- Jan 2023
www.hylo.com www.hylo.com
Collaborative Technology AlliancePublic - Anyone can find and see this groupClosed - This group is invitation onlyGlobal
www.collaborative.tech www.collaborative.tech
3/21: Final presentations. We will kickoff a participatory process for deciding how much money to allocate to each project. This is still being designed.
as with all succesful co-operastion everything that we we would do thorughout rhis hackathon would be a reward in itself. If it was not it would not be worth our time!
Check-point event: teams can present their work so far
that would be a great opportunity to scale our reach and visibility within the alliance and the wider Pradigm Flipping movement
2/21: Build kickoff event: Highlight projects and teams that are moving forward into the build phase
the Build phase in our case would benevisioning and organizing collaboration with othere teams in this space to plugout and interoperate with the indyNet/Web/Lab and build their own IndyXxxx
Discussion of projects
we could provide an alternative for setting up discussions for for the IndyNet/Nao projects and offer support for others building bridges between loomio and the IndyNet/Lab
Aside we have explored fully the possibikity of using approaches that lead to indyweb and trailmarks to do full projhect comprehension tools and can combine thsew with interpersonal communication collaboration support
Proposals for projects can be submitted
that's what we need to prepare ship the current plan on the IndyWeb and allow conversations through those artifacts
Social interoperability
IndyNet is a new paradigm for social interoperabiity permanence, accountability and trust
Sovereign identity (e.g. adopting DID-based login)
identity is established and maintained recoverd via gossip networks with personal human connections combined with full provenance of interactions and permanence of recods
Agreeing on shared data schemas, to make it easy to export/import data
IndyWeb proposes an universal intentional instance first end-to-end workable framework for personal first, interpersonal collaboration in autonomous evergreen hypermedia spaces
Flipping the current paradigm based on schemas and APIs
instead create exemplars of extensible, malleable, ustomizable ready to use and extend framework that emphasizes actor autnonomy, privacy, trust networks based on Human trust , for trust where each component is exchangable and born interoperable
Technical interoperability & data portability across social platforms.
IndyWeb's primary goal is to bootstrap the co-evolution of Open Commons Based peer-produced constellations for a People-Centered Intetrnet for boundaryless autnomous deep collaboration
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Tibet Sprague (He/Him) 2nd degree connection 2nd Communitarian technologist and core steward of Terran Collective and Hylo, working for a world where all beings can thrive
www.hylo.com www.hylo.com
PubHubs and Networks for Public Institutions
d3ngex8q79bk55.cloudfront.net d3ngex8q79bk55.cloudfront.net
IndyHub for the IndyWeb
the simplest possible [webnative] database that could possibly be built.
edge native evergreen, inter(planetary|personal) autonomous human trust based networks and constellations
TrailMarks’ vision and mission with Trailhub
TrailHub is IndyHub with TrailMarks as an Independent Software Vendor
Although we incorporated as TrailMarks LTD in the UK we wish to explore going the route of Open Collective which is especially important for Commons based peer production of born interoperable webnative long tail web apps co-creating a FAIR social software alliance to "Build the future of web apps at the edges" Fission
masters of their own personal social networks
portable autonomous social networks
who.is who.is
Registered On 2016-05-16
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
So Much for the Decentralized Internet
twitter.com twitter.com
Thought-provoking read from @ibogost So Much for the Decentralized Internet
so much for the decentralized internet
search : decentralized
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
This is an aspirational post.
what if = decentralized, open web - was - a historical aberration - an accident between broadcast models - not an ideal that was won then lost
We have nothing to loose but those cookies
All to play for!
And this resistance is happening…
resistance is not useless!
tantek.com tantek.com
Thanks to Chris Aldrich (https://boffosocko.com/) for the banner image.
banner image
Your #IndieWeb site can be the home you’ve always wanted on the internet.
martymcgui.re martymcgui.re
All members of the webring get a unique emoji ID when they first sign in.
unique emoji ids
xn--sr8hvo.ws xn--sr8hvo.ws🕸💍4
Mark Sutherland Web Designer, Developer & Digital Creative
liaison between creativity and logic.
A Directory of Active Sites with Profiles
An IndieWeb Webring
tomcritchlow.com tomcritchlow.com
“map of inquiry”
for = HyperBlog
Networked Writing
Named Networked Writing Networks
how do we build in-line comments and discussion to the web?
problem : indyweb
how we build : - in-line comments - discussions
Blogging still feels very single player.
