3,419 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. Q #3) How do I download a transcript from YouTube with subtitles? Answer: Follow the steps listed below: Open the video on YouTube and make sure that it has the CC button enabled, click on settings and allow subtitles. Then you need to click on three dots near the subscribe button and click on Open Transcript. Please select all the text in Transcript and press Ctrl+C from the keyboard, paste in notepad and save it with .srt extension.
      • do how : download youtube subtitles
    1. I can' stress this enough. If any of you want to solve the planet's problems, you have to start with yourself on this unending shadow journey.If you want conscious systems, we need more conscious people working on them or else we're just recreating the same nonsense over and over again.

      Smarten up People

      Gyuri Lajos, [29/09/2022 10:02] We have Internet of Things but no Internet of People

      Gyuri Lajos, [29/09/2022 10:03] we have Smart Objects, Smart Cities, Smart Phones and dummed down people whycoan't we have Smart People, Smart Communities empowered by Smart Apps in the long tail

      Gyuri Lajos, [29/09/2022 10:24] Our apps are dumb isolated uninteroperable unexchangeable living in the center ignoring the long tail needs

      Gyuri Lajos, [29/09/2022 10:25] Be smart as an app means ubiquity, unenclosability, interoperabiity, permanenc, provenance, exchangebiity living in the long tail meeting peroples actual needs where they are

      Gyuri Lajos, [29/09/2022 10:26] Smart App to Smartup People

      Gyuri Lajos, [29/09/2022 10:24] Our apps are dumb isolated uninteroperable unexchangeable living in the center ignoring the long tail needs

      Gyuri Lajos, [29/09/2022 10:25] Be smart as an app means ubiquity, unenclosability, interoperabiity, permanencetrce, verifiable provenance, exchangabiity living in the long tail meeting peoples actual needs where they are

      Gyuri Lajos, [29/09/2022 10:26] Smart App to Smartup People

    1. IoP-based NG
      • gloss : IndyNet, IndyWeb Internet of People as a Next Generation Internet

      the IndyNet, IndyWeb

    1. Design Incubation Colloquium 8.1: Seton Hall University Social Media as Design-Writing Process Tool Design Incubation Design Incubation 106 subscribers

    1. PreviewPreview6:14Social Media as Design-Writing Process ToolYouTube · Design Incubation6 minutes, 14 secondsOct 10, 2021


    2. 1:23:41Design Writing 101: Becoming a Design WriterYouTube · AIGA Design Educators Community1 hour, 23 minutes, 41 secondsMar 29, 2021

    3. Design Writing, a design process made of words onlyhttps://www.amati-associates.com › Insightshttps://www.amati-associates.com › InsightsMar 3, 2021 — Design Writing is a design management process based on a clear set of formats, a multidisciplinary view, and a talent that excels in writing ..

      • google - search : "design writing"
    1. !- new concept : Design Writing - write on the margins to augment your reading, writing, learning

    2. Design teams use design thinking to tackle ill-defined/unknown problems (aka wicked problems) because they can reframe these in human-centric ways and focus on what’s most important for users.

      !- associative complex : - meta : Deep writing powered by associative thinking - Capture your Associative Thinking on the margins - universal concept - auto-heuristic - problems define their own solutions - eigenistics - pormentau of eigen and heuristics - eigen-heuristics - symmathesy - mutual learning by doing - software is a conversation

      • wicked problems
      • reframe
      • human-centric ways
    3. Of all design processes, design thinking is almost certainly the best for “thinking outside the box”.

      thinking outside the box

    4. Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. Involving five phases—Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test—it is most useful to tackle problems that are ill-defined or unknown.


