- May 2023
thebaffler.com thebaffler.com
a letter from inside the medical industrial complex
- Apr 2023
so NYT is no longer accessible via the bypass paywalls extension?
There’s an authenticity to the details here that is typical of Hansen-Love.
well... actually, you know what? what bothers me about her films is their inauthenticity.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
i really want to like mia hanson-love's films but i just don't. and now i may know why. she is too close to the characters.
An autobiographical film isn't easy – you're in all the characters, so close to them. In a way, you want to deflect this, so originally the lead character in this was the boy, but I discovered while writing it that I don't know boys so well as far as love is concerned, and that actually is the point of the film, the key to it. I wanted this boy to remain unexplained, his behaviour a mystery, so I had to be brave and honest and tell it from the girl's view, and yes, that's me.
well actually, it's not autobiography. and no it's not you.
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
you wrote a bad story don delilo. it is boring. and stupid.
I’m an atheist who knows what religion means; how it comforts and sustains and tells us key stories about ourselves, without the necessity of literal truth. I am as possessed as anyone else by the God desire — a need to feel there is something greater than ourselves, something that will survive us, that gives our lives meaning. Religion may no longer preside over society, but that desire persists, and we find it satisfied now outside religion.
Or do we? I don't know what 'we' means? What I see is people desperately reaching for something, anything, beyond themselves — and more often than not, being or becoming disappointed, disillusioned, frustrated.
- Mar 2023
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
On the Kind of Love Into Which One Falls
Article about Agnes Callard in The New Yorker
In-N-Out introduceerde in 1948 de drive-thru in Californië, met hun eerste vestiging in Baldwin Park, een stad net buiten Los Angeles. Het familiebedrijf dat alleen aan de westkust opereert, bouwde vervolgens in de jaren negentig een cultstatus op, gevoed door een beperkt menu met enkele geheime items en beroemde chefs die er geen genoeg van kregen. Tv-kok Julia Child wist bijvoorbeeld de locatie van elke zaak tussen San Francisco en Santa Barbara uit haar hoofd en haar collega Anthony Bourdain maakte steevast bij aankomst in Los Angeles een stop bij de vestiging naast vliegveld LAX. Inmiddels is geen fotoserie van de Oscar-avond compleet zonder een foto van een ster met hun tanden in een In-N-Out burger.
geheime items?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
so you're a journo and you get to work one day and your editor says, write a 2000 word article about men who sit down to pee. and you go... what???! but how?
‘Die vegetarische worst deugt moreel, maar smaakt vies.’
Dit is echt complete bullshit. Man rot toch op met je worst.
www.trouw.nl www.trouw.nl
‘Die vegetarische worst deugt moreel, maar smaakt vies.’
Dit is echt complete bullshit. Flikker toch op met je worst.
justinehsmith.substack.com justinehsmith.substack.com
If you were like me in childhood, and shared the habit of practically memorizing the contents of each year’s Guiness Book of World Records, you will probably recall that the prize for the world’s “largest money” has long been in the hands of the Yap Islanders of Micronesia. These are the iconic round stones with a hollow center, known in Yapese as rai, which have been quarried and sculpted by the islanders for at least the past several centuries, and perhaps for millennia. I’ve known about these rai stones forever, but what I only learned recently is that on at least one occasion a stone was being transported in an outrigger canoe from one island to another, when the vessel hit a sudden storm and the giant coin was lost to the ocean’s secret bottom. By some sharp and impromptu casuistry, the boatsmen found a practical solution to this sudden shortfall in specie, which seems to have satisfied both those who lost it, and those to whom they had intended to pay it. The men reasoned that while there is no conceivable way to retrieve the stone from the ocean, or even to see it again, one may nonetheless be certain that it is still down there, and that it retains whatever value it had before it sank. Therefore, it can continue to be traded indefinitely between willing parties, just like any other rai stone. It doesn’t really matter if the stone is still in our direct possession or not.
jistin e.h.smith substack has gone behind a paywall but if you smile nicely and say please, hel'll give you a free sub.
