42 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2021
    1. My point is that sophisticated adults are generally capable of winking at overly stringent guidelines.

      Construct your straw man, then dismiss the guidelines as overly stringent, all without the benefit of data or expertise.

    2. By European standards, hand-wringing about masks in schools is as silly and absurdly risk-averse as the American medical establishment’s insistence that pregnant women not drink coffee or wine. Indeed, there is something small-minded and puritanical and distinctly American about the whole business of obsessing over whether vaccinated teachers remove their face covering during a long school day.

      Wait a minute, I thought the pro-maskers were the judgmental elitists. I'm so confused.

    3. This, no doubt, is why in my part of America, the only people one ever sees with masks are brooding teenagers seated alone in coffee shops, who seem to have adopted masks to set themselves apart from the reactionary banality of life in flyover country in the same way that I once scribbled anti-Bush slogans on T-shirts.

      Nice "impression". Or you could have simply asked these young people why they decided to wear masks, being the crack journalist you are.

    4. New York or Washington, D.C., or Los Angeles.

      Ah yes. Not "real Americans", because they live in cities.

    5. But outside the world inhabited by the professional and managerial classes in a handful of major metropolitan areas, many, if not most, Americans are leading their lives as if COVID is over, and they have been for a long while.

      The friends and families of 800k Americans would probably disagree.

    6. the people, almost absurdly overrepresented in media and elite institutions, who are still genuinely concerned about this virus.

      Again, who are "these people"? Health professionals? So are we to give their opinions no more weight than anyone else's when it comes to matters of public health? Perhaps by not naming "these people", the author is engaging is a fun game of "create your own bogeyman/straw man".

    7. “These people.”

      Who are "these people"? People concerned about COVID-19? Or people who address those concerns?

    8. COVID is invisible to me except when I am reading the news, in which case it strikes me with all the force of reports about distant coups in Myanmar.

      The author now lays out strong evidence for his nearly complete disengagement from one of the largest public health crises of the past century. But somehow we are supposed to learn something important from this article.

    9. I had never seen anyone wearing a mask outside.

      Or inside, back where you live, at least not for a long time.

    10. For someone who had never worn one in any situation, it was bizarre to find thousands of people indifferently donning these garments outdoors,

      Perhaps they found it convenient to leave them on as they traveled from a place of business to a cab or the subway?

    11. impression

      Impressions are always easier than actually researching and analyzing. But impressions are not generally good for making policy.

    12. BS

      Let's keep a tally. It sounds like COVID testing is "BS". And probably masking too.

    13. I don’t know how to put this in a way that will not make me sound flippant:

      When you ask this sort of rhetorical question, it should serve as a red flag you're about to say something either obvious or stupid. In this case, both.

  2. Aug 2021
  3. Jan 2021
    1. “I’m not going in there, but, yeah, I’m kind of OK with it,” said Lisa Todd, 56, a high school teacher from Raleigh, N.C. She was standing with three friends, all fellow teachers.


  4. Dec 2020
    1. Given the connectivity of the insula [61], the expression of 5-HT1A and 2A receptors may modulate the serotonergic control of the insular cortex output to other brain regions.

      This type of sentence suggests further research experiments.

  5. Nov 2020
    1. willing to die rather than ever admit that they were wrong.

      This is a relatively common human characteristic, not unique to Trump voters.

    2. Nearly half of the voters have seen Trump in all of his splendor

      Have they? Or does this assume a level of engagement with credible news sources that is not found in a large proportion of the electorate?

  6. Jan 2019
  7. Oct 2018
    1. A winning strategy is to go directly to the self-interest of a majority that is being hurt by Republican policies. The two biggest political thrusts of the Party of Trump — a tax cut for the rich that opened a tsunami of debt, and trying to take away health care from millions — are widely unpopular. This election should be no more complicated than that.

      Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!

    2. After attending the Democratic National Convention two years ago, Kellyanne Conway offered this summary of what she heard: “Their message is Donald Trump is bad, and we’re not Donald Trump. The rest of the message was race, gender, L.G.B.T.”

      She had a pretty astute grasp of the message that reached the ears of many undecided voters.

    1. The repair of the PSLF could be a strong issue for any politician who seeks to help. It was a bipartisan, and it is has bipartisan support (outside of the Trump administration) for a fix.

    2. The Trump administration set up Mick Mulvaney to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (who has called for the elimination of the CFPB) with the intention of gutting consumer protections in favor of big business. This article shows how this policy if specifically affecting the educational loan business.

