3,395 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
    1. have a way of representing the knowledge of the world

      start : :: 00:25

      have a way of representing - the knowledge of the world - in a way that machines can get at them and - take advantage of it

      // representing in machine readable form - but first present it in human readable/writable form - so that people can engage with it - ingest, curate, remixx, reuse, synthesize, share and collaborate - in a way that machines can get at it - all forming evergreen, - interpersonal network of trust - based on trusted but verifyablke provenance - and recapitulable history of co-evolution of emergent - novel articulations

      should be - shared - everybody should be able to get at it

      if human knowledge isn't a shared resource - then what is

  2. May 2023
  3. bafybeiauh4qnqhaebh2scjicnzwi5ocxppayjocajqlfgdmivce5pm7c2m.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeiauh4qnqhaebh2scjicnzwi5ocxppayjocajqlfgdmivce5pm7c2m.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. Making Ambients More Robust

      for : ambient web intents

    2. The Mobile Ambient calculus (MA)

      proposed - expressing - communications - location


    1. About 4,230,000 results (0.40 seconds)

      consciousness , imagination is our own infinite improbability drive

      rubbing a few commons words together

      to capture/articulate, create by naming a novel idea

      is a psychedellic mind expanding experience

      everyday practical magic

      being comfortable with the unknown is the first step

    1. search : "ambient apps"

    2. New ambient social apps enable brands to proactively ...Marketing Divehttps://www.marketingdive.com › opinion › columnsMarketing Divehttps://www.marketingdive.com › opinion › columnsLeveraging the inherent social, hyper-local aspect of the ambient apps, marketers can expand their footprint even wider by pushing out deals to users to ...

  4. www.kendra.io www.kendra.io
    1. pull data from many sources and display it in one interface

      pull data from many sources and displaty it in one interface

    2. back-end requires a well-thought-out front-end

      how about no-backend

      use anti-databases

      to compose existing services for thge benefit of the individual ensuring autnbonomy

    3. organically develop tools that benefit real people

      organic development of tools that benefit people

    4. Values

      information that people engage with is disguised as data by provider-centric services for the benefit of the service operators first.

      Human-centric solution requires not only FAIR data but need to promnote Digital autnonomy.

      Replace references to data in the formulation of these values with web(native) services for data

    1. Learned a lot over the past 3 weeks or so

      I tried to summarize the learning I've been doing over the past three weeks in a Telegram channel. Exported these messages turned them into a PDF and made it permanently available via indyhub on IPFS. just log in to

      Signup/Login with Hyppothesis to annotate comment

      follow up questions, what have you. . All those conversations can later be followed up and integrated within each annotator/participant's own MEMplEX real soon now.

    1. make your spaceCreate 3D social scenes for Hubs

    1. Building a VR World from Scratch: A Beginner's Journey into Hubs

    2. Hubs Creator Labs is a place for sharing inspiration, creativity and knowledge. Check out our latest posts to see the amazing work our community is doing, follow along with a tutorial, and learn about our favorite open source tools.

    1. A whole new world, from the comfort of your homeTake control of your online communities with a fully open source virtual world platform that you can make your own.

    1. perma-an-note // inspired to write

      Complete the Web with - commons based - peer bootstrapped - constellations for - Evergreen - eventually global, nay interplanetary - Networked interpersonal Social Media - around which - interest/mission focused social networks can grow - connecting creators with their audiences, problemns with solutions, directly - weaving the Autonomous Open Mutual (l)earning Commons as a co-evolving engine for cultural co-evolution

      image credit https://hyp.is/Muzejvb7Ee2RqYO2PQHAjA/hackernoon.com/so-you-want-to-leave-facebook-1ab3603f164a?gi=9b2a7e73310f&utm_campaign=Decentral%20Cafe&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20newsletter

    1. MindGraph is a meta-circular universalextensible graph format

      had the graph format

      and even TrailMarks as a symmathetic mark in notation in practice, that can be used to structure articulation of ideas in a form that augments the writers ability to express ideeas and for reader to comprehend them while at the same time provides the hooks to turn text into an abstract syntax grap or memeplex that allow us associate intentional interpretative processes and indeed human metadesigned interpreatative complexes

    2. re-decentralize the Web

      make it People Centered

      an internet that works for people

    3. Brewster Kahle
    4. system

      that is the IndyWeb/Net/Hub/Lab ....

