3,419 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. to situate Concepts like next to or near or almost or approximately or sort of as being ontologically fundamental more fundamental than the apparent options 00:09:05 that they mediate between and this has

      metaphors we live by sort of ontologicaly fundamental

    2. the affordances provided by intercontextual proximity to be a pluralist or a post pluralist or even a non-dualist you have to have this

      affordances interconnected proximity

    3. spirituality as something you enact rather than something you have to believe

      enacted not believed

    4. ot bound by any singular overriding self-consistent sense of a totalized one

      self consistent toralized

    5. have in common is an appreciation of incompleteness as a coherent structural feature of the relationship between apparent Alternatives and the use of that to rebuild philosophy and Society
      • appreciation of incompleteness
      • a coherent structural feature


    1. HEGEL'S SCIENCE OF LOGIC: Formative Moments 1801-1807

      science of logic

    1. SSuite Grabby Screen RecorderDiscover our latest screen, webcam, and microphone recorder called Grabby...

    1. Pro It is an online and offline office suite that is also a Progressive Web Application

    2. Not cloud-based and completely server-less (it can be run online or offline).


    3. SSuite Office Online Review


    4. What is the best alternative to Cryptpad?
    1. Deep Cache

      with IPFS

      where documents as permanent interpersonal emergent networked pages form a global giant single documents eventually connecting everything

      • people
      • ideas
      • things
      • learning trails
      • knowledge grails

    2. everyone can re-use all contents

      reuse remix

    3. make content available with certain permissions; then distribute and maintain documents simply as lists of these contents
      • content available with certain permission s
      • distribute and maintain documents as list of these contents
    4. TRANSCOPYRIGHT FOR THE WEB A clean legal and technical system for re-using on-line content

      reshape for IndyWeb

    1. The Xanadu copyright model-- now called "transcopyright"-- takes a little more explaining.


    2. VLIT, Virtual Literary Format

      Virtual Literary format



      deep hypertext

      the Xanadu model

    1. promises of faceted search in discovering salient patterns of meaning that connect in the growing body of conversations and literature about transition/emergence into a post-pandemic future
      • faceted search
      • discovering salient patterns of meaning
      • connect in the growing body of conversations

      that ate continuous, permanent, evergreen, built from trust for trust without being synchronous

      scaling reach emergent self rating

  2. bafybeiafdvscfyjzy57nmic6nccaksvncfbvm2crhcnmsylej22uk4ecea.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeiafdvscfyjzy57nmic6nccaksvncfbvm2crhcnmsylej22uk4ecea.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. What Went Wrong? The Backstory

      // my thought What Korzibski calls essentialism

      the constructive subliminal contsraining influence of languages with the copula

    2. Context Changes EverythingHow Constraints Create CoherenceAlicia Juarrero
    1. Context Changes EverythingDownloaded from http://direct.mit.edu/books/book-pdf/2133506/book_9780262374774.pdf by guest on 13 July 2023

  3. bonfirenetworks.org bonfirenetworks.org
    1. Open source toolkit for digital spaces Customisable, Decentralised, Self-governed. Welcome to the digital space of the future.


    1. intended way.

      text- search : inten


      • Perceptual characteristics of the object itself indicate
      • what action possibilities are available and desired
        • – e.g., a door handle.

      These obvious properties - prompt users to use - the affordance

      in an intended way. -

    2. An affordance is, in essence

      An affordance is, in essence, - an action possibility - in the relation between - user and an object. - that determine just - how the object could possibly be used

      need reformulating

      in terns of intents -


    3. Description

    1. search : meaning affordances


    2. Lifesystem: The Notion of Affordance Analysis | by Oliver Ding | CALL4 | Medium


    1. This means we get a two-way conversation flowing between our web locations

      "locations" should be people doing it for themesleves

      ReImagining the Web as the : People-Centered Internet

      "An Interment That works For People"

      bulltby people, for the people, literally "of the people"

      a web that is woven using un-enclose-able carriers

      so the human autonomy and dignity is not just an alienable birth right but is guaranteed by design/constitutions


    2. the mono-directional link

    1. the principle of "Parallel Documents, Visibly Linked"

      the principle of "Parallel Documents, Visibly Linked" – - the proposed interface presented documents side-by-side,and included features like - version control and - Bi-Directional Links.

    1. Personal ways of knowledge acquisition

      Personal ways of knowledge acquisition and its cooperatively manageable organization represent meta-information concerning the problem situation that determines the conceptual structure of the problem space. Representation of the search for information and its conceptual organization provide keys to problem definition and consequently to its solution. We reconsider concept organization and visual knowledge representation tools that augment human problem solving. By “augmented knowledge architectures” we refer to Douglas C. Engelbart’s (1962) conceptual framework for augmenting human intellect. Reconsidering his vision we argue, that in order to realize the potential of human-computer interactions for building augmented knowledge architectures we need to develop platforms for cooperative problem solvers along the lines of a ‘Wikipedia of Concepts’. Analyzing next generation techniques such as Google’s Knowledge Graph and existing relational representations and visualizations of knowledge structures we make explicit proactive requirements for next generation platforms, called “Conceptipedia”, in the spirit of Engelbart’s original approach

    2. Computer enhanced technology gives us

      Computer enhanced technology gives us - access to collective knowledge that - needs to be - contextualized, - personalized, and - reorganized.

