3,419 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
    1. Winden is identity-free, meaning that senders and receivers don’t need to know each other’s identity to use it, or to reveal their identity to us.

      = identity-free - senders and receivers don't need to know - each other's identity - or reveal their identity to us

    2. Winden is a free web application for secure, fast, and easy file transfers between devices in real-time.

      = file transfer between devices - real time

    3. Winden - Magic Wormhole web application

    1. Holochain has been undergoing a security audit of its cryptography, codebase, and integrity model. We've engaged  Least Authority,

      = security audit - by : https://leastauthority.com/

    2. occasionally gone back to the drawing board

      gone back to the drawing board

    3. five years of development


    4. Holochain Reaches Major Maturity Threshold

    1. Related: The Solace Of Surrender
    2. six perfections (paramitas) that benefit both oneself and others: benevolent generosity, ethical discipline, forbearing patience, enthusiastic perseverance, concentrative meditation, and discerning wisdom.

      six perfection paramitas

    3. This special awakening is what the bodhisattva strives to attain, deliberately choosing through his great compassion to remain in samsara and to renounce gaining salvation for himself alone. In other words, an aspiring bodhisattva wishes for awakening only as a means to bring about the positive welfare of other beings. Because of his love and compassion for all beings, the bodhisattva is never deterred by the suffering of samsara or any hardship that his altruistic efforts may entail. Fearless courage, therefore, particularly distinguishes a bodhisattva and is implicit in bodhicitta.

      fearless courage

    1. “Thinking through the ecosystem of touch points is simply more complicated than in the past.”

    1. = experimenting - with = Annotating IndyLab archived pages - Archive Web Pages with IndyLab - ensure that hypothesis annotation is enabled - Use conversations on the margins of web pages - as portal to deeper collaboration - on associative complexes (aplexes for short) in an interpersonal - inter personal/community nexus

    2. Complexity Weekend

      missing background image while experimenting auto loading hypothesis annotation tool for archived web pages Description

    1. This opens a new window with that URL, it set the focus to that windows, and as soon as the 'load' event is triggered, it executes the code in the function. It only works with a page in the same domain.

      load url and run script

    1. window.hypothesisConfig = function () { return { "openSidebar": true }; };

      = configure = hypothesis = client - using = JavaScript - embed.js - embded

    2. <script type="application/json" class="js-hypothesis-config"> { "openSidebar": true } </script>

      = enable = Hypothesis Annotation - open = sidebar

    1. Enabling annotation of iframed content

      = enable = hypothesis = annotation - in = iframed conteng


    2. How to Add Hypothesis to Your Website

      = add = Hypothesis Annotation - to your = Website - embed.js

    1. However, itcannot be over-emphasized that our need for understanding is best served atthe higher level of abstraction; the advantage of a high-level language isnotational rather than computational. That is, it allows us to think andrepresent our algorithms in mathematical terms rather than in terms of themachine. It is after a clear understanding of the problem is attained that weshould begin thinking about representation.

      = need for understanding - best served at the = higher level of abstraction

      = advantage of high-level language

      • is = notational
      • rather then = computational
      • alows us to = think & represent = algorithms
      • in = mathematical terms ?
      • rather than in terms of the machine

      = after a = clear understanding of the problem is attained = begin - thinking about = representation


    2. the power of high level languages isprimarily notational rather than computational.

      = advantage of high level language is notational - rather than computational


    3. éist is simply a notational abbreviation for nested applications ofcons.

