22,985 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2024
    1. pursue deliberate simplicity

      One of our core values is - to pursue deliberate simplicity

      — so we’ve tried to distill our terms and conditions into their simplest, most accessible form here.

    2. content sharing platform

      Linktree is a - content sharing platform that

      enables creators to - connect their audiences - with their most recent and relevant - content.

    1. duty, to replace the old networks

      duty to replace

      the old networks -

    2. a callous, secretive, controlling, and exploitative animus
      • a callous,
      • secretive,
      • controlling, and
      • exploitative

      animus guides - the centralized networks of the Internet and - the corporations behind them

    3. the proprietary, centralized architecture of the Internet at present

      Since the 0 proprietary, centralized architecture of the Internet at present

      has induced most of us to - abandon these rights, however reluctantly or cynically,

      we ought to demand - a new system that

      respects them properly.

    4. Self-Sovereign Identity vs. UNDP’s Digital Public Infrastructure


    5. Authored by Larry Sanger, Co-founder of Wikipedia

      Larry Sanger

    6. The Declaration Of Digital Independence
    1. digital public infrastructure (DPI) across the globe. This strategic move, strongly supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, aims to see 50 countries develop and scale at least one DPI component by 2028.
    1. Self-Sovereign Identity Crisis 2021-11-23 Lionsgate

      Through deceptive marketing practices the first-movers in the Digital ID market have done-away with the sovereignty. As a result a burgeoning new industry is experiencing a Self-Sovereign Identity Crisis.

    2. done-away with the sovereignty.

      done-away with the sovereignty.

    3. Self Sovereign Identity (SSI)


    1. ⊚ Circled Ring Operator (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

      utf8.for - chrome browser

    1. Tanabata Tree


      emoji.for - wish

      Goes Great With

      🌲 🌳 🎍 🎎 🎐 👹 👺 🏷️ 🤞 🔰 🏣 🔖 🏯 🗾 🇯🇵 🌴 🌾 🌿 🍀 🍁 🍂 🍃 🦥 🪴

      A Tanabata tree, a type of wish tree on which people hang wishes written on paper and other decorations during Tanabata, a Japanese festival celebrating two heavenly lovers. Depicted as one or two stalks of green bamboo, on which hangs one or more slips of paper, generally red.

      Often used to represent various plants or as a green accent color.

    1. Get IFrame's document, from JavaScript in main document

      ``` javascript function GetDoc(x) { return x.document || x.contentDocument || x.contentWindow.document; }


    1. without there being any 00:53:19 message apparatus in the in the underlying engine this allowed you to write programs that were essentially message oriented

      virtual live interpersonal ascync communication PlexMarked HyperPlex Documents

      where textual content is self-descrined and organized and presented for better - comprehension - re-use/purpose/mix ing and collaboration

      Human Actor Asycn/Real Mess networked named channels communication Model integral design integration of concerns

      🐋💡big.idea - 🌱.🧑‍🤝‍🧑🤖.🙩🌱 hu-ma-n/chine.symbiosys

    2. from

      for-indy.nexus - 🐋💡big.idea - 🌱.🧑‍🤝‍🧑🤖.🙩🌱filogeny hu-ma-n/chine.symbiosys

    3. a production version in assembly code

      production version in assembly

    4. the 00:42:14 procedure got not just an argument but the entire input stream whatever else there was in the program

      entire input stream

    5. t sort of was parsing while it the program was parsing while it ran

      parsing as it run

    6. it was fairly Lisp like

      lisp like

    7. had a lot of fun with there's a system called meta

      was it

      META IV

    8. Oral History of Dan Ingalls


    1. I've worked for ten years on the Lively Kernel project [1,2,3], originally created by Dan Ingalls at Sun Microsystems.

      I've worked for ten years on the Lively Kernel project [1,2,3] ...