    5. semantic

      mutual learning symmathesy

    6. MindGraphs


    7. Semanticall


      mutual (l)earning

    8. Knowledge Graph


      associative complexes or plexes or MEMplEXes

    9. complex networks ofinterconnected elements

      associative complexes or plexes or MEMplEXes

    10. meta level graph


    11. graphs


    12. decentralized

      persona first, interpersonal networked

    1. protocol

      on top of thaat

      open, commons -based, evergreen constellations

    2. switch to any other with zero friction.

      zero friction

    3. A world robust against
      • censorship,
      • internet outages, and
      • would-be social monopolies.
    4. Imagine a world where no one but you controls anything. A world where everyone’s data is just ‘out there’,

      out there indeed

    1. have thepower to share any le orfolder or contact or event orwhatever with anyone

      This is what we need

      Your browser is your POD

      Can share with anyone with a browser

      progressively build trust starting from there

    1. Clean Code - Uncle Bob / Lesson 1

      web-indy://meme - not done when it works

    2. you got it working is only half the job

      once the code works that's when you have to clean it no<br /> one writes clean code first nobody does because it's just too hard to get code to work so once the code works it will be a mess human beings do not think in Nice straight lines they don't think in if statements and while loops they cannot foresee the entire algorithm so we piece the thing together we cobble it together with wire and scotch tape and then it suddenly work so we're not<br /> quite sure why and that's the moment when you say all right now I need to clean it how much time do you invest in cleaning it roughly the same amount of time it took you to write it and that's the problem nobody wants to put that effort in because they think they're done when it works you're not done when it works you're done when it's right and if you adopted that attitude well then the<br /> code would stay clean and you would never go through the slow down

    3. you're trying to make it work in and then all  of a sudden it works

      make it work

    1. not done when it works done when it is right

      make it work then make it right Description

    1. Mastofeed Embed a mastodon feed in your blog et cetera. https://www.mastofeed.com User guide


    1. Subsocial Web App Save Abandoned Web UI for decentralized social networks and marketplaces. Features: blogs, posts, comments, likes, reputation, feed and notifications. Built with Next.js, React and Ant Design.

    1. activity-feed Open-Source Projects (Apr 2023)LibHunthttps://www.libhunt.com › activity-feedLibHunthttps://www.libhunt.com › activity-feedactivity-feed Open-Source Projects · Stream-Framework. 16 4,693 0.0 Python. Stream Framework is a Python library, which allows you to build news feed, activity ...

    1. The apps are expressed through and arrayed around my circles of coherence:

      my circles of coherence

    2. Starting with the goal of personal coherence, how can we build and deploy applications of and for people?

      stop thinking of applications

      think about workflows

      My net DashBoard

      make all capabilities composable tinkerable, FAIR

    1. What is the "Home Page" -- i.e., what are the initial contents of the canvas viewing area? The Me-Holon?

      Assuming that hApps come to the player and work on and withing their owned information spaces

      they could be wowen into common workflows

      these workflows can be shown on the home page

      along with a start page/dashboard showing the latest state of each workflow in some reverse chronological order of attention/erecency

    2. View / Select Saved Views ()-- Displays a collection of Saved Views in the Canvas Viewing Area, allowing direct navigation to previously saved views.