      This : knowledge work is a major task for - next generation learners and - knowledge workers

      for whom - searching, - gathering, - digesting, - producing, and - presenting information

      makes sense - in personal problem solving contexts

    1. you've written you've read stuff that was not written in the way you are seeking to read it

      not written in a way that u r seeking to read it

    2. best

    3. so you are interfering with their reading process when you're writing I

  4. Jun 2023
    1. The computer Arts imitate creation itself

      @gyurilajos7220 1 minute ago (edited) Kay said at the end of his talk just before Engelbart was to give a talk: The Greeks held that the Arts imitate Life. The computer Arts imitate creation itself. https://twitter.com/search?q=arts%20imitate(from%3ATrailMarks%20OR%20from%3ATrailHub1)&src=typed_query&f=top

      That is our responsibility: Dreaming awake at the end of times. Honoring the complexity of our situations


    2. Alan Kay on stronger and weaker conceptions of computing--and life
    3. computer science is an oxymoron software engineering of an oxymoron

      = computer science = software engineering - is a = pop culture - because = it - is - not - curious - about = the past - or = the future - only - curious about = establishing - it's - own = identity - xx - - is an = oximoron - - not : curious about the past


    1. Yonatan@founderYonzFollows you@getallspark http://lofi.software @HarvardHBS Previously worked as a dev at @LinkedIn @Qulacomm. Passionate about user-owned auth, storage, and personalization.Entrepreneuryonz.devJoined September 2009

      user-owned auth

    1. = computer science = software engineering

      https://lnkd.in/d85dMwDP https://docdrop.org/video/OcZSnLYguHU/#annotations:lIBaSmHrEe276gez4Ts2ng = computer science = software engineering is an OXYMORON

      is a = pop culture because = it is - - not - curious about = the past or - = the future

      only - curious about = - establishing - it's - own = identity - is an = oximoron

      in real science like physics you would be thrown out if you did not know what Newton or Galileo did busy reinventing the flat tire

      https://lnkd.in/d7PX57_n https://lnkd.in/dWwfwPq7



    1. Stanford Seminar: I forgot, I invented hypertext - @TheTedNelson https://lnkd.in/dTCAZ4Tf via @YouTube Xanadu vision lives onSystems of indexingVirtual Documents with two way meaning/intentful links & transclusionassigning permanent high resolution to all trailmarked clues

    1. Mere Simulacrity

    2. she said in these apps I can see and do full WYSIWYG opera authoring and the web browser has all these modes and I 00:16:55 have to type through a keyhole and I have to wait to see whether what I did was ok and all these stuff and and why is that she asked me and I said well it's because the stuff you like was 00:17:09 invented in the 70s and the stuff you don't like was invented 20 years late
    3. search-InterPersonal Computing

      pdf-twitter-search-interpersonal computing tweets


    4. use our mail system as the spine

      make p2p async communcation integral to the vision

    5. way we communicate is what's going to be important here and we want to communicate not with just words but with words in any text pictures sounds

      the way we communication

      not just with words

      but words in any text

      Ambient high resolution meaningful intertwingularity

      using All ways links

      Two-way meaningful links +

      plus everything information units

      the link themselves

      are all linked to

      authors and readers

      intertwingling content intent and people involved

    6. personal computing which was 00:00:23 improving individual productivity

      personal computing

      improving individual productivity

    7. interpersonal computing is the 00:00:11 desire to improve group productivity and collaboration

      improve group productivity


      personal computing

    1. John Vervaeke@vervaeke_johnPsychology and Cognitive Science Professor | Integrating science and spirituality to solve the #MeaningCrisis

  5. bafybeidj5gz2bp4ler4bml2phoken4oit54wzufzone4kwbijg4pav5ljq.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeidj5gz2bp4ler4bml2phoken4oit54wzufzone4kwbijg4pav5ljq.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. Structuring thoughts and actions into trails

      net dashboard

      TrailMarks goes universal - as HyperMarks

      opens up the possibility for - blazing trails of actions weaving personal workflows

      composing workflows - accross web services indyweb capabailities

      describe in - intellectually manageable, - resusable, - extensible, - tinkerable form

      • what's going on,
      • will happen, but are amenable to the "pun"
      • that a HyperDocument/ HyperPlex Page that

      integrates/articulates - info structures and - description of intents

      can be interpreted to accompish the desired - info transfor mation and - present the result in a form

      that not only is amenable to - morphic interaction - but is also a permanent record of a state of a broader space