    2. Dan Ingalls. Dan, why don't you explain to us what you've been doing for the last 40 years? It's a long story, but if we go back to the ...(function(){var eid='z9PoV';var a=google.c.mcar;var b=a?0:Date.now(),c=document.getElementById(eid);google.c.mfrvt(b,c);google.c.ub();c&&!a&&google.c.maft(b,c);})();


    1. Lively Kernel. * Note: Transcripts represent what was said in the interview. However, to enhance meaning or add clarification, interviewees

      Oral History of Dan Ingalls to

    2. Jun 22, 2010 — ... Dan Ingalls. Dan, why don't you explain to us what you've been doing for the last 40 years? It's a long story, but if we go back to the ...


      We're here at QCon London 2010 and I'm sitting here with Dan Ingalls. Dan, why don't you explain to us what you've been doing for the last 40 years?

    1. from

      We're here at QCon London 2010 and I'm sitting here with Dan Ingalls. Dan, why don't you explain to us what you've been doing for the last 40 years?

    1. joining the two loose ends of a common overhand knot, resulting in a knotted loop.

    1. A trefoil (from Latin trifolium 'three-leaved plant') is a graphic form composed of the outline of three overlapping rings, used in architecture, Pagan and Christian symbolism, among other areas.

    1. Clown Face


      emoji.for - the.Pun

      A circus or birthday clown displayed with white face makeup, a red nose, exaggerated eyes and smile, and two tufts of hair (red or blue). Commonly used as comment on TikTok or other social media platforms to indicate that a person is foolish, idiotic and/or selfish.

      May instead describe something that is creepy or scary. Sometimes used as an unflattering alias for Donald Trump.

    1. "It's magical thinking to believe that only the good guys can have privacy. Encryption protects everyone or it is broken for everyone."

      encryption protects everyone or broken for everyone

    2. The battle over end-to-end encryption: Legislation threatens user privacy

    1. Cuneiform unicode subset

      1 𒀀 𒀁 𒀂 𒀃 𒀄 𒀅 𒀆 𒀇 𒀈 𒀉 𒀊 𒀋 𒀌 𒀍 𒀎 𒀏 𒀐 𒀑 𒀒 𒀓 𒀔 𒀕 𒀖 𒀗 𒀘 𒀙 𒀚 𒀛 𒀜 𒀝 𒀞 𒀟 𒀠 𒀡 𒀢 𒀣 𒀤 𒀥 𒀦 𒀧 𒀨 𒀩 𒀪 𒀫 𒀬 𒀭 𒀮 𒀯 𒀰 𒀱 𒀲 𒀳 𒀴 𒀵 𒀶 𒀷 𒀸 𒀹 𒀺 𒀻 𒀼 𒀽 𒀾 𒀿 𒁀 𒁁 𒁂 𒁃 𒁄 𒁅 𒁆 𒁇 𒁈 𒁉 𒁊 𒁋 𒁌 𒁍 𒁎 𒁏 𒁐 𒁑 𒁒 𒁓 𒁔 𒁕 𒁖 𒁗 𒁘 𒁙 𒁚 𒁛 𒁜 𒁝 𒁞 𒁟 𒁠 𒁡 𒁢 𒁣

    1. Fish Cake with Swirl

      emoji.for - design - explore ࿚🍥🖺 pilot

    1. Detective


      An undercover investigator, wearing a hat, and sometimes using a magnifying glass to closely inspect evidence. This emoji did not originally recommend emoji modifiers, but a proposal was created to address this.

    1. Memo


      for - pad - crypt.pad indy.pad 🗫🖧.📝

      A white piece of paper with text written on it by a yellow pencil, positioned over the sheet, tip down, at a 45° angle. Commonly used for content concerning various types of documents and writing, including signing (in sports).

    1. Triangular Ruler


      emoji.for - experiment 👀❔exp.with - htmx design spec 📐🍥

      A triangle or set square, as used by engineers or architects to draw straight lines at angles. Variously depicted as a metal, wood, or plastic right triangle with length markings, its hypotenuse to the right.

    1. "One of your code blocks includes unescaped HTML" (XSS attack vector)

      for highlighterjs

  2. iroh.computer iroh.computer
    1. Go beyond the cloud with confidence

      Meet iroh, - a direct-connection revolution in app development

      • with unparalleled simplicity and speed.