      Looks like view spec

      The way MindGraph did its visualization, including the ability to save views

      and rehidrate the graph

    3. The initial release of the DAHN-2D Canvas Visualizer will also likely offer only a single choice of design system. The current leading candidate is Google's Material. Material can be thought of as an open-sourced meta design system. -- i.e., a system for creating design systems.

      material design

    1. Weak Ties & Strong Intros How to find the “dark leads” hiding in your network to generate client work

    1. Matt Schlicht@MattPRD Autonomous Agents Are The Fastest Growing Open-Source Technology In History - But... what are autonomous agents? - How do they work? - How can you build or use one? I wrote you the best overview on the planet. Get ready for your mind to explode
    1. Meta-fantasies

      collextive ikigai

    2. in touch with their individual and collective ikigai.

      individual and collective ikigai

    3. a joined-up group of Self-led others

      joined-up groups of Self-led

    4. valuable practice of being Self-led


    1. Ikigai between individual and collective

    2. a personal reason for being in the world – and add in the missing idea of the collective. Can we see collectives as the most potent vehicle for finding that sweet spot? Collectives need to find their own ikigai for this all to work for the best.


    1. Today we present a Telegram Login Widget for external websites. When you use Telegram login for the first time, our widget asks for your phone number and sends you a confirmation message via Telegram to authorize your browser. Once this is done, you get a two-click login on every website that supports signing in with Telegram. Try it here:

    1. Zsolt Viczián@zsviczianI think this is huge! I'm going to be using this new feature so much! I just released @excalidraw @obsdmd 1.9.0. You can now import PDF documents and annotate them in Excalidraw! https://youtu.be/nB4cOfn0xAs

    1. DOC to HTML Converter CloudConvert is an online document converter. Amongst many others, we support PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX. Thanks to our advanced conversion technology the quality of the output will be as good as if the file was saved through the latest Microsoft Office 2021 suite.

      online document converter

  5. bafybeiah6xwwlwy3v5rnox7auju22xtpnuuvgnfny7tozlp2ok6x2cc6ia.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeiah6xwwlwy3v5rnox7auju22xtpnuuvgnfny7tozlp2ok6x2cc6ia.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. arly German Piosophy


    2. Eckhare’s significance

      cannot be oiverestimated

    3. German Pietism and Hegel; Ramon Lull(1235-1316),

      german pietism

    4. “God is an infi-nite sphere whose center is everywhere, and whose circumference isnowhere.”



      circumference nowhere

    5. eturningback to it through the speculative activity of the philosopher.

      circular account

    6. “profoundly speculative man”


  6. Apr 2023
    1. something is fundamentally broken in the way the tools at our disposal have us use the web — and thus, our minds
      • something is fundamentally broken
      • in the way the tools at our disposal have us use the web
      • and thus, our minds
  7. bafybeif256apzzimba2sy447spztswmldk3d7rj4umbchhghsy4s4xyobe.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif256apzzimba2sy447spztswmldk3d7rj4umbchhghsy4s4xyobe.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. Person-Centric Architecture
      • determine what is urgent to me

      bring to me in a form that I - want - when - and how

      • I store the app's data
        • local-first
        • offline first
      • apps have to authenticate with me
      • // better still have it available even offline with cryptographic guaranties of authenticity and versioning in a way that Apps can become Evergreen, future proof, born FAIR interoperable as all work on my own(ed) data!

      • shape my own (not user) experience. coherent that works across all apps

      • compose them to provide my own workflow
      • bring the app to the data
        • // The Apps to me so I can compose my own Workflows
      • have visibility and control over who sees my data

    2. Provider (App)-Centric Architecture
      • establish identity with each app
      • apps stores information not just about me
        • but all I create
        • loss of ownershi
        • no custody
      • loose all when the apps disappears or so decides

      users as losers - drug dealers and - software companies call their customers 'users'

      They are in charge

    3. Providers Working Against Me
      • Attention-economy business model
      • distractive
    4. Data Disempowerment

      Worse it is Information Disempowerment

      All the information I scatter across apps is deifficult to gather

      Find, Access, CinterOperate(combine), resuse/share

      have conversations around

      so that it can in-form me and others with whiom I share

      on mye own terms

    5. My Fragmented Online Self

      fragmented online self - data - identity - experience - notifications

      UN FAIR Information about me by me

      ephemeral, hard to find when needed review reuse synthesize

    6. he burden of bringingcoherence

      burden of bringing - bringing coherence - capture salience - have conversations about them - is nay impossible