      = list is a notional abbreviation - for nested application of cons

    1. The notion ofdirectness is also related to abstraction, in that if something is not done directly one should be able to abstract itto become direct. IP’s ―intentions‖ are such universal abstractions

      !- gloss : intentions - universal abstraction - express a specific implementation into its computational intent - achieve direct expression by abstracting it to become direct

      !- alt - gloss : coherent elaboration of the intentional structure intent vectors in Digital Spaces of the intented behaviour of the systenm we are building such that it introduces in a coherent complete forms all the effective concepts, computational and othere processes needed to exhibit behaviour of the system and or provide the desired results an, affordances for human experience

      • recall : 'Taint what u do but the way that u do it, that's what gets result

      = beyond = programming languages - is = Effective Articulation of Intent - get your conceptualization of intentions right through mutual learning and conversation - then Software and the processes they enable will take care of themselves - as a Conversations about intents, purposes, processes, - through a process mutual learning and articulation

  2. bafybeics2dzel7n2lh2un5i7kxlddzbgtmdhonyrsglei3sjqm5wbta574.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeics2dzel7n2lh2un5i7kxlddzbgtmdhonyrsglei3sjqm5wbta574.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. use the computer for what it is, a “universal modelling machine

      = universal modelling machine

      = engine of co-creative symmathesy

      'cause interpretation is everything

      attention and CARE

      not the other way round

    1. Property Graphs as Javascript Module

      = graph language = fedwiki

    1. I became convinced that this experience was relative to one’s location.

      experience - is - situated

    2. Reality Begins With Consciousness:A paradigm shift that works

      the mutually arising of novel View Points from study of reality

      Philosophy: world forming Paradigm shifting conceptualizations, regulative ideas

      in-forming co-evolution of discoveries opening new (ways/fields) of study

      "In-formed evolution"


    3. László motivates conscious life-forms and informed evolution solvingseveral problems that emerge from quantum physics, especially non-locality and quantumentanglement. In TDVP there is the initial tethering of C-substrate with S-substrates and T-substrates. Laszlo’s concept of the preconditions has some similarity, but without the tetheringof all reality

      = conscious life-forms = informed evolution =



    1. And human cultural evolution indubitably has an intentional component."

      cultural evolution intentional component

      = informed evolution

    1. Ageless Software evolves, to meet new requirements, without reducing its efficiency or understandability. Here we introduce a methodology called Informed Evolution for supporting the construction and evolution of ageless software.

      = informed evolution - software

    1. Here is a compilation of some of the talks and presentations from the Club of Budapest.

    1. Simply Genius!: And Other Tales from My Lifeszerző: Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.

    1. promotes a linking of non-government organizations promoting sustainable development, using the Internet.
      • linking non-government organizations
      • sustainable development
      • using the internet

      = for = IndyWeb

    2. why evolution is an informed, not random

      evolution is informed

    3. centre attention on the evolution of human values and consciousness as the crucial factors in changing course — from a race towards degradation, polarization and disaster to a rethinking of values and priorities so as to navigate today's transformation in the direction of humanism, ethics and global sustainability".

      Club of Budapest

    4. Ervin László ([ˈɛrvin ˈlaːsloː]; born 12 June 1932) is a Hungarian philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist, originally a classical pianist. He is an advocate of the theory of quantum consciousness.

    1. acquired Twitter is is because it's important to the future of civilization so it's very important Civilization


    1. now i need to clean it how much time do you invest in cleaning 00:06:03 it roughly the same amount of time it took you to write

      how long does it take to cleaning your code

      as long as long it took u to write it

    2. once the code works that's when you have to clean it

      once it works have to clean it

    3. the fact that you got it working is only half the job 00:05:23 once the code works that's when you have to clean it no one writes clean code first nobody does because it's just too hard to get code to work so once the code works it will 00:05:37 be a mess human beings do not think in nice straight lines they don't think in if statements and while loops they cannot foresee the entire algorithm so we piece the thing together we cobble it together 00:05:50 with wire and scotch tape and then it suddenly works and we're not quite sure why and that's the moment when you say all right now i need to clean it how much time do you invest in cleaning 00:06:03 it roughly the same amount of time it took you to write it and that's the problem nobody wants to put that effort in because they think they're done when it works 00:06:13 you're not done when it works

      You are not done when it works!

    4. Description

    1. The communications device must be as available (in every way) as a slide rule. The service must not be esoteric to use. (It must be learnable in private.) The transactions must inspire confidence. (Kindness should be an integral part.)

