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  1. Jan 2021
  2. Dec 2020
  3. Nov 2020
  4. Oct 2020
  5. www.hope-project.dk www.hope-project.dk
    1. HOPE - How Democracies Cope with COVID19 A Data-Driven Approach
    1. Remote Work and the Het­ero­ge­neous Impact of COVID-19 on Em­ploy­ment and Health
    1. The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Government-​ and Market-​Attitudes
    1. Modern In­fec­tious Diseases: Macro­eco­nomic Impacts and Policy Responses
    1. The Economic Effects of COVID-19 and Credit Con­straints: Evidence from Italian Firms’ Ex­pec­ta­tions and Plans
    1. Measuring the Impacts of COVID-19 on Job Postings in Australia Using a Reweighting-​Estimation-Transformation Approach
    1. Act Early to Prevent In­fec­tions and Save Lives: Causal Impact of Di­ag­nos­tic Ef­fi­ciency on the COVID-19 Pandemic
    1. Framing the Predicted Impacts of COVID-19 Pro­phy­lac­tic Measures in Terms of Lives Saved Rather Than Deaths Is More Effective for Older People
    1. Measuring Ge­o­graph­i­cal Dis­par­i­ties in England at the Time of COVID-19: Results Using a Composite Indicator of Pop­u­la­tion Vul­ner­a­bil­ity