8,910 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2023
    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Aguirre et al. describes an elegant approach for developing selective inhibitors of inositol hexakisphosphate kinases (IP6Ks). There are 3 IP6K isozymes (IP6K1-3) in humans, which catalyze the synthesis of inositol pyrophosphates. The lack of isozyme-selective inhibitors has hampered efforts to understand their individual physiological roles. While several inhibitors of IP6Ks have been described, their either lack isozyme selectivity or inhibit other kinases. To address this gap, Aguirre et al. used an analog-sensitive approach, which involves the identification of a mutant that, in an ideal world, doesn't impact the activity of the enzyme but renders it sensitive to an inhibitor that is absolutely selective for the engineered (analog-sensitive) enzyme. Initially, they generated the canonical gatekeeper (Leu210 in IP6K1) mutations (glycine and alanine); unfortunately, these mutations had a deleterious effect on the enzymatic activity of IP6K1. Interestingly, mutation of Leu210 to a valine, a subtly smaller amino acid, didn't affect enzymatic activity. The authors then designed a clever high-throughput assay to identify compounds that show selectivity for L210V IP6K1 versus WT IP6K1. The assay monitors the reverse reaction catalyzed by IP6Ks, monitoring the formation of ATP using a luminescence-based readout. After validating the screen, the authors screened 54,912 compounds. After culling the list of compounds using several criteria, the authors focused on one particular compound, referred to as FMP-201300. FMP-201300 was ~10-fold more potent against L210V IP6K1 compared to WT IP6K1. This selectivity was maintained for IP6K2. Mechanistic studies showed that FMP-201300 is an allosteric inhibitor of IP6K1. The authors also did a small SAR campaign to identify key functional groups required for inhibition.

      Overall, this manuscript describes a unique and useful strategy for developing isozyme-selective inhibitors of IP6Ks. The serendipitous finding that subtle changes to the gatekeeper position can sensitize the IP6K1 mutant to allosteric inhibitors will undoubtedly inspire other analog-sensitive inhibitor studies. The manuscript is well-written and the experiments are generally well-controlled.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors demonstrated a new model that B cell contraction after antigen encountering was dependent on N-WASP-branched actin polymerization. This statement is achieved by a systemic comparison of genetic modified mice vs wild type mice or inhibitor treated cells vs control cells. By imaging how B cells interact with antigen-coated planar lipid bilayer, the authors further suggested that the contraction event may provide B cells a channel to dismiss downstream kinase for a purpose to attenuate B cell activation signaling. Even though this manuscript is well written and packaged, however there are a few points that should be carefully addressed and revised.

      The first major issue is related to the imaging and tracking experiment to examine the formation and migration of F-actin foci as illustrated in figure 3. The formation and centripetally migration of F-actin foci is a significant finding of this MS for the promotion of B cells to switch from spreading to contraction response. Thus, I may suggest to recommend the authors to conduct one more rigorous fluorescent molecular tracking experiment to confirm this phenomenon. Molecular tracking usually requires low labeling density, and the lifeact-GFP labeling here do not meet this requirement which may cause misidentification of the moving molecules. Permeable dye-based fluorescent speckle microscopy is recommended here to track the actin foci if applicable (P. Risteski, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol., 2023, DOI: 10.1038/s41580-023-00588-w & K. Hu, et al, Science, 2007, 315, 111-115). Additionally, kymograph is used for foci tracking in figure3 and figure4. Kymograph is indeed a powerful tool for tracking cell protrusion and retraction but is fairly suitable here, since a F-actin focus is a concentrated point which may not move strictly along the selected eight lines generating kymograph. Other imaging processing method should be used to track the foci, for example, time series max projection is recommended if applicable.

      The second major issue is about the relationship between actin foci formation and NMII recruitment in figure 5. The author concludes that 'N-WASP and Arp2/3 mediated branched actin polymerization promotes the recruitment and the reorganization of NMII ring-like structures by generating inner F-actin foci in the contact zone'. However, there is a lack of strong evidence to directly show the mechanism by which myosin is recruited and the up and down stream relationship between actin foci migration and myosin recruitment. Since myosin-induced actin retrograde flow is a classical model in adherent cells, is it possible that, here also in activated B cells, the recruited myosin driven the formation and migration of actin foci? This reviewer may recommend the author to investigate whether Myosin blocking (e.g., using Y27632) can eliminate the F-actin foci formation and migration.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Transcriptional readthrough, intron retention, and transposon expression have been previously shown to be elevated in mammalian aging and senescence by multiple studies. The current manuscript claims that the increased intron retention and readthrough could completely explain the findings of elevated transposon expression seen in these conditions. To that end, they analyze multiple RNA-seq expression datasets of human aging, human senescence, and mouse aging, and establish a series of correlations between the overall expression of these three entities in all datasets.

      While the findings are useful, the strength of the evidence is incomplete, as the individual analyses unfortunately do not support the claims. Specifically, to establish this claim there is a burden of proof on the authors to analyze both intron-by-intron and gene-by-gene, using internal matched regions, and, in addition, thoroughly quantify the extent of transcription of completely intergenic transposons and show that they do not contribute to the increase in aging/senescence. Furthermore, the authors chose to analyze the datasets as unstranded, even though strand information is crucial to their claim, as both introns and readthrough are stranded, and if there is causality, than opposite strand transposons should show no preferential increase in aging/senescence. Finally, there are some unclear figures that do not seem to show what the authors claim. Overall, the study is not convincing.

      Major concerns:

      1. Why were all datasets treated as unstanded? Strand information seems critical, and should not be discarded. Specifically, stranded information is crucial to increase the confidence in the causality claimed by the authors, since readthrough and intron retention are both strand specific, and therefore should influence only the same strand transposons and not the opposite-strand ones.

      2. "Altogether this data suggests that intron retention contributes to the age-related<br /> increase in the expression of transposons" - this analysis doesn't demonstrate the claim. In order to prove this they need to show that transposons that are independent of introns are either negligible, or non-changing with age.

      3. Additionally, the correct control regions should be intronic regions other than the transposon, which overall contributed to the read counts of the intron.

      4. Furthermore, analysis of read spanning intron and partly transposons should more directly show this contribution.

      5. "This contrasts with the almost completely even distribution of randomly permuted transposons." How was random permutation of transposons performed? Why is this contract not trivial, and why is this a good control?

      6. Fig 4: the choice to analyze only the 10kb-20kb region downstream to TSE for readthrough regions has probably reduced the number of regions substantially (there are only 200 left) and to what extent this faithfully represent the overall trend is unclear at this point.

      7. Fig. 5B shows the opposite of the authors claims: in the control samples there are more transposon reads than in the KCl samples.

      8. "induced readthrough led to preferential expression of gene proximal transposons (i.e. those within 25 kb of genes), when compared with senescence or aging". A convincing analysis would show if there is indeed preferential proximity of induced transposons to TSEs. Since readthrough transcription decays as a function of distance from TSEs, the expression of transposons should show the same trends if indeed simply caused by readthrough. Also, these should be compared to the extent of transposon expression (not induction) in intergenic regions without any readthrough, in these conditions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript entitled: "TCR-pMHC complex formation triggers CD3 dynamics" by Van Eerden et al. mainly uses coarse-grained molecular dynamics to probe the dynamic changes, in terms of CDε spatial arrangements around 226 TCRs, before and after the engagements of MCC/I-Ek. The broader distributions of CDε iso-occupancies after pMHC binding correlate with the decreases of TCR-CD3 contacts and extensions of TCR conformations. Given the observed release of motion restrictions upon antigen recognition, the authors proposed a "drawbridge" model to describe the initial triggering processes from pMHC association to TCR straightening, FG-loop getaway, and CD3 enhanced mobility. In addition, the authors briefly investigated the functional effects of the rigidified connecting peptide (CP) in T-cell activation using in silico and in vitro mutagenesis. The manuscript raises an important and exciting hypothesis about the allostery of TCR-CD3 during TCR triggering; however, due to current not-yet-convincing evidence, both computationally and experimentally, in supporting their conclusions.

      1. As mentioned by the authors, the TCR triggering and T cell activation have been illustrated by a number of models, such as mechanosensing and kinetic proofreading, "in which TCRs discriminate agonistic from antagonistic pMHCs." However, the critical feature of antigen discrimination is lacking in the drawbridge model. So far, the CDε movements qualitatively distinguish on and off states. The simulation of the antagonist or weaker binder would strengthen the manuscript by demonstrating the relevance of CDε mobility in the triggering mechanism. 226 TCR associated with K99E/I-Ek has been resolved in Ref (DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1100197), which can potentially serve as the "intermediate" system to formulate the gradual increase of CDε dynamics.

      2. The linkage between conserved motifs in CP and CDε mobility is less apparent to this reviewer. The notion of the rigidified hinge (PP) requires further clarification. Computationally, the details of fine-grained simulations are required to justify the origin of the apparent mobility increase in PP. The direct comparison between Fig. 2 and Fig. 7 can help assess the relevance of CP through the alignment by FG-loop at a fixed direction in polar coordinates. Experimentally, anti-CD3 positive experiments and, ideally, another antagonist on 3A9 TCRs can strengthen the current functional assay. The baseline level of TCR expression (after positive selection) and 0h activation (Fig. S8) is missing.

      3. Regarding the section "The TCRβ FG loop acts as a gatekeeper," besides contact analysis, additional motion analysis, such as RMSF or PCA, can further establish the importance of FG loops.

      4. The discussion on anti-CD3 antibody effects and their potential contribution to CD3 mobility is highly recommended.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Full activation of T cells requires not only antigen recognition through the T cell receptor, but also engagement of co-stimulation by the T cell. There are multiple co-stimulatory receptors that can be engaged by the T cell; yet, the downstream effects of signaling through these different receptors on T cell gene programs and function and are not yet fully understood. These questions are clinically important because genomic variants associated with immune and inflammatory disease map onto these different co-stimulatory receptors and, potentially, their downstream gene programs.

      Based on these observations, the authors hypothesize that different modes of co-stimulation engage different genes and pathways that may be differentially associated with risk for inflammatory disease. To ask this question, the authors performs a comparative analysis of different co-stimulatory receptors, both CD28 - the most widely used form of co-stimulation for in vitro assays - as well as alternative modes of co-stimulation involving ICOS, CD6, CD27. They analyzing their effects on their T cell activation in vitro for human naive and memory CD4 cells, on gene expression using RNA-seq (at 24 hrs), on chromatin accessibility using ATAC-seq, and on specific proteins identified from transcriptomic data using flow cytometry.

      From these experimental analysis, the authors conclude the following (1) alternative co-stimulation (ICOS, CD6, Cd27) can induce a *qualitatively* different gene and cellular program compared to canonical co-stim (CD28), resulting not only in less proliferation and cytokine production, as expected, but also in higher lysosome production and different metabolic programming. They also found that risk variants for inflammatory bowel disease mapped onto genes that were both shared across different modes of co-stimulation, as well as onto targets of specific co-stimulation.

      This study and the authors' experimental system is well-designed to precisely identify genomic effects of co-stimulation, employing sorted subsets of human CD4 cells, as well as a in vitro setting that can effectively eliminate many confounding variables associated more complex scenarios. The transcriptome/chromatin accessibility measurements were also robustly analyzed and offer some support for the author's conclusion. However, there were two main weaknesses that limit that, if overcome, would enhance the authors' argument:

      (1) It is not clear whether the qualitatively different effects of alternate co-stimulation compared to canonical CD28 co-stimulation, e.g. increased OXPHOS or lysosomal abundance for CD6, or heightened expression of genes or represent truly unique effects, or whether they simply represent effects of having quantitatively weaker strengths of CD28 co-stimulation. This concern would be addressed by an experiment doing a dose response curve for CD28 co-stimulation while measuring these variables (Fig. 6) or, more systematically, while performing RNA-seq. Also, to strengthen this argument, the authors would benefit from further in-depth literature discussion/analysis of the signaling pathways downstream of co-stimulation, to discuss molecular bases for different signaling, if any.

      (2) There is no functional evidence to link differential activation of risk variant-associated genes by alternate co-stimulation with inflammatory disease. To show this, the authors can examine the activation of these genes (e.g. Bach2, Il18R1, from Table 2) using their assay, either using T cells from humans containing disease-associated variants at these gene loci, or by using T cells with a genetic disruption of the associated loci.

      While providing insights for the pathogenesis of IBD, this study's main impact would be in the enhancing our understanding of how different modes of co-stimulation differ to activate T cells and prompt broader consideration of use of different co-stimulatory ligands in these in vitro assays and evaluation of their function in vivo.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript provides an important case study for in-depth research on the adaptability of vertebrates in deep-sea environments. Through analysis of the genomic data of the hadal snailfish, the authors found that this species may have entered and fully adapted to extreme environments only in the last few million years. Additionally, the study revealed the adaptive features of hadal snailfish in terms of perceptions, circadian rhythms and metabolisms, and the role of ferritin in high-hydrostatic pressure adaptation. Besides, the reads mapping method used to identify events such as gene loss and duplication avoids false positives caused by genome assembly and annotation. This ensures the reliability of the results presented in this manuscript. Overall, these findings provide important clues for a better understanding of deep-sea ecosystems and vertebrate evolution.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript "Long‐read single‐cell sequencing reveals expressions of hypermutation clusters of isoforms in human liver cancer cells", S. Liu et al present a protocol combining 10x Genomics single-cell assay with Element LoopSeq synthetic long-read sequencing to study single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and gene fusions in Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at single‐cell level. The authors were the first to combine LoopSeq synthetic long‐read sequencing technology and 10x Genomics barcoding for single cell sequencing. For each cell and each somatic mutation, they obtain fractions of mutated transcripts per gene and per each transcript isoform. The manuscript states that these values (as well as gene fusion information) provide better features for tumor-normal classification than gene expression levels. The authors identified many SNVs in genes of the human major histocompatibility complex (HLA) with up to 25 SNVs in the same molecule of HLA‐DQB1 transcript. The analysis shows that most mutations occur in HLA genes and suggests evolution pathways that led to these hypermutation clusters. Yet, very little is said about novel isoforms and alternative splicing in HCC cells, differences in isoform ratio between cells carrying different mutations, or diversity of alternative isoforms across cells. While the manuscript by Liu et al. presents a promising combination of technologies, it lacks significant insights, a comprehensive introduction, and has significant problems with data description and presentation.

      Major comments:

      1. The introduction section is scarce. It lacks description of important previous works focused on clustered mutations in cancers (for example, PMID35140399), on deriving the process of cancer development through somatic evolution (PMID32025013, from single cell data PMID32807900). Moreover, some key concepts e.g. mutational gene expression and mutational isoform expression are not defined. The introduction and the abstract contain slang expressions e.g. "protein mutation', a combination of terms I teach my students not to use.

      2. In the results section, to select the mutations of interest, the authors apply UMAP dimensionality reduction to the mutation isoforms expression and cluster samples in UMAP space, then select the mutations that are present only in one cluster, then apply UMAP to the selected mutations only and cluster the samples again. The motivation for such a procedure seems unclear, could it be replaced with a more straightforward feature selection?

      3. As I understand, the first "mutated isoform"-based UMAP clustering was built from expression levels of 205 "mutational isoforms". What was the purpose and outcome of the second "mutated isoform"-based UMAP clustering (Figure 2E)? In the manuscript the authors just describe the clusters and do not draw any conclusions or use the results of the clustering anywhere further.

      4. The authors just cluster the data three times based on expression levels of different sets of "mutational isoforms" and describe the clusters. What do we need to gather from these clustering attempts besides the set of 113 mutations used for further analysis? What was the point of the re-clusterings? Did the authors observe improvement of the classification at each step?

      5. The alignment of short reads generated from hypermutated transcriptomes is non-trivial. The proposed approach could address the issue without need for whole genome sequencing and offer insights about the cancer development through somatic evolution. Why didn't the authors use modern phylogenetic approaches in the "Evolution of mutations in HLA molecules" section or at least utilize the already performed clustering to infer cell lineages?

      6. I am not sure I understood the definition of "mutated gene expression levels" and "mutated isoform expression levels" in the "Mutational gene expression and fusion transcript enhanced transcriptome clustering of benign hepatocytes and HCC" section. The authors mention that gene lists included all the isoforms within the same range of standard deviation. If I understand it correctly, they are equal if there is only one expressed transcript isoform. In that case, this overlap is not surprising at all.

      7. "To investigate the roles of gene expression alterations that were not accompanied with isoform expression changes, UMAP analyses were performed based on the non‐overlapped genes." Venn diagrams (Sup Figure 8) show that there are much less "non-overlapped genes" than "genes that showed both gene and isoform level changes" for each SD threshold (for example, for SD>=0.8 59 vs 275). Could that be the reason why clustering based on the former group is worse i.e the cancer and normal cells are separated less clearly?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors sought to craft a method, applicable to biobank-scale data but without necessarily using genotyping or sequencing, to detect the presence of de novo mutations and rare variants that stand out from the polygenic background of a given trait. Their method depends essentially on sibling pairs where one sibling is in an extreme tail of the phenotypic distribution and whether the other sibling's regression to the mean shows a systematic deviation from what is expected under a simple polygenic architecture.

      Their method is successful in that it builds on a compelling intuition, rests on a rigorous derivation, and seems to show reasonable statistical power in the UK Biobank. (More biobanks of this size will probably become available in the near future.) It is somewhat unsuccessful in that rejection of the null hypothesis does not necessarily point to the favored hypothesis of de novo or rare variants. The authors discuss the alternative possibility of rare environmental events of large effect. Maybe attention should be drawn to this in the abstract or the introduction of the paper. Nevertheless, since either of these possibilities is interesting, the method remains valuable.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In their manuscript entitled: "Is tumor mutational burden predictive of response to immunotherapy?", Gurjao and colleagues discuss the use of tumor mutational burden (TMB) as a predictive biomarker for cancer patients to respond to immune checkpoint blockage (ICB). By analyzing a large cohort of 882 patient samples across different tumor types they find either little or no association of TMB to the response of ICB. In addition, they showed that finding the optimal cutoff for patient stratification lead to a severe multiple testing problem. By rigorously addressing this multiple testing problem only non-small cell lung cancer out of 10 cancer types showed a statistically significant association of TMB and response to ICB. Nevertheless, it is clearly shown that in any case the rate of misclassification is too high that TMB alone would qualify as a clinically suitable biomarker for ICB response. Finally, the authors demonstrate with a simple mathematical model that only a few strong immunogenic mutations would be sufficient for an ICB response, thereby showing that also patients with a low TMB score could benefit from immunotherapy. The manuscript is clearly written, the results are well presented and the applied methods are state-of-the-art.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work presents findings on the cellular and ultrastructural organization of the nervous system in the freshwater polyp Hydra. Although the work presents potentially important data, there are several points that need to be addressed:

      1) The antibody has to be properly validated as a tool for detecting all neurons. As it stands, the antibody might not recognize a cadherin and it is not clear whether it is specific and labels all neurons.

      2) The lack of communication between the two nerve nets is an interesting observation, but its implications are limited due to technical reasons. This should be investigated further.

      3) The apparent lack of typical terminal synaptic contacts and the predominant presence of "en passant" contacts in the neurite bundles could be the central element of the paper but this would have to be supported by more thorough observations and experiments.

