1,769 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2020
  2. lawsone0802.weebly.com lawsone0802.weebly.com
    1. resume

      This should look like a single paragraph. You may want to crop the lines on your picture as they are close to your text. Your resume is impressive. Well done!

    2. client centered


    3. your

      subject agreement. (our)

    4. are  are


    5. For those of you who are unfamiliar with occupational therapy (OT), it's

      ( simplify. ) Occupational therapy (OT) is a type of rehabilitation...

    6. I'm currently in my second year of a 2 1/2 year program,

      I am in my final semester and plan......

    1. has allowed me to experience right from wrong and the steps needed to resolve the issue. 

      allowed me to practice problem solving and decision making skills in real life situations.

    2. The code of ethics provides guidelines for making correct choices when resolving ethical dilemma, and guideline principles in order to practice at the expected standard

      consider revising as you state "guidelines and guideline principles" in the same sentence.

    3. , therefore

      . Therefore,

    4. setting


    5. years

      years of age.

    6. and

      and in all settings.

    7. and


    8. the norm


    9. , buildin

      and building

    10. a

      delete "a"

    11. portion to

      courses and put into practice.

    12. any other than a liquid

      anything other than liquids.

    13. , however

      must. However, she

    14. interventions


    15. along side


    16. doing so.

      so doing.

    17. and a

      and I

    18. occupational

      as an occupational

    19. esearch

      a literature search

    20. Majority

      The majority

    1. learned a large amount

      I learned a great deal

    2. continued


    3. any area

      one or more

    4. ncrease individual’s

      increase an individual's

    5. , therefore

      life. Therefore,

    6. .


      This is solid evidence. Could you attach a copy of the citation or a picture of the abstract from the article?

    7. is

      is a

    8. to provide

      in order to find

    9. additional research

      a literature search

    10. experienced


    11. Majority

      The majority

    1. as

      that we have as

    2. relationship

      either: building relationships or building a relationship.

    3. assured her to tend to client.

      reassured her, so she could tend to her client.

    4. aims

      aimed (verb agreement)

    5. over

      delete "over"

    6. the


    7. My


    8. classmates we

      my fellow classmates were

    9. shuts


    10. behaviors

      our behaviors also

    11. your


    12. these


    13. r is

      is the best

    14. making

      to make

    15. this


    16. being

      to be

    17. it

      delete "it"

    18. continued

      have continued

    19. that I fell in love with. 

      that I love.

    20. regarding

      to run

    21. physically healthy

      your physical health

    22. serves

      verb tense (served)

    23. Knowing your weaknesses is equally important in order to understand how you function

      consider moving this sentence down in the paragraph. perhaps after .....complements on my ability to connect and build rapport with clients. Knowing your weaknesses is equally important in understanding how you function, as I have struggled with confidence in my skills and knowledge.

    24. we were to take

      we took

    25. is different based on personalities

      has a different personality

    26. It is very helpful in times of uncertainty and allowing students to target their goals and responsibilities

      This part is not clear "how it (feedback) helps target responsibilities". Do you mean....Feedback is helpful to allow students to target their own goals and creates a sense of personal accountability in times of uncertainty. ?

    27. with important cues for effectively providing you with information or critiquing your progress.

      consider revising. Verb and tense are not in agreement and there is not a good flow to the sentence. Perhaps, ...feedback to your fieldwork educator, and will help critique your own performance and progress.

    28. needs, therefore, we

      needs. Therefore, we

    29. for


    30. where


    31. , h

      directed. However, fieldwork

    1. the


    2. evaluates individuals regarding

      emphasizes assessment of physical parameters such as

    3. evidence to support the

      and on evidence to support treatment techniques.

    4. engage

      to engage

    5. successful treatment

      then a successful treatment outcome

    6. this requires the client to provide quality effort

      client's must provide quality effort to maximize their recovery.

    7. us


    8. has

      a trait of every OT practitioner.

    9. .

      In your cited example the number 5 appears (this was from that assessment). Can you edit the image to remove the number as it looks visually confusing. It is between your # 3 and #4 criterion.

    10. the


    11. ages 6 months to 80+

      across the lifespan, ranging from six months to over eighty years of age.

