3,419 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2023
    1. most of the meaning making is not taking place at the propositional level

      Meaning not propositional

    2. Reawakening us to our deep Humanity

      Deep humanity

    3. best you can ever do is Glimpse the sun you can't look directly at it because you'll blind yourself

      Glimpses of the sun

    4. ability to zero in on what's relevant or important

      Zero in relevant important

    5. tragic vision and the other one is the utopian Vision

      Tragic vs utopian vision

    6. opponent processing

      Opponent processing

    7. home is right are you really connected well to yourself to other people and the world

      Home being connected

    8. transcend into reality as it constantly discloses unexpected and unpredicted possibilities

      transcendental into reality - disclose unpredicted realities

      xref : novelty bearing self I actualisation growth qualitative

      Learning adjacent possibility

    9. self-transcendence emphasizes more the learning

      Learning self-transendence

    10. self-correction and self-transcendence are the same

      Self-correction -transcendence

    11. democracy it at least as I read it is an auto poetic system

      Auto poetic system

    12. Perpetual self-transcendence
    13. fittedness that connectedness is what your sense of sacredness is


    14. evolve your evolvability as much as possible

      Evolve evolvability

      Responsive to change flourish

    15. misunderstood Transcendence as a 00:29:51 maximization process

      Not - maximization process

    16. stop thinking of the sacred as completion and perfection

      Sacredness - not completion, perfection

    17. reconfigure 00:28:47 Transcendence and Transcendence is only meaningful if you have some sense of sacredness where I take sacredness to mean I've encountered something more real the really real

      reconfigure transcendence - sacredness - more real

    18. use 00:25:23 argumentation but it has to be argumentation that is situated in and exemplifies an entire way of life that is attractive to people

      Way of life

    19. Cross purpose


    20. not at the level of propositional claims and arguments they were at the level of my world view is better than your world view

      Better world view

    21. community of communities
    22. meta level of a shared grammar of how you put together an Ecology of practices

      Meta level shared grammar

    23. create a meta curriculum

      Optimal shareable Ecologies of practice

      xref : Deep Humanity

    24. communities are spontaneously emerging and putting together these ecology practices

      communities, ecology of practices emerging

    25. stealing the culture


    26. the religion that's not a religion


    27. reconceive of the Sacred and sacredness within that um in a way that is completely consonant uh with sort of our best Cutting Edge cognitive science

      reconceive sacredness - consonant with cutting edge Cognitive Science

    28. contemplative practices perhaps the movement practices you know taoism has Tai Chi Chuan

      contemplative movement practices - Tai Chi Chuan - Qi Gong

    29. cynical quest for power
    30. nihilism that undermines the very possibility of intelligibility

      nihilism undermine intelligibility

    31. Primacy of free speech
    32. religion it's a in itself it's meaningless

      Ain't so

    33. field for the 00:04:05 permanent generation of meaning

      field for generation of meaning

    34. participatory level
      • bellow propositional level
    35. meta meaning system a meta meaning system is a fundamental way in which the agent and Arena are fitted together

      meta meaning system - agent & arena fit together - affordances for action come up

    36. propositional tyranny


    37. knowing is

      = knowing

    38. there is no political solution to our troubled Evolution

      = no political solution troubled eveolution

    39. meaning crisis


    1. interoperability is a smart policy regulation could force Facebook Uber Twitter and so on to a live third-party applications to plug into them

      = allow third- party applications to plug into Big Tech

      comment : - we may not even need that - the following workflow can provide one possible alternative constellation that allow us to control the social settings in a way that supports autonomy of self-assertion in emergent interpersonal networks

      envision : workflow - ONE creates a post on an existing social network like LinkedIn - mirror the post in ONE's own IndyWeb - provide link to that permanent self-owned version of the post - invite people ONE is already connected with on existing social networks - follow each other - meaning that one get's alerted of any post they make on existing social networks - that are mirrored in their own IdyWeb - comment on, annotate each other's post - and provide additional links to the very context - to which these posts are interconnected - including the ability to discover other people - to join the IndyNet