      4) The authors should highlight the novelty of the findings as compared to previous work that had already addressed some of these points.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The contribution of Klughammer et al reports on the fabrication and functionalization of zero-mode waveguides of different diameters as a mimic system for nuclear pore complexes. Moreover, the researchers performed molecular transport measurements on these mimic systems (together with molecular dynamic simulations) to assess the contribution of pore diameter and Nsp functionalization on the translocation rates of BSA, the nuclear transport protein Kap95 and finally the impact of different Kap95 concentrations on BSA translocation and overall selectivity of the mimicked pores as a function of their diameter. In order to assess the effect of the Nsp1 on the coated pores to the translocation rates and molecular selectivity they also conducted separated experiments on bare nano-pores, i.e., without coating, and of different diameters. One of the most novel aspects of this contribution is the detection scheme used to assess the translocation rates & selectivity, i.e., the use of an optical scheme based on single molecule fluorescence detection as compared to previous works that have mostly relied on conductance measurements. The results are in general convincing, the experiments carefully performed and the procedures explained in detail. Some weaknesses are identified on the FDTD simulations and interpretation of the single molecule data since they might be affected by quenching of the dye in close proximity to the pore. These weaknesses should be clarified and discussed properly.

      Importantly, this study provides new insights on the mechanisms of nuclear transport contributing to further our understanding on how real nuclear-pore complexes (i.e., in living cell) can regulate molecular transport. The recent findings that the nuclear pore complexes are sensitive to mechanical stimulation by modulating their effective diameters, adds an additional level of interest to the work reported here, since the authors thoroughly explored different nano-pore diameters and quantified their impact on translocation and selectivity. There are multiple avenues for future research based on the system developed here, including higher throughout detection, extending to truly multicolor schemes or expanding the range of FG-Nups, nuclear transport proteins or cargos that need to be efficiently l transported to the nucleus through the nuclear pore complexes. As a whole, this is an important contribution to the field.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Chen and collaborators first analysed in sheep embryonic gene editing using CRISPR-Cas9 technology to invalidate the two alleles of Mstn and Fgf5 genes by using different ratios of Cas9 mRNA and sgRNA. They showed that a ratio of 1:10 had highest efficiency and they successfully generated two sheep with biallelic mutations of both genes. Materials and Methods on the generation of gened edited sheep is entirely missing. The data on these gene edited sheep have been already published twice by the authors in different contexts. Other groups reported on gene editing of Mstn or Fgf5 in sheep embryos and the resulting phenotypes.

      Although the findings are interesting, they do not provide sufficiently new scientific information or advancements in producing genetically modified livestock with improved production characteristics. While the MSTNDel273 sheep exhibited an increased number of muscle fibers, the data provided did not demonstrate a significant improvement in meat productions, quality or quantity in the MSTNDel273 sheep vs WT.

      The authors indicate that sgRNA design changes in addition to changing the molar ratio of Cas9MRNA:sgRNA improved the ability to generate biallelic homozygous mutant sheep; however, the data provided to not demonstrate any significant difference. Given the small number of sheep that were actually produced and evaluated,it is extremely difficult to demonstrate anything that was analyzed to be significantly (statistically) different between MSTNDel273 sheep and WT, yet the authors seem to ignore this in much of their discussion. There is no explanation as to why the authors started with sheep that were FGF5 knockouts. The reviewer assumes that this was simply a line of sheep available from previous studies and the goal was to produce sheep with both improved hair/wool characteristics in addition to improved muscle development. However, the use of FGF5 knockout sheep complicates the ability to accurately decipher the unique aspects associated with targeting only myostatin for knock-out. At minimum, this is a variable that has to be considered in the statistical analysis. No information is provided on the methods used to produce the MSTNDel273 sheep, which is fundamentally important. It is assumed they were produced by injecting one-cell zygotes then transferring these into surrogate females. The methods employed might have a profound effect on the outcome.

      Authors genotyped one sheep with a biallelic three base pair deletion in Mstn exon 3 and a compound heterozygote mutation in Fgf5 with a 5 nucleotides deletion on one allele and 37 nucleotides deletion on the other allele, partially spanning over the same region. This sheep developed a double muscle phenotype, which was documented using photography and CT scan. The hair phenotype was not further addressed, but authors referred to a previous publication.

      Authors performed morphometric studies on two distinct muscles, longissimus dorsi and gluteus medius, and found a profound fiber hypotrophy in the Mstn-/-;Fgf5-/- double mutants, with a shift from larger fiber diameter to smaller fiber sizes. Morphometric studies showed only a low percentage of fibers in wt and mutant sheep had fiber cross sectional areas larger than 800 µm2, whereas about 30% in wt and about 60% in the mutant had CSA of <400 µm2. The report of one case, without reproducing the phenotype in other sheep, is scientifically insufficient. The fiber sizes in wt sheep remains far below previously published reports in sheep (about 3-5 times smaller) and as compared to other species, which suggests a methodological error in morphometric methods.

      The authors also investigated the influence of Fgf5 mutation on muscle development. They determined fiber cross sectional area in heterozygous Fgf5 mutant (number of investigated animals not given) and conclude that Mstn mutation but not Fgf5 mutation caused the double muscle phenotype. Results are insufficient to support this conclusion. Firstly, authors investigated heterozygous FGF5 sheep and not homozygous mutants. Secondly, FGF5 has previously been shown to stimulate expansion of connective tissue fibroblasts and to inhibit skeletal muscle development during limb embryonic development (Clase et al. 2000). Of note, Mstn is also expressed during embryonic development. A combined knockout could therefore entail synergistic effects and cause muscle hyperplasia that is not found in individual knockout, a hypothesis that was not addressed by the authors.

      The authors generated and studied an F1 generation of mutant sheep with heterozyogous mutation in Mstn and Fgf5. In Mstn+/-;Fgf5+/-, gluteus medius muscle was found to be larger compared to wt sheep, whereas other muscles were smaller, and overall meat quantity did not change. Morphometric studies revealed a similar muscle fiber hypotrophy and muscle hyperplasia as in the Mstn-/-;Fgf5-/- gluteus muscle.

      In the next part of results, authors investigated the presence of myostatin protein in homozygous Mstn muscle using immunohistochemistry and found no differences compared to wt, however, positive and negative controls are missing. The also determined Mstn transcription and protein quantity using WB in heterozygous Mstn muscle and found no difference. The authors did not provide data to explain of why the herein generated Mstn mutation causes muscle fiber hypotrophy, whereas most work on myostatin abrogation demonstrated fiber hypertrophy.

      Authors then isolated myoblasts from hind limbs of 3-month-old sheep fetuses and cultured in presence of 20% fetal bovine serum before switching to differentiation medium containing 2% horse serum. The cultures showed increased proliferation of Mstn+/-;Fgf5+/- myoblasts as well as downregulation of genes associated with muscle differentiation as well as reduced fusion index. No experiments were performed to assure whether the myostatin and FGF5 pathways were inhibited. No control experiments using supplementation with recombinant proteins and using growth factor depleted culture supplements were performed. As FGF5 and myostatin are secreted factors, evidence is missing whether this led to conditioning of the culture medium. Of note, previous work in mice demonstrated that the double muscle phenotype developed independent of satellite cells activity (Amthor et al. 2009).

      Authors then performed RNA seq from Mstn+/-;Fgf5+/- muscle and found a number of differentially expressed genes, but none has been previously reported being involved in the myostatin signaling pathway, so the authors chose to only focus on FOSL1 and associated genes. Authors then demonstrated that Pdpn and Ankrd2 were upregulated during myogenic differentiation, whereas FOPSL1 was downregulated. Moreover, Fosl1 transcription was upregulated in myoblasts and myotubes from Mstn+/-;Fgf5+/- muscle. Authors showed an interaction between Fosl1 and Myod1. Moreover, authors demonstrated that Polsl1 directly binds to the Myod1 promoter. Authors also found decreased p38 MARPK protein levels in proliferating myoblasts from Mstn+/-;Fgf5+/- muscle and increased p38 MARPK in differentiating myotubes.

      Furthermore, gain-of-function by overexpressing FOSL1 promoted cell proliferation and inhibited differentiation, and tert-butylhydroquinone, an indirect activator of FOSL1 also inhibited myogenic differentiation. The findings do not support the idea that FOSL1 is not involved, but neither do they strongly support the involvement of FOSL1. The observations made by the authors could be co-incidental and not causative in nature.

      The manuscript by Chen et al. demonstrated successful gene editing in sheep embryos to obtain biallelic mutation of Mstn and FGF5. The resulting double muscle phenotype resulted from fiber hypotrophy and hyperplasia, which contradicts findings in the literature. Chen et al. generated F1 heterozygous offsprings, in which Mstn transcription and translation did not change. Myoblasts from these animals showed increased proliferation and decreased differentiation, which authors interpreted as the underlying cellular mechanism of the double muscle phenotype. However, no work on muscle development in these animals is presented. Important in vitro control experiments are missing. Chen and collaborators found Fosl1 as a differentially expressed gene in Mstn+/-;Fgf5+/- muscle. Fosl1 drives myoblast proliferation and has direct regulatory effect on the Myod1 promoter. The cellular and molecular mechanism of Fosl1 during myogenesis is novel and solid evidence. However, data remain inadequate to conclude whether Fosl1 indeed acts downstream of myostatin.

      As the significant findings are minimal, the amount of text provided, figures and tables are disproportionally excessive. A large number of different molecular techniques are employed to try and decipher the mechanism(s) that result in the observed phenotype = double muscling. The authors focus on the MEK-ERK-FOSL1 pathway an suggest this the key pathway/mechanism resulting in the phenotype observed in MSTNDel273sheep. However, they provide very little solid evidence to support this notion.

      The manuscript is very long, complicated and difficult to read, given the minimum amount of significant information that is provided. Further, it misses information in material methods, on the generation of animals, on histological techniques and morphometric studies. There is no information provided on the sex of the animals produced and then analyzed. There are also a number of editorial mistakes e.g. the authors refer to tables S1-S4 in the materials and methods and results section, but and there is no table S1-S4 provided.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      It is well established that tuberculosis (TB), which is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. However, the only vaccine licensed against tuberculosis is Bacille Calmette Guerin (BCG), has been around for nearly a century, and has limited efficacy in adults. Herein, the authors sought to investigate the effectiveness of a nanoparticle-based formulation of a subunit vaccine composed of Mtb lipid and protein antigens. The authors found that they were able to load the lipid, mycolic acid, into their nanoparticles without disrupting the architecture, and that the loaded particles activated T cells both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, when they vaccinated with particles loaded with both lipid and protein antigens, they found that the lipid antigen persisted, and mycolic acid-specific T cells were able to be activated 6 weeks post-vaccination, in contrast to peptide-specific T cells. The authors investigated further and found that persistence required the nanoparticle encapsulation, rather than free lipid, and that it was independent of route (intratracheal, intravenous, or subcutaneous) of administration. To address the mechanisms underlying antigen persistence, the authors loaded the nanoparticles with a dye and demonstrated that the nanoparticle encapsulated lipid antigen was primarily stored in lung alveolar macrophages and that CD1b+ dendritic cells presented the antigen to mycolic acid specific T cells. Finally, the authors conducted mixed bone marrow chimera studies to examine the phenotype of the mycolic acid specific T cells and found that the memory T cell population phenotypically resembled T follicular helper, regulatory T cells, and exhausted T cells. Interestingly, while a large percentage of these lipid antigen specific T cells in the lymph nodes, lung and spleen were CXCR5+PD1+, the cells were still proliferating (Ki67+). Overall, this is a comprehensive study that has the potential to significantly enhance the field.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors investigate the roles of ACOT12/8 in the production of acetate by the liver. They observe that acetate concentration parallels ketone concentrations during fasting and T1DM. They show that acetate is produced from fatty acids in hepatocytes. They also provide data from human subjects who were classified as either "healthy" or "diabetic," but there is no other characterization or description of these people, making it difficult to ascertain the context by which they were studied. Nevertheless, these findings could be gleaned from the literature, and yet there remains surprising uncertainty regarding the mechanism of acetate production by the liver. The authors use ShACOT12/8 and liver-specific ACOT12/8 knockout mice to demonstrate that these acetyl-CoA hydrolases are largely necessary for acetate production. There is data on this role for ACOTs in the literature, but they have yet to be widely studied. Using a 3H-palmitate assay, the authors then find that loss of these ACOTs inhibit fatty acid oxidation and propose that the mechanism involves scavenging CoA, analogous to the canonical role of ketogenesis. The idea is plausible but only partially proven. A related finding is that loss of these ACOTs inhibit ketogenesis, which the authors attribute to the loss of function of HMGC2S, partially through acetylation. These mechanisms suffer some limitations based on the cytosolic and mitochondrial compartmentation of the two processes, but the observations appear sound. Finally, the authors try to demonstrate that hepatic ACOT-mediated acetate production is necessary for normal motor function. The tracer data used to support the importance of acetate metabolism do not include loss of function models and generally need to be reported more transparently. Conceptually, one may be skeptical of the rather dramatic loss of motor function in the context of a relatively minor circulating nutrient. This may be a significant finding but requires more supporting evidence. Overall, the authors convincingly show that ACOT12/8 are critical for hepatic acetate production in mice, which will be helpful for the field, but the ramifications will require further investigation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Hermanns et al., investigated the virus diversity and prevalence patterns in conjunction with mosquito community compositions in natural and disturbed ecosystems (5 habitats) within the Tai National Park in Cote d'Ivorie. The ultimate aim was to analyse the interplay between viral biodiversity and prevalence with mosquito host biodiversity and prevalence. Pools of morphologically identified mosquitoes from pristine forest habitats through to habitats of high human disturbance were analysed for the presence of viruses of 12 major mosquito-borne virus taxa. While 15 of the viruses detected have been published previously, 34 potentially new viruses were detected of which the full genome of 5 was completely elucidated for phylogenetic analysis and temperature-dependent replication of 4 was performed. Via comprehensive analyses of the biodiversity of the viruses detected in mosquitoes collected within each habitat, it was shown that i) the highest virus richness was observed in the intermediately disturbed habitats, ii) that the prevalence of viruses corresponded to the relative abundance of the main mosquito host species that carried them, but iii) when just the main host mosquito for each virus was analysed alone in each habitat, that there was no trend in increasing or decreasing virus prevalence.

      The conclusions within the paper were generally well-justified, but a caveat of the study is that the (likely) mechanisms of transmission of the viruses identified in the paper were not discussed. Many of these viruses are most likely maintained in nature via vertical transmission and thus, this information needs to be taken into consideration. Due to the fact that it is likely that many of these insect-specific viruses evolve with their mosquito host, it was not surprising that if there was an increased abundance of a particular mosquito species, that there was also increased prevalence of the virus which it hosts. Of course, this may differ depending on the viral family, but requires comment in the context of what is known. Furthermore, there requires clarification as to why analysing insect-specific virus prevalence and diversity will serve as a model for the study of typical arboviruses due to the differences in their maintenance in nature.

      For many of the putative new viruses, only small sequences of less than 1200 nt were analysed. Granted that the RdRp is the most conserved gene, how was the 5% demarcation for a new species determined when established criteria differ to this.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors study the effect of dynactin disruption on kinetochore fiber (k-fiber) length in spindles of dividing cultured mammalian cells. Dynactin disruption is known to interfere with dynein function and hence spindle pole formation. The main findings are that poles are not required for correct average k-fiber length and that severed k-fibers can regrow to their correct length both in the presence and absence of poles by modulating their dynamic properties at both k-fiber ends. In the presence of poles, regrowth is faster and the variation between k-fiber lengths is smaller. This is a very interesting study with high-quality quantitative imaging data that provides important new insight into potential mechanisms of spindle scaling, extending in an original manner previous work on this topic in cultured cells and in Xenopus egg extract. The Discussion is interesting to read as several possible mechanisms for k-fiber length control are discussed. The technical quality of the study is very high, the experiments are very original, and most conclusions are well supported by the data. Especially, the experiments observing the regrowth of k-fibers after severing and the study of the dynamic properties of these k-fibers provide very novel insight. Addressing the following concerns could potentially improve the manuscript:

      (1) The phenotype generated here by disrupting dynactin via overexpressing p50 appears to be different from that caused by knocking down NuMA or dynein - as previously reported by the Dumont lab (Hueschen et al., 2019). In this study here, unfocused spindles are observed whereas earlier turbulent spindles were observed. This raises the question of whether dynein activity that contributes to pole focusing is really completely inhibited here. These discrepancies in phenotypes seem to deserve an explanation. Is k-fiber length in cultured mammalian cells only maintained in the case of this specific type of inhibition?

      (2) p50 addition and also p150-cc1 addition was often used in Xenopus egg extract in order to inhibit dynein function. Considerably larger concentrations of p50 than p150-cc1 needed to be used. Can the authors estimate the level of overexpression of p50 in the cells they study? It seems that could be possible given that a mCherry fusion protein can be overexpressed. Was it necessary to select cells with a particular level of mCherry-p50 overexpression to observe the reported phenotypes?

      (3) Some comparison to previous experiments using p50 and p150-cc1 addition to Xenopus egg extract spindles could put this study better into the context of the available literature. It seems from previous publications that the p50 addition produced short, unfocused, barrel-shaped spindles, indicating that spindle length is maintained without poles, whereas the p150-cc1 addition produced elongating spindles (e.g. Gaetz & Kapoor, 2004).

      (4) In this context, it seems that some more explanation is required for the observations presented in Fig. 1D and 1E. It appears that spindle length and k-fiber length have been measured quite differently. Not much information is provided for how spindle length was defined and measured (please expand this part of the Methods). Could the two different methods of measurement be the reason for the mean k-fiber length remaining unaltered in dynactin-disrupted spindles, whereas the spindle length increases in these cells? If not, do non-k-fiber microtubules contribute to unfocused spindles being longer or are chromosomes not aligned in the metaphase plate causing the increase in spindle length by misalignment of k-fiber sister pairs?

      (5) It seems that in the Discussion it is implied that k-fibers can respond to severing in both focused and unfocused spindles by modulating their dynamics at both ends of the k-fibers, but in the Results section the wording is more cautious because of the difference in 'flux' in severed and unsevered unfocused spindles is not significant (Fig. 4D, blue data). It appears indeed that there is also a difference in flux between severed and unsevered unfocused spindles, but the number of data points is too small. Depending on how difficult these experiments are, it could be worth increasing the size of the data set to come to a clear conclusion, given that the data shown in Figs. 3 and 4 are quite remarkable and form the core of the study.

      (6) Can the authors exclude that the stopping of 'flux' at minus ends after severing is due to some sort of permanent damage induced by ablation? In other words, do severed spindles begin to flux again once they have regrown to their original length?

      (7) To this reader, the conceptualization of distinguishing between 'global' and 'local' effects/behavior was a little confusing, both in the title and also later in the text. The concept of 'local' regulation of k-fiber length appears to contradict the observation that k-fiber length can be regained after severing by changes in the dynamics at both ends (so at two very different locations) which is a rather remarkable finding. Maybe distinguishing between 'individual' and 'collective' k-fiber behavior could be clearer.

      (8) Can the authors exclude that some of the differences between unfocused and focused spindles could be due to altered dynein activity at kinetochores? Or due to the dynein-dependent accumulation of certain spindle proteins along microtubules towards the minus ends of k-fibers or other spindle microtubules, instead of being due to only the presence versus absence of poles? Could this be tested by ablating both poles? If this is too challenging, a discussion of these possibilities could be justified.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      One aim of this paper was to study historical migration from Botswana during the time of the development of the HIV epidemic. The second aim was to test whether the migration networks impacted the development of the epidemic. The first aim was achieved: this paper used historical census data in a clear way, to describe the qualities of characteristics of migration in the country at four points in time, from 1981 to 2011. Very detailed data are presented in clear ways, using network chord diagrams, sharing age- and sex-specific migration rates, and urban-rural classifications. However, data was not presented to achieve the second aim. The authors reviewed some important literature about migration and HIV. They suggested that the migration patterns, such as from specific mining towns and mostly between districts, could have been important in supporting the generalized spread of HIV. But without evidence linking HIV prevalence over time in the linked districts in Botswana, this aim was not supported.

