- Mar 2019
www.martinfowler.com www.martinfowler.com
One of the natural wonders of this area are the huge strangler vines. They seed in the upper branches of a fig tree and gradually work their way down the tree until they root in the soil. Over many years they grow into fantastic and beautiful shapes, meanwhile strangling and killing the tree that was their host.
Martin Fowler Strangler Pattern
theory.stanford.edu theory.stanford.edu
Instead of usingk-grams, the strings to fingerprint can be chosenby looking for sentences or paragraphs, or by choosing fixed-lengthstrings that begin with “anchor” words [4, 12].
Or by using Matt's Rule of Text.
even on text data the assumption thatone can always find reasonable sentences is questionable
I can always find "reasonable sentences" (i.e. one which fingerprints the document), by applying Matt's Rule of Text.
images.itrevolution.com images.itrevolution.com
valuing organizational learning
... on subjects that matter (not e.g. Acquisition training).
institutionalizing the improvement of daily
Improve daily work.
Creating fast feedback is critical to achieving quality, reliability, and safety in the technology value stream. We do this by seeing problems as they occur, swarming and solving problems to build new knowledge, pushing quality closer to the source, and continually optimizing for downstream
Fast Feedback.
lean-adaptive.com lean-adaptive.com
David is now working with a new project organization that is based on Kanban teams. He has a core project team that uses Kanban to manage all their project tasks, but also to manage occasional duties for upcoming or past projects. He works with functional teams that use Kanban to manage the work that is coming from several projects at the same time. At the start of the project, capacity for the stream of work is reserved with each of the Kanban teams based on the time-criticality of the project. During the project, he authorizes work to the Kanban teams by replenishing their input queues.
Is this described in David Anderson's Kanban?
www.theitsmreview.com www.theitsmreview.com
Firstly it is an evolutionary method to introduce change in an organisation. Meaning that no additional roles or practices are introduced by organisations that adopt the method. Existing roles and processes are kept but are wrapped into Kanban. Workflows are investigated and visualised to provide control around the work but we don’t change how people do their jobs or interact.
Kanban is evolutionary.
kanbanize.com kanbanize.com
Increased predictability and an ability to respond with confidence to tough questions like “When will you deliver?”, “When should we start a job to deliver by a certain date?”.
We should have data, and thus better estimates, after first cycle/batch.
We'll never do so if we continue using PM methods that don't apply to our situation (i.e., a portfolio of product development [cyclical] projects under resource constraints. See: http://sbuweb.tcu.edu/tbrowning/Publications/Browning%20&%20Yassine%20(2016)--Managing%20a%20Portfolio%20of%20PD%20Projects%20under%20Resource%20Constraints%20(preprint).pdf
www.techrepublic.com www.techrepublic.com
7. Specific certificationsMust have: 15%Nice to have: 49%Optional: 36%
So certification and $3.50 gets you coffee at Starbucks.
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
Let’s ditch that single person accountability concept and instead have a team of a Product Co-Lead, UX Co-Lead and Engineering Co-Lead all accountable.
No. We still need the single point of contact (SPOC), but the good SPOC will get input from his "co-leads" to prioritize the backlog. I don't see the good SPOC working in a vacuum.
- Feb 2019
www.scrum.org www.scrum.org
A deficit implies that Scrum is not yet being implemented, and that there is likely to be technical debt.
Done means done.
Or maybe not: "I believe that the Definition of Done needs to align with the Scrum Team's value stream, and "Done" may very well be "ready for UAT" or "ready for IV&V". However, I do think that, in these cases, the Scrum Team should be careful to actually make sure that the work is done. These events should not find show-stopping issues, although they may result in feedback for future iterations." - Thomas Owens comments below.
allow requirements to be traced to the code implementation such as by clear feature-relevant naming conventions.
RTM by clear feature-relevant naming conventions.
EXAMPLE DEFINITION OF DONE Remember that a Definition of Done properly applies to an increment.
We need remember this.
They may need the courage to assert "We are not yet a Scrum Team, we will not pretend we are until the deficit for release we have highlighted is closed, and we will limit any commitments we are prepared to make accordingly".
Yes, be brave (and demand respect - from management).
a Development Team has the right to refuse to do any work, if they cannot commit to its completion by the end of the Sprint
And yet we are forced to do this all the time.
the first thing to do with a broken Scrum implementation -- such as a deficit for release -- is to make the problem clear to all.
Make the problem clear to all.
Of these three, transparency can arguably be said to come first. If a situation is not clear then it can hardly be inspected, and no sensible adaptation will be possible.
We are clearly lacking in transparency!
Definitions of Done that are of less than release standard have become, more or less, "industry normal".
Our "done" does not require work be releasable.
Yet any deficit in the standard needed to deploy an increment into production, by the end of a Sprint, really does mean that Scrum is not being implemented.
So we aren't implementing Scrum.
The problem usually boils down to this: organizational change is hard. When push comes to shove, it is all too often the Scrum Framework which is modified, and only lip service gets paid to the principles.
So we're changing the framework.
disciplinedagiledelivery.com disciplinedagiledelivery.com
While the concepts of Lean and the Kanban system it uses are very easy to learn, it can be difficult to master the principles of lean flow and maximizing the throughput of the system.
Baby steps...
Lean does not prescribe this overhead and instead suggests that it be done if and when necessary.
