- Oct 2017
s18.pdarrington.net s18.pdarrington.net
One cool thing about multimodality is that it can attend to multiple senses, which is sometimes necessary ii a reader has a preference or need for one mode of communication over another
This is another compelling reason to add multiple modes to your work. Although quality in a work is important, quantity is important as well. The larger the audience that you work can reach, the more likely it is to accomplish its goal. If certain people can't access your work, whether it is because it lacks visual modes and the person is deaf or auditory modes and the person is blind, then you are automatically eliminating the chance that your work will have the desired effect upon them.
Different media use different combinations of modes and arc good at doing different things.
For example, a protest, such as the 2017 Women's march, can use both visual modes, such as the sheer number of the protesters, auditory modes such as chants, and written modes such as signs; each mode's strength contributes to the "work." The visual modes can show an onlooker the size of the protest as well as the solidarity of a group, the auditory mode grabs attention as well as conveying short, memorable parts of the protest's message, and the written mode can both grab attention as well as convey a message.
ou may not use all of them for a single project, becau~e each mode has its own strengths and weaknesses in specific situa-tions-just clS a wrench is more useful in fixing a faucet than a ham-mer is.
I feel that this is a very important point to make. Although multimodality is an important aspect of a solid, credible work, like most higher-level writing mechanisms it is important to remember that it is not black and white. An overabundance of modes that add little to no substance can actually make a work more difficult to read and even less credible.
For instance, lolcats, a well-known Internet meme, are multimodal. They combine photographs of cats with words written In humor-ously incorrect grammar to create a text that uses both visuals and language-11111/tip/e modes-to be funny.
This is a photo of the example given, "lolcatz"
The word multimoda/ is a mash-up of multiple and mode. A mode is a way of communicating, such as the words we're using to explain our Ideas in this paragraph or the images we use throughout this book to illustrate various concepts.
True to the theme of the article, it uses many different modes in order to get its point across, photos and text as well as charts and graphs.
Text traditionally means written words. But because we want to talk about the visuals, sounds, and movement that make up multi-media, we use the term text to refer to a piece of communication as a whole. A text can be anything from a lolcat to a concert tee shirt to a dictionary to a performance.
This definition of "Text" is laid before the reader within the first few paragraphs of the article so that later when the author refers to "text" the context and personal definition is already known, seeing as it is most likely different than the reader's previous understanding of the word. In my opinion it is a rather misleading, non-intuitive use of the word. "Text" and its usual definition are well-known, so the author's use of it is counter-intuitive to his article, which attempts to explain multi-modality, a word that refers to the use of more than just the written word.
To produce a successful text, writers must be able to consciously use different modes both alone and in combination with each other to communicate their ideas to others.
The use of the "pussyhats" in the Women's March is good example of a "writer" using multiple modes in order to produce a successful text. In this case the successful text would be a protest that grabbed attention, was memorable, and was able to easily and clearly broadcast its message. The use of the bright-pink hats did just that. Their unique name, design, and color gave the protest a physical symbol that caught the eye and was hard to forget.
source: (https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/pink-pussyhat-creator-addresses-criticism-over-name-n717886)
All kinds of texts arc multi modal: ncw~-papcr-., science reports, advertisements, billboards, scrapbooks, music videos
All of the texts mentioned have some sort of purpose, a goal that the creator set out to accomplish through creating them. The use of multiple modes in these texts is meant to strengthen their ability to accomplish said goal. For example photos, videos, and links to other articles that support a scientific finding would help to strengthen a science report's validity. This can also be seen in The Women's March; the goal in this case being to get across a message in the most public way possible. The march itself, the signs of the protesters, and the pussyhat all worked towards the accomplishment of that goal.
Although each mode plays a role in the overall message, 1t is the combination of modes-the 11111llimodality-that creates the full piece of communication.
This example highlights the reason that multi-modality enhances the ability of a text to perform its function. While a simple still photo of the product and written description of its use may be enough to endear it to some viewers, the addition of the other modes makes it more appealing.
ndon Group
The New London Group was a group of ten researchers, educators, and visionaries. Together in New London, New Hampshire, they assessed how new technologies were influencing society. Based on these assessments, the group devised the multiliteracies approach.
www.nbcnews.com www.nbcnews.com
cat-eared protesters poured into cities worldwide to take a stand for women’s rights, leaving a sea of pink in their wake
A mode is a way or manner in which something is expressed, therefore both the protesters themselves and their "pussyhats" represent two modes of protest. Multi-modality is commonly used to strengthen an argument and in this case the addition of the hats as a mode, a bright, easily-recognizable symbol, strengthens to the protest's ability to grab attention and stand out.
The cat-eared “pussyhat” became the crown of the Women’s March in January. Many saw it as a symbol of female empowerment
The Women's March made good use of multi-modality, using signs, spoken words, and the physical "pussyhat" in order to get their point across.
