- Jun 2024
www.geneticmatrix.com www.geneticmatrix.com
Firstly it samples or ‘tastes’ the auras of the people around it by taking in only a little piece of what it receives. Secondly it reflects back all of what it receives from the other person.
reflects back
- May 2024
indy-memplex-net.ipns.localhost:48084 indy-memplex-net.ipns.localhost:48084
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
'A Bicycle of the Mind' - Steve Jobs on the Computer
Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, shares some of his insights during a 1990 interview with WGBH.
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
Building new weblike things
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
software that is
- open-ended and
- evolvable,
software that - amplifies our agency.
// by our u mean Human agency.
Perhaps DECENT(ralized) is not enough
Build an Internet as an
- InterPlanetary
- Permanent
- Evergreen
- coevolutionary
- recapitulable
- Autononomous Networks of Human Actors
flip the Web where viertually everything is the dual opposite of what it (c|sh)ould be
We need Human Intelligence Augmentation
more then ever
not just tools for thought but but Networked Improvement Communities engaged in continuous mutual learning
Symmathesys Universalis
and co-creating the very symbiotic machine support needed to boostrap it
The Web was done by amateurs. (Alan Kay)
!search: The Broken Wheel
navigate the idea maze around
- AI,
- decentralized protocols, and
- tools for thought.
This newsletter will continue
will follow
the dream of
software that amplifies - intelligence, creativity, and - agency, is more real than ever.
AI has unlocked a wild new landscape of possibility.
There is no time to lose.
I’m venturing forward to build something new.
I’ll keep you updated here on the journey
to "Video: 'A Bicycle of the Mind'…" (www.youtube.com) 'A Bicycle of the Mind' - Steve Jobs on the Computer - Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, shares some of his insights during a 1990 interview with WGBH.
The shape is wrong
- the runway too short
- calling the ball
wouldn’t build a
build not - a adecentralized notes graph
but - a personal AI
did not find product-market fit
product market fit
ran into difficult technical headwinds and missed a crucial market window.
- technical headwinds
- missed market opportunity
I’m proud of what our team built on a technical leve
to: "GitHub - subconsciousnetwork/n…" (github.com)
- multiplayer
- graph prorocol
- for notes
Subconscious is winding down
blog.mauve.moe blog.mauve.moe
Mauve's Blog
docdrop.org docdrop.org
what is peer-to-peer and the web combined good
P2P + Web Good
peer-to-peer 00:32:31 first it's only way easier
p2p way easier
just works
peer-to-peer people connect directly to each other
put some files in some worker it just works
it's a google product it'll probably you 00:30:51 know die within a few months or get deprecated later on or say if it's any other tech thing it might just change under my feet or um run out of business and suddenly any sort of community i 00:31:03 built anything that i did with that is just gone because um it's too hard for me to set up um it'd be nice if none of this stuff was a problem like i want the web without all of these 00:31:16 servers and all this extra crus
google product die
want a web without this extra crust
a server is a barrier to entry it requires more expertise in order to get anything started for instance you either 00:29:36 need to like have your own machine running locally or have some sort of virtual machine and then you need to think about like what kind of web servers you're going to host and all of this stuff especially um 00:29:47 with the with servers and the web everything is kind of hinging around these servers if i made some sort of cool like blog and i want to share it with my friends i have to go through a server if that server goes offline
Serve is bad
micro.hyperblog.co micro.hyperblog.co
Computer Supported Collaborative Work in Virtual Environments
xanadu.com.au xanadu.com.au
docs.opencollective.com docs.opencollective.com
Should I be an Independent Collective?
