217 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2019
  2. www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
    1. I just don't like buying on there. So if I don't have to go into the application, i prefer not to. [inaudible] to Coinbase pro is also, it's poorly set up in my opinion. I don't know why i use it, but usually I'm just going in there to withdraw money.
  3. Oct 2018
    1. It was the schoolteacher and writer Anne Fisher whose English primer of 1745 began the notion that it's somehow bad to use they in the plural and that he stands for both men and women.
  4. Sep 2018
    1. City officials can actually help if they go out into the streets and ask real people what actually is going on. Something on blogs and on polls arent true, they dont always speak the truth. If they were to go out to communities and build relationships with people, they would have a clearer understanding of what is going on.

    2. I dont believe some of this, blacks never had a voice during . That time if they were to speak up during that time they would often get punished. Blacks had no say in there freedom, slavery wasn't abolished to help slaves, Abraham Lincoln didn't do it out of the kindness out of his heart.

  5. Sep 2017
    1. English have fallen into their hands.

      When the English fall into the hands of those that they wish to conquer, kill, and exploit for resources? Can she really blame the natives for being a bit brutal and cruel?

  6. Sep 2016
    1. We still need deliberate effort to remove sexism – like the Washington Post’s recent move from she/he to they as their default pronoun.

      Washington Post decision to use they for neutral singular

    2. Jane Austen uses they in the singular 75 times in Pride and Prejudice (1813) and as Rosalind muses in 1848’s Vanity Fair: “A person can’t help their birth.”

      Jane Austen use of they; also Thackeray

    3. Shakespeare followed in 1594, in The Comedy of Errors: “There’s not a man I meet but doth salute me/As if I were their well-acquainted friend”

      Shakespeare uses they for singular in comedy of errors.

    4. At the start of 2016, the good folks of the American Dialect Society got together to crown their Word of the Year. They (see what I’m doing here) have decided that the word could now be used as a singular pronoun, flexing the English language so a plural could denote a singular, genderless, individual.

      They American Dialect Society Word of the Year 2016

    5. Geoffrey Chaucer in 1395, who wrote in The Pardoner’s Tale: “And whoso fyndeth hym out of swich blame, They wol come up…”

      Chaucer use of they for singular

  7. Jul 2016
    1. The justice system is supposed to put the criminals behind bars but yet they putting innocent people in prison.

      That the justice system is unfavor and, it doesn't look into evidence

  8. Jun 2016
    1. his has certainly been the tendency in rhetoric and composition, whose primary debate has been between two opposing methods for simplifying the complexity of writ ing.

      On-going debate

  9. May 2016
    1. ndiana Gov. Mike Pence endorsed Ted Cruz on Friday, which may not be enough to help Cruz win Indiana, where he currently trails Donald Trump in polls, let alone the Republican nomination.
  10. Mar 2016