MultipPlayer Blogging
app.harvestr.io app.harvestr.io
Enable instructors to assign H content to student groups
D2L Groups
app.harvestr.io app.harvestr.io
Annotate over VitalSource owned ebooks and PDFs
JSTOR integration
app.harvestr.io app.harvestr.ioRoadmap1
hypothesis roadmap
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Crucially, the lessons from this process are informing the global efforts to create a universally-accepted set of policies and practices for DAOs.
www.weforum.org www.weforum.org
Decentralized Autonomous Organization Toolkit
brendanschlagel.com brendanschlagel.com
Personal Canon These are the things that have most influenced my work and thinking; the things that I return to and share with others again and again.
www.brendanschlagel.com www.brendanschlagel.com
personal canon
Brendan Schlagel
forging meaningful communities, and continuing to craft my own self-directed learning program.
self-directed learning program
www.antilibrari.es www.antilibrari.es
Catalogs and catacombs of books unread. Browse the Antilibrary below! Reload the page to see a random selection or continue to the entire collection.
forum.hyperlink.academy forum.hyperlink.academy
brendan Brendan
learning adventures
www.srg.com www.srg.com
We are a creative collective that pursues meaning
searched for srg
richdecibels.com richdecibels.com
Hi I’m Rich
www.loomio.com www.loomio.com
Make decisions together online
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
The original “Mad Professor” of cyberpunk
frametrail.org frametrail.org
indie software = FrameTrail - hyperlink filmic content
medium.com medium.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Scalabel v0.3.0 Demo
peergos.net peergos.netPeergos1
4:38 : Social Bookmarking Tool -
docdrop.org docdrop.org
difference between 00:03:53 the more transient um like metadata type pheromone markings in contrast with the more content like architectural modifications so there's a lot of like resonances 00:04:05 across systems and hence not exactly one ontology or way to talk about the different components
contrast : metadata content - transient metadata type pheromone markings - content like architectural modifications
comment : named plexes/pages - combine trailmarks qualifiers with subject object name combinations
twitter.com twitter.com
beyond' ontology
Dynamic Self-organization of all content in relevant contexts adept at context-switching/recall via "shapes" giving the illusion of having a single big ontology
twitter.com twitter.com
“the inheritance from the master becomes not only his additions to the world’s record, but for his disciples the entire scaffolding by which they were erected."
We GATHER here to build TOGETHER the MEMEX for the Web
twitter.com twitter.com
A (pipe?)dream is about to come true across the Web. Just "Think A Link" and it get's you into the right context across the Web of Networked Thoughts and Trust we need to tackle urgent problems. https://youtube.com/watch?v=_M05U9BHYzM&feature=youtu.be&t=3990
Just "Think a Link"
twitter.com twitter.com
"think a link"
The Way We Link
Capture the learning (not semantics)
twitter.com twitter.com
Don't let the memex be a dreamex
Don't let the memex be a dreamex
gyurilajos.keybase.pub gyurilajos.keybase.pub
algorithms we are developing for socialMindGraphing,
HyperKnowledge by construction
Personal Knowledge Mastery,
now : Open mutual learning commons Homebrew personalised social software constellations of born interoperable exchangeable holonic components self-suits
Chrome Webstore
dApp stores or personal self-configured fungible tinkerable long tail homebrew apps plugouts
Turn Google Drive into a MindGraph
now : Fission Peergos Web3 storage and other alternative operational/scaling privacy requirements are all possible that are all exchangeable free choice including Of course Google drive or any other centralised choices
Knowledge Platform.Support deep collaboration at the meta level by facilitating the merging and consolidation ofalternative conceptu
does not need to be backed up with venturecapita
No Need for VC capital to scale
Once yu go from 0 to 1 it is already at scale!
Knowledge Mastery is a meta-reflective problem. Offer a meta-reflectivetechnology to kick start co-evolution.
knowledge mastery
meta-reflective problem
requiring meta-reflective, tinkerable co-evolvable tools
a reusable Universal framework where everything is a graph andall capabilities are expressed in terms of a Graph based model of computation. surely it willbe copied and set to become a new paradigm.
reusable universal framework
everything is a graph
eflect in a MindGraph what they are doing, seeking to learn and write to think about,while capturing and saving relevant content always in the right context.
- seek to learn
- write to think about
- capturing saving
- relevant content in context
constellations of tools to think with
merging graph neighborhoods
Personal Knowledge Work tomove towards support for collaborative Knowledge Work.
going from Personal Knowledge Work to Collaborative Knowledge Work
Google Drive™
not just Google Drive
but Fission Drive, Peergos etc
WikiNizer does not have to build the cost of “free services” into its prices.
all data is local first exists on user's own devices synced
Everything is thus contextualized, reused, and reconstituted as MindGraphs
- contextualized
- reused
- reconstituted
as MindGraphs
Google Drive™.
on IPFS now
Users are thus forced to disperse related information
forced to disperse : related information - diagrams, - notes, - mindmaps, - pearl trees, - presentations, and - blog entries, - across siloed centralized services
leaving the automatic formation of communities to berealized at some future time.
