3,419 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. The main require-ment was a programming system for manipulating ex-pressions representing formalized declarative and irnpera-live sentences so that the Advice Taker system could makedeductions.

      =- requirement = a programming system for - manipulating expressions - represent formalized - declarative & imperative sentences - = Advice Taker - make = deductions

    1. Computingmachines will do the routinizable work that must be done toprepare the way for insights and decisions in technical andscientific thinking

      = computing machinery - will do - routinizable work - prepare the way for insights & - decisions - technica; - scientific thinking

    2. enable men and computers to cooperate in making decisionsand controlling complex situations without inflexible dependenceon predetermined programs.

      = enable man and computers to - cooperate in making decisions & - controlling complex situations - without = inflexible dependence on predetermined programs

    3. to let computers facilitate formulative thinking asthey now facilitate the solution of formulated problems,

      = let = computers - facilitate - = formulative thinking - as they now facilitate - solutions to = formulated problems

    4. Man-Computer Symbiosis*J. C. R. LICKLIDER

      Man-Computer symbiosis

    1. That ideas should freely spread from one toanother over the globe, for the moral and mutual instruction of man, andimprovement of his condition, seems to have been peculiarly and benevolentlydesigned by nature, when she made them,

      The downfall of computing was when they invented, enfored copy right on system created in the open.

      As long there is a licence we all loose!

      Then you can privatize 20 years of development in the commons called Linux

      If you can beat them run it inside a proprietary operating system. Better still, rely on emulators for old windows so you no longer need to worry about backward compatibiity

    1. Micropublications: a semantic model for claims, evidence, arguments and annotations in biomedical communications



    1. How to Prepare for the End of Card PaymentsCash is safe—for now. Contactless payment methods, like Apple Pay or Google Wallet, are more of a threat to the existence of physical cards.FacebookTwitterEmailSave StoryTo revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories.

    1. The curated briefs are much more paradoxical documents

      = curated briefs - paradoxical documents

    1. f "What is value?" was the ultimate question
    2. 🎓

      "The Thinking School of "

      • Polya's "How to Solve It"
      • was translated into Hungarian
        • by = Imre Lakatos
    1. “Wealth is most essentially knowledge,” Mr. Gilder says. “Let’s face it, the caveman had access to all the materials we have today. Therefore, economic growth is learning, manifested in ‘learning curves’ of collapsing costs driven by markets.” Yet these learning curves get waved away by economists. Mr. Gilder says information, not materials, drives growth: “Crash a car and all its value disappears, though every molecule remains.”

      = claim = Wealth is most essentially knowledge - = mutual learning - = symmathesy

      is =Symmathesy

    1. forkable uh so they're forkable at the software layer

      forkability is much overrated

      need things that are born interoperable


    2. therefore that i i think that we all live on the intel instruction set there's a whole lot would seem to me 00:27:08 that the the way we push towards uh more diversity of of structure of algorithmic rules and and methods that actually then i suppose tie those together so a lot of these interoperability protocol 00:27:21 solutions polka dot cosmos and so forth so listen to every smart contract essentially a set of algorithmic rules uh i mean that's right

      live on the intel instruction set

    3. the ethereum virtual machine being this this base layer he thinks of the algorithm he says i 00:26:31 think of this sort of algorithmic dependency as being something like you know animal farm there's there's this one set of rules that ultimately is the base layer around which we are all compelled to live by right 00:26:43 and and that's i just found that a very disturbing way of thinking about it and it struck me that as much as you know there are great intentions behind uh all of the core developers i would imagine or most of the core developers in a lot of these decentralized systems 00:26:55 and as much as it is an open source system there is still a lot of bias that gets baked into algorithms

      bias backed into the algorithm

    4. the vision there is that instead of technology enabling a small set of equity owners to stack up value 00:25:55 more quickly and larger than ever in history uh governance can be decentralized on these platforms and people can have much greater ownership much greater agency on lots of these different networks that there's 00:26:07 pickup participating the trust layer component of this right because you know i think uh you're right there's a lot more built into this system that will hopefully prevent us from 00:26:19 ending up in some other centralized world

      equity owners stack up value

    1. The act of curation itself in hypermedia is already deeply meaningful
    2. We intentionally do not want to reproduce "awesome lists" here that present you with hundreds of links no-one ever reads. Such lists often induce anxiety rather than providing

      = - respond - could have those "awesome list" - as hypermapped territories - share = curated trails - designed for specific - = purpose, intent and audience, learning objectives

    3. many people do not learn best by parsing long walls of text.