      • Open source and universally compatible,

      it's the quickest route from concept to connected devices.

    2. Seamless cloud backing

      Seamless cloud backing

      Connect to a global network of iroh nodes - that keep your data available at all times

    3. Sync between services

      Sync between services

      write integrations into services

      See Integration Examples

    4. Move data for free

      Move data for free

      Direct connections don't come with a bill.

      With iroh it's possible to build & use - zero-cost tooling.

    5. Scale without limits

      Scale without limits

      Iroh handles - data of any magnitude,

      ensuring peak performance - even when individual device capacities are exceeded.

    6. Live collaborate on anything

      Live collaborate on anything

      Effortlessly invite users to - a dynamic shared environment.

      iroh offers - intuitive syncing across devices, - with seamless hooks for - instant read & write operations,

      simplifying the developer experience.

    7. No central server required

      No central server required

      Iroh establishes - direct connections between devices for you, - traversing across network address translation (NATs) - with best-in-class connection rates.

    8. from

      Iroh Blog Docs YouTube 1.5k Go beyond the cloud with confidence

      Meet iroh, a direct-connection revolution in app development with unparalleled simplicity and speed. Open source and universally compatible, it's the quickest route from concept to connected devices. START YOUR PROJECT DOCUMENTATION

      Live collaborate on anything

    9. Your own shared, programmable drive

      own shared programmable drive

      • Expose data as a shared folder on your computer or phone - free-to-use direct connections.
      • Write code that reacts to changes &
      • write back to the drive on the fly.

      <svg id="CBV0qmUHi5M2qPVk" viewBox="0 0 500.0 500.0" style="width:100%;height:100%;opacity:1.0;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:0%;left:0%;background:url('data:image/png;base64,');"><g id="IwhZZKaZfgNnAyFh" style="transform:scale(1, 1);"><foreignObject id="lMIxTNzEYRFR1dZ4" style="width:500px;height:500px;"><div id="Y3Z0rnwyEp9B1F5V" style="clip-path:path('M250,2.50999999 C113.32000732,2.50999999 2.50999451,113.31999969 2.50999451,250 C2.50999451,386.68002319 113.31999207,497.49002075 250,497.49002075 C386.68002319,497.49002075 497.49002075,386.68002319 497.49002075,250 C497.49002075,113.31999969 386.68002319,2.50999999 250,2.50999999 Z M250,372.70001221 C182.23001099,372.70001221 127.30000305,317.76000977 127.30000305,250 C127.30000305,182.24000549 182.23001099,127.30001068 250,127.30001068 C317.76998901,127.30001068 372.70001221,182.23001099 372.70001221,250 C372.70001221,317.76998901 317.76998901,372.70001221 250,372.70001221 Z');"><div id="rfYyy7IVJWYZvoKI" style="transform: scale(1, 1); transform-origin: 250px 250px; animation: auto ease 0s 1 normal none running none;"></div></div></foreignObject></g></svg>

    2. to gather in nature, to share, celebrate, learn, dialogue and to connect for action.

      gather connect action

    1. to the companies, communities, villages and DAOs of the regenerative ecosystento connect for action

    1. ​Book a chat with us: https://calendly.com/audreyfillon


    2. ​More info at: https://gatheringoftribes.earth/

    3. Questioning Regeneration series - Regenerative Relations & Communities

    4. ‘Regenerative’ meta-ecosystem


    5. mantra ‘Connect for Action’


    1. Sync anywhere iroh.computer Topics rust sync


      for - go beyond the cloud


    2. Iroh is a protocol for syncing & moving bytes.

      Iroh is a protocol for syncing & moving bytes. Bytes of any size, on any device. At its core, it's a peer-2-peer network built on a magic socket that establishes QUIC connections between peers. Peers request and provide blobs of opaque bytes that are incrementally verified by their BLAKE3 hash during transfer.