    7. A complex, multi-dimensionalhuman being (just like you)with both genetic (DNA)and memetic signatures

      People are complex, multidimensional beings

    8. profoundly and progressively disempoweringarchitecture.20

      profoundly and progressively disempowering architecture

    9. Fostering cooperation at global scale

      // eventual global scale need to be able to Scale Reach so that people and missions and Networked Autonomous Organi(zations|nism) Communities themselves can co-evolve to scale their collective capacities with eventual global scale/impact

      Plurality and autopoiesys of the Communications patterns are key of we wish to avoid dystopia

      Need to apply Conway's law backward:



      Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable

      and their work "composable" build on each others work and reorganize into larger wholes

    10. the problem with ceding access control to aggregators

      At this point we could offer access to post by offering a link to the contributors own(ed) IndySpace

      which will have links back to the original and can also encourage visitors to this page to join the aggregator by also being able to show hum much mnore is available over there

      scaling access, scaling reach

    1. The Peer-to-Peer CompanyHolepunch is a platform for creating apps that don’t use any servers whatsoever. No arbitrary limits just better apps that can be shipped instantly, directly to your users.

    1. A distributed, secure append-only log is a useful tool for creating fast and scalable applications without a backend, as it is entirely peer-to-peer.

      p2p log

    1. passwordless apps with private & secure user-owned data…all without a complex & costly cloud-native backend to maintain.

    1. tools that foster autonomy

      weaving Named Autonomous Interpersonal Networks connecting People, Ideas and things

      The IndyNet

    2. It’s about building our identity


    3. Our tools define our relationship with the world

      to : https://hyp.is/UYOrbOSeEe2TSHPmmdgOag/dev-indy0.fission.app/hyp/facet/aiframe.html?params={%22user%22:%22gyuri%22,%22group%22:%22all%22,%22url%22:%22%22,%22wildcard_uri%22:%22%22,%22tag%22:%22%22,%22any%22:%22shape%20tools%20us%22,%22max%22:%2220%22,%22service%22:%22https://hypothes.is%22,%22exactTagSearch%22:%22true%22,%22expanded%22:%22true%22,%22addQuoteContext%22:%22true%22,%22format%22:%22html%22,%22_separate_replies%22:%22false%22,%22groupName%22:%22All%22,%22sortBy%22:%22recency%22}

    1. exploring and thinking are one and the same


    1. SHRL is based upon augmented transition networks (ATNs)

      SHRL ~ based upon - ATNs - Augmented Transition Networks - developed in the early seventies

      for : What's in a Link

    2. Augmentation with Application Code
      • generating output as a side effect of "recognizing a shape"-

      • rule actions to be defined in RDF itself

    3. Shape Rule Language (SHRL)

    4. Shape Rule Language (SHRL)

      SHRL ~ pronounced - shurl

    1. Human Experience

      Not User Looser

    2. I need to prove my identity to the app in order to access the information about me that is hostaged by that app.

      need to prove my identity?

    3. few seem to question the architecture

      few do do https://twitter.com/search?q=software%20wasteland(from%3ATrailMarks%20OR%20from%3ATrailHub1)&src=typed_query&f=top

      Simonyi went even further and talked a bo ut the Death of Computer Languages per se

      quite right too

    4. provider(app)-centric

      app centric

    1. Google's NEW AI 'Dreamix' Takes the Industry By STORM! (NOW UNVEILED!)

    1. Én túllépek e mai kocsmán, az értelemig és tovább! Szabad ésszel nem adom ocsmány módon a szolga ostobát.

      Szabad ésszel nem adom ocsmány módon a szolga ostobát.

