341 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
    1. Jacqueline has worked in health care for over twenty years. In England, she trained and worked as a registered nurse and obtained a bachelor’s degree in psychology before m

      Generally, edit this so it's in the first person rather than the third person. It makes it more personal.

    2. Jacqueline Sinfield

      This section moves up above your story.

      And I'd change the heading to:

      Hi, I'm Jacqueline Sinfield

    3. The Untapped Brilliance Signature Coaching Program is perfect for you if…

      I'd move this section above the 'Next steps' section so people have a good idea whether this program is perfect for them.

    4. 3 Months membership to The Untapped Brilliance Club ( usually $297 USD)

      I would remove this section from the inclusions and only have the section below where you talk about the membership.

    5. This helps you to feel supported throughout the whole coaching program. You can reach out any time you have a victory to share or hit a stumbling block. When I introduced email support in between coaching sessions, client success increased substantially – even with clients who didn’t actually email! Just knowing that they had the option made them feel that I had their back and helped them to take action.

      So you feel supported for the entire 6 weeks. Reach out to share wins or whenever you hit a stumbling block for my personalised support, coaching and encouragement.

    6. Within 24 hours of each coaching session I will email you coaching notes of the key points we talked about and action steps. Even clients who take notes during the coaching session find these super helpful.

      So you don't have to take notes and can immerse yourself fully in our session. Expect the notes in your inbox within 24 hours of the session.

    7. Personalized Coaching notes emailed to you after each Coaching Session

      Personalized coaching notes after each session

    8. Video calls (rather than the telephone), if at all possible, allow me to see you and your facial expressions, notice your body language and feel your energy.

      So we can explore your weekly priorities together and I can pick up the cues from your facial expressions, energy and body language

    9. Six 60-minute Coaching Sessions via  Zoom

      I would again add icons to each of these inclusions and display them in a grid so there are 2 or 3 next to each other in each row.

    10. The work we do together is customized and personal to you. We will be using The Untapped Brilliance Signature Coaching Program. However, the amount of time we spend on each topic will depend on your current priorities, challenges and stage of life.

      I'd shorten this section to make it easier to digest.

      Something like:

      Across our 6 weeks together, we'll design a custom plan tailored to your current priorities, challenges and stage of life.

      While structure is helpful, Untapped Brilliance is designed fluid so we can adapt to your ever-changing needs as we explore your symptoms and goals together.

    11. Personalized To YOU!

      Everything we do is personalized to YOU!

    12. Here is a List of Some Common Topics We Address .section--1505426056281 { /*============================================================================ #Background Color Override ==============================================================================*/ background: #fff; } .section--link_list.section--dark.section--1505426056281 a, .section--link_list.section--light.section--1505426056281 a, .section--blog_posts.section--dark.section--1505426056281 a, .section--blog_posts.section--light.section--1505426056281 a, .section--feature.section--dark.section--1505426056281 a, .section--feature.section--light.section--1505426056281 a { }

      I'd shorten this slightly:

      The common aspects of life with ADHD we can explore:

    13. ‘personal success system.’

      Can you add another section below this one where you explore your 'personal success system'?

      You mention it several times and it sounds like it's a foundation of your coaching program.

      Can you come up with a graphic in Canva that showcases the elements of this system at all?

      If you google 'framework graphics' there is a whole bunch of examples popping up, and I'm sure Canva has a ton of templates for frameworks.

      All I would do is add another section with:

      My Personal Success System unpacked

      {a brief intro explanation and the graphic}

    14. Why Me?

      I would bring your about section from the bottom of the page above this section. It set the scene for your professional background before you dive into your personal story in this section

    15. A natural side effect to all this is an increase in your confidence and self-esteem. You are finally seeing progress in the areas of your life that you have been wanting for years.  And you start to trust yourself again.

      So you finally start to trust yourself again and show up confident each and every day

    16. A simple mindset shift can make a huge improvement to your day to day performance.

      So you see huge improvements in your day to day performance

    17. Each person has a unique blend of ADHD characteristics . When you have a deep understanding of your ADHD you feel incredibly empowered. Plus, it allows you to treat and manage your ADHD more effectively than ever before.

      So you have a deep understanding of your unique blend of ADHD and feel empowered!

    18. To help you treat and manage your ADHD symptoms naturally. These steps can be done in addition to ADHD meds, or on their own if you don’t take any medication.

      So you know how to treat and manage your ADHD symptoms naturally on top of your ADHD medications or instead of!

    19. And develop time management skills to overcome the classic ADHD stumbling blocks such as arriving late, procrastinating and last minute panics before deadlines.

      So you have tangible time management skills that mean you arrive on time (every time) without procrastinating or last minute panic attacks

    20. 1. Set Clear Goals.

      I would add icons to each of these ideas so it's easier for your customers to digest.

      Love that you have a 'so what' linked to each idea already!