      = nice turn of phrase - parsing long walls of text

    4. The curated briefs are much more paradoxical documents in that they tend to be quite long. Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes.

      paradoxical documents

      I contain multitudes

    5. Curated Briefs


    6. Crafted Reading


    7. Module 0 - An Introduction to Kernel


  2. www.kernel.community www.kernel.community
    1. Take Back the Web


    2. how to free the shared record of human knowledge from closed, rent-seeking corporations and extricate ourselves from an extractive attention economy.
      • free the = shared record - of = human knowledge
      • from - closed, rent-seeking = corporations
      • extricate = ourselves
      • from extractive = attention economy
  3. www.kernel.community www.kernel.community
    1. The process of tying two items together

      associative recall

    2. "user trails"

      not users but people, members of a new profession: trailblazers

    3. the human mind [...] operates by association

      human mind works by association

    4. we can hardly consult it.

      key passage from As We May Think

    5. most critical part of the human record: consultation.Selecting the trail¶

      = wow = that's TrailMarks

    1. No Paradigm

      No Paradigm

    2. to quote Douglas Rushkoff, Nothing Sacred. Which also means everything is sacred.

      nothing/everything is sacred

    1. What is lacking is upgradingdesign: enhancing the current HTTP web, and introducingnew functionality without degrading user experience

      = lacking = upgrading design

    2. new protocols have emerged and gained wide usesince the emergence of HTTP

      = new protocols - emerged - gained widespread use

    3. evolving Webinfrastructure is near-impossible, given the number of back-wards compatibility constraints and the number of strong

      = claim - evolving Web infrastructure - near-impossible

      = cause - backward-compatibility constraints - strong parties invested

    4. ails to take advantageof dozens of brilliant file distribution techniques invented inthe last fifteen years.

      = HTTP - fails to take advantage of - dozens of = file distribution techniques - emerged in the last 15 years

    5. HTTP is the mostsuccessful “distributed system of files” ever deployed

      = HTTP - is - the most successful - = "distributed system of files" - - claim : ever deployed

    6. no general file-system has emerged that offers global,low-latency, and decentralized distribution

      = - no = general file system - emerged - with - global - low-latency - decentralized distribution

      = IPFS - is - global - low-latency - decentralized distribution network

    7. applications were not designed as infrastructure tobe built upon

      = - not - designed to be : built upon

    8. tens of millions of nodes churn daily

      churn daily

    9. eployed largefile distribution systems supporting over 100 million simul-taneous user

      = large file distribution systems - - supporting - over : 100 million simultaneous users

    10. IPFS has no singlepoint of failure, and nodes do not need to trust each other

      = IPFS - has - no single point of failure

      = nodes - do not need to - trust each other - Trust but verify

    11. IPFScombines a distributed hashtable, an incentivized block ex-change, and a self-certifying namespace

      = IPFS - combines - = distributed hashtable - = incentivized block exchange - = self-certifying namespace

      = - comment - Once the names are exchanged within - a network of parties of interest - the original source of the names may even go away! - or on need can be recreated

      This is key to permanence!