This one looks like a new option
- Apr 2024
www.academia.edu www.academia.edu
Envisioning an Electrifying Future - 2nd Call for AbstractsKristóf [ J . C . ] Nyíri2024, Envisioning an Electrifying Future - 2nd Call for Abstracts20 Views5 Pages1 File ▾Artificial Intelligence, Visual Studies, Social Media, Fashion
github.com github.com
Peergos Road Map ann0
indy.plex - ⚖️-🦔📏📝 evaluate - HedgeDoc
- Mar 2024
XWiki SAS: 20 years of OpenSource building XWiki and CryptPad
for - XWiki - CryptPad - Crypt.Pad
20 Years of Open Source building XWiki and CryptPad
10:00 instead of complaining trying to do better
blog.cryptpad.org blog.cryptpad.org
building a company contribution Free and Open Source software
cryptpad to
- Feb 2024
paan.s - HTMX Framework.stupid
Personally assigned associative names
- Jan 2024
wiki.metacrisis.xyz wiki.metacrisis.xyz
This is a Ruby/OpenAI-enhanced Obsidian knowledgebase for metacrisis.xyz
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the autoparesis of fear which really is the generator function of the meta crisis
autoparesis => autopoiesis of fear
produced the means of computation as the control grid designed to destroy autonomy
need to create alternative systems
Self-creation via bootstrapping systemS promoting autonomy evergreen permanence recapitulable organic growth of liminal mindful spaces for stories vision and wisdom Scaling synthesis and reach self-correcting mutual learning
the inversion of this principle however the other policies of fear totally lacks any sort of guidance of this kind
other policies => autopoiesis
the word question is blocked by 00:14:21 a false answer before it can even be asked
word => what
to overcome the meta crisis it's currently faced with we started with
faced => face
former constituted a vector of healing in the newer sphere
newer => noosphere
autopoiesis or self-perpetuation of love
mechanistic reflection of the deeper metaphysical principle of hyperstation network
Hyperstition at work
liminal mind Source Vision as culture with strategy flowing from inspiration through 00:08:50 conspiration to manifestation
Source => Serves
the health of 00:07:34 the new sphere precedes the health of the biosphere
the health of the story of the tree precedes 00:07:21 the health of the tree itself
The story of the health of the tree
go with love which takes courage
Fear lack of courage
Courage to create or destroy
consciously interacting with story co-creator of this reality
high position
interconnected with
the story
fundamental forces of fear and love
domesticated and liminal
problem cannot be solved
Created it
the absence of any god-like wisdom or more specifically the mismatch between our power and our wisdom
capacities we have unlocked through this process are adequately described as the powers of Gods
Unlock powers of God
adequate description?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
explain Kodiak briefly well what's a knowledge repository
section : DKR
eXplain CODIAC & DKR
= explain - Dynamic Knowledge Repository
sizeable groupwise build collective understanding
common ways to - aggregate the knowledge about it - resolve conflicts
dynamic means - always evolving & growing
organic networked autonomous organism NAO
to get collectively smarter - understanding not bunch of fragments, but - coherent
= the most fundamental knowledge repository is link
the most fundamental knowledge 00:14:47 repository
the most fundamental knowledge repository is - the one that describes - how you build knowledge repositories - bootstrapping
ann0te.search - launch community
docdrop.org docdrop.org
sense of the great values
there is - life and then there is - Consciousness and then
there is - a sense of the great values - goodness - Beauty - truth and - the sacred I think
it's the other way around that
what actually exists fundamentally is - a Consciousness
Consciousness which is a field of Consciousness which is divine which which
has the - qualities of - attending to and
drawing us towards - goodness - Beauty and - truth
and and the sense of - the Holy and - sacred
all fundamental truths are metaphorical
Meta.4s we live by
Meta.4.morph.ic processes
/ constructions🎯
relation and 00:08:34 is not in fact in process as whad um pointed out
Whitehead pointed out
Must checkout
the conscious person is continuous with a wider self
autoassoicative clue mark
- Engelbart nested writing
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Indian philosophy and in Buddhist philosophy the idea of a kind of memory in nature is completely standard most people think that it's perfectly normal
memory in nature
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the right hemisphere it sees that everything is ultimately connected.
