3,419 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2023
    1. de rerum Natura Lucretia

    2. ideas that were perhaps crystallized by Darwin had 00:30:57 existed a long time before

      old ideas crystallized

    3. formulates something called the sequence hypothesis

      the four chemicals subunites neucleeotid subunits sequentiual arranbgement in a symbolic arrangements

      information rvevolution came to biology

      how to take section of code randomly changing without

      you attacking champions for the latest science

    4. before you said anything about the fact that the information acquired as linguistic and linguistic language is not produced 00:23:08 by random processes right

      linguistic information

      and language is not processed by random proceses

    5. parts are made of proteins and proteins are the in in essence the toolbox

      30 part rotary engine help process iunfirnation

      each one of those proteins needs egentic information

      gigantic haystack

      not fo find the haystack

      30 proteings

    6. it could not be built gradually and improving each step of the way intermediate stages confer no functional Advantage therefore there's nothing for natural selection to 00:16:42 select

      intermediate stages do not confer advantage

      nothing to select

    7. this is your your sort of thing signal concept irreducible complexity and the story of the mouse trap

      signal concept

    8. who's dead God or Charles Darwin


    1. The Undeniable Value of Blockchain and Smart Contracts


    2. The Undeniable Value of Blockchain and Smart Contracts


    3. Filecoin | But for Devs


    1. Founding partner of the 5-month Antikythera Studio. One Project is an operating non-profit and a giving foundation whose mission is to support a global transition to an economy that is equitable, ecological and effective.

      One Project

    2. Antikythera” refers to a computational technology that discloses and accelerates the deeper condition of planetary intelligence.

      deeper conditions of planetary intelligence

    3. The Antikythera mechanism

      was among the earliest known computers. Discovered at the Greek island of Antikythera, it combined calculation, orientation and cosmology. For our program, “Antikythera” refers to a computational technology that discloses and accelerates the deeper condition of planetary intelligence.

    1. reasoning together is the best antidote that when it works at all reasoning tends to work better as a 00:07:52 team sport

      reasoninng together

    2. what would be possible in a world in which all knowledge is so easily available namely 00:08:57 the ability to connect disparate pieces of information by people who out of passion or profession make it their business to do so trailblazing in his jargon and he imagined that it would become commonplace this is widely 00:09:10 regarded as the first reference to what we now think of as digital annotation

      MEMEX trailblazers digital annotations

    1. paradigm shift

      shifting the paradigm from Centralized to Decent(ralized) is an enabler for the Paradigm Flip we need

      Many features of the current web are the opposite of what we really need

      • Centralized -2- People Centred
      • Location Addressed -2- Content Addressed
      • Siloed -2- Commons Based
      • Ephemeral -2- Evergreen
      • trustless -2- trustful
      • stateless -2- statefull with verifiable provenance, audit trail, and recapturable history

      • draft : | Current Web | The Flipped Web | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | Centralized | People Centred | | Location Addressed | |Content Addressed | | Server based | Browser based | | Rest API | p2p messaging | | Flawed Security Practices | Secure by design | | Ephemeral | Permanent, Enduring | | no trust | built from trust for trust | | non-custodial | custody for all information by author | | no real privacy | Privacy on demand | | Siloed | Ambient multi-modal anti-database | | Value realized by providers | Value realized by participants | | Gratuitous Tech Complexity | Transparent Tech | | Master/Slave cookies | Peer to Peer Ambient connectivity | | One way links | All links go both ways and are meaningful for humans yet processable by machines |

    2. scale decentralized governance

      scale decentralized but people-centric governace

    3. Turing-Complete Governance

      How about People-Compete governance

    1. governance

      lack of self-representation is a hindrance to development of governance

      decentralization and trusted smart contracts is not enough we need to be able to foster enduring trust between people and build on that too. Shape tools with deep involvement of autonomous human actors


    2. decentralized

      decentralization is key but is not enough

      We need it to be also People Centred one that works for people, by the people, for the people first. Make each individual and communities first class asctors in their owned trusted interr(personal|community) networks

