- Jul 2019
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I believe that this relates the Mary Wroth's marriage that deteriorated over time. Apparently her marriage started out good, but got very bad over time. In this sonnet. she is talking about how "light, and fair, Fresh as morning hear as th'air, But soon thy evening change Makes thy warmth with coldness range." This is speculation, but her marriage started out as light, clean air. But as time went on, their relationship turned cold. Cold can be seen as a relationship getting old, boring, or even sad.
I really enjoyed this text as a whole. I noticed that the whole thing was about love. Which to look at it all, most poetry is about love. British Literature specifically contains a lot about love.I believe that the author wants me to know that love is a journey. Whether it is climbing a mountain or travelling through a maze, love is a journey that everyone must go on. I have one question. I am wondering why the author included the second sonnet even though it is not part of the story. the sonnet was even published separately. My mind wander to a journey up mount Everest. If I trek up the mountain, I can feel accomplished even though I will be tired. Or I could never even try in the first place, and give up before I even take a step up its side. I believe that love is this mountain. People get trapped on this mountain. People don't even try to think about it. People want to stay on top of this mountain. This is the mountain of love.
In this strange labyrinth how shall I turn?
I wonder if this is referencing to the labyrinth with the Minotaur in the middle? Or maybe it represents the labyrinth that is love.
In sleep, a chariot drawn by winged desire I saw, where sat bright Venus, Queen of love, And at her feet her son, still adding fire To burning hearts, which she did hold above.
This is a cool non-nude image i found of this. I imagine this riding over the moon light.
From: Pamphilia to Amphilanthus
It's interesting because this sonnet was published desperately by the author. I wonder why this is included in our text?
A sweet flower Once full blown, dead in an hour,
I wonder if this means that their love was sweet and short?
Maybe this man crying is to try to get the girl out of her own sadness. He is another representation of true sadness. If she sees how bad he is, then she must see how bad herself is.
to her sight.
Maybe this character going up the mountain, finding a cave, and finding a piece of writing represents her own journey through grief.. This might very well be her own piece of writing.
Hermitage - any secluded place of residence or habitation; retreat; hideaway.
the entry into the rock
This reminds me of the movie Alice In Wonderland. In the movie, Alice falls into a tree. Waking up, she finds herself in a mysterious new world. In this piece, it seems like the cave is almost a place of solitude. Maybe a place away from her sadness? That is up for discussion.
Resounded - to sound again
Woe - grievous distress, affliction, or trouble:
unknown, I here alone
Haha! a rhyme scheme! Take that English class!
(According to google) "was one of the nine Mousai (Muses), the goddesses of music, song and dance. In the Classical era, when the Mousai were assigned specific artistic and literary spheres, Ourania was named Muse of astronomy and astronomical writings."
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To which (poore soules) we neuer gaue consent,
Ah that is very interesting. The women never gave consent to be treated like this. Or maybe she is talking about Eve. I'm guessing women.
Ordained - to invest with ministerial or sacerdotal functions; confer holy orders upon.
I found this reading to be very interesting. Amelia Lanyar is very interesting, in that she talks about feminism. This is a very early recording of an active feminist. Especially in published literature. In this poem, the author brings up the idea of how Christ in his life helped women. When Christ was revived, he had a woman spread the word of his revival. Later in the poem, she tells the story of Adam and Eve. What is most interesting is the moral aspect of this story. How Eve was deceived from the devil. but Adam willingly ate the apple after Eve, knowing about the consequences. Mean have been treated like the superior's all of our lives, even though they were the stupid one's from the very beginning. I really did like this poem though. I even did a translation with my partner to try to understand it better.
So this story was my reading for project 1. This reading, and other readings, are a selection of readings sent to women of high power to try to gain their support. In this reading, Amelia Lanyar is trying to gain support from the queen of Great Britain.
This is an interesting moral question. Was it Eve's fault for eating the apple in the first place? Or was it Adam's fault who willingly went along with eating the apple, knowing what the consequences were?
would giue it you before them all.
I wonder why the author thinks so highly of the Queen?