      • web3.storage : https://bafybeigrbq7c5maoyooyc7wuh2uhxmd2fvbt2pljn2jcj5psumeu2u6n4y.ipfs.w3s.link/concepts%20define%20their%20own%20solutions%20-%20Google%20Search.html
    1. !- what : TrailMarks - A notation for establishing trails across the common record - for trail blazers to - add to the common records such - that it can be shared along with the entire scaffolding by which they were erected

    2. !- complex : - MEMEX - Vannevar Bush - TrailMarks - meme : new profession of trailblazers


      • *
    3. There is a new profcssmn of trailblazeis, those w h o find dehght in the task of establishing usefulrrails through the enormaus mass of the common record.

      TrailMarks is for Trailblazers

      • estblishing userful trails throgh the enourmos mass of the common records

    4. Thc in-heritance from the master becomes not only his additions to theworld's record hut, for his disciples, the entire scaffolding by whichthey were erccred
      • addtion to the word's record
      • along with the entire scaffolding by which they were erected

    1. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-72617-0_4Corpus ID: 46589514NoteCards: An Experimental Environment for Authoring and Idea Processing@inproceedings{Halasz1987NoteCardsAE, title={NoteCards: An Experimental Environment for Authoring and Idea Processing}, author={Frank G. Halasz}, booktitle={BTW}, year={1987} }F. HalaszPublished in BTW 1987Computer Science


    1. The system provides tools to organize, manage, and display the structure of the network, as well as a set of methods and protocols for creating programs to manipulate the information in the network

      !- road to : TrailMarks - tools - organize, manage, display the network - methods and protocols for creating programs to - manipulate the information in the network

    2. “semantic network” of electronic notecards interconnected by typed links.

      semantic network of notecards interconnected by typed links


      • road to : TrailMarks
    3. NoteCards: An Experimental Environment for Authoring and Idea ProcessingF. HalaszComputer ScienceBTW1987NoteCards is an extensible environment designed to help people formulate, structure, compare, and manage ideas. NoteCards provides the user with a “semantic network” of electronic notecards interconnected by typed links. The system provides tools to organize, manage, and display the structure of the network, as well as a set of methods and protocols for creating programs to manipulate the information in the network. NoteCards is currently being used by more than 50 people engaged in idea processing tasks ranging from writing research papers through designing parts for photocopiers. In this paper we briefly describe NoteCards, examine a prototypical NoteCards application, and discuss what we have learned about the system’s strengths and weaknesses from our observations of the system in use


    1. Set your api token and the path_to_add and watch it fly! We use add_to_web3 to add the web3.storage website to web3.storage from CI ∞!


    2. github-workflow.yaml

      `` - run: npm run build # e.g output your static site to./dist`

      • uses: web3-storage/add-to-web3@v2 id: web3 with: web3_token: ${{ secrets.WEB3_STORAGE_TOKEN }} path_to_add: 'dist'

      • run: echo ${{ steps.web3.outputs.cid }}


      • run: echo ${{ steps.web3.outputs.url }} ```
    1. “The key thing about all the world’s big problems is that they have to be dealt with collectively. If we don’t get collectively smarter, we’re doomed” — Douglas Engelbart.

      get collectively smarter

    2. Web 4: The Emergence of Collective Computing

    1. The Web3.Storage APIs always return CIDv1, but if you have other sources of IPFS CIDs you can convert CIDv0 to v1 yourself before constructing the gateway URL.

      CID versions

    2. How to query Web3.Storage

      !- know how

    1. s George Bernard Shaw reminded us,‘Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.

      Liberty means responsibility

    2. 15. G.B. Shaw, Man and Superman: A Comedy and a Philosophy, ‘Maxims for Revolutionists’,Constable, London, 1903, p. 229.
    3. Notes


    4. Destructive Global Competition’ or DGC


    5. terrifying transition

      could be exhilarating

      as long as you know that you do not know, really learn to be comfortable with the unknown, nay take delight in it

      ready to learn and grow


    1. Internet of People can share information, but it can only happen if the user has consented.

      IoP share with user consent

      !-contrast with : * share on information owner's consent in their own terms

    2. This decentralized technology infrastructure enables interconnection of peer to peer networks hence allowing interactions without going through a vertical communication management system or a central server.