    3. Collective intelligence for collective progress.



    1. We exist to facilitate cooperation, coordination, and collaboration among the individuals and groups building social software in service to a thriving world


    2. Collaborative Technology Alliance

  2. bafybeif4oorhvnpwsnjuwoggprdeqcoi4xcbsiptpr75h5b4akzqsri7je.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif4oorhvnpwsnjuwoggprdeqcoi4xcbsiptpr75h5b4akzqsri7je.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. responsibility of co-creatingthe information ecosystems,practices, and tools thatenhance our abilities ratherthan exploit our vulnerabilities.

      It’s time to stop behaving like “users.” Instead, let’s become “makers” who take on

      take on : the responsibility of - co-creating - information ecosystems - practices & - tools

      resonate with : https://hyp.is/bWaNpnCEEe2HeLMf3YqliA/polanyisociety.org/2019pprs/Lajos&Goodman-Augmenting-Tacit-Awareness-6-16-19.pdf

    1. Common Sense[makers]We’re researching and developing distributed protocols, practices, and tools for collective sensemaking. Join us!
      • protocols not platforms
      • build commons-based, peer produced Constellations using new prtolocls like IPFS

      • distributed, yes but how?

      • go inter(planetary|personal|community) for boundary less, ubiquitous open, commons based, interoperable homegrown collaboration
      • where individuals and communities participate as first class autonomous actors as their own(ed) hub
      • weaving emergent, people centred networks of trusted connections
      • creating Autonomous, Evergreen Hyprmedia Spaces in their own image to suite their needs in the long tail of the internet
      • Where eventually everything connects: people, ideas, intents and purposes with full provenance
      • along with the co-evolving co-meta-designed computational means needed to support them

    1. Ecological and societal disruptions by modern climate change are critically determined by the time frame over whichclimates shift beyond historical analogues. Here we present a new index of the year when the projected mean climate ofa given location moves to a state continuously outside the bounds of historical variability under alternative greenhouse gasemissions scenarios. Using 1860 to 2005 as the historical period, this index has a global mean of 2069 (618 years s.d.) fornear-surface air temperature under an emissions stabilization scenario and 2047 (614 years s.d.) under a ‘business-as-usual’scenario. Unprecedented climates will occur earliest in the tropics and among low-income countries, highlighting thevulnerability of global biodiversity and the limited governmental capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change.Our findings shed light on the urgency of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions if climates potentially harmful to biodiversityand society are to be prevented

      abstract :

      • = Ecological and societal disruptions
        • by - modern climate change
      • are - critically - determined - by - the
        • : time frame - over which = climates shift - beyond
      • historical analogues.

      Here we present a = new index of the year - when the = projected mean climate - of a given location - moves to a state continuously - outside the bounds of historical variability - under alternative greenhouse gas emissions scenarios.

      Using 1860 to 2005 as the historical period, this index has a global mean of 2069 (618 years s.d.) for near-surface air temperature under an emissions stabilization scenario and 2047 (614 years s.d.) under a ‘business-as-usual’ scenario. Unprecedented climates will occur earliest in the tropics and among low-income countries, highlighting the vulnerability of global biodiversity and the limited governmental capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change. Our findings shed light on the urgency of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions if climates potentially harmful to biodiversity and society are to be prevented

  3. bafkreibfojjgsvb3ewc2znfhgl5z2wrebtafvqcxaun7xsvca22wf4vvfy.ipfs.w3s.link bafkreibfojjgsvb3ewc2znfhgl5z2wrebtafvqcxaun7xsvca22wf4vvfy.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. a link to the permanent address

      this would amount to a verifiable provenance chain of the shared content. So not block chain - but attributable content chain -

      e.g. record of Value Flow

      such that it can benefit the creators monetize

      so instead of micro payment #s payments for delivered value

    2. Quick update.

  4. bafybeif7rqjs56e7owbm5sdfitwozeq2irquslkkkkrkwqkimfisejqchi.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif7rqjs56e7owbm5sdfitwozeq2irquslkkkkrkwqkimfisejqchi.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. unmanageable complexity are a pretty manageable variety ofcompositions

      complexity - manageable variety of composition

    2. lessons about distribution and routing


    3. build universal protocol stacks.

