3,476 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. Trust free servers and storage. Clients do not need to trust their server or storage. Data, metadata, and contact lists are never exposed to your server.

      !- trust free servers and storage - - alt : No Servers or Clients - every ONE in the network is an Autonomous Actor

    2. Secure sharing of such files with other users of the network without visible meta-data (who shares with who)

      |- secure sharing - with others in the network - without visible meta-data - who shares with who

    3. Securely and privately store files in a peer to peer network which has no central node and is generally difficult to disrupt or surveil

      |- securely & privately - store files - peer to peer network - no central node - difficult to dirupt - surveil

    4. run web apps within Peergos (and served directly from Peergos) which are totally sandboxed and unable to track users or exfiltrate data
      • run web apps within Peergos
      • sandboxed
      • unabloe to track users or exfiltrate data
    1. each wiki exists in multiple places - on the computer as a local set of files AND render to static website the way we collaborate - we all edit - pull and push
      • wiki exists in multiple places
      • local files
      • static website

      IndyNet + IndyWiki + TrailMarks + MindGraph = conversational wiki

      IndyNet + IndyLab + TrailMarks + MindGraph = interpersonal collaborative IndyWeb for Mutual Larning: Symmathersy

      Open, commons based peer interpersonal collaboration organizing and makeing sense of the emergent edge of knowledge

      Where we as people can create the commons based peer produced evergreen capabilities needed to do so

      co-creation through interpersonal conversations that are continuous without being synchronous creating permanent habitable autonomous digital spaces on the IndyWeb and contiguous with each participants MindGraphs along with the very tools needed to improve own(ed) and collective intellect and ability to work together


      where Software becomes Conversation Description https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&any=conversational+wiki&addQuoteContext=true

      https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&any=%22software+is+a+conversation%22&addQuoteContext=true Description

    2. starting to copy files from one wiki to another YAML front matter so you have a page history - more conversational than git commits
      • YAML front matter
      • for page history
      • more conversational than git commit
    3. real people use real conversations - make a more conversational wiki

      !- page : search - "conversational wiki"

    1. Massive Wiki Wednesday (ANZ-Asia), 2021-10-19 - Developer Wiki ...https://developer.massive.wiki › meetingshttps://developer.massive.wiki › meetingsTárolt változatOldal lefordításareal people use real conversations - make a more conversational wiki; currently we are adding to and commenting on pages; Bill and Pete put the mattermost ...
      • search : "conversational wiki"
    1. too much data more than a single person could handle they needed a tool to increase their 01:10:11 capacity the solution to both of these issues promise and zog are hypertext systems they organize this mountain of data as smaller ideas linked together to form 01:10:23 chains of thought to form networks of data
      • too much data
      • more then a single person could handle
      • need tools to increase their capacity

      • organize data as smaller ideas

      • linked together to form chains of thoughts
      • forming networks of data
    2. promise was designed as a solution to the information problem this i'd argue is a universal problem managing medical records was taking too much work there was too much data for 01:09:58 humans to handle so they needed some type of augmentation

      The Information Problem is a Universal Problem

      • too much data for humans to handle
      • so some type of augmentation needed
    3. Episode 79 - ZOG: Military Strength Hypertext Advent Of Computing Advent Of Computing 1.38K subscribers

    1. Episode 79 - ZOG: Military Strength Hypertext

    1. 0:22 / 51:06•Watch full videoLive•Scroll for detailsNew!Watch ads now so you can enjoy fewer interruptionsGot it Description One of my all time favorite talks of AKay's, given in 2015. Not my own video, though it hasn't been on YouTube before. Original location here: http://global.sap.com/campaign/na/usa... Show less Show more Comments 46 Top comments Newest first Transcript NaN / NaN Alan Kay, 2015: Power of Simplicity


  2. bafybeid4zfuk36bi4q2j6th7stfdbdldej2didngi25fgd5ic2ihxtur3u.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeid4zfuk36bi4q2j6th7stfdbdldej2didngi25fgd5ic2ihxtur3u.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. A Search for the Correct Form for the Human-ComputerInterface

      correct form of Human-Computer Interface

    1. boosting our collec­tive capability to solve important challenges at scale.

      boosting our collective capability to solve important challenges at scale

    2. What We Do 0 The Doug Engelbart Institute was founded by the late Doug Engel­bart with his daughter and partner Christina Engel­bart to further his life­long career goal of boosting our collec­tive capability to solve important challenges at scale.
      • what we do
    1. 📤 Outbox Tray Emoji Meaning A paper tray with an up arrow on top, as a symbol for an email outbox.