    2. Personal data

      data concerning people is but people in disguise

      design for Humans HX not UX

      • We, the people, are disguised as data to serve the needs of corporations and machines.
      • Stop that practice.
      • Ensure that people have full custody and autonomous control over all the information/data concerning them,
      • all that they generate as they interact with
      • corporation, institutions, vendors, businesses, etc
      • so their rights would be upheld and guaranteed by construction

      c.f https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/HRIndicators/GuidanceNoteonApproachtoData.pdf

    3. identity should be

      dystopia of SSI identity should be - portable and - secure across the internet

      as with hyperdocuments themselves

      we need to go meta and virtual with identities

      location independence of all capabilities combined with the interpersonal communication layer provided on the IndyWeb identities and peoples own emergent trust based social networks remains under personal control and share on terms that people control themselves

      Human social networks are NOT transactional networks but networks build from trust for trust and deep collaboration

      ]real identity](https://hypothes.is/a/st49PMMLEe2IYWM0LNu6EQ)

      need privacy and security

    4. understand.
    5. re-purpose pre-existing tools
      • to solve the easiest problems
      • without starting from scratch

      IndyLab allows - based on location independence of IPFS - so that they can provide services for people - on their own(ed) devices, off line first - and allow them to create their own(ed) - autonomous workflows across pre-existing tools

    6. withoutcompromising our focus
  6. bafybeif256apzzimba2sy447spztswmldk3d7rj4umbchhghsy4s4xyobe.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif256apzzimba2sy447spztswmldk3d7rj4umbchhghsy4s4xyobe.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. The prevailing internet architecture is not the answer

      // IndyWeb is about Flipping the Web // Not enought to Shifft the paradigm - from centralized to decentralized (just to be decent) - need to Flip it completely

      This presentation identifies and articulates in a clear way the same problems that we address with the IndyWeb

      Problems seem to define their own solutions the annotations highlight the most important points of convergence

      Memetic Activation Platform discussed here

      from : - App-Centric / Prover centric

      Tight coupling of - identity, - data, - user interface & app functionality - echoes EA Business Silos – era of Function Automation

    1. Knowledge Graphs Interest Group at the Alan Turing Institute This interest group will facilitate research and innovation in a critical area of data science and AI.

  7. bafybeid2x24x7kmo6a6t45ssd7gousoyyht562z4rsgpkx5o75tolauow4.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeid2x24x7kmo6a6t45ssd7gousoyyht562z4rsgpkx5o75tolauow4.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. providing a free service does not havemuch running cost

      One up on that. The cheapest service provision of all is the one you do not need to provide.

      Custody of information and even communication and computation is the key to Autnomy

    2. Google Sign In

      ditched that, aor any other's like it.

    3. Google account is required

      IndyWeb, The Flipped web insits in no accojnt needed ever. Not even Just one Login, on the new Web services authenticate with you, then one links one's Virtual Identities on one owned device will all the others.

    4. Google Drive

      Inteded as a spring board for a srotrage provider independent solution, preferably Personal First Off line First.

      IPFS Desktopm Fossil, Perkeep, Peergos Web3Storage, Pinata, Fission are the alternatives we areconsidering.

    5. Trapped in their “walled gardens” users lack anend to end workflow.

      workflows are important. Because "Knowledge Work" is in a sense all encompassing. If you are in IT, then 90% of all your work is Knowledge work. If you are in a business, the higher level you are the more all your work is essentiallly Knowledge work, knowledge of People mainly and your sector.

    6. Business Idea

      We see a gap in the market of knowledge management solutions which support personal knowledge work end to end. That is, from the first note you make on a topic of interest, through the detailed research and presentation of your findings and ideas, which create re-usable, re-purposable, reproducible, and re-enactable dynamic Research and Knowledge Objects, which together eventually constitute a self-organizing Lifelong Personal Digital Archive of all your work. It provides a place where you can keep and have the tools that help you to ‘bring to mind what you have in mind’. Our holistic solution fills the gap in personal knowledge management tools, and is not only available for desktops, but also for mobile devices

    7. he power of semantic search, turning strings to things

      semantic search (wince, wince)

      In MindPlex (hyperdocument space spanned my hypermark compositions into shapes)

      Plex Pages have composite names shapes plus

      Thery are treated as indeces to high resolution meaningfully linked contexts

      Not forrests of propositional trails but

      releavant content snippets

      as search results are bnut dynamic hyperdocuments they are amenabe to be treated as any other hyperdocfument, ie.e. highresolution annotated , associated in meaningful ways with any hisgh resolution relevant snippets etc

    8. gap in the market

      Yeh but is there a market in that Gap.

      Now Roam Research created it. They paid the price what I was not prepared to do, In any case Woud have little chance without VC funding which is not the way I ever wanted it to go.

      Now there is an awareness of it

      From the word go the personal was envisaged to be interpersonal, and that required the kind of communication and storage and computation infrastructure that was not there.