    12. This forms a generalized MerkleDAG, a data structure upon which one can build versionedfile systems, blockchains, and even a Permanent We

      = IPFS - forms - = generalized Merkle-DAG - = data structure - to build - versioned file system - blockchains - Permanent Web-

      = - NB not built on block chain but can be used to build bclockhains of arbitrary design

    13. InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) i

      IPFS as a Named Data/HyperMedia Network Protocol with content-addressable hyperlinks IPLD

      allows the construction of a single Global Giant Graph to organize not only knowledge but to connect, people as autonomous actors, ideas, information, data in meaning/intentional way with computational artifacts

    14. IPFS - Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File System

      = use = TrailMarks - plain text - in line - in-notation - to articulate in high resolution meaningfully addressable linkable chunks - where the intent/meaning/saliant aspect/propositional/claim structure ies explicated in a meta level MindGraphj - the intent/salient/aspect/semantics/meaning of content in self-contextualizing high resolution meaningfully searchable self- organuizing contexts forming HyperMaps that ARE the Territory

      the following is an experiment to capture in annotation

      the narrative, propositional trails

      improving the ability to - comprehend - search - high resolution reference - deep self-exlicatory meaningful links - structure and implicate order of the content in context

    15. The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a peer-to-peer dis-tributed file system that seeks to connect all computing de-vices with the same system of files

      = gloss = IPFS - - is a : peer-to-peer file system - - connect : all computing devices - - with the : same system of files

    16. PFS provides a high through-put content-addressed block storage model, with content-addressed hyper links.

      = IPFS - provides - high throughput - content-addressed - block storage model - - with : content-addressed hyper links

    17. een as a sin-gle BitTorrent swarm, exchanging objects within one Gitrepository.

      = IPFS - - seen as : single BitTorent swarm - - exchanging : objects within one Git repository

    1. decentralization moving from something that's centralized to something that's no


      =- comment : more than that - ambient - whole - with emergent properties - and self-organization

    2. other kinds of properties that are being baked in from things like block chains

      other properties baked in from blockchain

    3. a system with public verifiability

      public verifiability

    4. superpowers are defined by the properties of the internet

      defined by properties of the internet

    5. new applications give us new superpowers they're like software 00:01:33 granted magic
      • apps super powers
      • software granted magic
    6. over the Internet now we work together we play 00:01:21 together we learn togethe
      • work, platy, learn
      • together
    7. the Internet is humanity's most important technology it's our shared nervous 00:01:07 system our shared brain
      • humanity's most important technology
      • shared nervous system
    1. This year marks the 60th Anniversary of Doug Engelbart's landmark 'manifesto' Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework – stay tuned for opportunities to celebrate!

      60th anniversary

    1. Semantic layers are read-only. Analyst domain knowledge can never write back to augment the model.

      analyst domain knowledge write back to augment the model.

    2. The analytics workflow is broken.

  4. tryprojectmushroom.com tryprojectmushroom.com
    1. Join the waitlistProject Mushroom is designed to reclaim power from the scorched earth policies of billionaires on a warming planet. We are building the world that needs to exist because there is no time to waste. We intend for Project Mushroom to be a safe place for creators and their communities to connect and share ideas. We are so excited for you to join us!

      reclaim power

    2. A safe place on the internet

    1. Brad deGraf (He/Him) 2nd degree connection 2nd Trust Networks and Collective Decision-Making EdCast UC San Diego Sebastopol, California, United States Contact info

    1. Open data for innovation, useful social graphs, grist for AI, ...


      grist for AI

      Description [find it odd[(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EzKDptzVIAkrA5i?format=jpg&name=small)

      I watch what's on my colleagues are doing with language processing with a high in semantic way I find it odd that we're not as humans trying to capture somewhere any internal semantics and when we write in the way either way we link so that oh machine learn and coming the other way down the track and say oh this is what the human beings are


    2. What venues

      venues for Sytmergic Mutual Learning (Symmathesy)

      Mark the trails you blaze across the Web

      with TrailMarks that enables you to designate the subject matter and qualify, characterize, aspectize, operationalie, interpret, contextualize, weaving associative complexes that scaffolds the learning trails, where everything eventually connected in explicitly name meaningful ways

    3. sensemaking within content landscapes

      sense making with content landscape

      = analogous to = HyperMaps - in - TrailMarks HyperMaps of Salient Context meaningfully connected

      Where the Map IS the Territory

    4. traveling salesman problem,
    5. Stigmergy

      = fundamental concept

    6. superorganisms through stigmergy

      = super organism = stigmergy

    7. Human-to-human stigmergic marking that facilitates emergent collective behavior and creates open-data social graphs with lots of uses.

      consonant with TrailMarks' vision and of course the MEMEX and Engelrbart's Autmenting Human (Inter) Intellect!

