1,774 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. and b.

      remove "b."

    2. 2. Communicates effectively with a wide range of clients, peers, and professionals both verbally and non-verbally.

      make the prompt titles bolded or in larger print to separate them from the responses. Also please add some pictures, copies of certificates you completed, projects or inservices, etc. throughout the document.

    3. time to a. keep

      remove "a."

  2. danielleboscaccyot.weebly.com danielleboscaccyot.weebly.com
    1. my career of what I though would be teaching

      a career in teaching, until.....

    2. second


  3. Apr 2024
    1. Noah.

      you should not identify anyone in your APDE. Just say "when a man comes up to speak to me". Then refer to hie person as he, him, she, they, etc. This is a good prompt so just make that tiny change.

    2. xnl

      spell out functional

    3. ue to countless issues faced, learning how to assess clients in a way which also serves to engage them in a way which can also help them discharge sooner is a needed skill with which OT can maximize client outcomes.

      revise or make 2 sentences

    4. creating a task or suggestion

      creating a task or situation/scenario

    1. To try and eliminate any irrivent talk about the drama going on at home,

      this is a fragment

    2. you.

      the therapist.

    1. Please refer to the link below to review my presentation.

      Great presentation! I like the look of the powerpoint as well.

    2. experience with practice

      experience with or opportunity to practice

    3. client's


    4. has done at good job of teaching us

      has done a good job or did a good job

    1. Serves as a role model for honesty, integrity, and morally grounded decision making

      doing the right thing isn't easy. I am proud that you took initiative to protect the client and to make sure that the right thing was done.

    2. abide HIPPA

      uphold HIPAA Health Information Portability and Accountability Act

    3. assist t


      Great experiences!

    4. Throughout my rotation I enjoyed the close relationship you grow to have with the other professionals in order to best serve the patient.

      Shorten or revise. I enjoyed developing close relationships with other disciplines to best....

    5. Fulfills commitments to the professional community.

      Great job with this project! It will continue to benefit the facility long after you are gone.

    6. at Methodist South Hospital


    1. Creativity is such an important skills while also promoting quality of life!

      revise. It is unclear

    2. therapist's


    3. client feel his

      client to feel his or client in feeling his

    4. The saying "if you look good, you feel good" rang true, especially in a hospital when feeling good are few and far between.

      verb tenses dont match. rang, when - past, are- present

    5. her


    6. no


    7. I spent a lot of time assessing clients' occupations and how they could safely participate in time - especially

      please revise. I could not follow you here

    8. Southern Pediatric Therapy

      de-identify the site

    9. On a daily

      On a daily basis, I

  4. otskylarrussell.weebly.com otskylarrussell.weebly.com
    1. Resume

      resume looks good. You could add your PAMs certificate and say "pending completion of skill checks"

    1. digital portfolio


      This is a great APDE! The only thing you don't have is your resume. It can be added to the Menu and attached as a PDF. Otherwise I only have a few minor edits suggested. Well done!

    1. Youth Villages

      de-identify the fieldwork site throughout the APDE. This is another great piece of evidence for the prompt!

    2. substitution from

      substitute for

    3. At Youth Villages,

      De-identify the site.

      This is an excellent example of advocacy for our profession and for this student. Great!

    1. theory regarding the therapeutic use of occupation and adaptation

      You need to address this part of the prompt. Give an example of a theory or FOR you used with a client. (PEO, NDT, OA, CBT, etc.) " I used PEO in this setting because''''''

    2. varies


    3. maintenance

      consider changing this word. It literally means staying the same. I think you could use interventions or task-training

    1. Professional Development

      Jonathan, great job with this! I do need you to go back through this APDE and de-identify fieldwork sites and any personal names or identifiers (You can say on my second rotation , during my first fieldwork placement, etc.) Also be sure to remove the name of the applicant you mentored. Say the person, the applicant, etc.

