- May 2017
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“One who is proscribed or outlawed; hence, a lawless desperate marauder, a brigand” (OED).
"Belonging to or included among the gentry; of a rank above the commonalty" (OED).
"A surrounding area or district" (OED).
"Good-humoured ridicule or banter, often disguising a serious purpose; teasing, mockery" (OED).
to make a ring, with a plait of hair in the centre, very conspicuous on one of his fingers.
“Hair jewelry served as a physical demonstration of internal feelings, similar to the idea of sensibility” (Absorption in Austen,On Hair Jewelry). The act of a man carrying a woman's lock of hair is a symbol of love between the two lovers. It is an act of affection as the lock of hair can also represent a woman's beauty and virtue. By gifting a lock of hair a woman is in a way promising herself to her lover, and in return the man carries and protects the lock which is his way of symbolizing that her will protect her virtue.
"Made trite, uninteresting, or commonplace through familiarity or overuse; stale, tired; banal" (OED).
Refers to William Gilpin who is believed to have first introduced the idea of the aesthetic ideal of the picturesque, first in 1768 in his book Essays on Prints and then later expanded his idea in his travel book Observations on the River Wye, and Several Parts of South Wales, etc. Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty; made in the Summer of the Year 1770.(Oxford Dictionary of National Biography)
"A term expressive of that peculiar kind of beauty, which is agreeable in a picture" (William Gilpin, Essay on Prints, xii). It is a term of the Romantic movement, believed to have been coined by Rev. William Gilpin, which seeks to brings together two paradigms, that of beauty and the sublime, in order to create one aesthetic ideal. The picturesque can be utilized to describe both architecture, such as Sotherton in Mansfield Park, or landscape in the way that Gilpin does in his travel books.
(William Gilpin, From Observations Chiefly Made to Picturesque Beauty)