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Each graph has... | Download Scientific DiagramResearchGateExamples of a random network and a ...Attack Tolerance of Networks – Global4CastGlobal4CastAttack Tolerance of Networks – Global4CastRelated searchesscale free vs random networkscale free network graphsmall world scale free networkImage ResultsScale-free networks, a controversial topic solved by extreme mathematics – The Network PagesThe Network PagesScale-free networks, a controversial ...Types of Networks: Scale-Free, Power Law, and Degree Distribution – Nodus Labs Support CenterNodus Labs Support CenterNetworks: Scale-Free, Power Law ...Scarcity of scale-free topology is universal across biochemical networks | Scientific ReportsNatureScarcity of scale-free topology is ...Entropy | Free Full-Text | A Model for Scale-Free Networks: Application to TwitterMDPIA Model for Scale-Free Networks ...Scale-free networks, a controversial topic solved by extreme mathematics – The Network PagesThe Network PagesScale-free networks, a controversial ...Network Models - Random network, Scale-free network, Hiera… | FlickrLicensableFlickrNetwork Models - Random network, Scale ...Schematic representation of a scale-free network. 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We applied rigorous statistical tools to test for scale-free patterns in nearly 1000 networkTwitterScale-free networks ...Entropy | Free Full-Text | Conflict Dynamics in Scale-Free Networks with Degree Correlations and Hierarchical StructureMDPIConflict Dynamics ...Scale-Free Nature of Social Networks | SpringerLinkSpringer LinkScale-Free Nature of Social Networks ...Complexity ExplorerComplexity ExplorerComplexity ExplorerScale Free NetworksFutureLearnScale Free Networksa An example of a scale-free network. b An example of a small-world... | Download Scientific DiagramResearchGatea An example of a scale-free network. b ...Chapter 4 – Network Science by Albert-László BarabásiNetwork Science by Albert-László BarabásiChapter 4 – Network Science by Albert ...Graph database Neo4j Directed graph Degree, Scalefree Network, branch, symmetry png | PNGEggPNGEggGraph database Neo4j Directed graph ...Scale-Free Networks | ComputerworldComputerworldScale-Free Networks | ComputerworldEntropy | Free Full-Text | Generalized Ising Model on a Scale-Free Network: An Interplay of Power LawsMDPIGeneralized Ising Model on a Scale-Free ...Subnets of scale-free networks are not scale-free: Sampling properties of networks | PNASPNASSubnets of scale-free networks are not ...Complex Network IIFreeComplex Network IIPopular searchesscale free networkscale free distributionrandom networkImage ResultsExtended Scale Free Networks | FreakonometricsFreakonometrics - HypothesesExtended Scale Free Networks ...Scale-Free Nature of Social Networks | SpringerLinkSpringer LinkScale-Free Nature of Social Networks ...Simulating Scale-Free Networks using Python | by Saptarshi Chaudhuri | MediumMediumSimulating Scale-Free Networks using ...Entropy | Free Full-Text | A Model for Scale-Free Networks: Application to TwitterMDPIA Model for Scale-Free Networks ...Looks like you've reached the endLooks like you've reached the endUnable to load more. RetryWait while more content is being loadedLoading....JgfpDb.cZEg1e,.JgfpDb .cZEg1e {background-color:#171717;}.JgfpDb .hg1n7d {background-color:#171717;}.JgfpDb .T3kEIe {border-color:#3c4043;}.JgfpDb .AKESWd {fill:#9aa0a6;}.JgfpDb .w8utCe {background-color:#00000099;}.JgfpDb .gFhjPe {color:#ffffff;}.JgfpDb .QeR15e {fill:#ffffff;}.JgfpDb .WPHIuf {background-color:#8ab4f8;}.JgfpDb .Pw5kW {color:#202124;}.JgfpDb .legCh {background-color:#394457;}.JgfpDb .K8E1Be {color:#d2e3fc;}.JgfpDb .unDjgb {background-color:#303134;}.JgfpDb .MkRxHd {color:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .lAteZd {fill:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .gNSdQc {color:#8ab4f8;}.JgfpDb .mKq8g {color:#e8eaed;}.JgfpDb .V2CwNc {fill:#e8eaed;}.JgfpDb .goedYd {color:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .FdgZ8c {fill:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .ZoQenf {color:#9aa0a6;}.JgfpDb .jztYkb {background:#fdd663;}.JgfpDb .qxfcJd {background:#80868b;}.JgfpDb .b0vFpe {background-color:#000000;}.JgfpDb.cZEg1e,.JgfpDb .cZEg1e {background-color:#171717;}.JgfpDb .hg1n7d {background-color:#171717;}.JgfpDb .T3kEIe {border-color:#3c4043;}.JgfpDb .AKESWd {fill:#9aa0a6;}.JgfpDb .w8utCe {background-color:#00000099;}.JgfpDb .gFhjPe {color:#ffffff;}.JgfpDb .QeR15e {fill:#ffffff;}.JgfpDb .WPHIuf {background-color:#8ab4f8;}.JgfpDb .Pw5kW {color:#202124;}.JgfpDb .legCh {background-color:#394457;}.JgfpDb .K8E1Be {color:#d2e3fc;}.JgfpDb .unDjgb {background-color:#303134;}.JgfpDb .MkRxHd {color:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .lAteZd {fill:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .gNSdQc {color:#8ab4f8;}.JgfpDb .mKq8g {color:#e8eaed;}.JgfpDb .V2CwNc {fill:#e8eaed;}.JgfpDb .goedYd {color:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .FdgZ8c {fill:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .ZoQenf {color:#9aa0a6;}.JgfpDb .jztYkb {background:#fdd663;}.JgfpDb .qxfcJd {background:#80868b;}.JgfpDb .b0vFpe {background-color:#000000;}TwitterShareReport this result1,100 × 442Neo4j on Twitter: "Graphs take on many shapes, such as random, small-world and scale-free networks. These shapes come in different flavours, driven by specific characteristics. Find out more in chapter 2 ofVisitImages may be subject to copyright. Learn MoreLoading...Send feedbackGet help.JgfpDb.cZEg1e,.JgfpDb .cZEg1e {background-color:#171717;}.JgfpDb .hg1n7d {background-color:#171717;}.JgfpDb .T3kEIe {border-color:#3c4043;}.JgfpDb .AKESWd {fill:#9aa0a6;}.JgfpDb .w8utCe {background-color:#00000099;}.JgfpDb .gFhjPe {color:#ffffff;}.JgfpDb .QeR15e {fill:#ffffff;}.JgfpDb .WPHIuf {background-color:#8ab4f8;}.JgfpDb .Pw5kW {color:#202124;}.JgfpDb .legCh {background-color:#394457;}.JgfpDb .K8E1Be {color:#d2e3fc;}.JgfpDb .unDjgb {background-color:#303134;}.JgfpDb .MkRxHd {color:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .lAteZd {fill:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .gNSdQc {color:#8ab4f8;}.JgfpDb .mKq8g {color:#e8eaed;}.JgfpDb .V2CwNc {fill:#e8eaed;}.JgfpDb .goedYd {color:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .FdgZ8c {fill:#bdc1c6;}.JgfpDb .ZoQenf {color:#9aa0a6;}.JgfpDb .jztYkb {background:#fdd663;}.JgfpDb .qxfcJd {background:#80868b;}.JgfpDb .b0vFpe {background-color:#000000;}HALShareReport this result901 × 864[PDF] Small world networks and clustered small world networks with random connectivityVisitImages may be subject to copyright. Learn More