      decent(ralized) tech

    1. we have smart - objects - phones - internet of Things

      why cant we have SMART and Autonomous - people - communities - networks of trust - Evergreen HyperMedia Spaces for - intentinal morphic live efvergreen HyperMedia - conversations - intentional software as a conversation - All in the long tail where people/communities are not corporations - supported by Open commons based peer produced born inter(operable|changeable) ubiquitous SMART Long Tail Apps

    2. System Architecture

      Centralized Environment

    3. Smart Architecture

      going back to SMART Apps 2012

      • about : NDN Hourglass Architecture
    4. Smart health NDNoT named data network of things for healthcare services Report Vaskar Raychoudhury • Sep. 07, 2015 • 1 like • 1,901 views

    1. proper subject matter in the sense of understanding the nature and workings of Symbolic Unity of being per se

      proper subject matter

      the difficulty comes from universality and meta-circularity inescapability of mutual spiraling arising

      Symmathesys **Autopiesys emrgence at all levels

      the sys suffix signifies system forming of being

    1. The home for web3 publishingBuilt on web3 for web3, Mirror’s robust publishing platform pushes the boundaries of writing online—whether it’s the next big white paper or a weekly community update.
    1. This was a huge disappointment – mirror.xyz does not enable authors to co-create on the platform itself. We had to draft our article in Google Docs, edit using Grammarly, and copy/paste the final version into Mirror. 

      inability to collaborate

    1. Protocol Labs operates and is responsible for only two of the listed gateways: ipfs.io and dweb.link.

    1. Longevity implies a resistance to change, obsolescence or competition and greater odds of continued existence into the future
      • longevity
      • resistance to
        • change
        • obsolescence
        • competition
    2. The Lindy effect (also known as Lindy's Law[1]) is a theorized phenomenon by which the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current age

    1. Its peculiar character, too, is that no one possesses the less, because every other possesses the whole of it. He who receives an idea from me, receives … without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me.

      |- character : Idea - no one posesses less - because every other posesses the whole - receives light - without darkenning me

    2. England was, until we copied her, the only country on earth which ever, by a general law, gave a legal right to the exclusive use of an idea. In some other countries it is sometimes done, in a great case, and by a special and personal act, but, generally speaking, other nations have thought that these monopolies produce more embarrassment than advantage to society;


    1. You may copy  “ITEMS” (as defined above) that belong to Russ Perry and are published at this site for your own personal non-commercial use or use on your own non-commercial web site ONLY and provided that any copy you make includes a source credit and CopyRight Notice that retains all rights contained herein.

      copy should include credit

    1. Today's small-world economy calls for a new way of doing business. It calls for Flip.

      small-world economy

      Say no to the dominant paradigm for IT

      that considers IT a business

      Make it everybody's business to empower each other

    2. To Get Control, Give It Up—empower others to create, dream, and believe for you.

      as the Dao teaches

      !- alternative view : believe for you - believe in themsleves

    3. Find It on the Fringe, and separate yourself from the competitive herd.

      !- value prop : Indy Net

      • Moonshot
      • go one small step forward (A giant Leap for Mainkind)
      • empower the Long Tail of Everything
    4. Satisfy customers' needs for engagement and contact—it's not "just business"—Business Is Personal.
      • slogan : Business Is personal
    5. Flip: How to Turn Everything You Know on Its Head--and Succeed Beyond Your Wildest Imaginings Paperback – May 12, 2009

    1. Concept handles,

      !- concept : Concept Handle - Evergreen notes - factored and titled well - ideas can be referenced by human readable meaningful names - used as handles - - concept : Concept handles - after Alexander - litmus test for naming improve API - "individual notes abstract over increasingly large substree" - add : associative complexes

