3,419 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2022
    1. We further evaluate IPFS performance

      performance = IPFS

      acceptable : publication & retrieval delays - for a wide range of use cases

    2. IPFS)— an open-source, content-addressable peer-to-peer network

      = IPFS - open source - content-addressable - peer-to-peer network

      provides - distributed data storage & delivery

    3. IPFS has millionsof daily content retrievals

      has = IPFS - millions of daily contentretrievals & - underpins dozens of third-party applications

    4. This paper describes

      describe : IPFS - design - implementation - = Decentralized Web Platform - largest & most widely used

    5. “Decentralized Web” attempts to distribute ownershi

      distribute = Decentralized Web - ownership & - operation of web services - more evenly

    6. B. Y. Zhao et al. “Tapestry: A resilient global-scale overlayfor service deployment”
    7. Named Data Networking (NDN)
    8. Design and Evaluation of IPFS:A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web
    9. Design and Evaluation of IPFS:A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web

  2. bafybeidotnpk6zp6yrxnvwzp6wwboz4l7x3ada74hmysnlrjesbovvg26q.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeidotnpk6zp6yrxnvwzp6wwboz4l7x3ada74hmysnlrjesbovvg26q.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. ranging from the learning

      ranging from - learning of publicly available knowledge - by an individual knower - -to the = evolution of scientific knowledge

      comments - what's missing is mutual learning through social interaction collaboration in a way that itself is stuigmergic, make the learning ltrails themselves permanent. re-callable, re-exeminable, extensible, re0mixable, re-usable and re-discover able, efforts are readily re-sumable as attention turns to them

      paving the way to the accelerated growth of knowledge in trust networks for trust where the context of discovery and the justification is not separated but grow together

    2. Dynamical-, Embodied-, Extended-, Distributed-, and Situ-ated- approaches

      = DEED

    3. no reference to : Michael Polanyi although uses the words : - knower & - dynamic tacit dimension

      no reference to : - articulation

      one use of the word : articulate

      • the focus is on social cognition
      • as emerging from interpersonal interaction between individual human beings

      xref : DEEDS

    4. termed the DEEDS

      acronym = DEEDS

      a loose and internally fluid - philosophical & - empirical coalition comprising


      • Dynamical-,
      • Embodied-,
      • Extended-,
      • Distributed-, &
      • Situated

      approaches to knowledge and cognition.

    5. reject the cognitivist view of mind and itsemphasis on symbolic representatio

      reject = cognitivist view of mind - emphasis on symbolic representation

    6. articulate a stigmergic conception of socialcognitio

      use word : articulate

      exhibiting a bias towards - = knowledge without the knowing subject - = Artificial Cognition (AC) - instead of = Augmented Cognition - = Artificial Intelligence - vs - Augmented Intellect - = Knowledge acquisition & normative recapitulation - not aiming to make it contiguous with the procress of discovery

    7. discovery

      mention = discovery

    8. equat-ing the relevant knowledge with its social dimension.

      equating : relevance - with : its social dimension

    9. outline ofan approach

      = - will be implemented in further work

    10. processesof social cognition

      = processes of social cognition - ranging from - the learning of publicly available knowledge by an individual knower, - to = the evolu- tion of scientific knowledge.

    11. PSO

      gloss = PSO - algorithm for the optimization of a function - understood - as a useful tool for different processes of social cognition

    12. the ‘‘particle’’ component in PSO

      = denotes : - an individual & - the = ‘‘swarm’’ - in PSO denotes - a process or - grouping.

    13. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

      = PSO

      Particle Swarm Optimization

    14. human intelligence resultsfrom social interaction


      • culture &
      • cognition

      are inseparable manifestations of = human socialisty

    15. communities of knowers

      social epistemology = communities of knowers

      If social epistemology - has the - formation, - acquisition, - mediation, - transmission & - dissemination of knowledge

      in complex = communities of knowers - as its subject matter,

      then its third party character - is essentially = stigmergic.