    1. find it odd that we're 00:10:49 not as humans trying to capture somewhere any internal semantics and when we write in the way either way we link so that oh machine learn and coming the other way down the track and say oh this is what the human beings are

      find it odd ...

    1. why we, as human beings, do not capture the internal semantics when write in the way we link

      The Way We Link

      Capture the learning (not semantics)

    1. How to Apply Ant Colony Optimization to Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) Numerical Example~xRay Pixy


    1. Cloud computing’s fatal flaw is that it ”doesn’tleverage power in your pocket.

      Information need not be disguised as data

      With Web 3 distributed hash tables and other decent(ralized) tech: compute, storage identity

      https://twitter.com/TrailMarks/status/1590065639007215616 The network is the database for the benefit of the people,by the people, not the aggregators

    1. Compute, Storage, and Identity Foundations

      Storage is only the fist square

      once you have

      Named Data Networks Protocols


      can be leveraged to provide Name Networks for Compute, Identity and everything you need, just create it

    1. You can now export Telegram chats, media & files to read anytime Last updated on June 25, 202130 Comments

    1. = for - integration = Telegram & IndyLab

      = comment : Using "Saved Messages" in Telegram to capture links, images, youtube video comments.

      I can access these from the browser via the link https://web.telegram.org/z/#936254324

      This link is private, requires authenticating with Telegram on my devices

      I made copious screen captures and comments in my private "Saved Messages" Telegram Channel on this video

  5. bafybeif7qfmsn3pg2gublckkr6daxofp3bz4ebpywpaozvxqmtotp32uk4.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif7qfmsn3pg2gublckkr6daxofp3bz4ebpywpaozvxqmtotp32uk4.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. My elders say that it is land that holds all knowledge of life and death and is a constantteacher

      land teacher

      not to learn its language is to die

    2. Community Wisdom Gardening —2022-11-01

      As long as you log into Hypothesis

      this pdf is available to be annotated and the annotations can be shared and are visible even if the reader do not have hypothesis chrome extension installed e.g. even on mobile devices)

    3. hypothesis annotated pdf

      This is an experiment to share pdf documents with embedded hypothesis annotation tool shipping via IndyHub

    1. Follow Spaces to explore your interests on Quora.

    1. Heterarchy is emerging as an important concept with respect to globalization and national and international governance.


    2. A heterarchy possesses a flexible structure made up of interdependent units, and the relationships between those units are characterized by multiple intricate linkages that create circular paths rather than hierarchical ones.

      = has - flexible structure - multiple linkages between units - rather than create circular paths (loops)

    3. Heterarchies are best described as networks of actors—each of which may be made up of one or more hierarchies—that are variously ranked according to different metrics. Etymologically speaking, the term is made up of the Greek words heteros, meaning “the other,” and archein, meaning “to rule.”

      = networks - of = actors

    4. x

    1. separation of the Idea into parts by dividing it at the joints as nature directs, not breaking any part in half as a bad carver might

      = separation of = Idea - into = parts - by - = dividing = it - at the joints

    2. gathering of scattered particulars into one Idea so that everyone understands what is being talked about;

      = gathering | scattering = particulars - into = one Idea - = everyone - understands = what is being talked about

    3. “two principles” about defining Ideas (in the Phaedrus)
      • two = principles - defining = Ideas
    4. Platonic, and perhaps oversimple and overrestrictive

      = very Platonic - oversimple & - overrestrictive

    5. instance definer and producers”.

