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  1. Jul 2022
    1. "You can’t play twenty questions with nature and win"
    2. scientific progress may not even be tractable without adequatesynthesis (as theory), even with advanced methods and data
      • scientific progress
      • not tractable without
      • adequate synthesis
    3. especially necessary for problems where it is difficult orimpossible to construct decisive experimental tests

      impossible to construct experimental tests

    4. Synthesis maybe supported by and manifested in a variety of forms, such as a theory, an effective systematic or inte-grative literature review, a causal model, a cogent research proposal or problem formulation, or model ofa design space, among others.

      !- manifested, supported : synthesis - theory - effective systematic/integrative literature review - causal model - cogent research proposal - problem formulation

    5. Effective synthesis generates new knowledge, integrating relevant theories, concepts, claims, andevidence into novel conceptual wholes [Strike and Posner, 1983, Blake and Pratt, 2006].

      !- concept : effective synthesis

    6. To advance science, scientists must synthesize what is currently known and unknown

      synthesize known and unknown

      !- rhymes with : Engelbart @ Google - "Who is doing the job of organizing the Web's Frontier" - the edge of knowl'edge

    1. WordNet # (n) bon mot a clever remark
      • meaning : bon mot
    1. f feeding its slave to the trap data you have this sense that um of fighting against uh the infrastructure

      feeding its slave to the trap data

      fighting against the infrastructure

      "If one is to stand on the shoulders of giants, one must first climb up their backs"

      "the greater the body of knowledge, the harder this climb becomes"

      Ben Jones 2009

      "Enslaved to the Trapped Data"

    2. synthesis is actually really hard

      !- claim : synthesis is hard

      • ignore synthesis at our (collective) peril
    3. risk wasting our time on questions that are trivial impossible misframed one of my favorite phrases is you can't play 20 questions with nature and win

      !- exhortation : - ignore synthesis at our (collective) peril

      • wasting time on question that are
      • tivial : we already knew the answer
      • impossible: here be dragons
      • missframed

      !- phrase : can't play 20 questions with nature and win

    4. a recent nobel prize winner who credited some of her key inspirations to a masterful survey of the literature in a handbook chapter of economic developmental economics and 00:02:11 it really laid out some key problems in the field that she was able to sort of connect with her expertise and experimental methods

      !- about : finding the right question

    5. giving insight into here are some of the gaps here are where we should be going next um driving progress forward

      !- for : literature review - giving insights - gaps - directions - driving progress forward

    6. key intuition is that you create a new innovative conceptual whole that's greater than the sum of the parts of things that you're integrating

      !- key intuition : synthesis - remove barriers to effective synthesis - ask better questions, faster

      !- examples : synthesis - theory - model - design spaces - lit/systems - lit/system review

    7. so what i mean by synthesis it's probably an intuitive concept but some examples include theories models design spaces and very good systematic or literature reviews

      !- concept : synthesis

    8. goal is to remove various defective synthesis

      !- goal : remove barrier to synthesis - so any scientist can ask better questions faster

    9. update on what i talked about in the previous talk which was linked in the chat

      previous talk

    1. Pseudonymous Credibility without public identity.
      • for : principles - IndyWeb
    2. Hypothesis Community Guidelines

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