  5. alexromeot.weebly.com alexromeot.weebly.com
    1. Resume

      In your resume, Change the date of your thermal agents certification to May 2024 (pending approval)

    1. Although


    2. well as

      well. She

    3. strived

      strove (verb agreement)

    4. With saying this,


    5. of how I have these skills, I have still noticed my ability to

      verb agreement ( have, still noticed)

    6. I have always been proud of my professional behaviors that I have mastered the ability to maintain

      revise for clarity

    7. tension even in pediatrics with

      tension, even in pediatrics, with

      or tension with (omit even in pediatrics)

    8. have noticed myself enhancing these

      clarity. just say " I improved in my confidence and self-assurance"

    9. the confidence present


    10. while prioritizing professional responsibilities and commitments.

      add a bit about how you were consistently early, prioritized reading, utilized free time etc.

    11. I continue to work on these constantly.

      I continue to work on these, or I work on these constantly

    12. MMPT

      This fieldwork site

      also in other places in this prompt

    13. at Melanie Massey Physical Therapy (MMPT)


    14. 1. Demonstrates the ability to give constructive and timely feedback.

      this evidence is how you RECEIVE feedback. The prompt is how you GIVE feedback. This could be where you talk about the feedback you give clients or the level1 student you mentored

    1. ​6. Incorporates continued education as a lifelong practice with the commitment to remain up-to-date and well-informed.

      You can include TNOTA or LaOTA here also. Also mention the fact you attended the LaOTA (LOTA?) conference.

    2. a_dramatic_increase_in_tongue_tie-related_articles-_a_67_years_systematic_review.pdf​ specialized_knowledge_and_skills_in_feeding_for_ot.pdf​ot_role_in_breastfeeding.pdf

      great job of showing proof of this standard

    3. I decided at this point to look into the accessibility features on my own and then providing an in-service to all of the clinics that they may teach to their patients and utilize in treatment sessions.

      verb tense changes (decided, providing, utilize) all need to be present or past tense

    4. Majority of the clinic, along with myself, was

      The majority of the clinical staff, along....

    5. at Building Futures Pediatric Therapy and Prosper Therapy and Feeding Solutions


    1. TOTS

      I am not familiar with this acronym. Please spell out the first time it is used.

    2. FWE i

      spell out

    3. at Prosper Therapy and Feeding Solutions,

      as before, deidentify the fieldwork placement

    4. advocate for these new moms and babies!

      yes! this is a vital role and I am proud that you have a passion for this vulnerable population

    5. of how


    6. FWE

      write out fieldwork educator

    7. experienced clients

      consider a different way of saying this. You don't actually experience the client. The client experienced, You worked with a client experiencing or struggling with, I observed clients that had deficits related to, or some other phrasing. Correct this throughout the APDE.

    1. complex


    2. at Melanie Massey Physical Therapy,

      It is best to leave specific site information out of your APDE. Just use "During my rotation in outpatient therapy" "While completing my fieldwork placement in inpatient pediatrics" etc. Similarly, don't use actual client names or other identifiers.

    1. the impact


    2. started having fun with the potential each client brought during my time with them.

      revise or simplify.

    3. be reassured

      do you mean "rest assured"?

    4. When learning the processes of Huntsville Hospital acute care, time management, patient caseload expectations, appropriate planning, goal setting, and much more. There

      and much more, there was

    5. he


    6. During treatment sessions as a whole,

      omit this. Start with "I like to"

    1. Due to the baseline knowledge and skills at the beginning of this rotation,

      revise for clarity

    2. on subjects which I was seeing.

      what I was seeing clinically

    3. engaging

      ? exchanging

    4. ​Both of these instances

      terrific example!

    1. Partially, I ask clients to do this because it is one of the core areas of our field, which is also billable in the hospital. Yes, I can always walk a client. Although something that I am devoted to

      revise this for clarity. partially isn't needed. The next two sentences should be rewritten for ease of reading.

    2. to knit


    3. This


    4. settings well between

      settings as well as between

    5. Appreciates the influence of socio-cultural, socioeconomic, political, diversity factors, and lifestyle choices on engagement in occupation throughout the lifespan.

      Great example Jonathan!

    1. I presented these HEPs

      do you have a copy to attach? This is a good example that would be better with some visuals

    2. I included images of this document at the bottom of this page

      great evidence!

    3. two in-service presentations

      please attach a handout or some artifact related to your participation.

    1. Serves as a role model for honesty, integrity, and morally grounded decision making.

      Excellent! This is exactly what we want to see. Great example!!!!!