deeply intertwingled
isolated and decontextualized; they belong to categories; they’re abstracted and effectively lifeless
- decontextualized
- abstracted
- categorised
- lifeless
attention changes what it is you see
viewpointed gestalt switch - inner tacit associative morphic recall in resonance
the left hemisphere is providing a representation, no longer the presence, but a map
Map should present to the mind not re-present help recall
Prepare the feeling,augment tacit awareness and be articulate
Augmenting human inter intellect for symmathesy
Not presence but experience of explorable presentation extellect
And so there's a whole range of events that can be traced back to the inevitable consequence of a certain way of looking at the world. And that way of looking at the world is, in my view, associated with and driven by a model of the world that is present 00:09:10 to the left hemisphere in a way that is not the case with the right hemisphere
Driven by
getting the master and his emissary wrong could be said to be the cause of all the crises that we face,
Master and His Emissary, kind of answers this question
So there's something unique about humans. Is this innate to human nature, and there's no way of escaping it? Is this something that human nature can do, 00:07:49 but is not the only thing it can do, that can be conditioned, that could be conditioned differently? This is what we're here to explore today
Here to explore this today
the way that technology itself ends up shaping the mind.
Crux one chance to affect exponentially based on linear consumption
Why IndyVerse
The internet that is broadcasting this to people requires this global civilization to produce.
how we would like to activate the 00:11:17 interpretation in this case in my case i would say of literary works so that become alive in the mind of the reader
Alive in the mind of the reader
Meditative reading
Prepare the feeling
homo ludens
stop the red reducing a text to one particular meaning which in general has been for many years the function of literary 00:10:43 criticism
Stop reducing one meaning literary criticism
there's no such thing as the only definitive interpretation of a work
no definitive interpretation of the eork
find moments where i can begin to play with the text i begin to dialogue with the text i begin to open the text so that is continuously moving 00:09:21 in my own mind
- play
- dialogue
- open
- with the text
continuously moving in my mind
child's eyes the unanswered questions
beginner's mind
play as a rejuvenation as a revitalization 00:08:16 of the way we approach artistic works
Revitalise approach artistic work
play means to live inside
Live inside
play does not ask me what does it mean
- Unless that's what you play
- Create meaning for life by playing seeking and creating meaning
play with the ideas with a situation with the 00:04:06 atmosphere
As a writer ...
activities are acts of translation and acts of interpretation
Acts of translation interpretation
entering the scenery of interpretation
Scenery of interpretation
create tension with a piece of literature that i read
play has no ulterior motives it doesn't ask for any money it doesn't ask for any conclusions 00:03:02 it is there
- Play = being there
- be here now
everything we touch has a sense of play
sense of play
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
connecting things up across space and time leading to morphic Resonance
connecting across space and time
computers tables chairs bicycles cars which are not 00:16:20 self-organizing they're made
in factories you don't grow a computer in a garden you you make it in a factory so machines which have been taken by the mechanistic worldview to be the Principal model for all of nature at the very worst examples because they they're fully determinate systems in which morphe resonance doesn't happen but in self-organizing systems there's an influence on the basis of similarity across time and space now you might say well um well you did say what's the mechanism
the ceramic model made not grown organic
4 Alan Watts
morphic resonance is the influence of similar patterns of activity on subsequent similar patterns across time and space and it works in self-organizing systems
Molecules ...