    1. Decentralized lending marketplace Earn on your assets or borrow to meet your needs without intermediaries in a secure way with our platform.

    1. This was a the original promise for the web. A place where you can congregate in your preferred spaces, rather than one giant tent where everyone pretended to be normies so as to not offend the advertisers.

      for : original promise web

    1. Woods, William A (1970). "Transition Network Grammars for Natural Language Analysis" (PDF). Communications of the ACM. 13 (10): 591–606. doi:10.1145/355598.362773.

      What's in a Link Author

    2. adding a recursive mechanism

      top down recursive descent parsing as in Meta-Lisp

    3. An augmented transition network or ATN is a type of graph theoretic structure used in the operational definition of formal languages, used especially in parsing relatively complex natural languages, and having wide application in artificial intelligence.

      is a - graph theoretic structure

      used in - definition of formal languages - parsing natural languages - AI

      // TrailMarks goes in the opposite direction - practical graph overlaying intentional mark in notation working at the level of associative complexes powered by praxtical extensible co-evolving graph based affordances - progressive injection of structure and interpretational affordances in a new way of augmented writing - augmenting human intellect rather than the machines

    1. differences between Datacenter and Residential proxies.

      residential proxies

    2. How to Use Chrome Browser Proxy Settings


    1. Margaret Wheatley

    2. Margaret Wheatley[34]
    3. A simpler way, Wheatley and Kellner-Rogers, 1998, https://www.worldcat.org/oclc/634222616
    4. Relationships are the pathways

      relationships ~ are - the pathways ~ for ~ organizing

      required for - the creation and - transformation - of - information,

      the expansion of - the organizational identity, and - accumulation of wisdom.

      Relationships - are formed with - information exchange - between - identifying / identifiable entities

      in identifying / identifiable organizings.

    5. Information is

      information - is - the medium of organizing

      Life ~ uses - information - to organize itself

      when : a system - assigns : meaning - to :data

      information ~ is ~ contextual ~ to - identities in relationships

    6. identity is the sense-making capacity of organizing.

      identity ~ is - the sense making capacity of organizing - of the selves - that - organize & - the selves - that - gets organized

      • narrative in nature
      • identities assemble in relationships

      involving & producing - personally & - socially - material information

    7. mistake legal identity for 'the real thing'. The legal construct of personal data[32] is similarly mistaken
    8. There is no such thing as personal data

      no such thing as : personal data - in the game of life

    1. A simpler way 25 reviewsAuthors:Margaret J. Wheatley, Myron Kellner-RogersPrint Book, English, 2003Edition:Paperback ed., [Nachdr.] View all formats and editionsPublisher:Berrett-Koehler, San Francisco, 2003
    1. ‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’)

      // the legal concept is conceived in terms of the viewpoint of service providers where

      // a natural person is designated as 'data subject' perfect step to disgusising information related to a person as data

    1. McCray, having coined the term

      McCray ~ coined the term : visioneering

      developing - a broad and comprehensive vision

      for how - the future might be radically changed by technology,

      doing - research and engineering

      to advance - this vision, and

      promoting - one’s ideas ~ to - the public and policy makers ~ in the hopes of - generating attention and - perhaps ~ even - realization”

      // prefix mark for trailmark (intentional term): ~ // postfix mark for trailmark term // prefix mark for Noun term (subject, object)

    2. isioneering (the engineering of a clear vision

      define : visioneering - engineering a clear vision

      // problems define their own envisioning pathways to solutions

    3. he Memex as the point of departure

      memex point of departure

    4. a Memex-inspired KM concept and system

      IPKM https://docdrop.org/video/QCkm0lL-6lc/ Inter(Planterary|Personal) Over Web Research Trails and Conversations an Evergreen Memex buitl from trust for trust for the Annotated Web

      Hypothesis Annimated Intro

    5. “generations-old” methods for diffusion and review deemed “totallyinadequate for their purpose
      • method of diffusion and review
      • totally inadequate for their purpose
      • tackling a steadily "growing mountain of research"
    6. ll easily accessibleand sharable with the “Memexes” of acquaintances

      shareable with Memexes = of acquaintances =

      // progrewsive involvment - visitor - audience - acquaintance - trusted peer - huddle - group - channel

    7. Memex, envisage

      = Memex - envisioned - intimate supplement to individuals’ memory,

      facilitate - storing, - recalling, - studying, and - sharing

      the “inherited knowledge of the ages”

    8. visioneering


    9. mutually beneficialco-evolution between individual and institutional KM activities

      mutually co-evolution between - individual and institutional KM activitites

    10. design scienceresearch

      DSR The envisioned - workflows, - infrastructure, - affordances, and - impact

      resulting from the - progressing design science - research and prototyping efforts

      // prototyping experiments driven research

      are - consolidated and reframed

    11. current KM unsustainabilities and emerging enabling technologies

      unsustainabilities emerging enabling technologies

    12. Boisot, M. Exploring the Information Space; University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2004; pp. 5–8.

