- Oct 2022
consider.it consider.it
Civil and focused dialogue
Open Enspiral: Lessons from a Participatory NetworkReflections about self-management, growing a network and scaling culture
bafybeidawczmoh4i5bjbllpgnjym33yqulyttuzz3vabtycwl3flm3tdxm.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeidawczmoh4i5bjbllpgnjym33yqulyttuzz3vabtycwl3flm3tdxm.ipfs.w3s.linkKBK Wisdom11
help keep the boundaries permeable
keep boundaries permeable
the proposals application is our means of collective digital choreography, whichsimply means knowing what to do next.
collective digital coreography
create networked knowledge artefacts
networked knowledge artefacts
should have joined long ago
Your money is yours, but who you are is realised through, and held safe by, all of us
gossip network?
The drawback is that moving between different subdomains
perhaps kernel needs a real kernel for Web3
we are exploring this possibility in creating just the kind of Open, commons based, pee produced constellations built with Web3
!- original : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rdMIDu__oFay4Du2zGOUKZ7wRDPzGmyZIFafMy4LdHA/edit#
!- context - https://convo.kernel.community/rsvp/1JIqB28K0S - https://convo.kernel.community/rsvp/EZq5r-eYTo
Wallets with balances imply that they are only about finance, whenreally these two keys give you the freedom to make your own meaning and value
freedom to make your own meaning and value
we’re not interested in how much you have. We’re interestedin how much you learn
interested in how much you learn
This is called “non-custodial”, because itmeans that you’re the only one who ever has custody of your private key
non custodial
Wisdom is durably good guidance.
durable guidance
beyond intelligence that aims to make decisions that maximize future options
docdrop.org docdrop.org
heart mind guts right heart mind guts in that order care comes first you got to care enough to know to develop the knowledge 00:18:11 okay then you got to act on it and put it into practice apply it so that's the order heart mind guts care 00:18:24 knowledge action those are the steps and all three of those have to be in place that's what unity consciousness is it's unifying faults emotions and actions
unty consciousness
thought emotion action
the lost principle is the dynamic of care what we care about on a day-to-day basis acts as the driving force of our thoughts and actions what did i say we need to develop the 00:17:59 heart mind guts right heart mind guts in that order care comes first you got to care enough to know to develop the knowledge 00:18:11 okay then you got to act on it and put it into practice apply it so that's the order heart mind guts care 00:18:24 knowledge action those are the steps and all three of those have to be in place that's what unity consciousness is it's unifying faults emotions and actions 00:18:35 the three aspects of consciousness such there is no contradiction between them our thoughts what we say what we think how we feel and how we act are one and the same there's no contradiction that's unity consciousness therefore 00:18:49 care is the driver of our thoughts and actions it ultimately can be seen as the generator of the quality of our shared experience here on the earth care is what generates the whole thing hence it has been called the generative principle 00:19:01 liken the heart to a pump in the body well what does a pump do it's a generator it provides energy it moves the life force through the blood in the body in every ancient tradition they talk about the life force being in the 00:19:15 blood the heart is what pumps that through the whole physiology and enables us to continue to sustain life as important as the brain is which we just talked about the importance of it the heart is 00:19:28 ultimately what's generating the experience because what we care about determines what we think about on a daily basis most of the time and therefore how we behave
the lost principle
the generative principle
convo.kernel.community convo.kernel.community
Come for the light-hearted vision, stay for the excellence...
vision stay for excellence
Kernel Building Kernel
www.kernel.community www.kernel.community
Giving is sacred
∀ is
Scale ability
scale ability
It does help if you know that if you can go from 0 to 1 you gone to N without the need for vast resources
instead you may reach sustainability growth and the abiity to lift others sooner than you could thing
Kernel Principles
www.kernel.community www.kernel.community
A custom web3 educational community
Kernel community and make its infrastructure available for any other community of care.