      = communication device - must be available

      = service - must not be esoteric - learnable in private

      = transactions - inspire confidence - kindness integral part

      = comment - = transaction/interactions - must - delight

    2. meta-system to he created in which the specialist himself may describe the symbol system necessary to his work

      = meta system

    3. look at a computing engine not as a device to solve differential equations, nor to process data in any given way, but rather as an abstraction of a well-defined universe which may resemble other well-known universes to any necessary degree

      = computational universes - resemble other well-known universes

    4. Not being able to solve any one scientist's problems, they nevertheless feel that they can provide tools in which the thinker can describe his own solutions and that these tools need not treat specifically any given area of discourse

      = universal nature of information processing - requires universal solutions - where 'universal' ion the sense of a "universal machine" or 'universal function' as exemplified with LISP eval/apply mutual recursion

    1. integrate the notion of locality of interest in content resolution.

      = comment - locality of interest is baked into MindPlex

    2. IPFS and NDN share the same vision, that of content-addressable networks, but approach it from vastly different perspectives. NDN is a native network-layer approach, while IPFS is an application-layer approach.

      = share - vision = content-addressable networks - perpecives - network-layer - for = NDN - application-layer - for - IPFS

    3. NDN Seminar: a high-level overview of the InterPlanetary File System

    1. The Bardo Thodol (Tibetan: བར་དོ་ཐོས་གྲོལ, Wylie: bar do thos grol, "Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State"), commonly known in the West as The Tibetan Book of the Dead

      = Bardo Thodol - translated as = Liberation Through Hearing During the Intermediate State - commonly know - in the west - as the : Tibetian Book of the Dead


    1. be able to run entire virtual worlds like actually put in a game like Minecraft um I think this isn't normally a gif but a PDF doesn't support GIF yet so I won't 00:18:41 be able to see the GIF but imagine being able to have an entire virtual world like Minecraft and all of the interactions of the players in that speed being able to be tracked with the 00:18:53 hard verifiability of um of consensus in a blockchain setting so like that's where we're headed

      = run virtual worlds - like MineCraft - all the interactions of the player - tracked with verifiability of consensus - in a blockchain setting - at speed - massive scale computations - all the shards of the world that players want to polay

    2. I've been hoping to talk about this for a long time this is a really like a long-term bit of work for a lot of us um the um the consensus lab in general has been 00:00:16 um pioneering a ton of like amazing contributions to the ecosystem in terms of scaling in a bunch of different ways and this one I think is going to be one of the greatest contributions that this lab is going to make um to the whole blockchain space

      long time comming

      greatest contribution to the blockchain space

      and beyond

      = comment - seen this potential from the word GO - blockchain with its global consensus with Distributed Ledger needs Distributed Hash Tables to scale consensus and reach

    3. it sounds like this breaks cap theorem

      = break = CAP theorem

    4. massive scale data science um all of this sort of coordinated and think of all the data pipelines um built with IPC

      = massive scale data science - with InterPlanetary Concensus

    5. you could do 00:12:48 traditional backends in a web 3 sort of sense um with optimistic or zero knowledge proof based verifiability which might be very secure verifiability to be a bit expensive but you you make it up in the scale out so by being able to Fan out 00:13:01 and have so many computers you can pay off a few orders of magnitude in running a traditional standard web app backend in the zero knowledge setting

      = can do = traditional back ends in web 3 - optimistic or zero knowledge proof based verify-ability - could be bit expensive - but pay off a few orders of magnitude in scale out - run subnets - in running a traditional standard web app back end - zero knowledge setting

    6. there's this consensus bottleneck where you're trying to push in tons of amounts of of transactions you everything is getting bottlenecks