      symbolic unity

    4. Make it “Unenclosable”


    5. Foster Coherence and Follow Convergence

      Foster Coherence

      Follow Convergence

      improve : - comprehension - consistency - local completeness - comfortable with the unknows

    6. could make formerly intractable problems (such as climate change, speciesextinction, resource depletion, or poverty) quite readily solvable.

      climate change resource depletion

      readily solvable

    7. peered, decentralized, semantic and designed to evolve in response to rapidly changing needs

      people centred?

    8. upside-down incentives


    9. Contextual Namespaces


    10. The model is: Trust your own node

      and your connections

    11. Sovereign Accountable Commons (SAC

      = Sovereign Accountable Commons - abrev : SAC

      akin to : DAOs - but - leverage : different architecture

      consider : making the indeividual participants sovereign Actors

      let : them - create - shape - their own - HomeBrew - - SelfGoverned : Self-Sovereign Autnomous Accountable Commons

    12. ndividual

      search : individual

      = Sovereign Accountable Commons (SAC) - are : - Mutually Sovereign

    13. sharded distributed synchronization

      alternative : interpersonal asynchronous communication relying on explicit mutual dynamic agreements that are always timer limited, requiring renewal of mutual consent

      instead of decentralized make it people centred!

    14. Prevents the groupfrom control individuals’ assets.

      how about making the group an actor with rules and automaticsm

      allow groups to be created by individuals

      team up with say three other trusted individuals and collectively create community groups

      instead of trusting algorithms harness human trust and flexibility in coming to and modifying agreements

    15. go off in another direction and take my toys with me

      take my toys with me

    16. individual

      can't get : mutual sovereignty -

      • no tools to embody power dynamic
      • between - groups & individual

      • sugerting :

      • instead of power dynamics
      • consider interpersonal connectivity
      • trusted, but verifiable connections between individuals and communities
      • with full permanent provenance of interconnections
      • maintained by participants of emergent named peoples networks
      • participating as autonomous actors
      • local first, offline first, permanent, evergreen information means of procesing that information too
    17. fractal sovereignty
      • get :
      • fractal sovereignty

    18. mutual sovereignty

      = mutual sovereignty - at - every : - layer & - level

    19. indivi

      searched : indiv

      Cells & DNA…

      = distributed governance.

      political gridlock of group vs. individual and

      no : ability to


      trust or

      run : local copy

    20. enable individuals to be primary authorities over their own historical data

      searched : indiv - verifiable - ownership & - provenance

  5. bafybeihpmmz7u37idfh72klduo2nkys5oseithyqypnkkrki7iycz3poce.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeihpmmz7u37idfh72klduo2nkys5oseithyqypnkkrki7iycz3poce.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. be leaders in the transition of web platforms towardspersonal ownership of data

      Personal digital Autnoinomy

      custoidy of data and the software used to creat it in a commons based, Open, unenclosable storage

    2. co-designers, taking co-responsibility

      co-designer co-responsibility

    3. different interface


    4. Value Flows is a common language

      comment : - machine bias hits again

    5. access and alter my digital informationvia a finite number of prescribed interfaces

      not - make : sense - access & - alter digital information - via : finite number of - prescribed : interfaces

    6. empower our networks and all people

      empower people to weave their own(ed) intent/interest based collaborative networks of networks

    7. a common language that can be spoken and understood byour various web platforms

      common language for People to understand and use to articulate better what they want and collaborate seamlessly

    8. Value Flows

      collaborative - project : Value Flows

      comment : - will see what is meant by Value Flows - hope it entails Stigmergic Open Mutual Learning Flows

      following up on : Gilder's - claim : wealth is Knowledge - claim : Learning Flows create knowledge with intrinsic value, so it Learning Flows are Value Flows

