- Jan 2023
indylab-2022.fission.app indylab-2022.fission.app
HyperBlog integrates deeply with hypothesis
deep integration with hypothesis
annotating search results for annotations
Example of annotating annotation search results
test : annotating search results for annotations
in = HyperBlog
metablog.xyz metablog.xyzMetablog1
Metablog The web's only search engine of blog posts
contrast it with = HyperBlog - search engine for IndyBlog - search open interoperable social annotation tools like hypothes.is and getmemex - search blogs published on the indyweb
d3ngex8q79bk55.cloudfront.net d3ngex8q79bk55.cloudfront.net
Open, Commons-based peer produced
constellations for Autonomous |WebNative Interpersonal Trust Networks of Permanent co-creative HyperMedia (Work)Spaces where Players and Makers and communities co-create the network and the means of weaving and contributing to the network
not quite unless you own you mail server
but at least it is based on an open protocol not a platform
We do want full custody and control over our own(ed\) data that should also be available offline
future.com future.com
leverage the work of others to create new applications
within the Ethereum ecosystem
need Composability cross eco systems
Because composability allows anyone in a network
- to take existing programs and
- adapt or
- build on top of them,
- it unlocks completely new use cases that
- don’t exist in our world.
Composability is Innovation Linda Xie
is innovation
High focus on sharing and collaboration
High focus on sharing and collaboration
finds software, tools and interactive data the same way one “Google” for information today
software and interactive data = FAIR Software
meme media implementations, which allow users to fully participate in the process of building the next generation of the Web.
meme media implementation
In the Borderland between Being a User or a Developer
user developer
Universal User
github.com github.com
web-based knowledge media architecture, available through an Internet browser, that allows us, not only to publish compound documents with or without embedded services and tools into a world-wide shared repository like the Web
bafybeibmselea2vpn6slcpkm3tht4otabsxkbelm4zntnihphrfdeyu4w4.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeibmselea2vpn6slcpkm3tht4otabsxkbelm4zntnihphrfdeyu4w4.ipfs.w3s.link
Surety brings ruin[8]
this is no longer appears on the current WikiPedia page
it was there 2 years ago
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"Know thyself"
docdrop.org docdrop.org
what you're actually reading as words on the page was the attempt of someone to crystallize into 00:17:02 written language a direct spiritual experience that they had. The only way to get to the core of what they're trying to tell you without getting caught up in a fundamentalist literalist trap is to actually regain the experience they had, they're trying to communicate through the words. That means the words have to be dissolved into a direct inner spiritual experience. And so it's a type of meditative reading.
= meditative reading
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Notion (productivity software)
take existing programs and adapt or build on top of them
Linda Xie heralded the capability of composability
quote : as one of the most powerful aspects of crypto: “Because composability allows anyone in a network to take existing programs and adapt or build on top of them, it unlocks completely new use cases that don’t exist in our world.”
Can ‘Community Composability’ Help Web2 Users Make the Jump to Web3?
Community Composability
consumer crypto
early iinings
write once use anywhere?
quote : -"the ability to mix and match software components like lego bricks … every software component only needs to be written once, and can thereafter simply be reused.”!
fission.codes fission.codes
Building Edge Apps with Webnative SDK
= Fission Codes
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
socially native platform where you can see what your friends and the pros are investing in and replicate or join their strategies
socially native platform
I thought we moved on to protocols not platforms and beyond to commons-based, peer produced constellations powered by Web 3 protocols and convergence stack?
www.colbyrussell.com www.colbyrussell.com
So the question is whether it's possible to contrive a system (a term I'll use to loosely refer to something involving a language, an environment, and a set of practices) built around the core value that zero-cost setup is important—even if the BDFL and key players only maintain that stance up to the point where the ecosystem has reached a similar place as contemporary
contrive a system
thesephist.com thesephist.com
It's the programming environment, not the programming language
thesephist.com thesephist.com
won’t be just bidirectional links or just spatial interfaces or just GPT-whatever.
but if we can go meta and imitate creation itself?
augmenting human intellect.
“Does this product finally get it right?”
First and foremost we need to get the IT right, at last!
There is that IT.