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This book was very interesting. Well it wasn't really a book, just a collection of poems and passages by a single author. Most of these passages are about love, death, or god. Which it seems like most things are either about love or death. If you look at any song, it is probably about love or death. Maybe it is because we can all relate to the feeling. The fear of death, or the loving of another. The final passages seemed like it was god talking to the reader what was currently happening. God was saying that he was going to come back the next day and go after the Jews. Maybe it is about the crucifixion.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the mai
This seems like they are trying to spread the catholic religion. By saying that we are all part of one continent, it is implying that you have to interact with others. In this situation, interact with the church.
Wait! is this Jesus talking?!
To make their souls at the last busy day Meet at this grave, and make a little stay?
It sounds like they are talking about a knife. A knife gives the ability to a couple to have their souls meet at the grave.
Me fresher and more fat, by being with men, Than if I had stay’d still with her and thee.
Ah, so he is saying he will be happier if he is with her. Most of the time if you are happier, you tend to take better care of yourself. Or he is saying that because he is staying with men, he will get a beer belly. just like fat Thor.
Idolatry - excessive or blind adoration, reverence, devotion, etc.
Sinewy - of or like sinews; tough, firm, braided, or resilient:
That subtle wreath of hair, which crowns my arm ;
Do they mean a wreath of flowers?
The world’s whole sap is sunk ;
Aww man, this is a beautiful metaphor of the sun setting.
Yep, love is just a chemical reaction in our brain that make's us believe we are meant for another person.
Fraught - Archaic. filled or laden
Plaguy - such as to plague, torment, or annoy; vexatious:
All here in one bed lay.
This sounds like group sex or a poor family.
Deride - to laugh at in scorn or contempt; scoff or jeer at; mock.
specular stone, When he, which can have learn’d the art To cut it, can find none.
This reminds me of the sorcerer's stone.
Loathes - to feel disgust or intense aversion for; abhor:
My interpretation of this poem is a father talking to a son to go on on a ten thousand day and night journey. If on the journey, he finds a women, let the father know.And when you write the letter, I will not be able to come. You might have two or three children.
to make or become less active, vigorous, intense, etc.
Seven Sleepers
According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Sleepers
"the Seven Sleepers is the story of a group of youths who hid inside a cave outside the city of Ephesus around 250 AD to escape a religious persecution and emerged some 300 years later."
To me I think they are saying that the two were metaphorically with the seven sleepers until they found each other. They were asleep the whole time, to be awakened to find each other.
Troth (by my troth) - faithfulness, fidelity, or loyalty:
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Man, this play was really fun to read. Because it was in the form of a script, I could always understand who was saying what. In the Faerie Queen, I had trouble understanding who was saying what. This story made me wonder about the moral's of infinite knowledge. If I could do anything until 24 years later, would I do it? It would be based off of how old I was. Faustus in his final moments tried to be nice to his peers, knowing that his time was running out. But as all humans do, in his final moments, he pleaded for himself only. In the end, we all try to look out for ourselves.
MEPHIST. Be gone quickly.
I find this interesting. Mephist being a demon from hell, I was expecting him to burn the horse-courser in hell. But instead, he let him go. Maybe the demon does what his master would have done.Now that he us under his rule until he is taken into hell.
Also known as LUST.
I think this also represents laziness
Also known as GREED.
GOOD ANGEL. Never too late, if Faustus can repent. EVIL ANGEL. If thou repent, devils shall tear thee in pieces.
I believe that this represents his emotions inner conflicts. It is subconscious fighting with itself. and we, the audience, are shown this through a good and bad devil. Representing good and bad side.
Per inoequalem motum respectu totius
I believe this means "because of the inequalities in their motions."
An exclamation of impatience
hat might the staying of my blood portend
Maybe it is Faustus's body being afraid of having it's soul being taken away. Maybe it doesn't willingly wan't to die in 24 years.
Exeunt - (they) go offstage (used formerly as a stage direction, usually preceding the names of the characters):
Argosies - a large merchant ship, especially one with a rich cargo.