    1. 📥 Inbox Tray Emoji Meaning A paper tray with a down arrow on top, as a symbol for an email inbox.


    1. 🗃️ Card File Box Emoji Meaning A black or gray box with a label holder, containing card index dividers with multicolored tabs, as used to organize and store files. 


  3. bafkreibkvbbmuuicxioaoypmagqelmoz6fyzsvqueryldzwijk7i3g5gx4.ipfs.4everland.io bafkreibkvbbmuuicxioaoypmagqelmoz6fyzsvqueryldzwijk7i3g5gx4.ipfs.4everland.io
    1. lowering cost toaddress very small markets

      there is always a market in that gap

    1. download it here.
    2. Download jotspot_long_tail_sw.ppt  


    1. POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere

    1. personal learning environment ple
      • about : Personal Learning Environment
    1. data structures and interfaces that support synthesis and innovation

      !- for : vision : IndyWeb, IndyNet

      • Autonomous, Ambient Digital Spaces
      • where deep conversations with full provenance
      • can be conducted and shared
      • that are continuous without being synchronous
      • on terms that are set by the participants
      • for their mutual benefit
      • augmenting mutual learning
    1. !- claim : jsipfs has proven to be non viable

      jsipfs proven to be non viable need WASM

    1. A thematic sketch, such as "organizing for action", makes purposeful authoring a matter of choosing relations from a menu.
      • thematic sketch
      • organizing for action
      • purposeful authoring
        • matter of : choosing relations from a menu

      !- response : - make the menu player extensible - in a systematic way - you get TrailMarks

  4. bafkreicaza4vz3h7epqngjgg44nj66qeq4pd2uvdqu4upbudyagku5rthy.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreicaza4vz3h7epqngjgg44nj66qeq4pd2uvdqu4upbudyagku5rthy.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Peergos is building the next web

      !- building : - the next web - the private web - end users are in control

      !- are : web apps - secure by default - unable to track you - in control exactly what personal data each web app can see - not having to log into an app ever again!

      • own your data
      • decide where it is stored
      • who can see it

      • privacy is a fundamental human right

      • easy for everyone to interact online
        • in ways that respect this right
    2. Securely and privately store les
    3. audit by Cure53

      !- audit by : Cure53


    4. pronounced peer-goss

      !- pronounced : peer-goss - as in gossip

    5. The name Peergos

      !- the name : - comes from the Greek word Πύργος (Pyrgos), - which means stronghold or tower, but phonetically spelt - with the nice connection to being peer-to-peer.

    6. "Control your data, control your destiny."

      !- motto :

    7. The foundation of Peergos

      != a file system - that is - peer-to-peer - encrypted - global

      != a file system - with - with : - fine grained access control - designed to be : - resistant to surveillance of - data content, or - friendship graph

    1. Sanitizer APIMost web apps frequently deal with untrusted strings, but safely rendering that content can be tricky. Without sufficient care, it's easy to accidentally create opportunities for cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.


    1. The quantity of metal required to make just one generation of renewable tech units to replace fossil fuels, is much larger than first thought. Current mining production of these metals is not even close to meeting demand. Current reported mineral reserves are also not enough in size. Most concerning is copper as one of the flagged shortfalls.

    1. Cure53 offers classic black-box penetration tests (zero-knowledge) as well as white-box tests and code audits.
      • black-box penetration tests
      • white-box tests
      • code audits

    1. How to Share a Webpage in Google Chrome Desktop?

    2. Using Share Icon

    1. To open the context menu, right-click on the highlighted text. Select Copy link to highlight.  If you can’t select this option, this feature may not work for the selected content.
    2. Share or link to quotes and text in ChromeYou can create a shareable link that goes directly to specific highlighted text on a page.