I hate "standing" meetings (not of the SCRUM sort, these can be valuable, but recurring/planned meetings, ostensibly for progress/status reports). They are seldom useful and generally the information could be better conveyed/updated using Kanban.
a continuous stream of work (instead of fixed iterations)
Seems like our CRs would better fit this Lean lifecycle.
www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com
Teams who have many small, relatively independent requirements (be they change requests or potential defects) and who are working on an existing solution will often adopt this lifecycle.
Our situation in HIH.
aws.amazon.com aws.amazon.com
It is important to note that AWS manages physical and logical access controls for the AWS boundary. However, the overall security of your workloads is a shared responsibility, where you are responsible for controlling user access to content on your AWS accounts.
We got this.
AWS Glue is a fully-managed Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) service that can read data from a JDBC-enabled, on-premise database and transfer the datasets into AWS services like Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift and Amazon RDS.
Are we using AWS Glue?
masking as a service
There's a concept. AWS Maisy?
www.scaledagileframework.com www.scaledagileframework.com
Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) is a prioritization model used to sequence jobs (eg., Features, Capabilities, and Epics) to produce maximum economic benefit. In SAFe, WSJF is estimated as the Cost of Delay (CoD) divided by job size.
Any performance studies done on WSJF use in Kanban?
kanbanize.com kanbanize.com
Before you gather all those metrics and show how productive your teams are, ask yourself what value you’re producing. For whom? How do you measure if value is really being generated? How do you know your happy customers are happy? Actually, happy is not enough. Your customers have to be ecstatic about your solution. If they aren’t, metrics are irrelevant.
Do not think of Kanban Project Management as a framework. We encourage you to start where you are and gradually find out what works best in your own context
It's not a framework! :) Start where you are!
forecasting that’s based on the actual data
Yay for evidence!
a scalable way to track one or multiple projects using hierarchical Kanban boards.
So needed.
We aim to provide practical guidance for Project Managers that are seeking ways to improve their workflows without necessarily adding more people or resources.
Good, because we aren't getting any.
Understanding of the work state and project status.
What a concept!
Survivability and sustainability of the business, if applied strategically.
Compatibility with any process.
Key point!
Relief from overburdening and happier workforce.
This is true no doubt.
Dramatic improvements of your cycle times realized soon after starting out. The improvements usually go way beyond 100%
Any basis for this? Certainly the promise of 10x is seldom if ever realized.
The Kanban PrinciplesThere are three guiding principles that represent the Kanban way of thinking:1.Start With What You Do Now»Understanding current processes, as actually practiced»Respecting existing roles, responsibilities & job titles2.Gain agreement to pursue improvement through evolutionary change3.Encourage Acts of Leadership at All LevelsIf you compare these principles to any other popular approach, you will quickly realize that Kanban is very humane. It doesn’t tell you that there’s a right way of doing things and that you are doing it wrong. On the contrary, it respects the current situation and helps you improve from where you are.
Improve from where you are!
David J. Anderson published the first book about Kanban (also known as the blue book)
Get it!
One of the most important aspects is how to scale a successful practice from a team level to the portfolio level and we will explore it in detail.
We need this knowledge.
Continuous Improvement (Kaizen)It occurred to me rather late that continuous improvement is a risk management strategy.
Good observation.
Waste #3: Wishful ThinkingThis is the worst form of waste because it’s usually invisible. Wishful thinking means making decisions based on your gut feelings or opinions, without considering data.
Evidence-based decisions please.
If you’ve heard about Jeff Bezos’s “two-pizza team”, then you’d know how to form teams that won’t suffer from hand-offs badly.
Out teams are more like 5-6 pizza teams (maybe more).
Many companies attempt to improve their delivery by adopting lean and agile methods. However, they rarely invest in the right tooling, which is a necessary step for each reasonable agile adoption.
Stop using Gantt and schedules, start using Kanban.
“Scatter can be defined as the actions or inactions that make knowledge and information ineffective by disrupting its flow.”With no intention of perpetuating the cliche that it’s always the management’s fault, it has to be noted that most of the Scatter is caused by bad management decisions or activities.
It's the managers, I'm just sayin'.
I’ll repeat: this tool randomly kills production servers.Please, pause for a second and ponder over this.
Plan for failure.
you will be able to forecast with big confidence using what we call Monte Carlo simulations.These simulations are based on your historical data (historical throughput) and surprisingly enough, you don’t need loads of it to get started.
Evidence-based scheduling (not WAG scheduling)
Peter Drucker said:“Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all.”
Like building our schedules.
support.logmeininc.com support.logmeininc.com
If you'd like to join via Instant Join, use the link "https://global.gotowebinar.com/join/<webinarID>?clientType=html5". Be sure to enter the webinar's unique 9-digit ID in place of "<webinarID>".
Was difficult to find this info (most would be challenged to do so). A link to launch using the web browser should be sent with every invite. Many can not (not permitted) to install applications (it's 2019 folks) or may not be able to run unknown (not trusted) publisher apps or may simply prefer to us the web client in the context of a "safe" browser.
kanbanize.com kanbanize.com
Sometimes, even experienced project managers don’t differentiate between these words, and they should
Yep, see above annotation.
people don’t make any difference between planning, estimating and scheduling.
because they don't understand the differences among these things.
at the moment when you attach start and end dates to the individual work items, you become the root of all evil
... because Johnny can't schedule.