I believe that this is referencing to Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, a Roman consul, statesman, general and architect. He "was responsible for the construction of some of the most notable buildings in the history of Rome and for important military victories." Agrippa was responsible for furnishing the city of Rome with marble. Maybe Faustus us aiming to be as high achieving as Agrippa was in Rome. Faustus is also a philosopher, so it makes sense to he would look up to somebody like this.
Source - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Vipsanius_Agrippa
According to Dictionary.com
Syllogism - Logic. an argument the conclusion of which is supported by two premises, of which one (major premise) contains the term (major term) that is the predicate of the conclusion, and the other (minor premise) contains the term (minor term) that is the subject of the conclusion; common to both premises is a term (middle term) that is excluded from the conclusion. A typical form is “All A is C; all B is A; therefore all B is C.”
Conceit - something that is conceived in the mind; a thought; idea:
Also known as Jupiter, he is the god of the sky and thunder and king of the gods in Ancient Roman religion and mythology.
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Okay, after 8 hours of reading, I have finally finished this story. And man, was it equally awesome and confusing. Three days of work, and this is what I remember of the story. Girl and knight go on trip, camp out in hotel, have sex, keep walking, knight dies from snake lady, girl runs away, girl finds new knight, that knight kills a chimera and lets a with go, 5 horse guys and girl go to destroy witch, she gets killed, second knight is killed, third knight finds lady sad, he comforts her, knight enters dungeon, tries to kill dragon, fails, knight gets sick, girl takes knight to holy hospital, he heals, battles dragon, kills dragon in front of kingdom, he becomes the new ruler of the kingdom, girl and knight live happily ever after. I wish I could have remembered more, but this story is so gosh darn long. I made it pretty not enjoyable actually. I think this story tells the moral of persistence. To keep walking towards your objective and never give up. It made my mind wander to Disney, dungeons and dragons, and Minecraft. I really enjoyed the story overall, and wish I could of had more time to understand the story in more detail.
I hope somebody can answer this question.
This seems like to me the other story we read about a man going on the journey to death, and confronting his different parts along the way. Does anybody know the name of the story I am trying to think of?
For in his speeches and behauiour hee Did labour liuely to expresse the same, And gladly did them guide, till to the Hall they came.
I forget what they are called, but this character seems like one of those public speakers that use to spread news and ideas.
Then tooke the angrie witch her golden cup,
Many readings, including this one, have shown that the holy grail has miraculous healing powers as show in this paragraph.
What more? the Redcrosse knight was slaine with Paynim knife.
Man, this women is having a series of unfortunate events with both her knights being murdered.
Their backward bent knees teach her humbly to obay.
This women's power to control creatures with her good looks has saved her multiple times.
A Lyon spyes fast running towards him,
Yay! the lion saves the day again.
Who after Archimagoes fowle defeat, Led her away into a forrest wilde, And turning wrathfull fire to lustfull heat, With beastly sin thought her to haue defilde, And made the vassall of his pleasures vilde. Yet first he cast by treatie, and by traynes, Her to perswade, that stubborne fort to yilde: For greater conquest of hard loue he gaynes, That workes it to his will, then he that it constraines.
Is this a longer period of time than it is? it seems that they are doing a montage of the girl trying to find something? This story is so long and confusing, I have lost all points in the story line by now.
For to the highest she did still aspyre, Or if ought higher were then that, did it desyre.
Maybe the villain has the flaw that they can never accept anything. That "the highest she did still aspyre." The character can never be proud of anything they do.
So proud she shyned in her Princely state, Looking to heauen; for earth she did disdayne, And sitting high; for lowly she did hate:
To me, this shows a little bit of the character being too high of themselves. I can't think of the wording. Just them saying "And sitting high; for lowly she did hate;" seems like the character wouldn't be okay with sitting at a low level. They don't want to be at the level of the peasants.
The Lyon would not leaue her desolate, But with her went along, as a strong gard Of her chast person, and a faithfull mate Of her sad troubles and misfortunes hard:
Holy frick! it is Wizard of Oz!
Guilefull - insidiously cunning; artfully deceptive; wily.
origane and thyme
oregano and thyme
Basically just herbs
An Elizabethan town.
that did you molest:
Wait, I'm confused. I thought she had con-sexual sex?