community of care
convo.kernel.community convo.kernel.community
convo.kernel.community convo.kernel.community
Community Wisdom Gardening Summit and Pattern Jam
wisdom gardening summit
spreading awareness, co-learning these endangered legacies
endagered indeed
www.indiehackers.com www.indiehackers.com
1: Show several features in one visual Show, don't tell. Show me your SaaS, don't describe it to me. There are many ways to do that.
show, don't tell
What's New: 5 UX/UI tips to improve your website
norabateson.medium.com norabateson.medium.com
the system becomes ready allows for pathways of possibility previously unimagined.
pathways of possibilities previously unimagined
This is a theory of change that changes a theory of change.
self-correcting like language itself
saturation of mutual learning between organisms through which pathways of possibility are produced;
pathways of possibilities emerge
- for : TraulMarks Shapes
‘Aphanipoiesis’ paper in the ISSS Journal
What is submerging across contexts of life that might produce ready-ing for change?
- question = what produces ready-ing for change?
Respect is not something that can be mandated;
- cannot be mandated = respect
The opposite of ready-ing is to force a single-purpose outcome upon a system that is oriented and shaped around pathways that do not correspond to the desired ‘change’.
- force = a single purpose outcome
An essay on ready-ing: Tending the prelude to changeNora Bateson
norabateson.medium.com norabateson.medium.com
What happens between hints?
sub liminal
If the larger “goal” is to preserve the possibility of ongoing complexity
maximizing future choices
attention to coalescence
older epistemologies
Older cultures have held the unseen to be relevant.
it is not just unseen but perhaps it is not only the Dao that cannot be Daoed?
unseen, rather than hidden or invisible.
focal attention subsidiary attention
unseen realm is vital, non-trivial, and sacred— and it is real.
the sacred is real the real is **sscred
just as
the real is reasonable (not rational or irrational, rational plodding in assummed closed world with finite causal chain is an unrealistic expectation that leds to ruin, as is the drive for surety
and only the reasonable can become real through time
life coalesces toward vitality
- it
Aphanis comes from a Greek root meaning obscured, unseen, unnoticed
abduction as the way one context describes another.
- reason why = high resolution addressable permanent named context networks
- vectors - in - spaces shape vectors in context space
bafybeidly3ixwie3wundgfnpfup3byrgjv3mhju2sgbkpepspnn3sq3rkq.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeidly3ixwie3wundgfnpfup3byrgjv3mhju2sgbkpepspnn3sq3rkq.ipfs.w3s.link
This is a print out of https://norabateson.medium.com/ready-ing-f1d79271a610#annotations:tT--HlYHEe2hrNshk1WKlQ shared on the CICOLAB #convoflow Telegram channel
via https://convo.kernel.community/rsvp/BlcdX9htox
configured to allow web annotations within a small reading circle.
The technology experiment to explore how we may have conversations on the margins
An essay on ready-ing: Tending the prelude to change
This is a print out of https://norabateson.medium.com/ready-ing-f1d79271a610#annotations:tT--HlYHEe2hrNshk1WKlQ configured to allow web annotations within a small reading circle.
The technology experiment to explore how we may have conversations on the margins
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
You can find some example apps here: https://github.com/Peergos/example-apps
example apps
The app domain is isolated from the main peergos domain in a separate OS process
app domain is isolated
book.peergos.org book.peergos.org
You can turn any folder in Peergos into a private website, benefitting from the built-in access control and privacy. Such websites can be viewed using a built-in browser app.
browser app
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
A digital garden. Spaces for thinking together. Shared worlds. Intersubjectivities. A commons.