  3. bafybeifylxgjcmkdwmujunar4tufvfvmtdjyy5d6i6notnlkuu76nkil2a.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeifylxgjcmkdwmujunar4tufvfvmtdjyy5d6i6notnlkuu76nkil2a.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. What’s in a Pod?A Knowledge Graph Interpretation For The Solid Ecosystem
    2. propose a reconciliatory graph-centric inter ‐pretation wherein a pod is a hybrid, contextualized knowledge graph.

      = graph centric interpretation of a = pod - = pod - is a = hybrid contextualized knowledge graph

    3. The current document-centric interpretation

      = document-centric interpretation - never been the right thing

    4. The suggested broader interpretation

      = - guide Solid through its evolution into a - heterogeneous yet - interoperable ecosystem - support - read/write access patterns - different use cases

    1. server-to-server interactions where there isn’t really the distinction between who is the client and who is the server

      server to server

      no client

    2. APIs are like waiters - part deux

    1. fully-discoverable APIs that enable autonomous interoperability between machines.

      = fully-discoverable APIs - - for = autonomous interoperability between machines

      comment : - on closer inspection the model here is - conversational exchange - much like we do it for people as autonomous actors in their own(ed) networks

    1. Introducing CoCo. Co-create, Code, Collaborate, Learn, Play—WITH PEERS IN REAL-TIME Watch video. Join the invite list: https://coco.build Builds on the hugely expressive @scratch @p5xjs environments. Being made with love by a tiny #PhD team @MIT @medialab @LLKgroup

    1. The inventoried self? Flippant backronyms?Join our Discord

      The inventoried Self

      Ability to connect directly with the Others?

    1. Learn how hashgraph and Hedera network services work together for you to create an entirely new class of applications.


    1. Hedera is designed for fast, fair, and secure applications to take advantage of the efficiency of hashgraph on a decentralized, public network you can trust


    2. Immutable events Provide proof

      = Manage and verify information with immutable, decentralized trust. Hedera Consensus Service offers flexibility to decentralize any application or bring public trust to permissioned blockchains.

    1. Having googled this a ton, I’ve deter­mined that it is not presently possible to sync localStorage between the multiple instances of Safari or Chrome that a user is logged into.

      Several, Web3Storage, Fission, Fission, Peergos and even and of course the IndyWeb/Net/Lab that can even use Perkeep that is built with these, and designed to make that storage layer interchangeable to any other Web 3 storage layers. I have a fully operational end to end validated prototype that is capable to integrate with any Networked Thinking Tool with small adapters needed standardised on MarkDown as a possible exchange format. It is a full realization of Matt Saiia's Dream Space. It is a minimal workable prototype. Preparing to launch on Open Collective under Open Learning Commons. Looking for sponsors and collaborators. Everything in this space is intend to be Open Capability easy to emulate compelling to do. Looking for a grant or crowed funding. It is just what Collective Sense Commons, OGM and dozens others like Kernel is after

    2. repre­sent a suffi­ciently inter­esting exper­i­ment, because it accepts too much as settled

      Mastodon accepts too much settled.

      Yes it is not a compromise it is a bloody surrender

    3. account

      The problem is with the idea of creating accounts

    4. When you tell me about Twitter vs. Mastodon, I hear that you got rid of the flesh-eating piranhas and replaced them with feder­ated flesh-eating piranhas. No thanks, I’m still not swim­ming in that pool!

      = federated flesh eating piranas

    5. Don't settle for Mastodon


    6. Let 2023 be a year of exper­i­men­ta­tion and invention!

      started the experimentation 5 years ago re-imagining the Web based on

      the Permanent Hypermedia Protocol for the Web IPFs

      from a Named Data Network to Named Everything Networ connectiong people ideas and machine capabilities

    1. what won't work would be a total disaster is 00:15:24 I'm gonna make up a term here API

      API on the Web won't ever work

      Need a new conceptualization of how the web works

      It is possible to devise a Named Intent Layer over the HyperMedia Protocol for the Pernanent Web IPFs

    1. Where Does Growth Come From? | Clayton Christensen | Talks at Google

    1. It is revolutionizing human to human communication in group work we call it inter personal computing.


    1. Gilder is outraged by Google’s lack of attention to security, in multiple senses of the word — customer security, software security, military security. Blockchain will fix all of this — somehow. It just does, okay?

