- Feb 2021
edtechbooks.org edtechbooks.org
A learning design is a creative pathway, with steps along the way, that guides someone from a point of introduction to a permanent change in knowing, doing, or being.
This is a really interesting definition that I will be chewing on.
www.sentinel-standard.com www.sentinel-standard.com
State law didn’t allow for consideration of the project’s potential effects on climate change, she said.
How is this possible?
- Jan 2021
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
Our perception is often biased, selective, and malleable.
Isn't it always so?
- May 2019
unbound.upcea.edu unbound.upcea.edu
The person in this role must be “enabled and empowered campus-wide so the people understand exactly who this person is and what he or she is doing.” Successful implementation of a COLO position thus depends on adaptability and support from the head of an institution. Senior leadership bears responsibility for communicating how an organization’s overall mission and strategic plan embrace a C-suite-level investment in areas associated with online learning.
Do people understand exactly who our new Chief Digital Learning Officer is and what he is doing at MSU?
- Dec 2018
comartsci.msu.edu comartsci.msu.edu
Enough sappiness and sentiment. Gimme a call after Christmas and let’s meet up at Crunchy’s for a burger and tots. My treat. Go Green!
Pure Jason Archer voice right there. Bam. I love it.
we decided before our first day that we would invite our students to join our faculty and leadership to become co-authors of the program.
students as co-authors of the program
app.getpocket.com app.getpocket.comPocket6
These innovations aren’t mired in the past. They are solutions firmly focused on the future — not some technocentric version of it, where we invent our way to utopia, but a human-centric future that reflects where we’ve been, what we’ve learned and how we actually want to live. If that means we build more libraries in parks, then we are moving in the right direction.
aren't mired in the past
Traditional cooking, craft beer, heirloom vegetables and grass-fed beef have brought food forward by turning back.
brought things forward by turning back
This model has been so effective that Amazon is opening more bookstores and Walmart just announced concept stores that will include food halls, farmers markets, bike rentals and parks — the very things the company siphoned away from American towns.
Interesting to note that the big movers and shakers who took certain things from local folks, are now attempting to return those losses in ways that are profitable to them.
When you look at those cities, you’ll also find some of the most innovative solutions to the way we conduct commerce. Not one-hour delivery or meal kits on demand, but the boom in a parallel retail model that is decidedly social and human focused.
Less efficiency driven and more people/human oriented
True innovation isn’t just some magic carnival of invention, like a Steve Jobs keynote with a pretty toy at the end. It is a continuing process of gradual improvement and assessment that every institution and business experiences in some way. Often that actually means adopting ideas and tools that already exist but make sense in a new context, or even returning to methods that worked in the past. Adapted to the challenges of today, these rearview innovations have proved to be as transformative as novel technologies.
True innovation isn't splashy like we think it is, but more closely resembles the daily grind.
fear of missing out has led us to foolishly embrace the false trappings of innovation over truly innovative ideas that may be simpler and ultimately more effective.
FOMO results in poor judgement
- May 2018
Interesting that collaboration is #1
- Apr 2018
padlet-uploads.storage.googleapis.com padlet-uploads.storage.googleapis.com
Learn more?
Short URL
Brand stand font is Gotham
I would suggest taking these action items out of boxes below, adding action icons around the actions, narrow them to 3 and reduce the text around the main action. I can explain this further in person.
We are thinking having this focus on follow share jointAnd removing and engage.
I am suggesting that the last two sentences are redundant in ways that might cause us to remove for sake of brevity.
I think it is important (based on feedback this morning with the ID networking group) for us to provide examples of our expansive view of educators here. Erik suggests us doing so in parentheses like: (Faculty, TAs, GAs, IDs, Teachers, and anyone in any way in service to the mission of teaching and learning here).
I might lead this sentence with "In an effort to transform the culture of teaching and learning on campus..."
- Mar 2018
link.springer.com link.springer.com
The educational researchers who were promoting non-scientific research paradigms (including qualitative studies, arts-based studies, and humanities-oriented studies) were very skillful at articulating and making explicit the theoretical bases for their research projects. In contrast, the science- or social-science-oriented educational researchers were quite at a loss to justify in theoretical terms their epistemological commitments. The scientific educational researchers had apparently never been required to theorize their research projects or explaining the affordances and limitations of their scientific approach to educational research. They had not had opportunities to explain their work in theoretical terms because the theoretical support mechanisms for their scientific projects had always been lurking, and taken for granted as self-evident in their approaches to research.
Interesting observation regarding the capabilities of articulating explicit theoretical bases for research generally between the science and arts oriented academics.