If you would make it People-Centered where each individual/Communities of practice would be their own(ed) hubs operating as Autonomous Actors forming an IndyNet connecting People, Ideas and un-enclosable Tools and carriers that they need so that everything that is shared in the commons or privately would allow trusted ambient conversations, on the margins, or collaboratively, that are continuous without being synchronous, and contiguous with the entire scaffolding with which each participants contributions were erected, Where everything is evergreen,with verifiable provenance and recapitulable histories. Scaling Synthesis and Reach
you would be talking about IndyLab on the IndyWeb
There is a clear convergence present in the design space of possible Open Commons based, Peer-produced "tools to think with, together" to augment human inter-intellect in Open Mutual Learning Commons for Symmathesy an interpersonal MEMEX fort the Web doing the job of organizing the Net's Frontier as the Endless Frontier of Knowledge
all powered by Permanent Hypermedia Protocols noty Platforms allowing the Players to be their own Platforms
bafybeif5htaj7ofhrikl47svwsnhncapmokvvm4rapa47rrmrgxovratna.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif5htaj7ofhrikl47svwsnhncapmokvvm4rapa47rrmrgxovratna.ipfs.w3s.link
“antibody-dependentenhancement,” or ADE
Mapping Meaning in a Digital Age
HyperMaps of Meanings in Autonomous InterPersonal Hypermedia Spaces
Where the Map IS the territory
Commons based, peer produced, Permanent , Evergreen, Autonomous Conversations for mutual learning that are continuous without being synchronous, and contiguous with each participants' own(ed) HyperMaps of Meaning that ARE the territory
www.dailygood.org www.dailygood.org
spiritual reparenting
indylab-2022.fission.app indylab-2022.fission.app
Maria Popova — Cartographer of Meaning in a Digital Age for : spiritual re-parenting
*Cargographer of Meaning
- for : spiritual reparenting
redefineschool.com redefineschool.com
now called marginalian
- for : spiritual reparenting
bafybeibedgakohzsvxiwbl5742b5qftyy57bpqy7kfr7hyhpq2nzfnb3ze.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeibedgakohzsvxiwbl5742b5qftyy57bpqy7kfr7hyhpq2nzfnb3ze.ipfs.w3s.link
similar generative order can be discerned in theconsciousness of society
- generative order in the consciousness of society
implicate order,particularly if the whole is relevant to the creation of the parts, or if processesof enfoldment and unfoldment are present.
!- characterize : implicate order - the whole is relevant to the creation of the parts - processers of - enfoldments and - unfoldments - are present
compare : emergence, end emergent properties
for : mutual arising through meta-circularity and bootstrapping
a generative order is a process whereby alimited number of simple components generate a diverse structure
- gloss : generative order
!- essential - characterization : TrailMarks
on-cept of generative order put forth with F. David Peat in Science, Order, andCreativity
- concept : generative order
- in : Science, Order and Creativity
www.masterclass.com www.masterclass.com
Teaches Mindfulness and Meditation
www.uniquelyaligned.com www.uniquelyaligned.com
What's In A Name, And Who's Asking?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the dynamic structure of the programming language was the dynamic structure of the document and it's just it's a different world 00:40:27 he he had to struggle with getting the programming language evolved and adapted into
- the dynamic structure of the programming langage
- was the dynamic structure
- of the doument
This IS Intentional Programming
!- claim : NLS was a nascent Intentional Software System - It was not a language work bench - but a system oriented - a collaboration platform designed to bootstrap itself - into existence and continual improvement and in fact - it was kernel based - and at the heart it had a Command Language Interpreter - that allowed thinking and creating software - as a conversational system - driven by a command language - that was used to articulate the intentions - in terms of other intentions, combinations of intentions ultimately - groundrd in primitiver capabilities - that were implemented in machine code for the target system - migration from one machine to the next - system desigtners and devlopers were able to articulate - ideas and means of realizing those ideas in - self structured forms and used the same capabilities - to organize the embodiment of these intentions - in code that when run exhibited the desired behaviour
in fact when we had all all the programming languages that were in nls there was no text file for the 00:40:14 programs they were in the dynamic structure
- no text files for the program in NLS
- programs only in a dynamic structure
when you edit in Wikipedia you're editing a text file and then somehow you generate a display out of that and in NLS and the system's Doug is proposing you edit the structure 00:40:02 directly and and the different views did you get or generated out of the structure
- No Text Files
- structured Linked Text
indyhub.files.fission.name indyhub.files.fission.name
A program consists of a tree of nodes, each node being an instance of someintention
- a program consists of a tree of nodes
- each node being and in stance of some intention
!- as in : NLS - see : https://docdrop.org/video/xQx-tuW9A4Q/#annotations:yiHKnFEIEe2RX5Mg4AKCqw
The enzymes can be written in IP itself, and new intentions may be also used in the enzymes themselves. Is thiscircular? Of course it is, but standard bootstrapping methods can ensure that a working copy of the system iskept at any time while the new enzymes are debugged
- The enzymes can be written in IP itself
- using new intentions in enzymes
!- question : is this circular !- answer : of course it is - meta-circular
- standard bootstrapping methods
- ensure working copy of the system is kept
- while the new enzymes are debugged
Identification is unambiguous and invariant, via thegraph-like pointers. Detail can be added at any point, without disturbing any other part of the tree
- identification unambiguous and invariant
he source tree provides a solid substrate forrepresenting arbitrary intentions in a modular fashion.