    9. t exploits its “soft” (non formal)semantic capabilities

      non formal symmathetic capabilities

      where everything is a conversation between oneself through time and with the Others

      so is the Software needed to conduct therser conversations

    10. meta-reflective meta-design capabilitie

      see Inmdyweb Virtual Document Spaces are virtual in two sense of the world

      MEMplEX spaces are Named Everything Networks, permanent Hypermedia powered by IPFS

      so documents are not enclosures of complete and consistent information, but the meterailize for the reader as the attention of focus is shifted on reading/writing

      where intertwingularity reigns supreme,

      while at the same time avery document Plex Page is verifiably attributed to the creator, and even the access to it is controlled by the author, all participants maintain their own verifiable record of all the interaction information flows they engage in.

      HyperDocuments are Virtual in the sense that The IndyPlex HyperDocument Kernel is a Virtual Machine for HyperDocuments, in this sense that HyperDocuments are Universal as UniversalMachines

      (With this we go beyond turing Equivalence because these documents are created for Human comnsumption first, so their expressive power goes way byond what mahines can handle, as they require completeness and consitency) Not true for LISP as it is homoiconic, and the computational model allows incomplete descriptions )

      but when it comes to human articulation the more we write the more incomplete our account becomes as each page introduces futher pages et

      We can converge because there will be cycles,

      but not turing rwuivbslenty vbirtyual machine can accommote the level of divergence an incompleteness with which the mind can be comfortable with, It is a fact of life that must be comfortable with the inknown even with unkonw unkown, while computational ystems are restricted to known unkonws

      Intentional Trails in Pages are self-hosting articulation of info-strucure-communication-computation patterns and when fully elaborated can be used as software artifact

    11. offers collaboration via Google Docs

      With a complete round trip between personal knowledge works captured as HTML and Google Docs

      Wtih the Indyweb collaboration between people is supported with the same way that the Individual is able to search explore, synthesize, annotate, comment on and revise past work in the process of creating new synthesis from this through time collaboration and conversations.

    12. knowledge about Things of interest.

      Instead of curating Knowledge of Interest

      the emphasis is on articulation, discovery and organizing web resources for scaling synthesis and symmathesy mutual learning trails and associateve complexes constituting a MEMEpleX

    13. a graph

      graph is a very limiting concept and it is a concept fo Representation

      whereas what we care about is presentation for human consumption which maximizes comprehension and articulation yet amenable to interpretative processes

    14. assigned types and properties on the fly

      it is not the notes that are assighe types and properties

      but thanks to TrailMark Symmathetic In-Notation

      Clues (structured tet/information interpersed with plain-text innotations and property defitintions

      Clues are a comnbination of trails of Trail/Hypermarks and Targets, whcih themselves can be named Plex Pages with their own self-organizing info-structure structured with TrailMakrs Clues and Cluetrails

    15. atomic notes

      seemed a good idea at the time

      today the basic unit is a MEMEpleX

      associative complexes all laid out in a plan on a page using transclusion and dynamic zooming for reading and writing

      Instead of two way linking between atomic notes

      use high resolution meaningful bidirectional links the meaning/intent of the link is made explicit as a TrailMark with its onw meta level Space

    16. WikiNizer™ Research

      Networked Thinking/Learning tool

      Roam Research like but local first, Personal First

      making it interpersonal on the IndyWeb

    17. It supports a connectivist learning mode

      It supports a connectivist learning model and as a - “self-curating” semantic knowledge management tool

      it can be used in - problem and project based learning to - explore resources and - conceptual relationships,

      helping us to - define learning paths and workflows, or - design meta-level didactic object structures and activities.

      It is a tool which helps us - track meaning construction in a - situated, - intent dependent and - dynamic manner.

      It is a holistic solution which integrates - web research, - linked data, - annotation, - note-taking and knowledge organization - into a Lifelong Personal Digital Archive of - “born reproducible”, - ab initio - re-purposable, and - re-enactable, - Research Objects

    18. Using Freebase as a

      Using Freebase as a linked data source it - harvests and contextualizes semantically structured information, - empowering us to curate a private Knowledge Graph of Things, with a view also - to enhancing collaborative knowledge work.

      Its users - integrate open web data within the - content driven graph architectures of their personal learning environments.

