- May 2024
www.ifrs.org www.ifrs.org
What if we include all except financial experts in the creation of sustainability standards?
Including a diverse range of experts, excluding only financial experts, can lead to more comprehensive and balanced sustainability standards. Here are some potential benefits:
Holistic Perspective:
- Non-financial experts (e.g., environmentalists, social scientists, ethicists) bring unique viewpoints.
- They consider ecological, social, and ethical aspects beyond profit.
Addressing Externalities:
Non-financial experts focus on externalities (impacts beyond financial metrics).
- Including them ensures standards account for broader consequences.
Long-Term Vision:
Sustainability requires long-term thinking.
- Non-financial experts emphasize intergenerational equity and planetary health.
Transparency and Trust:
Involving diverse experts builds trust.
- Transparency in standard-setting enhances credibility.
Remember, collaboration among experts from various fields fosters robust and inclusive sustainability standards
Sustainability reporting driven by financial materiality and promoted by, for example, the accountancy community through (e.g., IFRS Foundation) might have an insignificant or negative impact on sustainable development
- The Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Sciences TOM XXXI, 2nd Issue, December 2022 109 / WHO IS GOING TO WIN: THE EU ESG REGULATION OR THE REST OF THE WORLD? – A CRITICAL REVIEW
- Feb 2024
myunitecedu-my.sharepoint.com myunitecedu-my.sharepoint.com
- Municipio de Felipe Carrillo PuertoLa cabecera municipal Felipe Carrillo Puerto, en la plaza cívica se observaron contenedorespara el almacenamiento de los RSU. Se desconoce la cantidad específica de personal yjornadas asignadas al barrido de la vía pública.El parque vehicular destinado a la recolección consta de siete unidades: una de 10 ton concompactador, dos de 8 ton (tipo volteo modelo 1999), tres de 3 ton con compactador y unacamioneta tipo redilas de 1 ton de capacidad. El personal empleado consta de 8 trabajadorespara la recolección.La recolección de los RSU se realiza por medio de 7 rutas, que abarcan 11 colonias de las 15que conforman a la población, se desconoce como se da servicio a las colonias restantes.La recolección se realiza diariamente en el centro de la población y 3 veces al día en el árearesidencial, se desconoce el método empleado.
Infraestructura de recoleccion
Cuadro 6. Composición porcentual en masa de los RSU en el Estado de Quintana Roo.
Composicion porcentual RSU
Cuadro 5. Generación de RSU por municipio y alcaldía en el estado de Quintana Roo
Generacion RSU per capita por municipio
No mencionan sobre la disposición de RSU de las embarcaciones que arriban a losmunicipios costeros
En cuanto a las políticas de crecimiento urbano hay que señalar, que en muchas regiones delestado ésta ha sido rebasada, los Planes de Desarrollo Urbano son obsoletos, tal es el caso dePuerto Morelos, cuyo ordenamiento se está actualizando, debido a que el anterior Plan Directordata de 1998. Este desfase entre los diferentes ordenamientos para una misma región ocasionaincongruencias en la armonía, que debiera existir entre ellos, haciendo que existanincoherencias entre el ordenamiento ecológico y el plan de desarrollo urbano, así como con losplanes y programas de cada sector.
- Armonizar lineamientos crecimiento urbano y ecologicos
- Jul 2023
www.firstinspires.org www.firstinspires.org2614.pdf4
Board of Education
Discovery Innovation Impact Inclusion Teamwork Fun
www.firstinspires.org www.firstinspires.org3132.pdf2
Thunder Down Under
five times more...
- Jan 2023
telegra.ph telegra.ph
We suffer when we refuse to accept this impermanence
Buddhists conclude, the self is nothing less than a process of constant change.
mumbo jumbo = nonsense
former and latter > former 1st / latter 2nd
tortuga1320.com tortuga1320.com
Es sabio darse cuenta de que lo masculino no es el dueño absoluto esta transmisión y que tampoco le correspondía hablar en nombre del Arquetipo Bolon Ik, o cambiar el guión e intentar eliminar su divino equilibrio femenino.
Lilith. Liberacion Pag13Par3 Se hizo claro que Lilith desafía tanto a mujeres como a hombres para conectarlos con su pasión instintiva por la vida, por cuanto esta fuerza natural se torna destructiva cuando es negada, no colmada, enjaulada, exiliada. Todavía le presto mi voz a Lilith bajo la forma de un monólogo dramático (leer las páginas 5 y 6). Las intrigantes circunstancias que ocurren dondequiera que presente esta pieza continúan abriéndome a sus misterios sin tiempo
- Jan 2021
hunabku.org hunabku.org
Rubbing the lamp sets the dominant conscious thoughts into action, which influence the genie, the subconscious mind.
- Prayer, meditation and a deep desire +
- A creative process
letting go of the self that we have created
higher law
the law of the mind, cause and effect.
lesser law
In the tale, the sorcerer can’t possess the lamp because he is the false self, not the true self. The sorcerer does not tell Aladdin that the lamp must be given to him by another.