As part of the Analytics module in Kanbanize, we do have Monte Carlo simulations, which we use to forecast how many work items we can deliver by a given date in the future. These simulations are based on real historical data, which makes them the most reliable way to answer the “When is it going to be done?” question.
Evidence-based scheduling.
However, we should accept the fact that we have no control over the future and we just can’t know how long things are going to take. Not even if it’s in our Gantt chart.
So stop believing it.
If someone claims that they can effectively schedule the work of a team of knowledge workers more than one week in the future (even this is questionable), slap them in the face and don’t talk to them ever again.
Scheduling work means that we fix the start and end date of each individual task. Scheduling in knowledge work is a waste. Period.
I couldn't say this more clearly.
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
The public is going to pay for all of this change, so the public should get a return, is one way to look at this passage.
Makes sense to me.
some back-of-the envelope calculations on the cost for a federal jobs guarantee suggested the government could provide 9.7 million jobs to the under- or unemployed at a mean wage of $32,500 to account for different levels of experience, etc. Adding in taxes and benefits makes the annual cost of each job about $56,000. So the total cost to the government each year would be about $543 billion. That's less than the nearly $674 billion the government spends on the Pentagon's budget. It is much less than the government spends on safety net programs Medicare and Social Security each year.
Smoke that.
files.constantcontact.com files.constantcontact.com
We would hope to see results in the next 8 months
Why so long?
18 months until we will be ready for occupancy after they start.
18 months, once they start. (Could be 26 months out, if we get a resolution with the insurance company within 8 months.) See below.
This is a total of approximately $2,676,360.93 in reconstruction fun
One-tenth of the funds needed.
The initial cost estimatefor legal representationwas going to be approximately $8 million dollars. It was decided that it was not in the best interest of the owners without trying tonegotiate with the Insurance Carrier.
$8 million for lawyer. Wanted to try to negotiate with the insurance carrier.
www.16personalities.com www.16personalities.com
For this reason, INTJs tend to prefer to work in tight, like-minded groups – a group of one, if necessary.
Double yep. ;)
INTJs have a fairly strict code of conduct when it comes to their work, and if they see coworkers valuing social activities and "good enough" workmanship over absolute excellence, it will be a turbulent environment.
martinfowler.com martinfowler.com
I've lived most of my life in enterprise applications: database-backed, GUI/web frontend kind of world.
Me too (and us).
In particular, one of the really central things that impressed me very much about the early agile advocates was this realization that people are operating at the best when they choose how they want to work.
People choose their way of working.
- Jan 2019
www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com
his book is the study guide for Disciplined Agile CDA and CDAP certifications.
Hey I thought you weren't selling me certifications.
No more simplistic, silver bullet methods or process frameworks that gloss over the myriad of challenges your organizations faces because to do so wouldn’t fit in well with the certification training they’re hoping to sell you.
:) lol
www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com
If you want to succeed at enterprise agile you need choices, not prescriptions.
So the DA folks keep telling me.
adopt what works well for you and to abandon or better yet improve upon what doesn’t.
Does it hurt when you do that? Don't do that.
too ;)
virtually every single DevOps success story is based on a multi-year kaizen-based continuous improvement strategy
multi-year kaizen
www.scaledagileframework.com www.scaledagileframework.com
Teams pull work when they know they have the capacity for it, rather than having scope pushed on them
example.com example.com
Hypothesis syncs annotations across copies of the same PDF based on a “fingerprint” or unique ID.
How is this calculated/determined? [Full disclosure: have not looked in the fine manual.]
Does this work for local HTML files? [Haven't tested :)]
If not, could we simply save the HTML file to a common location locally (e.g. C:/Temp/SomeDoc.htm) and share annotations in that fashion (i.e. emailing the file and saving to the same local path)?
rmf.org rmf.org
Owners are responsible for Privacy overlay assessments of the P/SaaS CSOs used and any applications built on I/PaaS. Specific guidance regarding what Privacy overlay C/CEs apply to CSPs vs Mission Owners will be provided in a future release of this SRG
Where's the guidance? (We're nearly two years on now.)
We plan to publish continued guidance on how to implement these current best practices quickly and efficiently, while reducing an agency’s overall complexity.
Where is it?
Compliance documentation doesn’t tell me what the security posture of a system is now. It’s a point in time analysis that’s useless the moment it’s “saved.”
d0.awsstatic.com d0.awsstatic.com
should be "signal".
- Dec 2018
www.collibra.com www.collibra.com
Crowdsource the information and documentation that is an essential part of the architectural design, which is actually the only sustainable way to keep it up-to-date, ie allow your data citizens to wikipedia-like feed in a controlled, but yet flexible and open way
Yep, we know this (but never, ever do it).
www.ibm.com www.ibm.com
Before you implement any data-centric projects, you must know what data you have, where it is located, and how it relates between various systems.
www.informationweek.com www.informationweek.com
How can you improve both test data preparation and usage? First, you’ll need to develop a strong test data management strategy.
Typical approaches to test data preparation can include cloning production databases, subsetting data from production databases or writing scripts to synthetically create test data
Hi Jack! :)
aws.amazon.com aws.amazon.com
Amazon Macie is a security service that provides customers both visibility and security for the content that they store in Amazon S3.
Will our data be stored in S3?
agileforest.com agileforest.com
Enough time has gone by now that I have now lost complete hope that SAFe will realise agility in organisations. Over a dozen senior leaders in organisations that have implemented SAFe have declared that it is not working for them
www.pmi.org www.pmi.org
The next thing is to see if what you have planned actually makes sense.