      One other limitation of the paper was that very little context, outside of migration rates, was provided. Is there any additional information about economic growth, or political event for example, that could clarify or add context to these migration flows? As it stands now, these analyses are quite basic and don't take into account underlying demographic, economic, or political trends.

      The data presented in this paper has potential impact. As the paper stands now, it could be quite useful for future work when linked to additional data sources on HIV prevalence over time (or other questions that could have been influenced by migration patterns).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Studies of the p38g/d MAP kinase signaling pathways using loss-of-function approaches are compromised the finding that the expression of the ERK family MAP3K Tpl2 is down-regulated. Dissection of the specific roles of p38g/d is therefore difficult. Here the authors report that compound mutant mice with a kinase-inactive p38y MAPK mutation and p38d deficiency show no defects in Tpl2 expression. The importance of this study is therefore that they describe a mouse model that can be used to examine p38g/d MAP kinase function. The data presented are solid and convincing. The authors show that p38g/d MAP kinase signaling contributes to macrophage responses to endotoxin. Moreover, the authors identify Ser44 as an inhibitory site of MEF2D phosphorylation by p38d.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors have demonstrated the direct effect of androgen receptor activation on B - cell frequencies. In the clinical part of the research, they have found increased frequencies of age-associated double-negative B memory cells and elevated levels of circulating immunoglobulin M (IgM) in women with hyperandrogenic phenotypes of PCOS. The major study strengths are driven by their experimental part. It was shown that the transfer of serum IgG from women with PCOS into wild-type female mice increases body weight, whereas RAG1 knock-out mice, which lack mature T- and B cells, do not demonstrate any signs of hyperandrogenism. Simultaneously, an androgen receptor antagonist prevents increased B cell numbers induced by androgens, whereas B cell-deficient mice are not protected from developing a PCOS-like phenotype when exposed to DHT. Generally, the author's conclusions are based on evidence, and this study opens up a new direction of research in this area.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper provides valuable (and impressive) data on the geometry of cerebellar foliation among 56 species of mammals and gives novel insights into the evolution of cerebellar foliation and its relationship with the anatomy of the cerebrum. Thus far, the majority of the research on brain folding focuses on the cerebral cortex with little research on the cerebellum. The results from Heuer et al confirm that the evolution of the cerebellum and cerebrum follows a concerted fashion across mammals. Moreover, they suggest that both the cerebrum and cerebellum folding are explained by a similar mechanistic process.

      1. Although I found the introduction well written, I think it lacks some information or needs to develop more on some ideas (e.g., differences between the cerebellum and cerebral cortex, and folding patterns of both structures). For example, after stating that "Many aspects of the organization of the cerebellum and cerebrum are, however, very different" (1st paragraph), I think the authors need to develop more on what these differences are. Perhaps just rearranging some of the text/paragraphs will help make it better for a broad audience (e.g., authors could move the next paragraph up, i.e., "While the cx is unique to mammals (...)").

      2. Given that the authors compare the folding patterns between the cerebrum and cerebellum, another point that could be mentioned in the introduction is the fact that the cerebellum is convoluted in every mammalian species (and non-mammalian spp as well) while the cerebrum tends to be convoluted in species with larger brains. Why is that so? Do we know about it (check Van Essen et al., 2018)? I think this is an important point to raise in the introduction and to bring it back into the discussion with the results.

      3. In the results, first paragraph, what do the authors mean by the volume of the medial cerebellum? This needs clarification.

      4. In the results: When the authors mention 'frequency of cerebellar folding', do they mean the degree of folding in the cerebellum? At least in non-mammalian species, many studies have tried to compare the 'degree or frequency of folding' in the cerebellum by different proxies/measurements (see Iwaniuk et al., 2006; Yopak et al., 2007; Lisney et al., 2007; Yopak et al., 2016; Cunha et al., 2022). Perhaps change the phrase in the second paragraph of the result to: "There are no comparative analyses of the frequency of cerebellar folding in mammals, to our knowledge".

      5. Sultan and Braitenberg (1993) measured cerebella that were sagittally sectioned (instead of coronal), right? Do you think this difference in the plane of the section could be one of the reasons explaining different results on folial width between studies? Why does the foliation index calculated by Sultan and Braitenberg (1993) not provide information about folding frequency?

      6. Another point that needs to be clarified is the log transformation of the data. Did the authors use log-transformed data for all types of analyses done in the study? Write this information in the material and methods.

      7. The discussion needs to be expanded. The focus of the paper is on the folding pattern of the cerebellum (among different mammalian species) and its relationship with the anatomy of the cerebrum. Therefore, the discussion on this topic needs to be better developed, in my opinion (especially given the interesting results of this paper). For example, with the findings of this study, what can we say about how the folding of the cerebellum is determined across mammals? The authors found that the folial width, folial perimeter, and thickness of the molecular layer increase at a relatively slow rate across the species studied. Does this mean that these parameters have little influence on the cerebellar folding pattern? What mostly defines the folding patterns of the cerebellum given the results? Is it the interaction between section length and area? Can the authors explain why size does not seem to be a "limiting factor" for the folding of the cerebellum (for example, even relatively small cerebella are folded)? Is that because the 'white matter' core of the cerebellum is relatively small (thus more stress on it)?

      8. One caveat or point to be raised is the fact that the authors use the median of the variables measured for the whole cerebellum (e.g., median width and median perimeter across all folia). Although the cerebellum is highly uniform in its gross internal morphology and circuitry's organization across most vertebrates, there is evidence showing that the cerebellum may be organized in different functional modules. In that way, different regions or folia of the cerebellum would have different olivo-cortico-nuclear circuitries, forming, each one, a single cerebellar zone. Although it is not completely clear how these modules/zones are organized within the cerebellum, I think the authors could acknowledge this at the end of their discussion, and raise potential ideas for future studies (e.g., analyse folding of the cerebellum within the brain structure - vermis vs lateral cerebellum, for example). I think this would be a good way to emphasize the importance of the results of this study and what are the main questions remaining to be answered. For example, the expansion of the lateral cerebellum in mammals is suggested to be linked with the evolution of vocal learning in different clades (see Smaers et al., 2018). An interesting question would be to understand how foliation within the lateral cerebellum varies across mammalian clades and whether this has something to do with the cellular composition or any other aspect of the microanatomy as well as the evolution of different cognitive skills in mammals.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a very elegant study of the dynamics of the longitudinal surface pH profile in growing Arabidopsis roots. The authors first present a new powerful method for the visualization of the surface pH profiles using the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye fluoresceine-5 (or 6)-sulfonic acid. This is an interesting new tool for studying surface pH in plants and perhaps other organisms. The main findings are that the presence of an alkaline band at the transition zone does not depend on AHA abundance (shown by immunolocalization) or activity shown by pharmacology (FC treatment) or by using plants expressing hyperactive, or PP2CD1- inhibited AHA2 or by using KO mutants aha2 or pp2c-d respectively. This band depends on auxin and AUX1-mediated auxin influx and rapid auxin response components AFB1 and CNGC14. The latter has a distribution along the root fitting the longitudinal surface pH zonation and are both required for it. Canonical auxin signaling (TIR) has more quantitative effects on the extent of the auxin-induced alkalinization. They also observe that the rapid auxin response module is constantly activated and inactivated as shown by the time-dependent variations in surface pH within the alkaline zone on both sides of the root and the rapid AUX1, AFB1, and CNGC14-dependent acidification of the upper surface and alkalinisation of the lower surface during gravitropic responses. Finally, they provide some evidence for the role of the rapid auxin responses in avoiding physical obstacles in the environment of the root.

      The data look very sound. The originality of the approach used is the observation of dynamic responses at a second-to-minute time scale and to systematically correlate between the observed changes in the longitudinal surface pH profile with changes in growth rate. The manuscript is well-written with clear figures.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper studies color vision in anemonefish. The central conclusion of the paper is that anemonefish use signals from their UV cones to discriminate colors that would not otherwise be distinguishable; this differs from other fish in which UV cones extend the range of wavelengths of sensitivity but do not add a dimension to color vision. The work fits into a rich history of studies investigating how color vision fits into an animal's ecological niche. My primary concerns regard the microspectrophotometry data from single cones and some aspects of the presentation of the behavioral data.

      Microspectrophotometry<br /> The spectral properties of the cone types are a key issue for interpreting the results. These were measured using MSP, and fits are shown in Figure 2. The raw data shown in Fig. S1 appears more complicated than indicated in the main text. The templates miss the measurements across broad wavelength bands in each cone type. Particularly concerning is the high UV absorbance across cone types and the long-wavelength absorbance in the UV cone. It is not clear how this picture supports the relatively simple description of cone types and spectral sensitivities given in the main text and which forms the basis of the modeling.

      Presentation<br /> The results are not presented in a straightforward way - at least for this reviewer. What is missing for me is a clear link between the psychometric curves in Figure 3A and the discrimination thresholds indicated in Figure 3B and Figure 4. Figure 3A is only discussed in the text on line 289 - after Figure 4 has been introduced and discussed. It would have been very helpful for me if the psychometric curves were first introduced and described, then the relation to Figure 3B was clearly indicated (perhaps with a single psychometric curve as an example). Similarly for Figure 4 the relationship between specific psychometric curves and the threshold plotted would be quite helpful. Currently it takes a careful reading to understand why being below the dashed line in Figure 4 is important.

      RNL model<br /> The data is fit and interpreted in the context of the receptor noise limited model. The paragraph in the discussion about complementary color pairs suggests that this model is incorrect (text around line 332). Consideration of how the results depend on the RNL model is important, especially given the interpretation here.

      Figure 3B<br /> This is the key figure in the paper. But several issues make seeing the data in this figure difficult. First, the important part of the figure is buried near the origin and hard to see. Can you show a surface that connects the thresholds in the different chromatic directions, or otherwise highlight the regions of discriminable and not discriminable colors?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The technical approach is novel, exciting, and very carefully calibrated, and can certainly lead to many interesting downstream applications, e.g. enhanced throughput and consistency for screening purposes. Compared to traditional single-assay designs, this solution eliminates some sources of human error associated with manual dilution of reagents and reproducibility and facilitates the study of a wide spectrum of concentrations particularly at the low-concentration (below nanomolar), high-sensitivity range.

      However, the study itself does not generate any fundamentally novel insights or new understanding of the biology or biophysics of the chemotactic response. It mainly reproduces previously measured trends in a more efficient and controlled manner. The novelty of the paper is purely in the technology, whereas the major weakness is that this new technology was not used to demonstrate or discover some new biological phenomenon.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Croft, Pearce, and colleagues used a combination of spatial transcriptomics and analysis of publicly available scRNA-sequencing data of patients with PDAC to assess differences in the transcriptome of tumor proximal and distal stromal cells and associated these differences with survival data. Focusing on aSMA+ cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), they find that tumor-proximal CAFs were defined by high expression of PDPN and Wnt ligands, and tumor-distal CAFs expressed inflammatory, complement, and Wnt inhibitor genes. While gene expression in relation to tumor distance did not per se correlate with clinical outcome, the authors find that individual genes within the tumor proximal and distal subsets were associated with increased or decreased survival. Based on this, the authors suggest a combination of targeting tumor-proximal CAFs defined by PDPN expression and inhibition of HIF-1a in the tumor distal stroma. Using an innovative approach to combine their spatial transcriptomics with single-cell transcriptomics data, the authors further identify an association between the expression of proximal CAF marker genes with elevated expression of complement and retinoic acid metabolism genes, and that complement genes were associated with increased survival.

      While spatial differences in the abundance of different CAF subsets have been suggested before, the spatial transcriptomic data presented in this study provide a fresh look at CAF heterogeneity in PDAC and will be a useful resource for hypothesis generation and testing on the spatial regulation of CAF heterogeneity. However, there are major concerns associated with the interpretation of the data given the markers used to generate it, the association with single-cell data, and an overinterpretation of transcriptomic data, as detailed below.

      1) The spatial transcriptomic data on fibroblasts relies on aSMA as a fibroblast marker. However, several studies in PDAC and other tumors have shown that there are subtypes of CAFs that do not (or only weakly) express aSMA, including inflammatory CAFs (iCAFs) and antigen-presenting CAFs (apCAFs) which therefore might have been missed by the authors. While there is no universal CAF marker, more recently the pancreatic cancer field has been using PDPN as a pan-CAF marker. aSMA is a classical myofibroblast marker across tissues and tumor types and the authors should state that they focused on myofibroblasts in their study.

      2) While the association of the spatial data and single-cell data is innovative, it is flawed by the use of a single marker gene (DCN) to define the fibroblast population and the small number of cells (229) within this population. The authors need to corroborate their findings using a combination of fibroblast marker genes as well as other studies comprising a larger number of cells of fibroblast origin.

      3) The authors find HIF1a expression to be associated with poor survival and enriched within the tumor-distal stroma. They interpret this as a reflection of the hypoxic environment of PDAC. However, the authors only ever look at HIF1a mRNA, but hypoxic regulation of HIF-1a occurs post-transcriptionally. Transcriptional regulation of HIF1a has been reported through pro-inflammatory cytokines and NFkB signaling. Therefore, the authors should either stain for HIF1a to confirm enrichment on the protein level or adjust their discussion to reflect the important biology behind HIF1a regulation.

      4) The authors often misinterpret the correlations and associations they observe as causation and explanation - they should either adjust their language or perform experiments to show causation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors present a computational framework based on Bayesian observer models that parameterises several different sources of noise and bias in perceptual decision-making. The authors show that these sources of suboptimality cannot be dissociated in many typical decision-making tasks. They present an analysis of two previously published sets of experimental data, where the experimental design should allow them to dissociate suboptimalities parameterised in the model. They fit various versions of the model including different suboptimalities and in general show that including the suboptimalities improves the fit, depending on whether the data is aggregated across participants or not.

      The major strengths of the methods and results include 1. The clear theoretical delineation of different forms of suboptimalities may help to guide research understanding them on the behavioural and neural levels. 2. The attention to scientific rigor in model fitting, including the use of power analysis and corrections for the number of model parameters. 3. Clear figures that are helpful in understanding the model.

      The major weaknesses of the methods and results include 1. The lack of model/parameter recovery analysis shows the extent to which the model can separate sources of suboptimality against some ground truth. 2. The lack of generalisability, where the model parameters can only be dissociated using specific experimental manipulations, and a large number of trials. 3. It is unclear to what extent the assumptions of the model (and its parameterisation) limit the realisability of the proposed computational framework.

      The authors achieve their aim of outlining a computational framework that accounts for various sources of suboptimalities and shows some evidence that this model may be useful for making inferences about these suboptimalities given careful experimental manipulation.

      The work adds to the movement toward delineating the specific sources of suboptimalities as opposed to capturing 'noise' and 'bias' as overarching variables, and the model may prove useful for other researchers. However, given the model requires special experimental tasks to dissociate the parameters, it is unclear how this model improves upon the traditional approach of designing experiments to dissociate sources of suboptimalities directly.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Precise regulation of gamete fusion ensures that offspring will have the same ploidy as the parents. However, breaking this regulation can be useful for plant breeding. Haploid induction followed by chemical-induced genome doubling can be used to fix desirable genotypes, while triparental hybrids where two sperm cells with two different genotypes fertilize an egg cell can be advantageous for bypassing hybridization barriers to create interspecies hybrids with increased fitness. This manuscript follows up on a previous study from the same research group that used a clever high throughput polyspermy detection assay (HIPOD) to show that wild-type Arabidopsis naturally forms triparental hybrids at very low frequencies (less than 0.05% of progeny) and that these triparental hybrids can bypass dosage barriers in the endosperm (Nakel, et al., 2017). Mao and co-authors hypothesized that mutants that conferred polytubey, the attraction of multiple pollen tubes by mutant female gametophytes, would also increase the rate of triparental hybrids. They used a double mutant in the endopeptidase genes ECS1 and ECS2 which had previously been reported to induce supernumerary pollen tube attraction to test this hypothesis with their two-component HIPOD system in which one pollen donor constitutively expresses the mGAL4-VP16 transcription factor while the second pollen donor carries an herbicide resistance gene regulated by the GAL4-responsive UAS promoter. Triparental hybrids are detected as herbicide-resistant progeny from wild-type Arabidopsis flowers that have been pollinated by the two paternal genotypes. The authors convincingly show that the ecs1 ecs2-1 double mutant more than doubled the frequency of triparental, triploid hybrids in HIPOD crosses. They next tested the hypothesis that this increase in triparental hybrids was due to a gametophytic effect by using an ecs1-/- ecs2-1/ECS2 maternal parent in the HIPOD assay and testing whether the ecs2-1 mutant allele was preferentially inherited in triparental hybrids. The mutant allele was inherited at a much higher rate than expected, confirming their hypothesis.

      The triparental hybrid results with the ecs1 ecs2 mutant were not that surprising since the presence of extra sperm cells gives more opportunities for triparental hybrids to form, especially if gamete fusion is misregulated. However, an unexpected result came when the authors used aniline blue staining to analyze the ecs1 ecs2 polytubey phenotype. They confirmed that the double mutant had increased levels of polytubey compared to wild-type ovules, but they also noticed that 13% of seeds were not developing normally. This phenotype was confirmed with a second ecs2 allele and was complemented with both ECS1 and ECS2 transgenes under their native promoters. Microscopic analysis revealed normal gametophyte morphology before fertilization, but 8% of pollinated ovules failed to develop an embryo and 7% failed to develop endosperm, suggesting single fertilization events. In a logical set of experiments, they followed up on this result by crossing ecs1 ecs2 with pollen carrying a fluorescent reporter that would be expressed in developing embryos and endosperm. In this experiment, they were again surprised. Some of the wild-type-looking seeds lacked a paternal contribution (i.e. no fluorescent signal from the paternal reporter construct) in the embryo. This prompted them to look more closely at the progeny, upon which they detected small plants that were haploid. They confirmed the haploid nature by chromosome spreads. Finally, they used interaccession crosses between ecs1 ecs2 (Col-0) and Landsberg to verify that haploid progeny only carried maternal alleles of markers on all five chromosomes, indicating that the ecs1 ecs2 genotype can induce maternal haploids.

      This interesting study highlights the importance of following up on unexpected results. The conclusions are well-supported by the data and quite exciting. Paternal haploid inducers have been discovered in several species, but this is one of only two examples of maternal haploid induction. While the percentage of maternal haploids is very low, this phenomenon could be useful for plant breeding.