She turning backe with ruefull countenaunce, Cride, Mercy mercy Sir vouchsafe to show On silly Dame
Man! that is just cruel! She sees the knight getting killed, and instead of standing up for herself, she says "Don't kill me! I'm just a dame!"
Palfrey - a saddle horse particularly suitable for a woman.
Hesperus - the Evening Star, the planet Venus in the evening. He is the son of the dawn goddess Eos (Roman Aurora) and is the half-brother of her other son, Phosphorus (also called Eosphorus; the "Morning Star").
There can't be British Literature without a little bit of sexual fun.
Hermitage - any secluded place of residence or habitation; retreat; hideaway.
Sire - a person of importance or in a position of authority, as a lord.
By which he saw the vgly monster plaine, Halfe like a serpent horribly displaide, But th’other halfe did womans shape retaine,
This reminds me of Medusa. Half snake and half women sounds like it to me. There is ancient history of a creature called Naga that sounds like her to me
I can't tell if this poet can't spell, or the words have just evolved over time to what we have today? But to me, it seems like they just can't spell.
The day with cloudes was suddeine ouercast, And angry Ioue an hideous storme of raine Did poure into his Lemans lap so fast,
This seems like a sudden story conflict that is taking us from the exposition to the rising action.
Behind her farre away a Dwarfe did lag,
This reminds me of the hireling from Munchkin
Yet she much whiter
It is interesting to say the women was whiter. It maybe was thought as a sign of beauty for a women to have such white skin. But now a days, it is thought that you either don't go outside much, or you have very European genetics.
Does anybody know what this means?
Faerie Queene
This is what the cover of the book looks like for reference
Xenophon - Greek historian and essayist.
- Jun 2019
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Though the longest reading I have every done for a class, it was actually quite interesting. This reading made me think about our society today. How we treat our kids, how we deal with our work, how we treat our nations, how we practice our religion, how we study our profession, and how we live our life in general. I agreed with most things in this text. Though, being punished to slavery is a little bit questionable. I think they should serve for only a certain amount of years. But then again, their system works also. This story makes my mind wander to dungeons and dragons. This Utopia would make a great world for role-playing. The first book was the most boring thing I have ever read. But the second book grabbed my attention. I am glad I read this entire passage, it has allowed me to reflect upon my world today.
that no man ought to be punished for his religion.
This is interesting, because we have our first amendment which is very similar to this.
In these they promise great rewards to such as shall kill the prince, and lesser in proportion to such as shall kill any other persons who are those on whom, next to the prince himself, they cast the chief balance of the war. And they double the sum to him that, instead of killing the person so marked out, shall take him alive, and put him in their hands. They offer not only indemnity, but rewards, to such of the persons themselves that are so marked, if they will act against their countrymen.
Wait, so this very nice country uses bounties to try to end wars? Man, this country gets cooler and cooler every paragraph.
Animosities - a feeling of strong dislike, ill will, or enmity that tends to display itself in action:
Heats - to excite emotionally; inflame or rouse with passion.
They punish severely those that defile the marriage bed; if both parties are married they are divorced, and the injured persons may marry one another, or whom they please, but the adulterer and the adulteress are condemned to slavery, yet if either of the injured
There is really no room for fault in this society.
Esteem - to regard highly or favorably; regard with respect or admiration:
making legs to him
Does this mean to work for him?
Does anybody know who are the slaves in this culture?
“Thus old men are honoured with a particular respect
There is a way to treat the elderly today. It is not what it use to be like, but it is much different. We don't treat the elderly with much respect today. Kids avoid the elderly. Adults, in most cases, try to be courteous to the elderly.
If you want to know how to treat your elderly properly, this article gives great descriptions - https://www.thespruce.com/manners-around-the-elderly-1216911
All the children under five years old sit among the nurses; the rest of the younger sort of both sexes, till they are fit for marriage, either serve those that sit at table, or, if they are not strong enough for that, stand by them in great silence and eat what is given them; nor have they any other formality of dining.