      = abstract class - instance definer & - prodducer

    6. Lisp-like dynamics to do experiments with “differential programming” (meaning: various ways to accomplish “this is like that except”).

      = differential programming - "this is like that except"

      = comment - point to instance first class-free objects - prototypes - mix ins

    7. All relies on the cleanliness of mind of programmers (and even the most clean of these often just do things they need when in the throes of debugging).

      = cleanliness of mind - of the = programmer - do things = needed - in the = throws of debugging

    8. the mechanism itself let too many semantically different things to be “done” (aka “kluged”) by the programmer

      = inheritance - let too many things to be done **"kuldged""

    9. What does Alan Kay think about inheritance in object-oriented programming?

      = Alan Kay - on = OOP

    10. While pondering these ideas in the late 60s, I found that the “real AI” (I have to use this term today yikes!)

      real AI

    1. Every user runs the application on their own device, creates and stores their own data, and talks directly to other users.

      = users - run = application - on = their own device - create & store = own data - talk - directly - to = other users

    2. The security of the application is supported by both cryptography and peer accountability

      = application security - supported by - cryptography & - peer accountability

    3. open-source application development framework and peer-to-peer networking protocol

      = is = Holochain - and - open-source = application development framework - peer-to-peer networking protocol

    1. described each record as an ‘action’,

      record action not a thing

    1. Holochain takes distributed apps beyond DeFi and NFTs to address coordination at scale with self-owned data and peer accountability.

      self-owned data

    1. This palpable, active, ongoing grief is a non-negotiable part of this period of immense change. Grief is one of the most beautiful and difficult ways we love. As we grieve we feel our humanity and connection to each other. Building the path from this heartbreaking present to a future where we center our collective existence in love and care is where we come in. We are the ones shining light on the lies and inconsistencies in our current reality, and we are the ones dreaming up, remembering and practicing mutual ways of being in community with each other. We are learning how to grieve without disappearing, and we are refusing to normalize this terror. We are scholars of belonging and accountability, releasing ourselves from the reductive protocols of punitive culture. We are protesting injustice wherever we find it, while forging the pathways to a justice we cocreate. We are releasing either/or thinking, and we are outgrowing every construct meant to divide and disempower us. We understand that this is an extinction point, and we are not just interested in survival – we want a just world for future generations and for the earth. Each day, we are the ones creating more possibilities. We at ESII see how this community is showing up to hold each other, to grieve, to care for each other, to practice the future together. We love you, we trust you, we grieve with you, and we change with you.

    1. adrienne maree brown 'The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.' – camus…documenting my liberation

    1. A reliable way to upload public data onto Filecoin and pin it to IPFS.

    1. attempting continually to transcend the flawed thing that you currently are and what's so interesting about that is that the meaning in life is to be found in that pursuit

      transcend flawed thing u r

      meaning in life is to be found in that pursuit

      not themeaning of but meaning in

    2. have enough humility to set the bar properly low then you could be better tomorrow than you are today you might say well what's the right way of being in the world if there is such a thing

      humility to set the bar low

      right way of being in the world

    3. life is bounded by 00:02:55 mortality but that doesn't mean that you don't get out there and contend and you develop by contending and you minimize the net amount of suffering in the world and that's something man that's something to do

      life is bounded by mortality

      contend with

    4. it's a luxury to pursue what makes you happy it's a moral obligation to pursue what you find meaningful
      • luxury happy
      • moral obligation pursue meaningful
    5. should be more afraid of staying where you are if it's making you miserable

      more afraid of where u r

    6. no faith and no courage and no sacrifice in doing what is expedient

      in doing what is expedient

    1. willing  to align our expectations with nature’s speed

      = nature's speed

    2. According to Taoist philosophy,   we can either embark on the flow of nature and  navigate through life more effortlessly or swim   00:04:35 against the flow, expending copious amounts of  energy in exchange for low returns

      float along natural flow

    3. Taoist concept of  wu wei

      = wu wei

    4. (1) The natural flow

      = natural flow

    5. dirty water to Buddha.” 