- solid substrate
- representing intentions
- modular fashion
One could say that the tree-like pointers are a little like S-expressions in Lisp, while the graph-like pointers define the object type in the object-oriented view.
LISP S-expressions + object oriented view
Needless to say, the declarations, and the details of the intentions are themselves also intention instances andreside within the source tree, typically, but not always, in a standard library.
- articulation of intents by means of articulated intents
- it is not like intentions all the way down
- but a complete intentional subgraph of permanent interconnected computational artifacts generated from such subgraphs
Thenodes are each identified as an instance of the particular primitive intention by a ―graph-like‖ pointer to thedeclaration of the intention. The nodes also contain ―tree-like‖ pointers to any number of arguments as shown inthe following figure
- declaration of intention
- instance of (primitive) intention
!- repharase : - articulation of intentions by means of articulation of intents
actualize the programmer’s abstract desire, specific nodes are created by the programmer in the source tree.
- actualize : programmer's abstract desire
!- response : - the programmer's desire is not abstract - IT is TACIT
- shiny example : The way we conceptualize a problem creates the space of possible solutions
- if that conceptualization is faulty the attainable efficacy of providing good solutionjs will be compromised
―call a specialized instance of procedure P transformed with respect to second and third parameters andpartially inlined up to medium level; adapted to the present implementation of the first parameter, etc, etc.‖
The very idea of Programming is tied up with the concept of programming languages
with the death of programming languages programming itself should be laid to rest, the idea abandoned as one that was simply ill conceived
By programmer’s intention we meana desire that something be accomplished.
!- gloss : programmer's intention - a desire that something be accomplished - what do you really intend here
- question : how can we refer to Intentional Software on the |IndyWeb?
Intentional Software through Symmathesy
- restate - for : ISS
the software developer's intention is to articulate intentional concepts that capture the conditions for synthesyzing a new HyperMedia Space within which problems of interest can be solved, engagement of interest can be realized etc
The questions are b roader, more holistic system oriented like
- matters of cosmology/ontology : what are the transcendental synthetic properties of things and conditions that enable one to create a new digital space where desired intents can be realized
- workflows
- experiences
- mental models
- intent models
- goals and purposes
A key element inprogramming is the forming of some intention in the programmer’s mind.
- forming ideas about intent
- articulation
- writing to think
The contributions are in the form of a tree ofnodes, called the IP Source Tre
- contributions tree of nodes
- DAG of Intent Graph Neighbourhood subgraph
- intent addressable permanent interplanetary graph
- contributions tree of nodes
Without being overly pedantic, we should set the stage by admitting theobvious: programming systems exists because human programmers have ideas to contribute.
- humans have ideas to contribute
handful of gurus who used to control the means of abstraction
- gurus controlling the
- means of abstractions
- means of ombinations
- primitves
Indeed, the major promise of IP may not be the fixing of a finite number of mundane problems, but the enablingof the larger scale evolution of programming technology.