Wikced problems are wicked because the task is to exdplore and identify the problem
What does Information processing realy IS>
I think notation should be judged by its ability to contribute to and represent previously unthinkable, un-expressible thoughts.
absolutely and the key is in how do we grow/compose tacit understanding insights into comprehendable, comprehensive, cogent, coherent, consistent, complete, communicable articulation/elaboration
notes can take on different roles in this map of ideas – some notes are more “paths” that help us discover other notes; some notes are more “districts” that act as topic-level containers, and some notes are “landmarks” that go deep into specific concepts
HyperMaps of Intent/Meaning You Name IT
construct documents that feel like “spaces” that we read by “navigating” it.
read by navigating it
created woven threads/Trails
Complex ideas often present themselves as densely connected networks of smaller ideas.
Complex Ideas ARE Associative Complexes
How can we improve the way we work with written language to be more interactive and dynamic?
domain-specific notations
Go Meta with a Universal Intentional Notation to articulate and operationalize any domain to bootstrap effective concepts and processes morphic conversational interaction and Morphic Permanent HyperMedia Experiences in home-grown autonomous interpersonal hypermedia with FAIR principles extended to embody FAIRNSS - findable - Accessible - InterOperable, InterPlanetary, InterPersonal, Interpretable - Resusable - Networks of - Social - Software
One path I’m beginning to investigate is notation for working with complex networks of ideas.
TrailMarks spans MindPlexes with clues
First-class support for rich media in notation.
go the other way round
rely on Plain Text Intentional Mark in notation in HyperMedia Context with the ability to create extends morph HyperMedia
and the notation would self-describing and interpretable
Evolution is a meta-learning algorithm that discovers its own heuristics and continually improves the rate at which it learns.
Intelligence as run-time adaptation
computable notation
effective notations
Thought Vectors in (eventually effective) Concept space
I believe inventing better notations can contribute far more than automated tools to our effective intelligence in understanding ourselves, the world, and our place in it.
Indeed! notations to think with and produce home grown software as a Conversation That is what [@TrailMarks[(https://twitter.com/TrailMarks_ is about
Self-made tools with Linus Lee
How the Curse of Lisp can be Flipped to Blessing and help us Flip the broken Paradigm regain the future and the paradigms lost
thesephist.com thesephist.com
My name is Linus.
github.com github.com
Frontend: Embeddable, Torus-based editor
github.com github.com
Torus is an event-driven model-view UI framework for the web, focused on being tiny, efficient, and free of dependencies.
event-driven model-view UI framework
github.com github.com
Productivity suite written from scratch in Ink on the backend and Torus on the web
Productivity suite
with backend
github.com github.com
Ink is a minimal programming language inspired by modern JavaScript and Go, with functional style.
bafybeietuirr6b55y6e4bdxyd3ejvqdp4ih23t2pr2slslplu6zhy7c3ym.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeietuirr6b55y6e4bdxyd3ejvqdp4ih23t2pr2slslplu6zhy7c3ym.ipfs.w3s.link
constellation of home-grown productivity tools I now rely on for my day-to-daywork and learning.
constellation of
home- grown productivity tools
for work and learning
= IndyWeb commons-based peer-production of home-grown overweb, webnative, permanent, attributed constellations of tools for interpersonal collaborative shareable workflows
and software as conversation in the long tail for interpersonal use
software tools,tools that last, and tools that are fragile
tools that last - vs - fragile
thesephist.com thesephist.com
from : google search
Build tools around workflows, not workflows around tools
www.google.com www.google.com
Build tools around workflows, not workflows around toolshttps://thesephist.com › posts › toolshttps://thesephist.com › posts › toolsAug 4, 2020 — I want to share why I build my own tools and how I think we should think ... Good tools fit perfectly around our workflows, bad tools don't.My tools, today · Workflows > tools · Tools that grow with your...
- good tools fit perfectly around our workflows
- bad ones don't
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the workflow that people need or that you yourself need um and then put together a tool chain around that
toolchain to create tinkerable homegrown workflows
talking to users about specific workflows and that is where the money is like that is where the real user value is
specific workflows that's where the money is
JotSpot the Programmable Wiki
had that to allow people to create their constellations and workflows to satisfy their need and share it in the long tail
StartUp focus on carving out nieches and silos that anre encapsulating and conmpelling enough to attract feture users
built a freaking programming language into a canvas
built a programming language into the canvas
SmallTalk was a programing language with morhipc vanvas based self-representation!