    21. Imagine waking up to the first ring of your alarm clock feeling rested and motivated to get out of bed straight away. In fact, you even have a tingle of excitement about the day ahead. As you pull your covers back and swing your legs out of bed, you have a sense of direction and quiet confidence that you have a handle on this day… and every day.

      I'd turn this into a separate opening section speaking to the dream future they're working towards.

      Something like:

      BoldWhat if you woke up feeling rested and organized, ready to take on your day? Bold

      Imagine you could pull back your covers with a sense of direction that you have a handle on this day... and every day.

      You could: {bullet point list of their biggest desires}

      i.e. arrive in the office on time because you're laser focussed

    22. ADHD Coaching That Revitalizes Your Life

      This is now redundant because we created the heading above :)

    23. Signature Coaching Program

      I'd turn this heading into an explanation combined with the promise.

      Something like:

      The 6-week 1:1 Coaching Program to give you the tools, strategies and systems to confidently revitalize & organize your life with ADHD

    24. Untapped Brilliance

      I'd make this the Standout Page Title followed by the explanation of what Untapped Brilliance is.

    1. Have you ever thought to yourself...

      Slightly tweaking this one to make it work with the updated heading and bring it back to the planning challenge.

      Seeing you take part in the planning challenge, I bet you've thought to yourself at some point:

      "I'd love to feel prepared rather than fly by the seat of my pants."

      "I wish I could streamline things for less chaos and more focus on the things that matter most."

      "I want to control my life rather than my life controlling me."

      "I'd love to no longer stress about everything and accomplish my goals with ease."

      I have reduced the number of bullet points to make it feel less overwhelming and easier to digest.

    2. Good news!

      The great news? Turning all these dreams into reality is easier than you think.

    3. Imagine how you'd  feel if  organized planning was an ongoing part of your life!

      I'd open this page with a question to help people reflect such as:

      What if you could make easy organisation and planning an ongoing part of your life?

  2. Nov 2023
    1. Have a plan for 2024! Having a plan gives you a sense of confidence and calm. You know you have time to do the things that are most important to you.

      I'd streamline these statements again to make them consistent in format and easier to digest.

      Something like:

      Have a plan for 2024

      For 12 months of calm confidence and plenty of time for the things most important to you

      Have taken action on your plan

      For increased trust in yourself from day 1 of the challenge that sees you energized and supported

      Feel motivated

      With real strategies to help you follow through with your plans until they're completed

      As Doctor Russel Barkley says: "ADHD is less about attention, and all about motivation."

    2. During our challenge I'll give you:

      This is the perfect 2nd section that goes into the HOW.

      I'd lead in with the first bullet point idea as the lead heading though. Something like this:

      Ready to explore the 5 easy steps to plan your year? (even if you hate planning or have never managed to stick to a plan in the past)

      During our 5 days together, you'll discover:

      • The secret to prioritizing as an adult with ADHD
      • How to stay excited and motivated to stick to your plan throughout the year
      • Tips & tricks to plan efficiently even if you don't know how long a project will take
      • How to incorporate plans that are important to you (but don't come with a deadline)
      • And much more!
    3. Ready to plan your 2024?The Challenge starts on Monday December 4th

      I'd get them to reflect on what's possible as the final push on the registration page. Something like:

      What if you knew how to plan your most accomplished year yet across 5 intentional days?

      Grab your FREE ticket to the ultimate planning challenge today.

      We start on Monday, December 4th.

    4. You + The 5-day planning challenge

      I'd make this the strong opening paragraph that sets the scene. Love the opening heading!

    5. By the end of this FREE 5 day challenge you will

      I'd move this paragraph underneath your bio to finish with impact showing them where they can be after this challenge.

    6. I help talented adults with ADHD (like you) manage their symptoms so they can succeed in all areas of life, including careers, studies, homelife, and relationships.

      Can you slot in here how many people you have coached over the years to give your bio even more impact?

      Something like:

      Since xxxx (the year you started out in coaching), I have supported xxx+ talented adults like you with ADHD manage your symptoms so you can succeed in all areas of life, including your career, studies, homelife and relationships.

    7. A Note From Jacqueline

      I'd change this to Hi, I'm Jacqueline to make it more personal. :)

    8. e said about past Pla

      This one is great and in the perfect spot. :)

    9. Maybe you think that planning leads to failure and disappointment so its something you would rather not do Or that planning a whole year feels daunting. Or maybe you can create a good plan but can never follow through with it and end up feeling bad. Either way, this five-day planning challenge shows you an ADHD Friendly way to plan your year so that you can accomplish more than you thought possible and feel really proud of yourself.

      And I'd tidy this paragraph up slightly so it's easier to read... something like this scannable bullet point list:

      Maybe you think that...

      • Planning only leads to failure and disappointment (so you simply don't bother) OR

      • Mapping out your entire year feels daunting OR

      • You love a good plan but never follow through (and end up feeling terrible about it)

      Either way, this FREE 5-day planning challenge introduces you to an ADHD-friendly way to plan your year so you feel accomplished and get more done than you ever thought possible!