quantum physicist David bowm thought this had happened through what he calls the implicate order
invisible realm that underlies Quantum phenomena and he thought the implicate order had a kind of memory so what's happened in one place can influence what happens in another
about - morphic - resonance, field
Golden Age of free cream
during the second world war the delivery of milk stopped because of the war and um blue tits only lived for a few years so after the war there wouldn't have been any blue tits that still remembered the Golden Age of free cream before um and yet the habits started again all over Britain and the same happened in the Netherlands um it after the war it started again very rapidly in the Netherlands so here we have a the spread of habit that could have been because of morphic resonance the collective memory um in in these Birds um uh incidentally the it's now stopped because so many people including us who switched over to semi-skimmed milk that it's not worth them um opening the bottles to to get there's no cream anymore at the time the Habit has more or less died out because of the change in people's dietary habits of semi-skilled milk I never find our milk bottles have been attacked but there are plenty of blue tits who are still around so I see them in our garden so um here we've got an evolution of a habit and then it's gone away because the conditions have changed
mind is nothing but the activity of 00:08:48 the brain
and it's all inside the head therefore my thoughts can't possibly influence you hundreds of kilometers away
models of reality are really habits of thinking
inventing TrailMarks co-evolve new habits of augmented writing
morphogenesis means Morpheus form Genesis is coming into being
gloss - morphogenesis
cyberspace is
autopoimorphic human centered co-created co-evolving field
Timeless or not in time
mantra - timelessness is hard - time is eternity in motion
expansion which gives an arrow to time the ultimate error of time in the universe is the expansion of the cosmos and it literally creates more space for 00:00:51 new things to happen
- expansion
- arrow of time
- create space
- new things to happen
docdrop.org docdrop.org
taking full breaths down to the naval and maintaining an upright posture
Full breadth down upright posture
when the breath is calm 00:11:55 then the mind also becomes stable
Breadth calm mind stable
heightened awareness
heightened awareness
by controlling our breath we can develop an extraordinary sensitivity to the world around us including the sounds and feelings of 00:09:49 animals
Extraordinary sensitivity world
reach a mental state where the ups and downs in life will not be able to disturb him
Mental state not disturbed
individual can 00:11:18 unlock new dimensions of human existence
Unlock dimensions experience
transcend the experiences of an ordinary person
transcend experience ordinary person
unlock the universe's Mysteries and foresee the events
Unlock foresee events
Sheldrake Time backwards
interconnectedness with the world
interconnectedness with world
tune into the very essence of the universe
< 6bpm tune in essence
breath rate drops to around nine breaths per minute we can 00:10:16 gain insights into the activities of trees and plant life
Breadth rate 9
gets engrossed in his game
Engrossed game
walk on the bridge of our breath
Walk breadth bridge
breath works as a bridge between our body and our mind
breadth bridge mind body
the only thing we can control is the emotion in our mind
control emotion mind only
controlling his breath he gains control over his mind the man whose mind is under his control has the solution to all his problems
Contro breadth mind
we can control the speed of our 00:05:23 breaths you can control your mind and Thoughts by doing this
control mind breadth
control over our breath we get control over our minds
Mind control breadth
Buddhist monk lived in his ashram
learn to take our breaths in the right way our lives will change like magic
Life chang magic
our bodily and mental states are directly correlated with the way we breathe
Mental states breathe
full session of Basta pranayama is equivalent to a 00:02:35 strong wind gust
Pranayama wind of gust
that infusion of oxygen it activates those neurons turning on the gears of comprehension
gears of comprehension
a person only has a certain amount of breath to live
live breadth number
observablehq.com observablehq.com
Open Collective: Platform Visualization Exploring Hosts
- Nov 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
do we go 05:43:08 the control Tech or do we go somewhere else
Control tech
the system will never be able to make us care in the way it is designed the incentives are just not there it would be absurd to care when you're working in a corporation
absurd to care
rather than doing my job because I don't care about my job I can make the task faster oh fantastic now I have more time to chat with my friends
www.rndao.info www.rndao.info
from - https://t.me/c/1433743833/3542 - search - telegram - cicolab - RnDAO opportunity Daniel Ospina
k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084 k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084
EP04: End-Programmer Programming with Steve Krouse of Val Town
emergentfutureslab.com emergentfutureslab.com
An affordance is neither in the thing nor is it in us
An affordance is neither - in the thing nor is it - in us:
it is the relational outcome - - of a situation.
Affordances step out of, or negate - the subject-object divide.