      Yes it does

    2. creativity cannot result without human consciousness

      Yes, and consciousness is more than electric signals in brain matter

    3. “The new era will move beyond Markov chains of disconnected probabilistic states to blockchain hashes of history and futurity, trust and truth,” apparently.
      • hashes of history and futurity
      • trust and truth
    1. An example of a holonomic constraint can be seen in a mathematical pendulum.

      pendulum degree 1

    2. We cannot rewrite this to an equality, so this is a non-holonomic, scleronomous constraint.

  4. bafybeiezytae4pmdrv22pknmvwe2fhel2j6fz72kxepixkrn3bjqlwgkgq.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeiezytae4pmdrv22pknmvwe2fhel2j6fz72kxepixkrn3bjqlwgkgq.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. estrictedmathematics to the study of concrete operations on finite or potentially (butnot actually) infinite structures

      potentially but not actually infinite

    2. The term is employed here to encompass a wide spectrum of views, including strict finitism,intuitionism, and predicativism. Poincaré adhered to the latter standpoint, while Weyl began as apredicativist but later embraced a form of intuitionism

      nuPRL John Derric 1990? Leeds University John V. Tucker

    3. And fi-nally constructivists,5 including Hermann Weyl and Henri Poincaré, restrictedmathematics to the study of concrete operations on finite or potentially (butnot actually) infinite structures; completed infinite totalities, together with im-predicative definitions that made implicit reference to such, were rejected, aswere indirect proofs based on the Law of Excluded Middle
    4. for mathematical truth – and indeed for the very existence of mathematicalentities – was that of the consistency of the underlying systems, since theypresumed that any consistent, complete theory would be categorical, that is,would (up to isomorphism) characterize a unique domain of objects.

      categorical unique objects

    1. individualist nature of intelligence


    2. do collective action and decision making at scale 00:35:54 um and could that you know is that an intentional super could it does an intentional super organism is it possible well i think that

      Collective action at scale

      Super organism

    3. if you can execute a task that is intelligence

      I thought it was maximizing future choices

    4. collectivism for the 00:30:04 decentralized web


    5. collective navigation of large amounts 00:29:39 of data in ways that are curated but credibly neutral

      Curated but credibly neutral

    6. how do we make a like button for the internet

      = like button for the internet

      Ambient conversations

    7. persuasive is the notion of indirect 00:28:19 coordination so because we all happen to be interested in the same topic and to be working on it along different dimensions doesn't mean that we have to agree on anything or collapse our projects into one or impose one upon the

      indirect coordination

    8. enhancing wisdom in web 3 organizations

      Wisdom in web 3 organisations

    9. kind of visionary guy but the truth is that i'm more an actionary


    10. participatory generative action research where we explore 00:26:21 through inquiry and action what are the qualities that we need to develop for collective wisdom

      Action research

      Develop wisdom

    11. i'm a refugee from the collective intelligence camp where i spent 40 years studying sometimes contributing to the to the field

      refugee from the collective intelligence camp

    12. environmental modifications indirect coordination and trust networks


    13. links between them as synapses then then that's to me what's interesting trust networks come out of that delegation collective decision making etc so that's that's something 00:20:02 i'm really interested in exploring thank you so much so that th

      People as synapses

    14. actually marking other people


    15. stigmargic markers uh are sort of traces of human attention like they're not the full human attention but there's some trace some like part of human attention that we can sort of capture in 00:09:09 a digital environment

      stigmargic markers

      tracers of human attention

    16. talk about the open source attention there's this idea you know people will 00:08:46 talk about like we need to free our attention online we need like autonomy or freedom uh of attention but then trying to operationalize that like what is attention

      open source attention

      how to operationalize it

    17. we have no control over that so the ground is sort of yeah 00:08:21 it's we don't own it and we don't really understand it so these platforms are providing this kind of ground that is not conducive necessarily just to sense making um and that is part of the reason like why 00:08:33 why they're yeah what brad was saying like why why there's issues with these platforms