      Weaknesses<br /> The data in the manuscript is intriguing, but the question of how the same mutant combination promotes the formation of both triploid and haploid progeny remains unanswered and is not thoroughly discussed, nor is any model suggested for how the ECS1/2 peptidases could play a role in regulating gamete fusion and/or repressing parthenogenesis. A second unanswered question is whether the maternal haploids are a result of failed plasmogamy or karyogamy between the egg and sperm leading to parthenogenesis or a result of paternal genome elimination after plasmogamy. In figure 3B, the authors attempted to test whether plasmogamy occurs between the male and female gametes in ecs1 ecs2 ovules by crosses with pollen that expresses a mitochondrial marker under control of the pRPS5a promoter which is active in sperm cells as well as embryos and endosperm of fertilized ovules. This experiment allowed them to detect sperm cells that had not fused with the egg and central cell at 2 days after pollination. They also counted the percentage of seeds that expressed the mitochondrial marker in both embryo and endosperm at 2 DAP and found that ecs1 ecs2 mutants had a 20% reduction of visible mitochondria in embryo sacs compared to wildtype. They conclude that the result indicates a potential plasmogamy defect. However, the dependability of this marker is questionable since only ~55% of wild-type seeds had detectable signal in the embryo and endosperm. The authors imply that this experiment could be used to test plasmogamy, but it is not clear how any conclusions related to the abnormal seed phenotype could be drawn from examining the rate of signal in both the embryo and endosperm. Since the mitochondrial marker was not expressed from a sperm-specific promoter, the fluorescent signal at 2DAP is likely due to new gene expression from pRPS5a in the fertilized embryo and endosperm, not an indication of the presence of sperm-derived mitochondria. Perhaps an earlier timepoint could be used as well as a sperm-specific promoter instead of pRPS5a to answer the question of whether plasmogamy is happening in the ecs1 ecs2 ovules.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Reviews):

      The article describes the development of a highly concentrated antibody formulation for MS-Hu6, a first-in-class FSH-blocking humanized antibody proposed for clinical use in osteoporosis, obesity, and Alzheimer's disease. The authors utilized various techniques, including protein thermal shift, size exclusion chromatography, and dynamic light scattering, to examine the stability and physiochemical properties of the formulated MS-Hu6 at concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 mg/mL. They found that the thermal, monomeric, and colloidal stability of the formulated MS-Hu6 was maintained at a concentration of 100 mg/mL, and the addition of L-methionine and disodium EDTA improved its long-term colloidal and thermal stability. The authors further confirmed the thermal stability of the formulation through Nano differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). They demonstrated that MS-Hu6's structural integrity was maintained through Circular Dichroism (CD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The formulated MS-Hu6 displayed excellent thermal and colloidal stability even after three rapid freeze-thaw cycles and storage for more than 90 days at 4{degree sign}C and 25{degree sign}C. The authors concluded that they had developed a stable, manufacturable, and transportable MS-Hu6 formulation at an ultra-high concentration, meeting acceptable industry standards. The study's findings may serve as a resource for developing biologics formulation in academic medical centers.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors solved cryoEM structural maps for the pLGIC homolog Alpo4 from an extreme thermophile worm in apo and CHAPS-bound conditions. The data appear to be of good quality and in addition to a first structural model of Alpo4 also provide several interesting observations. Notably, the detergent CHAPS was observed to occupy the orthosteric binding pocket where it induces a quaternary twist of extracellular relative to transmembrane domains opposite to that observed for activation in canonical pLGICs. Given recent advances in lipid modulation of pLGICs, this structural model of how a detergent can bind to the orthosteric site will be of interest. Additionally, a ring of 16' methionines forms a potential alternate pore gate to the 9' leucine ring in canonical pLGICs. Unfortunately, testing these hypotheses such as the alternate pore gate remains difficult due to the fact that the activating ligand for Alpo4 remains unknown. This also makes it hard to relate the observed changes upon CHAPS binding to the Alpo4 function. Nonetheless, the structures will aid in hypotheses for functional mechanisms of Alpo4 and pLGICs.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript examines how subjects change their decision strategy in a visual motion change detection task between blocks of trials where they sought to detect stronger versus weaker signals. The authors hypothesized that decision bounds would be reduced for the weaker signal condition. While behavioral changes were reasonably consistent with this hypothesis, it was challenged by EEG measures that have been previously found to relate to decision variables. In particular, a Beta-band EEG measure suggested decision bounds being reduced for the stronger signal condition, in distinct contrast to the initial hypothesis. Based on this, the authors developed an alternative behavioral model that could explain behavioral adjustments while having decision bounds that were constrained by the putative signature of the decision variable derived from the EEG Beta amplitude. This alternative model has two central features: 1) Sensory evidence is referenced to an adjustable criterion before accumulation such that evidence below the criterion provides negative input to the decision variable. 2) There is a lower reflecting bound on the decision variable such that it cannot go to negative values.

      This experiment makes a strong case for the benefit of reconciling behavioral modeling with ideas in the literature about neural signatures of the corresponding decision processes. In this work, the standard behavioral modeling and the EEG-derived putative signatures of the decision process did not initially agree. This is an important finding. The authors also go further. Something must give. Either the standard modeling approach for this type of task provides an incorrect account or the putative mapping of EEG Beta amplitude to the decision process is incorrect. The authors argue for the former. They build from the starting point that the neural signatures are correct and develop alternative behavioral models that they argue to be consistent with these while also explaining behavior. One of these models (described above) fits the data as well as the standard model. I think this approach and the resulting model are interesting, but I have concerns.

      1) I think the authors should give greater consideration to the possibility that the relationship between the decision process and EEG-derived neural signatures - despite having a basis in previous results - is either incorrect in some ways, not the full story, or might not fully apply to this paradigm. The authors include important analyses that already suggest that point to some degree, such as the analysis of the raw Beta amplitude in Figure 4. I give the authors credit for including that analysis and the critical discussion they have surrounding it. I suggest that the authors should include further discussion on this general point. What is the main evidence for the relationship of Beta amplitude to decision bound? Are there any differences from the previous studies that might break the relationship in this paradigm? With the approach taken here so heavily dependent on that relationship, discussing how it might not be correct seems of utmost importance.

      2) My biggest concern revolves around where the Beta amplitude measurement fits into the model. Figure 3 (neurally informed modeling) shows it informing an evidence-independent component that adds to the decision variable, and it is described as such in the methods. However, Beta amplitude is clearly affected by the evidence (Figure 2A). And in the results, it is described as best corresponding to a decision variable, which would include the influence of the sensory evidence. If Beta amplitude depends on evidence, then an adjustment of the evidence criterion would influence Beta amplitude, even during the ITI. So, I don't see how it can be properly used as the constraining factor for the evidence-independent urgency in neurally-informed modeling.

      To illustrate my concern, consider the evidence criterion adjustment model. In this model, the average DV value during the ITI will be closer to the decision bound in the weaker signal condition compared to the stronger signal condition - that is how the model fits the false alarm rate differences. This should be reflected in Beta amplitude if the latter reflects the DV. However, the Beta-derived urgency is highest for the condition with the lowest false alarm rate and lowest for the condition with the highest false alarm rate. It seems there is an inescapable conclusion that Beta amplitude does not fully reflect the main behavioral-driving features of the DV in this paradigm, even in the criterion-adjustment model. That said, I do think the development and consideration of the criterion-adjustment model is an important contribution, even with this shortcoming.

      Additional comments:

      1) The criterion-adjustment model appears equivalent to one with a constant negative drift added to the decision variable in addition to the contribution of evidence (and a lower reflecting bound). If true, it seems that there could be an alternative equivalent account that does not involve regulation of the transfer of incoming evidence.

      2) I understand why one of the model parameters (e.g., noise or bound) must be fixed, but I don't understand why the authors didn't keep it the same parameter across all models. Couldn't they have fixed the noise parameters for all the models? Having it different makes it difficult to compare parameter values across the models, especially because the fitted noise term in the neurally-informed models appears dramatically reduced compared to the fixed value of noise used for the bound-adjustment model. On the topic of parameters, can the leak parameter be reported in more intuitive units? It seems to be parameterized as a fraction leak per time step, and I couldn't easily find the time step used. Reporting the leak as a time constant would be immediately understandable.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper provides compelling and clear analyses that show that the coding level (sparsity) of the granule-cell layer of a cerebellar-like network does not only change the dimensionality of the representation, but also the inductive bias of the network: Higher sparsity biases the network to learning more high-frequency representations. Depending on the dominant frequencies of the target function, different coding levels are therefore optimal. The results are important/fundamental to theories of cerebellar learning and speak to a relevant ongoing debate in cerebellar learning, but will be of interest to readers outside of cerebellar neurophysiology.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study combines in vitro somatic and dendritic recordings and computational modeling to study how cholinergic agonists modulate the response of CA1 pyramidal neurons to triangular current injections. The authors have previously used a similar approach (Upchurch, 2022, JNeuroscience) to show that CA1 neurons exhibit asymmetric AP firing (more firing on the upward ramp) in response to such current injections and that this effect is due to Na channel inactivation. The present work builds on these results by showing that cholinergic modulation changes this response, i.e., there is more firing on the downward part of the ramp. This change appears to require an intracellular Ca2+ concentration increase (mediated via IP3 and voltage-gated Ca2+ channels), which activates TRPM4 channels. In this scheme, cholinergic activity increases IP3, and the depolarizing current injection opens voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. This study will be of some interest to cellular neurophysiology experts working on the hippocampus.

      1) This study claims that the triangular current injections recapitulate hippocampal place cell activity. However, it has been shown recently that the asymmetric firing of CA1 place cells is due to synaptic weight changes resulting from synaptic plasticity (e.g., Bittner et al., 2017). This suggests that the asymmetric firing of place cells is primarily the result of asymmetric synaptic input. Therefore, the authors should test whether carbachol similarly affects a synaptically driven membrane potential ramp. If this is not the case, the strong claim that this work has implications for place cell firing is not justified, in my opinion.

      2) Along the same lines, it has been shown before that the precision of spike timing depends on the stimulation pattern in vitro (Mainen and Sejnowski, 1995). Constant stimuli led to imprecise AP firing trains, whereas current injections that included fluctuations resembling synaptic input generated spike trains that were more reliable and reproducible in terms of timing. This study concluded that a low intrinsic noise level in spike generation was essential in generating informative spike sequences. Following this pivotal work, the authors could add noise to their current stimulus and observe the effect on the AP firing patterns. If this is not possible, the authors should at least report the sweep-to-sweep variability for the data shown, e.g., in panels 1A2, 1B2, 1D2, and 1E2.

      3) In most of the data presented in this manuscript, Carbachol appears to induce a 3 mV hyperpolarization and increase input resistance. As a result, the amount of current injected during Carbachol is drastically lower than during the controls. This should be emphasized more, and the input resistance should be quantified for each experimental condition. It should also be discussed whether this change in input resistance can account for the changes in the firing pattern observed. Finally, it should be clearly stated how the amount of the current injected was chosen for each cell, and data from a range of injected current ramps should be shown for each cell.

      4) It remains unclear how the current result that TRPM4 channels can mediate the firing pattern change relates to the previous finding that the current injection evoked CA1 neuronal firing pattern is due to long-term Na channel inactivation.

      5) Figure 8: Panel C is supposed to confirm the prediction from the model that the carbachol-mediated change of firing activity is related to intracellular Ca2+ domains. However, the example cell shown is depolarized to -52 mV, and there is no hyperpolarization following Carbachol. Is this an effect of the high concentration of BAPTA? Again, what was the current injected under this experimental condition?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript studies the spontaneous contractions (SC) of the Hydra body wall and presents a detailed simple mathematical model of nutrient transport to hypothesize the role of SC on maintaining the microbiota. This work provides valuable insights on the functional im- plications of the SC and the increased nutrient update obtained from mixing the local fluid environment through body wall contractions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Brunetti et al. investigated the mechanism used by the SARS CoV-2 virus to infect CD4 T cells and the potential impact on the immune system by viral infection. They find that SARS CoV-2 infects CD4 helper T cells and not CD8 T cells present in the blood and bronchoalveolar fluid of infected patients. The ACE-2 receptor expression on T lymphocytes is less compared to epithelial and endothelial cells, but still, the virus is able to establish a productive infection of T lymphocytes by some alternative mechanism. The group also demonstrated that interaction between CD4 and SARS virus spike protein further enhances viral entry and infectivity as CD4 is acting as an auxiliary molecule for viral entry.

      By performing a technically impressive analysis of the infectivity of CD4 T cells isolated from healthy donors/controls invitro with the SARS CoV-2 virus and also by testing the infected population of CD4 cells invivo from COVID patients, the authors find that SARS CoV-2 infects CD4 T cells using Insitu Hybridization using probes against viral polymerase (RdRP), immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Further, the authors also identified the region of SARS CoV-2 spike protein that interacts with CD4 by performing molecular docking analysis and found CD4 NTD interacts directly with the RBD region of the SARS Virus. The specific interaction between CD4 and SARS virus is further demonstrated by the use of anti-CD4 blocking antibodies and cell lines that over-express CD4 molecules. Interestingly by antibody inhibition of ACE-2 and camostat inhibition of TMPRSS2, the authors demonstrated that SARS CoV-2 infection of CD4 T cells requires ACE-2, TMPRSS2, and CD4. The data also show that viral infection of CD4 T cells leads to the expression of cytokines like 1L-10 that may impact cell viability and dampens immune response.

      The experiments in the paper are well- performed and the conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data, but some aspects of the impact of viral infection of CD4 cells leading to lymphopenia need to be clarified and extended.<br /> A major weakness of the paper is the reference citations. Inconsistency in maintaining the citation style and numbering in the manuscript draft drastically impacts the readability. For example, the use of superscript format references in the introduction and results section and paraphrasing format in materials and methods could not make the readers identify the correct citations.

      1. In this paper, the authors describe infection of CD4 T cells may lead to T cell death. Although the extended Fig. 9 suggests the expression of a multitude panel of gene expression, including apoptotic genes, the authors could not provide a piece of direct evidence to show how CD4 T cell death happens. What is the underlying mechanism of cell death? Is it by necrosis or apoptosis or pyroptosis? The exact mechanism of CD4 cell death needs to be discovered and adding control experiments to assess the exact mechanism of cell death would increase confidence in the presented results of the functional interaction of proteins (Ext Fig 9).

      2. Some previous studies suggested that lymphocytopenia in COVID infection could be due to impaired T cell proliferation or extravasation of T cells into tissue. The exact mechanism for lymphocytopenia could be addressed by performing an animal experiment, but it would be interesting to see what are the author's opinion about other possibilities of lymphocytopenia.

      3. The data on CREB-1 Ser 133 in Figure 4E is not sufficiently convincing. It is difficult to understand what is the difference between every three lanes within mock and SARS CoV-2 infection. There is a pCREB band in lane 5 (2nd lane of CoV-2), but not in the other two. Better data would have helped to substantiate the authors' conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Guo et al. demonstrate that Metformin, a first-line anti-diabetic drug, significantly improves bone healing in diabetic mice. Mechanistically, they demonstrate that Metformin improves BMSC differentiation in T2D type 2 diabetic mice, potentially through an indirect mechanism. Overall the study is comprehensive and the effects of Metformin on bone healing are demonstrated by overwhelming data. The study further offers important information for management of the complications associated with type-2 diabetes. The weakness of the study is the lack of in-depth understanding of the mechanism underlying Metformin's effects on healing. The writing of the manuscript could also be improved for clarity and accuracy.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript the authors identify new players regulating cell state transitions. They show that heme biosynthesis is required for the naïve-to-primed pluripotency transition. In particular, they provide a link between heme biosynthesis inhibition and failure to activate TGFβ and MAPK pathways, two crucial regulators of the exit from the naïve pluripotent state. Heme biosynthesis inhibition increases the percentage of 2CLCs within the mESC population. The authors further show that this increased level of 2CLCs depends on the accumulation of succinate in non-mitochondrial cell compartments as a consequence of heme biosynthesis inhibition. Based on experiments using chemical inhibitors, the authors conclude that succinate acts in a paracrine and autocrine manner to enhance reprogramming of mESC into 2CLCs.

      The observations provided by the authors are interesting and potentially relevant in the field of pluripotent cell state transitions. However, in the present state, neither the role of heme biosynthesis on FGF-ERK and TGF beta signalling and exit from naïve pluripotency nor the role of heme biosynthesis in controlling the 2CLC state are clear.

      Below I list my main concerns:

      1. The authors claim that the heme metabolic pathway is important for the naïve-to-primed transition. Interfering with its proper function appears to have developmental consequences. However, it is unclear how exactly this pathway is regulated during the exit from naïve pluripotency in WT cells. Hence the physiological relevance remains unclear. Are the levels of heme itself, or the mentioned 7 enzymes of the heme pathway regulated during differentiation?

      2. The claim that "the roles of this [heme] biosynthetic pathway and this metabolite have never been studied in the context of pluripotency" is a bit misleading. It has been reported that HO1 is regulated by Oct4 (https://doi.org/10.1002/1873-3468.14138).

      3. The link between heme biosynthesis and the TGFβ and MAPK pathways remains unclear. Is there any evidence for a direct link, or are these two observations simply linked through an altered cell state? Without further experiments it remains unclear whether the lack of proper Tgf beta and Fgf-ERK signalling activation are cause or consequence of the observed differentiation defects. Results must be discussed with this limitation in mind.

      4. The fact that MEKi did not recapitulate the phenotype of SA treatment to prevent EpiLC differentiation should already be clarified in the results section. Moreover, the fact that SMAD inhibition seems to delay downregulation of naïve markers more than SA treatment, and the fact that SMAD inhibition combined with MEK inhibition seems weaker than SMAD inhibition alone seem counterintuitive and needs explanation. Can the authors attempt to titrate pathway inhibition to a similar level as observed in heme pathway deficient ESCs? Furthermore, can the differentiation defect be rescued upon overstimulation of Fgf-ERK and TGF beta to reach WT levels?

      5. To better characterize the direct effect of heme biosynthesis inhibition it is necessary to in depth analyse any possible cell proliferation, viability of cell cycle defects after SA (or AA5) treatment. If there is an impact on cellular health, this needs to be reported and taken into careful consideration when interpreting results.

      6. The authors claim that SA pre-treatment of mESC is able to enhance their differentiation ability into throphoblast like cells; however, they do not show statistically significant differences in terms of throphoblast expression markers between SA-treated and control cells (Supplemental Fig.2d). Furthermore, the variance of measurements in 2iL are not shown. Expression levels in TS cells or in trophoblast tissue must be used as control to judge the effect size. 2iL cells do also generate cells similar in morphology to 2iL+SA cells (Suppl Fig. 2b). Should these also be giant cells; this would be very surprising. Together, this makes drawing conclusions from these experiments impossible. If the statement that SA treatment expands the lineage potential of ESCs is made, it will need to be supported by appropriate and statistically strong data. A mere increase in some marker genes (which are not really specific for the TE lineage but also expressed in embryonic tissues) and statements based on morphology are no good support for this hypothesis.

      7. What is the reason for calling the increase in 2C like cells 2C-like reprogramming? Is there any evidence that this is indeed a reprogramming event? There is no evidence for disruption of heme biosynthesis directly instructing cells to take on a 2CLC state, there is simply an increase in the Zscan4 expressing population, for a reason that remains unclear.