    1. ☸️ Wheel of Dharma

      otherwise known as ☸️ Helm

      !- emoji : IndyLab

      !- emoji : IndyNet

    1. Architects are late bloomers

      bloomer not a boomer

      not a boomer just a late bloomer

      • archive : https://bafybeigjnr7feonwbmbxddpcmx6rla2dsspbkl6kd3frovq3qe3kmz76lm.ipfs.dweb.link/?filename=101%2520Things%2520I%2520Learned%2520in%2520Architecture%2520School.pdf
      • archived : https://bafybeigjnr7feonwbmbxddpcmx6rla2dsspbkl6kd3frovq3qe3kmz76lm.ipfs.dweb.link/?filename=101%2520Things%2520I%2520Learned%2520in%2520Architecture%2520School.pdf
  5. Aug 2022
    1. if backlinks can be expressed as a query, we might as well allow the user to edit those queries

      !- generate : Salient Context by Search

    1. incremental formalization.
    2. able to find what they are looking for even when they don’t quite know how to express it.
      • find what you look for
      • not quite know how to express it
      • for : articulating tacit awareness
    3. C- Hypertext enables communication with high information density

      !- learnings : - compression facilitates synthesis

    1. tools for thought
    2. what is synthesis?

      First, what is synthesis? I understand synthesis to be fundamentally about creating a new whole out of components (Strike & Posner, 1983).

    3. associationist reasoning

      augmented associonist co-created evolutionary domain specific intentional articulation of terms in a Meta Intentional Concept Space should be at the top

    4. Formal structures unlock powerful forms of reasoning like conceptual combination, analogy, and causal reasoning.
      • all we need is named intents
      • which are amenabple to operationalization
      • illation not inference
      • see : What's in a Link
      • the most significant benefit is to arrive a t a a 0 progressive formalization
      • which does no longer rely on universal mechanisms
      • as in logical inference
      • but allow domain specific interpretative intentional illation moving from something understood to something clearel understood and amenabe to additional machine supported processes
    5. Roam’s superpower for knowledge synthesis: Incremental formalization
    1. This notebook will continue to evolve going into the future

      !- experiment : make this page evergreen - use fission.codes to share the page publicly - embed hypothesis with it

    1. notebook will continue to evolve going into the future

      !- question : what happens to annotations if the notebook is updated?


    1. There is perhaps no other profession that requires one to integrate such a broadrange of knowledge into something so specific and concrete.

      !- except : software designers - especially hard as they of necessity need to create their own effective cosmology and construct reasonable concept of their intended creations so they can be realised

    1. Frederick, M. (2007). 101 things I learned in architecture school. MIT Press.
    2. “API design” techniques: separation of concerns

      Effective Articulation/Conceptualization Techniques

      • pertaining to means of articulation powered by means of abstractions
      • this is why Content Addressing that gives true permanent names to any digital data complex provides a universal effective means of Abstraction

      TrailMarks provide the Means of Combination

      TrailMarks chains are like nested function calls


      Coevolving Autnonomous Evergreen InterPersonal Networked Digital Spaces

    3. Evergreen note titles are like APIs

      !- thread : TrailMarks Clues CAN BE transformed into real APIs as fully elaborated effective concept

    1. A key advantage of writing in hypertext

      !- advantages : hypertext - allows writer to express their - thinking and - research - in a way that is simultaneously more in - depth and - concise.

  6. bafkreihmb5qsso4snnvxaecmuz53anfnetir2nkg4fmhewxivh3pcku3sm.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreihmb5qsso4snnvxaecmuz53anfnetir2nkg4fmhewxivh3pcku3sm.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Authored By:: P- Rob Haisfield P- Rob Haisfield ... 8/27/2022 , P- Joel Chan P- Joel Chan ... 8/27/2022 , and P- Brendan Langen

      !- start page : scaling synthesis - from : https://scalingsynthesis.com/

      !- do how - annotate : living notebooks - save page as HTML only - upload it to web3.storage - upload links to web3.storage - replace local links to html pages so saved - use hypothes.is annotation - TODO : automate this workflow

    1. Pinned TweetGardner Campbell@GardnerCampbell

      !- pinned tweet : @GardnerCampbell - “A way of life in an integrated domain”: Happy birthday, Doug Engelbart. Your dream is still our blueprint. http://dougengelbart.org/pubs/augment-3906.html