    10. way

      The video is referring to making a plan for 2023, but I'm sure you're onto that. ;-)

    11. This planning challenge is for people with ADHD who want to create a plan for 2024 that they can follow and complete!

      Because this is an explanation of what this challenge is, I'd change it up to make it sound more enticing. Really speaking to the promise of this challenge:

      The FREE 5-day event for people with ADHD like you ready to create an easy-to-follow plan for 2024 that sees you succeed

    12. Register for

      I'd switch register out for 'Join me in' to make it somewhat more inviting and personal.

    1. One concern I had was many Adults with ADHD don’t get past the first few pages of the books they buy. Or they get distracted and don’t know what they just read. Untapped Brilliance was written with this in mind so that readers could access the content easily. I have heard over and over again, ‘Jacqui! This is the first book I have ever read cover to cover’.

      I'd slightly reword this so it's clearer. Something like:

      Adults with ADHD often drop a book after the first few pages because they get easily distracted. Sound familiar?

      I wrote Untapped Brilliance with the ADHD reader in mind so that the content feels accessible and easily digestible.

      The result? Readers tell me "Jacqui, this is the first book I have ever read cover to cover" all the time.

      If you have a screenshot of a message a reader has sent you along those lines, this would be the spot to include it.

    2. To hang out with other readers, make friends, discuss the book, share your wins as you start implementing the steps, and ask me any questions!I'll be hosting a few fun events in there, too.When you get a copy of your book, email me your receipt, and we'll give you the secret link :)

      This is your opportunity to connect with other readers and like-minded people ready to discuss the book, share your wins and ask any questions. I also put on fun events from time to time!

      Simply email a copy of the receipt to [email address] to receive the VIP invite.

    3. Jacqueline Sinfield

      Move up above your story. And turn it into the first person.

    4. Want to get your own copy?

      I'd turn this in to an invite rather than a question.

      Grab your copy now

    5. My other concern was that I couldn’t check in with every reader (like I can with clients) to help them implement actions to see results. I hoped readers would keep Untapped Brilliance by their side as a daily reminder to take action and not tucked away on a bookcase. That concern quickly evaporated when I started getting messages like this! “…this book is never far from my side to refer back to and get me back on track. There are truly so many valuable pieces of information that make a difference in everyday life.”

      I would reword this paragraph so it links in with the new heading:


      This book is designed to support you with daily reminders to take action, and to keep going.

      I might not be able to support you 1:1, but the practical tips and action steps inside Untapped Brilliance will support you every step of the way.

    6. This book is never far from my side

      I'd get rid of this one and replace it with the heading suggestion below.

    7. Would people get the similar results to my in-person clients?

      I would turn this into the section heading in a slightly edited fashion. Something like:

      Will this book get me actual results?

    8. As a first time author, it was hard to release Untapped Brilliance into the world. I was used to interacting with my clients one-on-one; and now, I had to let Untapped Brilliance take over.

      I'm tempted to remove this because it's somewhat irrelevant to the sales page. Up to you :)

    9. Can’t get past the first few pages of a book?

      I'd move this up so it's the heading of this section.

    10. Bonus!

      Possibly elaborate on this one a little...

      Buy the book and get FREE bonus access to

    11. It's available in 3 formats. Paperback Kindle  PDF version

      I would incorporate this into the heading below. Something like:

      Get your own copy now in 3 convenient formats

    12. The Untapped Brilliance Story

      I would slot in your bio from further down on the page in this spot before you dive into the story behind your book. It gives the book and your story context.

    13. In this practical ADHD-friendly book you will discover the eleven steps that help adults with ADHD tame their ADHD symptoms. Rest assured these strategies are simple, practical and straightforward. There are no weird ingredients or complicated methods. That means you can start using them right away. Today in fact!

      I'd make this part of the opening statement section above in a slightly shortened version. Something like:

      This practical ADHD-friendly book explores the 11 steps that help adults with ADHD successfully tame their symptoms.

      This simple, practical and straightforward approach without weird ingredients or complicated methods will see you get started right away.

      I would also add a buy now button in this section for people who already know they want the book that takes them to the actual purchase section further down on the page.

    14. You will learn

      I would turn this into a visually separate section so it stands out. Something like:

      In this book, you'll uncover how to: - Make simple lifestyle changes to minimize the negative aspects of ADHD - Create an environment that encourages you to focus - Identify and begin achieving your life goals

      Untapped Brilliance doesn't just break down the WHAT, it shows you HOW to make these shifts happen.

    15. Ready to Manage your ADHD Symptoms? Did you know there are simple and highly effective strategic ways to minimize your unwanted ADHD symptoms?

      I would make this section the impactful opening statement.

      And I'd shorten it to something like this:

      What if you knew how to manage your ADHD symptoms?

      Learn the simple and highly effective strategies to minimize your unwanted ADHD symptoms today

    16. 2nd Edition

      I wonder whether this section is needed at all. Potential buyers are likely unaware that this is an upgraded version (or that there ever was a first). They are here for the book no matter which version they're getting their hands on, I'd say.

