- May 2017
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Summary: I really like this source because it provides amore in-depth analysis of Fake News Stories than my first article does. This source, just like the other ones I am showing for my annotated bibliography are all educational. (I think going over this again is not imperative.) Assessment: Everything I highlighted in yellow is something I believe might be more tricky to teach/talk to students with Disabilities about. This does not mean they are bad (they are actually great ideas to take in) I just have to think about how one can teach that information. What I highlighted in blue are tips the author said that I really appreciated and believe that a lot of people do not think about. I think people who are educated in a way about the fact that Fake News is out there would like this source. I see people who activley share Fake News everyday and there is no way this source would get them to see that all the news they know of is Fake. They would get really angry. That is why me educating my students about Fake News is so important! I think tis source seems less biased because in "Does teh story attach a generic enemy?" it includes the both the Liberal and Conservative side. Being liberal myself, I have been awre of mostly only Conservative Fake News that attacks liberals. Reflection: This source is a great addition for me because it gives me a more detailed lense through which to examine Fake News. It talks about points that rely on one's emotion as well as the actual writing. It gets to points that may are really important and go beyond the surface of a Fake News article.