It might make sense in a "truly project-oriented organization", but will likely fail this analysis in the RCMPSP real world. See page comment.
Note that this discussion is for a single project - in isolation. Not to be confused with the real world situation most of us live in of the Resource Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem (RCMPSP). See: http://sbuweb.tcu.edu/tbrowning/Publications/Browning%20&%20Yassine%20(2016)--Managing%20a%20Portfolio%20of%20PD%20Projects%20under%20Resource%20Constraints%20(preprint).pdf
www.agilenotanarchy.com www.agilenotanarchy.com
Whilst this level of the implementation is still in its infancy, it is already yielding significant benefit – primarily through the power of visualisation and communication. Week by week the demand management team finds itself able to lift focus from a “project by project” view to a living “whole of portfolio” view.
We need a "demand management team".
www.agilenotanarchy.com www.agilenotanarchy.com
One other piece worth noting is that we are not yet describing a full enterprise-level SAFe implementation. It is being actively explored, and what is known so far is that it will require 2 additional portfolio layers as the various groups are brought together. I will be describing an implementation keeping 3 programs or delivery groups and roughly 200 people busy, but the eventual target involves more than 5,000.
Sounds like us (uh, sort of)
www.scaledagileframework.com www.scaledagileframework.com
Overloading teams and programs with more work than can be reasonably accomplished is a common and pernicious problem. Having too much WIP confuses priorities, causes frequent context switching, and increases overhead. It overloads people, scatters focus on immediate tasks, reduces productivity and throughput, and increases wait times for new functionality. Like a highway at rush hour, there is simply no upside to having more work in a system than the system can handle.
Hello, management, read this and grok!
www.scaledagileframework.com www.scaledagileframework.com
Without effective Agile Teams, composed of empowered and motivated individuals, organizations cannot achieve the larger business benefits of Lean-Agile development.
"Empowered and motivated"
www.scaledagileframework.com www.scaledagileframework.com
The WIP limit for this state must account for the availability of Product Management, the capacity of teams and other subject matter experts.
We have to have resources.
www.scaledagileframework.com www.scaledagileframework.com
Government leaders and practitioners alike, along with their industry partners, must understand how and why Lean-Agile is fundamentally different than past approaches to technology development.
Must understand (i.e. training required).
Lack of a common enterprise Lean-Agile framework leads to a limited synergy between programs
We need to pick a common framework.
SAFe has emerged as the leading framework of practices for Lean-Agile at scale
Says who? Source?
- Nov 2018
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
This is where I'm going with PS3x5 which I described earlier today in another post: http://bootstrap.org/lists/ba-unrev-talk/0210/msg00069.html (03) I have for several weeks now been playing around with a multipaned browser and some php and javascripts in an attempt to tie PS into a usable patchwork. PS3x5 (working name ;) is analogous to taking notes on 3x5 cards. 1. Do your research. 2. Take notes and bibliography info on your 3x5s. 3. Sort, reorder, toss, the 3x5s to create your outline. 4. Write "stuff" to fill in between the 3x5s. (04) Granular links remain in the finished document. All done in the context of a browser. (05) Radio, Blogger, iHarvest (now defunct) have much of that functionality but you don't get linked back granularly but to the page. Also, there is no way (to easily) rearrange the "notes". Nor is a snap shot of the page taken, so if you follow the link back the page may have changed. Each of these products has the bookmarklet functionality Barry describes - select, edit and post. I'm looking to add the ability to reorder and to get back to the paragraph level via the link (we could also possibly highlight the selected text in the paragraph) and ensure link integrity. I think it's doable.
jrnl.global jrnl.global
so that any statement becomes globally addressable
doug-50.info doug-50.info
Gyuri: But we’re not working together. I’m working on this system for more than 5 years, even before finding out about OHS, and now even the Augment Research Community is not looking at it, if not now/here, when ever?
This has been going on for years.
developer.microsoft.com developer.microsoft.com
I’m currently running chrome on Windows 10 (no insider build). Go to chrome://flags and disable the Direct Manipulation Stylus option.
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Example Use Case: Valeria selects a typo ('anotation') in a web page and adds a comment that it should be replaced with the correct spelling ('annotation').
My use case in the comments of PurpleSlurple, typo in Eric Raymond's "Cathederal and the Bazaar".
thedigitalprojectmanager.com thedigitalprojectmanager.com
Whichever tools you use, ensure your internal team and stakeholders are in agreement, and know how to use them effectively.
Key: know how to use them.
www.16personalities.com www.16personalities.com
but there are many types, especially those with a combination of the Observant (S) and Feeling (F) traits, who will find a work (or any other) relationship with INTJs extremely challenging.
Anonymous version.
but there are many personality types who will find a work (or any other) relationship with Architects extremely challenging.
Logged in version.
www.informationweek.com www.informationweek.com
Subsetting is the recommended method
Why is this the recommended method?
IRI offers four methods for producing safe, intelligent test data in referentially correct database, flat-file, semi-structured file, and formatted report targets: Production data masking/scrambling in IRI FieldShield or IRI Voracity Database subsetting & masking in FieldShield or Voracity Synthetic test data creation (via random generation/selection) in RowGen or Voracity A combination of the above techniques in Voracity
Some options for producing safe test data.