    1. They have some kind of formal semantic structure (otherwise known as formality)

      !- counter claim : - all is needed is to allow us to name - domain specific 'illation' steps - or mark a specific content in specific context to - be processed in ways we desire - name that intent, on the fly as you write, what comes to mind, so that you can find what you need when you need it by recalling that name and associated things, "concept handle"s, - express the intended interpratation/illation - as an eventually effective concept of - the intended process - or just human readable readily understandable names for it - leaving it open to future development - of appropriate illative/interpretative processes - that is TrailMarks - as a plain text Intentional Mark In Notation

      !- about : Progressive Intentional Articulation | TrailMarks

    1. A “concept handle” is a memorable noun phrase representing a complex, often abstract topic.
      • concept : Concept Handle
    1. This page serves as an index page for a clump of ideas.

      !- about : Index Page - concept handle : Clump of Ideas - in TrailMarks parlance : conent handle for associative complexes

    1. In the origin The Word had been existing and That Word had been existing with God and That Word was himself God.

    1. Peer-to-Peer Wikis: Sharing sites between peers, but not from servers. Content is shared fromcomputers, but it is less secure

      p2p wiki

    2. semantic tool Web 3.0, and e-learning are recommended as valid solutionsto adopt when implementing ICT knowledge management strategy

      semantic tool (Semantic) WEB 3.0

    3. WEB 3.0 Supports the automation of knowledge management process and more accurate knowledge datacodification. Offers a personalized experience, reduced search times and increased productivity

      WEB 3.0

    4. Mentoring and team meetings are effective ways to transfer tacit knowledge from person to person

      what about deep interpersonal collaboration on the IndyWeb?

    5. nterpersonal Knowledge Management Tools

      Interpersonal KMT

    6. Knowledge can also be transferred with the use of ICTs,but only as a conversation medium where knowledge is not codified

      interpersonal conversation medium where knolwedge is not codified

      progressive codification needed, methodologies, algorithmic support is possible as long as we can have access to full provenance of interaction.

      It does not mean that in some centralized place all that information is siloed, but that algorithms can be run on the individuals own private spaces to gauge the level of codification discernible at any stage.

    7. When carrying out interpersonal knowledge management strategy,the importance of interpersonal trust is outlined. Trust acts as an accelerator of knowledge generation,using, and especially knowledge transfer. However, the codification of knowledge does not benefit atall from trust

      interpersonal trust

      !- claim : codification of knowledge does not benefit from trust

      whell it should if done right

    8. themain tool for personal strategy in knowledge management is creating a network of people who can reachone another

      network of people who can reach each other

      interpersonal deep collaborative IndyNet (s) on the IndyWeb


      interpersonal strategies

    10. require learning strategy to function well.

      require learning strategies

    11. we present three widely applicable ICT knowledge management toolsWikis and SharePoint, Web 3.0, and eLearning. In the third section, interpersonal knowledge strate-gies are reviewed and the importance of human interactions in knowledge management is presented.In this framework, interdisciplinary tools for interpersonal knowledge management that are mentoring,and team meetings are presented. Addressing the main problem orientations of this book, the synthesisbetween innovation, knowledge management strategies and tools, and Industry 4.0 is offered. The lastpart of the chapter is devoted to future research directions in knowledge management, where some keyresearch areas are outlined.

      interpersonal web 3.0

    1. What a shame

      Now that annotating the web is possible

      publishers put content under a glass!


    1. Mining Shifting-and-Scaling Co-Regulation Patterns on Gene ...https://www.researchgate.net › publication › 4234706_Mi...https://www.researchgate.net › publication › 4234706_Mi...2022. júl. 5. — shifting-and-scaling coherence constraint, we now pro-. pose the definition of a reg-cluster. Definition 3.2 Reg-Cluster.
      • for : scaling coherence
    2. !- google - search : "scaling coherence"