- Sep 2017
spring2018.robinwharton.net spring2018.robinwharton.net1103U1G1.pdf14
We do not explain pictures: we explain remarks about pictures-or rather, we explain pictures only in so far as we have considered them under some verbal description or specifi-cation
To merely explain the picture would be to observe and understand it in its physical state alone. Objects exist in more than just a physical state. When Michael Baxandall says that,"we explain remarks about pictures," he is speaking of the historian's duty to observe and understand an object in more than its physical state. The 'remarks' so to speak are the effects that the non-physical state of the object has on an observer and his 'explanation' of those remarks would be the explanation of that non-physical state, and possibly bring about the understanding of why it caused said remarks.
Matenal culture begins with a world of objects bur takes place in a world of words. While we work 14With" material objects, i.e. refer "to" rhem, the medium in which we work as cultural historians is language.
The duality of an object is formed when the observer takes a physical object and attempts to translate it into a non-physical form. This is the historian's job, to research and understand the object so that they might translate it into a more understandable form. When the observer goes a step past merely observing the physical object and begins to look more in-depth, it becomes more than a physical object.
Imbue your description with the thick textiire of taxonomy yet with the flow of narrative
Much like the duality of an artifact, having physical aspects and non-physical aspects, the analysis of said object must have a sort of duality. It must have a strong base in undeniable, scientific fact (physical aspects) such as what the artifact is made of, and a fluid estimation of its significance and what it could communicate of its culture (non-physical aspects).
he possibilities arc virtually limitless-especially considering that no two individuals will read a given object in the same way.
I would go as far to say that this isn't limited to the analysis of artifacts. Even objects that are created in the modern day, that can be looked at without the veil of uncertainty and guesswork that shrouds objects from the past, can communicate different things to different people. Therefore, earlier in the text when the author describes the type of object that historians seek to understand, those objects that communicate more than their physical form, it is reasonable to assume that all objects carry this form of duality.
Annotations from supplementary reading
But the machete bears an unusual character. It’s possible to conceive of it as a weapon, yes, but it’s also very much a tool—not altogether different from, say, a shovel. A human being could do a great deal of damage to another human being with a shovel; it is weighted enough, has an edge, and a long handle to allow for a very leveraged swing.Why is it that the machete is seen so differently? Both items could do serious damage to a person, however, I couldn't imagine a man being arrested for carrying a shovel over his arm.
benrperry Sep 5 Tools are fine things for workers, but politics dictates that violence be concentrated in the hands of the State, and dispensed by its agents. The slipperiness between innocuous utensil and deadly device represents the risk of insurrection. … More This brings forth the interesting symbolism of weapons being seen as a type of power. If workers are allowed to carry weapons then they posses some sort of power, a power that is meant to be held only by those in charge. It is this fear of the power, and subsequently that power falling into the wrong hands, that causes the line between tool and weapon to become so ill-defined: of course the worker must be able to carry tools but how powerful a tool can they posses before they should be considered dangerous and that tool be considered a weapon?
benrperry Sep 5 Looking at the cover now, it’s hard not to notice that one of the villainous figures looks a lot like Fidel Castro, and one of his comrades wields a machete. The machete isn't only seen as a weapon; it is a sinister one. Many fictional villains such as the one in the author's book are portrayed with machetes. In Haltman's introduction to American Artifacts, he describes objects as being not only a record of themselves in a physical sense, but also as carrying non-physical record of things like concepts and times with which they are associated. Because of their value as tools, many oppressed peoples, such as slaves and oppressed workers, had access to machetes and because of this the machete is the weapon that was used in many violent uprisings of workers and slaves in the past, such as the Philippine Revolution and the Haitian Revolution. The machete was also a weapon of choice in the horrors of the Rwandan Genocide. This past of cruelty and violence is imprinted upon machetes in exactly the way that Haltman describes.
benrperry Sep 5 I’m certainly not proud of this moment, but it does illustrate the machete’s ability to change quickly from a boy’s plaything to an instrument of violence. The machete carries with it a unique duality. Whereas guns are distinctly weapons and things like hoes are distinctly tools, the machete's purpose can change on a whim and the transition from tool to weapon is seamless, where as it would not be naturally easy for a hoe to be used as a weapon.
attention not just to what they might be said to signify but, as importantly, to how they might be said to signify;
Once again, the example of the machete from "What Is a Machete, Anyway?" can be used here in order to understand the author's meaning. The machete is not the only object that signifies atrocities and and bloody revolutions. In the lead up to the Rwandan genocide, the citizens were forced to carry identification that classed them as either the dominant, or lesser ethnicity (much like the star of David during the Holocaust). Why is it that an ID is not as perceived in such a sinister way as the machete? Surely without it the genocide would have been hampered whereas, with all of the other weapons at the time, the lack of the machete could have easily been compensated for. The machete represents the atrocities in a different way than the identification papers did; the machete gives a clearer, realer look into the violence of the Rwandan genocide.
attention not just to what they might be said to signify but, as importantly, to how they might be said to signify;
It seems to depend on a linkage-formal, iconographic, functional-between the object and some fundamental human experience
Earlier in the text, the author mentions the existence of different ways that an object can carry a non-physical aspect or concept; he explains that attention must be paid not only to what an object may signify but also how it signifies it. In this selection of text the author does his best to explain how he is able to determine the significance of objects with a proverbial blind eye. Understandably it is impossible to obtain a perfect understand of an artifact and all that it represents, however I feel that this slightly hypocritical. The author himself admits that there is a limitless number of way for objects to be read and then goes on to pigeonhole the way in which his students read objects, forcing them to look only at objects that he is able to read regardless of the student's possible connection with the object.
