- Jan 2018
doc-0o-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com doc-0o-c0-docs.googleusercontent.com109250.doc14
If we allow this opportunity-creating technologythe freedom and openness it needs to reach its full potential
Beginning of list of ideas/dreams/hopes for what net neutrality will facilitate.
t]here is one Internet, which should remain open for consumers and innovators alike, although it maybe accessed through different technologies and services.
Internet should remain open to everyone.
Ihad other areas of concern about something less than a bright-line nondiscrimination rule, keeping “reasonable network management” within bounds, and the substitution of monitoring for the certainty of enforcement in too many areas
I don't understand this statement. It seems as though it may be important though. Thoughts?
There is more that I would have liked in this Order. Iwould have preferred a general ban to discourage broadband providers fromengaging in “payfor priority”—prioritizing the traffic of those with deep pockets while consigning the rest of us to a slower, second-class Internet.
Where should the FCC draw the line between protecting rights and controlling every aspect of the internet?
provided a framework under which business could do its job of building and managing this great communications enterprise—making handsome profits in the process—while operating within a public policyframework giving them certaintyand giving consumers the protections theyneeded and deserved.
Net neutrality good for both customers and companies
Because of the errors of those previous Commissions, a court told us earlier this year that the legal framework upon
Past FCC decisions hold consequences for future court rulings. Weak policies can hinder government's interjection.
include rest of sentence - wasn't able to highlight to annotate over page gap
Congress said that local telephone companies with choke-point control of physical infrastructures would have to unbundle their transmission networks.Sadly, both of these policies were, in fairly short order, decimated bythe two Commissions that served between 2001 and 2009.
Clear dissent between law makers. Not everyone shares the same opinion. Policies swayed by who is in charge. Policies changed often.
do the right thing
The right thing according to whom? Clear bias.
It wasn’t all that long ago (well, at least, when you’re my age) that one network—AT&T—ran the whole show.
Beginning of historical example of AT&T's monopoly.
In spite of all the monopolist’s alarm bells that this decision meant the end of network qualityand the end of reliable service as we knew it, just the opposite came to pass. The idea of having a network that couldn’t discriminate against innovators who wanted to improve it finallybegan to break the choke-hold that the gatekeeper had on the system.
Conclusion to the history of AT&T example of monopoly of an industry.
Internet Policy Statementthat contained the basic rights of Internet end-users to access lawful content, run applications and services, connect devices to the network and enjoy the benefits of competition. Now, at long last, we adopt at least some concrete rules to prevent gatekeepers from circumventing the openness that made the Internet the Internet and from stifling innovation, investment and job creation.
Reference to stages of net neutrality establishment.
previous telecommunications and media technologies, also conceived in openness, eventually fell victim to consolidated control bya few powerful interests, speculative mania by investors, and mistaken government policies which assumed that wise public policywas no public policy.
General reference to history of monopoly of telecommunications when no gov. policies are in place.
Allowing gigantic corporations—in manycases, monopolyor duopoly broadband Internet access service providers—to exercise unfettered control over Americans’ access to the Internet not only creates risks to technological innovation and economic growth, but it poses a real threat to freedom of speech and the future of our democracy.
Potential risks of no net neutrality.
turning point in the struggle to ensure the continued openness of the Internet against powerful gatekeeper control.
Net Neutrality established to keep internet open and safe from monopoly.