    1. Scaling Synthesis
    2. “synthesis” in this project to refer to a particular form of sensemaking
      • gloss : synthesis
  2. bafybeicxtnjfkhlfl5yacoqhuxcu7fomolz75keq7jy63jtngqzmfgkyeu.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeicxtnjfkhlfl5yacoqhuxcu7fomolz75keq7jy63jtngqzmfgkyeu.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Authorship Provisions In AUGMENTDouglas C. EngelbartTymshare, Inc., Cupertino, CAJournal (OAD,2250,)December 9, 1983 1


    2. As that copy did not allow highlighting of text for hypothesis annotation

    3. AUGMENT is a text processing system marketed byTymshare for a multi-user, network environment.


    1. From Web to Workplace: Designing Open Hypermedia Systemshttps://books.google.hu › bookshttps://books.google.hu › booksKaj Grønbæk, ‎Randall H. Trigg · 1999 · ‎ComputersAuthorship Provisions in Augment . In Proceedings . ... A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect . In Proceedings of Fall Joint Computing Conference ...
    2. Transparency in authors' contributions and responsibilities to ...https://www.pnas.org › doi › pnas.1715374115https://www.pnas.org › doi › pnas.1715374115by MK McNutt · 2018 · Cited by 209 — Journals require each author have a transparent, identified, legitimate role in the research. ... Authors who contributed materially to the work ...(function(){var uer=false;var eid='fld_1';(function(){ var a=uer,b=Date.now();if(google.timers&&google.timers.load.t){var c=0;if(eid){var d=document.getElementById(eid);d&&(c=Math.floor(d.getBoundingClientRect().top+window.pageYOffset))}for(var e=c>=google.c.wh,f=document.getElementsByTagName("img"),g=0,h=void 0;h=f[g++];)google.c.setup(h,!1,c);a&&e&&google.c.ubr(!1,b,c)};}).call(this);})();.hlcw0c{margin-bottom:44px}.ljeAnf{display:-webkit-box;overflow:hidden;-webkit-box-orient:vertical}.AaVjTc a:link{display:block;color:#8ab4f8;font-weight:normal}.AaVjTc td{padding:0;text-align:center}.YyVfkd{color:#bdc1c6;font-weight:normal;}.AaVjTc{margin:30px auto 30px}.SJajHc{background:url(/images/nav_logo321.webp) no-repeat;overflow:hidden;background-position:0 0;height:40px;display:block}.NVbCr{cursor:pointer}
    1. AUGMENT is text processing system marketed byTymshare for multiuser network environment
      • text processing system
      • multi-user
      • network environment

      !- what : Augmented Authoring | IndyWeb - thought processing - multi-player - interpersonal networked constellations

    1. Lively - An Explorative Authoring Environment

      !- vision : IndyAugment - Explorative Augmented Authoring Environment for the IndyWeb

    1. most active members, the community weavers

      !- community weavers - committed stewards how can I serve - active co-creators how can I contribute - Passive Consumers how can I benefit

      !- alt view : autonomous active participation - mutual benefit

      • slide : IndyWeb
    2. The three circles model

    1. What T.S. Eliot Told Me about the Chain Rule

      “We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.” --from Little Gidding by T.S.

    1. Guide stars are also employed in adaptive optics. In this application, the star is not used to correct for the rotation of the Earth, but to correct for turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere.
      • guide stars
      • adaptive optics
    1. A laser guide star is an artificial star image created for use in astronomical adaptive optics systems, which are employed in large telescopes in order to correct atmospheric distortion of light (called astronomical seeing).

    1. Human intuition and our potential to constantly exceed ourselves can't be trumped by automation.
      • human intuition
      • potential to exceed ourselves
      • can't be trumped by automation
    2. human element behind the scenes interpreting and connecting data points as we go.

      human element connecting data points

    3. cloud-based applications


    4. synergizing technology and human talent

      synergizing tech and talent

    5. We are here for the long term, and we can't wait to exceed expectations. 

      exceed expectations

    6. hell-bent on delivering ridiculous growth and value

      heaven bent?