While only some of culture takes material form, the part that does records the shape and imprint of otherwise more abstract, conceptual, or even metaphysical aspects of that culture that they quite literally embody. These are the objects we as historians in the field of Material Culture seek to understand
As described in "What is a Machete, Anyway?" by John Cline, the machete carries with it a number of cultures as well as a number of conceptual and abstract aspects of those cultures. In his article, John Cline speaks of the duality of the machete as both a tool and a weapon and the baggage that it carries from both classifications. He explains the importance of it as a symbol of activities such as banana farming in Jamaica as well as the imprint that it has left on human memory as being a weapon used in places like Cuba and Nicaragua and Costa Rica. He describes it as containing an abstract, symbolic political power because of this duality. It is both a tool used by farmers, and a weapon used by revolutionaries. It is more than a mere physical object. The concept of both the worker's tool and weapon is as present, and important, in a machete as its physical aspects
While only some of culture takes material form, the part that does records the shape and imprint of otherwise more abstract, conceptual, or even metaphysical aspects of that culture that they quite literally embody. These are the objects we as historians in the field of Material Culture seek to understand.
Here, Haltmann defines the word "object" in an archaeological sense. Throughout the text, this definition of "object" is what he will be referring to. It is important to have this definition of object in mind as the reader continues through the text as a key idea is presented in this statement: that objects record more than just the sum of their own physical parts, that objects carry with them an abstract, non-physical record of themselves, the people that created them, and the time and place in which they were created.
students wi!J find value principally in learning from the models that these readings offer of how such interpretation can be carried out.
Once again the author alludes to the answer to his rhetorical question being within the contents of his collection of essays.
What questions are most fruitful to ask in one's work with an object and how might one best go about asking them?
A rhetorical question that will be pondered by the collection of essays. This is previously alluded to in the beginning of the introduction when the author explains that the collection of essays all "exemplify the methodology they share." This 'methodology' is described two sentences later as "experiments in or elaborations of a[n]... approach to understanding things."
Prownian analysis
Prownian analysis is the first part of what has been named the "Prownian method," a method that is used to identify, analyze and categorize objects in historical archaeology. Prownian method consists of three steps: obsessively describe, guess at uses, and treat the object as fiction.
Kenneth Haltman
Kenneth Haltman, the author of this text, is a professor of Art History at the University of Oklahoma.
source: (http://www.ou.edu/finearts/visual-arts/programs/bachelor_of_art_in_art_history/kenneth_haltman.html)
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
I’m certainly not proud of this moment, but it does illustrate the machete’s ability to change quickly from a boy’s plaything to an instrument of violence.
The machete carries with it a unique duality. Whereas guns are distinctly weapons and things like hoes are distinctly tools, the machete's purpose can change on a whim and the transition from tool to weapon is seamless, where as it would not be naturally easy for a hoe to be used as a weapon.
Looking at the cover now, it’s hard not to notice that one of the villainous figures looks a lot like Fidel Castro, and one of his comrades wields a machete.
The machete isn't only seen as a weapon; it is a sinister one. Many fictional villains such as the one in the author's book are portrayed with machetes. In Haltman's introduction to American Artifacts, he describes objects as being not only a record of themselves in a physical sense, but also as carrying non-physical record of things like concepts and times with which they are associated. Because of their value as tools, many oppressed peoples, such as slaves and oppressed workers, had access to machetes and because of this the machete is the weapon that was used in many violent uprisings of workers and slaves in the past, such as the Philippine Revolution and the Haitian Revolution. The machete was also a weapon of choice in the horrors of the Rwandan Genocide. This past of cruelty and violence is imprinted upon machetes in exactly the way that Haltman describes.
Tools are fine things for workers, but politics dictates that violence be concentrated in the hands of the State, and dispensed by its agents. The slipperiness between innocuous utensil and deadly device represents the risk of insurrection.
This brings forth the interesting symbolism of weapons being seen as a type of power. If workers are allowed to carry weapons then they posses some sort of power, a power that is meant to be held only by those in charge. It is this fear of the power, and subsequently that power falling into the wrong hands, that causes the line between tool and weapon to become so ill-defined: of course the worker must be able to carry tools but how powerful a tool can they posses before they should be considered dangerous and that tool be considered a weapon?
But the machete bears an unusual character. It’s possible to conceive of it as a weapon, yes, but it’s also very much a tool—not altogether different from, say, a shovel.
A human being could do a great deal of damage to another human being with a shovel; it is weighted enough, has an edge, and a long handle to allow for a very leveraged swing.Why is it that the machete is seen so differently? Both items could do serious damage to a person, however, I couldn't imagine a man being arrested for carrying a shovel over his arm.