    9. bringing about a more collaborativeopen social web

      value prop : IndyWeb/Hub/Net/Lab - Open, Commons-based, peer produced People Centred interpersonal networked collaboration

    10. Co-Creating a common Datalanguage To Empower Citizens of theWeb
    1. hollow web browser and an app called hollow core which is storing all the 00:08:28 data all the nodes all the whole ins all the hollow webs and it's all encrypted and you decrypt it with a QR code key

      hoillow web browser

      networking stack webrtc

      holo and sculltebutt

    2. a hollow web as a conversation but it's a well-formed conversation with a 00:05:44 purpose it's a meaning explicitly meaningful conversation with an explicit purpose so you define an intention or purpose and you define an ontology which is the types of things that can exist in 00:05:59 that reality in that conversation so ontology is like the definition of what exists

      holoweb is a conversation well formed

      intent + ontology

    3. e Halle web everyone will store their own data like hollow chain

      everyone stores their own data

    1. if we don't start sowing the  seeds of what i have called earth democracy we are   00:09:35 going to see 99 people as disposable especially  with the tech working on artificial intelligence   to make sure all the mechanical work is made  redundant whether it be in radiography or law   or whatever mechanical work will be substituted  and if that's the case 99 people are disposable


    2. when you design it with deep  recognition of interconnectedness   00:00:35 you will nurture those relationships and  this basic recognition is what i drew from my   learnings in quantum theory that non-locality  non-separation interconnectedness

      learnings from quantum theory

    3. DIVIDE & RULE - The Plan of The 1% to Make You DISPOSABLE - Vandana Shiva 926K views 1 year ago


    1. I believe that cooperation at scale requires a changing worldview. I do not believe there is a left and right, only a top and bottom. Things that appear different are different expressions of our interconnectedness. It is time to abandon the us and them and become what WE are capable of becoming.
  6. bafybeib5dcc5enmqk5lafb6wstvqu2p4gn42pezxof2eqqhgm6hspzapne.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeib5dcc5enmqk5lafb6wstvqu2p4gn42pezxof2eqqhgm6hspzapne.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. examine how ourown co-creative innovations in development at Symphonics (‘SymphonyEngine’, ‘Holosourcing’) can work in unison with other interoperabilityprojects and initiatives to bring forth foundations for an integral governanceprotocol and solution.

      examine - how = co-creative innovations - in development at Symphonics - SymphonyEngine - - see = Symmathesy Engine. HoloSourcing - - can work - in : unison - with - other : interoperability project

    2. synergistic protocols (‘joiningwhat’s working’ vs ‘joining together to start new projects’)

      = synergistic protocols - what;s working - vs - 'join together to start new projects'

    3. The Source of Synergy Foundation

      Synergy Foundation

    4. SpiralDynamics refers to as memes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral_Dynamics)
    5. Integral Interoperability https://hyp.is/5Ig4TqZiEe2xzg9RdpJaxA/airtable.com/shrWUrSVrO0NqElhC/tblRQnbKZ9Tphs1n2/viwKDaPxYBE0SMWY3/recmzTvjzZ1ComCtU


    1. Spiral Dynamics (SD) is a model of the evolutionary development of individuals, organizations, and societies.

    1. Motion Canvas is now Open Source! 38,951 views 4 Feb 2023 aarthificial aarthificial 100K subscribers

    1. For me, it had worked (electron-main node.js process to browser) with a webrtc-star server.https://github.com/reseau-constellation/ipa/blob/main/src/sfip/config%C3%89lectron.tsI do wish they hadn't archived it before the alternative was actually shipped...but I suppose it will continue to work in the meantime, even if it's archived.

      webrtc star node

    1. We're building these tools on Hylo, a coordination platform that we steward in partnership with Holo, the makers of Holochain.


    1. The relation of clues to that which they indicate is a logical relation similar to that which apremise has to the inferences drawn from it, but with the important difference that tacit inferences drawnfrom clues are not explicit. They are informal, tacit.