I have never thought about treating kids this way before. I have always thought that kids get the best treatment, and adults are the ones who take care of them. But in this case, the adults get the best treatment, and the kids get nothing.
Women, for the most part, deal in wool and flax, which suit best with their weakness, leaving the ruder trades to the men.
You'd think with such an advanced culture, they still wouldn't have assigned jobs for each gender.
Magistrate - a civil officer charged with the administration of the law.
How can there be any plenty where every man will excuse himself from labour?
That is interesting. How can there be a society where man excuses himself from labor. I am reading an entire freaking book right now, and I may not excuse myself from it. In societies where crimes are committed, people are killed, and any human emotion is experienced, there will always work to be done. Both of the peoples arguments so far have gone on for so long, that my brain has gone numb trying to think about it. One makes the argument that a civilization with punishments is a just civilization. Then the other says the opposite, saying that that would be unjust, and it would only create more issues. That the political leader sits in his office and watches other people do work. That in doing so, he has excused himself from work, This story is in plain English, but it bores me to death on the length of the political argument. I apologize for the inconvenience, back to the story.
He is an unskilful physician that cannot cure one disease without casting his patient into another.
man I relate this to a lot of today's government. When one issued is solved, another is created. Which is everything in life, but a government doesn't really help. All good rulers hope to help people with their problems, but in doing they create their own separate issues.
that he should live among them, govern them gently and let other kingdoms alone, since that which had fallen to his share was big enough, if not too big, for him
It is interesting how he in the story, he has presented the idea of Isolationism.
Isolationism - a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.
This goes against the main characters morals. The main character is from England, a country that has spread it's affairs across the world.. Maybe this relates to the idea that More likes to bring up interesting topics like this to get people to show their true selves.
A citizen of Venice, Italy.
Courtier - a person who is often in attendance at the court of a king or other royal personage.
Really cool animated example of a vagabond.
by speaking sharply, though decently, to them, and by that he discovered their spirit and presence of mind
I relate to this. Sometimes when I am bored, I speak with my true morals and ideas to another to see what they are truly like. Or you bring up a conversation that allows them to show their true self. It really allows them to remove their mask that they put on in society.
Begot - simple past tense and a past participle of beget.
Beget - (especially of a male parent) to procreate or generate (offspring).
with a great slaughter of the poor people that were engaged in it.
To me, Moore would find the slaughter of poor people to be cruel. To the main character, this is a regular political practice. But to Moore (I think I forgot his name), this is not the type of civilization he is use to.
a medieval country in W Europe, extending along the North Sea from the Strait of Dover to the Scheldt River: the corresponding modern regions include the provinces of East Flanders and West Flanders in W Belgium, and the adjacent parts of N France and SW Netherlands.
Impracticable - not practicable; incapable of being put into practice with the available means:
a city in central Belgium.
Chester is a walled city in Cheshire, England, on the River Dee, close to the border with Wales.
Archdeacon - a senior Christian cleric (in the early Church a deacon, in the modern Anglican Church a priest) to whom a bishop delegates certain responsibilities.
Greek studies from Italy
This is interesting. In the "Schoolmaster", bringing culture from Italy was considered an act of the devil in half of the story. Though, the first half told how they taught people to translate from English to Greek. Maybe this writer was part of the general population who "flocked in" into Italy in order to learn.
From the Canterbury tales?
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Papist - a Roman Catholic
man’s will, man’s mind
To me this is referencing to the idea in religion that man has three parts. The body, soul, and spirit. In these different parts, there is a different function. Look at the diagram for help.
become devils in life and condition.
I wonder why the mixing of English and Italian cultures were thought as devilish? Maybe it is a historical background? To me he is just in the mindset of "You do your stuff there. We will do our stuff here." More of a Isolationist point of view. Though it seems weird that somebody in Great Britain would have that point of view, saying that they colonized the world.
Mar - to damage or spoil to a certain extent; render less perfect, attractive, useful, etc.; impair or spoil:
Factious - given to faction; dissentious
Inglese Italianato e un didbolo inoarnato
Italian English and a didbolo inoarnato
Or maybe it means Italian English is a devilish practice
Yanity and vice
Does anybody know what this means?
