221 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2018
    1. Then to dwell here, driv'n out from bliss, condemn'd In this abhorred deep to utter woe; Where pain of unextinguishable fire

      Satan's and his followers continued suffering the tortures of a vengeful God could be considered an act of immense heroism.

    2. Vain Warr with Heav'n, and by success untaught His proud imaginations thus displaid.

      This is a valid criticism of ruling elites at the time of Milton, and remains valid today.

    1. Was this a Puritan thing?

    2. Mate

      What does this mean? Nowadays this word is used colloquially to mean a good friend.

    3. This reminds me of the saying one person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Satan and his fallen angels can be perceived as insurgents against God's 'tyranny', putting a whole new spin on the battle between good and evil.

    4. To wage by force or guile eternal WarrIrreconcileable, to our grand Foe,

      This reference to eternal war fails to see the final Battle of Armageddon and the eventual victory of good or evil.

    5. The change in spelling interests me, as with most current English pronunciation here and their would effectively rhyme. But Milton's with Milton's use of thir they wouldn't.

    6. In some Northern English or Scottish dialects the word ken is used as a verb to know or noun for knowledge.

  2. Dec 2017
    1. I'm sure there isn't anything nefarious about this random Rubik's Cube. It's just so colorful and fun!

      rubik cube ain't grow in trees


      ain't an idea

      /merry cubemaz

      go shopping, and gone by chopping

  3. May 2017
    1. Calling from Python As of 10.10, AppleScript can use Cocoa frameworks in any Script Editor-based script. This makes it easy for Python and other languages that have Objective-C bridges to call AppleScript directly, without having to package everything as an Xcode app. Stick one or more compiled .scpt files containing AppleScript-ObjC "classes" into a folder, e.g.: use framework "Foundation" use scripting additions script MyASClass property parent : class "NSObject" -- on test() activate display dialog "Hello from AppleScript!" end test end script then just use it from Python like this: from Foundation import NSBundle, NSClassFromString import AppleScriptObjC NSBundle.alloc().initWithPath_(FOLDERPATH).loadAppleScriptObjectiveCScripts() MyASClass = NSClassFromString(u"MyASClass") # get the ASOC class... MyASClass.alloc().init().test() # ...then instantiate and call it

      Given that appscript is deprecated, I'm looking at how to call AppleScript directly from Python. This section is a "hello world" demonstration of how.

  4. Mar 2017
    1. carica-ture of the Victorian gentleman

      This is an interesting description of George, considering that A Room of One's Own includes a caricature of Professor X, who is what she imagines as the type of man who writes myths about women. Is the author of the intro trying to draw a connection between Woolf's life and work here?

      On a related note, we've had a few annotations about these intros, particularly weird claims about women (perhaps overstating the importance of Willard, for example). In our readings, its been interesting to think of the rhetorical moves of whoever wrote the intros and time period overviews.

  5. Sep 2016
  6. Jan 2016
  7. Dec 2015
    1. Fol.17

      Die Villa Doria Panfili Innozenz' X. wird gerade noch vom Planausschnitt erfasst.

  8. Sep 2015
    1. to prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world, for the truth of which we pledge a faith yet unsullied by falsehood.

      The Declaration of Independence impacted the United States in more ways than one, Jefferson makes clear when he states "to prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world;" he is referring to the reign of the King of Great Britain who has brought injuries and tyranny over the states. He wants his people to realize the corruption and wrongdoings that the king has caused. Jefferson is essentially saying that people should be uncorrupt in this new world and man should strive to preserve the pureness of this country keeping it from falsehood and injustice. It sparked my attention when I came across a newspaper titled "The North Briton" written by J. Wilkes and others which contained very similar diction and ideals of society during that time period. Wilkes is criticizing King George III for his speech in favor of the Treaty of Paris ending the Seven Year’s War; he states “Articles 15 is for having corrupted the sacred fountain of truth and put falsehoods into the mouth of Majesty, in several speeches made in parliament.” Wilkes is trying to uncover the king’s corruption and bring to light that he is lying to his people which ties closely to Jefferson’s actions and morals of being uncorrupt. Most people carried similar beliefs in the United States during the 18th century, it is very possible that the Wilkes could have been from Jefferson's era carrying the same ideals and values as him due to similar style of writing, choice of diction, and beliefs.

    1. let facts be submitted to a candid world, for the truth of which we pledge a faith yet unsullied by falsehood.

      The Declaration of Independence impacted the United States in more ways than one, Jefferson makes clear that essentially people should be uncorrupt in this new world and man should strive to preserve the pureness of this country and keep from falsehood and lies. It sparked my attention when I came across a monthly chronologer titled "The Gentleman's and London magazine" that contained very similar diction and ideals of society during that time period. It is noticed that humans are habitual creatures and mimic their peers within their society creating a universal diction within that community. Most people carried similar beliefs in the United States during the 18th century since most citizens were of Christian faith it is very possible that the writers of the "Gentleman's and London Magazine" could have been from Jefferson's era having the same ideals and values as him due to similar style of writing and choice of diction.

  9. May 2015
    1. Taking critical reflection seriously caused those around them to view them with fear and loathing, with a hostility borne of incomprehension. Surfing on a wave of unbridled enthusiasmfor the process thowtheirwavecolapsedinonthemasthey noticedhowtheircoleaguesbecameangrywheneverthe importance of critical reflection was mentioned.

  10. Jan 2015
    1. Bluetooth—so simple and yet so troublesome. For a subsection of users, Yosemite is causing problems with Bluetooth accessories and connectivity. One solution proffered by iDigitalTimes is to disconnect all USB preferences, shut the Mac off for several minutes and then try again from the beginning. You may have to teach Yosemite about your Bluetooth accessories afresh instead of relying on what Mavericks has passed on. Over on the official Apple forums, it looks like resetting your machine's PRAM (Parameter Random Access Memory) once or twice might fix the problem. PRAM is where all of the core information about your system is stored, and you reset it by booting up, then holding down the Cmd+Option+P+R keys right after you've hit the power button. When you hear the startup sound for the second time, you can let go.

      I may need to try this solution.

  11. Nov 2013
    1. We obtain the concept, as we do the form, by overlooking what is individual and actual; whereas nature is acquainted with no forms and no concepts, and likewise with no species, but only with an X which remains inaccessible and undefinable for us.

      That which is beyond rhetoric is beyond our conceptual reach