      Clue is a fundamental concept in @TrailMarks

      No wonder.

      "Tacit inferences draw from clues ae not explicit"

      I like the word "illation" I learned from Descartes in my first year Essay in my first year studying History and Philosophy of Science and Physics at Leeds.

    2. The purpose of this paper is to explain the relation between body and mind as an instance of the relationbetween the subsidiary and the focal in tacit knowledge.

      focal and subsidiary in Tacit Knowing

    3. The Structure of ConsciousnessMichael Polanyi

      The Master and his Emissary

    1. ELIZA is a program operating within the MAC time-sharingsystem at MIT which makes certain kinds of natural languageconversation between man and computer possible. Input sen-tences are analyzed on the basis of decomposition rules whichare triggered by key words appearing in the input text.Responses are generated by reassembly rules associated withselected decomposition rules. The fundamental technical prob-lems with which ELIZA is concerned are: (1) the identification ofkey words, (2) the discovery of minimal context, (3) the choiceof appropriate transformations, (4) generation of responses inthe absence of key words, and (5) the provision of an editingcapability for ELIZA "scripts".


    2. Eliza 0!Pygmalion fame

      Pygmalion fame

    1. After two or three interchanges with the machine, she turned to me and she said, “Would you mind leaving the room please?” Roman Mars: The secretary was so entranced by this chatbot that she didn’t want to stop exchanging messages.


    1. What is polypol? by top-mba-universities | Posted on August 24, 2021

    1. Oracle introduces lower cost options for Autonomous Databasehttps://siliconangle.com › 2022/03/16https://siliconangle.com › 2022/03/16Mar 16, 2022 — In our converged database, the data sits in one place and all of the algorithms come to the data. It's very simple.”.

      search: algorithms come to the data

  7. bafybeibfci5vjz2jljrew5xxkwjgyphoczes6atnywpgj5tyu7h542ipru.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeibfci5vjz2jljrew5xxkwjgyphoczes6atnywpgj5tyu7h542ipru.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. we are not yet using the new governance capabilities that the Internetmade possible anyway

      Flipping the existing paradigm of epistemology is needed to enable Flipping existing governance

    2. institutional capacity


    3. transition towards complexsociality

      = complex sociality

    4. “fitter”

      caution - not in the evolutionary sense

    5. Systems of organised complexity


    6. organised complexity


    7. protozoa
    1. Search powered by Natural Language Processing

      powered by : semantic model

    2. engage with relevant content outside of your community to help grow it further

      engage with : relevant content

    3. Locate & engage with the right content

    1. every feature to help companies
      • find,
      • engage,
      • support, and
      • collaborate

      with developers - help them reach their growth goals - - through : a vibrant community

    1. crowd.dev@CrowdDotDevFollows youAn open-source suite of community and data tools built to unlock community-led growth for developer tools.

    1. New Non-Sequential Media

      = possiplex - new non-sequential media - non linear

      handle = possiplexity # - movies that branch #

    2. handle possiplexity, we could have movies that branch.

      handle = possiplexity - : movies - that branch

    1. Notational intelligence

      Wow - purpose = TrailMarks - give much of the power of Wolfram to the ordinary indyNetizen using just a browser and having access to Ambient Intentional Commons-based, peer-produced, Open FAIR HomeBrew software in the long tail and the ability for people to co-laborate without friction and full provenance of contribution co-creating Software through Conversation

  8. Jan 2023
    1. found an alternative ecosystem — one that returns us to the earlier promise of the digital age as an era of empowerment and the democratization of knowledge.

      found : an alternative ecosystem - return us - to the - earlier : promise of the digital age - = area of empowerment - = the democratization of knowledge

      see : autonomy

    2. the essence of autonomy and human agency

      the = essence of : - autonomy & - human agency

    1. technologies for web publishing that are based on plain text and putting forward their benefits.

      web publishing - based in : plain text

    2. abuse of notation

      boris marinov

    1. Innovation in notation and dynamic documents won’t arrive as a single big idea or a single product from a new startup.