If you are relying on production data for access and masking in the first place, consider the risk of those things ahead of time, and consider the ‘generation from scratch’ alternative.
Smarter option.
www.iri.com www.iri.com
how will your test data actually be generated for the platforms and applications that need it
Million dollar question.
- Oct 2018
outsourcing development
Keep our data safe.
www.iri.com www.iri.com
Use safe test data, maybe the way forward.
Connect ot the databases
Should read: "to".
in teh GUI
Should read: "the".
job scripts tha tyou can modify
Should read: "that you".
Choose form the available
Should read: "form".
read.amazon.com read.amazon.com
Drats! Blocked by Amazon.
www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com www.disciplinedagiledelivery.com
Effective governors communicate what the priorities of your organization are and what is expected of people.
Largely missing in HIH.
most IT governance strategies prove to be ineffective in practice due to application of traditional strategies and ways of thinking.
Lean IT governance balances your short-term and long-term needs. Too many organizations have allowed technical debt to grow in recent years, for the skills of their IT staff to stagnate, and to continue to tolerate traditional IT process strategies from yesteryear. This is because they allowed short-term priorities to trump long-term health. We must do better.
Sounds like HIH.
Agile methods are agile. If you have hours of meetings, a three-month increment, if you have to commit to a fixed set of deliverable functionality and a firm schedule months in advance, you're doing a waterfall project, or nearly so. Even if you call the requirements "use cases" and call the meetings "stand ups."
HRSTS way.
insights.sei.cmu.edu insights.sei.cmu.edu
We have also begun developing an instrument to assess organizations' readiness to adopt Agile and DevOps. We would welcome opportunities to pilot this assessment instrument with your organization.
How do we get involved in the pilot?
- Aug 2018
iasecontent.disa.mil iasecontent.disa.mil
Revocation CheckingMethods and Failover ConfigurationThe best practice for certificate revocation checking mechanisms is to provide multiple methods with failover capabilities. In general, DoD’s preferred order of revocation checking methods (where the first method is primary, with failover to the subsequent methods in listed order) is:1)Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)2)Local Certificate Revocation List (CRL) cache3)CRL distribution points (CRL DP)
Solution for us?
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
Ideally the citation’s target (if 404) could also be retrieved, e.g. from Wayback, and used to anchor the annotations.
Right. Time I revisit this idea: "Robust Hyperlinks"
This adaptation can be done at a content server, a proxy, or a client device. Such adaptation results in better presentation and faster delivery to the client device. An original HTML document, authored for a specific client such as a PC, can be augmented with annotations, which provide hints for adapting the document to the other client devices. It is important to note that a result of applying an
some note.
- Dec 2017
webstyleguide.com webstyleguide.com
never losing sight their primary goal.
typo? should be "never losing sight of their primary goal"
webstyleguide.com webstyleguide.com
The past years have seen a growing understanding that “content is king,” and no amount of eye candy or fancy widgets can have more impact than content that appeals to users.
Still true!
- Nov 2017
www.cnet.com www.cnet.com
ingests website code and splashes the resulting pixels onto your screen.
"Slurp up a web page, spit back Purple numbers"
- Aug 2017
www.safe2drive.com www.safe2drive.com
All three of these positions may be used, depending on the situation. For example, there is an increased margin of safety if adriver moves to the left-hand side of the lane if debris exists on the right.
Just sayin' :)
- Jul 2017
www.scholarshipsforwomen.net www.scholarshipsforwomen.net
larship Fund umbrella. This organization provides scholarship help and information to high school women who intend to go to college. However, this group operates in certain regions during a given session.
something valuable to add...
gist.github.com gist.github.com
In other words, we are passing the responsibility for making the URL robust to transmission problems onto the generator of the URLs who knows better how they will be using them.
Yes! Let the user decide. :) See: https://hyp.is/BaH1Wjn6EeeOOsdENir0YA/radio-weblogs.com/0105726/categories/purpleslurple/ and https://hyp.is/6dWMVtyjR8mJkdFSuZGkmw/radio-weblogs.com/0105726/categories/purpleslurple/
In future versions consider maybe a roll your own bookmarklet page where the uninitiated user, not familiar with the API, can build the query by simply reading the parameter explanations and selecting associated check boxes.
- May 2017
knutties.livejournal.com knutties.livejournal.com
I wanted something for the consumer, so I created PSAhoy
PSAhoy transcoded the Ahoy javascript into the target page, making Ahoy available for any page, not just those whose publishers implemented it.
radio-weblogs.com radio-weblogs.com
If we transcode the page then the user gets to pick the presentation format and change it if/as they see fit. There is no reason that we need to choose whether we put Purple numbers at paragraphs or lines (we could in fact specify any range, every character if we wanted to). So a user can choose to hide/show the Purple numbers, place Purple numbers at the beginning or end of paragraphs or lines, and use numbers or any other character or image to represent the links. All on the fly if we transcode the page. Transcoding takes the onus of Purplizing off the page designer and gives the end user the freedom to pick and choose as the task or preferences dictate.