    3. from https://twitter.com/n0computer/status/1716538209100874063

      indy://snarf-tweet - @n0computer v0.7.0 release

    1. Free, for files & folders of any size

      Free, for files & folders of any size

      sendme works by - connecting sender and receiver directly, - so there's no need to upload to a server, - which means no cost!

    2. File transferdoesn't need to be complicated

      for - no account needed

      File transfer doesn't need to be complicated -

      It's like scp - without needing to know the IP address.

      Add some files to sendme, and - it will give you a pastable ticket that - you can give to anyone who needs your files.

      Sendme will - connect your devices directly & - transfer the data

      without ** - any accounts** or - configuration.

    3. New to send files? TrySendmeFree. No account required.

      Free. No account required


    1. the pipe is no longer dumb

      no longer dump pipe

    2. pubsub? Data transfer? Sync? All of these are opt-in addons

      opt-in addons

    3. use a meshed network of relay nodes to pack up UDP traffic & send it over HTTP

      mesh network of relay nodes

    4. QUIC & Dumb

      QUIC & Dumb These dumb pipes use QUIC over a magic socket. It may be dumb, but it still has all the features of a full QUIC connection: UDP-based, stream-multiplexing and encrypted. Besides using the multiplexed streams you can also use multiple connections each with their own ALPN.

    5. dumb pipe

      dumb pipe

      Easy, direct connections that punch through NATs & stay connected as network conditions change.

    6. on-the-fly node identifiers

      node identifiers on the fly

    1. nobody, really seemed to care enough to spare any serious cash for @SearchIpfs,

      I was loud and clear about it about a year ago, but nobody, really seemed to care enough to spare any serious cash for @SearchIpfs , so we shut down the only FOSS search engine with it's index being proper Open Data

    1. A Revolution in Thought? - Dr Iain McGilchrist



    2. 2xIf playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.Pull up for precise seekingNext (SHIFT+n)Pause (k)1:20:21•Up nextLiveUpcomingCancelPlay nowYou're signed outVideos that you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer.CancelConfirmDarwin College Lecture SeriesSubscribeSubscribedIn the second term of each academic year, since 1986, Darwin College has organised a series of eight public lectures, built around a single theme, with a multi-disciplinary approach. Each lecture is prepared for a general audience by a leading authority on his or her subject. The lecture series is then published as a book by Cambridge University Press.Are Revolutions justified? - Professor Lea Ypi, London School of Economics1:03:20ShareInclude playlistAn error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later.0:010:13 / 1:04:11•Watch full videoLive••Scroll for details Description A Revolution in Thought? - Dr Iain McGilchrist 1K Likes 13 Feb 2024 A Revolution in Thought? How hemisphere theory helps us understand the metacrisis It is often remarked that though it may seem that we face numerous global crises of different kinds – environmental, social, political, cultural, economic, psychological, and so on – these crises are interrelated. The term ‘metacrisis’ has been invented to describe this predicament. However these crises are not merely adventitiously interrelated because each has an impact on and reinforces each of the others – though that may be true – but because they share roots at a deeper level in a way of thinking about ourselves and the world. What are these roots? Hemisphere theory, deeply grounded as it is in Darwinism and subsequent neuroscientific research, shows us that a new, far more complex, and more nuanced, appraisal of the bipartite brain – the product of the last 30 years of research – brings new insights into the human condition. There are vitally important clues to the understanding of human cognition and motivation embodied in the structure of the brain. These clues help explain why certain apparently unrelated phenomena tend to occur together, why outcomes that appear paradoxical are in reality predictable, and why many attempts to remedy them will prove inadequate since they are tackling only the manifestations of a problem that we need to address at its root – both in the psyche of the individual and that of a civilisation viewed as a whole. ‘Know thyself’ commanded the Delphian oracle: we need urgently to learn to do so, and this synergy of philosophy and neuroscience appears to offer the most promising way. Dr Iain McGilchrist is a Quondam Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, an Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford, a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and former Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director at the Bethlem Royal & Maudsley Hospital, London. He has been a Research Fellow in neuroimaging at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore and a Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Stellenbosch. He has published original articles and research papers in a wide range of publications on topics in literature, philosophy, medicine and psychiatry. He is the author of a number of books, but is best-known for The Master and his Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (Yale 2009); and his book on neuroscience, epistemology and ontology, The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions and the Unmaking of the World (Perspectiva 2021). Show less Show more Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Darwin College Lecture Series 23.7K subscribers Videos About Comments 216 Top comments Newest first Transcript NaN / NaN A Revolution in Thought? - Dr Iain McGilchrist