      don't own it

      problems with platforms

    18. why am i not seeing other people's attention like people that are sort of relevant why am i not seeing like where have they been once they were on this webpage like the trails that they left

      trails they left on this page

      = TrailMarks & Web Annotation

    19. shared attention is this kind of prerequisite for any kind of effective learning between a teacher and students you have shared attention where you're following the teacher's gaze or you're following their hand 00:05:59 pointing or you're just following what they're looking at or what they're interested in so different levels of like uh following someone's attention

      shared following atteention

      Ronen Tamari

    20. describing collective behavior as well as long-term threads in 00:01:05 developing [Music] wise groups and how that all comes together in kernel
      • collective behaviour
      • long term threads
    21. how we then have a onus to like curate and allocate our attentions 00:02:10 and how we integrate different asynchronous all of these different kinds of question

      onus to curate different asynchronous

    1. Complete Graph

      gloss = Complete Graph


    2. Adjacency Matrix

      = Adjecency matrix - for = complete graph

    3. complete graph


    4. network is a complete graph and all nodes belong to a single component

      gloss = complete graph - all nodes belong to a single component

    1. Enter StigFlow; think of automation tools like Zapier, but for collective sensemaking.

      zapier for collective sense making

    2. Let the stigmergy flow

    1. Meaning-First semantic data models the subject-predicate-object construct is called a triple, the foundational structure upon which semantic technology is built.

      meaning first data models

    1. Tyler Angert @tylerangertim losing my fucking mind let's redesign git step by step:

    1. Life will knock us down, but we can choose, whether or not, to get back up.

    1. We’ve just completed a $25M Series A led by Polychain and key backers in the decentralized storage ecosystem. We’re announcing Fleek Network to patch a missing piece of the web3 infra stack - content delivery. We’re announcing a brand new Fleek platform to be THE development platform for web3 - protocol agnostic, non-custodial, and open-source.
      • fleek network
      • web 3 infra stack - content delivery
    1. unlike the previous session I don't have any prizes to give out I'm just going to tell you how to live your 00:00:12 life

      no prizes

      just going to tell you how to live your life

  5. bafybeif7g747rginsykswye4a65u4mu5yian3n3rhfoc4ts4oi2jzp2ovq.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif7g747rginsykswye4a65u4mu5yian3n3rhfoc4ts4oi2jzp2ovq.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. articulate a stigmergic conception of socialcognitio

      use word : articulate

      articulate a stigmergic conception of social cognition comment :

      but leaving out of scope the role of individual articulation the growth of individual knowing through mutual learning symmathesy exhibiting : bias towards cognition/knowledge without the knowing subject#use word : articulate

      • articulate a stigmergic conception of social cognition

      comment : - but leaving out of scope the role of individual articulation - the growth of individual knowing - through mutual learning symmathesy - exhibiting : bias towards cognition/knowledge without the knowing subject

    2. Fundamentals of computational swarm intelli-gence

      = computational swarm intelligence

      comment = bias towards knowledge without the knowing subject

    3. located agent

      comment :

      • the use of the term agent is pervasive
      • prefer the use of the term actor a human
      • as opposed to a machine agent
  6. Nov 2022
    1. “The Russians have been pounding away at Bakhmut for about four weeks and they’re trying to attack it from the east, the north and it looks as though they’ve made some progress from the south of Bakhmut,” Michael Clarke, professor and former director-general of RUSI, told Sky late Tuesday.He described the fighting in the area as “very ferocious.”


    1. that is why i wrote this (and apparently need to refresh it): https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-taylor-uuid-ncname… everything within the organization gets a uuid; if it's a fragment, the uuid's representation is converted to that compact form. i have stuff for managing human-friendly overlays as well.