      It enables us to - elaborate upon the emergent dynamic graphs which - articulate the typed connections that exist between ‘Things’ of interest, - facilitating the emergence of novel concepts in the - associated complexes of content which are organized into node based structures

    19. visual Wiki-likeknowledge orgaNizer


  8. bafybeicgtvlrry72bz7cujqxr5yaenorik7gznq4e54yc23bipbkzaj7tm.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeicgtvlrry72bz7cujqxr5yaenorik7gznq4e54yc23bipbkzaj7tm.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. physical style ofhuman augmentation

      physical bionic augmentation

    2. bionic, hardware-augmented future in which humans andmachines merge to form powerful new entities

      merge with the machine## bionic augmentation

    3. personal intelligence augmentation (IA)

      degrading augmenting intellect to ontelligence

    4. The Design of Artifacts for Augmenting Intellect

      The title refers to Autmenting Intellect

      Yet it talks about IA as Intelligence Augmentation

      degraded and brought closer to Artificial Intelligence

      not Symbioitic Human-Software Individual Intellect eternalized into a form that can be explored, angaged with and synthesized thorugh inter personal collabnoration

      improving what Doug Called our Collective IQ

      Not intelligencer but our capacity to to comprehend and engage and make intelligent choices togehter that makximize future choices and thrivabiity

    5. from https://hyp.is/OYfTnBGMEe6ajFf-1XzZiA/scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&q=augmenting+human+intellect&btnG=

      goals - annote - my goal here is to highlight points of overlap and divergence from the one articulated in this paper and my current views as we are creating a lunch community of our own

    1. AUGMENTING HUMAN INTELLECT: EXPERIMENTS, CONCEPTS, AND POSSIBILITIES.DC Engelbart - 1965 - apps.dtic.milEarly stages of research on augmenting human intellect are reported. An experimental system comprising a tapewriter tape-punching typewriter, a computer-programmed Translator, …
    2. google scholar - search augmenting human intellect

    1. a "learning community" as we are a "launch community."
      • learning and
      • launch community

    2. Dynamic Knowledge Repository (DKR).

      Every instance of IndyLab running on peoples owned devices is plugged into and able to contribute to

      an Open Mutual Learning Commons

      an interplanetary interpersonal DKR

    1. ENGAGE 2023 - NETSCOUT Technology & User SummitNetscouthttps://www.netscout.com › engageNetscouthttps://www.netscout.com › engageLink to Engage homepage. Netscout Technology & User Summit. Register now. Attend. Agenda overview · Events · Plan your trip. Learn. Hands-on Workshops.Oct 2 - Oct 5NETSCOUT ENGAGE 2023 ...

    1. designing information infrastructure in ways that favour de-centralisation

      designing constellation for information creation/curation/conversational collaboration harnessing decen(tralized) protocols

      decentralization shifts the parading from centralized silos to a decent/distributed modes, at the edges, where we, the people operate, with increase in autonomy.

      But what is needed is to flip the centralized paradigm and put people at the center.

      Interpersonal trust networks build for trust from trust,

      Empowering individuals and communities to create their own - autonomous digital spaces of their own

      that are born interoperable with anything in that - space of permanent hypermedia - HyperDocuments,

      that are - local first, - offline first for all participants

      yet supports interpersonal collaboration in all collaborative modalities, - real-(time, - eventually consistent async messaging, - continuous without being synchronous,

      while maintaining - full contiguity of their own personal/community work and digital engagements

      independent of the tools they use for that purpose.

      As the IndyVerse/Web/Net/Lab/Learning Commons is piloted at the moment

      it also offers deep integration with - web annotation services like Hypothesis and Memex, but any other system can readily be bi integrated (two ways) as plug-outs ready to be integrated into individuals' own(ed) workflows

      the IndyWeb also makes use of TrailMarks (generalized into HyperMarks in the IndyVerse of Intentional Morphic HyperDocuments

      that itself has 'Universality' in the sense of "Universal Machines'

      providing a universal way of designating info structures on the fly, as one writes, and intended interpretation across hypermedia content decouple from the means that were used to create them Where documents are not considered enclosures but dynamic views in a global giant emergent permanent digital spaces

      in the first place. Think of TrailMarks as a plain text Symmathetic Mark-In notation that can be added to any content unobtrusively along with the machinery needed to play this intentional/semanttic/symmathetic game

      That's what the indyWeb/Net/Hub/Lab pilots

      It aims to complete existing systems, including centralized ones.

      Centralized system offer global reach, at the risk of censorship, decentralized systems are uncensorable but very limited in reach as they represent technical and other barriers to on-boarding.

      On the IndyWeb that Flips the web from server/provider centric to People-centric

      IndyNet offers zero friction on-boarding and proogressiver trust networks with potential eventually global reach where servi

      for - flipped web - offline first

    1. When statements in documents become addressable resources on the web, we can weave them together in the way Vannevar Bush imagined.

      Yes, that's Trailmarks on the Indyweb

      Open HyperDocument System on the interpersonal interplanetary web

      the IndyWeb

      the flipped web

      (inter)personal net dashboard

    2. There’s a tool of his trade called a claim chart. It’s a two-column table. In column one you list claims that a patent is making, which are selections of text from the claims section of the patent.

      claim chart

    3. So let’s stare in amazement at another interesting URL

    4. It’s a nice example of how open source components can enable an ecosystem of interoperable annotation services.

      open source components enable annotation systems

    5. Weaving the annotated web

      for Open Hyperdocument System

      back to the future project IndyWeb

    1. Existence. Users must have an independent existence.Any self-sovereign identity can never exist wholly in digital form. It simply makes some real-life aspects of a person public and accessible

      Need to explore the space that opens up when we affirm the opposite.