      So I'd remove this to streamline the page.

    1. 6 courses that target specific ADHD challenges that can get in your  way of running an effective and profitable business.

      With this heading? Are all the courses specific to running a business with ADHD or are these applicable to all aspects of life?

      If so, I'd change it to something like: 6 actionable courses to support you with ADHD-specific challenges in all facets of life.

    2. Hey there,

      I'd add a short intro paragraph before your story that touches on their current reality.

      Something that speaks to...

      Living with ADHD can feel like an uphill battle.

      You're constantly faced with [list of tangible daily problems they're facing].

      What if I told you there's a viable alternative and a way of life that makes you feel accomplished and successful... despite your ADHD?

    3. Guided Tour

      I'd turn this into an inclusion too and word it something like this:

      Personal Guided Tour with Jacqueline

      I want you to get the most out of this experience. That's why you get a guided tour from me showing you through all the amazing features as soon as you join.

    4. 8 Week Planning Workshop

      Is it worth making including this 8-week planning workshop in the inclusion section with a short blurb like this:

      Join me every 8 weeks (you guessed it) as I show you how to plan efficiently with ADHD for the next 2-odd months ahead. Then use the tools & resources inside the Club to help you make them happen!

    5. LET'S WRAP IT ALL UP Here's what you get when you join... #block-1586779723550_1 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586779723550_1.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_1.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_1 .block { border: 4px black; border-radius: 4px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { #block-1586779723550_1 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586779723550_1.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_1.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_1 .block { } } @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1586779723550_1 { text-align: center; } } #block-1586779723550_1 .feature__image { width: 50px; border-radius: 4px; } The Roadmap This includes 7 modules (47 short training video lessons and worksheets) with all the essentials you need to manage your ADHD. (formally Essentially Brilliant) #block-1586779723550_2 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586779723550_2.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_2.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_2 .block { border: 4px black; border-radius: 4px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { #block-1586779723550_2 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586779723550_2.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_2.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_2 .block { } } @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1586779723550_2 { text-align: center; } } #block-1586779723550_2 .feature__image { width: 50px; border-radius: 4px; } Course Library   6 courses that target specific ADHD challenges  The Business Brilliance Society, Focus on Demand,  It's a Wrap,  I'm Going to Bed Now For Sure  ,The Email Club, Clear and Calm(value = $1537) #block-1586779723550_3 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586779723550_3.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_3.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_3 .block { border: 4px black; border-radius: 4px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { #block-1586779723550_3 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586779723550_3.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_3.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586779723550_3 .block { } } @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1586779723550_3 { text-align: center; } } #block-1586779723550_3 .feature__image { width: 50px; border-radius: 4px; } The Private Facebook Group This Facebook group is just for enrolled members of The Untapped Brilliance Club.  #block-1586782051296 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586782051296.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586782051296.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586782051296 .block { border: 4px black; border-radius: 4px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { #block-1586782051296 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586782051296.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586782051296.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586782051296 .block { } } @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1586782051296 { text-align: left; } } #block-1586780135095 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586780135095.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586780135095.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586780135095 .block { border: 4px black; border-radius: 4px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { #block-1586780135095 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586780135095.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586780135095.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586780135095 .block { } } @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1586780135095 { text-align: center; } } #block-1586780135095 .feature__image { width: 50px; border-radius: 4px; } 2 x Monthly  Live Coaching Calls Twice a month there  are live group coaching calls with me (Jacqueline).  #block-1586780185330 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586780185330.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586780185330.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586780185330 .block { border: 4px black; border-radius: 4px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { #block-1586780185330 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1586780185330.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586780185330.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1586780185330 .block { } } @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1586780185330 { text-align: center; } } #block-1586780185330 .feature__image { width: 50px; border-radius: 4px; } Unlimited Body Double Sessions You can book unlimited 50 minute or 25 minute body double session (co working sessions) for accountability with other members of the Untapped Brilliance Club #block-1647980172583 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1647980172583.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1647980172583.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1647980172583 .block { border: 4px black; border-radius: 4px; } @media (min-width: 768px) { #block-1647980172583 { margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #block-1647980172583.block-type--blog .block { padding: 0; } #block-1647980172583.block-type--offer .block { padding: 0; } #block-1647980172583 .block { } } @media (max-width: 767px) { #block-1647980172583 { text-align: center; } } #block-1647980172583 .feature__image { width: 50px; border-radius: 4px; } Monthly Themes Every month a theme with coaching and directions to specific course content will help you put your membership

      I would remove this section because you already broke it down further up on the page.