    2. Deep contradiction of our age the 02:05:13 sociologist Sigmund Bauman wrote in 1999 is the yawning gap between the right of self-assertion and the capacity to control the social settings which render 02:05:24 such self-assertion feasible

      = deep contradiction, gap - between the right of self-assertion - and the capacity to control social settings - which render such self-assertion possible

      = Sigmund Bauman

      comment :freedom of speech is a matter of freedom of reach

      organic longtail networks and conversations anchored in global networks

      comment : Indie Web notion of POSSE - recast : "publish on own server, syndicate elsewhere" - provide links to owned social network for post shared on big tech let followers join the new network with zero friction and control their own social settings from then on

    3. assembling a constellation of Alternatives that can lay claim to the space they currently 02:06:43 occupy Because unless the platforms we use every day are transparent Democratic can open then it's not us controlling our 02:06:55 own social settings

      = assembling Constellation of Alternatives - lay claim to the space - unless the platform we use everyday are - transparent - allowing us to controlling our own social settings

    4. imperative instead that we engage in more experiments in Alternatives and the politics that supports those 02:06:31 experiments

      = experiment - constellation of Alternatives


    5. if you've ever used Microsoft Word alternative Libra office it can open and save dot doc files Microsoft file 01:57:15 formats

      = interoperability

      = libre office

    6. Senator Mark Warner suggests legislation that would force platforms with revenues over 100 million dollars to comply with portability rules

      = portability rules - force platforms

    7. interoperability would mean that you could use an alternative to Facebook that still works with Facebook allowing you to keep access to your social network to post to Facebook or Instagram 02:04:39 or Twitter while using new platforms at the same time so that they had to interact with one another and you could support a space for experiments in new ways of running platforms

      = interoperability - would mean - could use an alternative - that still works - allowing one to accerss one's social network - to post there - while using new platforms - space for experiments

    8. interoperability May hold the key to how to challenge big Tech monopolies

      = interoperability - hold the key to - how to challenge big Tech monopolies

    9. incumbents who are protected by amongst other things what's been described as their Network effect the more people that use a platform like Facebook the bigger they become and the more valuable 02:01:15 they are to use this means there's a cost to leaving Twitter to join Mastodon because everyone you want to follow is on Twitter

      = network effects - incumbents - cost to leaving twitter to join Mastodon - everyone you want to follow is on Twitter

    10. screws plugs banking systems and internet protocols interoperability ensures in part that dominant corporations can't dominate the 01:57:28 market further by forcing their own interfaces and squeezing out competitors

      = interoperability - forcing own interfaces - squeezing out competitors

    11. interoperability is an important feature of everyday life that often goes unnoticed and unappreciated simple examples are Railways and airports that have to share the same track gauge or 01:57:02 signaling or air traffic control protocols

      = interroperability

    12. forced to adopt interoperability the opening of their apis so that third-party software 01:54:53 could more easily interact with the windows ecosystem

      = interoperability

      = API

    13. interoperabilit

      = interoperability

  2. Dec 2022
    1. horizontal, vertical, distal

      name = 3 D space dimension * horizontal * vertical * distal

      relative to a given view point!

      distal referring to "distant" points

      = Effective/Interactive/Experiential Concept Spaces - how attention explores/creates the space we inhabit

      related = viewport

    2. vertical ultimately from vertex "highest point"

      etymology = vertical - from = vertex - "highest point"

    3. horizontal from horizon

      etymoloigy : horizontal - from : horizon

    4. with distal referring to "distant" points.

      gloss = distall - refers to : "distant" points

    1. Note: As of November 2019, Google Docs on Android does not offer an insert bookmark option.

      Is Google Doing the Right Thing Here|?

      Hardly it's just being Evil.

