23,160 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. you don't 00:03:40 have control over it since other people will upload your name and phone number without your knowledge

      You do not have control over identifying information

      Your Pseudonym should work under your control and anything related to that


    2. I used web app creator to make a clickable link for it on Ubuntu touch

      web app creatorgive it a clickable link on unubntu touch

    3. get it visible on far sites

      visible on "far sites"

    4. only the front end is open source on telegram

      frontend only

    5. database because of this encryption the database is not searchable by content

      database is not searcheable by content

      if data is stored on the users' device

      searches has to be run their under owner control

    6. with forward secrecy

      "forward secrecy"


    7. pseudo anonymity you assign yourself an identity and there's no way to verify your actual identity

      pseudo anonymity


      self-assigned identity

    8. quantum computers and how they can be used to break asymmetric 00:05:43 encryption which is the basis of private public keys

      quantum break assymetric PPK

    9. nice to see you in telegram


    10. symmetric encryption


    11. metadata is captured across platforms

      matadata captured

    12. match associations not only inside whatsapp but throughout all of Facebook properties

      facebook properties

    13. simply knowing who you're talking to in 00:03:52 a time pattern of communication is sufficient metadata to guess connection and even what you're talking about this alone is a breach of privacy

      time pattern of communication

      sufficient for identification

      that is the source of p2p trust

    14. a contact list reveals so much information about you and your circle

      contact list information circle

    15. Brax me is truly focused on pseudo anonymity in social media

      pseudo anonymity in social media

      Pseudonumity for SaaS

    16. an immediate relationship map

      reveals so much about you and your circle

    17. the promotion of contact lists which was used initially to make apps viral

      contact lists viral

    18. those two items alone break my privacy in a big way

      break privacy

    19. doesn't allow uploading of contact lists

      no upload of contact list =

    20. huge differences one is starting with sign up

      Brac me is - focused on psudo anonymity - in social media

    21. doesn't require a phone number as your login

      no phone number for login

      or email or anything else

    22. going open-source stops me from generating an income from licensing

      stop generating income

    23. safe social media and messaging

      safe social media and messaging

    24. he people on it are focused on privacy

      people around it

      focused on privacy

    25. a community service 00:01:21 and not as a money

      community service

      not money maker

    26. the app has just been promoted by word-of-mouth and my social media
      • word of mouth
      • social media presence
    27. focus on privacy and not just encryption

      privacy not just encryption

    28. intended to be just a simple thing for doing encrypted 00:00:54 messaging

      encrypted messaging

    29. privacy focus social media app
      • similar to What's App and Telegram
      • 6 years programming
      • called Brax Me
    1. international team of artists creators and engineers

      who are we

    2. mononomous Mauve cross platform lowers the barier of entry

      Servers Bad - build uo networks 0 barrier of entry 0 requires expertise - have your own machine - what kind of webserver to host - everything hinges around server - have to go to the server - no internet connection - all that data is lost - holdeing bad from - personal hosting - not trully minde - google product will die 0 change 0 goes out of business - anything I did is gone - too hard to setup

      web without the server

      P3P Good

    3. IPFS Community Meetup - November 17 2020
    1. intro video

      intro video

    2. 🌠🌓 InterPlanetary File System 🌗🌠) is a

      🌠🌓 InterPlanetary File System 🌗🌠) is a - distributed system

      for storing and accessing - files, - sites, - apps and - data!

    3. In short, it simplifies the web development process. As long as you have a basic knowledge of web dev (JS, HTML etc.) you can make apps that are shareable right away!

      create apps that are shareable right away

    1. The process of making trails was called “trailblazing”, and was based on a mechanical provision “whereby any item may be caused at will to select ...

    1. Brax.Me App FAQ #techsupport This FAQ is for the Brax.Me App itself. If you want to know how to do something on Brax.Me, this is the place for that. Open Membership


    1. http://indy.memplex.net.ipns.localhost:48084/annote.htm?p=ipfs://bafybeidvswhu57sqbhwn7bvmmbxre6nav2la3smxk5rddtvoubkyqf563a/

    1. http://indy.memplex.net.ipns.localhost:48084/annote.htm?p=ipfs://bafybeidvswhu57sqbhwn7bvmmbxre6nav2la3smxk5rddtvoubkyqf563a/

    1. brave ann0



      Install Brave Browser and enable brave://ipfs


      get agregore browser

  2. agregore.mauve.moe agregore.mauve.moe
    1. A great place to start if you want to create apps using Agregore ✨

      create apps with agregore

  3. agregore.mauve.moe agregore.mauve.moe
    1. Agregore Explore the distributed web

    1. An minimal blogging platform using IPFS Protocol Handlers and Markdown

      minimal blogging platform with IPFS

    1. live in the present moment and find the compassion that exists all around and within us.