    6. (part 2)

      I'd remove this mention also

    7. Here's what Part 1, The Untapped Brilliance Roadmap looks like...

      I'd simplify this heading and call it 'The Untapped Brilliance Roadmap'

    8. The Road Map in The Untapped Brilliance Club is my complete proven step by step system to create a productive and organized life…one day at a time. It's a step by step system, all the guess work has been removed for you. It includes everything you need to know to have a successful day. It starts in the morning with a morning routine that has items to help your ADHD brain focus and concentrate for the rest of the day. It also covers how to arrive at work and appointments on time, how to feel motivated without a pressing deadline, how to stop procrastinating and what to do so you feel accomplished at the end of every day.

      I would move this section further down on the page where you break down your roadmap and make it somewhat easier to digest. Something like:

      Create a productive and organized life with my step-by-step system that removes the guesswork and provides you with everything you need to have a successful day.

    9. During that time I have heard many stories like George’s.

      Has this section moved since you first added it to your course page? This reference seems out of place here... or is it referring to an amazing testimonial that used to sit right at the top of your sales page?

    10. Play to Win!

      I would move this section further down the page right underneath the sign-up section so it presents people with this month's topic. It distracts from the hero message at the top of the page.

    11. You're getting a lot with this membership, and sometimes making decisions on what to do, when, is the most difficult part of transforming your life! It can be helpful to told 'Here's what to focus on this month,' and you know you are taking positive steps towards managing your ADHD.That's exactly what the theme of the month does. There's a new theme on the 1st of every month, with small actionable steps.

      Same for this one:

      Take targeted, positive steps towards managing your ADHD with exciting monthly themes. Let's explore specific, actionable steps you can take to see BIG results each and every month!

    12. This Facebook group is just for members of The Untapped Brilliance Club.  Whether you are celebrating wins, asking for support around a challenge, staying on track with your habits or simply  want to connect with other smart, funny, kind and motivated people living with ADHD who ‘get’ you. I’ll be there once a day answering your questions so that you feel supported in your journey.

      Same for this one:

      Join our member-only Facebook Group to celebrate your wins, stay on track and connect with other smart, kind and motivated people living with ADHD who get you. You also get daily access to me for ongoing support on your journey!

    13. Many people with ADHD find it easier to focus on a task, or do a task they have been resisting, when they are working with an accountability partner. In The Untapped Brilliance Club,  there’s an amazing feature where you can book 50 or 25 minute  accountability  sessions with another member of the Untapped Brilliance Club.  There’s  no limit on how many of these  sessions you book each week. Which means,  whatever country or time zone you are in, there will be someone else to virtual-work alongside,  so that you are both getting your things done!  Body double sessions help you to beat  procrastination and increase focus, which means when you use this feature you will get more done than ever before.

      Beat procrastination and increase focus with unlimited accountability sessions with another Untapped Brilliance Club member. Virtual-work alongside each other to beat your ADHD and get things done!

    14. Twice a month there  are live group coaching calls with me (Jacqueline).  During  these 1 hour calls, you can get coached on any  ADHD related challenges that you are facing, and get help personalizing the course content to your life.  Bonus workshops happen often, too! You can join live, watch the replays, or (very convenient!) listen to replays on your device with our members-only podcast.

      I'd also shorten this to something like:

      Get personal support from me for your ADHD-related challenges and course-specific questions in our fortnightly live coaching calls. Join live, watch the replays or tune in via your private podcast feed on the run.

    15. When you enroll in The Untapped Brilliance Club you  receive immediate access to the complete online course library (with training lessons, worksheets, and slides).  Each course does a deep-dive into common challenges that people with ADHD face.  These include mastering your inbox, decluttering your home,  running a successful business, and being able to focus. You can binge watch it all, take it one step at a time, or simply refer to the relevant lessons  when you hit a road bump and want the practical tools and techniques to get you unstuck.

      I'd also shorten this. Something like:

      Get immediate access to my complete online course library that explores the most common challenges for people like you living with ADHD and sets you up with practical tools and techniques to get unstuck.

    16. This includes 7 modules (47 short training video lessons and worksheets) with all the essentials you need to manage your ADHD. The exact tools  to give you the biggest results, so that you are in control of your day,  feel organized , productive, AND can accomplish everything you know you are capable of.

      I would shorten this up also. Something like:

      Feel organized, productive AND accomplished with a crystal clear 7-module roadmap to help manage your ADHD and get you BIG results.

    17. You will always have someone who understands you

      I would shorten this list of bullet points to make it easier to read (even skim-read). Something like:

      You will always have someone to... * Talk through a problem * Give you proven ADHD-related advice * Support you with encouragement or a confidence boost * Keep you company through hard or scary tasks * Celebrate wins (big or small) * Care about you (genuinely!)

      Someone to provide a safe space that sees you and others like you build a life you love and thrive without letting your ADHD get in the way.

  3. Sep 2023
    1. October 23-26, 2023

      The must-attend virtual event specifically designed for aspiring and seasoned homesteaders

    2. Here are the amazing speakers you’ll hear from at the Homestead Livestock Summit:

      Can you be more specific when it comes to classifying and introducing your speakers. Are they experts in their field? Are they award-winning, published authors, etc?