    1. Choice. The Democratic Party stands behind the right of every woman to choose, consistent with Roe v. Wade, and regardless of ability to pay. President Clinton took executive action to make sure that the right to make such decisions is protected for all Americans. Over the last four years, we have taken action to end the gag rule and ensure safety at family planning and women's health clinics. We believe it is a fundamental constitutional liberty that individual Americans -- not government -- can best take responsibility for making the most difficult and intensely personal decisions regarding reproduction. The Democratic Party is a party of inclusion. We respect the individual conscience of each American on this difficult issue, and we welcome all our members to participate at every level of our party. Our goal is to make abortion less necessary and more rare, not more difficult and more dangerous. We support contraceptive research, family planning, comprehensive family life education, and policies that support healthy childbearing. For four years in a row, we have increased support for family planning. The abortion rate is dropping. Now we must continue to support efforts to reduce unintended pregnancies, and we call on all Americans to take personal responsibility to meet this important goal.
  8. Sep 2018
    1. I don’t agree with critics who say that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy—but unregulated, predatory capitalism certainly is.

      Why did it take the threat of Bernie Sanders to the Democratic establishment to finally hear this from the party?

    2. Over many years, our defenses were worn down by a small group of right-wing billionaires—people like the Mercer family and Charles and David Koch—who spent a lot of time and money building an alternative reality where science is denied, lies masquerade as truth, and paranoia flourishes.

      The role of Fox News and social media in this effort should not be overlooked.

    3. Think of our body politic like a human body, with our constitutional checks and balances, democratic norms and institutions, and well-informed citizenry all acting as an immune system protecting us from the disease of authoritarianism.

      Excellent use of metaphor, building on the the symptom vs. cause argument.

  9. Aug 2018
    1. Three originally negative samples retested positive; 2 were highly positive, which indicated a technical error

      Does this suggest that the Ab tests are less prone to false negatives due to operator error?

    2. Oral swab samples for the RAMP and VecTest were collected with 2 sterile, polyester fiber-tipped plastic applicators held together and moved around the oral cavity and proximal esophagus. One swab sample was twirled in 1.0 mL of VecTest buffer solution in a 5-mL plastic tube. The second swab sample was either twirled in 1.0 mL of RAMP buffer solution in a separate 5-mL plastic tube or placed in an empty 5-mL plastic tube, capped, and frozen at –20°C for later testing. RAMP tests were run the same day on fresh material or later on frozen samples. Before being tested, all frozen samples were thawed at room temperature; swabs not previously mixed in solution and swabs from thawed carcasses were then mixed in RAMP buffer solution.

      Quite a bit of variation in how samples were collected.

    3. RNA is more stable than infectious virus in tissues

      Surprising that RNA is not rapidly degraded. Perhaps it is less immunogenic than the virus particle, therefore cleared as quickly.

  10. Jun 2018
  11. Mar 2018
    1. Outnumbered is a word that came up often when I talked with white residents of this eastern Pennsylvania town.

      This is only possible if we view people who look or speak differently as others, not of our tribe.

    1. Only one person had ever crossed the Atlantic in a kayak using solely muscle power, and he traveled island to island, from Newfoundland to Ireland.

      Who was this?

    2. Doba maintains that his need to cross the Atlantic in a kayak did not originate within him. “With my hand on my heart, it wasn’t my idea,” Doba told me when I met him in Poland in January.

      Now this is an annotation.

    1. Large-scale depopulation and facility disinfection were not possible given the need to continue sponsored research and support facility users, so instead we implemented a plan for managing and reducing the impact of the pathogenic mycobacterium.

      It looks like the facility was not shut down for a year, as suggested.

  12. Jan 2018
    1. The migration issue can only be understood in a political framework that balances individual rights and collective interests.

      If this is true, then why does the individual right to emigration supercede any collective interests to prevent it? The author's argument that migration policy should be determined by a balance of individual rights and collective interests seems like it could defend the collective interest of authoritarian states to prevent the emigration of their citizens. How can emigration be a universal right, if the emigrant has no right to immigrate anywhere?

  13. Oct 2017
    1. “When it comes to research culture and academic integrity, it all depends on self-discipline,”

      So, why is this self-discipline apparently less common in Chinese science? Is it solely due to the reduced risks and increased rewards of fraud, as the article implies?

  14. Sep 2017
  15. Aug 2017