      But a process of bootstrapping mutual arising| of

      stygmergic articulation


      can hopefully be gotten off the ground and into the yonder of blue sky of wonder

    2. won’t be just bidirectional links or just spatial interfaces or just GPT-whatever.


      but if we can go meta and imitate creation itself?


    3. augmenting human intellect.


    4. “Does this product finally get it right?”

      First and foremost we need to get the IT right, at last!

      There is that IT.

      Wikced problems are wicked because the task is to exdplore and identify the problem

      What does Information processing realy IS>

    5. I think notation should be judged by its ability to contribute to and represent previously unthinkable, un-expressible thoughts.

      absolutely and the key is in how do we grow/compose tacit understanding insights into comprehendable, comprehensive, cogent, coherent, consistent, complete, communicable articulation/elaboration

    6. notes can take on different roles in this map of ideas – some notes are more “paths” that help us discover other notes; some notes are more “districts” that act as topic-level containers, and some notes are “landmarks” that go deep into specific concepts

      HyperMaps of Intent/Meaning You Name IT Description

    7. construct documents that feel like “spaces” that we read by “navigating” it.


      read by navigating it

      created woven threads/Trails

    8. Complex ideas often present themselves as densely connected networks of smaller ideas.

      Complex Ideas ARE Associative Complexes

    9. How can we improve the way we work with written language to be more interactive and dynamic?


    10. domain-specific notations

      Go Meta with a Universal Intentional Notation to articulate and operationalize any domain to bootstrap effective concepts and processes morphic conversational interaction and Morphic Permanent HyperMedia Experiences in home-grown autonomous interpersonal hypermedia with FAIR principles extended to embody FAIRNSS - findable - Accessible - InterOperable, InterPlanetary, InterPersonal, Interpretable - Resusable - Networks of - Social - Software

    11. One path I’m beginning to investigate is notation for working with complex networks of ideas.

      TrailMarks spans MindPlexes with clues

    12. First-class support for rich media in notation.

      go the other way round

      rely on Plain Text Intentional Mark in notation in HyperMedia Context with the ability to create extends morph HyperMedia

      and the notation would self-describing and interpretable

    13. Evolution is a meta-learning algorithm that discovers its own heuristics and continually improves the rate at which it learns.


    14. Intelligence as run-time adaptation


    15. computable notation

      effective notations

      Thought Vectors in (eventually effective) Concept space

    16. I believe inventing better notations can contribute far more than automated tools to our effective intelligence in understanding ourselves, the world, and our place in it.

      Indeed! notations to think with and produce home grown software as a Conversation That is what [@TrailMarks[(https://twitter.com/TrailMarks_ is about

      • TPF- focuses on: system change - at the : community scale.
      • = Urban spatial planning tools -will be critical - for - helping : citizens - plan : their low = ecological footprint future - within - = doughnut economics constraints.
      • Open source urban spatial planning tools - are ideal for : this
      • private = urban spatial planning tools - are notoriously expensive.

      research question : - is it possible to - integrate :all these open source tools -together - to create : a viable ecosystem of tools - for : citizens- to use - as a planning tool at TPF?

    1. interested in - applying : open source tools - to - = TPF - = Bend the Curve game.

    2. Highlights

      highlight : - State of the art of = open source software - for = urban planning. - open source tools - augment = urban analytical processes.

      • 70 relevant tools :

      categorised - according to - = planning process phases, - = application domains, and - = use cases. - list of : 54 = peripheral tools - supports = urban planning

    3. WinstonYap


    4. Abstract


    1. deployed decentralized systems that offer commonly usedservices

      = decentralized systems - offering : common services - = Mastodon - micro blogging - = PeerTube - video sharing

      do how : topics - vs - objects - use ' = ' topic marker for things you know will have to be elaborated in a compolex plex - use ':' for objects that have clearly definable sturcure in terms of nested objects or property literals, or effective concepts, that would need to haver computational counterparts