    1. Gardner Campbell@GardnerCampbellSomebody else's favorite song. I speak for myself only. Retweets, favorites mean many things. Photo: Pete ForsythVirginiagardnercampbell.net/blog1Joined February 20075,898 Following6,060 FollowersFollowed by Trail Marks

      !- profile : Gardner Campbell

    1. So with freedom—and I know this is a cliché, but hopefully not in this context—with freedom of that sort comes enormous responsibility. And it’s paradoxical. Responsibility to dream and, coexisting and simultaneous with that, an obligation to awaken. In other words, an obligation to make sense, be non-trivial, not to squander resources in foolishness. An obligation to awaken, and an obligation to, at the same time, dream. And then the rational mind screams out, “But this is impossible! This is paradox!” But the subtle mind understands that we have now reached square one. By openly confronting the necessity for paradox, and by openly confronting the fact that we can only enclose our dilemma by speaking in at least two modes at once, we begin to actually honor the complexity of the situation.


      responsibility to dream

      honoring the complexity of the situation

    1. like people just over indexing on being like on like syntactic like transformation tools when you think about like manipulating data uh it's easy to think about like 00:47:03 manipulating its syntax and semantics in one and that way seeing the difference between those two so it's a suite of tools for uh specifically doing the kind of like semantic manipulation that is characteristic 00:47:15 and integration projects for knowledge graphs

      !- claim : people just over indexing - - syntactic transformation tool - comment : syntax right semantics take care of itself - ref : Haugland Mind Design - if you get your syntax right - semantics can take care of itself - retort : get your iconcept for your intent right - software can take care of itself - symmanthetic manipulation - combinig symmathetic with semantic - effectiveness illusion of syntax being right - integration of knowledge graphs - for : HyperKnowledge

    1. https://bciqjmdntozhuanb2c3ka5vtqpux75j5symbyomhkpnilndngl6iaspy.peergos.net


    1. Installation

      !- installation : example apps | Peergos - From the top of this page click the green 'Code' button and select 'Download Zip'. - Unzip file and upload desired application folder to Peergos - Navigate into application folder, open the context menu for the file 'peergos-app.json' and choose 'Install App' - Make sure to take note of the file associations and permissions requested - Installed Apps are displayed on the Launcher page (top icon in left menu)

    1. Custom Apps Peergos Apps are a way to extend the Peergos platform to add custom functionality

    1. MakingHistory is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

      !- concept : reader-supported publication

    2. Thoughts Prior to "Publishing"

      Annotated Thoughts all the way down

      Thought Vectors in Concept Space

    1. És, jaj, nem élhet senki gondtalan!

      And, no live can nobody care free

    2. Külön világot alkotok magam.

      Separate world constitute myself

    1. a portable edge stack or uh just an encrypted at rest file system location independent user controlled data self modifying apps and services 00:00:54 off protocol in a trench coat

    2. we have offline and async sharing and we're now starting on a 00:03:52 uh scalable fully distributed uh database uh local first on top of ipfs as well um and we will eventually get to that portable compute section uh near the top there 00:04:05 and then there's this nice line and then abstractions to get that into developer's hand so that they don't need to know that there's this towering stack of things underneath in terms of actual experience um 00:04:17 [Music] the end goal right is to make it so that people don't have to know that there's something uh special happening so sorry i didn't create a new demo this is from a previous presentation 00:04:29 where it just looks like a regular app but the data underneath is owned by the user and portable between apps so here's that file from the previous app and we can now load it up in this sort of file

    3. Identity, Capabalities, & Private Data - @expede - Building Apps on IPFS

      Identity, Capabalities, & Private Data - @expede - Building Apps on IPFS

    1. global peer-to-peer encrypted file system and application protocol being a file system everything has a unique path which begins with your 00:00:28 username fine grained access control it's pure capability based you don't need to rely on a server to enforce these capabilities just maths it's quantum resistant

      !- gloss : Peergos - global - peer-to-peer - encrypted file system and - application protocol

      • being a file system
        • everything has a unique path
        • which begins with your username
      • fine grained access control
      • it's pure capability based
      • you don't need to rely on a server
        • to enforce these capabilities
      • it's quantum resistant
    2. don't do peer-to-peer stuff directly in the browser for 00:03:08 privacy reasons for we don't have a broadcast uip address or anything like that so that's handled by the server but everything the server is treated as untrusted so everything the client gets whether it's a hash or a signature or 00:03:19 whatever is is checked uh in the client code
      • don't do p2p stuff directly in the browser
      • for privacy reason
      • do not broadcast ip address
    1. Decentralization enables permissionless innovation

      !- claim : Decentralization - enable - permission-less - Innovation

    1. cue the rise of domain-specific browsers!)