Affordances are the relation -- - the dance and - dialog that has stabilized between us and things.
mutual intentional dance, dialog thread
Definition of Affordance
web3.storage web3.storage
Note that this alone does not give visibility
Note that this alone does not give visibility into - which of your end users are uploading what;
to track this, you'll probably - need them to send you that information separately
(e.g., once they've run upload and get back a content CID, - you can have them send that CID to you for tracking)
The end user instance of the client should not need to call client.authorize(email)
The end user instance of the client
should not need to call - client.authorize(email), - as it is not claiming any delegations via email address - (but rather getting the delegation directly from your backend)
medium.com medium.com
The Story Everyone Should Have Seen Coming — This is a story about how a 45-minute speech killed an entire billion-dollar market. This week OpenAI had its first-ever developer conference. Fewer
OpenAI Just Killed an Entire Market in 45 Minutes
This is a This is a story about how a 45-minute speech killed an entire billion-dollar market.
k51qzi5uqu5dhe7vpagbopy5kopsd7svwob7bypiucjgc51n6tdw9vsn7lq2in.ipns.localhost:48084 k51qzi5uqu5dhe7vpagbopy5kopsd7svwob7bypiucjgc51n6tdw9vsn7lq2in.ipns.localhost:48084
bafybeigj3dwfxbikoanh4dougjvibapmbns4o3fbu54mov2izw3jmv6jd4.ipfs.localhost:48084 bafybeigj3dwfxbikoanh4dougjvibapmbns4o3fbu54mov2izw3jmv6jd4.ipfs.localhost:48084ODD SDK2
A true local-first, edge computing stack
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="390" height="262" fill="none"><path fill="#F1EDFD" stroke="#E1E2EA" d="M298.172 181.922c50.099 0 90.711-40.613 90.711-90.711S348.271.5 298.172.5c-50.098 0-90.711 40.613-90.711 90.71 0 50.099 40.613 90.712 90.711 90.712Z"/><path fill="#313245" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M298.172 149.422c32.149 0 58.211-26.062 58.211-58.211 0-32.15-26.062-58.211-58.211-58.211s-58.211 26.062-58.211 58.21c0 32.15 26.062 58.212 58.211 58.212Zm0 32c49.822 0 90.211-40.389 90.211-90.211C388.383 41.389 347.994 1 298.172 1c-49.822 0-90.211 40.389-90.211 90.21 0 49.823 40.389 90.212 90.211 90.212Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/><circle cx="326.398" cy="92.211" r="14.88" fill="#6E52FA"/><path fill="#313245" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M294.842 40.333c-11.584 1.056-23.769 4.992-40.664 13.047-1.496.713-3.295.099-4.022-1.39l-11.402-23.367a2.983 2.983 0 0 1 1.388-4.002c18.563-8.873 34.762-14.603 51.794-16.156 17.147-1.563 33.81 1.22 53.177 7.232a2.978 2.978 0 0 1 1.944 3.76l-7.97 24.75c-.508 1.576-2.201 2.44-3.784 1.951-16.907-5.22-29.034-6.867-40.461-5.825Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/><path fill="#F1EDFD" stroke="#E1E2EA" d="M194.173 181.922c50.098 0 90.711-40.613 90.711-90.711S244.271.5 194.173.5s-90.711 40.613-90.711 90.71c0 50.099 40.613 90.712 90.711 90.712Z"/><path fill="#313245" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M194.173 149.422c32.149 0 58.211-26.062 58.211-58.211 0-32.15-26.062-58.211-58.211-58.211s-58.211 26.062-58.211 58.21c0 32.15 26.062 58.212 58.211 58.212Zm0 32c49.822 0 90.211-40.389 90.211-90.211C284.384 41.389 243.995 1 194.173 1c-49.822 0-90.211 40.389-90.211 90.21 0 49.823 40.389 90.212 90.211 90.212Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/><circle