      = consensus bottleneck

    7. permissionless 00:02:02 large-scale Byzantine fault tolerant networks that have an economic construction within them um it's a much stronger way of building um digital resistance and applications but we need to make them scale
      • permissionless
      • large-scale Byzantine fault tolerant
      • economic incentives
    8. why Bitcoin was an ethereum and so on were sort of like disregarded by the traditional Cloud people because it just kind of seemed crazy that you know a transactional system that could do only 00:01:49 a fraction of what your phone could do was going to run the entire monetary system

      disregarded by the traditional cloud

      transactional systems

    9. web3 needs to become 00:01:23 web scale today

      web3 needs to become web scale

    10. it gives you Byzantine 00:00:43 fault tolerant tolerance in a very nice scalable setting and it has very nice properties for a lot of classic distributed systems applications and so you can think of doing cluster management and large-scale computational 00:00:57 arrangements

      fault tolerance

      in scaleable settings

      nice properties for distributed systems

    11. design distributed applications with tolerance for interplanetary delays

      partition tolerane delays

    12. let's talk about the interplanetary 00:06:31 principle it's something that the professor Community came up with and the idea is like um you know if you remember the end-to-end principle that says that

      interplanetary principle

      end to end principle professor Community came up

    13. inside networks um you want to keep things dumb and stateless the endpoints have to do all 00:06:44 the work

      keep things dumb in the network

      end points should do all the work

    14. if you were doing something simpler you could have a much simpler protocol if you were just kind 00:06:19 of like trying to do like um you know log machine replication or something like that or having eventually consistent structures and whatnot like if you want to be able to like have hard security um that's a much harder problem

      log replication eventual consistent structures

    15. Applications of IPC - Juan Benet
    16. outside of a blockchain context because it gives you Byzantine 00:00:43 fault tolerant tolerance in a very nice scalable setting and it has very nice properties for a lot of classic distributed systems applications and so you can think of doing cluster management and large-scale computational 00:00:57 arrangements

      outside of a block chain context

    1. ConsensusLab explores fundamental problems of coordination, consistency, and scalability in decentralised systems

    1. Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls Jr.: The Live Web. Drag 'n drop in the cloud
    2. the morphic graphics model that I'll be working with came also John McCarthy's half-page Lisp 00:01:02 eval is just the perfect example of meta-circular programming

      = meta-circular programming

    1. Sketchpad (a.k.a. Robot Draftsman) is a computer program written by Ivan Sutherland in 1963 in the course of his PhD thesis


    1. The summum bonum is simply that numbers are ideas (mental constructs representing a perception, and in that sense, they do exist platonically). As has already been very well explained, these ideas are useful for describing the world around us, and so we continue to use and improve upon these ideas.

      numbers just ideas?

    1. “Software should be as easy to edit as a PowerPoint presentation,” Simonyi asserts. That means giving it just as intuitive an interface.

      software simple

    1. We're here at QCon London 2010 and I'm sitting here with Dan Ingalls. Dan, why don't you explain to us what you've been doing for the last 40 years?

      Dan What have you been doing for the past 40 (by now 50) years

    1. next generation file sharing system

      = next generation file sharing system

    2. global, mounted, versioned filesystem and namespace

      = file system & name space - global - mounted - versioned

    3. IPFS is an ambitious vision of new decentralized Internetinfrastructure, upon which many different kinds of applica-tions can be built

      = decent(ralized) Internet infrstructure

    4. Permanent Web where links do not die

      = Permanent web - where links do not die

    5. a web CDN

      = a web CDN

    6. n integrity checked CDN for large files

      = integrity checked CDN (without SSL)

    7. inked (and encrypted) communications platform.