The false personality does not have power by itself. It must be given by the true self.
cave’s spells
magick inside the cave
rich, millionaire
Arabian Nights tales
In spanish the 1001 nights tales
www.kheper.net www.kheper.net
as with Evangelical Christianity, Sai Baba attracts a very emotionally immature class of devotee; the sort of people who need to believe in a big daddy who waves a magic wand and grants their every request.
Note that against other belief systems which are more mature and place the responibility on the devotee
www.jocelynlive.com www.jocelynlive.com
You must make your mind the obedient slave of your true self
The most important is to have control over your mind: your thoughts, your feelings (sometimes), expectations.
mental prison
False thoughts, expectations, myths about how you (and the world) should be
a spiritual practice
meditation, yoga, prayer, effort-discipline-sacrifice, buddhism, healing practices.
lesser genie
inferior, weaker
false self,
ego, desires to be rich and famous, popularity, selfish, greedy, egoistic personality.
being trapped in a situation in which we believe there is no way out
is prone to
can be programmed
how do we tap
how do we access our subconscious mind?
hidden beneath
subconscious mind
above the surface
conscious mind
- Dec 2020
hunabku.org hunabku.org
surrounded by Ex: surrounded by confusion
slow change
steadily, gradually
constant change
rapidly, quickly, swiftly, suddenly
fast change
slightly, minimally
small change
dramatically, rapidly, hugely, massive, sharply, steeply, considerably, substantially, significantly
big change
slight, small, minimal,
sharp, rapid, huge, dramatic, substantial, considerable, significant
crash, collapse, plunge, plummet.
vertical fall, catastrophic fall
evel up, remain stable, no change, remain steady, stay constant, stay, maintain the same level,
fall, decline, decrease, drop, dip, go down, reduce
Go down, decrease
rise, increase, grow, go up to, climb, boom, peak
Go up, increase
- Nov 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
one of the country’s most opaque institutions.
why she thinks that?
hunabku.org hunabku.org
These principles must be defined by the management team, and then implemented in real life at all levels
To be productive you must take control of your daily actions. Start capturing all your ideas and tasks on paper, and organize them into meaningful hierarchies according to your bigger goals in life. Always take action whenever is possible.
Review your actionable tasks at least every week and devote at least 2 hours for that. Use all the existing tools that can make your life easier. Example: Electronic planners, Specific software, even paper notes, dashboards, pins, post-its, etc.
meaningful by organizing them into projects
categorize tasks into projects by context by importance. Setting the the due date is important and also categorize personal care so it becomes visible and measurable. most projects should be attainable within 1 to 3 years.
Life Outcomes - Non client related projects (Home, goals, professional, etc.)Client Opps - Client projects and opportunities in the pipeline Act Soon - within a week or twoAct Today - Actions I plan to complete today Agreements - self agreements I'm trying to keep in mind (One of my biggest problems is keeping agreements with myself)Bills to pay Buy/ErrandsEventually - Things that should be dealt with in the next 2-4 months Maybe - Things I haven't decided onPlans/Rdmaps - Project support, ideas, brainstorming Review - More of a checklist list than anything, prompts for steps on certain things like doing the weekly reviews :)Waiting For
Now, Later, Delegate Sub categories > @agendas @calls @computer @internet @errand @home/office @waiting for
cAdmin (marketing, learning, accounting, compliance, etc.) cAxx (client for whom I often work at their premises) cZxx (ditto) Errands Finance (involving a set of files and tools separate from my regular business) Home (including the dreaded ironing) Personal (solo and cooperative non-business, e.g., family activities, hobby, social) WF (which I include with NA because there is high probability of follow-up required in the short term - includes Agendas)
- Write down everything (ideas, tasks, poems)
- Classify the list (1) into actionable tasks by context (set time and date to TAKE ACTION) - Calendar
- Procrastinate
- Sets and subsets of goals
Be happy (Life goal) spend more time with family (This years goal) cheer up mom's day (goal for the day)
become productive starting with important things>your goals -avoiding distractions -focusing properly
you won’t know whether it’s spam or a job offer unless you look at it.
Our minds are fickle and we struggle to keep the attention
In real life, the problem is that We are measured by the quantity of work, not the quality of it. So, the authors of the book designed a strategy to deal with all this ammount of work.
Do we know our real progress according to the MAP of important goals? To reach your full potential, you need to be both creative and well organized.
a place
- Aug 2020
test-english.com test-english.com
Asking for sth
Ordering politely
cte.rice.edu cte.rice.edu
Growth Mindsets
Mentalidad de crecimiento = Los errores son temporales y necesarios para tener exito. No son estados permanentes.
Motivación + Perseverancia (largo plazo) = Determinación
test-english.com test-english.com
verbs below.