      !- new - concept : Domain-Specific browsers


    2. They haven't seen any major innovations since 2020. What's next?

      no major innovation since 2020

    3. odd honor of being the "man in the middle", a key component in many people's workflows.

      man in the middle component

    4. Betaworks Render Conference - August 16, 2022

    1. Your product concept is a short summary of what you are planning to offer.
      • summary of what you are offering
    2. Customer needs and pain points change rapidly, so businesses must innovate
      • pain point change
      • business must innovate
    3. Effective Concept Testing Requires a Well-Written Product Concept

    1. Effective Concept Testing Requires a Well-Written Product ...https://glginsights.com › articles › effec...https://glginsights.com › articles › effec...Tárolt változatOldal lefordításaEffective Concept Testing Requires a Well-Written Product Concept. Bernd Grosserohde, Director, New Product Development and Pricing Research, GLG.
      • effective concept testing
    1. The most compelling and broadly relevant meanings are universal concepts, ideas and notions that almost everyone can relate to, but do not mean the same to any two people. Examples of universal concepts include: joy, death, family, suffering, love, and birth.2008. máj. 29.
      • every one can relate to
      • but do not mean the same
      • examples
      • joy
      • death
      • familiy
      • suffering
      • love
      • birth
    2. !- search : the universal concept definition

    1. MHTML to PDF Converter Convert MHTML to PDF online, from any device with a modern browser like Chrome and Firefox

    1. Trail Marks@TrailMarksThanks @csageland @bmann @jessmartin

      !- tweet :

      Thanks @csageland



      @tools4thought for launching:


      thanks @RobertHaisfield


      @balOShere https://scalingsynthesis.com @RoamResearch popularized the idea of #networkedthought scaling that is Scaling Synthesis in Networks that work for People

    1. ACM Reference Format

      !- ACM Reference Format : - Ronen Tamari, Daniel A Friedman, William Fischer, Lauren Hebert, and Dafna Shahaf. 2022. From Users to (Sense)Makers: On the Pivotal Role of Stigmergic Social Annotation in the Quest for Collective Sensemaking. In Proceedings of the 33rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT ’22), June 28-July 1, 2022, Barcelona, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3511095.3536361

      !- discovered : affordance - while experimenting with annotating this paper - in which I started with turning the Abstract into a propositional trail: - whichj meant instead of highlighting the relevant content only highlight the bit that can be reformulated as a trailmark - and the relevant content the pragraph/sentence that follows or surrounds the annnotation - is copied manuallya into the body onarraiive trailf the annotation and then turned into clues - this should be automated - TODO : aotu copy surrounding /following content into annotation body

      • reflect : Working in the Open writing, thinking instant sharing on the margins with using social annotation tool
    2. CCS Concepts

      !- concepts : CSS - Human-centered computing - → - Social content sharing - Social tagging system

    3. !- to : https://bafkreigjulqaccgqzfa5pawit4dk57zw6nolnpcut5d25z7a3uzjb7qbsi.ipfs.dweb.link/?filename=arxiv%20-%202205.06345%20From%20Users%20to%20%28Sense%29Makers.pdf

    4. From Users to (Sense)Maker

      !- wow : - the very concept "user" makes us born losers - been searching for a viable alternative - players - participants - makers it is

    1. Ronen Tamari@rtk254·May 23

      !- tweet :

      1/Excited to share some new work on collective sensemaking! We’ll present it in the Blue Sky Ideas track (~open, exciting areas for R&D) of the upcoming @ACMHT This is a collective effort of @daostack , Veeo