!- major promise : IP - - not : fixing of a finite number of mundane problems - - but : enabling largert scale evolution of programming technology
!- rehash as : Intentional Software - commons based, peer produced intentional constellations for Software as a conversation, mutual learning
Moreover, thedominant products can remain on the top only by continually evolving and improving and they are orders ofmagnitudes better in every respect than their pre-evolutionary prototypes.
- continual evolving improving
pre-evolutionayr prototypes
value prop : intentional constellations
- making the facility for intentional articulation itself
- universal, ubiqutous open to co-evoliution
- opens the way to continual improvement through
- open, commons based peer produced co-evolution
- improving the available Tools for thought and articulated intent as compated with isolated pre0evolutionary prototype TfTs
- pre-evoutiounary prototype
This means that the existing legacy code of the usersis no longer an albatross retarding innovation, but a valuable asset to which new services can be tied withoutlimit. Once encoded in terms of intentions, software assumes an invariant ―immortal‖ form, free from inherentobsolence.
!- meme : intentional software as "immortal form" - existing legacy articulations are assets - to which new servicdes can be tied to - composed of, re-mix re-use, re-purpose
!- meme : intentional software - beyond programming - beyond ontology
- point to : long tail software
There emerged a smallnumber of dominant word processing packages, but there are a myriad of niche products also
- domninant word processor packages
- myriad of niche products
Once the relatively expensive hardware box was made universal, the number of wordprocessors skyrocketed and the quality and power of the products greatly increased.
!- going : universal - make expensive dedicated hardware for word procdessoirs universal - resulting quality and power ofavailable solutions in any specific application domains increased
ncoded in terms of intentions,
- same as : articulated intentions
One key property of intentions, as described in the sequel, is that they can coexist with each other―syntactically‖ and can be made to coexist ―semantically
- intentions can co-exist syntactically and semantically
―JOVIALl‖ that is ―Jules’ Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language‖. This was one small steptoward the intentional world)
!- about : JOVIALI - step towards the intentional world
Each intention carries the definition of its associated notation (―syntax‖) and implementations(―semantics‖) as attached method
- intentions carry
- definition of associated notation syntax
- implementation semantics as attached methods
- intentions carry
arbage collection isanother meme: Lisp and Smalltalk carry it
- garbage collection
- meme carried by LISP and smalltak
features of thelanguages are the genes (or more precisely, information ―memes
- language features as memes
Arbitrary type calculus, meta-work, domain-specific compilation knowledge, and information traditionally keptin ―good‖ comments should be expressible as part of the machine processable part of the program
- arbitrary type calculus
- meta-work
- domain specific compilation knowledge?
- comments should be expressible
as part of the machine processable part
not literal programming
- where narraitve is interpersed and organizing
- code blocks
!- response : - but articulate software as a conversations and mutual learning
matching any given fixed point.
question - what does it mean? : matching any given fixed point
guess :
- problems define their own solutions
- there is a natural convergence to a solution that cannot be improved
n syntax, any notation should be acceptable.
!- need to go : beyond syntax and semantics
he issues of syntax, types, standards, and namingshould be delegated to the programmer
!- delegate : issues to programmer - syntax - types - standards - naming
!- response - naming is the key - universal means of articulation instead of just syntax - amenable to the "pun" that a machine processable description - can be interpreted to embody the intent thus describned - syntax is to make writing machine processable - types are indeed ubiquitous but are only the tip of the iceberg of thought vectors in intent space
contributions remain compatible even whendifferent choices or tradeoffs are made by different programmers
contributions compatible
!- ensure : not only - compatibiity, - mapping between intentional conceptualizations - but interoperabiity
Implementationdetail should be separable from computational intent, and any implementation should be accessible for a givenintention, including those matching any given fixed point.
- implementation detail
- should be separable from computational intent
- implementation accessible for given intention
- matching fixed point
!- separate : computational intent - from - implementation details - articulate intent in structures that reflect all the abstractions needed to cope conceptionally with what we are creating
!- make accessible : any implementation - for - any intent - including those matching any fixed point
a system for encoding the programmer’s contributions in units that correspond tothe programmer’s intentions, with arbitrary abstraction that does not incur run-time costs.