    2. How to add page numbers and bookmarks in Google Docs


    1. logicians are also considering the possibility of procedural semantics for logic.

      procedural semantics for logic

    2. J.C.R. Licklider for emphasizing the im- portance of mediating procedure calls.

      Licklider mediating procedure calls

    3. Jack Dennis for sharing many of our same goals in his COMMON BASE LANGUAGE and for his emphasis on logical clarity of lanquage definition and the importance of parallelism.

      Jack Dennis logical clarity of language definition

      importan ce of parallelismn

    4. Jeff Rulifson, Bruce Adnerson, Gregg Pfister, and Julian Davies showed us how to clean up and generalize certain aspects of PLANNER-71.

      Jeff Rulifson clean up and generalize

    5. PORT which we have generalized into an ACTOR.

      port generalized into an actor

    6. John McCarthy for making the first circular definition of an effective problem solving formalism and for emphasizing the importance of the epistemological problem for artificial intelligence.

      McCarthy first circular definition of an effective problem solving formalism

    7. Alan emphasized the crucial importance of using intentional de- finitions of data structures and of passing messages to them.

      Alan Kay intentional definition of data structures and passing messages to them

    8. "A data structure is nothing but a stupid programming language".

      data structure stupid programming language

    9. "Everything of importance has been said before by somebody who did not discover it." Alfred North Whitehead

      importance said by somebody who did not discover it

    10. The REPERTOIRE of a configuration defines what the configuration does as opposed to how it does it


    11. input audience I and output audience

      input audience I

      output audience O

    12. actor induction.

      actor induction

    13. Every actor can have monitors which get to read every message that is sent to the actor.

      monitors gety to read every message that is sent toi the actor

      Need to conceptualize a computational system where human beings can act as autnonomous human actors in their own right

      articulate their intents echange messages most if our aimed at concsumption modifications comnmenting by other human beings as part of conversations

      computational actors vs human actors

    14. Sending a message to an actor is entirely free of side effects such as those in the message mechanism of the current SMALL TALK machine of Alan Kay

      sending messages to an actors is entirely free of side effects

      as in Small Talk Alan Kay

    15. ending messages between actors is a universal control primitive

      sending messages universal control primitive

    16. We define a HISTORY to be a strict partial “order of events with the transitive ciosure of the partial ordering

      history partial order of events

    17. Conceptually at least a new actor is created every time a message is sent.

      conceptually a new actor is created every time a message is sent

    18. The definition of a name, access to a name, and allocation of storage are decoupled.

      definition access storage for a name are decoupled

    19. Each actor has complete control over the names he uses.

      Actor has control over the the names he uses

    20. The intentions are written in the same formalism as the procedures they describe. Thus intentions can have intentions.

      intentions can have intentions

    21. Every actor has an INTENTION which checks that the prerequisites and the context of the actor being sent the message are satisfied.

      Acror has an INTENTION

    22. An actor is always invoked uniformly in exactly the same way

      uniform invocation or processes on behalf of human actors!

    23. research in natural and effective means for embedding knowledge in procedures.

      Perhaps we need to approach it from the other end:

      Devise constellations for co-laborative processes that can support the creation and growth of knowledge as mutual learning, symmathesy, where the stigmercgic "trails will never fade"

    24. “Programs should not only work, but they should appear to work as well."

      Using Simonyi's idea about programming is the oppeiste of diamond mining.