    1. A Revolution in Thought - Dr Iain McGilchrist


    1. I got to say not bad

      worse than bad

    2. rain neuromorphic


    3. OpenAI's "AGI Pieces" SHOCK the Entire Industry! AGI in 7 Months! | GPT, AI Agents, Sora & SearchOpenAI's "AGI Pieces" SHOCK the Entire Industry! AGI in 7 Months! |

    1. wallowing in willful ignorance

      alternatively, seeking alternatives to the towering complexity of web development.

      A clean model of how things work

      light weight components readily composed

    2. All this building markup in the scripting and slopping stuff in via innerHTML is just BEGGING for XSS exploits.

      That's right

    3. Reeks of the “functional programming” wankery



      tables mad sense

    5. i of web development: ignorance, incompetence, and ineptitude.

      3 i's indeed

    6. Good rule of thumb, if you have to say role=”” it is entirely likely you’re using the wrong tags / elements!

      You need role when there is not a built in tag for the behaviour you would like to have

    7. Again this is 2023, not 2008.


    8. using the wrong markup…

      That's easily done.

    9. made up attributes for scripting only behaviors

      That is the point. No need for scripting to get rich scripting only behaviour onto the page.

      That is the value proposition of htmx!

      You've got it. don't like it. Others do.

    10. scripting enabled screen media users

      Most of the time on line I rely on script enabled screen media. Now if we can do that with fraction of the complexity than that is to the good.

      Can even be better, but it is the right dirfection from my point of view

    11. So that you can hotlink easily to each of your pages.

      If every state transition is reproducable you an have everything dynamic yet any stage recreatable

    12. For good reason. I mean FFS last I knew “CREATE” is supposed to create a new file overwriting the current HTML. “DELETE” is for deleting the current HTML, not just a “record”.

      you need these operations all the time why limnit it to the original server bound operations.

    13. Possibly because CREATE, DELETE, PUT, and so forth are really pointless for anything that isn’t server-to-server communication

      If you look at the sources for the examples you see a fake server, so all that capability and rich procedural semantics is available on the pure client side and as you need you can swap it out and have your server if you need it,

    14. have zero business in the HTML?

      in static HTML yes

      but how about a sequence of "static" HTML presentations that are in a flow. If one can make that replayable then we have the best of all worlds

    15. “screen and screw everyone else”

      screw ourselves all the time for the benefit of accessibility.

      I think it is perfectly possible, to have satisfy both needs

      remeber. that after every dynamic transition the result on the page is just html perfect for screen readers and that HTML can be so constructed with much less complexity.

    16. for accessibility reasons swapping in/out content is rubbish for users on things like screen readers

      That may well be true but is just what you are getting with web apps!

    17. made up attributes

      jolly well if those attributes capture most of what we need? most of the time

    18. screw the separation of concerns

      indeed. What we need is an integration of concerns for empowering humans not for benefits the shovel makers

    19. That lack of understanding

      That lack of understanding is - why they build alternatives.

      It is not so much lack of understanding but understanding that the web technology is developing in a direction that empowers beigtech and disemopwers people

    20. propaganda driven bunko being peddled


    21. “i can do better” before they even know what “better” is

      the trouble with the browser is that it is a broken wheell

      it is not even clear what it is (or really wanted to be)

      If you look at MDN it is clear that it is a pile of features never even attempting to link them or explain why are they how they are or god forbid give a coherent mental model to the learner


    22. HTMX, The “Framework Stupid” Gets Dialed Up To Eleven!

    1. One of the core features of htmx is the ability to send Ajax requests directly from HTML. With htmx, you can specify a URL and issue various types of HTTP ...
    1. Create IFTTT Recipes

      that can automatically save your bookmarked/recommended stories from Medium (social media) to Pocket (app).