      = linked & encrypted communications platform

    8. database: applications

      = database application = with - versioning - caching - distribution

    9. ersioned package manager for all software

      = versioned package manager for all software

    10. encrypted file or data sharing system

      = encrypted file/data sharing system

    11. a mounted personal sync folder

      = personal sync folder

    12. mounted global filesystem,

      = mounted global file system

    13. Using IPFS

      = section = 3.8 Using IPFS

    14. Plan9 [?],the distributed successor to UNIX, with its mutable Fossi
    15. Git Version Control System, withits immutable objects and mutable references

      = Git - immutable objects - mutable references

    16. Object content addressing constructs a web

      = constructs = Object content addressing =a Web - significant bandwidth optimization - untrusted content serving - permanent links - ability to make full permanent backups of - any objects & its references

      = comment = for = IndyPLEX - nodes with all - outgoing and incoming - qualified links and target references

      Fundamental Unit of coherent local complete structured information pervasive and universal across all computstion and communication and exhange and storage

      made permanent via IPFS

      permanence ensured by human readable composite naming conventions that the access and qualifying structure of links, forming shapes

      slef-organizing, self-revealing, co-evolving conten in contexts exchanged in trust networks with full provenance

    17. Objects are permanent

      object are permanent

    18. way to retrievemutable state at the same path.

      retrieve mutable state at the same path

    19. Without it,all communication of new content must happen off-band,sending IPFS links.
      • all communication must happend off band
      • by sending IPFS links

      = comment = for : IndyWeb - instead of mutable names - rely on off-band interpersonal trust networks - themselves maintained using IPNS instead of making data mutable make the capability in use mutable with permanent names

    20. critical component missing: mutable naming

      mutable naming

    21. IPNS: Naming and Mutable State

      = section : 3.7 = IPNS - Naming and mutable state

    22. Naming - A self-certifying mutable name system. De-scribed in Section 3.7

      = Naming - self-certifying mutable name system

    23. versioned file system hierarchy inspired by Git

      = veersioned = file system hierachies - inspired by = Git

    24. epresent arbi-trary datastructures, e.g. file hierarchies and commu-nication systems.

      = arbitrary = datastructures - file hierarchies - communication systems

      = consider - for = IndyWeb - linked computational capabilities / interpretations

    25. S/Kademlia [1] extends Kademlia to protect against ma-licious attack

      = section = S/Kadmelia - extends Kadmelia - protect against = malicious nodes

    26. finding nearby data without querying distant nodes” [5]and greatly reducing the latency of lookups.

      = finding nearby = data - wiithout - querying distant = nodes

    27. Additionally, Coral organizes a hierarchy of separateDSHTs called clusters
      • organizes a = hierarchy of = separate DHTS
      • called = clusters
    28. Coral relaxes the DHT API

      = relaxes = DHT API = Coral - sloppy in DSHT - need only a single working peer - can distribut only subset of the values to the nearest nodes - avoiding hot-spots

    29. Kademlia stores values in nodes whose ids are “nearest

      = stores values = Kadmelia - in nearest nodes - not application data locality - ignores far nodes that may have the data

      = stores addresses of peers = Coral - can provide data blocks

    30. Coral DSHT extends Kademlia

      = extends = Kadmelia

    31. wastes storage and bandwidth, as datamust be stored at nodes where it is not needed

      = section = Coral DSHT

      = do not store data in = DHT

    32. Efficient lookup through massive networks: queries onaverage contact dlog2(n)e nodes. (e.g. 20 hops for anetwork of 10, 000, 000 nodes)

      = efficient lookup - through - massive networks - queries on asverage contact log2(n) nodes - 20 hops for a network of 20 million nodes

    33. Kademlia DHT

      = section = Kadmelia DHT

    34. BitTorrent MainlineDHT tracks sets ofpeers part of a torrent swarm

      = BitTorrent = MainlineDHT - tracks = sets of peers - of a = torrent swarm

    35. reviews important properties of successfulpeer-to-peer systems

      = review - properties sucfcessfull = p2p systems - which = IPFS comnbines

    36. The central IPFS principle ismodeling all data as part of the same Merkle DAG

      = central - principle - is - modelling all data as - part of the same Merkle DAG

    37. Careful interface-focused integration yields a system greaterthan the sum of its parts.

      = careful interface-focused integration - yields = system greater than the sum of its parts

    38. IPFSsynthesizes learnings from many past successful systems.
      • synthesize learning from : past systems
    39. New solutions inspired by Gitare emerging, such as Camlistore [?], a personal file stor-age system, and Dat [?]