      !- pdf ; https://bafkreigjulqaccgqzfa5pawit4dk57zw6nolnpcut5d25z7a3uzjb7qbsi.ipfs.dweb.link/?filename=arxiv%20-%202205.06345%20From%20Users%20to%20%28Sense%29Makers.pdf

    1. Poetry for Neanderthals
    2. Software is my medium, but people are my focus
      • slogan :
      • software is the medium
      • people are the focus
    3. solving meaningful problems and enriching the lives of others

      !- channeling : creative energy - solving meaningful problems - enriching the lives of

    4. William Fischer 2nd degree connection 2nd Software Engineer | Designer | Learner Socialroots University of Colorado Denver Denver, Colorado, United States

      !- trait : maker, player

    1. Poetry for Neanderthals (2020) A single-syllable word game in which you must speak good or get hit with stick!

    1. a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person."the traditionally British trait of self-denigration"

      !- gloss : trait - distinguishing - quality or - characteristic - typically belonging to a person

    1. entity identification andlocal relation extraction, while our corpusfacilitates further exploration of challenginglong-range relations
      • entity identification
      • local relation extraction
      • exploration
        • of : long-range relation
    2. novel interactive textual simulator that keeps track of entity traits and semantic constraints during annotation.
      • textual simulator
      • keep track of entity traits

      !- synonym : aspect | TrailMark - gloss : trait - x

    3. addressing challenges

      !- challenges : - cross-sentence relations - long-range coreference - grounding - implicit arguments

    4. Process Execution Graphs (PEG), a document-level representation of real-world wet lab biochemistry protocols

      !- concept : Process Execution Graph - acronym : PEG

    1. Lauren Hebert 2nd degree connection 2nd Complex Systems, Participatory Design & Learning Science // Co-Founder at Veeo Make4Covid.co University of Colorado Denver Denver, Colorado, United States

    2. At Inworks, we learn and teach through making, but we don’t just make things – we make them matter.
      • Inworks

      !- slogan : don't just make things - we make them matter

    3. Visualize, remember, and share your research, all in one easy-to-use platform

    1. "We're in this together" isn't just a pithy catch-phrase—it's a fundamental truth of human existence.

      fundamental truth of human existence

    2. We keep the data you entrust us with private and secure. We don't want strangers to watch how we behave then sell the observations to companies, so we don't expect you to be ok with it when information about your digital life is collected and sold. We'll always be totally transparent about how we use and handle data, and we always keep your private data private, period.

      Why should you handle Makers/Players data at all?

      It is perfectly sufficient to be able to request focused granular dynamic access to Makers/Players own(ed) autonomous digital spaces to accomplish things that benefits them and the commons

    3. Respect for others—their needs, boundaries, preferences, and basic humanity—comes first.

      respect for others

      restore the dignity of (human) (inter)Being and Becoming

    4. We try to understand how the choices we make impact the world, and try to act wisely enough to not break things.
      • choices
      • impact the world
      • act wisely
      • move slow and do not break things!
    5. We're so deeply interconnected that many seemingly benign decisions can snowball into an avalanche of unintended consequences.

      Everything People Ideas and lives are deeply intertwingled

      avalanche of uningended consequences

    1. a socio-technical framework for "freeing" human attention from control by platform

      !- riff : Open Source Attention framework - intent : use the language of the paper to articulate - our adjacent complementary conceptualization - of our vision for IndyWeb and TrailMarks - which by just reading the abstract - seems to realize the same tacit intent - which is charactersized to go beyond decentralized - to People Centered and Interpersonal networking of - People, Ideas, and Artifacts that constitue the framework - this is also a nic example of what we mean by - writing, articulating, mutual learning on the margins of the Web - personal first, interpersonal - open, commons based peer makers produced eco-system for Sense Makers as Players - for creating and quering - autonomous interpersonal digital spaces

    2. propose Open Source Attention

      !- propose : Open Source Attention - a socio-technical framework - for : - freeing : human attention from control - by : platforms - through : a decentralized eco-system - for : - creating - storing - querying - concept : stigmergic markers - gloss : the digital traces of human attention

      !- do how : TrailMark - the body of this annotation is self-explicating exemplar of the use of TrailMarks as a "stigmergic marker" - it presents what we call a - concept : propositional trail - using TrailMarks Stigmergic In-line, plain text, Mark-in Notation - that combines outline, nested list structures - and what we call clues that - explicate ideas as a combination of - trailmarks and designated targets