Graph databases
alternative to : graph database - in an (inter)personal settings - with IPFS - the Network is the - Open Commons-based, peer produced, Graph anti-database
ourcodeworld.com ourcodeworld.com
How to create a file and generate a download with Javascript in the Browser (without a server)
do how : download content javascript
www.brendanschlagel.com www.brendanschlagel.com
indie creator economics
indie creator economy
building hyperlink.academy, a new platform for collaborative learning.
building hyperlink academy
www.brendanschlagel.com www.brendanschlagel.com
to display and disseminate and put into action all that which I build.
- structure to hold it
- display
- disseminate
- put into actions all that I buiuld
“blog” to mean an individual’s online home base, an identity owned and consolidated rather than diluted across the social media spectrum,
blog - individual home base- identity owned - consolidated - rather than diluted across social media spectrum -
can we bring those toghether seamlessly as autononmous actor interpersonal connections and conversations?
life slip stream
“The blog is dead, long live the blog”
blog dead long live
built over time, with love and care and generosity and effort shining through.
love and care and generosity
carefully built space
show heart of their thoughts
A Personal Niche, An Internet Cathedral, A Networked Empire
www.niemanlab.org www.niemanlab.org
The blog is dead, long live the blog
www.brendanschlagel.com www.brendanschlagel.com
A portfolio; a cathedral
one author, many blogs!
one author many blogs
group blog! One blog, many authors, a shared set of themes or editorial voice.
group blog
- many authors
- shared set of themes or
- editorial voice
learning-focused communal blogging
learning focused
communal blogging
- exploring particular question together
- aggregating collection of resources
- reflection on shared experiences
Blogging Futures learning adventure
discussion of hyperlink.academy
But I want more structures; grander structures!
want : hyperblog indyweb/net/lab/blog - more strucure - or as Ted Nelson said: structure & collaboration
I want big, simple, legible ways to link blog discussions together. I want: blogging megastructures!
want : hyperblog indyweb - legible ways to link blog discussions together - blogging megasgtructures
Networked Communities
problem is
the problem is: - do not have great ways to connect blogs together
response : - need to connect bloggers as individuals and communities first
weaving a - local first - offline first - permanent - interpersonal networks - inter communities of care
eventually connecting everything : - people - communities - ideas - mutual learnings with full provenance - conversations that are continuous without being synchronous
blogchain-based learning adventure
learning adventure
blog society requires connection, community, conversation
blog society - requires : - connection - community - conversations
every blog is an island.
not on medium
alas the network value effect is realized largely by the aggregator still it may be a good deal
as long as you have HyperBlog as an IndyWeb companion
This post is part of Blogging Futures
= Blogging Future - collaborative - blockchain-based - learning adventure - explore reimagining blogging - feel free to join the conversation
What’s beyond a blog post; beyond a blogchain?
buttondown.email buttondown.email
hyperlink.academy 🌱 threads.garden Hyperlink Hypotenuse
www.ribbonfarm.com www.ribbonfarm.com
quit the regular paycheck lifestyle in 2011 to go feral.
quit paycheck lifestyle go feral
essence of it was legible to new readers willing to do a bit of clicking around.
essence legible clicking around
www.ribbonfarm.com www.ribbonfarm.com
navigating the warrens of the funding and publishing ecosystems
navigating warrens of funding publishing ecosystem
wasn’t powerful enough to reshape the landscape in ways that could create room for me.
reshape landscape room for me
The publish or perish equation gets massively loaded on the perish side, and I perished.
fall right through the cracks between the fields of AI, operations research, cognitive science and control theory.
fall right through the cracks
disreputable interdisciplinary TV science (Santa Fe has a far bigger reputation in pop science than in mainstream academia).
pop science santa fe
complex systems that are also recursively self-aware
recursively self-aware
Resurrecting Self-Organized Criticality?
self-organized criticality
biological systems self-organize in ways that keep them on the edge of criticality
edge of criticallity
aplex : - metaphysics of adjacency interactions
social systems that thrive and grow are on the edge of legibility.
social systems grow
at the edge of legibiity
A warren
is a : - a social environment - where no participant can see beyond their little corner of a larger maze
Warrens - emerge - through people personalizing and customizing their individual environments - with some degree of emergent collaboration.