    6. based on the acceptance of what  is. As Oxford Languages defines it: “The capacity to accept or  tolerate delay, trouble,   or suffering without getting angry or upset.”

      = virtue = patience - acceptance of what is - capacity to tolerate suffering without anger

    7. Impatience is the  unwillingness to live life at the pace it   actually happens; we wish for the universe  to bend to our will. We want things now.   We want things to change in an instant. But in  reality, external circumstances are not up to us:   00:02:51 no matter how much we wish that to be  the case.

      = impatience - unwillingness to life life at the pace it actually happens - wish the universe to bend to our will - want change now - external circumstances not up to us

    8. why patience is power.
      • explore - why = patience is power
    9. Viktor Frankl once stated: “When we are no longer able to change a  situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
      • challenge to change ourselves
      • author = Victor Frankl
    1. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit pari "around, about, through," parah "farther, remote, ulterior," pura "formerly, before," pra- "before, forward, forth;" Avestan pairi- "around," paro "before;" Hittite para "outside of," Greek peri "around, about, near, beyond," pera "across, beyond," paros "before," para "from beside, beyond," pro "before;" Latin pro "before, for, on behalf of, instead of," porro "forward," prae "before," per "through;" Old Church Slavonic pra-dedu "great-grandfather;" Russian pere- "through;" Lithuanian per "through;" Old Irish ire "farther," roar "enough;" Gothic faura "before," Old English fore (prep.) "before, in front of," (adv.) "before, previously," fram "forward, from," feor "to a great distance, long ago;" German vor "before, in front of;" Old Irish air- Gothic fair-, German ver-, Old English fer-, intensive prefixes.

      = per(1)

    2. *sta- *stā-, Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to stand, set down, make or be firm," with derivatives meaning "place or thing that is standing."


    3. Proto-Indo-European root forming prepositions, etc., meaning "forward," and, by extension, "in front of, before, first, chief, toward, near, against," etc.

      = per (1)

    4. persist (v.)"continue steadily and firmly in some state or course of action," especially in spite of opposition or remonstrance; "persevere obstinately," 1530s, from French persister (14c.), from Latin persistere "abide, continue steadfastly," from per "thoroughly" (from PIE root *per- (1) "forward," hence "through") + sistere "come to stand, cause to stand still" (from PIE *si-st-, reduplicated form of root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm"). Related: Persisted; persisting.

      = persist

    1. persistence (n.)1540s, "steady or firm adherence to or continuance in a state, course of action, or pursuit that has been entered upon, especially if more or less obstinate," from French persistance, from persistant "lasting, enduring, permanent," from Latin persistentem (nominative persistens), present participle of persistere (see persist). In 16c. often spelled persistance, but the classical spelling prevailed. Meaning "continuance of an effect after the cause which gave rise to it is removed" is from 1862. Related: Persistency.

      = question ? - is = persistence | perseverance = everything

    1. perseverance (n.)mid-14c., perseveraunce "will or ability to persevere, tenacity," from Old French perseverance "persistence, endurance" (12c., Modern French persévérance) and directly from Latin perseverantia "steadfastness, constancy," from perseverant- past-participle stem of perseverare "continue steadfastly" (see persevere). From late 14c. as "quality or state of continuing or enduring."

      = perseverance

      = question ? - is = persistence | perseverance = everything

    1. persevere (v.)"to persist in what one has undertaken, to pursue steadily a design or course," late 14c., perseveren, from Old French perseverer "continue, persevere, endure" and directly from Latin perseverare "continue steadfastly, persist," from persevereus "very strict, earnest," from per "very" (see per) + severus "serious, grave, strict, austere," which is probably from PIE root *segh- "to have, hold," on the notion of "steadfastness, toughness." Related: Persevered; persevering.

      = persevere

    1. The Death Of Computer Languages,The Birth of Intentional Programming

      = about = death of programming language

      = for - Beyond Programming - Beyond Ontologies

      !- old style - about : death of programming language - for : Beyond Programming - for : Beyond Ontologies

    1. If you migrate to a different server, then all existing links to your content continue to work and you keep your social graph without needing to tell anyone your new host. It's magical. Compare this to changing email, where you must tell all your contacts about your new address.