      8. Addition of AA5 or SA results in absolutely striking changes in the epigenetic state of ESCs. H3K4me3, H3K27me3 and H3K9me3 together with 5mC levels appear drastically increased based on IF images in Supp. Fig. 5a. I wonder how physiological these levels are. How much data directly meaningful for 'normal' differentiation can be obtained from such a massively perturbed system? This needs to be appropriately acknowledged and discussed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Dhekne et al. sought to identify modulators of LRRK2 activity. Thereto, the authors performed a FACS-based genome-wide pooled CRISPR/Cas9 screen in NIH-3T3 cells monitoring phosphorylation of the Rab GTPase Rab10 which is a well-characterized target of LRRK2. Besides Rab10 and LRRK2, this unbiased screen surprisingly uncovered another Rab GTPase, Rab12, as one of the most significant hits. Validation experiments with Rab12 knockout (KO) NIH-3T3 cells, the LRRK2 inhibitors MLi-2, and Rab12 KO mice unanimously confirmed the dependency of Rab10 phosphorylation on Rab12. Conversely, the authors used A549 LRKK2 and PPM1H KO cells to show that overexpression of Rab12 but not Rab29 which is another LRRK2 modulator leads to elevated phospho-Rab10 levels in a manner dependent on LRRK2 but insensitive to pathogenic mutations thereof. Moreover, the authors mapped E240 and S244 of LRRK2 as specific binding sites for Rab12 and showed that these residues are important to sustain full LRKK2 activity towards Rab10. Lastly, the authors showed that RAB12-dependent LRRK2 activation occurs under (patho)physiological stress conditions, namely endolysosomal membrane damage. Together, this comprehensive and elegant study of Dhekne and colleagues reveals exciting new mechanistic insights into the regulation of LRRK2 which have therapeutic potential for Parkinson's disease.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      For many years it has been understood that transposable elements (TEs) are an important source of natural variation. This is because, in addition to simple knockouts of genes, TEs carry regulatory sequences that can, and sometimes do, affect the expression of genes near the TEs. However, because TEs can be difficult to map to reference genomes, they have generally not been used for trait mapping. Instead, single nucleotide polymorphisms are widely used because they are easy to detect when using short reads. However, improvements in sequencing technology, as well as an increased appreciation of the importance of TEs to both linked to favorable alleles and are more likely to be causing the changes that make those alleles beneficial in a given environment. Further, because TE activity can occur after bottlenecks, they can provide polymorphisms in the absence of variation in point mutations.

      In this manuscript, the authors carefully examine insertion polymorphisms in rice and demonstrate linkage to differences in expression. To do this, they used expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) GWAS using TIPs as genetic markers to examine variation in 208 rice accessions. Because they chose to focus on genes that were expressed in at least 10% of the accessions, presumably because more rare variants would end up lacking statistical power. This is an understandable decision, but it says that recent insertions, such as the MITE elements detailed in a previous paper, would not be included. Importantly, although TIPs associated with differentially expressed genes are far less common than SNPs' traditional eQTLs, there were a significant number of eQTLs that showed linkage to TIPs but not to QTL.

      The authors then show that of the eQTLs associated with both TIPs and SNPs, TIPs are more tightly linked to the eQTL, and are more likely to be associated with a reduction in expression, with variation in the effects of various TEs families supporting that hypothesis. Here and throughout, however, the distance of the TEs could be an important variable. It is also worth noting the relative numbers in order to assess the claim in the title of the paper. The total number of eQTL-TIPs is ten-fold less than the number of eQTL-SNPs, and, of the eQTLs that have both, there are a significant number of eQTL-TIPs that are not more tightly linked to the expression differences than the eQTL.

      The authors show that eQTL-TIPs are more likely to be in the promoter-proximal region, but this may be due to insertion bias, which is well documented in DNA-type elements. Here and throughout the authors are careful to state that the data is consistent with the hypothesis that TEs are the cause of the change, but do not claim that the data demonstrate that they are.

      Throughout the rest of the manuscript, the authors systematically build the case for a causal role for TEs by showing, for instance, that eQTL-TIPs show much stronger evidence for selection, with increased expression being more likely to be selected than decreased expression. The authors provide examples of genes most likely to have been affected by TE insertions.

      Overall, the authors build a convincing case for TEs being an important source of regulatory information. I don't have any issues with the analysis, but I am concerned about the sweeping claims made in the title. Once you get rid of eQTLs that could be altered by either SNPs or TIPs and include only those insertions that show strong evidence of selection, the number of genes is reduced to only 30. And even in those cases, the observed linkage is just that, not definitive evidence for the involvement of TEs. Although clearly beyond the scope of this analysis, transgenic constructs with the TEs present or removed, or even segregating families, would have been far more convincing.

      The fact that many of the eQTL-TIPs were relatively old is interesting because it suggests that selection in domesticated rice was on pre-existing variation rather than new insertions. This may strengthen the argument because those older insertions are less likely to be purged due to negative effects on gene expression. Given that the sequence of these TEs is likely to have diverged from others in the same family, it would have been interesting to see if selection in favor of a regulatory function had caused these particular insertions to move away from more typical examples of the family.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript the authors proposed a novel system by which they can suppress the expression of any gene of interest precisely and efficiently with a pre-validated, highly specific and efficient synthetic short-hairpin RNA. The idea of identifying potent artificial RNAi (ARTi) triggers is intriguing, and the authors successfully identify six ARTi with robust knockdown efficiency and limited to no off-target effects. As a proof-of-concept, the authors examined three oncology targets for validation, including EGFRdel19 (which already has a clinically approved drug for validation), KRASG12R (for which there are no in vivo compatible inhibitors yet) and STAG1 (which has a synthetic lethal interaction with recurrent loss-of-function mutations of STAG2). The authors demonstrated significant suppression of colony formation and in vivo tumor growth for all three oncology targets.

      This novel system could serve as a powerful tool for loss-of-function experiments that are often used to validate a drug target. Not only this tool can be applied in exogenous systems (like EGFRdel19 and KRASG12R in this paper), the authors successfully demonstrated that ARTi can also be used in endogenous systems by CRISPR knocking in the ARTi target sites to the 3'UTR of the gene of interest (like STAG2 in this paper).

      ARTi enables specific, efficient, and inducible suppression of these genes of interest, and can potentially improve therapeutic target validations. However, the system cannot be easily generalized as there are some limitations in this system:

      • The authors claim in the introduction that CRISPR/Cas9-based methods are associated with off-target effects, however, the author's system requires the use CRISPR/Cas9 to knock out a given endogenous genes or to knock-in ARTi target sites to the 3' UTR of the gene of interest. Though the authors used a transient CRISPR/Cas9 system to minimize the potential off-target effects, the methods does not, as the authors acknowledge, eliminate the possibility of off-target effects.

      • Instead of generating gene-specific loss-of-function triggers for every new candidate gene, the authors identified a universal and potent ARTi to ensure standardized and controllable knockdown efficiency. It seems this would save time and effort in validating each lost-of-function siRNAs/sgRNAs for each gene. However, users will still have to design and validate the best sgRNA to knock out endogenous genes or to knock in ARTi target sites by CRISPR/Cas9. The latter is by no-means trivial. Users will need to design and clone an expression construct for their cDNA replacement construct of interest, which will still be challenging for big proteins. This is not, as the authors point out, a replacement for other LOF methods, and there are other ways to achieve gene-specific regulation via, for example, degrons. However it is an effective orthogonal approach that many users may find compelling for their applications.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a carefully performed and well documented study to indicate that the FUS protein interacts with the GGGGCC repeat sequence in Drosophila fly models, and the mechanism appears to include modulating the repeat structure and mitigating RAN translation. They suggest FUS, as well as a number of other G-quadruplex binding RNA proteins, are RNA chaperones, meaning they can alter the structure of the expanded repeat sequence to modulate its biological activities.Overall this is a nicely done study with nice quantitation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Based on a recent report of spontaneous and reversible remapping of spatial representations in the enthorhinal cortex (Low et al 2021), this study sets out to examine possible mechanisms by which a network can simultaneously represent a positional variable and an uncorrelated binary internal state. To this end, the authors analyse the geometry of activity in recurrent neural networks trained to simultaneously encode an estimate of position in a one-dimensional track and a transiently-cued binary variable. They find that network activity is organised along two separate ring manifolds. The key result is that these two manifolds are significantly more aligned than expected by chance, as previously found in neural recordings. Importantly, the authors show that this is not a direct consequence of the design of the model, and clarify scenarios by which weaker alignment could be achieved. The model is then extended to a two-dimensional track, and to more than two internal variables. The latter case is compared with experimental data that had not been previously analysed.


      • rigorous and careful analysis of activity in trained recurrent neural networks

      • particular care is taken to show that the obtained results are not a necessary consequence of the design of the model

      • the writing is very clear and pleasant to read

      • close comparison with experimental data

      • extensions beyond the situations studied in experiments (two-dimensional track, more than two internal states)


      • no major weaknesses

      • (minor) the comparison with previous models of remapping could be expanded

      Altogether the conclusions claimed by the authors seem to be strongly supported and convincing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work by Gonzalez-Segarra et al. greatly extends previous research from the same group that identified ISNs as a key player in balancing nutrition and water ingestion. Using well-balanced sets of exploratory anatomical analyses and rigorous functional experiments, the authors identify and compile various peptidergic circuits that modulate nutrient and/or water ingestion. The findings are convincing and the experiments rigorous.


      - The authors complement anatomically-reconstructed and functionally-validated neuronal connectivity with extensive and intensive morphological and synaptic reconstruction.

      - Neurons and genes involved in specific components of feeding control are undoubtedly challenging, because numerous neurons and circuits redundantly and reciprocally regulate the same components of feeding behavior. This work dissociates how multiple, parallel and interconnected, peptidergic circuits (dilp3, CCHa2, CCAP) modulate sucrose and water ingestion, in tandem and in parallel.

      - The authors address some of the incongruencies / discrepancies in current literature (IPCs) and try to provide explanations, rather than ignoring inconsistent findings.


      - Is "function" of the ISNs to balance "nutrient need" or osmolarity? Balancing hemolymph osmolarity for physiological homeostasis is conceptually different from balancing thirst and hunger.

      - The final schematic nicely sums up how the different peptidergic pathways might work together, but it is unclear which connections are empirically-validated or speculative. It would be informative to show which parts of the model are speculative versus validated. For example, does FAFB volume synapse = functional connectivity and not just anatomical proximity? A bulk of the current manuscript relies on "synapses of relatively high confidence" (according to Materials and methods: line 522). I recommend distinguishing empirically tested & predicted connections in the final schematic, and maybe reword/clarify throughout the manuscript as "predicted synaptic partners"

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      There are a number of outstanding questions concerning how cohesin turnover on DNA is controlled by various accessory factors and how such turnover is controlled by post-translational modification. In this paper, Nasmyth et al. perform a series of AlphaFold structure predictions that aim to address several of these outstanding questions. Their structure predictions suggest that the release factor WAPL forms a ternary complex with PDS5 and SA/SCC3. This ternary complex appears to be able to bind the N-terminal end of SCC1, suggesting how formation of such a complex could stabilize an open state of the cohesin ring. Additional calculations suggest how the Eco/ESCO acetyltransferases and Sororin engage the SMC3 head domain and thereby protect against WAPL-mediated release.

      This work thus demonstrates the power of AF prediction methods and how they can lead to a number of interesting and testable hypotheses that can transform our understanding of cohesin regulation. These findings require orthogonal experimental validation, but the authors argue convincingly that such validation should not be a pre-requisite to publication.

      As the authors did not systematically include model confidence scores it is difficult for the reader to evaluate the reliability of the models obtained. The caveat is that many readers will by default assume that the presented models are correct, when in fact, some of them may score poorly and require careful assessment. As numerous readers will not be very familiar with the AF confidence scoring mechanisms, it would be important to include such metrics and indicate what these scores mean for the different interfaces (Acceptable, Medium and High confidence?). pLDDT and PAE plots should be included. When they report on a key interaction (E.g. WAPL-SCC1) they should indicate the key region (SCC1 N-terminus) on the PAE plot. False positives are always possible even with good scores, especially when many protein pairs are tried. It would therefore be important to also include a table showing the global scores for pTM and ipTM to summarise the confidence scores of interfaces.

      It is exciting to see AF-multimer predictions being applied to cohesin. As some of the reported interactions are not universally conserved and some involve relatively small interfaces the possibility arises that these interfaces show poor or borderline confidence scores. As some of these interfaces map to mutants that have previously been obtained by hypothesis-free genetic screens and mutational analyses they appear nevertheless valid. Thus, an important point to make is that even interfaces that show modest confidence scores may turn out to be valid while others may be not. The authors therefore should emphasize that the proposed models are just predictions and that additional orthogonal validations are required.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper presents extensive numerical simulations using a model that incorporates up to second-order epistasis to study the joint effects of microscopic epistasis and clonal interference on the evolutionary dynamics of a microbial population. Previous works that explicitly modeled microscopic epistasis typically assumed strong selection & weak mutation (SSWM), a condition that is generally not met in real-life evolutionary processes. Alternatively, another class of models coarse-grained the effects of microscopic epistasis into a generic distribution of fitness effects. The framework introduced in this paper represents an important advance with respect to these previous approaches, allowing for the explicit modeling of microscopic epistasis in non-SSWM scenarios. The modeling framework presented promises to be a valuable tool to study microbial evolution in silico.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Ibar and colleagues investigate the function of spectrin in Drosophila wing imaginal discs and its effect on the Hippo pathway and myosin activity. The authors find that both βH-Spec and its canonical binding partner α-Spec reduce junctional localization of the protein Jub and thereby restrict Jub's inhibitory effect on Hippo signaling resulting in activation of the Hippo effector Yorkie regulating tissue shape and organ size. From genetic epistasis analysis and analysis of protein localization, the authors conclude that βH-Spec and α-Spec act independently in this regulation. The major point of this study is that the apical localization of βH-Spec and myosin is mutually exclusive and that the proteins antagonize each other's activity in wing discs. In vitro co-sedimentation assays and in silico structural modeling suggest that this antagonization is due to a competition of βH-Spec and myosin for F-actin binding.

      The study's strengths are the genetic perturbation that is the basis for the epistasis analysis which includes specific knockdowns of the genes of interest as well as an elegant CRISPR-based overexpression system with great tissue specificity. The choice of the model for such an in-depth analysis of pathway dependencies in a well-characterized tissue makes it possible to identify and characterize quantitative differences between closely entangled and mutually dependent components. The method of quantifying protein localization and abundance is common for multiple figures which makes it easy to assess differences across experiments. The flow of experiments is logical and in general, the author's conclusions are supported by the presented data. The findings are very well embedded into the context of relevant literature and both confronting and confirming literature are discussed.

      The study shows how components of the cytoskeleton are directly involved in the regulation of the mechanosensitive Hippo pathway in vivo and thus ultimately regulate organ size supporting previous data in other contexts. The molecular mechanism regulating myosin activity by out-competing it for F-actin binding has been observed for small actin-binding proteins such as cofilin but is a new mode for such a big, membrane-associated actin-binding protein. This may inspire future experiments in different morphogenetic contexts for the investigation of similar mechanisms. For example, the antagonistic activity of βH-Spec and myosin in this tissue context might help explain phenomena in other systems such as spectrin-dependent ratcheting of apical constriction during mesoderm invagination (as the authors discuss). Against the classical view, the work shows that βH-Spec can act independently of α-Spec. Together the results will be of interest to the cell biology community with a focus on the cytoskeleton and mechanotransduction.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Mahlandt, et al. presents a significant advance in the manipulation of endothelial barriers with spatiotemporal precision, and in the use of optogenetics to manipulate cell signaling in vascular biology more generally. The authors establish the role of Rho-family GTPases in controlling the cytoskeletal-plasma membrane interface as it relates to endothelial barrier integrity and function, and adequately motivate the need for optogenetic tools for global and local signaling manipulation to study endothelial barriers.

      Throughout the work, the optogenetic assays are conceptualized, described, and executed with exceptional attention to detail, particularly as it relates to potential confounding factors in data analysis and interpretation. Comparison across experimental setups in optogenetics is notoriously fraught, and the authors' control experiments and measurements to ensure equal light delivery and pathway activation levels across applications is very thorough. In demonstrating how these new opto-GEFs can be used to alter vascular barrier strength, the authors cleverly use fluorescent-labeled dextran polymers of different sizes and ECIS experiments to demonstrate the physiological relevance of BOEC monolayers to in vivo blood vessels. Of particular note, the resiliency of the system to multiple stimulation cycles and longer time course experiments is promising for use in vascular leakage studies.

      Given that dozens of Rho GTPase-activating GEFs exist, expanded rationale for the selection of p63, ITSN1, and TIAM1 in the form of discussion and literature citations would be helpful to motivate their selection as protein effectors in the engineered tools. Extensive tool engineering studies demonstrate the superiority of iLID over optogenetic eMags or rapamycin-based chemogenetic tools for these purposes. However, as the utility of iLID and eMags has been demonstrated for manipulation of a variety of signaling pathways, the iSH-Akt demonstration does not seem necessary for these systems.

      The demonstration of orthogonality in GTPase- and VE-cadherin-blocking antibody-mediated barrier function decreases and is compelling, even without full elucidation of the role of cell size or overlap in barrier strength. The discussion section presents a mature and thoughtful description of the limitations, remaining questions, and potential opportunities for the tools and technology developed in this work. Importantly, this manuscript demonstrates a commitment to scientific transparency in the ways in which the data are visualized, the methods descriptions, and the reagent and code sharing it presents, allowing others to utilize these tools to their full potential.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      In this study, Anthoney and coworkers continue an important, unique, and technologically innovative line of inquiry from the van Swinderen lab aimed at furthering our understanding of the different sleep stages that may exist in Drosophila. Here, they compare the physiological and transcriptional hallmarks of sleep that have been induced by two distinct means, a pharmacological block of GABA signaling and optogenetic activation of dorsal fan-shaped-body neurons. They first employ an incredibly impressive fly-on-the-ball 2-photon functional imaging setup to monitor neural activity during these interventions, and then perform bulk RNA sequencing of fly brains at different stages. These transcriptomic analyses leads them to (a) knocking out nicotinic acetyl-choline receptor subunits and (b) knocking down AkhR throughout the fly brain testing the impact of these genetic interventions on sleep behaviors in flies. Based on this work, the authors present evidence that optogenetically and pharmacologically induced sleep produces highly distinct brain-wide effects on physiology and transcription.

      The study is of significant interest, is easy to read, and the figures are mostly informative. However there are features of the experimental design and the interpretation of results that diminish enthusiasm.

      a - Conditions under which sleep is induced for behavioral vs neural and transcriptional studies

      1) There is a major conceptual concern regarding the relationships between the physiological and transcriptomic effects of optogenetic and pharmacological sleep promotion, and the effects that these manipulations have on sleep behavior. The authors show that these two means of sleep-induction produce remarkably distinct physiological and transcriptional responses, however, they also show that they produce highly similar effects on sleep behavior, causing an increase in sleep through increases in the duration of sleep bouts. If dFB neurons were promoting active sleep, the sleep it produces should be more fragmented than the sleep induced by the drug, because the latter is supposed to produce quiet sleep. Yet both manipulations seem to be biasing behavior toward quiet sleep.

      2) The authors show that the pharmacological block of GABA signaling and the optogenetic activation of dorsal fan-shaped-body neurons cause different responses on brain activity. Based on these recordings and the behavioral and brain transcriptomic data they then claim that these responses correspond to different sleep states and are associated with the expression and repression of a different constellation of genes. Nevertheless, neural activity in animals was recorded following short stimulations whereas behavioral and transcriptomic data were obtained following chronic stimulation. In this regard, it would be interesting to determine how the 12-hour pharmacological intervention they employed for their transcriptomic analysis changes neural activity throughout the brain - 12 hours will likely be too long for the open-cuticle preps, but an in-between time-point (e.g. 1h) would probably be equally informative.

      b - Efficiency of THIP treatment under different conditions

      1) There are no data to quantify how THIP alters food consumption. It is evident that flies consume it otherwise they would not show increased sleep. However, they may consume different amounts of food overall than the minus THIP controls. This might have an influence on the animal's metabolism, which could at least explain the fact that metabolism-related genes are regulated (Figure 5). Therefore, in the current state, it is not possible to be certain that gene regulation events measured in this experiment are solely due to THIP effects on sleep.