      In programming we start with the intent, and bury it in the dirt of gratuitous complications. encoding out original intent in terms of ad hoc processing of representations where the original intent is lost and b urried

    1. Preview Next Diagram that shows the links and jumps - just the one level deep currently - e.g. SupraAggregates

      Problems define their own solutions and names

      I think the basic unit of comprehension and machine supported recall os not nodes and edges but what we called associattivbe complexes back in the days of WikiNizer that is all linked pages going your and comming in. But the key point is that all links are qualified named intent/aspects/whatever in a meta level MindPlex

      Call such a thing a Plex so instead of MindGrap0h we care about MindPlexes

      If we add the people who creates these articulation the interpersonal netwoirked content in context forming built out our Plexes a referde to as MindPlexus

  3. bafybeigabgghxnpugueifb5hgkey2ngkembpte27lzvjtt5kwshfbhyfou.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeigabgghxnpugueifb5hgkey2ngkembpte27lzvjtt5kwshfbhyfou.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. https://peergos.net/#%7B%22secretLink%22:true%2c%22link%22:%22#6MDZhRRPT4ugkJuUfcR4HUBKWFaAUE9Lc5F8GiPr4gYNR2K3729dZfUirK3CUe/6MDZhRRPT4ugkJuUfccsrqELFsuKZiwACb3uN1JqNM2perh5qRRvLkqMu8Ak2S/2MHRVbXfR5Via4rQ8xM2WJGkzpxpEfGM4ypFCVzdwFQ1RZV3ipBFi3AsXS9Yiz8k9rDHmDkPGSxHvqry8i5SkrufTtWu5TG/5Pf7SvmJqyjVp3YfWj9CEoYztefHw9LUQY1FoL2tufSa8henP6b%22%2c%22open%22:true%2c%22filename%22:%22UCAN%20call%202022%2012%2020%201.html%22%7D

      = - trail

      From Chris "cdata" Joel @ Subconscious to Everyone 07:58 PM http://skyhunter.com/marcs/ewalnut.html From Alan Karp to Everyone 07:59 PM http://erights.org/

      = Alan Karp

      Object Oriented program and

      Globally addressable objects

      =- bible

      From Chris "cdata" Joel @ Subconscious to Everyone 07:58 PM http://skyhunter.com/marcs/ewalnut.html From Alan Karp to Everyone 07:59 PM http://erights.org/


      asked in chat

      From Me to Everyone 07:39 PM I do have one question  From Jess Martin to Everyone 07:40 PM @gyuri: if it doesn't get covered in this call, feel free ask in the fission Discord and tag me, as I have a feeling I was on the livestream of which you speak 🙂 From Blaine Cook to Everyone 07:40 PM 💯 From Me to Everyone 07:41 PM I reallu liked the idea of no signup needed to control wenbative identity. This may have implications to the way the whole webnative SDK based app are to be created/distributed and thought off. Any comments would be apprefiatd. This may not be the right forum, but it is live From Brooklyn Zelenka (@expede) to Everyone 07:42 PM Im checking in sorry folks gimme a minute From Me to Everyone 07:42 PM Yes will do.

    1. Frontend ToolingGet ready for a development environment that can finally catch up with you.

    1. Hot Module Replacement (HMR)

      = Hot Module Replacement (HMR)

    2. Vite pre-bundles dependencies using esbuild

      pre-bundle dependencies

    1. silky-smooth user experience out of the box

      silky-smooth experience

    2. clone-and-go template for building a web application using Webnative

      clone-and-go template

    1. Authorized Wire Authenticated Key Exchange (AWAKE) Specification v0.1.1



    1. Alan MorrisonData tech evangelist, researcher and writer2,556 followers · 19 followingFollow Notify meAskTop Quora Writer, strategic advisor and writer on the future of business and technology.

    1. Alan Morrison (He/Him) 1st degree connection 1st Advanced data technologies consultant and writer Talks about #semantics, #graphdatabase, #datamanagement, #knowledgegraph, and #dataarchitecture

    2. Alan Morrison (He/Him) 1st degree connection 1st Advanced data technologies consultant and writer

    1. Human-centered Machine Learning: a Machine-in-the-loop ApproachIn 1950, Alan Turing asked the question: “can machines think?” This question has inspired excellent research in the area of artificial


    1. Machine-in-the-loop where humans take full agency and machines play a supporting role, e.g., machines can provide suggestions to inspire creativity and help writers overcome cognitive inertia.