    7. partner-centric company


    8. We are driven by the Japanese concept of "kaizen" or constant improvement.


    1. A communication channel in Slack is opened prior to starting your outreach.


    2. a buyer persona for you to fill out.

      buyer persona

    1. Anno Launch - Kevin Guthrie - Highlights
    2. we can have an impact and 00:06:35 accelerate our impact uh in the community by an investment uh not a you know an acquisition or something like that so uh you know great opportunity for us to bring together the um as i say before the the investment in 00:06:48 open and also the the impact for our users
      • have impact
      • accelerate impact in the community
      • by investment
      • not acquisition
    3. we could you know have our product teams develop an annotation layer you know or service um this just seems a such a better way to to go about 00:05:16 doing that
      • could develop annotation layer or service
      • better way to go by investing in the open
    4. fundamentally about 00:04:41 accelerating the mission like how are there's there may be some things that we can do well ourselves uh but there may be some things that we're just not well positioned to do ourselves or we can't do it fast enough and if we really want to serve our 00:04:53 community there are better ways for us to invest the resources that we have or spend the money that we have
      • accelerating the mission
    5. annotation can really uh help uh improve their learning and improve the teaching
      • annotations improve learning and teaching
    6. improve the product and service that people get both when they work with jstor where they're using jstor and when they have an opportunity to use hypothesis whether that's on our platform or you know other 00:03:34 other providers
      • other providers
    7. work with you collaboratively to develop uh the capability and you know really easily and really conveniently for people to do annotation over jstor 00:02:58 articles and other content
      • develop capability for people to do annotation over jstor articles
    8. time for impact is here
      • time for impact
    9. as opposed to some proprietary approach to try to create 00:01:45 you know loyalty or stickiness on one and you know one company's platform
      • opposed to loyalty or stickiness on one company's platform
    10. the approach that that um 00:01:33 that hypothesis has taken and i was taking with an open interoperable infrastructure for that
    11. the opportunity to 00:01:21 asynchronously engage with a a written document and and have a discussion online i mean that just it seems inevitable to me
      • asynchronously engage with a written document
      • have discussions online seems inevitable
    12. eventually annotations got to be a part of the learning process
      • annotations got to be part of the learning process

      !- for : IndyLab, Open Learning Commons

    13. just realizing at a first level that annotation just seems like an important part of education it's kind of unrealized
      • annotation important part of education
    14. the commitment you've made to open infrastructure over a number of years
      • commitment to open infrastructure
    1. Copy annotations from one group to another. Also, optionally, from one domain to another.


    1. Peergos - your private online space

      Tech Book

      • permanent : https://bafkreicaza4vz3h7epqngjgg44nj66qeq4pd2uvdqu4upbudyagku5rthy.ipfs.dweb.link/?filename=Pergos%20tech%20book%20all.pdf
  3. bafkreicaza4vz3h7epqngjgg44nj66qeq4pd2uvdqu4upbudyagku5rthy.ipfs.dweb.link bafkreicaza4vz3h7epqngjgg44nj66qeq4pd2uvdqu4upbudyagku5rthy.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Peergos - your private online space
    2. Peergos is building the next web

      !- building : - the next web - the private web - end users are in control

      !- are : web apps - secure by default - unable to track you - in control exactly what personal data each web app can see - not having to log into an app ever again!

      • own your data
      • decide where it is stored
      • who can see it

      • privacy is a fundamental human right

      • easy for everyone to interact online
        • in ways that respect this right
    3. Securely and privately store les
    4. audit by Cure53

      !- audit by : Cure53


    5. pronounced peer-goss

      !- pronounced : peer-goss - as in gossip

    6. The name Peergos

      !- the name : - comes from the Greek word Πύργος (Pyrgos), - which means stronghold or tower, but phonetically spelt - with the nice connection to being peer-to-peer.

    7. "Control your data, control your destiny."

