages.



      Please let me know what you think about Shrewdies.com by replying below…

      Please reply

    1. Keith Taylor’s Internet ContentWelcome to Keith Taylor’s Internet ContentCurrently, this site is under construction. Because I’m transmigrating from WordPress to Jamstack.

      I need a fresh Home Page. But my priority is to adopt a blogging habit that generates reasonable traffic to this website. Then the purpose of my Home Page will become clearer.

      Unless you already know what it should say!!???


      Please reply

    1. Keith's Learners Resources Feedback

      Maybe this needs a clarification comment??

      I refer to all my readers collectively as Keith's Learners. But the majority are occasional, anonymous visitors. So for people who want to become more involved, I've developed 3 learning subjects: - GoutPal Links for gout sufferers. Which is my current top priority project. - Foodary Nexus for foodies. Which is the working title for my next project. - Shrewd Learning for informal online learners. Which I am currently documenting as a template, as applied to GoutPal Links. Though in the future, it will also serve to evolve new learning subjects.


    2. ShrewdConcerns is a public place

      Furthermore, I'm adopting a #BuildInPublic approach to all my websites. Because I want to create informal online learning environments that encourage learners to become coaches/mentors. Obviously, that will take time to onboard people and qualify objectives. But I have to start somewhere. And #BuildInPublic seems to me to be my best chance of finding like-minded collaborators.

    1. Keith's Learners Resources

      As noted on the page, Keith's Learners Service is now Shrewd Learning. So I'll blog about those changes as I document them. But first, I need to blog about getting started with Keith Taylor's Followers. Because that's the start for learning all my subjects. Except for anonymous users who rely on public notes like this.

      For now, I'll experiment with drafting new blog posts as a Page Note. Because I'm still trying to define clear workflows for content publishing.


    1. This note describes planned changes for the Page.

      The Admin Pages Issue covers this page.

      On most websites, my Admin Pages cover the domain. But for Privacy Policy (and some others), my approach is to declare a Keith Taylor Privacy Policy. So that policy applies to all my websites. Unless it is overridden for a specified domain.

      In earlier versions, I considered a complicated system for analyzing privacy needs (see archive). But that was overkill for me. Because visitors choose their own privacy restrictions when visiting my websites. So your choices are...


      All my websites should work without cookies. If you choose to allow cookies, they do not collect any personal information. Furthermore, you can check the privacy policies of the third party services that I use:

      Email Address

      You choose if you want to communicate with me or not. You can communicate via GitHub (Issues and Discussions) or via Gumroad (Subscriptions and Memberships).

      For GitHub, I recommend that you keep your email address private. Which, at the time of writing is the default setting for your GitHub profile. In any event, I will not normally look at your GitHub profile email address.

      For Gumroad, the main purpose of that service is to allow us to communicate via email. So if you want to keep your email address private, don't use my Gumroad services. But I hope that you will want to do so. In which case I recommend that you reserve an email address for the sole purpose of subscribing to my services.

      Most importantly, I will only use your email address to send the products and services that you request. And I will never pass it to anyone else.


    2. This is a first draft of a privacy policy that can be adapted for all my websites.

      And when I started it, I intended spending time creating a very thorough review of modern Privacy Policies. With a view to developing a template which is better than the pointless boilerplate rolled out by privacy policy generators.

      Alas, I haven't had time to meet the high expectations I set for myself. On the other hand, I've dropped Google Analytics and I'm transmigrating all my sites from WordPress to Eleventy.

      So there's no need for WordPress cookies. And the only analytics data I collect is from Microsoft Clarity. Which as far as I know, does not collect any personal information.

      For personal contact I rely on GitHub and Gumroad. I also use OneSignal notification services and Google Adsense advertising services. Of these, the only personal information I use is your email address that you send to me via Gumroad. And I only use your email address to send the products or services that you request.

      Should you need to investigate further, the Privacy Policies for my third party services are: - GitHub - Google Adsense - Gumroad - OneSignal


    1. Instant Update Service

      Optional free membership for followers who want email notification as soon as I publish.


    1. #BuildInPublic

      This post is the home of my #BuildInPublic project. Because with my #BuildInPublic approach, I reward followers with earliest content previews.

      In fact, I'm developing tiers of followers/subscribers here. As will become clear in the next few days.