- Oct 2020
www.teachingprofessor.com www.teachingprofessor.com
Tips from the Pros: Using Technology to Scaffold Conceptual Development
Technology can be used in adult learning environments to support concrete representation abstract (CRA) progression. This site gives an example of what that might look like. In the concrete stage students have to learn by doing and virtual environments can give them the experience of doing. Online simulations can also provide that experience. Tools for creating concept maps or infographics help students in the representational stage. When students need to apply knowledge in the abstract stage they can use technology to create videos, conduct interviews, or record podcasts. This was a different view of technology integration than I had read about from other sources and it is something I found helpful when thinking about integrating technology. The author researches online pedagogy and technology and teaches future teachers. 10/10
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
This study explores teacher beliefs and technology integration by giving a select group of teachers questionnaires about beliefs. The study group was chosen from teachers already involved in a project for the U.S. Department of Education and they taught elementary school. Results showed that the more sophisticated beliefs, the more student-centered the teaching, and the more likely it was that teachers used technology to enhance learning. Research about changing teacher beliefs is presented, indicating that teachers need to be given experiences before they will be able to change beliefs held. This study focused on elementary teachers and it would be interesting to see the same study conducted on teachers in higher education. 8/10
telrp.springeropen.com telrp.springeropen.com
Digital learner presence and online teaching tools: higher cognitive requirements of online learners for effective learning
The authors study blogs, virtual worlds, discussion boards, and wikis and gathers student feedback on integrating those technologies into a class. The authors believed that students needed a digital presence to be successful in online learning. Instructor presence is also important and both can help participants in the class realize that there are real people in the class. The results of the studies show that integrating technology for collaboration should be done with careful design by the teacher, that as students are exposed to tools they find ones that work best for them, and that for students who have little exposure to technology the teacher should provide scaffolding to help them develop a digital presence. The studies were conducted in one region in Australia and I would like to see similar studies with learners from a broader area. 8/10
www.povertyactionlab.org www.povertyactionlab.org
Can ABC Lead to Sustained 123? The Medium-Term Effects of a Technology-Enhanced Adult Education Program
This paper explores how technology integration contributes to learning gains. An example from an experiment in Niger showed that gains still existed after several years. The experiment used mobile phone intervention in groups of participants in 113 villages in Niger. Participants demonstrated medium learning gains and increased mobile phone usage after the program but did not gain observable socio-economic outcomes. The study had no control group and some participants dropped out during the study. This study explored technology integration with a population lacking exposure to technology. 8/10
www.punyamishra.com www.punyamishra.comuntitled1
Technological Pedagogical ContentKnowledge: A Framework for TeacherKnowledge
This article is older, but I came across the term TPCK several times and needed background information on the topic. There has been a lot of focus on what teachers need to know to integrate technology but this article states that we also need to study how technology is used. Technological pedagogical content knowledge, or TPCK, is the argument that Content, Pedagogy, and Technology are not separate realms of knowledge. They intersect and TPCK is what is needed for good teaching with technology. Good teachers understand how technology, content, and pedagogy must all work together to develop class content. This is thought-provoking information to anyone entering the educational technology field. 10/10
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
3 Cool Tech Tools to Consider for the Digital Classroom
This article discusses methods of integrating technology in an online learning environment. It gives examples of using Adobe Spark, Quizlet, and Remind for an online instructor as well as reasons why the tools should be used. This comes from the Faculty Focus site which has short, to the point articles about current topics. It was easy to search for topics about technology integration though none of the articles are as content-heavy as journal articles. 8/10
www.erudit.org www.erudit.org
Factors Impacting University Instructors’ and Students’Perceptions of Course Effectiveness and TechnologyIntegration in the Age of Web 2.0
Even though technology and Web 2.0 tools are widespread in education, using them does not guarantee that learning outcomes are accomplished. Blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networks have all received attention as tools that increase learning. This study examined student and faculty perception of the usefulness of such tools. The study results are useful to instructors designing content. Student responses showed that instructional strategies, not specific technology uses, influenced student perception of course effectiveness. Highly interesting reading from a peer-reviewed journal. 10/10
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Using Technology to Help First-Gen Students
The authors discuss how integrating technology can be beneficial to first-generation students in several ways. Students can use technology to find answers to how to navigate the college system. They can use tools to fill in any gaps from their high school education, use familiar social media tools to apply knowledge, and find answers to questions they are embarrassed to ask. The authors are college professors and this is an opinion piece that references research but does not cite research. I think the piece raised several important points but would appreciate citations to help me explore the topic further. The Inside Higher Ed site is easy to use and I could easily find information about topics I searched. 8/10.