      I interact - here in this space Therefore I AM exists virtually in this virtual space!

      All we need is verifiable provenance - audit trail - of all engagements mutually held - privately, - securely, - full custody and control exercised by the Human Actor!

      by participants in virtual Networked Interactions

      flipped web


      Back to the Future project of realizing Engelbart's Vision of Open Hyperdocument System

      Open Hyperdocument System

    1. For individuals, legal entities and devices alike, a verifiableand trusted identity is necessary to interact and transactwith others

      transact yes but not for forming autononomnous trust networks

  9. bafybeicwxswjcvcix3gm575tdiduh4wkrdd54xjpjxzz54juzectjlnxzi.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeicwxswjcvcix3gm575tdiduh4wkrdd54xjpjxzz54juzectjlnxzi.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. perma-an-note // inspired to write

      Complete the Web with - commons based - peer bootstrapped - constellations for - Evergreen - eventually global, nay interplanetary - Networked interpersonal Social Media - around which - interest/mission focused social networks can grow - connecting creators with their audiences, problems with solutions, directly - weaving the Autonomous Open Mutual (l)earning Commons into a virtual co-evolving Open (to change) HyperDocument System as a co-evolving engine for cultural co-evolution

      image credit https://hyp.is/Muzejvb7Ee2RqYO2PQHAjA/hackernoon.com/so-you-want-to-leave-facebook-1ab3603f164a?gi=9b2a7e73310f&utm_campaign=Decentral%20Cafe&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20newsletter

    1. Launch Community

      fascinated by the idea of a Launch Community

      We are about to create our own

      on the IndyWeb


      Back to the future of Open Hyperdocument System

      come back where we have sgtarted and see it for the first time

    1. Doug Engelbart    (03) no bio    (015) Projects: Hyperscope, Open Hyperdocument System    (


      Launch Community

      Need to create one for the IndyWeb especially because

      it is based on the idea of a Universal HyperDocument

      and that Computer Supported Personal Work

      and Computer Supported Collaborative Work

      requires one that is Personal First with full provenance and recapitulable history

      evergreen forward compatible

      what that means is Personal Work is

      interpersonal with past versions of the OHS

      So we need only to Bootstrap one Integral Intentional Evergreen extensible self-hosting HyperDocument System that is based on the notion of a Universal Hyperdocument System


    1. If an e-mail repository is considered a document, then receiving e-mail could be thought of as adding new nodes to the e-mail repository "document."

      That's right

      Everything is a HyperDocument

      self-describing self-structuring interpreting

    2. OHS Scenarios


    1. first-class excerpts are a promising concept.


    2. creators moving at their natural speed of thought.