    2. How do I save articles from Medium for my offline usage?
    1. Jul 16, 2016 — Simply locate the article you want to save and look for a "Save for offline" or "Download" option within the app. Use a web browser extension: ...
    2. google.search - medium how can 1 download reading history

    1. Docker Tips - Run Windows Impostor in a Container (2024)

      docker ubunto windows

    2. Portable FreeBSD - NomadBSD


    1. NomadBSD is a persistent live system for USB flash drives, based on FreeBSD®
    1. Docker Tips - Full Ubuntu GUI in a Container Displayed on Windows (XServer)

    1. YouTube · The IT-Unicorn3 minutes, 53 secondsOct 1, 2023

      persistent linux mint

    2. google.search: linux persistent live usb pendrive gnome

    1. Cyber Emojis


      We've searched our database for all the emojis that are somehow related to Cyber. Here they are! There are more than 20 of them, but the most relevant ones appear first.

    1. We've searched our database for all the emojis that are somehow related to Cyber. Here they are! There are more than 20 of them, but the most relevant ones ...(function(){var eid='z9PoV';var a=google.c.mcar;var b=a?0:Date.now(),c=document.getElementById(eid);google.c.mfrvt(b,c);google.c.ub();c&&!a&&google.c.maft(b,c);})();
    2. Aug 15, 2022 — Cybersecurity researchers said they have developed a way to exploit targets just using emojis. ... An example of an exploit written only in emoji.
    3. Jul 13, 2023 — By leveraging familiar emojis in messages or on social media, cybercriminals can create a sense of trust and familiarity, convincing users to ..
    4. This String of Emojis Is Actually Malware


    1. Format of HTML bookmarks file | Firefox Support Forum

      to What an abomination

    1. Web page about recording research path, pre-computer age?


    2. "How did you find my site?" and Vannevar Bush's memex
    3. google.search: "how did you find my site"

    1. Web page about recording research path, pre-computer age?
    2. The image of the bookwheel


    3. You may be thinking of the BoingBoing post, Bookwheel: the multiple-tabbed browser of the XVIth Century.


    1. Abolish Silicon Valley: memoir of a driven startup founder who became an anti-capitalist activist


    2. Send Pics: ripping, brutal, amazing novel about teens, sextortion, revenge and justice
    1. “How did you find my site?” and Vannevar Bush’s memex

      from: https://hyp.is/N2baRMw2Ee6nnFur3D7w5w/www.google.com/search?q=%22how+did+you+find+my+site%22&oq=%22how+did+you+find+my+site%22&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEINzI4OGowajGoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

      I remember this article well from over 12 years ago Those were the days of twin.gl and WebTrails chrome extension that noth provided the means to always have a ready answer to that question

      Using hyptoehsis it is so easy

      look at the beginning of the annotation you see a line saying

      from: ...


    1. ES6 Modules and How to Use Import and Export in ...


    2. google.search: es6 export from module

    1. Wrapped Gift


      emoji.for - present - gift - demo

    1. Shooting Star Emoji 🌠


      The symbol “Shooting Star” is included in the “Moon, sun, and star symbols” subblock of the “Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs

      Related Characters

      Water Wave 1F30A

      New Moon Symbol 1F311

      Closed Umbrella 1F302

      Waxing Crescent Moon Symbol 1F312

      Cyclone 1F300

      Rainbow 1F308

      Milky Way 1F30C

      First Quarter Moon Symbol 1F313

      Cloud with Rain 1F327

      Glowing Star 1F31F

      Fog 1F32B

      Crescent Moon 1F319

      New Moon with Face 1F31A

      Full Moon with Face 1F31D

      Cloud with Snow 1F328

      Waxing Gibbous Moon Symbol 1F314