!- goal : intentional system - encode the programmer's contribution in units - that corresponds to the programmer's intention - arbitrary abstractions - no run-time costs incurred
!- questions? - whose intentions? - what kinds of abstractions?
why talk about the death of languages?
!- why : death of languages?
programmers get a say in language design.
programmers get a say in languge design
nease insofar as the general state of software is concerned: development isdifficult, achieving correctness is difficult, levels of software reuse are low relative to what we would intuitivelyexpect
- unease state of software, difficut
- development
- correctness
- resuse low
re-read the definition of the technical term
ank ―efficiency‖ as unassailable
efficiency unassailable
- choice has to be made
- freedom to defer choice
- where information supporting the choice is maximal
- making wrong choice minimal
rendering the issuer routine
gloss : Agile
express a specific implementation would be by abstracting it into its computational intent
express specific implementation
abstract into its computational intent
no conflict between abstraction and efficiency,
- should not be conflict between abstraction and efficience
should be no incentive to go outside of the normal languageframework
- no incentive to go outside the framework
- descending to machine code
erformance becomes a goal for most pieces of software.
- performance becomes goal for most software
performance which depends on a particular implementation methodor the exploitation of operating system or hardware features
- goal : performance
- os
- hardware
Accessibility of desired implementation
- implementation efficiency
the mapping between the two be straightforward
mapping to be straightforward
saying that the encoding be simple
encoding may not be simple
the ability to abstract is key to anyencoding
- means of abstraction
the volume of specificcases handled by an abstraction is typically much greater than the overhead of the abstractionmechanism itself
- volume of specific cases handled by abstractions
- overhead of the abstraction mechanism
Domain-specific knowledge can not be injected into the compilation process.
failing most other tests for usability.
Meta-work (i.e. consistent rewriting of a program) is not expressible in languages even though itcomprises a substantial part of programmer’s workload. Lisp is an exception in t
- meta-work
- Lisp
pieces of program text are not abstractable,
already fixed implementation should bechanged, or that the objects in question should not be considered containers under thecircumstances ignores realistic boundary conditions on one hand and violates sound softwareengineering on the other
- implementation changed
- ignore realistic boundary conditions
- violate engineering principles
Computational intent and implementation details are intermingled.
- computational intent
- details
Languages are not compatible with a fixed poin
Potentially costly unreliable conversions
cause a ―name collision‖
Not compatible with themselves
Languages are not compatible with themselves:
name collision
permanent and maintainable combination,
- share mix Combinations
Languages are not compatible with each other:
- incompatibility between languages
Cannot mix and match
No bon mot
the list of ―terrible things‖ which are taken for grante
The purpose of a language is to encode the programmers’ contributions
oh no, it isn't
bafybeiecv66txxyx3q6yds4co5xnmcbrabk7hdt7pyncvrbuo52lv6pdta.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeiecv66txxyx3q6yds4co5xnmcbrabk7hdt7pyncvrbuo52lv6pdta.ipfs.w3s.link
www.nature.com www.nature.com
On scientific understanding with artificial intelligence
bypaulshen.com bypaulshen.com
Hi! I'm Paul.
edvo.typeform.com edvo.typeform.com
Our Product Lead, Darlene, will reach out with next steps!
twemex.app twemex.app
Twemex is a browser extension for Twitter that automatically surfaces the most interesting ideas.It helps you spend less time mindlessly scrolling, and more time developing your thoughts.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
because there is no onboarding experience provided by the app the community ends up creating the onboarding experience for new users so we're like sort of as a 00:06:28 community like deciding how this app is can not should be used but can be used in various ways and setting up these sort of conceptual structures of like well here's one way you could use Rome and another and there's no official way and I doubt 00:06:41 will be given
- community created onboarding experience
- setting up conceptual structures
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Intentional Programming demo (Part 2) - Compiler
github.com github.com
Clone this repository, then run:
ipfs.io ipfs.io
= cosmiosis
ipfs.io ipfs.io
the destination is without a doubt Heaven and this little thing we're putting together here on Earth is the map, the plan et you are the how.