Man, I wish the public school system was like that. Not pushing down students when we make mistakes, but making simple corrections that help the students. Whoever this man or women is, I like them
Epistles of Cicero
Epistles - a letter, especially a formal or didactic one; written communication
so in this case, they are saying once the master reads the Latin book of Cicero.
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Man, this story was great! It taught me the lesson of that my good deeds are the ones that stick with me to the end. that every other possession and feeling goes away when I dye. That if I make the right choices, they will stick with me until the end, though the will not follow me to eternal life. With knowledge, the hero was saved. It brought back good-deeds, penance, beauty, strength, and the 5-wits. This story is really god. It made me wonder to what I am doing with my life. And what deeds I am actually going to do that last forever.
Penance - a sacrament, as in the Roman Catholic Church, consisting in a confession of sin, made with sorrow and with the intention of amendment, followed by the forgiveness of the sin.
and care.
OH! so if he had given to the poor and be less greedy, goods might have gone on this journey with him.
Feign - to invent fictitiously or deceptively, as a story or an excuse
Gramercy - Archaic, used as an exclamation expressing surprise or sudden strong feeling
(used as an exclamation of sorrow, regret, or dismay.)
Wend - to pursue or direct, to proceed or go
seven deadly sins
If you need help understanding the seven deadly sins. Watch this show.
"Seven Deadly Sins"
My counting book I would make so clear, That my reckoning I should not need to fear.
This is interesting. How is he not afraid of his own death? Does that show true courage? Or does he believe he is going to heaven?
Respite - temporary suspension of the execution of a person condemned to death; reprieve.
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I noticed that they don't use periods in most of this text. They only use dots. To me this text was really hard to understand. I had to look up a summary to understand it at all. In the beginning of the story, my mind wandered to the renaissance. Groups of different artists reminded me of he renaissance. Whenever the man spoke to the women next to the tower, it reminded me of Tangled. This text had a good theme of to not do bad because of bad? It was hard to understand the lesson.
The author is referencing to Benjamin Franklin (maybe), Apparently he had a role in religion.
Holy Scripture meant
It is interesting how they learn the holy scripture first. Today , we learn how to spell, do simple math, and how to draw.
Credo - a statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions.
To me it sounds like a friar is saying all of this. Maybe they said who is talking, but it sounds like they are spouting a bunch of lies to get peoples spirits high and to raise their own personal image.
Man this king sure sounds really good. He always pays, but is not too egotistical. He holds a castle, with lots of servants. But this story is making no sense to me at all besides that. The first paragraph about the dream made sense, but everything else made no sense in context.
An Israeli peninsula
When al I trasures are tried
"To put all of my chips on the table" "To put down everything."
Friar - a member of a religious order, especially the mendicant orders of Franciscans, Dominicans, Carmelites, and Augustinians.
Hermit - any person living in seclusion
I relate these beginning descriptive paragraphs to the renaissance. To say that there is Beggars, story tellers, jokers, and musicians all in one area sounds like the renaissance to me.
For some reason British Literature righter's always use mirth.
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I was really surprised by this story. To me it seems like the Friar's own morals mix into the story itself. Maybe he is the devil himself. My mind wanders to television shows that show devils and angels. Lucifer Is a great example of this. This story does not include angles, but it does have devils. But man, was I really surprised by that ending. I was thinking "Nah, he's just going to let it pass since it is his 'brother'." But no, he is faithful to his word. Which might be what the Friar's morals are.
And they struck hands and made their solemn oath To be sworn brothers till their dying day. Gossiping then they rode upon their way.
Doesn't this make this kind of messed of saying that one summoner is a devil?
I couldn't find what this means. I thought it might be a location, but I was wrong. Does anybody know the answer to this topic?
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Man, this story was a lot. Not as much as the knights tale, but a lot. I noticed that this text uses the stereotypical "rhyming scheme" as if they were playing a lute. To me I think the author wants me to know to be true to my wife and to others. To teach the lesson of honesty and faithfulness. My question is does the women seem like she was lying how she felt about her age? Earlier in the text I noticed that she was "Energetic and full of fun" when she was 40. To me I thought that maybe she was lying to herself or the group. Maybe out of shame or fear. And I don't know if the women is just sexually adventurous in the story, but man she really likes to play with men. She is a male-con artist.