- Recover from
- Suffer from
- Jul 2020
repositorio.ufc.br repositorio.ufc.br
Rhonda Byrne
Acuerdense que esta autora tambien escribio The secret
test-english.com test-english.com
when these events happened.
Ok. Be careful because this is an exception
past events that have a connexion with the present;
A ver. This is super important for the exam!!!!
test-english.com test-english.com
am/is/are + the -ing f
Siempre ponen ing pero SE LES OLVIDA EL VERB TO BE!!! acuerdense
- Nov 2019
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
In addition to the finding that some probiotics did significantly reduce the incidence of side-effects, much to researchers’ surprise, some probiotics were also effective in increasing the eradication rate of H. pylori. McFarland et al. included 25 RCTs in their meta-analysis using six different types of single strain probiotics and found only one sub-group (S. boulardii CNCM I-745) significantly improved H. pylori eradication rates (RR = 1.11, 95% C.I. 1.07–1.16, p<0.05), while five other sub-groups of the same strain had no significant effect
This is the key
- Mar 2019
www.mckinsey.com www.mckinsey.com
The shift to a digital, knowledge-based economy means that a vibrant workforce is more important than ever: research suggests that a very significant percentage of market capitalization in public companies is based on intangible assets—skilled employees, exceptional leaders, and knowledge.1
The more money you invest in L&D, the more money the company will generate.
An increasingly competitive business landscape, rising complexity, and the digital revolution are reshaping the mix of employees.
Nowadays the competition is increasing in the companies because the employees' abilities are diverse and there is a digital revolution.
learning-and-development (L&D)
- Jan 2019
moovitapp.com moovitapp.com
every day
Simple present
go to (the office) and go back (home) from the office
Monday to Friday
Simple Present
get around
to transport / to travel in the city
- Jan 2018
hunabku.pbworks.com hunabku.pbworks.com
all the world the people change people
what do you want to say?
a few people OR one person
You are talking about the future, so the verb must be in future form
López Erick
Did you use Google translator?
Un ejemplo
Please correct all the other whit with the correct word
robots is
robots (plural) - is (singular)
use as a verb form, not as a noun
González Iliana
Nicely done. Ask me for a card
not necessary
can not
cannot DO
jobs that
fewer jobs AND that
to try at least preserve
to try at least TO preserve
already very finished
about to get extinct
Mezala Stephanye
Hi Stephanye, I liked your concepts and opinions. Just pay a ttention to the spelling. Ask me for a Participation Card
because we exhaust
Richer is for money or value
human has
, people will become aggressive, unhappy because they will be finishing the food,
This could be a separate sentence. Also, instead of "they will be finishing the food" => we will run out of food. Find out the meaning of RUN OUT OF
But the plants are naturel and do not become more artificiel
I don't understand what do you mean by this statement. Please clarify !
have to begin
Other possibility: make an effort to learn instead of just to pass the exams
arrived to.
things is plural
The pronoun "I", should always be CAPITALIZED
more lazy
lazy has 2 syllables and endsd in -y: What is the rule?
n m
won´t be
THERE won't be
the best
www.greenpeace.org www.greenpeace.org
La destrucción de México
Realidad? En Mexico
m.greenpeace.org m.greenpeace.org
hazardous chemicals
These hazardous chemicals are the monsters, but they are not a little but a BIG problem
n3o.x10.mx n3o.x10.mx
Period (.) New line
habilis.udg.edu habilis.udg.edu
Picatrix - Magia Astrologica
- Dec 2017
khazarzar.skeptik.net khazarzar.skeptik.net
TheNagHammadiLibraryBIBLIOTHÈQUEDENAGHAMMADIIntroductionfrom «TheGnosticGospels»by Elaine Pagels
archons and how to escape this reincarnation loopo
skepdic.com skepdic.com
plant perception
Plant Extra Sensorial Powers
drive.google.com drive.google.com
‘What makes you Indigenous
Indigenous are intrinsically bound to nature
- Feb 2017
www.ideaconnection.com www.ideaconnection.comuntitled1
photoconversion efficiency
egyptsitesblog.wordpress.com egyptsitesblog.wordpress.com
“May the evening sooth and welcome you oh travellers from Upper Egypt“. Then another voice was heard saying; “You will travel no further because you are come. Here you are at the beginning of time“.
Song : Ynys Ellen Artist: Banco de Gaia Album: Farewell Ferengistan
"Such a genius Toby Marks is"
1320frequencyshift.com 1320frequencyshift.com
In her rage, Tiamat started war and turned herself into a massive sea dragon to avenge her husband’s murderers. She summoned the forces of chaos and called forth 11 demon/monsters to destroy her children. She also called forth other dark creatures as well as the first dragons, whose bodies she filled with “poison instead of blood.” (This is the first dragon story on record).
www.vsnrweb-publications.org.uk www.vsnrweb-publications.org.uk
- Jan 2017
n3o.x10.mx n3o.x10.mx
to install, first login into the bluemix console