c.f. Lively Kernel of old
what you're trying to accomplish is a workflow um features can support that workflow but you should start with the workflow
= start with workflow
Better still create the meta-constellations that for having conversations around desirable worksflows and capabilities with the goal of commons-based peer-production of software as a conversation
and bootstrap a new Paradigm the flips the existing ones
allowing people to do it for themselves together weaving the long tail of software as they go about creating their own(ed) workflows
that are easy to do compelling to share and use!
as opposed to what we normally do which we look at a set of features that a tool has and then we're 01:14:16 like comparing features of like well this one has this ability and this one has this ability features are not what you want
as opposed to comparing sets of feature
understand 01:14:02 the workflow that people need or that you yourself need um and then put together a tool chain around that
put together toolchains around what you need
Linus Lee has a post called build Tools around workflows
= Tools around workflows - by : Linus Lee
= for : multimedia - one of the things that makes these things great is that - you can put just about add anything into them um - I'm sure Steve has seen more random stuff dropped into spatial canvases using TL draw than most of us have because - he's trying to build this toolkit that works in a lot of different cases the general purpose case - as opposed to - there's a very clear workflow here - that's awesome and we don't have a lot of other spaces where we can relate different kinds of media PDFs text
having more than one view
or representation of a spatial canvas
and lastly multimedia
Auto organized force-directed graphs
organize ; my space - some that could be Auto organized - force-directed graphs different things like that - where I could basically have the computer try to - organize my space - **clean my room for me - without destroying my my personal Arrangement - where I personally put things and - people are just starting to kind of play around with some of those ideas um - comment : played around with these ides for many years
come up with a user interface Paradigm or a uh or some other technological breakthrough that'll kind 00:47:09 of allow us to extend the medium to handle that workflow
- come up with paradigms
- to extend the medium to handle
- [any desired] = workflows
for - essence of = TrailMarks
come up against the limits of the medium of the spreadsheet and you realize oh I need a database or oh I need you know some other medium to kind of capture things 00:46:43 in there and I'm kind of curious about uh those the edges of the medium when it comes to spatial canvases when are we actually like running up against uh like this is sort of a fundamental limit
beyond the limits of the medium excel
work like a visual Wiki where you could click on on these elements and that's and link to for example documentation or stuff like that so that's possible now
= visual wiki
Tools for Thought Rocks: December 2022 - Jakob from LogSeq, Jess Martin
figure out how to use tools like this to think better to to work better with other 00:00:38 people and to basically become a part of their workflow in their life
- how to use tools to think better
- become part of their workflow
commonsensemaking.notion.site commonsensemaking.notion.site
re-imagined to fit in with CS[m] principles and protocols.
re-imagine siloed platform with principles and protocols
it’s currently being re-imagined to fit in with CS[m] principles and protocols.
CS[m] principles
StigFlow is an automation tool like Zapier, but for collective sensemaking. StigFlow brings your communities’ reactions to life and bridges them across apps, by enabling you to configure a variety of flows which are triggered by reactions
= StigFlow - automation tool like Zapier = but for collective sensemaking - configure a variety of flows triggered by reactions
www.veeo.io www.veeo.io
Map your research rabbit holes.
bafybeidb24wxp42bxz3rgwrt3acami432vhpzl3qttegtfqms4ldmq2bne.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeidb24wxp42bxz3rgwrt3acami432vhpzl3qttegtfqms4ldmq2bne.ipfs.w3s.link
from : https://commonsensemaking.notion.site/StigFlow-ba08c08cef724a84a277e90d11ee634a
jessmart.in jessmart.in
TFT history
- history : TfT
- 2000 : Evernote
- save everything and search it!
- 2016 : Notion
- block-based architecture + multiplayer
- 2020 : Roam
- graph databases, backlinks, and transclusions
2023 = IndyLab
Readwise itself has become a "switching station", a Zapier, if you will, for highlights and quotes among many different tools.