- destination
- heaven
- map
- you are the how
audacity of the golden word "audacity,"
audacity auspicios
- for : beyond programming
slides.com slides.comEmbed1
Data relevance is a question of access and intent
- question of : data relevance - is - access & intent
!- what? : IndyNet - in a People Centered setting - relevance is an emergent property of combination trustful access and intent through time
fission.codes fission.codes
acknowledging the risk of concurrent updates spanning long-lived branches of history.
- long-lived branches of history
a far edge database for local-first applications and autonomous computing agents.
- concept : far edge database for local-first apps
Fission Reactor: Dialog First Look
Users might even bring their own data
this is sure to happen when doing zero friction onboarding of local first, offline first, commons based peer produced permanent long tail software or PWAs
- related to : App Owned Login
- https://hyp.is/ucu7XExZEe2O7ucGgoCnhA/discord.com/channels/478735028319158273/790825713094754364/1014889315844767824
TRACKING: WNFS event listeners #413
WNFS eventlisteners
One thing we've been thinking about a lot is progressive login: Since everything is local-first, you can just start using an app without connecting it to anything else, just store the data locally.
!- concept : Progressive Login
Nice to see that you are thinking about zero friction engagement and progressive on-boarding too. This is particularly appropriate in a webnative setting that is ultimately heading towards the long tail of software where the apps come to people instead of people flocking to apps.
If you were using redirectToLobby, there's an optional redirectTo param where you can define which URL they will be redirected back to: https://webnative.fission.app/modules.html#redirectToLobby
- param : RedirectTo
guide.fission.codes guide.fission.codes
Sharing Private Data
“App Owned Login” means that the app includes sign up rather than Fission auth lobby. And that file system access across apps (as mentioned) is going to look
!- concept : App Owned Login
www.opera.com www.opera.com
Share files, images, links, videos and notes My Flow is your personal space to share files, links, videos, images and notes, so you can access them on your computer, tablet and phone. It's file-sharing and more, made simple.
!- share - files - links - videos - images - notes - - slogan : filesharing made simple
Benefits of My Flow file sharing The My Flow feature in Opera is a simple and secure way to connect your phones, tablets & computers, to share files and more between them.
!- benefits : - simple, secure way to connect devices to
!- provide - personal space to share files - no login - private - secure - encrypted
My Flow Securely share files, links and notes between your computer and phone with My Flow. My Flow file sharing is built into Opera Browser for mobile and desktop
utf8-icons.com utf8-icons.com
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en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols
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࿙ (TIBETAN MARK LEADING MCHAN RTAGS) utf-8 character icon
medium.com medium.com
Holo Fuel Economics 101Alastair Ong, Art Brock, Mary Camacho, David Atkinson
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one.compost.digital one.compost.digital
onboard to the town’s social network while they read the “disorientation guide”, with its evocative descriptions of the best local sites, each with its own dumb, regional pun as a web address.
"disorientation guide"
best sync point to the global punk2punk stream: a decentralized, digital, international pop underground.
punk2punk - decent(ralized) - digital - international - pop underground
awful how our experiences are commodified, contorted, cut up, and traded
experiences commodified contorted, cut up and traded
I’ll be direct: we have given so much energy and intention to a handful of centralized platforms that it’s become metaphysically dangerous. These tech companies are like bootstrapped archons, drawing power from the passion and humanity we share to their sites, and from the continued illusion that this is how it must be.