    2. Human-centered Machine Learning: a Machine-in-the-loop Approach

    1. Jordan Hall@jgreenhallCould chatgpt take a transcript of a dialogue and produce a map of the concepts discussed? If a given concept was substantially evolved over a series of such dialogues, could it produce a Wikipedia entry reifying the concept at the end of the series?2:11 PM · Dec 15, 20227 Retweets1 Quote Tweet77 Likes

    1. self-governing, fair, and accountable
      • self-governing
      • fair
      • accountable
    2. independent of monopolistic and bureaucratic power structures

      power structures

    3. individuals have control over their data and how they interact and transact
      • individual
      • control
      • data
      • interact
      • transact
    4. Discover Cardano

    1. the first and most easiest thing to change is actually us not our Energy Systems

      change us not our energy systems

    2. MEERTALK October 2022 - Simon Michaux

      2,187 views 12 Oct 2022 Mineral Supply Challenges to Phase Out Fossil Fuels with Simon Michaux, Associate Professor of Geometallurgy at the Geological Survey of Finland in the Circular Economy Solutions Unit

      Find out about the data that's been collected on global mineral reserves, as the world gradually moves toward renewable energy. The estimated total quantity of raw materials to manufacture one generation of renewable technology units (solar panels, wind turbines, etc.) to completely phase out fossil fuels (replace the fossil fuel technology existing system) was collected.

    3. I call them the Arcadians

      = arcadians

    4. propel things of value through the upcoming constraints in the coming 100 years.

      propel : things of value

    5. The Bottlenecks of the 21st Century

      book :

    6. meaning what we say at all levels

      say what u mean

    7. let go of materialism

      = materialism

    8. what do we have to learn?

      and learn it

    9. industrial version of an organic farm

      Organic industry

    10. handle information

      is broken

    1. Integrating Siloed Personal Knowledge GraphsCritical steps in improving the productivity of enterprise note-taking

    1. A mashup is

      gloss = mashup - web- or desktop- application that combines information and/or services from one or more external sources

      flip : that - all content is obtained through communication with other people, so there is a universal uniform way of obtaining data - since all content has its own self-describing structure and intent - they are readily amenable not only to create mashups - but remixes, and even collaboration - in this sense each individual IndiVerse is an emergent social mashup not only of content from social ties but the "application" themselves are just such a mashup of mashups

    2. User Model Interoperability (UMI)

      = User Model Interoperability

      flip : that - Universal Extensible Self-certified self-enabled - intentional content model with explicitly named class free mixins as ad hoc on the flie coevolving "types" - where content is explicitly structured - qualified items and properties in nested contents + - and applicable intents are marked out - these intents are universally available - extensible, future proof, malleable, remixable etc

      gloss = TrailMarks - object model - born exchangeability, interoiperability reusabillity

      flip : API - instead of APIs - make explicit both - the structure and intended interpretation - of content - explicit - impending outgoing trailmarks shapes - such that co-operating processes can readilyt - recall met-information - so that people can readilty configure - their own interpretation without resorting to programming - introduce their own intent and - devise born exchangeable morphic live objects - that make the intent executable

    3. bridge thegap across their presence in different communities

      bridge : the gap - across : presence - in : different applications

    4. Socialfeatures can be combined with domain-specific applications

      = social features - combined with = domain-specific applications

    5. evelop social ties among each other

      = develop social ties

    6. shareconten


    7. personalized mashups of social networking sites.

      = personalized mashup of social networking sites

    8. A User-Centric Authentication and Privacy ControlMechanism for User Model Interoperability in SocialNetworking Sites

      = User-Centric Authentication

      = User Model Interoperability in social Networking sites

    1. the m n d follo& an associ'arive t r d l , but ~t should I&pos-sible to best the mind decisively In regard to the permanence andclarity of the items resurrected from stonge

      Key passages:

      Man cannot hope fully to duplicate this mental process artificially ...