      2) A similar problem exists in the sleep deprivation experiments. If flies are snapped every 20 seconds, they may not have the freedom to consume appropriate amounts of food, and therefore their consumption of THIP or ATR may be smaller than in non-sleep deprived controls. Thus, it would be crucial to know whether the flies that are sleep-deprived (i.e. shaken every 20 seconds for 12 hours) actually consume comparable amounts of food (and therefore THIP) as those that are undisturbed. If not, then perhaps the transcriptional differences between the two groups are not sleep-specific, but instead reflect varying degrees of exposure to THIP.

      3) The authors should further discuss the slow action of THIP perfusion vs dFB activation, especially as flies only seem to fall asleep several minutes after THIP is being washed away. Is it a technical artifact? If not, it may not be unreasonable to hypothesize that THIP, at the concentration used, could prevent flies from falling asleep, and that its removal may lower the concentration to a point that allows its sleep-promoting action. The authors could easily test this by extending THIP treatment for another 4-5 minutes.

      c - Comments regarding the behavioral assays

      1) L319-322: the authors conclude that dFB stimulation and THIP consumption have similar behavioral effects on sleep. However, this is inaccurate as in Figure S1 they explain that one increases bout number in both day and night and the other one only during the day.

      2) The behavioral definitions used for active and quiet sleep do not fit well with strong evidence that deep sleep (defined by lowered metabolic rates) is probably most closely associated with bouts of inactivity that are much longer than the >5min duration used here, i.e., probably 30min and longer (Stahl et al. 2017 Sleep 40: zsx084). Given that the authors are providing evidence that quiet sleep is correlated with changes in the expression of metabolism related genes, they should at least discuss the fact that reductions in metabolism have been shown to occur after relatively long bouts of inactivity and might reconsider their behavioral sleep analysis (i.e., their criteria for sleep state) with this in mind.

      d - Comments regarding the recordings of neuronal activity

      1) There is an additional concern regarding the proposed active and quiet sleep states that rest at the heart of this study. Here these two states in the fly are compared to the REM and NREM sleep states observed in mammals and the parallels between active fly sleep and REM and quiet fly sleep and NREM provide the framework for the study. The establishment of such parallel sleep states in the fly is highly significant and identifying the physiological and molecular correlates of distinct sleep stages in the fly is of critical importance to the field. However, the proposal that the dorsal fan shaped body (dFB) neurons promote active sleep runs counter to the prevailing model that these neurons act as a major site of sleep homeostasis. If quiet sleep were akin to NREM, wouldn't we expect the major site of sleep homeostasis in the brain to promote it? Furthermore, the authors state that the effects of dFB neuron excitation on transcription have "almost no overlap" (line 500) with the transcriptomic effects of sleep deprivation (Supplementary Table 3), which is not what would be expected if dFB neurons are tracking sleep pressure and promoting sleep, as suggested by a growing body of convergent work summarized on page four of the manuscript. Wouldn't the 10h excitation of the dFB neurons be predicted to mimic the effects of sleep deprivation if these neurons "...serve as the discharge circuit for the insect's sleep homeostat..." (line 60)? Shouldn't their prolonged excitation produce an artificial increase in sleep drive (even during sleep) that would favor deep, restorative sleep? How do the authors interpret their results with regard to the current prevailing model that dFB neurons act as a major site of sleep homeostasis? This study could be seen as evidence against it, but the authors do not discuss this in their Discussion.

      2) Regarding the physiological effects of Gaboxadol, to what extent is the quieting induced by this drug reminiscent of physiology of the brains of flies spontaneously meeting the behavioral criterion for quiet sleep? Given the relatively high dose of the drug being delivered to the de-sheathed brain in the imaging experiments (at least when compared to the dose used in the fly food), one worries that the authors may be inducing a highly abnormal brain state that might bear very little resemblance to the deeply sleeping brain under normal conditions. As the authors acknowledge, it is difficult to compare these two situations. Comparing the physiological state of brains put to sleep by Gaboxadol and brains that have spontaneously entered a deep sleep state therefore seems critical.

      3) There are some issues with Figure 3, in particular 3C-D. It is not clear whether these panels show representative traces or an average, however both the baseline activity and fluorescence are different between C and D, in particular in their amplitude. Therefore, it is difficult to attribute the differences between C and D to the stimulation itself or to the previously different baseline. In addition, the fact that flies with dFB activation seem to keep a basal level of locomotor activity whereas THIP-treated ones don't is quite striking, however it is not being discussed. Finally, the authors claim that the flies eventually wake up from THIP-induced sleep (L360-361), however there are no data to support this statement.

      4) In Figure 4C, it is strange that the SEM is always exactly the same across the whole experiment. Readers should be aware that there might have been an issue when plotting the figure.

      e - Comments regarding the transcript analyses

      1) General comment: the title of this manuscript is inaccurate - the "transcriptome" commonly refers to the entirety of all transcripts in a cell/tissue/organ/animal (including genes that are not differentially expressed following their interventions), and it is therefore impossible to "engage two non-overlapping transcriptomes" in the same tissue. Perhaps the word "transcriptional programs" or transcriptional profiles" would be more accurate here?

      2) Given the sensitivity of transcriptomic methods, there is a significant concern that the optogenetic experiments are not as well controlled as they could be. Given the need for supplemental all-trans retinal (ATR) for functional light gating of channelrhodopsins in the fly, it is convenient to use flies with Gal4-driven opsin that have not been given supplemental ATR as a negative control, particularly as a control for the effects of light. However, there is another critical control to do here. Flies bearing the UAS-opsin responder element but lacking the GAL4 driver and that have been fed ATR are critical for confirming that the observed effects of optogenetic stimulation are indeed caused by the specific excitation of the targeted neurons and not due to leaky opsin expression, or the effect of ATR feeding under light stimulation or some combination of these factors. Given the sensitivity of transcriptomic methods, it would be good to see that the candidate transcripts identified by comparing ATR+ and ATR- R23E10GAL4/UAS-Chrimson flies are also apparent when comparing R23E10GAL4/UAS-Chrimson (ATR+) with UAS-Chrimson (ATR+) alone.

      3) Figures about qPCR experiments (5G and 6G) are problematic. First, whereas the authors seem satisfied with the 'good correspondence' between their RNA-seq and qPCR results, this is true for only ~9/19 genes in 5G and 2/6 genes in 6G. Whereas discrepancies are not rare between RNA-seq and qPCR, the text in L460-461 and 540-541 is misleading. In addition, it is unclear whether the n=19 in L458 refers to the number of genes tested or the number of replicates. If the qPCR includes replicates, this should be more clearly mentioned, and error bars should be added to the corresponding figures.

      4) There is a lack of error bars for all their RNAseq and qPCR comparisons, which is particularly surprising because the authors went to great lengths and analyzed an applaudably large amount of independent biological replicates, yet the variability observed in the corresponding molecular data is not reported.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Ritvo and colleagues present an impressive suite of simulations that can account for three findings of differentiation in the literature. This is important because differentiation-in which items that have some features in common, or share a common associate are less similar to one another than are unrelated items-is difficult to explain with classic supervised learning models, as these predict the opposite (i.e., an increase in similarity). A few of their key findings are that differentiation requires a high learning rate and low inhibitory oscillations, and is virtually always asymmetric in nature.

      This paper was very clear and thoughtful-an absolute joy to read. The model is simple and elegant, and powerful enough to re-create many aspects of existing differentiation findings. The interrogation of the model and presentation of the findings were both extremely thorough. The potential for this model to be used to drive future work is huge. I have only a few comments for the authors, all of which are relatively minor.

      1. I was struck by the fact that the "zone" of repulsion is quite narrow, compared with the zone of attraction. This was most notable in the modeling of Chanales et al. (i.e., just one of the six similarity levels yielded differentiation). Do the authors think this is a generalizable property of the model or phenomenon, or something idiosyncratic to do with the current investigation? It seems curious that differentiation findings (e.g., in hippocampus) are so robustly observed in the literature despite the mechanism seemingly requiring a very particular set of circumstances. I wonder if the authors could speculate on this point a bit-for example, might the differentiation zone be wider when competitor "pop up" is low (i.e., low inhibitory oscillations), which could help explain why it's often observed in hippocampus? This seems related a bit to the question about what makes something "moderately" active, or how could one ensure "moderate" activation if they were, say, designing an experiment looking at differentiation.

      2. With real fMRI data we know that the actual correlation value doesn't matter all that much, and anti-correlations can be induced by things like preprocessing decisions. I am wondering if the important criterion in the model is that the correlations (e.g., as shown in Figure 6) go down from pre to post, versus that they are negative in sign during the post learning period. I would think that here, similar to in neural data, a decrease in correlation would be sufficient to conclude differentiation, but would love the authors' thoughts on that.

      3. For the modeling of the Favila et al. study, the authors state that a high learning rate is required for differentiation of the same-face pairs. This made me wonder what happens in the low learning rate simulations. Does integration occur? This paradigm has a lot of overlap with acquired equivalence, and so I am thinking about whether these are the sorts of small differences (e.g., same-category scenes and perhaps a high learning rate) that bias the system to differentiate instead of integrate.

      4. For the simulations of the Schlichting et al. study, the A and B appear to have overlap in the hidden layer based on Figure 9, despite there being no similarity between the A and B items in the study (in contrast to Favila et al., in which they were similar kinds of scenes, and Chanales et al., in which they were similar colors). Why was this decision made? Do the effects depend on some overlap within the hidden layer? (This doesn't seem to be explained in the paper that I saw though, so maybe just it's a visualization error?)

      5. It seems as though there were no conditions under which the simulations produced differentiation in both the blocked and intermixed conditions, which Schlichting et al. observed in many regions (as the present authors note). Is there any way to reconcile this difference?

      6. A general question about differentiation/repulsion and how it affects the hidden layer representation in the model: Is it the case that the representation is actually "shifted" or repelled over so it is no longer overlapping? Or do the shared connections just get pruned, such that the item that has more "movement" in representational space is represented by fewer units on the hidden layer (i.e., is reduced in size)? I think, if I understand correctly, that whether it gets shifted vs. reduce would depend on the strength of connections along the hidden layer, which would in turn depend on whether it represents some meaningful continuous dimension (like color) or not. But, if the connections within the hidden layer are relatively weak and it is the case that representations become reduced in size, would there be any anticipated consequences of this (e.g., cognitively/behaviorally)?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors present a carefully controlled set of experiments that demonstrate an additional complexity for GPCR signalling in that endosomal signalling make be different when beta-arrestin is or isn't associated with a G protein-bound V2 vasopressin receptor. It uses state of the art biosensor-based approaches and beta-arrestin KO lines to assess this. It adds to a growing body of evidence that G proteins and beta-arresting can associate with GPCR complexes simultaneously. They also demonstrate the possibility that Gq might also be activated by the V2 receptor. My sense is one thing they may need to be considered is the possibility of such "megacomplexes" might actually involve receptor dimers or oligomers.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In their research article, Sapiro et al. overcome the technical burden of low B. burgdorferi numbers during infection by physically enriching for spirochetes prior to RNA-sequencing/mass spectrometry. This technology, which has potential broad applications, was applied to B. burgdorferi-infected ticks, generating datasets for future studies.

      Sapiro et al. addressed many of the reviewers' comments including the addition of experimental details, comparisons to other studies and some caveats to their approach. The manuscript has been significantly improved and I appreciate the efforts to address our critiques. There are a few remaining comments that the authors should consider before creating the final Version of Record.

      The authors sought to develop technology for a transcriptomic analysis of B. burgdorferi directly from infected ticks. The methodology has exciting implications to better understand pathogen RNA profiles during specific infection timepoints, even beyond the Lyme spirochete. The authors demonstrate successful sequencing of the B. burgdorferi transcriptome from ticks and perform mass spectrometry to identify possible tick proteins that interact with B. burgdorferi. This technology and first dataset will be useful for the field. The study is limited in that no transcripts/proteins are followed-up by additional experiments and no biological interactions/infectious-processes are investigated.

      Remaining critiques:

      Experimental data regarding the sensitivity of this approach are missing. What is the limit of detection for this protocol? While the authors have stated that they were unable to sequence B. burgdorferi from unfed nymphs, the number of bacteria needed for antibody enrichment are not tested. The starting CFU in their infected nymphal ticks was also not reported (the authors only report reisolation data from 12 ticks). Page 18, line 458 the authors claim their approach "captured the vast majority" of Bb inside of the tick. Data are missing to demonstrate this. Understanding the limits of this approach will be critical for future applications, especially when using B. burgdorferi infected material with low bacterial burden.

      The authors should clarify the term "genes" in the abstract and throughout the manuscript. I think they actually mean "open reading frames" or "annotated mRNAs".

      More information regarding the efficacy of RNA-seq coverage is still warranted and lacking from the results, especially on page 6. The authors skip right to differential expression analysis without fully examining sequencing effectiveness. This is especially important given their development of a new technique. What was the numbers of detected genes for each sample? How is this affected by bacterial burden of the sample? What is the distribution of reads among tRNAs, mRNAs, UTRs, and sRNAs? How reproducible is the coverage for one gene across replicates? A few browser images of RNA-seq data (ex. of BAM files) across different genes would be useful to visualize the read coverage per gene.

      Downregulated genes are largely ignored and should be commented on further.

      Page 11, line 258-260: authors state Rpos, Rrp1, and RelBbu are the "three main Bb regulatory programs active in the tick." Yes, these three regulons have been well studied but there could be other uncharacterized regulatory programs. Please consider changing the language.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper looks at nutrient-responsive Ca++ flux in islet cells of eight genetically diverse mouse strains. The investigators correlate Ca++ flux with insulin secretory capacity, demonstrating that calcium parameters in response to different nutrients are a better predictor of insulin secretory capacity than average calcium. They also correlate Ca++ flux with previously collected islet protein abundance followed by integration with human genome-wide association studies. This integration allows them to identify a sub-set of proteins that are both relevant to human islet function and that may play a causal role in regulating islet Ca++ oscillations. All data have been deposited in a searchable public database. There are many strengths to this paper. To my knowledge, this is the first work to assess the genetics of nutrient-responsive Ca++ flux in islets. Given the importance of Ca++ for beta cell insulin secretion, this work is of high importance. Investigators also use the founders of two powerful genetic mouse models: the diversity outbred and collaborative, opening up several avenues of future research into the genetics of Ca++ flux. By looking at multiple parameters of Ca++ flux, investigators are able to start to understand which parameters may be driving low or high insulin secretion. Integration with protein abundance and human GWAS has allowed identification of proteins with known roles in insulin secretory capacity, as well as several novel regulators, again opening up several avenues of future research. Finally, the public database is likely to be useful to multiple investigators interested in following up specific protein targets or in conducting future genetic studies. I found only minor weaknesses in this paper, mainly regarding clarity in certain areas. One specific area to be improved is Figure 4A, B where in addition to the heat maps, it would be useful to see regression plots that show the differences per sex and strain for the insulin secretion vs Ca++ parameters.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors take on the challenge of defining the core nucleus for amyloid formation by polyglutamine tracts. This rests on the assertion that polyQ forms amyloid structures to the exclusion of all other forms of solids. Using their unique assay, deployed in yeast, the authors attempt to infer the size of the nucleus that templates amyloid formation by polyQ. Further, through a series of sequence titrations, all studied using a single type of assay, the authors converge on an assertion stating that a single polyQ molecule is the nucleus for amyloid formation, that 12-residues make up the core of the nucleus, that it takes ca. 60 Qs in a row to unmask this nucleation potential, and that polyQ amyloid formation belongs to the same universality class as self-poisoned crystallization, which is the hallmark of crystallization from polymer melts formed by large, high molecular weight synthetic polymers. Unfortunately, the authors have decided to lean in hard on their assertions without a critical assessment of whether their findings stand up to scrutiny. If their findings are truly an intrinsic property of polyQ molecules, then their findings should be reconstituted in vitro. Unfortunately, careful and rigorous experiments in vitro show that there is a threshold concentration for forming fibrillar solids. This threshold concentration depends on the flanking sequence context on temperature and on solution conditions. The existence of a threshold concentration defies the expectation of a monomer nucleus. The findings disagree with in vitro data presented by Crick et al., and ignored by the authors. Please see: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1320626110. These reports present data from very different assays, the importance of which was underscored first by Regina Murphy and colleagues. The work of Crick et al., provides a detailed thermodynamic framework - see the SI Appendix. This framework dove tails with theory and simulations of Zhang and Muthukumar, which explains exactly how a system like polyQ might work (https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3050295). The picture one paints is radically different from what the authors converge upon. One is inclined to lean toward data that are gleaned using multiple methods in vitro because the test tube does not have all the confounding effects of a cellular milieu, especially when it comes to focusing on sequence-intrinsic conformational transitions of a protein. In addition to concerns about the limitations of the DAmFRET method, which based on the work of the authors in their collaborative paper by Posey et al., are being stretched to the limit, there is the real possibility that the cellular milieu, unique to the system being studied, is enabling transitions that are not necessarily intrinsic to the sequence alone. A nod in this direction is the work of Marc Diamond, which showed that having stabilized the amyloid form of Tau through coacervation, there is a large barrier that limits the loss of amyloid-like structure for Tau. There may well be something similar going on with the polyQ system. If the authors could show that their data are achievable in vitro without anything but physiological buffers one would have more confidence in a model that appears to contradict basic physical principles of how homopolymers self-assemble. Absent such additional evidence, numerous statements seem to be too strong. There are also several claims that are difficult to understand or appreciate.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Secondary cell walls support vascular plants and conduct water throughout the plant body, but are also important resources for lignocellulosic feedstocks. Secondary cell wall synthesis is under complex transcriptional control, presumably because it must only be initiated after cell growth is complete. Here, the authors found that two Musashi-type RNA-binding proteins, MSIL2 and MSIL4 are redundantly required for secondary cell wall development in Arabidopsis. The plant phenotypes could be complemented by the wild-type version of either protein, but not by a MSIL4 version that carries mutations in the conserved RNA-binding domains, and the authors localized MSIL2 & 4 to stress granules, implicating the RNA-binding function of MSIL4 in the cell wall phenotype. Upon closer inspection, the secondary cell wall phenotypes included changes in vasculature morphology, and minor changes to lignin and hemicellulose (glucuronoxylan). While there were no changes to likely cell wall target genes in the transcriptome of msil2msil4 plants, proteomics experiments found glucuronoxylan biosynthesis components were upregulated in the mutants, and they detected an increase in substituted xylan via several methods. Finally, they documented MSIL4 binding to RNA encoding one of these targets, suggesting that MSIL2 and MSIL4 act to post-transcriptionally regulate glucuronoxylan modification. Altogether, this is a new mechanism by which cell wall composition could be regulated.

      Overall, the manuscript is well-written, the data are generally high-quality, and the authors typically use several independent methods to support each claim. However, several important questions remain unanswered by this work in its current state and the model presented in Figure 7 is quite speculative. For example, the link between the striking plant phenotype and GXM misregulation is unclear since GXM overexpression doesn't alter plant phenotypes or lignin content (Yuan et al 2014 Plant Science), so misregulation of GXMs in msil2msil4 mutants clearly is not the whole story. It also remains to be determined why one particular secondary cell wall synthesis enzyme is regulated likely post-transcriptionally, while so much of the pathway is regulated at the transcriptional level. There are likely other targets for MSIL2- and MSIL4-mediated regulation since it seems that MSIL2 and MSIL4 are expressed in tissues that are not synthesizing secondary cell walls.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study presents a conceptual and analytical framework for tracking the impacts of human activities on freshwater ecosystems over time. It demonstrates the application of the framework to a 100-year record of community-level biodiversity, climate change, and chemical pollution from sediments cores of Lake Ring, Denmark. By reconstructing biodiversity using environmental DNA (eDNA) and pollutant inputs using mass spectrometry, the authors identify the taxonomic groups responding positively and negatively in different phases of the lake's environmental history. Furthermore, they identify the independent and additive effects of climate variables and pollutants on biodiversity throughout the 100-year record.