    2. Description

    1. Martin Kleppmann@martinklFolks moving to Mastodon are swapping a service run by a capricious egomaniac for one where the admin of your home instance controls everything about your account. And you probably don't know what your server admin is like when you sign up. Is this really much better?

      = mastodon

    1. A Template is a pre-configured Space which you can use as is, or change according to your needs.

      = feature = templates

    2. is freely connectable to any other part of the workspace

      = claim = freely connectable to any other part

    3. Fibery isn’t a project management app, it’s a constructor.

      a constructor

      not a project management app

    4. In a perfect world you’d have The Perfect App, created by talented designers and developers just for you. But that’s not happening (sorry). There are apps that combine a dozen of tools and promise a complete, integrated workspace.
      • not happening

    5. How to Build Your Company's Brain with Fibery

    1. FollowingClick to Unfollow fibery_ioFibery @fibery_ioA second brain for teams. Replaces costly isolated tools and brings teams together. Join our community! http://community.fibery.ioSoftware Applicationfibery.ioBorn January 2Joined April 201714 Following1,431 FollowersFollowed by justaghostintheshell, Athens , and 15 others you follow

    1. Pinned TweetLeobardo Óscar Alcántara Ocaña@joshua_w_d·Oct 29It’s All Greek. Borrowed Words and their Histories Alexander Tulloch. [https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/I/bo33908968.html…]

    1. Andrew Padilla@AndrewPadilla1Replying to @mdubakov and @codexeditor@TrailMarks looks like something you’d be interested in. fyi @AlanMorrison

    1. “a set of interlinked and open-source technologies spanning hardware, software, networking and applications that support a more secure, private, accessible and ultimately what we hope to be equitable digital infrastructure.”

      Convergence Stack Outlier Ventures - set of interlinked technologies spanning - (hard|soft)ware - networking - apps - supporting digital infrastructure that is more - secure, private - accessible - equitable

    2. Unpacking “The Convergence Stack” with Outlier Ventures’ CEO Jamie Burke

    1. Web3 Foundation@Web3foundationInterested in the future of media in Web3? Learn more about the Cogency Project, launching in partnership with Web3 Foundation, and bringing together news publishers and technologists, to help solve complex problems using the Web3 technology: https://cogencylab.com

    1. Tao Themes Introduction Tao — The Way Te — Virtue Sheng Jen — The Sage Wu Wei — Non-action Moderation Ruling War

      Tao Themes Introduction

      Tao — The Way

      Te — Virtue

      Sheng Jen — The Sage

      Wu Wei — Non-action




    2. The Tao Theme of Ruling

    1. Some critics of Occam’s razor, however, state that the principle is an oversimplification of the complexities of real life and often rules out creative thinking

      = objection to = Occam's razor

      • not honoring the complexity of the situation
      • rules out creative thinking
      • cuts away emerging shoots of human potential
    2. Occam’s razor

    1. best course of action is to choose the solution with the fewest assumptions

      = What's wrong with Business =

      worse is NOT better

      may be expedient, extractive, shortest path to maximize financial returns, and pave the way to self-termination

    2. The Occam’s Razor In A Nutshell

    1. "If a sign is not necessary then it is meaningless. That is the meaning of Occam's Razor."

      contrast that with Alan Kay quiting

      "there is nothing more necessary than to place before the eyes of men certain things the existence of which is neither provable nor probable, but which, for this very reason, pious and scholarly men treat to a certain extent as existent in order that they may be led a step further towards their being and their becoming."


    2. "simpler hypotheses are generally better than the complex ones"

      how wrong can this be

    3. "entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity"

      = gloss

    1. The Subtle Knife of the book's title is a knife that is capable of cutting windows between worlds.

      = gloss - a knife capable if cutting windows between worlds