6 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2023
www.scotthyoung.com www.scotthyoung.com
The reading group processed the words perceptually, while the generating group processed them semantically – they had to retrieve from memory words with a particular meaning.
Reading aloud promotes semantic encoding (understanding meaning, and recalling from memory).
To recall - semantic meaning must already be embedded?
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
But Folgezettel are not predefined while categores are, and therefore they are highly adaptable.
A Zettelkasten is a system of notes that fit the criteria of being a system.
Zettelkasten as a system of notes that carry certain affordances
strengejacke.wordpress.com strengejacke.wordpress.com
This impression may come from the fact that technically implementing such a feature with a so-called tree component requires a root element – with all following elements being „children“, thus it seems that the first element – the root – defines a specific category. But, all notes in a note sequence are on the same level. There are no categories.
The functional equivalent, which is – however – more powerful and allows multiple storage, is the keyword register, which defines certain notes as thematic „entrance“ into the Zettelkasten.
Love the framing of the index as a "thematic entrance" into the Zettekasten
- Aug 2023
blog.jerrybrito.com blog.jerrybrito.com
After all, Luhmann himself didn’t have automatic backlinking. He had to manually add the cross-references to his analog notecards, and yet the system allowed him to write dozens of books and papers. Indeed, as Christian from Zettelkasten.de has said, automation might actually be an impediment to the cogitation and deep understanding the method seeks to engender.