      = new solutions - inspired by = Git - camlistore - reanamed = perkeep = personal file storage system = Dat

      = comment - missing = Named Data Networks

    40. What remains to be explored is how this datastructure can influence the design of high-throughput ori-ented file systems, and how it might upgrade the Web itself.

      = explore = data structures - influence = design - of - high throughput oriented file systems - might upgrade the Web

    41. its content addressedMerkle DAG data model enables powerful file distributionstrategies

      = has = Git - content addressed = Merkle DAG = data model

    42. Dat [?] a data collaboration toolchainand dataset package manager

      = Dat - collaboration toolchain - dataset packager

    43. Orthogonal to efficient data distribution, version controlsystems have managed to develop important data collabo-ration workflows

      = orthogonal to data distribution = collaboration workflows

    44. Pressed by critical features and bandwidth con-cerns, we have already given up HTTP for different datadistribution protocols.

      web given up

      for other distribution protocols

    45. boiled down to “lots of data, accessible ev-erywhere.

      "lots of data, accessible everywhere"

      = comment : Data - Godlike - omnipresent - eternal - omnipotent

    46. But we are enter-ing a new era of data distribution with new challenges

      = new - challenges = data distribution hosting - petabyte datasets - - computing - on - large = data - across = organizations - high- - volume - definition - on demand - realtime media streams - versioning and linking massive datasets - preventing accidental disappearance if important files

  3. web.archive.org web.archive.org
      • orig : https://www.kernel.community/en/start/
    1. Kernel is eight weeks of conversation in a "block" of 250 brilliant people intended to connect creativity with care

      = what is? = Kernel - 8 weeks of conversations - 250 people - intended to - connect = creativity - with - care

    1. When you lose interest in a program, your last duty to it is to hand it off to a competent successor.

      = have = the duty - to find = a scucessor

    2. If you have the right attitude, interesting problems will find you.

      = have = right attitude - interesting things will find u

    3. `Plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow.'' (Fred Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month, Chapter 11)

      = pancake philosophy

    1. The web is more a social creation than a technical one

      the current web is shaped by the properties and affordances that as a protocol it engenders.

      Location Addressing is a key feature and it naming system shaped it, and constrains all our nontechnical endevaours

    2. The SOcial LInked Data (SOLID) Project of Tim Berners Lee: An Organizational Take
    1. works similar to Android Intents, and it's a good example of how Capyloon is putting the user's experience first and creating a permissionless interface

      a new way of doing Web Intents

    2. UCANs and WNFS and how they can enable decentralized identity encrypted at rest file storage
      • User Controlled Authentication
      • WebNative File system
      • decentt(ralized) identity
    3. only requires HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to work. This made apps much more portable and didn't require developers to specialize in one walled garden.

      not walled gardens

    4. Learn about Capyloon, a resurrected version of Firefox OS built on top of the decentralized web technologies like the IPFS protocol.

      ressurected firefox OS

    5. Projects We Love: Capyloon

    1. companies start with less centralized, federated solid data storage and sharing pods, and a single knowledge-graph enabled data model for all providers in the chain.

      = tweet : pipeline automation provides short term kludges long term intractable complications where each data source has it's quirks


      federated solid pods

    2. Data analytics pipeline best practices: Data governance Data analytics pipelines bring a plethora of benefits, but ensuring successful data initiatives also means following best practices for data governance in analytics pipelines.

      data analytics pipelines

    3. build rather than buy with more of a bespoke effort that supports data centricity

      = bespoke build = data centricity

    4. Without a transformed data-centric architecture, companies could unwittingly add to the technical and data debt they already face

      data debt

      in addition to technical debt

    5. Out-of-control SaaS bloat, application sprawl and data siloing
      • Saas bloat
      • application sprawl
      • data siloing
    1. IPLD is the data model of the content-addressable web. It allows us to treat all hash-linked data structures as subsets of a unified information space, unifying all data models that link data with hashes as instances of IPLD.