- "switching station"
- Zapier for highlights
- for highlights quote among different tools
commonsensemaking.notion.site commonsensemaking.notion.site
= StigFlow
asynchronous coordination
= asynchronous coordotnation - needed = for collective action
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1 watching now Started streaming 27 minutes ago Graph TRansformation Theory and Applications (GReTA) international online seminar series 1 watching now • Started streaming 27 minutes ago • Graph TRansformation Theory and Applications (GReTA) international online seminar series Speaker: Steffen Zschaler (Department of Informatics, King's College London, UK) Abstract: Domain-specific modelling languages (DSMLs) are “little” languages that are developed for a particular domain of interest and allow capturing descriptions of problems and systems in terminology close to that domain. So-called executable DSMLs (xDSMLs) come with a high-level specification of their semantics, often as an operational semantics, so that models expressed in the xDSML can be executed directly. Graph transformations are one mechanism that can be used to capture such semantics. A challenge with xDSMLs is that a new such language needs to be developed for every new domain, making the approach potentially costly. If we were able to better reuse existing xDSMLs, we could bring the cost of language development down. One area where this is particularly interesting is in the specification and analysis of non-functional properties of systems (eg, performance properties). In this talk, I will show how such properties can be modularised into their own xDSML and how these language modules can be woven into a given base xDSML via the amalgamation of graph transformation systems. I will give an overview of the concepts and some interesting properties, and will then show GTSMorpher, a tool implementing these ideas in the Eclipse ecosystem.
GReTA seminar #39: "Composing Executable Domain-Specific Modelling Languages" 2 watching now Started streaming 25 minutes ago Graph TRansformation Theory and Applications (GReTA) international online seminar series GReTA Semina
hyperland.com hyperland.com
The embedding of markup
one way ticket to hell
To me the World Wide Web is an unfortunate presence
= World Wide Web - deal with it Inland Revenue Service - unfortunate presence - all-right for shop windows
reduce people’s computer misery and quadruple the usability of computer documents.
quadruple usability of computer documents
documents go virtual all documents are meaningfully intertwingled materialized search results and virtual print runs
someday vindicate me (what a pisser!
someday vindicate you for sure with IndyWeb and Opidox
just collections of design decisions somebody made without asking you
technology - is
why one dares follow the inner urgings of a project, going where its nature wants to go.
follow inner urgings
strangely and accidentally right about a remarkable variety of things.
right about things
raving, ignorant, unconscious, delusional dreamer
= delusional dreamer
the true generalization of documents
requires : - documents to go virtual - in a network that is the Document
Excerpts from POSSIPLEX.
www.universitypublications.net www.universitypublications.net
Ulrich Schmitt
meme cloud PKM
In Need of Personal Knowledge Management Systems
Nelson, T. (2011). Possiplex: Movies, Intellect, Creative Control, My Computer Life and the Fight forCivilization. Bookstore Edition
jrnl.global jrnl.global
Possiplex, p258
= Possiplex
bafybeif7rzhn753gt5qcsiu55kjaaawsocylu7nujvkbotai5ffqqbo3pi.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif7rzhn753gt5qcsiu55kjaaawsocylu7nujvkbotai5ffqqbo3pi.ipfs.w3s.link
Back to the Roots – Conservatism Revindicated
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
knowledge-work interoperability between the quadrant domains
knowledge-work interoperability
across time and space
= IndyHub - need constellations for that supports interoperabily all conceivable combination of time and space aspects
make all communication and storage affordances interchangeable
communication - synchronous - asynchronous
storage - local first - off line first - private personal first - open commons based globally discoverable - online + private - online + permissioned
- synchronous communication
Interoperability in a Group's Knowledge Workshop
Group Knowledge Workshop
tie these functional domains together with a flexible free-flow of information and linkages.
free flow of information and linkages
easy to achieve if applications come to their user instead of people flocking to applications
have found better and better software packages to support the kinds of tasks shown in Figure 1:
better and better siloed packages
= Flip That make all "packages" work for the creator or contributions
with universal means of sharing and collaboration
= Application Mindset where the data is tied to the Application not the individual who creates them
Interoperability Across Knowledge Domains
adopting a people-centered network
interoperability across knowledge domains is guaranteed as the very means used to work in any domain is created a universal born interoperable hisghresulution addressable human-focused presentation and morphic means self-directed
= Paradigm Flipped
stop focusing on the desired outcome and seek interoperability there
create the system for producing outcomes that have desirable properties like interoperability commensurability extensibility, provenance, permanence etc achieved by the way contributions are constructed
= 'Tain't what you do but the way that you do IT, that's what gets result
online "knowledge workshop,"
= online "Knowledge Workshop" = Autonomous Permanent Hypermedia Knowledge Work Space on the = IndyWeb
= IndySpaces = Indy Work Spaces that are born interpersonal collaborative!