So help me God, I was a healthy one, And fair and rich and young and full of fun;
This fascinates me... she says that in her 40's, she was "young and full of fun." to me it seems like she is either lying to herself, or she is lying to the party she is telling the tale to. Maybe she was just trying to reject the idea that she had hit her 40's and her crazy years were coming to an end. She maybe lies to the party, just because she doesn't want her ego to be hurt.
- wakefulness maintained for any reason during the normal hours for sleeping.
- a watch or a period of watchful attention maintained at night or at other times:
A lover
Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale
This introduction on how women should be treated as equally as men are treated. Bringing up the idea of equality, it reminds me of the piece "Salve deus rex Judaeorum", which was the very first known piece to try to encourage women's power. Since this piece follows, maybe the author of this story got inspiration from "Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum."
A shrewe’s proverb
A womens temper
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This text seems like a typical Netflix series from now-a days/ But it also reminds me of the knights tale, in terms saying that it is two men fighting over one women. It is a little different, but the same context. And it is interesting that the carpenter fell for the world is flooding non-sense. It is as if the astrologer is thought as god in the scene. My question is what happened after the story. Did the carpenter get put into jail? Since he was laughed at, was he thought as a crazy man?
Ah, so he is saying "If you listen to me and do what I say, god will not smite us with a world killing shower."
a band or ribbon worn around the head, especially for binding the hair.
And she had become eighteen years of age.
This was actually very common before the mid 20th century. people married young. As our civilization has aged, so has our time of marriage.
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This story is interesting to me. I am fascinated to see how love could break even brothers apart. The tale is interesting, This makes my mind wander to love tales today. There have been many examples of two people fall in love with one person. Which in the process, it breaks apart their relationship. Maybe this story was the original, and all modern tales are based off of this.
Term used to express sorrow
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His tale straightway, and said as you may hear.
This text is almost like any stereotypical knights tale. There are different people with different roles, a ultimate quest, and stories to tell on the way. I also noticed that each one of the characters in the party is an archetype. They all almost seem like a traveling carnival or group that would come to towns to entertain the people.
a member of the Athenian ecclesia - a group of politicians who would gather in Greece to debate.
It is very intersting. Old time doctors are much different than doctors nowadays. Doctors use to believe something was caused by an imbalance in the body. Or it was an impurity. So they bled people to get rid of the impurity. Or they stuck leeches on them to get rid of it. There was some doctors who knew how to deal with herbs and different plants. But does the doctor really know what he is doing in this piece?
Basically somebody who makes a decorative carpet that may go on the wall.
The Squire
Is it just me, or is a squire to most trained, experienced, good looking, physically fit, beautiful sounding person in all of these tales? The knight does not compare to this man.
Full worthy was he in his sovereign’s war,
This reminds me of the round table from "Sir Gawain And The Green Knight." These knights are known throughout the land for their bravery and honor.
And even what clothes they were dressed in; And with a knight thus will I first begin.
These seem almost like archetypes. The knight for example could be an archetype for a character.
Archetype - a very typical example of a certain person or thing.
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Patience backe
Does anybody know what this means?
Phoebe - was one of the first generation of Titans, who were one set of sons and daughters of Uranus and Gaia
Synonym for Pallas Athena, or Athena.
the virgin deity of the ancient Greeks worshiped as the goddess of wisdom, fertility, the useful arts, and prudent warfare
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May He bring us to his bliss! AMEN.