    2. These technologie

      = tehcnologies - rely on - open-source - community led = software implementations - cf = commons based, peer produced

      to decentralize = web functionality - name lookup - hosting - certification

      no = individual administrative entity - could hamper - overall = operation, or - design decisions

    3. This encompassesan array of technologies

      encompass - array of : technologies - strive to provide - greater control - for : users

    1. “money legos”


    2. This type of standardization is crucial to composability

      standardization - crucial to = composability

    3. leverage the work of others to create new applications

      within the Ethereum ecosystem

      need Composability cross eco systems

    4. Because composability allows anyone in a network
      • to take existing programs and
      • adapt or
        • build on top of them,
      • it unlocks completely new use cases that
        • don’t exist in our world.
    5. Composability is Innovation Linda Xie

      is innovation

  9. bafybeidb24wxp42bxz3rgwrt3acami432vhpzl3qttegtfqms4ldmq2bne.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeidb24wxp42bxz3rgwrt3acami432vhpzl3qttegtfqms4ldmq2bne.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. coordination mechanisms are forms of stigmergy

      coordintation mechanisms - as = stygmergy - indirect communication between autonomous agents

      compared - with = IndyHub - communications initiated by people - as autonomous actors - as in = actor model - via messaging

      - as in the = Actor Model
    2. asynchronous coordination becomes essential for drivingeffective collective action

      feature = IndyHub, Dream Space - conversations that are continuous without being synchronous

    3. StigFlow

      source : https://commonsensemaking.notion.site/Common-Sense-makers-Projects-74d5c571fab54854a300ec9bc4761139

    1. HyperBlogging on the PeopleCentered Decentralized Web

      HyperBlogging on the People Centred InterPersonal IndyNet

      HyperBlog tacitly conflated two separate concerns:

      • IndyBlogging
      • interest based autonomous conversations between
        • between blog (content) authors and their audience
        • within autonomous interpersonal interest based social networks
        • annotations
        • comments

      What makes HyperBlog Hyper is that the blog posts a two-way hyperlinked to high resolutions addressable contents in contexts contiguous with the participants own knowledge work as MindPlexes

      new features : - deep integration with hypothesis - packaged Hypothesis PDF viewer into a composable indyweb native app via Fission. Using Drive for partial deploy while in development

      It is now possible to share annotated pdfs

    1. The myth of technology is

      The myth of technology - is - the myth that the software issues are technical; - whereas what matters is - communicating to the mind and heart of the user, - and that is not a technical issue at all.

      do how : annotations & TrailMarks - instead of tags - compose Clues

      compose : Clue - Clue consist of two parts a Clue Term and - an Outline - (possibly nested) ordered list of items - where items can be text images html fragment or nested clues

    1. A cellular theory of communities

      from : https://hyp.is/A3_QBp_CEe2nBa9MrnjCVQ/thesephist.com/posts/tools/

      do how : manual capture : from link - highlight link you wish to follow - copy hypothesis annotation links - click on link to follow - add to page notes: 'from : < hypothesys annotation link > automate : from links - just highlight link that you wish to follow -

      do how : annotations & TrailMarks

    1. Your posts are on your blog.

      ditto for = IndyBlog

    2. Self-promotion is encouraged. You have material that you are writing or building and you want a community to see it. This whole site facilitates that.

      compare = IndieWeb - with - IndyWeb - beyond self-promotion - zero friction progressive Engagement with readers - with a view to building trustfull connections, collaboration

      compare = IndieWeb Blogs, Subs - with - IndyBlog, Hyperblog

    3. Indieweb.xyz is a syndication service—meaning you can notify us when you've posted on your blog and we'll link back to you. The whole thing is organized like Reddit into subs, which are topic-based (usually) collections of links.