cx="222.841" cy="92.211" r="14.88" fill="#6E52FA"/><path fill="#313245" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M188.858 42.762c-11.41 2.262-23.116 7.452-39.076 17.23-1.413.866-3.267.444-4.145-.961l-13.785-22.045a2.983 2.983 0 0 1 .961-4.126c17.533-10.766 33.044-18.16 49.82-21.487 16.889-3.35 33.752-2.324 53.641 1.627a2.978 2.978 0 0 1 2.327 3.537l-5.336 25.447c-.34 1.621-1.934 2.657-3.56 2.337-17.36-3.422-29.593-3.791-40.847-1.56Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/><path fill="#E1E2EA" stroke="#E1E2EA" d="M91.828 181.922c50.098 0 90.711-40.613 90.711-90.711S141.926.5 91.828.5C41.729.5 1.117 41.113 1.117 91.21c0 50.099 40.612 90.712 90.71 90.712Z"/><path fill="#313245" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M91.828 149.422c32.149 0 58.211-26.062 58.211-58.211C150.039 59.06 123.977 33 91.828 33c-32.15 0-58.211 26.062-58.211 58.21 0 32.15 26.062 58.212 58.21 58.212Zm0 32c49.822 0 90.211-40.389 90.211-90.211C182.039 41.389 141.65 1 91.828 1 42.005 1 1.617 41.389 1.617 91.21c0 49.823 40.389 90.212 90.21 90.212ZM52.587 262c17.303 0 29.994-12.509 30.933-29.915v27.294c0 .828.676 1.499 1.51 1.499h23.458c16.723 0 29.108-12.286 29.828-29.305v27.806c0 .828.676 1.499 1.509 1.499h23.458c17.234 0 29.861-13.048 29.861-30.878 0-18.035-12.927-30.878-30.99-30.878h-22.329c-.833 0-1.509.671-1.509 1.499v27.808c-.729-17.205-13.423-29.307-30.957-29.307h-22.33c-.833 0-1.509.671-1.509 1.499v27.294C82.581 210.509 69.89 198 52.587 198c-17.987 0-30.99 13.516-30.99 32s13.003 32 30.99 32Zm-15.305-32.187c0-10.45 6.52-17.727 15.305-17.727 8.783 0 15.304 7.277 15.304 17.727 0 10.266-6.524 16.727-15.305 16.727-8.78 0-15.304-6.461-15.304-16.727Zm61.17 15.854v-33.02h8.531c9.086 0 15.681 7.113 15.681 17.26 0 10.077-6.335 15.76-14.929 15.76h-9.282Zm63.326-33.02h-8.53v33.02h9.283c8.594 0 14.928-5.683 14.928-15.76 0-10.147-6.595-17.26-15.681-17.26ZM238.591 199.122h-22.329c-.833 0-1.509.671-1.509 1.499v58.758c0 .828.676 1.499 1.509 1.499h23.458c16.723 0 29.109-12.286 29.828-29.306v27.807c0 .828.676 1.499 1.51 1.499h42.776c.833 0 1.509-.671 1.509-1.499v-12.213c0-.828-.676-1.499-1.509-1.499H284.48v-9.961h23.459c.833 0 1.509-.672 1.509-1.5v-9.221c0-.828-.676-1.5-1.509-1.5H284.48v-10.838h30.11l15.349 47.193a1.507 1.507 0 0 0 1.436 1.038h16.601c.655 0 1.236-.419 1.437-1.038l19.109-58.758a1.5 1.5 0 0 0-1.436-1.96h-12.91c-.676 0-1.27.447-1.453 1.094l-12.677 43.876-13.038-43.886a1.509 1.509 0 0 0-1.451-1.084h-54.499c-.834 0-1.51.671-1.51 1.499v27.808c-.728-17.205-13.423-29.307-30.957-29.307Zm-.376 13.525h-8.53v33.02h9.283c8.594 0 14.928-5.683 14.928-15.76 0-10.147-6.595-17.26-15.681-17.26Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/><circle cx="201.597" cy="251.5" r="9.5" fill="#6E52FA"/></svg>
blog.web3.storage blog.web3.storage
The Data Layer is here with the new web3.storage
At long last web3.storage fuses with Fissions's UCAN and WebNative vision of Open Commons-Based peer production of Autonomous Software capabilities in the Long Tail of the intenet that are FAIR and Composable by design
Now combine that with Brave browsers local IPFS Nodes and/or IPFS Desktop. thei si the Dawn of Computer Lib
and the rise of Open Mutual Learning Commons
With content addressing, storage can be
With content addressing, storage can be - on-device, - cloud, and - CDN
all without the developer leaving the web browser.