      One cannot hope thus to equal the speed and flexibility with which the mind follow an associative trail, but it should be possible to beat the mind decisively in regard to the permanence and clarity of the items resurrected from storage**

    1. end users are in control

      People are actors as hubs weaving their own(ed|) networks of trust connecting people, ideas and online capabilities and experiences

    1. The Technology Behind Web3: Live Coding with Fission 74 views Streamed 13 days ago BlueYard Capital BlueYard Capital 318 subscribers

    1. Kevin Owocki internet citizen, DAO cartographer, EVM whisperer & aspiring chaos magician at @gitcoin — I spin bits for fun & profit, watch out for my MegaByte!

    1. The root node combines

      = root node - combines : all the CIDs - of - descendant = nodes

      = forms - final = CID - called : root CID

      comment : dohow - combine markdown for fonts with the three TrailMakrs mark in notation markers

      • - to indicate verby/predicate/aspect/qualifying trailmark terms
      • : for objects
      • = for subjects

      the intent is clear from the mark in notation bolds and italics are there for visual emphasis.

      These markdown elements can then be used to generate highlights in the text being annotated automatically

    2. without balance requirements.

      = Merkle-DAG - like Merkle-tree

    3. When content is added to IPFS
      • split into = chunks (default 256 kB)
      • each of which is assigned its own = CID.
      • The CID of each chunk results from hashing its content &
      • adding the above = metadata
    4. For example
      • 3/4 of retrievals from Europe - under : 2 seconds

      comment - do how - instead of highlighting by hand which is tedious - could use bold font in the text - and have that transferred into highlights - for properties use italic*

    5. finally present

      = a performance evaluation - of = IPFS - content retrievals in IPFS are - slower than = direct HTTP access - = delays - are still reasonable for a number of use cases.

      comment - do how - and of course highlight things marked with =

    6. We find that

      = IPFS infrastructure deployed - in over 2700 = Autonomous Systems - across 464 = IP addresses

    7. We make

      = datasets &

      = tooling

      publicly available

    8. no individualentity operates

      the entirety of = IPFS

    9. decentralized nature of IPFS

      vital to =

    10. We propose three complementary measurement methodolo-gies

      propose 3 = complementary methodologies

      vantage point into = & - deployment, - usage - performance - of the = IPFS network

    11. We present

      design & implementation - of = IPFS

      publish & retrieve = content at scale

    12. Openparticipation

      = Open participation - anybody can deploy an IPFS node - participate in the network - without requiring = special permission or privileges

    13. contributions
      • present = design & implementation - of = IPFS
      • publish & retrieve = content at scale
    14. IPFS relies on

      = IPFS - relies on - cryptographic hashing - to self-certify objects

      removing need for = certificate-based authentication - hence = verifiability

    15. Figure 3: IPFS publication and retrieval

    16. Direct Connection Upgrade through Relay
    17. NAT hole-punching solutio
    18. entirely decentralized content-addressable media objectstorage and retrieval platform.
      • decentralized
      • content-addressable
      • media object storage &
      • retrieval platform
    19. storing andserving media objects at scale

      storing and serving = media objects - at scale

    20. provide greater control forusers

      Give greater control for People, Players not users (of centralized services

    21. PeerTube

      = - video sharing

    22. Mastodon

      = - micro blogging

    23. “Decentralized Web”.

      growing movement = - colloquially referred to as =

    24. The monetary costs incurred during outages

      monetary cost - of = outages

      question ?

      whose losses Amazon's or all the affected eCommerce players?

      answer : https://hypothes.is/a/jTgcNnkvEe2NmbMbKdxg0A

    25. widespread chaos during outages

      = chaos - during = outages

    26. single points of organizational failure

      = services - represent = single points of organizatioinal failure

    27. growing centralization of web systems


    28. consolidation of ownership andoperation


    1. improving the intellectual effectiveness of theindividual human being

      a new and systematic approach to improving the intellectual effectiveness of the individual human being.