- much energy and intention
- bootstrapped archons
Sacred Servers
www.compart.com www.compart.com
List of Unicode Characters of Category “Other Symbol”
www.etymonline.com www.etymonline.com
dual (adj.)c. 1600, in grammar, "the form or number relating to two," from Latin dualis "that contains two; the dual number, duality," from duo "two" (from PIE root *dwo- "two"). General sense of "relating to two, expressing two, composed or consisting of two parts" is from 1650s. Related: Dually.
www.etymonline.com www.etymonline.com
(source also of Sanskrit avidhat "allotted," Old Avestan vida- "to devote oneself to").
old Avestan vida
divide (v.)early 14c., "separate into parts or pieces," from Latin dividere "to force apart, cleave, distribute," from assimilated form of dis- "apart" (see dis-) + -videre "to separate," which, according to de Vaan, is from PIE *(d)uid- "to separate, distinguish" (source also of Sanskrit avidhat "allotted,"
www.etymonline.com www.etymonline.com
individual (adj.)early 15c., "one and indivisible, inseparable" (with reference to the Trinity), from Medieval Latin individualis, from Latin individuus "indivisible," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + dividuus "divisible," from dividere "divide" (see divide (v.)).
!- split : indi(vid) & dual - indy & dual - for : IndyWeb, IndyNet
bafybeibouytst33yxr6r73omdj57uytw6cbu4xthap3nksbwh3ld4tdfmq.ipfs.4everland.io bafybeibouytst33yxr6r73omdj57uytw6cbu4xthap3nksbwh3ld4tdfmq.ipfs.4everland.io
the possibility of finding solutions to problems that before seemedinsoluble
solutions to seemingly insoluble problems
The 1962 paper
source : http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/sri/arc/Augmenting_Human_Intellect_A_Conceptual_Framework_Oct62.pdf
web3.storage : https://bafybeibouytst33yxr6r73omdj57uytw6cbu4xthap3nksbwh3ld4tdfmq.ipfs.dweb.link/?filename=Augmenting_Human_Intellect_A_Conceptual_Framework_Oct62.pdf
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
About Link Reification, Multi-Typing, Meta-Modeling … & Zen
blog.ipfs.tech blog.ipfs.tech
Web3 Browsers for Decentralized Storage
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The hub manages and controls all functions of the network. It also acts as a repeater for the data flow.
!- gloss : hub | star network - manages and controls all functions of the network - repeater for the data flow
!- for : concept : huddle | IndyNet -
Star network
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Spoke–hub distribution paradigm
ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu
Internet of People (IoP)An inter-disciplinary approach to Networking in a human-centric NGI
www.ngi.eu www.ngi.eu
Visit: ngi-assure-opencall.fundingbox.com Apply: ngi-assure-opencall.fundingbox.com
The goal of RIM is to evolve the Internet’s resource management approach to enable receivers to execute congestion control functions,…
RIM: Receiver-driven Incoming-traffic Management
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Manhood of Humanity
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Keynote: Collective Problem Solving: Music, Science, Software - Jessica Kerr 1,171 views • 9 May 2019 1,171 views 9 May 2019
- for : Camerata
norabateson.wordpress.com norabateson.wordpress.com
all of the society that the person we are describing is also located within is shifting in a countless field of variables, as is the forest around the tree we spoke of. The contexts are variables that are learning together.
shifting through time
the forest around the tree
- contexts are variables that are learning together
!- for : Software as a Conversation
Synthetic creation
Shifting our understanding of the make-up of the conglomeration of interactions that form a living entity so that we are not defining parts and wholes is the first step in our understanding of this new term.
- shifting through time
- no parts and wholes
!- for : IndyWeb holonic structures through mixing
testament to the characteristics of contextual multilayered shiftings through time
- shifting through time
learning within shifting interactions and patterns through time.
- shifting through time
shiftings through time
Symmathesy (Noun):
is a proposed short name for webnative constellations that facilitate p2p live interations
short for Symmathesys
Portrmanteau of
Sym + Mathesi + System
Mathesi, (to learn)
Sym (together)
transcontextual mutual learning through interaction.
trans(con)textual mutual learning
through (p2p live) interaction
over the web
trans(con)textual mutual learning
through p2p live interaction
over the web
peergos.org peergos.org
improved web architecture
- strict sandboxing and permissions,
- to empower and protect end-users.
- Our solution is not only secure,
- but convenient,
- as it works in existing browsers
The current web has become hostile for both its users and the society at large;
hostile - users - society