      Human Friendly Overlays

    1. end users
      • need platforms and constellations that
      • rules out even the possibikity of
      • disgusing people as data
      • not treating them as users loosers
      • but in Autonomous Actors in their own(ed) networks
      • and interactions with existing systems
      • POSE
    2. reimagining the First Amendment

      : essay - series - reimagining = the First Amendment - in the digital age

    3. Protocols, Not Platforms: A Technological Approach to Free SpeechAltering the internet's economic and digital infrastructure to promote free speech

      slogan = Protocols, not Platforms

  7. bafybeif7g747rginsykswye4a65u4mu5yian3n3rhfoc4ts4oi2jzp2ovq.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif7g747rginsykswye4a65u4mu5yian3n3rhfoc4ts4oi2jzp2ovq.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. stigmergic cognition


    2. Stigmergic epistemology


    3. communities of knowers

      = social epistemology = communities of knowers

      If social epistemology - has the - formation, - acquisition, - mediation, - transmission & - dissemination of knowledge

      in complex = communities of knowers - as its subject matter,

      then its third party character - is essentially = stigmergic.

  8. bafybeidotnpk6zp6yrxnvwzp6wwboz4l7x3ada74hmysnlrjesbovvg26q.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeidotnpk6zp6yrxnvwzp6wwboz4l7x3ada74hmysnlrjesbovvg26q.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. ocated agent

      comment : - the use of the term agent is pervasive - prefer the use of the term actor a human - as opposed to a machine agent

    2. accommodate the dynamic tacit dimensionto the acquisition and perpetuation of social knowledge

      accommodate - dynamic = tacit dimentions

  9. bafybeif4oorhvnpwsnjuwoggprdeqcoi4xcbsiptpr75h5b4akzqsri7je.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif4oorhvnpwsnjuwoggprdeqcoi4xcbsiptpr75h5b4akzqsri7je.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. Knowledge GardenA collection of others' work that has inspired ours

      = Stigmergiv Epistemology, Stigmergic Cognition

    2. It’s time to stop behaving like“users.” Instead, let’s become“makers”

      = "makers" - not = "users" - take on responsibility

    1. communities of knowers

      = communities of knowers

    2. Stigmergic epistemology, stigmergic cognition

      = Stigmergic - epistemology - cognition

    1. provides secure validation while still offering near real-time coordination capabilities at large scales.

      = Holochain - provides :

      • secure validation
      • near real-time coordination capabilities
      • at large scales

      = IndyWeb - contrasted with = HoloChain - operates at ***human scales - high dunbar numb participants - within designated time periods: week, months, years - limiting number of concurrent channels to 42! - keep within limits of individual human attention

    2. As such, it provides exactly the solutions needed today: t

      = Holochain - provides : solutions needed today - data integrity - performance - required to support Web3's goal to - leave centralized corporate servers behind

      = IndyWeb - contrasted - instead of - leaving centralized corporate servers behind - integrate with, interoperate with, migration path to - limit the scope of harm/exploitation - stop disguising people as data - people own control their own - share in their own terms - interoperate with centralized apps - for the benefit of the participants

    3. It does not suffer from the scalability constraints of blockchain and global consensus

      = Holochain - not - suffer : - scalability constraints of blockchain - and global consensus

    4. Holochain is a scalable peer-to-peer application framework

      = Holochain - is : - scalable - peer-to-peer - application framework

    5. critical feedback which has helped us address feature requirements, reliability challenges, and usability hurdles such that we are assured Holochain now has all the vital elements for building real Web3 apps.

      = provided : critical feedback - requirements - reliability challenges - usability hurdles

      = HoloChain - has : all vital elements build real Web3 apps

      = alternative vision for= Web3 Apps - in = IndyWeb - Web intent addressable capabilities - that come to people - to work on their own(ed) data - see = Pergoss App Model

    6. the same firm that audited Ethereum, Ethereum 2.0, Filecoin and many other projects with sophisticated decentralized architectures.