// available also in InterPersonal Networks and Networked Autnonomous Organizations
Self-sovereign identity
This one corrects the mistake of current SSI
UCAN tokens are tied to individual without revealing their true identity
trully serverless
No backend
IPFS is an anti-databse the data is just out there
they are in charge of it - companies merely execute UCAN invocations, acting on the user’s behalf.
Computer Lib
Companies no longer control a user’s identity or data
No sign in or Sign up needed
people authenticate themsleves and in fact give permission to apps tow work on their owned data
and others in their own mutual agreed terms
No longer those take it or leave it terms that enslaves us
reducing vendor lock-in
in fact for any capability built with the Data Layer becomes exchangeable!
especially if the organization of the information intself is accessible in the Data Layer in a format that makes explicit the intent
Things that were designed to be single player can be part of a multiplayer network. the IndyNet
user-centric experience
People Centered Internet
Verifiability, composability, and composability create portability
Portability and indeed interoperability and
Findable Accessible Interopreable Remixable = Cpmposable
indeed but orchestrates by the individual for their own putposes
This is Echangeability since every app that is in this model has a uniform Data layer
user flows
people can create their own personal work flows accross FAIR capabiities hosted on the Data Layer
actor has an identity based on cryptography
the cryptocosm
UCAN validation is self-contained
Data Layer
Info/Mutual Learning Layer can be built on top of it
no gatekeepers or silos
Individual humans and networked forming their own communities be their (y)our owned
Aggregators, Syndicators, interpersonal serendipity and search
Network weavers
benefitting the participants not the centralized aggregators
actors have guarantees
actors have guarantees that - the data they receive is really what they’re looking for - without needing to trust others in the network.
Appreciate the shift from Agents to Actors
this is a shift from treating humans on a par with machines
Human agency is exercised with natural intellect/intelligence
Humans use machines in their loop
not as we hafve it today where Human is in the Loops of Machines working on behalf of people controlling those machines
The key to Autnomy
and Compter Lib
One powerful thing is verifiability.
Trust but verify
we can weave trust networks between people that are built from verifiabiity for trust
Remember Humans are Universal Users
with the capability to learn and use digital affordances
Every actor that needs an identity and is interacting with the Data Layer should have a DID.
Need autonomous conduits connecting global to local
actor on the web
Actors Interpersonaly connected
ipfs.runfission.com ipfs.runfission.com
Adding running commentary, reflections and thinking aloud on the margins
Articulate contrast between presented approach and and adjacent alternative perspective another approach to Flipping the Web away from cetralized proprietary platforms
provider centric to human centric
instead of thinking in terms of agents think in terms of people as autonomous actors in their own(ed) inter personal inter community networks for the benefit of paticipants not the aggregator provides of services
Where services come to the people to use them the services authenticate themselves with them in terms that are acceptable to the people not the other way round
There is no sign up or sing in
People can discover each other and engage in conversations and develop trusted networks for themselves
indyweb or indeed our envisioning IndyWeb native Inter Personal Digital Assistants for All
- Oct 2023
indyhub.files.fission.name indyhub.files.fission.name
the units that the programmer thinks of as specific correspond closely to the units of encoding.
- the units thought as specific
- corresponds closely
- unit of encoding
forget about encoding/presenatiotion
focus on presentations and intelligible manipulation
transitions, ilation morphic workflows
self-description and boostrapping
Directness (simplicity) of expression
- all specific
- deal with specific facts
- specific abstraction
// instance first exploratory articulation of effective concepts as they arise
futo.org futo.org
creators would publish their work to the entire world
publish to the entire world
and better ways to find the Other and engage in private deep conversations that arae continuous without being synchronous
This distraction
gitlab.com gitlab.com
details about the Polycentric protocol.
Polycentric is an Open-source distributed social network. Checkout our GitLab here, or jump right into the app
to - https://hyp.is/h2tk3G3wEe6qRX9nbA1BLg/docs.polycentric.io/
details about the Harbor app
Harbor enables you to effortlessly unify your presence across multiple platforms.
Unify presence across multiple platforms
Linking Profiles with Harbor on Polycentric
linking profiles on Polycentric
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Polycentric offers an alternative
- distributed network,
- where you, the user, have more sovereignty
- over your data and interactions.