    12. other


    13. to

      remove "to"

    14. diversity of individuals

      diverse population of individuals

    15. a

      aware of and understanding

  3. ashtenmaldonado.weebly.com ashtenmaldonado.weebly.com
    1. enough

      delete" enough"

    2. Association and

      Association. I held

      (verb tense switch between I am and held)

    3. shadowing occupational therapists...

      you want to clarify that for the reader

    4. It was not until my college years when I was introduced to the amazing profession of occupational therapy, and I became very interested to learn more. 

      you are switching verb tenses multiple times. Consider revising the sentence or making verb tenses agree.

    1. an


    2. engrained


    3. interesting for the amount of people who have

      interesting how many people asked me

    4. lways an

      always provided on an individual basis

    5. a couple CNAs

      I was able to advocate for the participants by teaching a few CNAs techniques to dress.....

    6. Often times in acute care, it is appropriate

      It is often appropriate to co-treat with physical therapists in acute care.

    7. exiles

      Do you mean discharges?

    8. One

      One requirement being the person .....

    9. In acute care, we assist with deciding discharge planning so patients who struggle to have a solid home life are often overlooked.

      consider revising this sentence.

    1. we

      and we

    2. appears to be more difficult to complete a basic ADL task with can attempt

      has limited ability to perform basic ADL tasks can

    3. were and hear

      were. I watched her tearfully.....

    4. ensured


    5. attend in

      participate in

    6. sense


    7. shown and received to individuals

      shown to and received from the individuals

    8. , and

      times. I believe

    9. in direction

      in one direction

    10. , each of them teaching

      facility. Each encounter taught me....

    11. to name


    12. ,


    13. ,


    14. today

      therapy. Instead, I got the patients entire criminal background, why an officer was next to the bed, ....

    1. washcloths to relieve the sweaty brow from pain.

      washcloths to cool and soothe his pain and wipe away sweat.

    2. some of the most

      remove this

    3. skill, one patient in particular comes

      prompt, one particular patient immediately came to mind. This was a patient I encountered during my last....

    4. combining

      (omit comma) we combined our ideas and professional skills to share knowledge on a much larger scale. This was intimidating, but also very rewarding.

    5. in service


    6. 1


    7. 6


    8. 1

      one. The rule is single word numbers should be written. large numbers are left in numeric form.

    9. ask I wanted to take on and eventually relay to the staff at the program.

      challenge that appealed to me and my interest in the presentation was relayed to the staff of the facility.

    10. 6 months of rotation

      six months of clinical rotations.

    11. them everything was fine, I would get them cleaned up, and sometimes

      reassured them that everything was fine, that I would get them cleaned up, and I sometimes used

    12. was


    13. 12 weeks spent here would beyond prove that

      twelve weeks spent here would prove that beyond any doubt.

    14. ,

      Dressed as Superman, I demonstrated

    15. the obviously

      they did not

    16. be


    17. larger amount

      large number

    18. leading

      , and leading a

    19. the ability

      my ability. agreement of predicates

    20. lead


    21. phone, but I know I will have to so

      phone. But I know I will have to learn, so

    22. Feedback at midterm regarding my ability to receive feedback and progress forward. This is a skill I will always need.

      "Comment from the midterm evaluation regarding my ability to receive feedback." Stop there as this was a descriptor of your evidence, not part of your narrative.

    23. because who doesn’t appreciate some positive reinforcement

      well, because who doesn't appreciate some positive reinforcement?

    24. can be something that gets you through the whole week. Something as simple as, “You did good writing this evaluation.”

      positive feedback like "you did a good job writing this evaluation" can help you through a tough week.

    1. robotics


    2. 5

      write out five here and below in the paragraph

    3. center

      into the center

    4. up to clinical expertise to decide

      was the clinicians decision as to which of the two......

    5. using terms and ideals for getting around

      I'm not sure what this means? "using terms and ideals" Is this using the LSVT terminology and techniques?

    6. e

      couple of participants or with a few participants

    7. changes that Parkinson’s can ensue

      and emotional regulation in Parkinson's patients.

    8. for


    1. professionalism.

      consider saying "professional development"