      The advances in paired molecular and machine learning analyses are an important step towards a better understanding of 20th/21st century trajectories of biodiversity and pollution.

      The finding that taxonomic groups so central to ecosystem assessment in Europe (i.e., diatoms) do not appear to respond to degradation or amelioration - providing at least a partial explanation as to why "ecological status" (as defined under the EU Water Framework Directive) has proved so difficult to improve.

      The framework shows how both taxonomic and functional indicators can be used to better understand ecological degradation and recovery.

      The identification of individual biocides and climate variables driving observed changes is a particular strength.


      The analytical framework is not sufficiently explained in the main text.

      The significance of findings in relation to functional changes is not clear. What are the consequences of enrichment of RNA transport or ribosome biogenesis pathways between pesticides and recovery stages, for example?

      The impact of individual biocides and climate variables, and their additive effects, are assessed but there is no information offered on non-additive interactions (e.g., synergistic, antagonistic).

      The level of confidence associated with results is not made explicit. The reader is given no information on the amount of variability involved in the observations, or the level of uncertainty associated with model estimates.

      The major implications of the findings for regulatory ecological assessment are missed. Regulators may not be primarily interested in identifying past "ecosystem shifts". What they need are approaches which give greater confidence in monitoring outcomes by better reflecting the ecological impact of contemporary environmental change and ecosystem management. The real value of the work in this regard is that: (1) it shows that current approaches are inappropriate due to the relatively stable nature of the indicators used by regulators, despite large changes in pollutant inputs; (2) it presents some better alternatives, including both taxonomic and functional indicators; and (3) it provides a new reference (or baseline) for regulators by characterizing "semi-pristine" conditions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors use prospective sorting and microarray analyses, extended by single-cell RNA sequencing, in the neural stem cell niche of the subventricular zone (SVZ) to identify and refine a series of states along the continuum from quiescent neural stem cells to mature progeny. Of note, changes in the levels and subgroups of RNA splicing regulators are detailed across this continuum. Using in vitro proliferation and differentiation assays, coupled with in vivo engraftment of some prospectively sorted subsets, the authors argue that a stage they define as immature neuroblasts (iNBs) retain proliferative and multilineage differentiation capacity that is not seen in the mature neuroblast population, and is unexpected based on prior models for lineage progression in this system. This iNB stage is accompanied by a change in RNA splicing regulator expression, which is of interest due to the emerging roles for RNA processing and preferential translation within this niche.

      These data complement several additional sc-RNAseq studies of this stem cell niche, and use a different, but similar, sorting strategy to isolate and profile subpopulations of stem/progenitor cells and neuroblast progeny. The claim that immature neuroblasts retain multipotency - the ability to generate glia and neurons - is surprising and somewhat controversial given that this has largely not been reported before under homeostatic conditions. Some factors to consider when interpreting these data are that the "immature neuroblast" populations are studied in some experiments using a transcriptional signature and a functional assay, namely the timing of reappearance of these cells after use of agents that kill rapidly dividing cells (in this case, radiation), leading to reconstitution of the lineage by previously quiescent stem cells. In a separate set of experiments, a tamoxifen-inducible labeling system is used in combination with cell-surface markers to prospectively isolate and study the differentiation potential of neuroblast populations that are assumed to be equivalent to those found in transcriptional experiments. It would be of interest in future to confirm that the exact sorted populations (using CD24/EGFR/DCX-CreERT2::CAG) have the same transcriptional profile as those studied in earlier experiments within the paper, and to confirm the purity of the sorted populations. Finally, while elegant use is made of engraftment of the sorted populations to study the differentiation and lineage potential of these immature neuroblasts, a remaining question is the relative abundance of each lineage (neurons/astrocytes/oligodendrocytes) produced by the engrafted cells - is production of glia rare, or common? Could this be due to factors such as alteration of lineage potential due to culture conditions, a disconnect between transcript expression and protein expression, or an incompletely purified starter population?

      Overall, this manuscript presents an intriguing possible refinement of models for SVZ neurogenesis, and highlights the role of RNA splicing at specific stages in the lineage. It will be of interest to see if additional groups confirm these findings and whether multiplexed immunostaining, highly multiplexed flow cytometry, or other approaches focused at the proteomic level confirm and extend these findings, particularly given recent data in the developing brain that suggest transcript and protein levels are relatively poorly correlated in stem/progenitor populations.

      A final point on terminology: "iNB", "A cells", and "D1/D2 cells" are all used in the manuscript to denote different stages along the continuum from TAP/C cells to mature neuroblasts; however, historically "D cells" refers to neuroblasts in the dentate gyrus, not those derived from the SVZ. In this case, the authors are exclusively studying SVZ-derived neuroblasts.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study by Park et al. describes an interesting approach to disentangle gene-environment pathways to cognitive development and psychotic-like experiences in children. They have used data from the ABCD study and have included PGS of EA and cognition, environmental exposure data, cognitive performance data and self-reported PLEs. Although the study has several strengths, including its large sample size, interesting approach and comprehensive statistical model, I have several concerns:

      - The authors have included follow-up data from the ABCD Study. However, it is not very clear from the beginning that longitudinal paths are being explored. It would be very helpful if the authors would make their (analysis) approach clearer from the introduction. Now, they describe many different things, which makes the paper more difficult to read. It would be of great help to see the proposed path model in a Figure and refer to that in the Method.

      - There is quite a lot of causal language in the paper, particularly in the Discussion. My advice would be to tone this down.

      - It's a bit unclear to me why the authors chose the PEs phenotype as their outcome of interest. They mainly speak about child development and mental health in general in the Introduction, so why focus on PLE? Aren't genes and environments also relevant for other types of mental health problems? Relatedly, in the Discussion the authors seem to conflate PLEs with psychosis. There is a large body of literature highlighting the differences between PLEs and psychosis, and this should - in my opinion - be adjusted throughout the introduction and discussion.

      - I feel that the limitation section is a bit brief, and can be developed further.

      - I like that the assessment of CP and self-reports PEs is of good quality. However, I was wondering which 4 items from the parent-reported CBCL were used and how did they correlate with the child-reported PEs? And how was distress taken into account in the child self-reported PEs measurement? Which PEs measures were used?

      - What was the correlation between CP and EA PGSs?

      - Regarding the PGS: why focus on cognitive performance and EA? It should be made clearer from the introduction that EA is not only measuring cognitive ability, but is also a (genetic) marker of social factors/inequalities. I'm guessing this is one of the reasons why the EA PGS was so much more strongly correlated with PEs than the CP PGS. See the work bij Abdellaoui and the work by Nivard.

      - Considering previous work on this topic, including analyses in the ABCD Study, I'm not surprised that the correlation was not very high. Therefore, I don't think it makes a whole of sense to adjust for the schizophrenia PGS in the sensitivity analyses, in other words, it's not really 'a more direct genetic predictor of PLEs'.

      - How did the FDR correction for multiple testing affect the results?

      Overall, I feel that this paper has the potential to present some very interesting findings. However, at the moment the paper misses direction and a clear focus. It would be a great improvement if the readers would be guided through the steps and approach, as I think the authors have undertaken important work and conducted relevant analyses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Park et al demonstrate that cells on either side of a BM-BM linkage strengthen their adhesion to that matrix using a positive feedback mechanism involving a discoidin domain receptor (DDR-2) and integrin (INA-1 + PAT-3). In response to its extracellular ligand (Collagen IV/EMB-9), DDR-2 is endocytosed and initiates signaling that in turn stabilizes integrin at the membrane. DDR-2 signaling operates via Ras/LET-60. This work's strength lies in its excellent in vivo imaging, especially of endogenously tagged proteins. For example, tagged DDR-2:mNG could be seen relocating from seam cell membranes to endosomes. I also think a second strength of this system is the ability to chart the development of BM-BM linkage over time based on the stages of worm larval development. This allows the authors to show DDR signaling is needed to establish linkage, rather than maintain it. It likely is relevant to many types of cells that use integrin to adhere to BM and left me pondering a number of interesting questions. For example: (1) Does DDR-2 activation require integrin? Perhaps integrin gets the process started and DDR-2 positively reinforces that (conversely is DDR-2 at the top of a linear pathway)? (2) In ddr-2(qy64) mutants, projections seem to form from the central portion of the utse cell. Does this reveal a second function for DDR-2, regulating perhaps the cytoskeleton? And (3) can you use the forward genetic tools available in C. elegans to find new genes connecting DDR-2 and integrin? The authors discuss these ideas in their response to the reviews, and I look forward to hearing about their future work on these questions.

      I do see two areas where the manuscript could be improved. First, the authors rely on imprecise genetic methods to reach their conclusions (i.e. systemic RNAi, or expression of dominant negative constructs.) I think their conclusion would be stronger if they used tissue specific degradation to block ddr-2 function specifically in the utse or seam cells. Methods to do this are now regularly used in C. elegans and the authors have already developed the necessary tissue-specific promoters. Second, the manuscript is presented in the introduction as a study on formation and function of BM-BM linkage. However, their results actually demonstrate a mechanism by which cells adhere to BM. Since ddr-2 appears to function equally in both utse + seam cells (based on their dominant negative data), there are likely three layers of adhesion (utse-BM, BM-BM, BM-seam) and if any of those break down, you get a partially penetrant rupture phenotype. I pointed this out in my initial review, and after reading the revised manuscript, I do still feel the authors' introduction presents the paper as dealing with how basement membranes link together. But, I wonder if this might this be a question of terminology/language use? Maybe I am operating on a strict definition of linkage, and the authors use it more inclusively. What term(s) should we use to differentiate two basement membranes that are linked together, versus tissues that are connected through a basement membrane linkage? This is something that could be clarified in future publications.

      These concerns do not undercut the significance of this work, which identifies an interesting mechanism cells use to strengthen adhesion during BM linkage formation. In fact, I am excited to read future papers detailing the connection between DDR-2 and integrin. But before undertaking those experiments the authors should be certain which cells require DDR-2 activity, and that should not be determined based solely on mis expression of a dominant negative.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors examine signaling factors that differentiate parallel routes to activating phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma (PI3Kγ). Dissecting the convergent pathways that control PI3Kγ activity is critical because PI3Kγ is a therapeutic target for treating inflammatory disease and cancer. Here, the authors employ a multipronged approach to reveal new aspects for how p84 and p101 pair with p110γ to activate the PI3Kγ heterodimer. The key instigator to this study is a previously reported inhibitory Nanobody, NB7. The hypothesized mechanism for NB7 allosteric inhibition of p84- p110γ was previously proposed to involve blockage of the Ras-binding domain. The authors revise the allosteric inhibition model based on meticulous profiling of various PI3Kγ complex interactions with NB7. In parallel, a cryo-EM-derived model of NB7 bound to the p110γ subunit convincingly reveals a Nanobody interaction pocket involving the helical domain and regulatory motifs of the kinase domain. This revelation shifts the focus to the helical domain, a known target of PKC phosphorylation. While the connections between NB7 interactions and the effects of PKC phosphorylation are sometimes tenuous, it could be argued that the Nanobody served as a tool to reveal the importance of the helical domain to p110γ regulation.

      The sites of PKC-mediated p110γ helical domain phosphorylation were unexpectedly inaccessible in the available structural models. Nevertheless, mass spectrometry (MS)-based phosphorylation profiling indicates that PKC can phosphorylate the helical domain of p110γ and p84/p110γ (but not p101/p110γ) in vitro. The authors hypothesize that helical domain dynamics dictate susceptibility to PKC phosphorylation. To explore this notion, carefully executed, rigorous H/D exchange MS (HDX-MS) experiments were performed comparing phosphorylated vs. unphosphorylated p110γ. Notably, this design reveals more about the consequences of p110γ phosphorylation, rather than the mechanisms of p84/p101 promoting/resisting phosphorylation. Nevertheless, HDX-MS is very well suited to exploring secondary structure dynamics, and helical domain phosphorylation strikingly increases dynamics consistent with increased regional accessibility. The increased dynamics also nicely map to the pocket enveloped by the inhibitory NB7 Nanobody.

      Ultimately, this study reveals an unexpected p110γ pocket that allows an engineered Nanobody to allosterically inhibit PI3Kγ complexes. The cryo-EM characterization of the interaction inspired an HDX-MS investigation of known sites of phosphorylation in the region. These insights could be linked to differences/convergences of p84 and p101 complex formation and activation of PI3Kγ, and future work may clarify these mechanisms further. The data presented herein will also be useful for broadening the target surface for future therapeutic developments. New allosteric connections between effector binding sites and post-translational modifications are always welcome.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors sought to understand the neurocomputational mechanisms of how acute stress impacts human effortful prosocial behavior. Functional neuroimaging during an effort-based decision task and computational modeling were employed. Two major results are reported: 1) Compared to controls, participants who experienced acute stress were less willing to exert effort for others, with a more prominent effect for those who were more selfish; 2) More stressed participants exhibited an increase in activation in the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and anterior insula that are critical for self-benefiting behaviour. The authors conclude that their findings have important insights into how acute stress affects prosociality and its associated neural mechanisms.

      Overall, there are several strengths in this well-written manuscript. The experimental design along with acute stress induction procedures were well controlled, the data analyses were reasonable and informative, and the results from the computational modeling provide important insights (e.g., subjective values). Despite these strengths, there were some weaknesses regarding potential confounding factors in both the experimental design and methodological approach, including selective reporting of only some aspects of this complex dataset, and the interpretation of the observations. These detract from from the overall impact of the manuscript. In particular, the stress manipulation and pro-social task are both effortful, raising the possibility that stressed participants were more fatigued. Other concerns include the opportunity for social dynamics or cues during task administration, the baseline social value orientation (SVO) in each group, and the possibility of a different SVO in individuals with selfish tendencies. Finally, Figure 4 should specify whether the depicted prosocial choices include all five levels of effort.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Wang et al., present a paper aiming to identify NALCN and TRPC6 channels as key mechanisms regulating VTA dopaminergic neuron spontaneous firing and investigating whether these mechanisms are disrupted in a chronic unpredictable stress model mouse.

      Major strengths:

      -This paper uses multiple approaches to investigate the role of NALCN and TRPC6 channels in VTA dopaminergic neurons.

      Major weaknesses:

      -The pharmacological tools used in this study are highly non-selective. Gd3+, used here to block NALCN is actually more commonly used to block TRP channels. 2-APB inhibits not only TRPC channels, but also TRPM and IP3 receptors while stimulating TRPV channels (Bon and Beech, 2013), while FFA actually stimulates TRPC6 channels while inhibiting other TRPCs (Foster et al., 2009).

      Are the author's claims supported by the data?

      -The multimodal approach including shRNA knockdown experiments alleviates much of the concern about the non-specific pharmacological agents. Therefore, the author's claim that NALCN is involved in VTA dopaminergic neuron pacemaking is well-supported.

      -However, the claim that TRPC6 is the key TRPC channel in VTA spontaneous firing is somewhat, but not completely supported. As with NALCN above, the pharmacology alone is much too non-specific to support the claim that TRPC6 is the TRP channel responsible for pacemaking. However, unlike the NALCN condition, there is an issue with interpreting the shRNA knockdown experiments. The issue is that TRPC channels often form heteromers with TRPC channels of other types (Goel, Sinkins and Schilling, 2002; Strübing et al., 2003). Therefore, it is possible that knocking down TRPC6 is interfering with the normal function of another TRPC channel, such as TRPC7 or TRPC4.

      -The claim that TRPC6 channels in the VTA are involved in the depressive-like symptoms of CMUS is supported.

      - However, the connection between the mPFC-projecting VTA neurons, TRPC6 channels, and the chronic unpredictable stress model (CMUS) of depression is not well supported. In Figure 2, it appears that the mPFC-projecting VTA neurons have very low TRPC6 expression compared to VTA neurons projecting to other targets. However, in figure 6, the authors focus on the mPFC-projecting neurons in their CMUS model and show that it is these neurons that are no longer sensitive to pharmacological agents non-specifically blocking TRPC channels (2-APB, see above comment). Finally, in figure 7, the authors show that shRNA knockdown of TRPC6 channels (in all VTA dopaminergic neurons) results in depressive-like symptoms in CMUS mice. Due to the low expression of TRPC6 in mPFC-projecting VTA neurons, the author's claims of "broad and strong expression of TRPC6 channels across VTA DA neurons" is not fully supported. Because of the messy pharmacological tools used, it cannot be clamed that TRPC6 in the mPFC-projecting VTA neurons is altered after CMUS. And because the knockdown experiments are not specific to mPFC-projecting VTA neurons, it cannot be claimed that reducing TRPC6 in these specific neurons is causing depressive symptoms.


      It is valuable to compare pacemaking mechanisms in VTA and SNc neurons and this paper convincingly shows that NALCN contributes to VTA pacemaking, as it is known to contribute to SNc pacemaking. It also shows that TRPC6 channels in VTA dopamine neurons contribute to the depressive-like symptoms associated with CMUS.

      It is important to note that the experiments presented in Figure 1 have all been previously performed in VTA dopaminergic neurons (Khaliq and Bean, 2010) including showing that low calcium increases VTA neuron spontaneous firing frequency and that replacement of sodium with NMDG hyperpolarizes the membrane potential.

      Additional context:

      -The authors explanation for the increase in firing frequency in 0 calcium conditions is that calcium-activated potassium channels would no longer be activated. However, there is a highly relevant finding that low calcium enhances the NALCN conductance through the calcium sensing receptor from Dejian Ren's lab (Lu et al., 2010) which is not cited in this paper. This increase in NALCN conductance with low calcium has been shown in SNc dopaminergic neurons (Philippart and Khaliq, 2018), and is likely a factor contributing to the low-calcium-mediated increase in spontaneous VTA neuron firing.

      -One of the only demonstrations of the expression and physiological significance of TRPCs in VTA DA neurons was published by (Rasmus et al., 2011; Klipec et al., 2016) which are not cited in this paper. In their study, TRPC4 expression was detected in a uniformly distributed subset of VTA DA neurons, and TRPC4 KO rats showed decreased VTA DA neuron tonic firing and deficits in cocaine reward and social behaviors.

      - Out of all seven TRPCs, TRPC5 is the only one reported to have basal/constitutive activity in heterologous expression systems (Schaefer et al., 2000; Jeon et al., 2012). Others TRPCs such as TRPC6 are typically activated by Gq-coupled GPCRs. Why would TRPC6 be spontaneously/constitutively active in VTA DA neurons?

      -A new paper from the group of Myoung Kyu Park (Hahn et al., 2023) shows in great detail the interactions between NALCN and TRPC3 channels in pacemaking of SNc DA neurons.


      Bon, R.S. and Beech, D.J. (2013) 'In pursuit of small molecule chemistry for calcium-permeable non-selective TRPC channels -- mirage or pot of gold?', British Journal of Pharmacology, 170(3), pp. 459-474. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/bph.12274.

      Foster, R.R. et al. (2009) 'Flufenamic acid is a tool for investigating TRPC6-mediated calcium signalling in human conditionally immortalised podocytes and HEK293 cells', Cell Calcium, 45(4), pp. 384-390. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceca.2009.01.003.