= Open HyperDocument System becomes
= Open Virtual HyperDocument System where documents become virtual Plexes retrieved by search or request to individuals who created them
trend toward our doing more and more of our personal and cooperative knowledge-work online.
doing both CSPW and CSCW on line
Knowledge-Domain Interoperability and an Open Hyperdocument System
= Computer Supported Personal Work (CSPW) = Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW)
indylab-2022.fission.app indylab-2022.fission.app
decent(ralization) reject the very idea of "fully" Absolute Time and global consensus
Absolute time and global consensu
bad ideas
indylab-2022.fission.app indylab-2022.fission.app
There’s a long tail for software
bafkreibkvbbmuuicxioaoypmagqelmoz6fyzsvqueryldzwijk7i3g5gx4.ipfs.4everland.io bafkreibkvbbmuuicxioaoypmagqelmoz6fyzsvqueryldzwijk7i3g5gx4.ipfs.4everland.io
There’s a long tail for software
idea = long tail of software
indylab-2022.fission.app indylab-2022.fission.app
organic longtail networks and conversations anchored in global networks
second order annotation
picking salient points in searches in one's own annotations
Not only organic but self-organizing and autopoietic networks
annotating the annotations
in a web 2 sense platform really denotes ownership ownership of the content ownership of the users
web 2 platforms - denote : ownership of - content - users
what else are people building
- protocol
- network
- community
- co-operative
- society
tools to to recognize um and 00:16:52 formalize the the membership and ownership of your community but ultimately you know it comes down to the people that you want involved and how you want to incentivize them
= DAO frameworks - formalize the membership and ownership of your community
crowdfunding by nfts
mirror xeowdfunding by NFTs
!- search : writing as usual publishing like never before
reflect - do how : - example of = command writing - using the '!- ' work mark that is interpreted on save of textual content and the content produced as result of the invoked workflow is spliced in after the work mark as a clue or the invoked workflow may consult the writer about available non default choices if any applicable
new idea = work mark - for = TrailMarks innovative feature = work mark for dynamic in context workflow steps
squads are more like nature right they're cellular um and i think i think that's a that's an interesting thing is like you can build a squad and then that squad can like amalgamate with other squads
squads nature like MALGAMATE WITHOTHERS
fair distribution of community ownership
of : - influence - collaboration - sustainable networks
draw and and then share the logos of the project you're working on or of the project you're working with
community ownership is the most powerful feature of web3 and it's what differentiates web3 from the previous iterations of the internet
= community ownership - differentiates web 3 from previous iterations of the internet
ownership and participation
= - key feature of web 3
Web3 Communities (1 of 4) with IDEO - Web3 Community Principles 757 views 1 year ago
metamask.zendesk.com metamask.zendesk.com
My seed phrase restored a different account!
secret recovery
MetaMask does not keep your SRP: you are the custodian of your wallet.
User Guide: Secret Recovery Phrase, password, and private keys
secret recover
metamask.io metamask.io
Non-custodial wallets eliminate this possibility by requiring that users hold private keys, meaning no one else can access your crypto wallet.
no one else can access your key
Crypto wallets 101
Writing as usual. Publishing like never before.
www.google.com www.google.com
!- search : morphic
morphic.org morphic.org
make graphic design easier, and solved a problem with cross-platform usability
= morphic - make = graphic design - easier - solve : problem - with = cross-platform usability
make the web : - a boundariless - people cantered ecosystem - autonomous - local first, - off line first - permanent - interpersonal - intentionally/meraningluffy/self-revealing - networks of information and - autonomous morphic collaborative hypermedia spaces at the edges, in the long tail completing and enhance the value of the existing web, while overcomming its limitations and problems
search = morphic - for = morhic digital experiences over the web in autonomous interpersonal digitsl spaces at the edges - completing the existing web
examples for : = the power of names = problems define their own solution - as in morphic user interfaces - morphjc, lively, autonomous personal and collaborative digital experiences, with permanence and full provenance of evolution of ideas, connections and attention
Meaningful use of computers
- necessity
morphic.org morphic.org
Morphic Enterprise Morphic helps organizations build an inclusive digital environment.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
4:34 LISP logical language to use
= LISP and = logic has one thing in common
= information processing language
LISP's precursor
a universal mechanism for processing representation of information
what if we include in the way information is presented clues to how the information is to be processed in a domain specific context dependent way!