Warrens vs. Plazas
A plaza is
= plaza - is : - an environment - where you can easily get to a global/big picture viewof the whole thing - created by central planners - who believe they know what’s best for everyone. - contrast : Long Tail of software JotSpot
warren plaza - as terms are : - evocative - remind you of the idea of legibility in physical environments
fascinating series he is doing on social software.
social software
www.ribbonfarm.com www.ribbonfarm.com
Good for creating tunnel/warren-like architectures that are more “indoors” than “outdoors”.
tunnel/warren -like architectures
Gutenberg block editor which introduces, among a lot of other things, reusable container-like blocks.
Q7: What’s a blogchain?
gloss : blockchain - longform by other means # - containerized longform - themed blog-within-a-blog, - built as a series of short, ideally fixed-length posts (we’re trying to standardize on 300 words as one container size). - blockhain analogies apply
retroactive continuity
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Imperialist appropriation in the world economy: Drain from the global South through unequal exchange, 1990–2015
forensic economist
app.harvestr.io app.harvestr.io
We are working towards adding features based upon colored highlights to enhance the end users experience.
coloured highlights
app.harvestr.io app.harvestr.io
Our partnership with VitalSource will be expanded to improve the user experience on documents with multiple pages.
UI for documents with multipage
Have a real conversation again
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Funding is flowing to superficial things rather than connecting the fancy faucets to the plumbing that already exists,
funding superficial things
connecting fancy faucets to the plumbing that already exists
www.brendanschlagel.com www.brendanschlagel.com
open writing ecosystems, working in public, the greater blogsphere present and future…
open writing ecosystems
networked communities — exploring
networked communities
tomcritchlow.com tomcritchlow.com
Networked Communities How do networks form, adapt and work in the networked age?
Named Network Communities Weaving the IndyNet
indieweb.xyz indieweb.xyz
Use brid.gy to connect your Twitter and all that if you honestly need it.
The benefit is that people will read your posts on your actual blog. This could be nice for you!
people read your posts on your actual blog
oh and go WebNative with IndyWeb Hyperblog
soon will have a link for it here!
How to Post on Indieweb.xyz
fed.brid.gy fed.brid.gy
Bridgy Fed connects your web site to Mastodon and the fediverse. Learn more...
Bridgy connects your web site to social media. Likes, retweets, mentions, cross-posting, and more...
indieweb.xyz indieweb.xyz
you still need to have the sub link in the blog entry that you are submitting. (As described here!)
This gives a way to submit link from any IndyWeb HyperBlog to the IndieWeb Blogs. Subs.
opencollective.com opencollective.com
Open Learning Commons
let's create the Open Learning Alliance!
opencollective.com opencollective.com
The future is collectiveOpen Collective is a legal and financial toolbox for grassroots groups. It’s a fundraising + legal status + money management platform for your community.
ideamarket.io ideamarket.io
<img alt="IM-nav-logo" sizes="100vw" srcSet="/_next/image?url=%2Fim-logo-1.png&w=640&q=75 640w, /_next/image?url=%2Fim-logo-1.png&w=750&q=75 750w, /_next/image?url=%2Fim-logo-1.png&w=828&q=75 828w, /_next/image?url=%2Fim-logo-1.png&w=1080&q=75 1080w, /_next/image?url=%2Fim-logo-1.png&w=1200&q=75 1200w, /_next/image?url=%2Fim-logo-1.png&w=1920&q=75 1920w, /_next/image?url=%2Fim-logo-1.png&w=2048&q=75 2048w, /_next/image?url=%2Fim-logo-1.png&w=3840&q=75 3840w" src="/_next/image?url=%2Fim-logo-1.png&w=3840&q=75" decoding="async" data-nimg="fill" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;box-sizing:border-box;padding:0;border:none;margin:auto;display:block;width:0;height:0;min-width:100%;max-width:100%;min-height:100%;max-height:100%;object-fit:contain" loading="lazy"/>Ideamarket
clivethompson.medium.com clivethompson.medium.com
The Power of Indulging Your Weird, Offbeat ObsessionsBeing curious and obsessed can lead to interesting places
"Stay foolish, stay hungry" Steve Job
Surprisingly big breakthrough ideas come when you bridge two seemingly unconnected areas.
bridge unconnected ideas
mindingourway.com mindingourway.com
the work that needs to be done is not a finite list of tasks, it is a neverending stream.