citejournal.org citejournal.org
Facilitating Student Engagement in Higher Education Through Educational Technology: A Narrative Systematic Review in the Field of Education
CITE Journal provides peer-reviewed articles about using technology in education and breaks them into categories by subject area. The site is easy to navigate and easy to search. The authors examine cognitive, affective, and behavior student engagement through a systemic review. Integrating technology allowed students to learn from peers, progress in self-directed learning, and more. However, students also reported disengagement due to frustration, disappointment, and more. Engagement occurred more often than disengagement when students worked with technology. There are several points made here about the reasons for disengagement that were new to me and I appreciated the discussion about those points. 10/10
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Internet LearningVolume 4Issue 1Spring 2015Article 2May 2015Strategies for Virtual Learning Environments:Focusing on Teaching Presence and TeachingImmediacy
This article explore teacher presence and teacher immediacy. Both online and in-person classes have integrated technology by creating technology-based environments. When using technology to host an online class, it is important for students to feel they are a community of learners. Teaching presence is important for students and can enhance critical thinking. Instructor immediacy can boost student engagement. This study analyzed existing literature and proposes quantitative and qualitative future studies to continue research into student engagement using technology. The most interesting section is the description of teacher roles in an online environment. 9/10
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
The Past Meets the Future: How to Bring Confucian Virtues into Higher Ed with Educational Technology
The authors discuss the alignment of virtues with educational technology. There is a discussion about using technology to allow students to interact with each other and create educated people who respect culture and ethics. Students can be guided to think about moral consequences of technology before using it. Reading about how Confucianism aligns with educational technology was interesting and even if teachers do not agree with it completely, it is still a new perspective to consider. The site is not peer-reviewed but the authors do have experience in the topics discussed. 8/10
educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com
Personalisation in educational technology: the absence of underlying pedagogies
The International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education is available on Springer Open. I do not find the layout to be user-friendly, but I appreciate open access to the articles. The authors explore literature related to personalized experiences with educational technology. Personalized education involves adjusting objectives, content, and approaches to the learner. The literature did not provide a large enough sample to be representative, but it did provide a fascinating look at two approaches to personalization: a system that guides learning and an approach where the students guide decisions about learning. 7/10
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Digital technologies in training and adult education
This is an overview of an issue of the International Journal of Training and Development. It summarizes key findings of several studies and is an excellent starting point to explore several areas of digital technology use in adult training. Findings from the studies include: technology should complement blended learning, trainer competency in digital platforms has an effect on attitude towards technology use, and that educators with media-related training are more likely to be critically-reflective of technology. There are several references listed that could be useful to those exploring methods of technology integration. 10/10
journals.uair.arizona.edu journals.uair.arizona.edu
Technology and Adult Students In Higher Education: A Review of the Literature
In this literature review the authors cover many common topics related to technology and adults including andragogy and traits of adults learners. The discussion of educator reluctance to use technology in new ways to improve learner outcomes was useful. The literature reinforced the idea that educators should not use technology for the sake of technology but instead to benefit learners. This site publishes graduate work in a special section and this is the work of several doctoral students. Most topics included have been thoroughly researched and discussed in other journals and articles. 5/10
www.jespnet.com www.jespnet.com
Journal of Education & Social Policy Vol. 7, No. 1; March 201725The Technology Driven Student: How to Apply Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy to the Digital Generations
The authors describe Bloom's Digital Taxonomy for use with digital learning. They summarize Bloom's Taxonomy, describe the changes to the Revised Taxonomy, and give suggestions for using the Digital Taxonomy. The Digital Taxonomy includes ways to use Web 2.0 technology and updates vocabulary to align with current technologies. It also takes into account that students are now content creators and not only content consumers. Content creation can be aligned with Bloom's Taxonomy. While this is not a study, it cites studies for all topics discussed and succinctly connects the changes in higher education students, technology developments, and Bloom's Taxonomy. 9/10