      speed of thought

    3. Everything together

      That is a must

    4. for - cortex dylan steck

    5. Creativity is about making connections.

      creativity = making connections

    6. Muse: designing a studio for ideas

      for - cortex dylan steck

    1. Steve Jobs on Creativity Reading Time: 2 minutes “Originality depends on new and striking combinations of ideas.”

      for - cortex dylan steck

    2. for - cortex dylan steck

    1. Clay Shirky uses the term “situated software” to describe apps written for one person or just a small group of people

      situated software

    2. Empowered computing

      Empowered HoimeBrew Software in the long tail

    3. End-user programming Ink & Switch March 2019

      Citizen Programming

      We are not users loosers

    1. Attribute selectorsThe CSS attribute selector matches elements based on the presence or value of a given attribute.

      <svg id="mdn-docs-logo" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 361 104.2" style="enable-background:new 0 0 361 104.2" xml:space="preserve" role="img"><title>MDN Web Docs</title><path d="M197.6 73.2h-17.1v-5.5h3.8V51.9c0-3.7-.7-6.3-2.1-7.9-1.4-1.6-3.3-2.3-5.7-2.3-3.2 0-5.6 1.1-7.2 3.4s-2.4 4.6-2.5 6.9v15.6h6v5.5h-17.1v-5.5h3.8V51.9c0-3.8-.7-6.4-2.1-7.9-1.4-1.5-3.3-2.3-5.6-2.3-3.2 0-5.5 1.1-7.2 3.3-1.6 2.2-2.4 4.5-2.5 6.9v15.8h6.9v5.5h-20.2v-5.5h6V42.4h-6.1v-5.6h13.4v6.4c1.2-2.1 2.7-3.8 4.7-5.2 2-1.3 4.4-2 7.3-2s5.3.7 7.5 2.1c2.2 1.4 3.7 3.5 4.5 6.4 1.1-2.5 2.7-4.5 4.9-6.1s4.8-2.4 7.9-2.4c3.5 0 6.5 1.1 8.9 3.3s3.7 5.6 3.7 10.2v18.2h6.1v5.5zm42.5 0h-13.2V66c-1.2 2.2-2.8 4.1-4.9 5.6-2.1 1.6-4.8 2.4-8.3 2.4-4.8 0-8.7-1.6-11.6-4.9-2.9-3.2-4.3-7.7-4.3-13.3 0-5 1.3-9.6 4-13.7 2.6-4.1 6.9-6.2 12.8-6.2s9.8 2.2 12.3 6.5V22.7h-8.6v-5.6h15.8v50.6h6v5.5zm-13.3-16.8V52c-.1-3-1.2-5.5-3.2-7.3s-4.4-2.8-7.2-2.8c-3.6 0-6.3 1.3-8.2 3.9-1.9 2.6-2.8 5.8-2.8 9.6 0 4.1 1 7.3 3 9.5s4.5 3.3 7.4 3.3c3.2 0 5.8-1.3 7.8-3.8 2.1-2.6 3.1-5.3 3.2-8zm61.5 16.8H269v-5.5h6V51.9c0-3.7-.7-6.3-2.2-7.9-1.4-1.6-3.4-2.3-5.7-2.3-3.1 0-5.6 1-7.4 3s-2.8 4.4-2.9 7v15.9h6v5.5h-19.3v-5.5h6V42.4h-6.2v-5.6h13.6V43c2.6-4.6 6.8-6.9 12.7-6.9 3.6 0 6.7 1.1 9.2 3.3s3.7 5.6 3.7 10.2v18.2h6v5.4h-.2z" class="logo-text"></path><path d="M42 .2 13.4 92.3H1.7L30.2.2Zm10.4 0v92.1H42V.2Zm40.3 0L64.2 92.3H52.5L81 .2Zm10.4 0v92.1H92.7V.2Z" class="logo-m"></path><path d="M294 95h67v8.8h-67z" class="logo-_"></path></svg>

    1. document.querySelectorAll('[property="value"]'); // All with "property" set to "value" exactly.

      <svg id="mdn-docs-logo" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 361 104.2" style="enable-background:new 0 0 361 104.2" xml:space="preserve" role="img"><title>MDN Web Docs</title><path d="M197.6 73.2h-17.1v-5.5h3.8V51.9c0-3.7-.7-6.3-2.1-7.9-1.4-1.6-3.3-2.3-5.7-2.3-3.2 0-5.6 1.1-7.2 3.4s-2.4 4.6-2.5 6.9v15.6h6v5.5h-17.1v-5.5h3.8V51.9c0-3.8-.7-6.4-2.1-7.9-1.4-1.5-3.3-2.3-5.6-2.3-3.2 0-5.5 1.1-7.2 3.3-1.6 2.2-2.4 4.5-2.5 6.9v15.8h6.9v5.5h-20.2v-5.5h6V42.4h-6.1v-5.6h13.4v6.4c1.2-2.1 2.7-3.8 4.7-5.2 2-1.3 4.4-2 7.3-2s5.3.7 7.5 2.1c2.2 1.4 3.7 3.5 4.5 6.4 1.1-2.5 2.7-4.5 4.9-6.1s4.8-2.4 7.9-2.4c3.5 0 6.5 1.1 8.9 3.3s3.7 5.6 3.7 10.2v18.2h6.1v5.5zm42.5 0h-13.2V66c-1.2 2.2-2.8 4.1-4.9 5.6-2.1 1.6-4.8 2.4-8.3 2.4-4.8 0-8.7-1.6-11.6-4.9-2.9-3.2-4.3-7.7-4.3-13.3 0-5 1.3-9.6 4-13.7 2.6-4.1 6.9-6.2 12.8-6.2s9.8 2.2 12.3 6.5V22.7h-8.6v-5.6h15.8v50.6h6v5.5zm-13.3-16.8V52c-.1-3-1.2-5.5-3.2-7.3s-4.4-2.8-7.2-2.8c-3.6 0-6.3 1.3-8.2 3.9-1.9 2.6-2.8 5.8-2.8 9.6 0 4.1 1 7.3 3 9.5s4.5 3.3 7.4 3.3c3.2 0 5.8-1.3 7.8-3.8 2.1-2.6 3.1-5.3 3.2-8zm61.5 16.8H269v-5.5h6V51.9c0-3.7-.7-6.3-2.2-7.9-1.4-1.6-3.4-2.3-5.7-2.3-3.1 0-5.6 1-7.4 3s-2.8 4.4-2.9 7v15.9h6v5.5h-19.3v-5.5h6V42.4h-6.2v-5.6h13.6V43c2.6-4.6 6.8-6.9 12.7-6.9 3.6 0 6.7 1.1 9.2 3.3s3.7 5.6 3.7 10.2v18.2h6v5.4h-.2z" class="logo-text"></path><path d="M42 .2 13.4 92.3H1.7L30.2.2Zm10.4 0v92.1H42V.2Zm40.3 0L64.2 92.3H52.5L81 .2Zm10.4 0v92.1H92.7V.2Z" class="logo-m"></path><path d="M294 95h67v8.8h-67z" class="logo-_"></path></svg><svg width="0" height="0"><defs><linearGradient id="pride-gradient"><stop offset="0"></stop><stop offset=".2"></stop><stop offset=".4"></stop><stop offset=".6"></stop><stop offset=".8"></stop><stop offset="1"></stop></linearGradient><linearGradient href="#pride-gradient" id="pride-gradient-v" x1="0" x2="0" y1="0" y2="1" gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox"></linearGradient><linearGradient href="#pride-gradient" id="pride-gradient-h" x1="0" x2="1" y1="0" y2="0" gradientUnits="objectBoundingBox"></linearGradient></defs></svg>