    3. First, this summit was created specifically for homesteaders that are ready to raise their own animals for food. This isn't general advice for any farmer or homesteader out there. Every single presentation is specialized for the animals that you’re raising, making it a whole lot more impactful.Secondly, our goal isn't to add more to your plate. All of the topics are hand-picked to be specific and actionable. You won't find general, run-of-the-mill advice here. You'll learn real steps you can take to start raising animals for food on your farm. After the summit, you'll leave with advice that you can use to simplify what you're already doing and work towards your goals.

      Can you turn some of these points of differences into icons that make them easy to take in?

      Specialised advice, Easy to implement. Hand-picked topics. Specific & actionable strategies. Simplify what you're already doing.

    4. I have the unique perspective of doing both.

      Love how you've presented your perspective as unique!

    5. have delicious home-raised meat to put on your dinner table each night instead of bland, flavorless meat with endless additives raise livestock at home so you can stop stressing over the ever-increasing price of meat, milk, and eggsfeel confident making homemade cheese and dairy instead of spending hours and tons of money on homemade cheeses or butter at the local farmer's marketexplore other livestock options, like quail, honeybees, turkey, and even buffalo so that you can make the most out of your farm and even turn a profitunderstand the logistics of raising livestock like the type of fencing, housing, and space your animals will need so you don't spend hours chasing loose pigs around the neighborhood (I've been there)

      can you lead with the obstacles/pain points in this section and move the desires into the next one? It seems more organic to tease everything they're struggling with right now, and then speak to the desired outcomes in the next section.

    6. during this free virtual event!

      and make it a financially & personally rewarding experience

    7. sleep soundly at night knowing that your chickens and poultry are safe

      I find this section somewhat hard to digest. Can you investigate smart formatting that bolds the first section of each idea and treats the rest as a by-line (making it easier to get the main idea)?

    1. Amazing and Easy to Create Holiday Projects!

      Learn from 25+ experts and take your cricut carfting skills to the next level for your best holiday craft seasion yet

    2. October 12th - 14th, 2023


      The 3-day virtual summit for new and experienced cricut crafters

    3. This Summit will bring you easy crafts you can make for your holiday season - including SVGs, Sublimation, Heat Transfer Vinyl, and a lot more!

      I'd add in some of the personable snippets from your Beets Makes website about page. No need to mention what the summit delivers, but instead share a little about your motivation, how you support crafters outside of the summit, and what excites you about cricut.

    4. FAQ

      Before you get into the FAQs, I'd explore everything that makes your summit different to all others in your space, and worth attending. Really go into detail as to what makes it different. Is it the format of the presentations? Is it the presenters? Is it the never-been-done-before projects?

    5. what

      the AMAZING

    6. Meet the Speakers

      I'd move the speaker section underneath your about section and the details section to give the event context first

    7. 24+ projects with 24 experts over 3 days will teach you makes that you can use to create easy and amazing holiday crafts.

      Move this into a separate section about your summit.

      During the Holiday Crafts Summit, you'll explore 24+ projects with ...

    8. The Holiday Crafts Summit Was Created to Help You Enjoy the Holiday Season!

      Replace the current heading with something like: You dream of a way to actually enjoy crafting during the holiday season!

      And then move this statement towards the bottom of this section leading into the details of the summit.

    9. You can have all these things. The best part: I've got something to help.

      This doesn't fit here either following on from the struggles.

      Something like: Imagine a day where cricut crafting felt easy!

    10. What you really want is to... - Have Easy Instructions -- Get Step-by-Step Guidance - - Access Free Downloadables -- Get Ideas for a Variation of Crafts -- Save Time on Your Holiday Makes -

      I'd move this into the next section and focus on the struggles here instead (the ones you explore in the section below).

    11. SVG's, Sublimation and HTV projects

      25+ expert speakers helping you make this holiday crafting season your best one yet.

    1. 5

      I'd insert a separate line about the nature of the event, and who it's for:

      The FREE must-attend online event for nursing educators ready for more creativity and motivation in the classroom

    2. .

      Learn xx+ game-changing active learning techniques from industry experts to boost your nursing student engagement AND motivate you to step up as the education leader in your space

    3. Why the Innovative Nurse Educator Summit? This event values innovation and experimentation. We need to investigate new approaches to how we teach future nurses. Students continue to have difficulty connecting theory to practice and are entering the profession unprepared to make clinical decisions. We can change how we teach, moving away from memorization for a test and toward connecting theoretical knowledge to the patient’s care.The Innovative Nurse Educator Summit offers educators tools to effectively transition students to active participants in learning, using proven teaching strategies that encourage engagement and give you the practical tools to lead an active learning classroom with confidence.

      I would move this section underneath the Meet the Speaker section

      I'd also make it crystal clear what makes your summit different all the other summits they've possibly attended on this topic

    4. After signing up, you will have the option to decide if you would like to earn continuing education credits. There are a total of 9 credits available.