      • gloss : TrailMark
      • intentional. semantic, aspectal stigmergic markers
    3. centralized platforms are a main source of epistemic pollution

      !- argue : - require : redesign how we - collectively govern attention - for : healthier environments

    4. online epistemic environments are increasingly polluted

      !- claim: - impairing societies' ability to - coordinate effectively - in face of global crisis

    5. The web has become a dominant epistemic environment, influencing people's beliefs at a global scale

      !- claim : web has become a dominant epistemic environment

    6. From Users to (Sense)Makers: On the Pivotal Role of Stigmergic Social Annotation in the Quest for Collective Sensemaking
    1. Fermat's Library@fermatslibrary

      !- tweet : - A visualization of different sorting algorithms - 3:03 PM · Aug 13, 2022·Buffer - Description

    1. Joel Chan | synthesizing knowledge@JoelChan86

      !- tweet : = A knowledge graph I want: anywhere anyone encounters a [[concept]], they have easy in-context access to a library of explanations like this to aid in their understanding. - Has anyone built something like this? - !- Quote Tweet: xxx

    1. Tab Hover Cards feature in Chrome

      !- feat : Tab Hover Card | Chrome

    2. Tab previews just like Edge How to enable tab previews with images in Google Chrome

    1. Received $50k in seed funding from Protocol Labs for our work on sustainable infrastructures for knowledge synthesis!

      sustainable infrastructure for knowledge synthesis

    1. hamster wheel for people.

      hamster wheel for people

  7. www.tana.inc www.tana.inc
    1. The document is just a structure over your information.

      document as structure over information

      and a unit of sharing!

    2. Write information,not documents.
      • at last : No Documents
    3. it's like a bicycle for your mind.



    1. breaks when you try to change or scale things.

      breaks when u change or scale things

    2. mix files and import statements into a coupled mess.

      - coupled mess

    1. "chasing my tail, too complicated to scale"

      • react simple View/UI layer

      allow the user to transition around

      build complex API

      the majority of engineers

      do not have the abiity to process the data

      need to do last mule procrssing

      doing too much in it

      complext relationship

      components provessing business objects



      it becomes too difficult

      solution is

      establish a ground rule how we separate the two layers - ui layer process the view - two architectures - the sedond does the rest

      framework agnostic architecture


      • last mile

      • day 2 day wholistic developmenbt process improve scalability testablity

      • day 3 transition from being a regular ui engineer
      • to a UI architect engineer
      • understand the mental model
    1. Search results for "tiles" Found 146 characters match your criteria.


    1. Peers who trust each other

      !- concept : weaving webs of trust | IndyNet - People who trust each other - can securely co-create - cascading forward feeding identities - anchored in time bound capabilities and root identities - once the network is created the original - globally accessible roots can go away - the network will persist - building up webs of trust - mutual evergreen provenance of - informational, computational artifacts - connecting people and conversations - that are coninuous without being synchronous

    2. Once bootstrapped,

      !- concept : eventual independence - once bootstrapped - securely exchange information - with recapitulate-able full history and provenance - of ideas, people networks and computations, - even for just reading - even after the global name system fails

      !- note - current construction - IndyNet - important to emphasize that we can achieve endurance - because every computational/informational - artifact involved is transitional, has a well defined - time-bound validity and provenance - everything is open to compatible change within - preset periods - transition from one to the next is ensured by construction - we call that forward compatibility - and everything is constructed as the result of uniform - composition of exchahangeable and fully interoperable components where information and computation together is a unit

    3. Secure, decentralized, meaningful, pick two.

      Zooko traingle says

      we can't have all three

    4. The web began as a tool for thought

      web tool for thought

    1. Money is a technology.

      Recent events—the protests in Canada and the war in Ukraine, and in cyberspace—have shown that our current monetary tech is an instrument for political power, and it has reminded us that politically neutral money is necessary for democratic societies. … 9:54 PM · Mar 8, 2022·Twitter Web App

    2. zookoⓩ@zooko

    1. Certificate Authorities create nickname/key pairs

      nickname key pair

    2. lambda names like bookmarks only map from the private name to the key, with no mapping back.

      lambda name

      no mapping back

    3. effort is made to make the id both human memorable on the one hand, and unforgeable, on the other

      memorable vs unforge-able

    4. "how do I transfer a purposeful trust association?"