We do not need programming languages any more
and in fact can replace logical mechanism with context/domain specific information processing we may ber able to preserve convey process intent/meaning/symmathesy in a much richer and powerful ways
LISP followed IPL Information Processing Language
The historical development of Programming languages can be characterized by a kind of growing amnesia regarding that origin
TrailMarks as a notation returns us back to that root
Allows information processing to go the way of improved articulation capabilities, Structuring for Interpretation
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
should be eclipsed by the Intent laden Structuring and Articulation of Information for domain/intent specific Interpretations
www.radicalxchange.org www.radicalxchange.org
Data Dignity
Connor McCormick
www.p2plab.gr www.p2plab.gr
Transvestment: Value and cooperation in the digital commons economy
- value &
- coopoeration in the digital commons
potential of “design global, manufacture local”
- design global
- manufacture local
www.p2plab.gr www.p2plab.gr
participatory and community-based methods
= participatory
= community-based methods
The P2P Lab is an interdisciplinary research collective focused on the commons.
People who like “The P2P Value Project - Promoting the Tech Commons”
The P2P Value Project - Promoting the Tech Commons
primer.commonstransition.org primer.commonstransition.org
Commons-based peer production (CBPP)
= Commons-based peer production - model of social innovation - collaborative production by citizens - techno-social software platforms
- we need :
open protocols not platforms
open, commons-based, peer produced constellations on top of open platforrm
Commons Based Peer Production in a Nutshell
www.goodreads.com www.goodreads.com
“We shall not cease from exploration
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
—T.S. Eliot, from “Little Gidding,” Four Quartets (Gardners Books; Main edition, April 30, 2001) Originally published 1943.”
CTA Open Community Meetup Jan 10, 2023.mp4
= Collaborative Technology Alliance
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
“Perhaps what we might need is some subtle change in perspective - something we have all missed...”
Yes get out of the pink plain to a higher dimension for a better viewpoint
may need to be more than subtle though
Holistic Worldview and Practice - navigating ‘edge of chaos’?
indieweb.org indieweb.orgIndieWeb5
You are in control
on the = IndyWeb you are in control of
sharing - within self-created intertpersonal networks
collaboration - designated topics - accompanying other collaborative venues
engagements - own your connections with your audience - comments - threaded conversation
content : - self-describing/structured content
promote : re- - use - mix - purpose
You can post anything you want, in any format you want, with no one monitoring you. In addition, you share simple readable links such as example.com/ideas. These links are permanent and will always work
You are better connected
scaling your reach - share links to your content in context - all content you share carries permanent self-links - when followed you control what to share - full provenance of even readership is maintained - create trustful rapport - to engage in conversations - invite others into your interpersonal network of trusted collaborations in designated context, purpose
Your content is yours
= IndyWeb - combine local first ownership of data across owned devices - strong privacy guarantees with permanence
What is the IndieWeb? The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the "corporate web".
what is = The IndieWeb - people-focused alternative to the "corporate web"
what - is = The IndyWeb - inspired by the IndieWeb - delivers all the values of the IndieWeb - with zero friction onboarding - completing the existing Web
bootstrapping : - commons based, - peer co-evolving - constellations - for webnative, local first apps - at the edges
- an interpersonal autonomous network of networks
- build from trust for trust
- combine local first ownership with permanence
- full control of sharing
- scaling reach with
- full provenance
- personal custody of all contributions
- connecting people, ideas and webnative capabilities
- at the edges
- for the benefit of the participants
- not aggregatorsi
it - is : bootstrapped: on top of the InterPlanetary Permanent Hypermedia Protocol: IPFS - as - commons based - peer produced - constellations - for the future of the web at the edges
offers : - boundless interoperability - tinkerability - plays nice with the exiting web - aims to complete not to compete
www.hylo.com www.hylo.com
Day Waterbury2d agoTibet Sprague Just confirming applications are open through Jan 24th and we'll be considering project candidates up through Feb 21st, yes? Tibet Sprague2d agowe havent actually shared the proposal submission form yet, we will kick off that process on jan 24 and it will be open until feb 7 when discussions of the proposals start
applications open 24th of Jan
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Day Davis Waterbury (He/Him) 2nd degree connection 2nd Thought Partner at Consensual Ventures Consensual Ventures California Institute of Integral Studies Oakland, California, United States Contact info
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
The End of the Silicon Valley Mythhttps://gerd.fm/3WOdkbA
social.coop social.coop
All of this expertise is in my brain. The *data base*, if you will. And the *interfac* is me. My speech, my typing, my expressions, my gestures. I can produce these outputs externally, or I can experience them in my head.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
if you go to ANTLR, it is a 100 percent solution to parsing.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Brad deGraf (He/Him) 1st degree connection 1st Trust Networks and Collective Decision-Making UC San Diego Sebastopol, California, United States Contact info
now 1st degree connection
www.politico.eu www.politico.eu
Germany’s strategic timidity Washington knows Berlin might be a bad ally, but at least it’s America’s bad ally.