    2. The Five Reiki Gokai or Principles

    1. NNTP


    2. but most news administrators will ignore these requests unless a local user requests the group by name.

      create groups by a team

    3. news.announce.newgroups,

      news announc newsgroups

    4. RFD (Request For Discussion)

      Request for discussion

    5. There was a rapid growth of alt.* as a result, and the trend continues to this day. Because of the anarchistic nature with which the groups sprang up, some jokingly referred to ALT standing for "Anarchists, Lunatics and Terrorists" (a backronym).

      backronym anarchistic lunatics and terrorists

    6. This situation resulted in the creation of an alt.* (short for "alternative") Usenet hierarchy,

      alt.usenet hierarchy

    7. n the Great Renaming of 1986–1987,

      great renaming

    8. comp.* — Discussion of computer-related topics news.* — Discussion of Usenet itself sci.* — Discussion of scientific subjects rec.* — Discussion of recreational activities (e.g. games and hobbies) soc.* — Socialising and discussion of social issues. talk.* — Discussion of contentious issues such as religion and politics. misc.* — Miscellaneous discussion—anything which does not fit in the other hierarchies.

      main topic hierarcies

    9. the early community was the pioneering computer society

      pioneering computer society

    10. The news admin (the administrator of a news server)

      news admin

    11. regarding anything a member chooses to discuss as on-topic


    12. called a "post".

      hence hyperpost

    13. from


    14. maintain a level of robust data persistence

      rubust persistence

    15. Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)


    16. Typically, the newsgroup is focused on a particular topic of interest.

      topic of interest


      RFC plain text

    1. Internet Official Protocol Standards

      internet official protocl standards

    1. absence of online connectivity

      re-imagining online connectivity

      autonomous interpersonal usenet newesgroups

    2. discussion groups, known as newsgroups,

      reimagining newsgroups

    1. repeatable process of _producing a lot of software_ by big teams with variation in experience and headcount

      where the programmers are fungible - not the software -

      they produce

      If te software could be fungible capable of organic

      re - usable - mixable - sumable

      digital executable artifats

      auto-poietic co-evolving body of organic growth

      we would not need big teams

      and the realm of software itself will become - an Open Sea of - effective articulation of capabilities

      that are tinkerable capable of self-organization and autopoietic synthetic symmathetic growth living everrgreen and permanent

      a systems that are lifelike co-evol

      at scale in the long tail of the internet

    2. Compared to Go, Rust looks like Common Lisp looked like to a Java programmer of old

      The highest possible praise

      Let's overcome the "Curse of LISP"

    3. Why is Google in love with purposely-impaired languages like Go, Dart?

      purposely-impared languages

      cause they do not really want to empower people

      but machines and only the people behind the machines

      We the people should fight the buttleriabn jihad now before the machines get all the firepower

    4. "mediocre by design"


    1. "Google has the intellectual firepower to be going where no programmer has gone before, yet languages like Go remain solidly in well-understood and, for the most part, commonly-implemented territory. I have no doubt that this is a good strategic move on Google's part, and that Go solves a number of important problems that Google faces, but I was disappointed that Google hadn't taken a more experimental and research-focused approach.

      Google intellectual firepower

      boldy go where no programmer has gone before

      and transcend programming itself

    2. "CERN has the intellectual firepower to be going where no physicist has gone before, yet their experiments remain solidly in the realm of existing scientific methods and, for the most part, mathematical models. Smashing atoms together may be interesting, but it makes me want collide my brain with a wall"

      intellectual firepower CERN

    1. easier to define new components in Javascript than in TeX.

      define new component make them morphic

    2. BNF grammar

      Why cant we have something like Meat-Lisp #syntax and everything generated from that

    3. advantage of using Javascript vs. TeX is the ability to define abstractions at a higher level than macros.

      javascript means of abstraction rocks

    4. Most users of Nota would write the declarative markup

      introduces its own Markup

    5. core is the React Javascript library

      too bad

    6. Nota is a browser technology, so it is implemented using a combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

      browser native

    7. 2.4 Interior mutability


    8. A static display

      A static display is preferable to an interactive one, all else being equal.

      a replayale is the best

    9. visible in context

      Jumping around is bad — definitions should be visible in context.

    10. access the definition

      A reader should always be able to access the definition of a symbol.