      = for = Conceptipedia

      = what - is? = IPLD - data model - for the = content-addressable = web - treat = hash-linked data structures - as subsets if a - unified = information space - unifying - all = data models - that - link = data - with = hashes - as = instances - of - IPLD

    2. a single namespace for all hash-inspired protocols

      = why = IPLD - single name space for all hash-inspired protocols

    3. their specific underlying data structures are not interoperable.

      = why = IPLD - make underlying data structures interoperable

    4. Through IPLD, links can be traversed across protocols, allowing you to explore data regardless of the underlying protocol

      = why = IPLD - links can be traversed across protocols - explore data regardless of the underlying protocols



    1. We do not put a subject code in each sense defi-nition (as [Guthrie et al., 1992] do).

      = conceptual move = no subject code - but human readable stemmed names

    2. stemmedsense definitions in LDOCE, represented as Prologdatabase structures such as

      = stemmed sense definitions in LDOCE prolog databse structures

    3. The conventions we use are: a) Each word to bedisambiguated is the functor of a predicate, contain-ing a list with stemmed sense definitions (in lists)

      = gloss = stemmed sense definitions named association lists

    1. Lexical disambiguation using Constraint Handling in Prolog (CHIP) George C. Demetriou 1993 Proceedings of the sixth conference on European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics -  
    1. Lexical disambiguation using Constraint Handling in Prolog (CHIP)

      George C. Demetriou

    2. I would also like to express my appreciation to Dr Gyuri Lajos for the organisational support and advice on CHIP programming and Mr Clive Souter for his useful recommendations.  ... 

      favorable mention permalink

    1. IBM’s design of the single-level storage was originally conceived and pioneered by Frank Soltis in the late 1970s as a way to build a transitional implementation to computers with 100% solids state memory. The thinking at the time was that disk drives would become obsolete, and would be replaced entirely with some form of solid state memory.

      pioneered by = Frank Soltis

    2. What Is IBM i Single Level Storage? And Why Should I Care?

    1. Multics ("Multiplexed Information and Computing Service") is an influential early time-sharing operating system based on the concept of a single-level memory.[4][5]

      informtation and computing service

      single-level memory

    2. Multics

    1. Zebkit is HTML5 Canvas based UI platform developed with unique EasyOOP JavaScript concept and rich extendible components set


    1. One of the interesting features of NLS was that its user interface was parametric and could be supplied by the end user in the form of a "grammar of interaction" given in their compiler-compiler TreeMeta. This was similar to William Newman's early "Reaction Handler" [Newman 66] work in specifying interfaces by having the end-user or developer construct through tablet and stylus an iconic regular expression grammar with action procedures at the states (NLS allowed embeddings via its context free rules)


    1. For inquiries too big to sit within one field of knowledge, maybe it is time we resurrected the salon: a mode of scientific exploration that levels hierarchies of expertise and optimizes for more complementary and high-dimensional, egalitarian, communal discourse.

      There is also the not so well known synonym for the salon you have in mind is 'camerata' https://hyp.is/BRwRnmTHEe2dER9Edi02KA/blog.atomist.com/the-origins-of-opera-and-the-future-of-programming/

    1. Camerata literally means a small orchestra or choir. This Camerata was a diverse group of people who gathered and worked on a common problem: they were bored with polyphony, the esteemed music of their day.

      = camerata - diverse group of people - musicians, artists, astrologers, philosophers scientists - met informally - people with diverse skills and expertise working together - gathered and worked on common problems Description

    1. Twitter’s collapse into an unusable wreck is some time off, the engineer says, but the telltale signs of process rot are already there. It starts with the small things: “Bugs in whatever part of whatever client they’re using; whatever service in the back end they’re trying to use. They’ll be small annoyances to start, but as the back-end fixes are being delayed, things will accumulate until people will eventually just give up.”

      into and unusable wreck.