      !- key question : transfer purposeful trust association

    5. The hard part is transferring a key with an association to purposeful trust

      purposeful trust

    6. An Introduction to Petname Systems

  8. Jul 2022
    1. Description

    2. creating a "system oriented discipline": Bootstrapping as an evolutionary strategy for developing and improving the tools by using the system as the basis of the Augment Research Center's daily work practice.

      !- concept : system oriented discipline - bootstrapping as an evolutionary strategy - developing and improving tools by using the system - in daily work practice

    3. Doug says that content represents concepts, but there is also a relation between the content of concepts, their structure, and the structure of other domains of human thought that is too complex to investigate in linear text. The computer is a tool for navigating through those structures and examining them in ways that would be too complex otherwise.

      !- claim : content represents concepts - relations between the content of concepts - structure of other domains of human thought - too complex to investigate in linear text

      !- counter claim : content presents concepts for humans to experience and examine in complex ways

      !- tool : computer - for navigating through sturcutres - examine them in ways that would be too complex otherwise

    4. Doug describes the goals of NLS (online system). NLS is an instrument for helping humans operate within the domain of complex information structures. By "operate" Doug means compose, study and modify. By "complex information structures"

      !- goal : NLS - instrument for helping humans operate - within the domain of - "complex information structures"


    1. progressive, i.e. productive, when they enhance the programme's explanatory and/or predictive power, and that they are at least permissible until some better system of theories is devised and the research programme is replaced entirely. The difference between a progressive and a degenerative research programme lies, for Lakatos, in whether the recent changes to its auxiliary hypotheses have achieved this greater explanatory/predictive power or whether they have been made simply out of the necessity of offering some response in the face of new and troublesome evidence.

      !- gloss : progressive research programme

    1. Basic research, also called pure research or fundamental research, is a type of scientific research with the aim of improving scientific theories for better understanding and prediction of natural or other phenomena.

    1. A research program might degenerate—lose progressiveness—but later return to progressiveness

      !- concept : progressive research programme

    2. A research program (British English: research programme) is a professional network of scientists conducting basic research.

      !- gloss : research program

    1. Sensemaking involves creating and manipulating a representation from raw data that makes some downstream task easier

      !- the rub : representation

      !- contrast : manipulating representation - vs - morphic presentation - the root cause of our epistemological malaise - the ability to use machines at some point requires the establishment of hierarchies of 'representations' grounded in bit twiddling, its representations all the way up till we arrive at something that can be presented to the individual human being to work with encode intent/information requires some representation encoding

    1. C- Synthesis as a process is usefully modeled as a specialized form of sensemaking

      !- gloss : synthesis - process of specialized form of sense making

    1. Install Extension New emoji Sign In ServicesAbout emojidexTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyPricesCorporate InformationLicensesGeneral License Terms & ConditionsOpen Licenseemojidex™ emoji LicenseBrand BookFor DevelopersSource CodeAPI DocsAndroid, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc. Language日本語English Sign In Help ServicesAbout emojidexTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyPricesCorporate InformationLicensesGeneral License Terms & ConditionsOpen Licenseemojidex™ emoji LicenseBrand BookFor DevelopersSource CodeAPI DocsAndroid, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc. Language 日本語EnglishSearchStandard emoji OnlyAllPlacesFoodCosmosObjectsToolsTransportationPeopleGesturesSymbolsAbstractNatureFacesSearchSearchStandard emoji OnlyAllPlacesFoodCosmosObjectsToolsTransportationPeopleGesturesSymbolsAbstractNatureFaces ×New emojiYou must be signed in to register an emoji. Please sign in or register an account.Sign UpLoginCancel

    1. And since they can already create any sort of document in a tool that requires no abstraction, it's just a hard sell.

      !- searched - for : WYSIWYM - abstraction is a hard sell

    1. Different views for content authoring

      Different views for content authoring

    1. Smart citiesToronto wants to kill the smart city foreverThe city wants to get right what Sidewalk Labs got so wrong.