I don’t want to say that methodology has replaced theory because it has not. Rather, by using the term “lurking” I am trying to convey the idea that, even though methodology has been prominent and obvious in educational studies, theory has never been absent.
theory is never absent, but can be unrecognized.
- Feb 2018
www.dubberly.com www.dubberly.com
some of its programs even encourage members to buy fewer products.
This is an interesting claim of Patagonia as a company. It makes me wonder if they can encourage customers to buy fewer products in light of their higher sale prices on products geared to last longer. How can a company like this make this kind of value stance without it being in some way profitable?
- Jan 2018
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Given the nature of big data, bringing technical, scientific, social, and humanistic researchers together on projects enables this debate to emerge as a strength because, if done well, it provides the means to understand the ethical issues from a range of perspectives and disrupt the silos of disciplines
With power comes responsibility.
data are people
data are people?
- Dec 2017
getpocket.com getpocket.com
The literature on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is abounding with the importance of increasing college access, retention, and persistence among students because of implications for America’s global competitiveness.
Is implications of America's global competitiveness really the root of why equitable access is important?
getpocket.com getpocket.com
After any particular CPE or CPA is developed, it must be pilot tested to work out problems, to discover more effective and/or efficient methods, logistics, wording, instructions, or the like (Lenburg, 1979, 1998, 1999; Luttrell, et al, 1999).
The importance of piloting
When performance examinations are administered in actual clinical environments (not simulations) the concept of flexibility is essential, as each client (patient) is different.
Importance of clinical flexibility
The concept of examination is foundational to all the others; the evaluation episode is constructed and implemented as an objective examination to determine competence, not to promote learning per se.
But, couldn't examinations be developed in a way that promotes learning?
Lecture and memorization, multiple-choice testing and traditional assignments may lead to course completion, but they often are ineffectual in helping students to become competent and confident in skills such as critical thinking, communication, management, and leadership. Using realistic strategies such as problem-based learning, case studies based on printed text or computer simulations, and team projects, promote these competencies
Important notes on what is better for helping out with higher-level thinking and skills in comparison to traditional assignments.
The unit objectives are rewritten below to illustrate evolving thinking and final wording as practice outcomes. Focus on the undergirding, but unstated competence used in practice, and consider how the objectives could be rewritten as competency outcomes.
These are helpful examples of the rethinking involved for the language to be more in line with CBL.
www.nursingworld.org www.nursingworld.org
Lenburg’s Eight Core Practice Competencies with Subskill Examples
Fascinating that the eight core practice competencies with subskill examples end with knowledge integration and that no other area touches on much of anything related to cognition at all.
A comprehensive, concept-oriented model that allows for flexible adaptation and corresponding assessment methods is logical and essential.
Flexible adaptation of comprehensive model
What are the essential competencies and outcomes for contemporary practice? What are the indicators that define those competencies? What are the most effective ways to learn those competencies? And, What are the most effective ways to document that learners and/or practitioners have achieved the required competencies?
Four essential questions
What should we give up? How can we justify not "covering all the content"? How can we include the exploding volume of information available on the Internet and in encyclopedic textbooks? And how much more can we expect of students who already are overloaded with multiple other responsibilities?
Important questions about content-related decisions.
determining what content to include or exclude, where and how it should be distributed, which teaching methods to use, and the ever-worrisome question of how to evaluate achievement objectively and legally.
Main challenges faced
It describes an integrated outcomes-oriented system based on concepts related to creating practice competency categories, implementing interactive learning methods and key psychometric concepts that support performance assessment methods.
Premise of this article
teachers in academic and practice settings use traditional course objectives, lectures, and evaluation methods that often are characterized as teacher-focused, subjective, and inconsistent.
teacher-focused, subjective, and inconsistent.
www.culturalcognition.net www.culturalcognition.net
With respect then to curiosity, the teacher has usually more to learn than to teach. Rarely can they aspire to the office of kindling or even increasing it. Their task is rather to keep alive the sacred spark of wonder and to fan the flame that already glows. Their problem is to protect the spirit of inquiry, to keep it from becoming blasé from overexcitement, wooden from routine, fossilized through dogmatic instruction, or dissipated by random exercise upon trivial things.
The role of the teacher is to learn and to fan the flame of curiosity.
If germinating powers are not used and cultivated at the right moment, they tend to be transitory, to die out, or to wane in intensity.