      = Least Authority - audited - Etherium, 2.0 - filecoin

    1. -- subtitle : - George Gilder sees bitcoin as the next step in currency - comment - until he sat down and had a long conversation with Craig, then it dawned on him that it's not that good

    2. I like triple entry stuff I'd Charles 00:05:33 purses thesis that all information is triadic symbols have to be linked to objects through interpret and human 00:05:46 interpret us others and the reason a I can do games so fantastically is this in game symbols and objects are the same so 00:05:59 the computer speeds can necessarily shuffle the symbols and the outcomes or the game but life isn't a game the map is not the territory and and the human 00:06:14 mind is central to the all creativity in the image of your Creator

      I like triple entry stuff

      tryadic symbols objects interpreted by human

      machines can do games

      because game symbols and objects are the same

    3. dr. Wright said earlier that he hopes to see a US dollar or British Pound on the 00:41:00 Bitcoin blockchain what's the likelihood you think that's gonna happen on bsv and I think you want to know what it's going to take to get there generally well I don't really see any other options 00:41:12 there's no other system that does it I mean and nasty and I'm patented all the solutions I mean yes the the Fed could actually still pay me for licensing the patents but in a way 00:41:26 that's actually still a good thing because that brings a whole lot of money into bsv and the American dollar still subsidizes Bitcoin so I mean you've got an option of them using Bitcoin and 00:41:38 scaling and doing fed coin or they can use my technology and then they can subsidize Bitcoin I don't mind either way

      oops fedcoin

    4. I'm still I'm still a little confused because of the know the whole if you create money as a 00:33:52 commodity that people can prosper by holding you nullify it as money it can't function as money that's right money is 00:34:05 as measured by its utility not by its market cap always coin market cap stuff is is really a delusion and in it and it 00:34:22 confuses people I think that it's good that Satoshi version doesn't have the market cap of coin market cap of BTC or 00:34:34 whatever it's that's a good sign you want you don't want money to be a commodity or an asset a speculative asset you want it to be a measuring 00:34:48 stick and that's I just hope that this industry understands this fundamental principle because if you create money that people want a hole you just 00:35:04 contradict the whole purpose of the endeavor you nullify your currency as money

      money as a commodity

      nullifies it's utility


      want money as a measuring stick

    5. I don't agree with some of your bits on 00:31:21 III Ahmet cetera I think it mirrors an article that everyone knows the term but miss applies it from 1996 which was the wild wild web they were talking about 00:31:35 Usenet and other like basically a Redux of the penny share scams and the postal stamp scams of earlier eras and what 00:31:48 we're seeing in a lot of ico is the same thing this whole idea we don't need any regulation well you can create a regulated ico you can create something that actually works in all of this the 00:32:02 problem I see with icos is they're analogous to a web I pee oh and we're by POS were a big thing in the early internet days where people would basically create distributed web 00:32:17 companies which were partnerships and give out shares to everyone and all this stuff and there were tokens just you called them different things and there was even a Simpsons episode where Bart 00:32:30 was running his own internet company in IP owing and they had a toilet paper roll and like the guy was pulling out shares out of the toilet paper roll and Bart said I 00:32:44 need to go and he just pulls out their shares and goes off to the toilet giving an idea of what people thought about all of this before the dot-com crash because the value of a company is not whether 00:32:56 you have an idea it's how you execute it it's how you deliver it's how you actually build something of value to people so going up there and going I've got an idea I can have this rideshare taxi company that allows people to 00:33:10 basically have no controls or responsibility so that occasionally women can get raped in the back of cars and I can go not my fault you can say that's a great idea and that's probably 00:33:23 why they lost they're about to lose their license and whatever else here in London


      rideshare Simpson episode toilet paper roll


    6. we could have had eventually US dollar on top of Bitcoin and I hope to see that and 00:30:45 everyone goes oh no us all well I actually think that'd be a good thing imagine US dollar and pound on top of Bitcoin with an immutable stable ledger of how much value they have compared to 00:30:57 bit join over time we'll see how that actually applies
      • comment : Craig is visible shocked by hearing this
    1. Human knowledge provides a formal understand-ing of the world.

      Human Knowledge provides a formal understanding = of the world =

      • I did not know that

      Does it now?