    1. any company whose business can be improved by expressing itself more clearly to its constituencies.


    1. Videojs Annotation Comments A plugin for video.js to add support for timeline moment and range annotations.

      for - video player - vdeojs - annotation comments

    1. The video below begins with his explanation of "Class Free" OOP. However, the context makes it clear that Crockford's interest in this pattern extends beyond JavaScript. He's describing what the next major programming language will look like, and it ditches classes.

      ditch classes

    1. Class-Free Object-Oriented Programming - Depth-Firstdepth-first.comhttps://depth-first.com › articles › 2019/03/04 › class-f...depth-first.comhttps://depth-first.com › articles › 2019/03/04 › class-f...Mar 4, 2019 — This article first discusses the idea that classes in OOP may have outlived their original purpose, and concludes with a class-free OOP example ..

    1. Personal computers were about you interacting with the machine. Interpersonal computers were about you interacting with others via the machine.

      personal computers

      was about interacting with - the machine

      interpersonal computers

      were about you interacting with - others

      via the machine

    2. search - interpersonal computing - steve jobs from - twitter

      ring - https://hyp.is/l7z67A2KEe6XY2PuOqQ_fQ/docdrop.org/video/tEr46lCgsic/

    1. "Dynamic Knowledge Repository" (DKR)


      for : launch community

    2. DKR, as well as its content, will evolve


      // make it autopoietic and emergent

    3. Granularly addressable HTML content (using purple numbers).    (06) Archived electronic discussions (e-mail and PurpleWiki).    (07) Published papers and source code.    (08) Weekly summaries of discussions and papers.    (09) A Topic Map of all DKR content.    (010) An ontology and a glossary for our DKR.

      for -features - IndyLab

      • Granuarly addressable HTML content
      • Archived electronic discussions
      • published papers and source code
      • a Topic Map of all DKR content
      • ontology and a glossary of DKR
    1. About the OHS Launch CommunityEugene Eric Kimhttps://eekim.com › ohs › aboutEugene Eric Kimhttps://eekim.com › ohs › aboutAbout the OHS Launch Community (01). We are a group of people who have been inspired by the work and mission of Doug Engelbart, and who are building ...

    1. The Open Learning Commons is

      a community-stewarded infrastructure for - discussion channels, - learning cohorts, and - co-curated curriculum.

      // on the IndyWeb

    1. The last loginyou'll ever need

      Solid provides for the first time - a single global logon system - // we should not be authenticating with apps - // apps should ask for our permissions to access our information to do their work on our behalf - so that when you log into any web site, - instead of having to log in with the usual 'f' and 'g', etc, blue buttons, and then - be tracked by Facebook, Google, or some other large social network, instead - you can log in with any Solid provider you trust, and - that won't track you.

    1. Leadership Training: Human LeadershipStrengthen your foundations of emotionally intelligent leadership and learn how to become an authentic and inclusive role model.

    1. In the study of philosophy, Being always denotes the "historical context" - the whole social, technical, cultural, political context in which the philosophy arises, and its position within that context.

      context in which arises

    1. trust networks that can act as networked autonomous organisms (NAO)

      Networked autonomous organisms

    2. To manifest a large, resilient, flexible, useful trust commons out of existing knowledge we have of each other, and to collectively exploit it for mutual value.

      trust commons

    3. blockchain-independent, but web3-friendly.


    4. mark (praise) each other to facilitate people discovery. See StigPeople.


    5. three-friend authentication.


    6. t provides a simple, blockchain-free way to assert one's personhood/humanity, leveraging what we know about each other.


    1. Shawn Murphy 1st degree connection 1st Building realtime, multimedia collective cognition software so humankind can steer a path through the singularity... and address the challenges of our time.
      • realtime
      • multimedia
      • collective
      • cognition

    1. Linked Open Data for Canadian Cultural Research


    2. Human brains work through a vast web of interconnections

      by associationb

    3. Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship

    1. HuViz is a scriptable, interactive, customizable, semantic web graph-visualization technology I've developed to help users to understand SemanticWeb ontologies and datasets.

    2. Mission: Software-Supported Wisdom

      “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” — Albert Einstein