www.hylo.com www.hylo.com
Join us in envisioning a future where our tech platforms are designed to work together, honor the sovereignty and privacy of every person, and enable collaboration and cooperation across the globe in ways not yet possible.
Paying it forward
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
IPFS Camp - Opening Keynote Presentations - Lisbon, Portugal - Oct. 28th, 2022
www.collaborative.tech www.collaborative.tech
movement together, as a community.
as a community
move at the speed of trust
move at the speed of trust
not so fast and surely not to break things!
open to adapt and evolve our technology
open to adapt evolve
learning and growing together as we collaborate
mutual learning growing
commit to interoperability
interoperability yes
Open Mutual Learning Commons
data, information knowledge must flow
Open, commons based protocols and constellations
Let the Players be the platform ultimately
technology is not neutral
safety and inclusiveness AND autonomy
trustful networks in order to mitigate the erosion of trust within and across communities
build from trust for trust yes
design products that are usable and accessible
systems first with focus on products
We honor the privacy of our users, and never share their data without informed consent.
privacy of users
let them be actors let them give consent directly to whomever whenever they share whatever they hold
enshrine participants’ ownership and control of their information
participants ownership and control of their information
add : permaneence, trust, provenance of interactions and their outcomes
enable both individual and collective agency
individual and collective agency
Before building new systems, we look for, and amplify what is already working.
look for and amplify existing systems
weaving a deeply interconnected, interdependent, and interoperable technology ecosystem
weaving - inter(connected & dependent &operable) - technology
learn to truly collaborate and cooperate at all scales
collaborate and cooperate at scale
not only as users.
not only users
take responsibility for the impact our tools and platforms
responsibility how we shape tools that shape us
technology to last
enduring tech
the longview
dkejevlwldw.typeform.com dkejevlwldw.typeform.com
Join the Collaborative Technology Alliance!
bafybeienbksr36eol27zmsfq6mekoedqhlleqkahcrzggmuosbhzjm44rm.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeienbksr36eol27zmsfq6mekoedqhlleqkahcrzggmuosbhzjm44rm.ipfs.w3s.link
optimal richness, expressiveness, and extensibility
in an explicit meta-elaboration?
schema encodes a meta-level concpetualization of a solution
with TrailMarks and IndyWeb we have the freedom to make schemas emergent, and FAIR
we may articulate explicitly the structure of the content we are creating ith spelling out interpretations delivering on our specific intent, but by making the organization of content explicit and homoiconic, we can kind of co-evolve solutions
humansandnature.org humansandnature.org
Entangling Humanism By Bruce Jennings
from : indynao | 2023 01 18
self-owning and self-governing social graph as a platform cooperative / commons
platform cooperative / commons - self-owning - self-governing
add : - self-creating as in autopoietic - bootstrapable - lively growing constellation - people cantered
www.hylo.com www.hylo.com
among the platform builders
for : Indy Web / Hub / Net / Lab / Xxxx
= protocols not platforms - free speech futures
= constellations built with new protocols - freedom of reach
But now that we have the Inter Planetary HyperMedia Protocol thanks to IPFS and the "Convergence Stack" of Web 3 or DHT vs DLT both based on Decentralized Hash Technology not Decentralized Ledger Technology
the CryptoCosm (not so much crypto currencies but relying on the power of cryptography, true names, and chains of them, build trust, but verify! and permanence)
We can bootstrap Commons based, peer produced, born interoperable collaborative autonomous coevolving constellations Name Anything That We Care About Intentional form Networked Improvement Communities
twitter.com twitter.com
Distributed Hashtable Technology
= DLT vs DHT - fallacy of absolute time - global God's eye view is a view from nowhere - global control will never hold, can only destroy us
knightcolumbia.org knightcolumbia.org
Free Speech Futures An essay series reimagining the First Amendment in the digital age
outlierventures.io outlierventures.io
The Convergence Stack