    2. he


    3. out to

      how to

      A good artifact or evidence could be showing a FOR or model and stating how you used it in the setting

    4. as well as teaching myself

      give a little more detail. Did you watch or listen to a podcast, TED talk, read journal articles? If so, include a picture or reference as evidence.

    5. them.

      Yes! good evidence and explanation

    6. I advocated for her to be seen my therapy

      to be seen by therapy. I would like to hear more about this. Did you collaborate with social work? go to your supervisor? administration?

    1. Considers client motivation when using occupation-based intervention to maximize functional independence.

      For standard # 5 and # 6 please consider some artifact to support these. (pictures, examples, etc.) It is less impactful when all your evidence comes from quoting your fieldwork evaluations.

    2. Inspires confidence in clients and team members.

      Please add a note about how you inspired confidence in other staff (professional demeanor, positive attitude, knowledge, etc.)



      You did a great job overall on this APDE! Please look at each section to see my comments. I did suggest adding a few artifacts ,pictures, and other evidence in a few places. Once you have reviewed and edited, let me know and I will give a final look before approving!

    1. Incorporates continued education as a lifelong practice with the commitment to remain up-to-date and well-informed.

      this is good, but focus more on how YOU will be a lifelong learner (comment on possible CHT, athletic trainer cert. etc.)

    2. modalities to use

      were you able to complete your checkoffs for PAMs? If so, include that as well.

    3. techs


    1. We often presented choices by using visual flashcards and presenting two items at one time.

      please add a picture of the flashcards as evidence

    2. taking is earning becoming

      revise. leave out "earning"

    3. I was able to take positives from both to form my own documentation styles that fits me and portrays accuracy and is measurable.

      verb tenses changed in this sentence. revise

    4. to receive an update since the last session, any concerns, growth, etc.

      revise for clarity

    5. are

      were (verb tense)

    1. ended early, so they could nap or started late

      ended early or started late so they could nap.

    2. HEP

      can you show a HEP you made?

    3. podcast

      can you give an example? name and date of podcast with the topic

    4. staffed


      "staffed" is a site specific term here

    5. dvocates for clients who have been neglected or underrepresented in the system.

      Olivia, Could you provide an example or artifact for some of these? Fieldwork comments are OK, but a picture of a device or splint you made, a handout you created, etc. would be great.

    6. to report

      opportunities to report

  6. Jun 2023
    1. attend conferences and in services t

      show a photo of one of these inservices or cont ed courses

    2. Contributes to the knowledge base of OT practice by mentoring students, performing research, publishing, presenting and/or teaching.

      We are looking specifically at fieldwork here. Did you do any inservices or peer training at one of your sites? If so, attach a screenshot and add a sentence about that as well.

    3. utilized a textbook with all types of protocols

      can you share a screenshot of the textbook or one of the protocols?

    4. observed PT use

      observe the PT using

    1. Advocates

      Include a piece of evidence here (flyer for a religious service, activity you performed with a patient, etc.) It doesn't have to be something you did at work as long as it was during the fieldwork experience.

  7. Apr 2023
    1. Maintain values over self-promotion or profit.

      this prompt is looking for conflicts of interest or times when you could have profitted or benefitted from a situation. The client or family offers a gift card or free tickets to an event. A situation where you might ahve been tempted to violate a billing practice, or tempted to give away services.

    2. AOTA ethics within the practice of a future occupational therapist


    3. with them through provided trust and honesty

      with them truthfully and honestly

    4. influence


    5. I

      This is a great example and a creative intervention!

    6. plan


    7. to create

      and created

    8. this


    9. skilled


    10. Whenever I had this client,


    11. more self care and improving independent living skills

      self-care and independent living skills

    12. regardless of

      despite or although I knew I could....

    13. through all of my


    14. behind an upset and unconsolable client

      that cause a client to become upset and unconsolable.

    15. our

      the child's

    16. them into the vulnerability

      their feeling of vulnerability

    17. More than not, I got a positive response of relief from my patients and recognized that anyone and everyone will face struggles with everyday tasks in their life time

      revise this.