Let the users decide.
www.dougengelbart.org www.dougengelbart.org
One more point: In the end I have to agree with Jon Udell, "It's not about XML, or HTTP, or outlining. It's about people evolving to the point where they **publish** what they're doing, and **subscribe** to what other people are doing, in just the right proportions, so that there's maximum awareness of shared purpose but minimal demand on the scarce resource of attention", (http://purpleslurple.net/files/potf.php?theurl=http://weblog.infoworld.com/udell/categories/radio/#purp192). (07)
Why must I have something to say to post a highlight publicly?
www.dougengelbart.org www.dougengelbart.org
I have for several weeks now been playing around with a multipaned browser and some php and javascripts in an attempt to tie PS into a usable patchwork. PS3x5 (working name ;) is analogous to taking notes on 3x5 cards. 1. Do your research. 2. Take notes and bibliography info on your 3x5s. 3. Sort, reorder, toss, the 3x5s to create your outline. 4. Write "stuff" to fill in between the 3x5s. (04) Granular links remain in the finished document. All done in the context of a browser.
PS Browser
www.dougengelbart.org www.dougengelbart.org
Bookmark icon allows you to create a link to the view of the file you are currently seeing. Just click on the Bookmark icon to copy the complete link, and then click over to a window where you want to insert the link and Paste it there. The link includes the precise paragraph number and the viewspec shortcut codes so anyone who clicks on that link will arrive at this same spot in the file with this same view.
Under the share this page button couldn't we also have "share this view" - built on the fly as we change/update our filter/view.
discourse.codinghorror.com discourse.codinghorror.com
Oof. Browsing this list, you can see why these sort of redirection services are quickly banned at a lot of sites. Unscrupulous people create a lot of spammy redirects..
Like hyp.is is blocked by the Air Force.
blog.codinghorror.com blog.codinghorror.com
URL redirection services are often used by questionable people for nefarious reasons. Another service, lnk.to, was shut down because of all the spammers abusing their service.
As I had to do with PurpleSlurple.net
www.dougengelbart.org www.dougengelbart.org
"A skilled user will readjust his view to suit immediate needs very quickly and frequently" - Doug Engelbart, 1968[*] Viewspecs – short for "view specifications" – allow you to control your view of a file. Augment supports a variety of viewspec options to specify, for example, an outline view, or show/hide Augment address numbers, show/hide blank lines between paragraphs, show a filtered view based on a find, show/hide anchor names or the "statement signatures" (time/date each paragraph was last modified and by whom).
Proposal for direct links to specific urls (a.k.a. Viewspecs)
- Mar 2017
lists.w3.org lists.w3.org
Matt Schneider, creator of PurpleSlurple, had/passed on the idea that only a short string of ~100 chars was required to uniquely identify any document.
I actually said "a string of 8 - 10 words". I noticed this through work I did with Quip.
Nataranjan created LiveURLs (based on some work in Ahoy) and introduced them in a Firefox plugin called WebMarker.
A little background... http://knutties.livejournal.com/24270.html?thread=150478#t150478
But professor Steven Ludeke of the University of Southern Denmark, who pointed out the errors, told Retraction Watch that they “matter quite a lot.”
Yea, one professor vs the editorial board at AJPS[1]. I'll go with AJPS board.
The journal said the error doesn’t change the main conclusions of the paper, which found that “personality traits do not cause people to develop political attitudes.”
Right there in the article. Deceptive (wrong) headline, but at least they came clean in the article.
example.com example.com
Many have tried over the years to bring us web annotations. The lack of standards has been one of the key things holding these efforts back
Yes, lack of standardization has been an issue. WHATWG summarily dismissed, in my view, an early proposal in 2009[1] which was submitted by Peter Jones, based on work he had done circa 2006-7.
[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-whatwg-archive/2009Jul/0611.html
This section of the wiki page gathers quotes cited elsewhere, by way of Hypothesis direct links, and presents them as footnotes linked from the text of the investigation page.
Easy Hypothesis footnotes. Awesome. (One of my main unrealized goals with PurpleSlurple was to make it easy for researchers, students mainly, to do this. I always felt the common occurrence of plagiarism was a direct result of the tediousness and subsequent avoidance of this task.)
- Dec 2016
guides.beanstalkapp.com guides.beanstalkapp.com
Having a production environment branch and making that the only source of code that goes to production ensures that you have a snapshot of what is on your production server at any time, and a granular history of what’s been added to production and when.
Is this evident in our environment - to all?
Much like feature and bug-fix branches, environment branches make it easy for you to separate your in-progress code from your stable code. Using environment branches and deploying from them means you will always know exactly what code is running on your servers in each of your environments
Hello? CM?
Try to avoid committing unfinished work to your repository’s default working branch.
As good a reason as any why you should be working in a bug fix branch
Instead, you should be doing all of your work in a feature or bug-fix branches and let the VCS do the hard work for you. You would branch your repository from the point where Feature X was deployed, creating an alternate working copy for you to do new work on. Your Feature Y branch includes the entire repository’s history and code, but a separate history “starts” from the moment the branch is created. This allows you to work on the Feature Y branch, committing to your hearts content, without disturbing the code that you deployed to release Feature X.
Branching justification and explanation in a nushell.
If all of your work is being done in the default working branch of your repository, you’ll need to figure out how to save the work you’ve done so far on Feature Y, revert your repository to the state it was in when you deployed Feature X, make your fix, and then re-introduce your work from Feature Y. This is messy, and you could potentially lose some of your work or introduce new bugs.
The way we currently work. Yes, very messy and error prone.