      Can you elaborate on this idea? I assume this is your paid upgrade, but I'd make it a little clearer what the credits include

    5. You can access the summit content from anywhere with internet access.

      How long will they have access for?

    6. This is similar to a flipped classroom model. You will first have time to learn the foundational content at your own pace. Then, through the live session, you will have the opportunity to implement, take action and start building the active learning lesson.

      Can you include here the benefit of having the summit spread out over 2 weeks? They're busy, and it takes time to digest the learnings as part of their busy educator lives

    7. The Details

      Can you reword this slightly to hook people in this section and make them read it?

      What to expect at this Event

    8. As a new educator,

      Love this section, I would just include a reference to your business, and how you support nurse educators outside of this summit

    9. Bring patient care to the classroom.

      The same goes for the other ideas in this section. I'd combine them into one sentence as body copy.

    10. Keep your students active, engaged, and invested in their learning.

      I find the formatting somewhat overwhelming in this section. Can you make this heading a part of the body copy below and combine it into one?

      "Keep your students active, engaged and invested in their learning even during a 3-hour session."

    11. .

      How are they currently trying to make their content stick?

      Can you add a bullet point list here of things they're currently doing?

    1. master the Cricut Design Space Software.

      Can you elaborate on the transformation that comes from mastering the software? What they really want isn't mastering the software, they want the results that come with it.

      Is it creating with ease? Is it creating quickly? Is it bringing their ideas to life without stress and overwhelm?

    2. What makes this event unique is that we will show the full process from start to finish! We are going to show you how to use the software as well as try to finish the project. Our friendly and knowledgeable instructors will show you how to use the Cricut Design Space software, so you can create all sorts of amazing crafts. By the end of the event, you'll feel confident and ready to use the Cricut Design Space all on your own, like a pro. Join us for this special event and let your creativity shine!

      This section really only needs a short and sharp sentence about the nature of the speakers, what makes them experts, and how they will support your summit attendees.

    3. The Cricut Design Space Jumpstart is a special 4-day event made just for Cricut Crafters who want a better understanding of how to use the Cricut Design Space software.

      Move this one into the section above and really hone in on who your ideal summit attendee is. You can use the current struggles and the things they hope for from further up on your page as inspiration.

    4. The Cricut Design Space Jumpstart is a special 4-day event made just for Cricut Crafters who want a better understanding on how to use the Cricut Design Space software.

      I have a feeling there might be other summits about cricut out there. Do they need another generic cricut event talking about basic things?

      You don't need another event touching on the basics of cricut.

      Thankfully, this summit is anything but basic.

      We'll take you through the full process from start to finish using the no.1 cricut software so you can confidently design AND create your next project in no time.

    5. What makes this event unique

      Really hone in on the unique nature of your summit here.

      Is it the only summit that specifically teaches everything about design space? Is it the only event specifically designed for cricut crafters?

      Make this headline really strong and compelling so your summit becomes the must-attend event.

    6. Bio goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation delenit Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam

      Seeing that you don't have your bio yet, I'd touch on why you had the idea for this event, how it's relevant to what you do, and touch on your personal journey (and frustrations) with cricut

    7. We'll help you overcome these challenges and more to ensure a smooth and successful journey in mastering the Cricut Design Space software.

      Can you change this up slightly so it speaks to the transformation. Something like:

      We'll take you from frustrated and overwhelmed to the calm and collected cricut crafter who can bring ideas to life with ease.

    8. You Don't Even Know What Cricut Design Is.

      Is this really a struggle?

    9. Struggling With

      Change this idea up slightly so it's consistent with the format of the other ideas. You're struggling with...

    10. What You'll Gain from This Event: You will get comprehensive tutorials on using the Cricut Design Space software. You'll master the essential tools and features inside of Design Space. You'll learn how to import and manipulate images and fonts. You will get step-by-step guidance for creating stunning Cricut projects. Plus you get to connect with a community of like-minded crafters and some of your favorites too!

      Move this bullet point list further down on the page underneath the 'how would it feel' section because it doesn't sit right in this section.

    11. Discover the endless possibilities of the Cricut Design Space software! Are you a beginner in the world of Cricut Design Space? Are you eager to learn how to use the powerful Cricut Design Space software? Then this amazing (and free) 4-day event was designed to empower and inspire crafters just like you. Reserve your spot now for this FREE event!

      This section needs to speak to some of the misconceptions your summit attendees might be having right now, and how they're currently trying to get around the questions, roadblocks and obstacles holding them back from creating with ease.

      something like:

      Designing and bringing your dream cricut creations to life takes a whole lot more than your creativity.

      I know you're doing your best to navigate your machine, software and the many moving pieces that go with it...

      ...but you're still a long way from being the confident cricut crafter you aspire to be.

      Really hone in on the tangibles obstacles and hurdles in this section.

    12. [SUMMIT GOAL]

      Again, really think about why attendees need to master this system, and what the outcomes will be. Make it tangible!