Using Polycentric for Comments and Ratings
gitlab.com gitlab.com
configure profile by NeoPass
app only links to other stores
app does not play an intermediate role in the actual purchase process.
This way, creators can directly monetize their own content in the way they like.
the query is posted to the underlying platforms
list of results that are ranked by relevance
FUTO is an organization dedicated to
developing, both - through in-house engineering and - investment, - technologies that frustrate - centralization and - industry consolidation.
Additional sources can also be installed
Additional sources can also be installed. - These sources are JavaScript sources, - created and maintained by the community.
allows users to
allow users to - search through all available media websites and - giving creators the tools for direct monetization of their content - by allowing users to directly donate to the content creator.
We want
we want - creators to feel like they are publishing to the world, - multiple indexers competing with each other - to do a good job - connecting consumers to creators and their content.
The FUTO media app endeavours creating infrastructure for creators
infrastructure for creators to
- have their content hosted by someone else
- having creators retain full ownership of their content.
- feel like they are publishing to the world,
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
1. Standard protocols
protocols not platforms
commons based peer produced ambient autnonomous FAIR constellations of long tail, long term software internet
pdf.js-hypothesis, enables a web server to serve a PDF with PDF.js and Hypothesis both active.
Mozilla’s PDF.js
Hypothesis proxy, https://via.hypothes.is/, to inject the client into a web page, for example:
ambient hypothesis without the need for a proxy
hypothesis embed
docu.xn--rseau-constellation-bzb.ca docu.xn--rseau-constellation-bzb.ca
ConstellationThe distributed network for scientific dataShare and collect scientific data on an open peer-to-peer network, while promoting transparency and data sovereignty.
opencollective.com opencollective.com
fully decentralized, cryptograhically verifiable, peer-to-peer database system.
OrbitDb built on IPFS powers our development of the IndyWeb
- local/personal/offline- first
- inter-personal/planetary
- decent(ralized)
- privacy respecting,
- by construction secure, long term
- info-com-unic/put-ation (infra)structures
a Tech we can trust for a world we want
These networks will Flip the Legacy Web - for the benefit of the participants - with strong guarantees of privacy, security, trust but verify - evergreen permanence - with full provenance of contributions, recapitulable history of its own growth
announce the official release of OrbitDB v1.0.
The latest version of OrbitDB marks the culmination of 8 years of development
- a fully decentralized,
- cryptograhically verifiable,
- peer-to-peer database system
// it is also an anti-database that can contribute not only to flipping the current centralized paradigm, that is app and provider centric, one that benefits and empowers the aggregators at the expense of the particpants
to one that is - not only decent(ralized) but<br /> - human centric,
enable us to weave - autonomous - ambient self-certified named networks built from trust, for human trust
viralspy.io viralspy.io
What is LinkedIn Pulse & How It Works? [2023]
In this article, you will learn about LinkedIn Pulse, its history, purpose, and role in the LinkedIn ecosystem. You will also discover what replaced LinkedIn…
Start with a strong and engaging introduction that hooks your readers and piques their interest. Aim to present a clear and concise overview of the topic you will be discussing in the article.
follow LinkedIn Influencers.
By fostering thought leadership within the platform, both individuals and organizations can derive immense value from engaging with high-quality content.
high quality content
LinkedIn acquired the news reader application called Pulse, developed by Alphonso Labs
LinkedIn Pulse was introduced in 2012 as an exclusive content platform for selected, hand-picked influencers who were experts in their respective fields.
- about : LinkedIn Pulse
articles replaced pulse
pulse sunset ted for articles
optimizing articles for reach and visibility
and visibility -
What is LinkedIn Pulse & How It Works? [2023] In this article, you will learn about LinkedIn Pulse, its history, purpose, and role in the LinkedIn ecosystem. You will also discover what replaced LinkedIn…
ontopia.net ontopia.net
Topic maps provide an approach that marries the best of several worlds,
best of - indexing - library science - knowledge representation - advanced techniques of - linking - addressing
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
associative relations