608 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2015
    1. regagner sa propre identité

      regagner sa propre identité numérique. Serait intéressant de voir comment on subtilise une identité non-numérique (voir Mister Ripley). Rip-ley : identity rip

    2. volent son identité tout en lui attribuant celle

      substitution d'identité

    3. homophobe

      grosse confusion.. il s'agit de misanthropie pas d'homophobie.

    4. deux identités parallèles, une civile et l’autre numérique

      identifier les marqueurs de différenciation entre ces deux identités.

  2. Mar 2015
    1. bound together by a systematic, continuous, organized knowledge structure supports the act of new knowledge creation also known as scholarship

      continuité des pratiques, continuité entre pratiques et ressources

    2. a collection of services that support the creation of new knowledge
    3. As important as the information itself, is providing and supporting an environment that allows for the transformation of that information into new knowledge

      Which is appropriation

    1. ‘We need to return to the original purpose of the library, which is to support all the various needs of the scholar and provide him or her with a place to come up with ideas and make breakthroughs that would not otherwise have happened.’

      Quote from Christine Madsen http://christinemadsen.com/