    13. Cricut Crafters

      Can you be more specific here? Is it for beginners only or aspiring and experienced cricut crafters?

    14. Master Cricut Design Space In This Free Virtual Event!

      Have a think about the 'what's in it for them?'. Why is it beneficial for them to use Cricut Design Space? What are the outcomes? What becomes easier/better/a no-brainer once you know how to use Cricut Design Space?

      Something like:

      Let's demystify Cricut Design Space together so you can finally start crafting with joy, confidence and ease.

    1. I'd change this to read 'at 50% off' to make it crystal clear

    2. Save 96% for the next few minutes!

      I'd move the timer from underneath the video to this spot because it fits nicely with the 96% savings promise

    3. handmade gifts you’ve always wanted to make!

      I would make this more tangible also and add some more variation. Possibly speaking to actually taking their gifts from idea to actual gift!

    4. for your friends and family.

      As per your sign-up page, have a think about what makes the handmade gifts unique that they're going to be completing after this summit (and with the all access pass)

    5. faster

      Have a think about any other adjectives you can add here to give it even more oomph. Easier, smarter, effortlessly, etc?

    6. 00 Days00 Hours16 Minutes

      I wouldn't overdo the timers. Possibly skip this one because you have one just before this video.

  4. Aug 2023
    1. Sessions will be taught by amazing craft experts, and will be available to watch for 24 hours after they go live. You can also chat with the experts right in the thread below their video if you have any questions!

      I would make it very clear that the sessions teach an actual craft project ready for attendees to bring to life. I currently can't tell this from the blurb.

    2. you'll learn how to take your handmade gifts from dull to inspired!

      The Become a Handmade Boss Summit will give you REAL ideas and the matching step-by-step process to help you step away from your Pinterest board and start creating instead.

    3. Join us to learn from 10 crafting experts about making high quality handmade gifts!

      Can you make this more about the learnings within the presentations? From what I can tell, a lot of them unpack actual craft projects. So try to make it super clear that they'll watch 10 expert crafters as they explore practical gifting ideas from start to finish.

    4. Watch the video below to learn how this free event will help you discover endless ideas for gifts your friends and family will love!

      Watch the video below to learn how this free event will set you up with 10 REAL handmade gift ideas (and the expert-taught step-by-step instructions).

    5. A 3-day virtual event for aspiring handmade gift-makers

      A 3-day virtual event for aspiring handmade gift-makers ready to take action!

    6. Take your handmade gifts from DULL to INSPIRED, and discover endless ideas for gifts your friends and family will love!

      Take your gifting game from DULL to INSPIRED, and explore 10 AMAZING handmade gift ideas your friends and family will love!

    7. You're ready to experience new handmade gift ideas.

      You're ready to step up as the expert gifter you were always mean to be.

    8. Here are the projects you can follow along with and learn how to make yourselfat the Become a Handmade Gift Boss Summit!

      I would again highlight that they'll walk away with 10 REAL gift ideas to fast-track their gifting adventures

    9. This isn’t just a summit for crafters, it is a summit serving crafters who want to use their skills to make handmade gifts for their friends and family. It’s for crafters who need a little hand-holding

      I'd make this section more about the takeaways and that they'll walk away with actual gift ideas complete with instructions so they can make them happen right away, and get a head-start on their handmade xmas gifting journey. Where other summits might give you ideas, this summit takes you through a project from start to finish with the expert guidance of experience crafters.

    10. Bonus Opportunity to Win a 1-Year Scholarship to the Handcrafted Gifts Made Simple Membership!

      Love that you're calling this out! Great incentive to sign up.

    11. for your friends and family

      This line keeps popping up in your copy a little too much. Can you think of tangible reasons why summit attendees consider gifting? I'm thinking meaning, impact, purpose. Can you rewrite some of these phrases so they speak to these benefits?

    12. ready to experience the joy of creating for the people you love

      Ready to step up as the expert handmade gifter you were always meant to be

    13. ideas you’ve never tried before

      also make this bold

    14. create better gifts

      I'd make this bold, so it stands out

    15. You dream of finding a way to make handmade gifts thatpeople actually love to get from you.

      You dream of finding the day when your handmade gifts are a smashing success, because you love making them AND everyone loves receiving them!

    16. think making handmade gifts takes too long

      I'd make this more tangible...something like... Can't see how handmade gifts can fit into your already busy life

    17. But…when it comes to actually making handmade gifts, you STILL feel like you need ideas.

      Here, I would make it more about the doubts, lack of skills and strategies... something like... But...when it comes to turning ideas into actual gifts, your inner doubters and your lack of strategies like to get in the way.

    18. And you’re saving them so you can find them later

      And you have the best intentions to bring them to life

    19. You’re collecting the awesome ideas

      You're starting a collection of winning handmade ideas

    20. You’re thinking about making handmade gifts and what you need to do

      Can you make this more about the gift recipients here? When it comes to handmade gifts, the recipient usually determines the ideas. So something like... You're researching gift ideas to wow your favourite people.