    18. a smile


    19. as if I had a purpose again behind becoming

      revise. perhaps "felt as though I was finally becoming"

    20. had gone not

      had not gone

    21. communicating help to

      requesting help from

    22. gathered


    23. my performance levels more than I had desired in the first place

      my performance in the clinic.

    24. I begun to let those fears of failure consume my mindset.


    25. the pressure to be working under

      I felt pressure working for

    26. shot

      omit or clarify

    27. with a fair amount of self confidence

      shorten this phrase to "confident"

    28. responsibilities.

      great job of keeping up with your own health!

    29. give


    30. decipher the purpose through the scope

      clarify. what do you mean?

    31. Unfortunately, a majority of my older patients would confide to me after completion of this task that they usually make mistakes at home such as in the clinic.

      revise. either revise the start or change the end. "make mistakes such as in the clinic" is a fragment.

    1. herapy approach would benefit in levels of physica

      revise . benefit in levels doesnt make sense

    2. Contributes to the knowledge base of OT practice by mentoring students, performing research, publishing, presenting and/or teaching.

      Cassady, This is good, but the prompt is for something from your fieldwork. You can cite an inservice you gave, peer teaching with other students, or any other contribution to your facilities like creating handouts, consolidating research article, etc.

    3. During one of our treatment sessions when the physical therapist and I had came to a dead end of ways to encourage

      revise. dead end of ways doesnt make sense

    4. thus there would be generally no stable proximal stability when completing distal ability required activities

      revise. you have "no stable proximal stability" here? simplify. "he/she lacked proximal stability needed for distal mobility"

    5. Evidence Based/ Scholarly Clinician

      Cassady, ' I am sending this back to you for revision. I have provided specific feedback for the first two sections, but I am struggling with reading your content due to multiple run-on sentences, sentence fragments, changing verb tense, and content with incomplete thoughts. Please make the suggested edits and go forward and fix these issues in your evidence-based clinician and leader/change agent sections before i finish reviewing them. You have good ideas and stories, but he grammar needs significant changes. Perhaps have a peer or family member review as well.

    6. use

      use of

    7. is the

      includes the

    8. that

      that a

    9. weakened


    10. r had use their knowledgeable

      used their expertise

    11. few that

      few times that

    12. are


    13. On


    1. compensation to myself.

      Tarason, I think you did a fine job with this APDE. My final question is about your resume. Were you supposed to attach it to your APDE. If so, please add a tab and attach a copy.

    2. he one cheek sneak!


    3. I told him I am still a student and he said I acted so confident throughout the session that he had no idea

      great example!

    1. I made sure to be honest with the caregiver and giving full integrity through my decision making process as I had not before treated a client with this specific concerns regarding eating and explained that though I wanted to address these issues, I was not professionally equipped to handle.


    2. resounded


    3. eval, though my

      eval. My

    4. Usually in this situation the client would be more than understanding and generally would not have released the ethical issue with requesting personal information as they are not required to maintain health information privacy as I would. It may seem from another perspective as an innocent or even kind way of reaching out to others that need help, however


    5. that would request to ask about another client's medical condition or they would try to provide assistance to them through means of communicating with me.

      would ask about another client's medical condition or plan of care.

    6. still


    7. in


    8. Soon after


    9. instructor, however I

      instructor. I

    10. them, however

      them, However,

    11. savage


    12. , alas

      had was

    13. At Encompass Health, I met many clients that expressed their personalities in different ways and some of them had an appreciation for their occupational therapy services, but there were others that could not be bothered no matter how much rapport you attempt to build.

      this can be omitted

    14. collaborated


    15. spent that day the same as I had always, instead I was about to embark this day

      planned to spend...instead I was about to embark on a different journey with no assistance...

    16. as independently as I could


    17. I had at Encompass Health

      in acute care my clinical

    18. as I had previously worked so hard


    19. he catalyst of my mindset


    20. took


    21. had


    22. lacking


    23. and the standard came working under the name of one of Memphis's most prestigious children's hospital. T

      this doesnt make sense. revise

    24. had


    25. As a future occupational therapist when I gained the ability to communicate and advocate for the profession of occupational therapy through an inter-professional situation, I felt more prepared to enter the workforce before starting this rotation.


    26. I learned how to gain better

      I improved my