5 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2019
golden.com golden.com
A modern editorContributing to a knowledge base shouldn’t require technical expertise or esoteric formatting knowledge. We’ve created a WYSIWYG editor to lower the barrier to entry and encourage more people to participate globally.We have built speedy citation tools into Golden and intend to create more affordances around claim validation. You can simply highlight any claim and add a citation that is evidence to support that claim. All of these citations can then be easily viewed and examined by anyone viewing the article on Golden. We have gone a little step further by allowing ‘high resolution’ citations i.e. being able to highlight the specific part of the claim you want to back up. Over time, we want to have tighter bindings between claims and evidence in order to improve claim verification.
This looks great!
- Jul 2019
mrmrs.cc mrmrs.cc
Color Pickers
- Dec 2018
www.lds.org www.lds.org
The source for much of this page is the following conference talk from October 2009:
History of the Church, 5:340.
Here's that sentence (link):
Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense and doubt; for these cannot exist where knowledge is.
byustudies.byu.edu byustudies.byu.edu
Knowledge does away with darkness, suspense and doubt; for these cannot exist where knowledge is.