lincs.ed.gov lincs.ed.gov
Multiplying Impact:Five Frameworks for Investment in EdTech for Adult Learners
The report was funded through the U.S. Department of Education. It proposed that there are five areas of focus for educational technology in regards to adult learners. Focus areas include: supplement the instructor, design for learners' lives, engage the learner, build community, and connect content to learners' lives. The areas proposed are meant to improve adult education outcomes for adult learners not in a university setting. The report lists the issue or problem that each framework is meant to address and how the framework can improve teacher and student experience. This gives concrete examples for implementing technology and discusses what can be implemented easily today versus what would take more time and funding. 9/10
www.redalyc.org www.redalyc.org
In this literature review the author examines papers related to constructivism, connectivism, and educational technology. Many constructivist learning theories are presented though the authors point out that connectivism is particularly relevant to digital teaching and learning. Active, experiential, situational learning, and others are described within the context of educational technology. Concrete examples are given for some learning theories. The analysis of the Zone of Proximal Development in connectivism is relevant to those teaching with technology. Further research in the area of learning theories related to educational technology is suggested. The author pulled papers in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, giving this literature review a broader scope than other works. 9/10
Constructivism and connectivism ineducation technology: Active, situated,authentic, experiential, and anchoredlearning
fill in later
opentextbc.ca opentextbc.ca
11.1.4 Quality in online courses and programs
The author of this book has extensive experience in the field of educational technology. The book itself has several useful sections for instructors or instructional designers. In this section he discusses what makes a quality course. When using technology to create online or hybrid courses, the same quality assurance standards used in classroom teaching should apply. The idea presented here that online courses may have more difficult outcomes to measure is something those in the field of educational technology may encounter when designing assessment. 9/10
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Active-Learning Classrooms: 7 Tips for Higher Education
The author touches on technology integration and how it can play a role in active learning classrooms. Several points are not directly related to technology integration. The main ideas related to technology include designing learning spaces that extend outside the classroom, using existing space to incorporate useful technology, having students use their own devices within a learning space, and managing technology to ensure it is consistently available. 7/10
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Adult Learners Come to Campus with Unique Technology Needs
Adult learners vary widely in their backgrounds and preferences for technology. This article recommends getting input from learners about technology before purchasing it, having someone available to help learners master using new technology, and to identify problems students have before implementing technology to solve the problem The article made some good points but lacked depth. EdTech Magazine is simple to navigate, offers easy searches, and allows readers to choose a K-12 or Higher Ed focused version of the site. 7/10
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
How the Pandemic Is Pushing Professors to Improve Their Pedagogy
I have always found The Chronicle of Higher Education to have thought-provoking articles about current topics. Articles are written by people in the field and can provide valuable advice. The subscription is expensive but you are given a set number of free articles each month. In this article, the author discusses how the pandemic has made teachers think differently about their teaching after being forced to teach online. Teachers now have to give authentic assessments and less lectures. Technology tools can help when designing assessments that require students to apply learning. This article does not directly discuss technology integration, but I made several connections from the content to where tech integration could be useful. 8/10
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
Unlocking the Promise of Digital Assessment
Integrating technology into formative assessment can give instructors a better idea of student progress which can help student achievement. Several examples of digital tools for assessment are provided. The authors remind readers that tools can be matched to teaching style and that the tools provide actionable data and convenience. I have one other bookmark from Faculty Focus and I find the site useful. The articles are short but references are provided so that readers may dive deeper into the material if they wish. 9/10