    11. from https://hyp.is/d4vQygh3Ee-8rLdvX5upZQ/nota-lang.org/


    12. A New Medium for Communicating Research on Programming Languages

      from: https://dweb.link/ipfs/QmQjZya1be2Wfxj9VsVSgwu7vWkDpXbRyvbP5N1srWmP9J?filename=willcrichton.net_nota_

    1. read my original paper

      Nice but this should take yuu beyond programming languages

    2. require a small amount of document annotation on the author's part.

      ad make across all nota documents

      oh and make it browser native

    3. seeking early adopters


    4. Nota is a new and evolving technology.


    5. read through the Reference

      [to] - reference

    6. This one is doing what TrailMarks does by extending MarkDown

      for * TrailMarks Related work

    1. A Nota document is text mixed with commands, typically contained in a .nota file. A Nota document looks like this:

      text mixed with commands

    2. Nota Reference
    1. The content of a repository is laid out in a Merkle Search Tree (MST)
    2. Namespaced Identifiers (NSIDs) identify the Lexicon type for groups of records within a repository.


    3. a DID can be considered a reference to a data repository.

      DID data repository

    4. Data Repositories
    1. We published an overview of our technical decisions around federation architecture on our blog.

      technical overview

    2. three core services
      • Personal Data Servers (PDS),
      • Relays, and App Views.

      We're also working on feed generators and labelers.

    3. syncs the repositories in a federated networking model.

      federated networking sync

    4. signed data repositories.

    5. Protocol Overview

    1. fully-qualified hostname in Reverse Domain-Name Order, followed by a simple name. The hostname part is the domain authority, and the final segment is the name.

      domain authority

    1. The AT ProtocolSocial networking technology created by Bluesky

    1. The Bluesky App runs on the AT Protocol. For information on how the AT Protocol processes personal information, please view the Bluesky AT Protocol Network Services Privacy Notice.

      let see

    2. reasonable efforts

      that's not good enough

      you should be able to guaranty that by design

    3. in connection with corporate transactions, such as a merger.

      preparing to exit community are?

      old time hype and dump like all the rest?

    1. Getting started with NoMachine Start your journey to the next level of remote computing

    1. Confessions of a Modern Day Anarchist About life, death and taxes, but mostly about change.

      modern day anarchist

    1. Minds is an open-source, encrypted and reward-based social networking platform. https://minds.com

    1. Minds is a free & open source social network dedicated to privacy and freedom.

    1. we are being prepared to be the salvation of the Universe--the end of secrecy, and control--we are together the light of day.

      toghether the light of day

    2. beginning of a narrative about turning Hell into Heaven

      turning hell into heaven

    3. we'll really are "linked in"

      really linked in

    4. anyone you know might be interested in working on the biggest next big thing that has ever been

      I am interested in the

      biggest next big think


    5. I'm literally trying to build a giant leap forward in the process of self-government and process of creating and following through on actually completing "ideas" similar to contracts and legislation

      build a giant leap forward

    1. Adam Marshall (Sovietnим) Dobrin 2nd degree connection 2nd Technocrat Founder ..of 'the various Revolutions'. Writer. Coder. Futurologist. Aspiring dad.

    1. I've stopped updating my Instagram (here's Mastodon, though), because none of you follow it.  Also I'm thinking of pausing Twitter too.  probably soon

      Promlems define their own solutions

      I paused twitter etc too

    2. searched for ipfs for user


      that's how I found this site

      discovering the Other with shared interest

    1. What Is a DJVU File? This is an image of a scanned document, which you can view or convert to a more popular file format like PDF

      anatomy of lisp was in that format

    1. IndyLab

      Stand by this articulation. The chosen technologies did not quite deliver what is needed

    2. collaborative mutual learning by doing spaces

    3. Submitted on IndyWiki on DevPost In fact Indywiki is at the center of the first flower on this infinite Penrose Tiles of capabilites for Structure and Collaboration

  4. Apr 2024
    1. Let's talk again!2023Use your LinkedIn, Twitter, and chat history as a personal CRM.

      Very much in the spirit of Indy (mutual) Learning Commons

    1. Google-hardened InfrastructureDevelop safely in your own dedicated virtual private cloud (VPC). Available only for enterprise.

      google-hardened infrastructure

    2. Idea to software, fast

      start building

    3. Collaborative by defaultOn Replit, collaboration is as simple as writing together in a shared document. Work in parallel, pair program, and debug as a team to share context and build efficiently.

      collaborative by default

    4. Replit is an AI-driven software creation platform where everyone can build, share, and ship software fast.



    1. Edit: Or, if you don't want to change the Host OS settings you could try: https://www.softwareok.com/?seite=Microsoft/DontSleep

      dont sleep

    1. After you get Virtualbox installed on the computer and make a working VM on the computer's hard drive, shut down the VM. Right-click the VM in the main Virtualbox window and click Move. You can then move the VM to the USB SSD or platter drive.

      move working Virtual Machine

    2. VirtualBox on USB Drive?

    1. VSCodium Free/Libre Open Source Software Binaries of VS Code

  5. www.disciplemedia.com www.disciplemedia.com
    1. Choose from our transparent pricing plans to build the perfect community platform for your unique business.

      community platform monetization

      500 members £1 per member 499 for 500