- Oct 2016
www.vmware.com www.vmware.com
VMware View Planner is a workload generator and sizing tool that simulates a large-scale deployment of virtualizeddesktopsystems.ThisvirtualapplianceenablesyoutostudytheeffectsofaViewdeploymentonanentirevirtualizedinfrastructure.ThetoolisscalablefromafewvirtualmachinesrunningononeVMwareESXhostuptohundredsofvirtualmachinesdistributedacrossaclusterofESXhos
VMware View Planner
VMwareView5offerstheadministratormorethanthirtyPCoIPsessionstatisticstomonitor,obtaintrendingon,andtroubleshootend-userconnections.Troubleshootingremotedesktopconnectionsisdifficult,andtraditional logs do not give enough information. These PCoIP counters give per-session feedback on PCoIP protocolperformance.W
Session monitoring on per user basis.
Between8and24concurrentusersperT1linewith1.5MbpscapacityNote: YoumayrequireoptimizationofbothVMwareViewandWindowsdesktopsettingstoachievethis user density
Network capacity estimate.
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
To summarize, as intranet search becomes as powerful as web search is today, skills honed in using the former will apply, and the value of persistent conversation within the enterprise will increase substantially due to being discoverable.
Search within OneNote is the killer feature. Link to the above cited document: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
provides ammunition to people who are ready to banish philosophers from their midst.
not sure i see the connection
is this a demand in the referenced article,isnt a scholar trying suggest a broadening of scope.
Let philosophy departments evolve organically as scholars convince their peers that a new author, idea or tradition is worth engaging. And encourage universities to explore ways to broaden their scopes of inquiry to learn about other intellectual traditions.
The implication is that academic philosophy is racist, sexist and worthy of an imminent demise
is it racist and sexist?
Last year, the Republican senator Marco Rubio said: ‘We need more welders than philosophers,’ a blunt articulation of a widely shared view among taxpayers and policymakers looking for reasons to eliminate, cut or defund philosophy departments.
To understand why the limits of philosophy matter, we need to situate the debate within ongoing debates about the funding of higher education.
why he's bothering to make this case.
Should philosophers converse with scholars of different religious and moral traditions? Of course. But it makes little sense for philosophers, say, to become amateur Islamic jurists or for Quranic scholars to study philosophy as a prerequisite for their doctorates.
maybe we need a different degree?
I am wary of the argument, however, that all serious reflection upon fundamental questions ought to be called philosophy. Philosophy is one among many ways to think about questions such as the origin of the Universe, the nature of justice, or the limits of knowledge.
So he doesn't consider these other traditions "philosophy"? Ok...
what is distinct about philosophy as an intellectual tradition
What is distinct about philosophy (what is the author suggesting here)?
Yet I disagree with the call, made by Jay L Garfield and Bryan W Van Norden in The New York Times, for philosophy departments to diversify and immediately incorporate courses in African, Indian, Islamic, Jewish, Latin American and Native American ‘philosophy’ into their curriculums.
Let's consider discussing this via Hypothes.is. :)
- Sep 2016
knowledge.opentext.com knowledge.opentext.com
The logon credentials can also be passed to the network operating system toverify that the user has rights to network resources.
How's this work if you are using username/password only (not domain account)?
All DM client-user requests for documents, folders, and searches are handled by theDM Server service.
It may not be possible to maintain a test environment that mirrors the productionenvironment, especially for small organizations with tight IT budgets. In thissituation, patches should be deployed to the least critical, easily recoverableservers first.
Here's on option to NOT testing first.
Once the environment is baselined, build a test environment that mirrors
...production environment" Yep, basic (Why does this seem to be a challenge?)
Many organizations have situations where the responsibility for maintaining theserver hardware and operating system falls on one group but the maintenance ofthe applications running on the server are the responsibility of another group.
Just our situation.
The time between the discovery of an operating system or applicationvulnerability and the emergence of an exploit is getting shorter, sometimes only amatter of hours. This imposes pressures on IT managers to rapidly patchproduction systems which directly conflicts with configuration management bestpractices of quality assurance testing. Many organizations are struggling to keepcurrent with the constant release of new patches and updates. At the same time,they are under pressure to provide near 100% availability of key businesssystems. IT organizations must develop a process to ensure the availability ofresources, install required security patches and not break existing systems in theprocess. This paper presents one methodology for identifying, evaluating andapplying security patches in a real world environment along with descriptions ofsome useful tools that can be used to automate the process.
www.dol.gov www.dol.gov
Indeed, the ability of workers to share information and effectively organize for their rights is a cornerstone of building an economy that works for everyone. Promoting pay transparency by prohibiting pay secrecy policies helps make the federal contractor workforce more efficient. Pay transparency helps level the playing field for women and people of color, and provides employers access to a diverse pool of qualified talent.
Assuming that she works every year between ages 25 and 65, the typical woman will have lost $420,000 over her working lifetime because of the earnings gap
median weekly earnings for African-American men working at full-time jobs totaled $680 per week - only 76 percent of the median for white men
Requiring that federal contractors incorporate a prescribed nondiscrimination provision into their existing employee manuals or handbooks and disseminate the nondiscrimination provision to employees and to job applicants
President Obama issued Executive Order 13665, promoting pay transparency and openness, making it possible for workers and job applicants to share information about their pay and compensation without fear of discrimination. On September 11, 2015, the Department of Labor issued a Final Rule implementing that order. This Final Rule took effect on January 11, 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Mr. Wulff was fishing the trout streams of New Jersey and the Catskills. He once observed that he could fish the Catskills for $3.50 a week, "gas to get there, cheese, bread and milk and a tent to sleep in."