      compare = IndieWeb - with - IndyWeb

      compare = IndieWeb Blogs, Subs - with - IndyBlog, Hyperblog

    1. Welcome to Indieweb.xyz! A syndication service organized by topic.

      for = IndyWeb

      • syndication service organized by topic

      compare = IndieWeb - with - IndyWeb

      compare = IndieWeb Blogs, Subs - with - IndyBlog, Hyperblog

    1. Blogs of Indieweb.xyz This is a directory of the blogs that have posted here. I'm hoping to build a good directory of Indieweb blogs by topic. If you want to be listed, simply send a Webmention!

      compare = IndieWeb - with - IndyWeb

      compare = IndieWeb Blogs, Subs - with - IndyBlog, Hyperblog

    1. weave the autnonomous people centered interpersonal indy net of open mutual learning commons

      on the =indyweb

    2. HyperBlog integrates deeply with hypothesis

      deep integration with hypothesis

    3. annotating search results for annotations

      Example of annotating annotation search results

    4. test : annotating search results for annotations

      in = HyperBlog

    1. Metablog The web's only search engine of blog posts

      contrast it with = HyperBlog - search engine for IndyBlog - search open interoperable social annotation tools like hypothes.is and getmemex - search blogs published on the indyweb

    1. High focus on sharing and collaboration

      High focus on sharing and collaboration

    2. finds software, tools and interactive data the same way one “Google” for information today

      software and interactive data = FAIR Software

    3. meme media implementations, which allow users to fully participate in the process of building the next generation of the Web.

      meme media implementation

    4. In the Borderland between Being a User or a Developer

      user developer

      Universal User

    1. web-based knowledge media architecture, available through an Internet browser, that allows us, not only to publish compound documents with or without embedded services and tools into a world-wide shared repository like the Web


    1. what you're actually reading as words on the page  was the attempt of someone to crystallize into   00:17:02 written language a direct spiritual experience  that they had. The only way to get to the core of   what they're trying to tell you without getting  caught up in a fundamentalist literalist trap   is to actually regain the experience they had,  they're trying to communicate through the words.   That means the words have to be dissolved  into a direct inner spiritual experience.   And so it's a type of meditative reading.

      = meditative reading

    1. take existing programs and adapt or build on top of them


    2. Linda Xie heralded the capability of composability

      quote : as one of the most powerful aspects of crypto: “Because composability allows anyone in a network to take existing programs and adapt or build on top of them, it unlocks completely new use cases that don’t exist in our world.”

    3. Can ‘Community Composability’ Help Web2 Users Make the Jump to Web3?

      Community Composability

    4. consumer crypto

      early iinings

    5. composability

      write once use anywhere?

      quote : -"the ability to mix and match software components like lego bricks … every software component only needs to be written once, and can thereafter simply be reused.”!

    1. socially native platform where you can see what your friends and the pros are investing in and replicate or join their strategies

      socially native platform

      I thought we moved on to protocols not platforms and beyond to commons-based, peer produced constellations powered by Web 3 protocols and convergence stack?

    1. So the question is whether it's possible to contrive a system (a term I'll use to loosely refer to something involving a language, an environment, and a set of practices) built around the core value that zero-cost setup is important—even if the BDFL and key players only maintain that stance up to the point where the ecosystem has reached a similar place as contemporary

      contrive a system

    1. Self-made tools with Linus Lee

      How the Curse of Lisp can be Flipped to Blessing and help us Flip the broken Paradigm regain the future and the paradigms lost

    1. Torus is an event-driven model-view UI framework for the web, focused on being tiny, efficient, and free of dependencies.

      event-driven model-view UI framework

    1. Productivity suite written from scratch in Ink on the backend and Torus on the web

      Productivity suite

      with backend

    1. Ink is a minimal programming language inspired by modern JavaScript and Go, with functional style.

    1. constellation of home-grown productivity tools I now rely on for my day-to-daywork and learning.

      constellation of

      home- grown productivity tools

      for work and learning

      = IndyWeb commons-based peer-production of home-grown overweb, webnative, permanent, attributed constellations of tools for interpersonal collaborative shareable workflows

      and software as conversation in the long tail for interpersonal use

    2. software tools,tools that last, and tools that are fragile

      tools that last - vs - fragile