- Jan 2023
la folie du doute or “the madness of doubt”. )
OCD in French
- Dec 2022
www.thetimes.co.uk www.thetimes.co.uk
there will surely come a time when spending 9 billion pounds on refashioning an old powerstation into a place for parting rich people from their money will be regarded as a preposterous historical anomaly.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
According to investigators the group had even called on the services of clairvoyants to check the veracity of their plan, as well as the trustworthiness of the members.
Well you can't be too careful these days.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
if this article is a piece of beauty and wonder, it is so profoundly and exquisitely mysterious that it is completely invisble.
“When I opened up to shamanism, I was an accountant in charge of 10 people,” McCrimmon said. “Shamanism helped me to see the business I was running as an entity into which I could bring an intention of peace.
i want an accountant who can make the numbers add up but each to their own.
I don’t know if the lorries bouncing over the speed bumps outside my window distracted my spirit guides but they prove laggardly and my soul refuses to journey.
this is priceless. i frequently have this problem with my bowels when they prove laggardly in the morning.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Noppert “lacked sharpness and hunger,” he said.
not any more!
- Nov 2022
www.trouw.nl www.trouw.nl
super interesting interview in dutch with merlin sheldrake about funghi from trouw.
www.thetimes.co.uk www.thetimes.co.uk
hypothesis can bypass some paywalls but the times? that is the mother of all paywalls.
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
In the 1990 book “The World in Miniature,” the Sinologist Rolf Stein notes that a range of early Taoist practices focussed on the magical power of tiny things. Taoist hermits, and also Buddhist monks, created miniature gardens as objects of contemplation, full of dwarfed plants, rock-size “mountains,” and “lakes” the depth of teacups. These spaces provided a form of virtual travel, not unlike how books function for us today.
no. i don't think their function was 'to provide a form of virtual travel' but a playful way of referring to the illusory nature of reality.
lifehacker.com lifehacker.com
Cognitive behavioral therapy can provide people with skills to deal with the depression without medication.
what's 'dealing with depression'?! you don't 'deal with depression'. it goes away — or it doesn't. what this actually means i think is being depressed but somehow finding it within yourself to do the things that society/the world/your employer requires from you.
www.volkskrant.nl www.volkskrant.nl
some terrific sounding documentaries there
www.nrc.nl www.nrc.nl
this is a good and important article but it's in dutch so. but the real reason for posting this is that i seem to have stumbled on something useful about hypothesis. can you guess what it is? sssssh!
Just Stop Wasting Food
- Oct 2022
app.simplenote.com app.simplenote.com
hypothesis is software for annotating webpages
everythingness.s3.amazonaws.com everythingness.s3.amazonaws.com
Oh wow!! Sartre preferred croissants to sex? Me too!
We all know where meat comes from but this manages to actually taste dead, as if it had been entombed for too long in the recesses of one of the dank fridges that feature so frequently in the great man’s TV oeuvre.
On Gordon Ramsey's Street Burger chain.
archive.is archive.is
This is a lovely sprawling piece from the New Yorker on metabolism. This word might make you yawn because you remember those tedious biology lessons at school but this is written like a detective story.
Lane writes that the “proton motive force” of those little turbines is one of the few mechanisms present in all life forms. In you and me and everything that lives, high-energy electrons are stripped slowly of their verve. Metabolism achieves something miraculous: through painstaking atomic transformations, it extracts from practically any organic chemical a universal unit of energy, deployable in every corner of every cell, and it does this while wasting nothing. Life’s use of a standardized part like ATP is almost Taylorist; the efficiencies are unfathomable. A body ingests charged particles and sends them through tiny windmills; a brain crackling with a hundred trillion electric connections can be powered for a whole day by a sandwich.
oxytocin, which reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
oxytocin reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
ha ha this is all about money!
www.volkskrant.nl www.volkskrant.nl
Ik zeg niet dat ik gelijk heb, want wie ben ik, maar ik geef de voorkeur aan mijn benadering.
i love this!
in english it would be something like, *I am not saying I am right, because who am I, but I give priority to my approach. *
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
they dont make them like that anymore department ... RIP Peter Schjeldahl