The importance of timing (Just In Time)
(b) A higher stage of curiosity develops under the influence of social stimuli. When the child learns that he can appeal to others to eke out his store of experiences, so that, if objects fail to respond interestingly to his experiments, he may call upon persons to provide interesting material, a new epoch sets in. “What is that?” “Why?” become the unfailing signs of a child’s presence. At first this questioning is hardly more than a projection into social relations of the physical overflow which earlier kept the child pushing and pulling, opening and shutting. He asks in succession what holds up the house, what holds up the soil that holds the house, what holds up the earth that holds the soil; but his questions are not evidence of any genuine consciousness of rational connections. His why is not a demand for scientific explanation; the motive behind it is simply eagerness for a larger acquaintance with the mysterious world in which he is placed. The search is not for a law or principle, but only for a bigger fact. Yet there is more than a desire to accumulate just information or heap up disconnected items, although sometimes the interrogating habit threatens to degenerate into a mere disease of language. In the feeling, however dim, that the facts which directly meet the senses are not the whole story, that there is more behind them and more to come from them, lies the germ of intellectual curiosity.
Children ask questions
The curious mind is constantly alert and exploring, seeking material for thought, as a vigorous and healthy body is on the qui vive for nutriment.
mind is to thought as body is to nutrients
consider using "we" language
Have these links open in another window.
Suggest: "in the Prep for Day 3" instead of below as directional orientation could differ based on screen configurations.
Really cool to have supplementary materials categorized based on people's interests.
Again, reframing this into something to the effect of helping them understand where they are at prior to entering the learning/laboratory experience rather than "assessing your knowledge" which reads more summative.
Many people get anxiety in learning environments around group work. It could be helpful here to contextualize the reasoning behind this being an activity designed this way to prepare them for an authentic experience they will have in the field in working with others.
Many learners will wonder what the specifics of what the presentation will entail. This might be a good place to provide a rubric of sorts that will help them understand what it is that will be expected from them in the production and delivery of these presentations the next day.
I am reminded of the SNAPPS format you shared yesterday. I think this could provide a really helpful framework.
pre-quiz? It might be helpful to mention that this isn't high stakes, nor will it be used against them in anyway, but will help them get a general pulse on some of their knowledge prior to entering the learning activities for the day? It might be good to also mention that this will also give them a benchmark upon which for them to personally get a pulse on their growth in knowledge toward the end of the learning experience. Does this make sense? Currently, as this reads, I would be concerned about being quizzed without this context shared and especially in the context of my peers being able to analyze my understanding rather than this being a tool for me to personally use to chart my own growth.
I am noticing you are using you and we language in different parts. Maybe this is a good approach?
your group's understandingofthebasicconceptsofanatomy and of the bones of the forelimbwillbeassessedbyashortquiz
Isn't it the individual's understanding that will be pre-assessed?
consider using "we" language
Maybe a helpful subtitle of the whole week?
It is unclear what Competencies B means to the learner.
This is helpful to know what things are expected for someone to know prior to day 1, but it should be made clear that this is assumed pre-existing knowledge and that it is included here to brush up on prior to day one. The way it sits and reads right now is that this is a module prior to day 1 where they are expected to learn all these things in it. Does this make sense?
I think it is helpful to have a learning map component of this module. I wonder if it could benefit from light wrapping language that explains briefly what this section usually is comprised of prior to sharing the two resources. It may be helpful to have more concise names of the resources with sub-descriptions included. I can explain this further if needed.
Not sure the framing overview is necessary when this happens in the description of a module. This is currently redundant and should be removed.
The musculoskeletal system comprisesthemuscles,bonesandjointsthatallowananimaltowalk,findfoodandmates:lossordamage to this system can have profound,evencatastrophiceffectsforapatient.It'simportantthateverygraduatingveterinarianbe able to examine a patient and determinewhetherjoints,bonesormusclesarenormalordamaged:agoodknowledgeofnormal structure and function is essential.Inthiscourse,usingdissections,prosections,andliveanimalpalpation,youwilllearnwhat normal bones, joints and muscles ofdomesticanimalslooklike,howtheyshouldwork,andwhatdamagetoessentialcomponents would look like. By the endofthismoduleyoushouldbeabletoidentifycommoninjuriesleadingtosignificantlossof function of the musculoskeletal systemindogs,cats,horsesandruminants
This is helpful wording for the overview of the course. It is strange to me that this is the same language that I was seeing in the overview section. Usually the start here section of a course is geared to help the learner get oriented to the course overall, where things are headed at a high level and a checking on background knowledge and experience of the students entering the learning experience. I would suggest updating this start here description to helping answer the question: What do I need to know coming into this course? Does this make sense?
Is this the overview of the whole course or of the first learning experience module? I ask because it is currently the same language as Week 1 & Day 1 along with the Course Overview.
consider using "we" language