    2. Relation Path Reasoning:


    3. For knowledge acquisition, KGCis reviewed under embedding-based ranking, relationalpath reasoning, logical rule reasoning, and meta relationallearning;

      = knowledge acquisition - embedding-based ranking, - relational path reasoning, - logical rule reasoning, and - meta relational learning

    4. path inference

      = path inference

    5. A Survey on Knowledge Graphs:Representation, Acquisition and Applications

    1. Teodora Petkova@TheodoraPetkovaA brief history of knowledge bases. In: A survey on knowledge graphs: Representation, acquisition, and applications” Dive in :) https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.00388.pdf

    1. = researching = Indy Wiki Threads - indy annotation - permanent : https://bafybeiecy42cfpv464sup5d3eelhvav32y26cp7jgefalmlzc7hfh2nfd4.ipfs.w3s.link/This%20is%20a%20Wiki%20_%20MacRumors%20Forums.pdf

    2. WikiPost History

      = WikiPost History

    3. Testing attachments

    4. Excellent idea! Finally no more hideously long threads from which you have to weed out the details on (I'm looking at you All The Little Things)!
      • excellent : idea
      • no more : hideously long threads
      • from which u have to - weed out : the details
    5. The first post of this thread is a WikiPost and can be edited by anyone with the appropiate permissions. Your edits will be public.

      = wiki threads

      = WikiPost + associated Thread

    1. A wiki thread is a normal discussion thread where the 1st post is an editable wiki. That means other users can edit the contents of the post. The purpose is to help the management of long running guides or collections of knowledge.

      = wiki threads - is a normal discussion thread - where the first post is an editable wiki - other users can edit the contents of the post - purpose : help management of - long running guides - management of knowledge

    2. New Feature: Wiki Threads

    1. Wiki Threads - Linking Within A Single Post - Discourse Metahttps://meta.discourse.org › wiki-threads-linking-within...https://meta.discourse.org › wiki-threads-linking-within...Wiki Threads - Linking Within A Single Post · support · Mulsiphix October 1, 2019, 10:05am #1. I have some very long posts that are in Wiki format.1 answer  ·  Top answer: Yup: [image] Deep Linking to Headings (Anchors) faq (as of 29 May 20

      = Wiki Threads

    1. Wiki Threads - Linking Within A Single Post

      = Wiki Threads - linking within a single post - why not everywhere = Indy Wiki Threads

    2. (as of 29 May 2020) Unfortunately there is currently no standard markdown way of creating a heading with an anchor, so if you wish to link directly to an anchor in a post, you have to use regular HTML. Simply create a heading with an id that begins with heading-- like so: <h3 id='heading--link-to-me'>Link to me</h3> And then any time you link to the post, you can add #heading--link-to-me in the URL and it’ll jump directly to that spot once it loads. (To prevent abuse of styling on the site, y…

      = Wiki threads - documented example of a need - kludgy solution - for the lack of standard markdown way of creating a heading with an anchor

    1. also add that you're making a wiki so you have to make the threads to then put them on the wiki


    1. There are three main objects in LiquidThreads. They are, in descending order of size, Channels, Topics and Posts

    1. Standard "talk" pages are an extremely high barrier-to-entry for new users

      talk pages high barrier of entry

    2. LiquidThreads is a threaded-model discussion system intended as an alternative to standard MediaWiki talk pages. LiquidThreads is designed to be familiar and easy to use to most internet users and to provide a smooth on-ramp for participation and collaboration.

    3. = WikiThreads, Wiki Threads

    1. Monero Means Money Private, decentralized cryptocurrency that keeps your finances confidential and secure.

    1. Wiki Threads@wikipediathreadWhat if Wikipedia summarized their wikis in twitter threads?EducationJoined June 202235 Following1 Follower

    1. Social network aggregation is the process of collecting content from multiple social network services into one unified presentation. The task is often performed by a social network aggregator, such as Hootsuite or FriendFeed, which pulls together information into a single location,[1] or helps a user consolidate multiple social networking profiles into a single profile.[2]

      = social network aggregation - collecting content from multiple social network services - into one unified presentation - pull together information into a single location - consolidate multiple social networking profiles into a single ome

    1. The Bigger Picture Making sense of culture, philosophy, psychology, spirituality & psychedelics

    1. “Scholarship is the process by which butterflies aretransmuted into caterpillars ”Jerry Fodor

      = scholarship transmuted butterfly

    1. Crypto wasn’t CRYPTOcurrency it was CRYPTOgraphy.Instead of sending money they were sending messages, privately...most of the time. You see, the math that once hid the most securemessaging between command/control and maritime vessels, nowsecures the funny little anime creatures on your phone.

