- Jul 2018
dfmi.dwrl.utexas.edu dfmi.dwrl.utexas.edu
Technique is necessary to the art of thought—to thought in the act—but it is not art in itself. Elsewhere, I have proposed that technicity may be one way to talk about what art can do in its outdoing of technique (Manning, 2013).
technicity - what art can do beyond technique
but fi rst a kind of hypothetical sympathy, until it is possible to know what it feels like to believe in his [or her] theories, and only then a revival of the critical attitude, which should resemble, as far as possible, the state of mind of a person abandoning opinions which he has hitherto held”
on close reading
art—defi ned as “the way,” “the manner”—locating art not at the level of the fi nished object but in its trajectory (s
this assumes an especially spatial account of art, which might be fitting for ecocritical projects
counter agency as opposed to urges, cuts, and force above--various accounts of 'agency' on offer
The virtual is never the opposite of the actual—it is how the actual resonates beyond the limits of its actualization. It is the red-ness and warmth in the foregoing example.
Would still appreciate more to define virtual here.
as-yet-unthought within thought itself.
how does this relate with this essay's account of virtual?
defi nition of process for Whitehead: the nuanced interplay between potential and activity, between the in-act of the occasion of experience and the fl ow of its relational interplay.
relational interplay (still sounds Kantian then, just not as some know him)
defi nition of process for Whitehead: the nuanced interplay between potential and activity, between the in-act of the occasion of experience and the fl ow of its relational interplay.
relational interplay (still sounds Kantian then, just not as some know him)
To reorient the question of knowledge away from the idea of subject/object is to rethink the place of matter within experience. It is to challenge the idea that what is not known as such is not knowable, emphasizing that knowability may take us off the path of the methodological disciplinary account of experience, propelling us into the midst.
comparable to Speculative Realism?
To reorient the question of knowledge away from the idea of subject/object is to rethink the place of matter within experience. It is to challenge the idea that what is not known as such is not knowable, emphasizing that knowability may take us off the path of the methodological disciplinary account of experience, propelling us into the midst.
comparable to Speculative Realism?
In other words: Everything real must be experienceable somewhere, and every kind of thing experienced must somewhere be real” (1996, p. 160). To
how does this work to reinforce or destabilize human exceptionalism or speciesism?
The challenge of radical empiricism is that it begins in the midst, in the mess of relations not yet organized into terms such as “subject” and “object.” James calls this fi eld of relations “pure experience,” pure under-stood not in the sense of “purity” but in the sense of immanent to actual relations.
Is this affect, as Brian Massumi frames it?
This will mean opening thought beyond its articulation in language towards “the movement of thought,” 4engaging it at the immanent limit where it is still fully in the act.
Reminds me of recent work in biosemiotics.
Research-creation, then, operates much like poetry, esp as romantic-era authors understood it.