Coffee, bologna, cheese, bread.
www.texasriverbum.com www.texasriverbum.com
olive bead head Wooly Bugger, a brown Muddler Minnow, and red and white Clouser Minnow.
Guadalupe Bass lures
- Aug 2016
observer.com observer.com
A Genius spokesperson wrote, “Users can currently tag @genius-moderation to report any abusive content. So far, there have been no instances of abuse, but we recognize that this is an entirely valid concern as usage of the tool increases.” Second, let sites opt out of annotation. If that sounds extreme, its worth noting that Google has let sites opt out of appearing in search results for a long time. It is tough to imagine a much more significant layer over the Internet than Google search results.
These would seem to be reasonable good first attempts at preventing abuse.
- Jul 2016
www.symantec.com www.symantec.com
2. Do Not Trust Client or Session Variables. Although normally considered safe, if session variables are set based on user input, they should also be sanitized
I think this is still valid and a good practice.
github.com github.com
We'll soon be adding instructions on how to set up a development environment for the Hypothesis client.
Can't wait. :)
- Jun 2016
example.com example.com
We call this direct linking
Back in 2002, we called this granular addressability. Here is a granular link to a paragraph (generated by Purple) where I provide a "direct link" (generated by PurpleSlurple) to an article by... Jon Udell. :)
[NOTE: Scroll to the end of the sentence to see the direct/PurpleSlurple link to the article. Umm, unfortunately, PurpleSlurple.net is currently down and weblog.infoworld.com doesn't exist.]
PurpleSlurple allowed consumers of the web to add annotations to web content - on the fly - via a bookmarklet and web proxy.
Keep up the good work guys! :)
- Apr 2016
jonudell.net jonudell.net
[172] When I finished drafting the post I pinged Dan Whaley, founder of Hypothesis, to review it. Here’s the IRC chat transcript:
I wonder if the link gets carried along in the annotation?
Apparently not: http://ps1.cim3.net/index.php?theurl=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.jonudell.net%2F2015%2F04%2F05%2Fadventures-in-annotation%2F#purp172
- Oct 2015
radio-weblogs.com radio-weblogs.com
Also, I would like to create a roll your own PS bookmarklet builder that will allow one to specify for example where the anchors should be placed (beginning/end of paragraph), whether to use numbers/graphics, link/alink/vlink color(s), option to show/hide certain elements or include toggle button, etc.
I think Hypothes.is folks can utilize this idea. Allow users to roll their own bookmarklet. (Bookmarklet's are not dead yet :)
example.com example.com
Others will require tweaking the way in which annotations are anchored and displayed. Now there’s a way to do that too.
Yes, let the user decide (based on... use(r) case :)
hypothes.is hypothes.is
acceptance of a world in which we can support a layer of discourse over the top of the web
Yes. We saw this coming. :)
Safari Books Online’s VP of Engineering, Liza Daly, tweeted that they were porting their proprietary annotation code to the open Annotator platform underpinning Hypothes.is.
Nice! This one's for you Ann. :)
www.ccs.neu.edu www.ccs.neu.edudownload2
The key requirement of a Node Identifier is that it must be stateful.Once an NID is assigned to particular node in the document the NID remains with thatnode for the lifetime of the node.
OneNote does this within the context of a page.
Matthew Schneider developed the first HID implementation which generates purple numberson-the-fly for HTML and text documents which he published in 2002.
Hey, got to get my plug in. :)
web.archive.org web.archive.org
PurpleSlurple is a transcoding service that reformats Web pages on-the-fly to create granular addressability in document elements on EXISTING Web pages.
Gotta love Web Archive. :)
nilspeterson.files.wordpress.com nilspeterson.files.wordpress.com
Returns 404.
Nothing on web.archive.org.
26.Peterson, Nils A Juxtaposition of Technologies: VUE, PurpleSlurple,Wikalong & Del.icio.us. Poster session, Social Software and the Academy Workshop, May 14,15, 2005 Annenberg Center, USC. (https://wiki.wsu.edu/index.php/User:Nils_peterson/Juxtapositio
Nils Peterson's Wikalong and PurpleSlurple. :)
futureofthebook.org futureofthebook.org
Another handy tool is PurpleSlurple, which provides granular addressability for any existing web page. In other words, it inserts links for paragraphs and headers, allowing you to reference specific sections of text on a given page. Each “slurped” page gets its own URL, as does each individual element that has been anchored with a reference number. It’s primitive, but could come in extremely handy. For bloggers, this provides another way to reference a particular passage in a long web document. Just slurp the page, then link to the specific section.
Wikalong makes it possible to write notes in the margin of a web page (something we take for granted in paper books). Reviews, rebuttals, conversations, subversive commentary, a “roving weblog,” or just plain old notes – all of these are possible in the little sidebar wiki notebook that Wikalong places to the left of any web page you go to.
- Jul 2015
waterdata.usgs.gov waterdata.usgs.gov
Most recent instantaneous value: 218 07-29-2015 16:30 CDT
Coming down...
- May 2015
www.w3.org www.w3.org
Robust Link Anchoring
I think I'm going to like this. :)
- Apr 2015
hypothes.is hypothes.is
an account using the sidebar on the right
This could be fun. :)