      !- motto :

    8. The foundation of Peergos

      != a file system - that is - peer-to-peer - encrypted - global

      != a file system - with - with : - fine grained access control - designed to be : - resistant to surveillance of - data content, or - friendship graph

    1. Thus, Christmas time

      This is a nice example of the

      copy link to highlight feature that works in Chrome and Opera

    1. Trust free servers and storage. Clients do not need to trust their server or storage. Data, metadata, and contact lists are never exposed to your server.

      !- trust free servers and storage - - alt : No Servers or Clients - every ONE in the network is an Autonomous Actor

    2. Secure sharing of such files with other users of the network without visible meta-data (who shares with who)

      |- secure sharing - with others in the network - without visible meta-data - who shares with who

    3. Securely and privately store files in a peer to peer network which has no central node and is generally difficult to disrupt or surveil

      |- securely & privately - store files - peer to peer network - no central node - difficult to dirupt - surveil

    4. run web apps within Peergos (and served directly from Peergos) which are totally sandboxed and unable to track users or exfiltrate data
      • run web apps within Peergos
      • sandboxed
      • unabloe to track users or exfiltrate data
    1. each wiki exists in multiple places - on the computer as a local set of files AND render to static website the way we collaborate - we all edit - pull and push
      • wiki exists in multiple places
      • local files
      • static website

      IndyNet + IndyWiki + TrailMarks + MindGraph = conversational wiki

      IndyNet + IndyLab + TrailMarks + MindGraph = interpersonal collaborative IndyWeb for Mutual Larning: Symmathersy

      Open, commons based peer interpersonal collaboration organizing and makeing sense of the emergent edge of knowledge

      Where we as people can create the commons based peer produced evergreen capabilities needed to do so

      co-creation through interpersonal conversations that are continuous without being synchronous creating permanent habitable autonomous digital spaces on the IndyWeb and contiguous with each participants MindGraphs along with the very tools needed to improve own(ed) and collective intellect and ability to work together


      where Software becomes Conversation Description https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&any=conversational+wiki&addQuoteContext=true

      https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&any=%22software+is+a+conversation%22&addQuoteContext=true Description

    2. starting to copy files from one wiki to another YAML front matter so you have a page history - more conversational than git commits
      • YAML front matter
      • for page history
      • more conversational than git commit
    3. real people use real conversations - make a more conversational wiki

      !- page : search - "conversational wiki"

    1. Massive Wiki Wednesday (ANZ-Asia), 2021-10-19 - Developer Wiki ...https://developer.massive.wiki › meetingshttps://developer.massive.wiki › meetingsTárolt változatOldal lefordításareal people use real conversations - make a more conversational wiki; currently we are adding to and commenting on pages; Bill and Pete put the mattermost ...
      • search : "conversational wiki"
    1. too much data more than a single person could handle they needed a tool to increase their 01:10:11 capacity the solution to both of these issues promise and zog are hypertext systems they organize this mountain of data as smaller ideas linked together to form 01:10:23 chains of thought to form networks of data
      • too much data
      • more then a single person could handle
      • need tools to increase their capacity

      • organize data as smaller ideas

      • linked together to form chains of thoughts
      • forming networks of data
    2. promise was designed as a solution to the information problem this i'd argue is a universal problem managing medical records was taking too much work there was too much data for 01:09:58 humans to handle so they needed some type of augmentation

      The Information Problem is a Universal Problem

      • too much data for humans to handle
      • so some type of augmentation needed
    3. Episode 79 - ZOG: Military Strength Hypertext Advent Of Computing Advent Of Computing 1.38K subscribers

    1. Episode 79 - ZOG: Military Strength Hypertext

    1. 0:22 / 51:06•Watch full videoLive•Scroll for detailsNew!Watch ads now so you can enjoy fewer interruptionsGot it Description One of my all time favorite talks of AKay's, given in 2015. Not my own video, though it hasn't been on YouTube before. Original location here: http://global.sap.com/campaign/na/usa... Show less Show more Comments 46 Top comments Newest first Transcript NaN / NaN Alan Kay, 2015: Power of Simplicity


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