One thing I noticed about this text is that the beginning of the sentence is at the end, and the end of the sentence is at the beginning. It may not be true, but if I thought about the authors writing that way, it helped me understand the writing. I think the author wants me to know the lesson of being true to my word, no matter how weird or bad it is. Even if my head is going to be chopped off, try to keep my word. Maybe the author wanted me to learn the lessons of to try to trek through treachery. To go through a wilderness of love and pain and come out the other side. I don't really have any questions. It was hard to read, but the text made sense overall. My mind wanders into the great world of King Arthur. Where knights are thought as deities. Where you may kiss the wife of a king, even though she is your aunt. Where there is nothing bigger than a twin size bed apparently.
giant in green
This reminds me of the big guy from FullMetal Alchemist
At the first call of the quest quaked the wild; deer drove for the dales, darting for dread, hied to the high ground, but swiftly they were stayed by the beaters, with their stout cries. They let the harts with high branched heads have way, the brave bucks also with their broad antlers; for the noble lord had bidden that in close season no man there should meddle with those male deer.
This is interesting how their form of hunt is much different from ours. Theirs is to eat and survive as much of it as a sport. To us, deer hunting is an actual sport. There is deer hunting season in Massachusetts every year. This is where deer hunting is just a pure competitive sport.
link for deer hunting season - http://www.eregulations.com/massachusetts/huntingandfishing/summary-hunting-season-dates/
Alloy - admixture, as of good with evil.
Din - a loud, confused noise; a continued loud or tumultuous sound; noisy clamor.
Female Deers
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kisses her courteously
A sign of friendliness when greeting another.
It is a sign Solomon settled on some while back,
This is an interesting topic to me. Why did they bring up Solomon? Solomon was "the biblical king most famous for his wisdom. In 1 Kings he sacrificed to God, and God later appeared to him in a dream asking what Solomon wanted from God. Solomon asked for wisdom." Do the knights look up to Solomon as an example on how to act and be?
but I am bound to bear it, be gone, and tomorrow, to seek the giant in the green, as God will me guide.’
I related this to a knights code. Specifically to the "The Knight's Code of Chivalry." Specifically the knights of the round table. They swore to have Honour, Honesty, Valour and Loyalty. In the song of Roland, the knights Code of Chivalry has been translated from it. Sir Gawain is following "At all times to speak the truth...To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun...Never to refuse a challenge from an equal." Because of this code, Gawain is bound to his word.
winter walks again
though men be merry in mind when they have strong ale,
I thought this was a quote for the line.
For the head in his hand he holds up even, towards the dearest on dais addresses the face; and it lifted its eyelids, and looked full wide, and made this much with its mouth, as you may now hear; ‘Look, Gawain, be you geared to go as you promised, and look out loyally till you me, lord, find, as you swore oath in this hall, these knights hearing.
This is interesting to me. People at the time would have saw it is magic or some devilish act. This was not the times of pilgrimage, so witchcraft was not the common topic.
This is also a Framing device.
he waxed as wrath
Alight swiftly adown and rest, I thee pray, and what thy will is we shall wait after.’
This is the modern version of you welcoming somebody into your house and saying to them to sit down and relax. King Arthur is the leader of Britain, so he accepts the green knight into his household to be polite, and to maybe start out on a good note.
Thereto - to that place, thing, etc.
and sheer above of true Toulouse
The phrase "And sheer above of true Toulouse" sticks out to me. I can't get the translation quite down yet.
Maybe it means that her clothing is Sheer -transparently thin; diaphanous, as some fabrics. And that it is is pink, because the city of Toulouse is known as the "Pink City."
This is something I would like some help on.
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In misery among the banished monsters, Cain’s clan, whom the creator had outlawed And condemned as outcasts. For the killing of Abel The Eternal Lord had exacted a price
This to me brings up the idea that the humans fear the monsters, and that is why they outlaw and kill them. But are they really monsters? Some monsters like Grendel possess human like features, so are they truly monsters? The lords only kill them because they are different. This brings up the theme that there is a blur between man and beast in this story. Man appears to be the true beast in this case.
Grendel has been drawn millions of times, but I liked this drawing the most. The common theme is that Grendel has human-like features, but is monster in nature. It is seen as hair, large, strong in almost any drawing you see
Its gables wide and high and awaiting A barbarous burning. That doom abided, But in time it would come:
This is a foreshadowing of the future ahead of the hall. We know as the reader that it is going to be attacked, but this is a neat little hint to what comes ahead.
Bade - to command; order; direct: (past tense)