Instead of trying hard to Get IT right first time
Focus on articulating the IT seek the fixed point of maximal possible solution that is complete
Good chance that the IT will take cre of itself through that process
Rest in motion
great title
sounds like Wu Wei
chimes well with moving meditation for Qi Gong
medium.com medium.com
Happiness is pushed to some later date in the future while your present self battles with the misery of the current moment.
why did that bit get orphanned?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
little idiomatic UI that lets 01:03:37 you off the cuff create property graphs and it helps to you know like so many things it helps to have a subject if you have a subject area
Idiomatic UI off the cuff create property graphs
properly trying to do property graphs as opposed to you know something that links stickies together
Link stickies together
there is a knack to it too and 01:02:54 just as Wiki made hypertext a little easier than the hypertext experts you know the stuff we're doing with property graphs is a little easier
Knack to it
they're pretty magical and if you think about it a property graph with its nodes and relations 01:02:39 feels like a little miniature Wiki
Property graph mini wiki
like the blogosphere the only twist we have is we say well yeah it's going to be like the blogosphere except that we can put data 01:02:25 and share data
Blogosphere share data with property graphs
network traffic is kind of going from a broadcaster out to the audience
Network traffic broadcaster to audience
trying to move away from that idea of actually even having files
there's a network
croquet is interesting because uh there's no server
no server
Paradigm Flip
quirk to to to stand away from uh making money
Stand away from making money
create a coinbase account or something you know because then I at least feel comfortable that they're not going to lose all their funds
Coinbase account
Not loose funds
problem of onboarded people into web 3 is so huge
On boarding to web3
back to uh to uh Engelbert and should the interface be easy or is it okay if the interface is hard
Engelbart interface easy or hard
naming : - IS hard but all powerful
difficult to use until you get The Knack of it and when you get the Knack 00:33:42 of it you say oh this is pretty magical as long as you've put in all the work that I just put in to learn it
Knack of it
relations are sort of sort of assumed you know well no no you have to name them and put them in to be 00:33:28 able to make a statement in graph
Relationships have to name them
figuring that out but the the premise is is it's a chat program but instead of chatting in statements in English 00:33:03 you chat in little networks of nodes and relations as a system thinker would expect I guess
Figuring it out chat in little networks of nodes
S3 thing kind of 00:31:18 equivalents which is becoming the web version of memory
Buckets Web version of memory
e stepping out of the wiki a
Stepping out of the wiki
super 00:30:13 Collider and I said well man that's a great name let's call it the semiconducting super collaborator
Super collaborator
let's think about how it really ought to be and we had trouble articulating that
How it out to be Difficult to articulate
we've in the context of Wiki we've came 00:29:10 came to realize that this property graph stuff's pretty powerful
Wiki context property graph
quirkier side of things things that might work because in the programming there's something powerful there and yet to be explored
Quikier side programming Something powerful there
collaborative graph too
Collaborative graph tool how does it help?
Allen K was one of those and I was kind of a subscriber 00:26:54 okay to his work
Alan Kay subscriber to his work
put up with the Arcane nature of the programming
Arcane nature programming
could only sell crippled things to the population and there might be something to that
Sell crippled things to the population
learn to use it and learning to use
Learn to use it
let's just do this because it'll 00:21:19 work
Do this it will work
Roger Bates was one and and uh he came to tektronics
Roger Bates Tektronix
won't even say nice job he'll just say oh and you can do this and this and this and this and come up with more 00:19:45 ideas so it's not very satisfying
do this and this not very satisfying
skeptical you know it sounded pretty blue sky
Skeptical blue sky
Doug Engelbert I didn't sort of get to that I had met him yeah you know of him 00:18:22 even even when he was starting the internet
Doug Engelbart NIC
1993 vintage GPS
1993 vintage GPS
get in the room and do the work
Why do
not how we can go about building this collective intelligence but why
not how but why collective intelligence
create a registry for a geospatial data um and so for instance like if you're looking at a lot of climate projects
Registry geospatial climate
Perma Garden basically for ourselves and um so we we don't uh so we can you know use that as our as our story
Perma garden story
other resources Beyond money
Resources beyond money
web3 without uh you know you know by encrypting certain pieces of data and having people you know allowing people to ask questions about you know whether they can you know use it for a certain 00:11:43 data se
Encrypt pieces ask questions
don't really want all of this data to be open
Not all data open
accruing trust to the trustworthy without having any kind of authoritative hand on it
Accrue trust authoritative hand
everyone just expresses what they think
Express what they think
canonical debate like as you've seen kyalo
canonical debate
common trust is the vector through which information can spread we don't necessarily have to agree on all of the facts about everything if we can agree on who to trust to do a good enough job
common trust is the vector
through which information spreads
shows automatically all the top reasons for 00:08:00 and against
show top reasons for or against
debate graph
idea Market also establishes a Knowledge Graph so that there are inferential links between the points of uh knowledge or th
Knowledge Graph
citation system
= citation system
little social network called idea market
= idea market