      = cryptocosm

    2. ZANO - The Next Step InAnonymous Blockchain?

    1. Least Authority@LeastAuthorityWe're committed to building & supporting the development of technology solutions that advance digital security and preserve privacy as a human right.Earthleastauthority.comJoined November 2011233 Following8,757 FollowersFollowed by PrivateStorage, StarkNet Maestro (zk, stark), and 7 others you follow

    1. Holochain@holochainAn end-to-end, open source, P2P app framework. Creating an ecosystem of decentralized apps with distributed, user-controlled storage.Globally Distributedholochain.orgJoined December 20162,512 Following136.2K FollowersFollowed by IOEN Tech, Myco, and 68 others you follow

      = following - twitter : @holochain - end-to-end - open source - p2p - app framerwork

      = creating = an ecosystem of apps - that are - decentralized - with - distributed - user-controlled-storage

      = constrast - with = IndyWeb - open - commons based - peer Co-created - emergent - networked - ambient - ubiquitous - born interoperable - inter(personal|communities) - build from trust for trust, but verify - Intentional Constellations - of - multi-player - evergreen - local first - off-line first - end-end-encrypted conversational - eco system of apps - player controlled owned - permanent - private - universal storage - networked capabilitiies

    1. Hidden wallet balance The confidentiality of all Zano transactions is hard-coded into the core. By concealing all sending and receiving addresses as we have maximized the level of privacy for every Zano user.

      = hidden wallet balance

    2. Untraceable Transactions The transactions between Zano network members are made untraceable with ring signatures and stealth addresses. Also, the way transaction data is stored on the blockchain allows access by authorized parties only, and none of the private data is ever publicly published.

      = untraceable transactions

    3. code design features like forward and backward compatibility, component-based modular structure, and asynchronous core architecture.

      = perfect design - forward and backward compatibility - component-based modular structure - and event driven - asynchronous core architecture

      = comment = just like the IndyNet/Web/Lab

      = for = IndyNet Design

    4. Secure.Scalable.Easy to UseZANO Zano is the development of a scalable and secure coin, with confidential assets support. The technology behind our blockchain provides reliability, security, and flexibility—a perfect option for p2p transactions.

      = perfect option for p2p transactions

    1. Escrow is a legal concept describing a financial agreement whereby an asset or money is held by a third party on behalf of two other parties that are in the process of completing a transaction. Escrow accounts are managed by the escrow agent.

    1. Crypto wasn’t CRYPTOcurrency it was CRYPTOgraphy. Instead of sending money they were sending messages, privately…most of the time. You see, the math that once hid the most secure messaging between command/control and maritime vessels, now secures the funny little anime creatures on your phone. For someone to truly understand the significance of ZANO I need to lay out the timeline of privacy blockchain technology and the reasoning behind blockchain project fruition.


    2. Crypto wasn’t CRYPTOcurrency it was CRYPTOgraphy. Instead of sending money they were sending messages, privately…most of the time

      Crypto is not for currency it is cryptography

    3. ZANO - The Next Step In Anonymous Blockchain?

    1. Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn 3rd degree connection 3rd Founder, CEO at Least Authority Enterprises Least Authority Enterprises Boulder, Colorado, United States


    1. Our History In 2013 Least Authority’s founder Zooko Wilcox announced the launch of S4 in response to the Snowden leaks about the PRISM program. Several iterations and a partnership with Private Internet Access later, S4 evolved into PrivateStorage, which now is owned 100% by Least Authority.

    1. PrivateStorage implements privacy and security by design, not by policy. We cannot see your data when it is stored by us.

      = Privacy and security by design

    2. A free and open, secure, decentralized, fault-tolerant, distributed data store and distributed file system. It can be used as an online backup system, or to serve as a file or Web host similar to Freenet, depending on the front-end used to insert and access files in the Tahoe system.

      = data store & distributed file system

    3. Tahoe-LAFS