      Exploring the Information space

    13. I-space [ 25].

      I-space Information Space

    14. twelve renowned KM models of knowledgecreation
    15. knowledge-based five-level-visioneering-framework

      visioneering framework

      Structure of the paper following personal knowledge management system (PKMS) project's six visioneering phases [15-17].

    16. supplement the reactive behavioral (natu-ral) science paradigm with the proactive design science paradigm to provide a roadmapfor conducting, and criteria for evaluating design science research in IT.

      reactive behavioral proactive

    17. embody “longitudinal streams ofresearch” where varied contributions need to be presented and published

      longitudional streams of research

    18. DSR undertakings are based on problem statements which, usually, are not framed ashypotheses and research questions since the focus is on design and development.

      not hypothesis but design and development

    19. related design science research (DSR) and prototyping

      DSR and prototyping

    20. contributing one’s own ideas and trails of interests,

      trails of interests

      // Yes Trail(Mark)s

    1. show that the way in which information is structured affects how it flows within agroup of agents

      actors not agents

    2. 'external scaffolding' of various kind

      external scaffoldings

    3. Exploring the information space: a strategicperspective on information systemsMax Boisot (boisot@attglobal.net)Researcher (IN3-UOC)Sol Snider Center for Entrepreneurial Research (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania)Working Paper Series WP04-003Submission date: January 2004Published in: May 2004

    1. surface structure interconnecting the content words of thesentence can always be represented as a graph deformation of the underlyingsemantic structure. This implies that certain word orders will be unacceptableways to express certain semantic intentions. As Fig. 3c illustrates, there is nograph deformation of the semantic structure in Fig. 3a which will provide asurface structure for the sentence in Fig. 3c; No matter how this is attemptedsome branches must cross. A surface structure is, by definition, a tree structurewithout crossing branches

      for : TrailMarks

      FLIP that : as synthetic autopoietic trailgraph formation and interpretative processes - structure and trailmark existing content presenting information in a way that intents can be rendered explicit in terms that themselves can be articulated and elaborated to the point of suggesting or even rendered effective their interpretation by humans first and potentially by in(formation) processing objects

      // Putting Humans at the center with machine supported information processing in the loop

      FLIP : Human in the Loop - current paradigm empowers machines first - with human being in the loop

      need systems that put - humans at the center of it All and - put machines into the loop for serving human needs first

    2. assumes a constraint betweenthe surface structure of the sentence and the graph structure of the sentence'snetwork representation. I have called this constraint the graph deformation con-dition. This constraint is illustrated in

      gloss : graph deformation condition

    3. analysis of a sentence

      synthesize articulate intent

    4. the graph deformation condition

      // analogue in : TrailMarks implicate graph in(formation) processing modules

      or rather

      in(formation) presented through intentional graph(formation) =

      of course everything can be "represented" uniformally as a graph

      and all that can be presented as trans(formation) of graphs mathing intent and human readable morphic forms

    5. The induced A T Ngrammar can be used both for sentence generation and sentence comprehension

      induced : ATN grammar - can be used for : sentence - generation & - comprehension

      // for : Anatomy of TrailMarks the "induced" (emergent through articulation) TrailMarks Intentional Meta Graph - can be used both for - articulating, externalizing information/content created by humans for humans through augmented authoring and enhancerd comprehenstion and - intentional interpretatation when the intentional structured made explicit thorugh mark in notation as clues are combined with effective description of computational processes composition of webnative computational objects that run in the browser typically javascript but really anything that can be run in the browser comforming tho the intentiona software as a conversation model of the IndyWeb

    1. Did you see the Estes park presentation on the OriginTrail system? I was wondering what your thoughts were. What's your take on 'decentralized' services backing onto a blockchain?

      great question thanks