    1. makes sure that both nodes sendtheir respective SYN packets at the same time.

      SYN packet sent at the same time

    2. Hole punching succeeded for 86% of the attempts on TCP

      hole punching success rate 86% for TCP

    3. the relay serveris used to coordinate a hole punch through these two NATs.

      = relays server - coordinates : a hole punch

    4. Figure 3


    5. Figure 2: Connection Reversal (after [ 6]): Node 𝑌 connects to therelay server (1.) and asks it to relay a connection to node 𝑋 (2.). Afterexchanging their respective addresses in the CONNECT messageof the DCUtR protocol, 𝑋 first dials 𝑌 directly (3.). This connectionattempt only succeeds if 𝑌 is a public node

      = Connection Reversal connection attempt requires public node

    6. Decentralized Hole Punching


    7. at least a small fraction of nodes isnot located behind a firewall or a NAT.

      nodes not behind firewall or a NAT

    8. address discoveryand relaying protocols


    9. at least one (anyarbitrary) node to bootstrap peer discovery. The key insight is thatthe protocols used for hole punching, namely address discoveryand relaying protocols, can be built such that their resource require-ments are negligible. This makes it feasible for any participant inthe network to run these, thereby enabling the coordination of holepunch attempts, assuming that at least a small fraction of nodes isnot located behind a firewall or a NAT.
      • at least one node bootstrap discovery
      • negligible resource requirements
      • feasible for participants to run these
    10. ceenabled by default on IPFS nodes behind NATs and/or firewalls,we plan to conduct comprehensive measurements, evaluating holepunching success across the entire heterogeneous IPFS network

      hole punching for IPFS nodes behind NATS and firewalls

    1. One of the most important features of Plex is the ability to let you access your content whenever you want from wherever you are. That means not only at home, but also at work, at a friend’s house, on vacation, etc. To do that, you need to be able to access your Plex Media Server when away from your local network.

      = Plex Media Server

      = Plex TV

    1. Plex, Inc. Stream without the struggle. Enjoy ALL your entertainment—plus 50,000+ free titles from us—with Plex. Entertainment Providers Los Angeles, California 9,894 followers

    1. Amazon.com Goes Down, Loses $66,240 Per Minute

      Obviously they talk about losses for Amazon

      not consequential losses

  4. bafybeid2lqlk7n7ynaa26wl33yvuugloueyhbzvfvcimzozkxyknjl6dhi.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeid2lqlk7n7ynaa26wl33yvuugloueyhbzvfvcimzozkxyknjl6dhi.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. "An efficient method for checking object-orienteddatabase schema correctness,"

      comment - the example given shows that the most important concept in the title - cannot be reflected in the classification scheme - considering the centrality of the concepts of schema scheme to the entire field it is not in the sclassification scheme as such

    2. he more specific the concept thebetter.

      the more specific the better

      tension : - the more specific a term is the more likely to be relevant in many contexts

    3. Identify the lowest branches ofthe tree that seem to apply to your particular paper.

      identify lowest branches


      title :

    5. Beware of a common pitfall

      = pitfalls

    6. The question to ask is, "Would someone look forthis key word or phrase in an index?"


      looking for a key word without indicating intent and context is not enough

    1. For a PDF version
    2. Naming and addressing

      question - Why only in - Network Architectures & - Network Services

      comment - naming is at the heart of computing everywhere

    3. ACM Computing Classification System
    4. Networks


    5. It relies on a semantic vocabulary

      relies on = Semantic Vocabulary - single source of categories & concepts

      reflect the : state of the art of the computing discipline a

      receptive to : structural change - as it evolves in the future.

    6. The 2012 ACM Computing Classification System

      = - a poly-hierarchical ontology - in semantic web applications