      Goel, M., Sinkins, W.G. and Schilling, W.P. (2002) 'Selective association of TRPC channel subunits in rat brain synaptosomes', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277(50), pp. 48303-48310. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M207882200.

      Hahn, S. et al. (2023) 'Proximal dendritic localization of NALCN channels underlies tonic and burst firing in nigral dopaminergic neurons', The Journal of Physiology, 601(1), pp. 171-193. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1113/JP283716.

      Jeon, J.-P. et al. (2012) 'Selective Gαi subunits as novel direct activators of transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC)4 and TRPC5 channels', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(21), pp. 17029-17039. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M111.326553.

      Khaliq, Z.M. and Bean, B.P. (2010) 'Pacemaking in dopaminergic ventral tegmental area neurons: depolarizing drive from background and voltage-dependent sodium conductances', The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 30(21), pp. 7401-7413. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0143-10.2010.

      Klipec, W.D. et al. (2016) 'Loss of the trpc4 gene is associated with a reduction in cocaine self-administration and reduced spontaneous ventral tegmental area dopamine neuronal activity, without deficits in learning for natural rewards', Behavioural Brain Research, 306, pp. 117-127. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2016.03.027.

      Lu, B. et al. (2010) 'Extracellular calcium controls background current and neuronal excitability via an UNC79-UNC80-NALCN cation channel complex', Neuron, 68(3), pp. 488-499. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2010.09.014.

      Philippart, F. and Khaliq, Z.M. (2018) 'Gi/o protein-coupled receptors in dopamine neurons inhibit the sodium leak channel NALCN', eLife, 7. Available at: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.40984.

      Rasmus, K. et al. (2011) 'Sociability is decreased following deletion of the trpc4 gene', Nature Precedings, pp. 1-1. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1038/npre.2011.6367.1.

      Schaefer, M. et al. (2000) 'Receptor-mediated regulation of the nonselective cation channels TRPC4 and TRPC5', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 275(23), pp. 17517-17526. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.275.23.17517.

      Strübing, C. et al. (2003) 'Formation of novel TRPC channels by complex subunit interactions in embryonic brain', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(40), pp. 39014-39019. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M306705200.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Li et al report that upon traumatic brain injury (TBI), Pvr signalling in astrocytes activates the JNK pathway and up-regulates the expression of the well-known JNK target MMP1. The FACS sort astrocytes, and carry out RNAseq analysis, which identifies pvr as well as genes of the JNK pathway as particularly up-regulated after TBI. They use conventional genetics loss of function, gain of function and epistasis analysis with and without TBI to verify the involvement of the Pvr-JNK-MMP1 signalling pathway.

      The strengths are that multiple experiments are used to demonstrate that TBI in their hands damaged the BBB, induced apoptosis and increased MMP1 levels. The RNAseq analysis on FACS sorted astrocytes is nice and will be valuable to scientists beyond the confines of this paper. The functional genetic analysis is conventional, yet sound, and supports claims of JNK and MMP1 functioning downstream of Pvr in the TBI context.

      However, the weaknesses are that novelty and insight are both rather limited, some data are incomplete and other data do not support some claims. Some approaches used lacked resolution and some experiments lacked rigour. The authors may wish to improve some of their data as this would make their case more convincing. Alternatively, they should remove unsupported claims.

      Novelty and insight:<br /> Others had previously published that both JNK signalling and MMP1 were activated upon injury, in multiple contexts (as well as the articles cited by the authors, they should also see Losada-Perez et al 2021). That Pvr can regulate JNK signalling was also known (Ishimaru et al 2004). And it was also known that astrocytes can respond to injury by proliferating, both in larval ventral nerve cords and adult brains (Kato et al 2011; Losada-Perez et al 2016; Harrison et al 2021; Simoes et al 2022). The authors argue that the novelty of the work is the investigation of the response of astrocytes to TBI. However, this is of somewhat limited scope. The authors mention that Mmp1 regulates tissue remodelling, the inflammatory process and cancer. Exploring these functions further would have been an interesting addition, but the authors do not investigate what consequences the up-regulation of Mmp1 after injury has in repair or regeneration processes.

      Incomplete or unconvincing data:<br /> The authors failed to detect PCNA-GFP and pH3 in brains after TBI and conclude that that TBI does not induce astrocyte proliferation. However, this is a surprising claim, as it would be rather different from all previous prevalent observations of cell proliferation induced by injury. Cell proliferation can be notoriously difficult to detect (ie due to timing and sample size), thus instead this raises doubts on the experimental protocol or execution.<br /> Others have previously reported: cells in S- phase using PCNA-GFP and other reporters (eg BrdU, EdU, FUCCI) in the intact adult brain (Kato et al 2009; Foo et al 2017; Li et al 2020; Fernandez-Hernandez et al 2013; Simoes et al 2022); that injury to the adult brain and VNC induces cell proliferation that can be detected with cell proliferation markers like BrdU, Myc, FUCCI and the mitotic marker pH3 (Kato et al 2009; Fernandez-Hernandez et al 2013; Losada-Perez et al 2021; Simoes et al 2022); and that injury to the brain and CNS induces glial proliferation in adult and larval brains/CNS, specifically of astrocytes (Kato et al 2011; Losada-Perez et al 2016; Fernandez-Hernandez et al 2013; Simoes et al 2022). Thus, the fact that they did not observe PCNAGFP+ cells in control, intact adult brains nor after TBI could suggest that they had technical, experimental difficulties. Detecting mitotic cells with anti-pH3 is difficult because M phase is very brief, but others have succeeded (Simoes et al 2022). Given that in all previous reports mentioned above cells were seen to proliferate after injury in the CNS, it would be rather surprising if no cell proliferation occurred after TBI. Resolving this conflicting result is important, as it could imply that TBI induces very different cellular responses from various other lesions or injury types. It is conceivably not impossible, but the most parsimonious start point would be that multiple injury types could cause equivalent responses in cells. Thus, the authors ought to consider whether technical or experimental design problems affected their experimental outcome instead.

      Other claims not supported by data:<br /> (1) astrocyte hypertrophy, as the tools used do not have the resolution to support this claim;

      (2) localisation of anti-Pvr to specific cells, as the images show uniform signal or background instead;

      (3) astrocytes do not engulf cell debris after TBI, as the tools and images do not have the resolution to make this claim.

      The authors could improve these data with alternative experiments to maintain the claims; alternatively, these unsupported claims should be removed.

      Statistical analysis:<br /> The statistical analysis needs revising as it is wrong in multiple places. Revising the statistics will also require revision of the validity of the claims and adjusting interpretations accordingly.

      Altogether, this is an interesting and valuable addition to the repertoire of articles investigating neuron-glia communication and glial responses to injury in the Drosophila central nervous system (CNS). It is good and important to see this research area in Drosophila grow. This community together is building a compelling case for using Drosophila and its unparalleled powerful genetics to investigate nervous system injury, regeneration and repair, with important implications. Thus, this paper will be of interest to scientists investigating injury responses in the CNS using Drosophila, other model organisms (eg mice, fish) and humans.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Jackson and Giacomassi et al. investigated the impact of repeated topical application of the TLR-7/8 agonist R848, mimicking single-stranded RNA viral infection, on circulating monocytes. Interestingly in this murine model of skin inflammation, they find that there is a striking increase in vascular patrolling (Ly6Clow) monocytes in the blood. In the majority of inflammatory settings so far described, it is the classical (Ly6Chi) monocyte population that is augmented. They found that this Ly6Clow monocyte expansion occurred in response to stimulation by R848 at epithelial barrier surfaces (skin and gut) and not following systemic administration of R848. Of note, the Ly6Clow increase was not dependent on type I or type II IFNs or CCR2, all factors that are important for Ly6Chi monocyte expansion in response to life-threatening infections, such as Toxoplasma gondii. Positive factors driving Ly6Clow augmentation are not identified. Alterations to circulating monocytes may have implications for secondary infection as R848-treated animals were less susceptible to flu infection. This research furthers our understanding of how tissues and organs have distinct mechanisms of communication in response to inflammatory and infectious stimuli and the implications this can have on circulating immune populations.

      The conclusions of this paper are generally well supported by the data presented, however, some aspects of the study need to be clarified or extended. Additionally, some of the findings could be better discussed in the context of the current literature.

      1) CSF-1 availability is described, initially by Yona et al. (DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2012.12.001), as an important factor extending the half-life of Ly6Clow monocytes in circulation. Given the expansion of Ly6Clow monocytes and their upregulation of CD115 in circulation, it would have been relevant to measure CSF-1 to assess whether this may be a candidate factor for the phenotype observed.

      2) The conclusion that the altered monocyte compartment enhances protection against secondary infection is underdeveloped. The key experiment presented involves treating animals with R848 and demonstrating that they have an altered response to flu infection. This approach does not specifically assess the importance of monocytes. From these studies, it is only possible to conclude there is an association between monocyte alterations and secondary infection.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study examines the effects of Ca2+ and NHE1 peptide binding on the conformation of CHP3, one of three related calcineurin-homologous proteins. One question that is addressed is whether Ca2+ binding triggers membrane association of the myristoyl group, a so-called "Ca2+-myristoyl switch". This is convincingly demonstrated to not be the case by the experiment in Figure 6B: unlike myristoylated recoverin, mCHP3 does not show enhanced association with liposomes. In the presence of a target peptide, however, myristoylation enhances membrane association. Curiously, this interaction is not Ca2+ dependent, but the membrane association of the non-myristoylated CHP3 is Ca2+-dependent.

      My concerns with this study relate to physiological relevance. First, it is unclear if Ca2+ binding has a regulatory function in any of the CHP proteins. The authors state that CHP1 and CHP2 have Ca2+ binding affinities <100 nM, so these proteins are likely saturated with Ca2+ under all physiological conditions. On the other hand, CHP3 binds Ca2+ with a Kd of 8 micromolar (in the presence of physiological concentrations of Mg2+) so it will be largely unbound under most normal cellular concentrations of Ca2+ which are in the submicromolar range. Free Ca2+ rarely reaches 1 micromolar under non-pathological concentrations, and if it does, the fraction of CHP3 bound to Ca2+ should be estimated for context. Given these caveats, I am not convinced that experiments done with millimolar concentrations of Ca2+ (e.g., Figures 2, 3, 6) are physiologically informative.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is the most complete genomic overview of the epidemiology of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi including close to 13,000 genmoes from multiple countries, clearly demonstrating the geographical differences in molecular epidemiology and antibiotic resistance traits. This database could serve as the global reference for the future with constant addition of new information.

      This is a descriptive study, not providing fundamentally new mechanistic insights of the disease, but providing an overview of the global epidemiology of this bacterium.<br /> Open-ended questions remain the generalizability of the findings, which is linked to the completeness of the surveillance systems, as well as the linkage of genotypes to clinical disease presentation (severity) and of linkage of local antibiotic use and the prevalence of the different resistance traits.

      Publication of these data will be very helpful for all those interested in the molecular epidemiology of Salmonella and may stimulate not-yet participating institutes to add information for future analyses. It may also stimulate investigators to use the data for deriving more insights in clinical disease presentations, associations with antibiotic use and input for mathematical modelling.

      The (lenghty) introduction is textbook epidemiology of the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in Typhi.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Mau et al. describes a sophisticated method to follow enhancer activity in both live embryos and fixed embryos in Tribolium. The authors identified putative enhancers via comparative ATAC-seq of embryos divided into different regions and at different developmental time points. As an experimental piece of work, this is excellent. However, the framing and presentation in this manuscript would need to be improved to avoid misrepresentation of existing ideas and over-interpretation of results. The manuscript would require significant re-writing. This can be done without additional data or analyses, but simply more careful writing.

      The Introduction starts by setting up a straw-man argument, claiming that the assumption is that gene expression is set up as stable expression domains that undergo little or no subsequent change. I don't think that any current developmental biologist thinks this is true. The references used to support this claim are from the 1990s up to the early 2000s. There are numerous examples since then that show that developmental gene expression is dynamic as a rule.

      The Introduction then continues as a rather detailed review of enhancers, Tribolium methodology, tools for identifying enhancers, and more. The Introduction cites 99 references, which seems excessive for what is essentially an experimental paper. Significant parts of the Introduction can be trimmed or removed. There is no need to mention all the tools available for Tribolium if they are not used in the described experiments. A thorough analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of ATAC-seq is also beyond the scope of the Introduction. The authors should explain why they chose the tools they chose without excessive background. Having said that, the Introduction actually overlooks a lot of significant work that is relevant to the subject of the paper. Specifically, the authors completely ignore all of the work on development in hemimetabolous insects such as Oncopeltus and Gryllus - the omission is glaring. There has been a lot of relevant work on dynamic gene expression patterns coming out of these species.

      The experimental setup involves cutting embryos into three sections at two time points. The results then discuss differences in "space" and "time" but there is no discussion of the embryological meaning of these terms. What is happening at the two time points from a developmental perspective? What is the difference between the three sections? There is a lot of relevant development going on at these stages and important regional differences, which have been well-studied in Tribolium and in other insects but are not even mentioned.

      In the preliminary results of the ATAC-seq analysis, it is clear that there are significant differences between the sections, which should come as no surprise, but fairly minor differences between the same section at the two time points. This could be because the two time points are pretty close together at a stage when there is a lot of repetitive patterning going on. A possible interpretation, which the authors don't mention because it goes against their main thesis, is that maybe most of the processes that are taking place at this stage are not dynamic enough to show up at the temporal resolution they have applied. This is worth at least a mention.

      The authors link each accessible site to the nearest gene when looking at putative enhancer function. This is a risky assumption since there are many examples of enhancer sites that are far upstream or downstream of the target gene and often closer to an unrelated gene than to the target gene. The authors should at least acknowledge this problem with their functional annotation.

      In the Discussion, the authors claim that contrary to how it may seem, the question they are addressing is not a "fringe problem". Once again, I think this is a straw man. No active researcher thinks that the question of dynamic regulation of gene expression during development is a fringe problem. On the contrary, most researchers will accept that this is one of the most interesting and important questions in current developmental biology.<br /> Perhaps the most significant problem with the manuscript is that it is all built around the premise of enhancer switching between dynamic enhancers and static enhancers. The authors find one site that is consistent with their prediction for a dynamic enhancer and one site - regulating a different gene - that is consistent with their prediction for a static enhancer and claim that they have provided support for their model. I think this claim is grossly exaggerated. They present data that can be seen as consistent with their model but are a long way from providing evidence for it.<br /> Like the Introduction, the Discussion includes long paragraphs (lines 450-480) that are more suitable for a review/hypothesis paper. The data presented in this manuscript has little relevance to the question of kinematic vs. trigger waves, and therefore there is no real reason for the question to be discussed here.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a very interesting and timely manuscript investigating the roles of root-emitted secondary metabolites in mediating plant-soil feedback in a realistic and agricultural context (maize - wheat rotation). I find this article to be an important contribution to the field as the roles played by soil chemical legacies in mediating plant-soil feedbacks have been largely overlooked so far, particularly in the field. I found this manuscript to be extremely well-written and clear. I was impressed by the number of response variables measured by the authors to characterise how wheat plants responded to the soil legacies created by different maize genotypes.<br /> The article presents the results of a plant-soil feedback experiment in which two maize genotypes (wild type or benzoxazinoid-deficient bx1 mutant plant) conditioned field soil for one growing season. Monocultures of each genotype occupied alternate strips in the field. At the end of this conditioning phase, the authors analysed benzoxazinoids in the soil and found that the soil conditioned by WT maize was characterized by greater concentrations of several benzoxazinoids. In fact, most benzoxazinoids were below the detection limit for soil conditioned by bx1 mutant plants. These differences in soil chemical legacies were associated with differences in bacterial and fungal communities in the roots and rhizosphere of maize. Soon after the maize harvest, monocultures of three wheat varieties were grown in soil that was conditioned by either WT or bx1 maize plants. This factorial design allowed the authors to study the response of different wheat varieties to soil legacies created by maize genotypes that differ in their ability to produce and release benzoxazinoids into the soil. Although root and rhizosphere microbial communities were mainly driven by wheat genotype (and not by maize soil conditioning), soil conditioning effects on benzoxazinoid concentrations were still visible at the end of the feedback phase, but only for specific compounds (e.g. AMPO). In comparison to wheat grown on bx1-conditioned soil, the authors found that wheat plants grown on benzoxazinoid-conditioned soil had better emergence and were taller and more productive. In addition, benzoxazinoid soil conditioning reduced infestation by the cereal leaf beetle Oulema melanopus (particularly in one wheat variety) but did not affect weed pressure. The authors also found that wheat grown on benzoxazinoid-conditioned soil had more reproductive tillers, which led to greater grain yield (+4-5%). Grain quality, however, was not affected by maize soil conditioning.

      I appreciated that the authors carefully interpreted the results of their experiment, although data analysis could be improved to take repeated measures within a plot into account. Overall, this is a compelling study, with rigorous and numerous measurements and state-of-the-art methods in plant/soil ecology. This study is unique in that it demonstrates the important role that soil chemical legacies can play in mediating plant-soil interactions and influencing the fitness of the following crop in a realistic agricultural setting. Therefore, I believe that this work will be of broad interest to plant and soil ecologists, as well as to agronomists.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this work Indurthy and Auerbach investigate the fundamental concept of how the energy of agonist binding is converted into the energy of the conformational change that opens the pore of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). The conclusions are based on a very large pool of experimental data that are interpreted with great mechanistic insight.

      Specifically, the authors define "efficacy" (eta) of a ligand as the fractional change in binding free energy between the open and the closed states of the channel. They construct a log-log scatter plot of efficacy vs. affinity which represents 23 different agonists acting on the WT receptor, plus a subset of the same agonists acting on various nAChR mutants. They go on to show that these largely scattered dots can be partitioned into 5 distinct clusters ("eta-classes") within which the dots are linearly arranged. They interpret these clusters in terms of a mechanistic gating model (the "catch&hold LFER model"), and suggest that a different model accounts for each different eta-class. Put in simple terms, the interpretation is that 5 different subtypes of gating isomerization exist for the nAChR, the choice among which depends on the agonist used.

      These types of study are necessary to advance conceptual understanding in biophysics. I have some reservations regarding the mechanistic interpretation of the data set and the uniqueness of the proposed model.

      1. One concern regards the clustering of the data sets in Fig. 5 into exactly 5 eta-classes. First, two clusters contain only two data points each. Second, the proposed "catch&hold LFER model" (Fig. 2) does not predict the existence of a discrete number of such eta-classes. How strong is the evidence that there are exactly 5 classes as opposed to a continuum of possible eta values.

      2. The authors do not discuss the uniqueness of the proposed model. In fact, it seems to me that the existence of eta-classes might be explained just as well by an alternative model which assumes a single gating mechanism for the receptor, but distinct patterns of ligand-protein interactions for the different agonists. The pore opening-associated increase in agonist affinity is typically caused by a tightening of the substrate binding site (often called clamshell closure) which brings further protein side chains into the vicinity of the ligand, thereby allowing further ligand-protein interactions to form (or further strengthening interactions that exist also in the closed-pore state). Thus, at a first approximation, the ratio between binding free energies in the open- and closed-pore states reflects the ratio of the numbers (and strengths) of ligand-protein bonds in those two states.

      As an illustration, consider the following simplified model for a channel and a given ligand. In the open-pore state the number of ligand-protein interactions is n(o), and all those interactions are comparably strong. Out of those interactions only a subset is formed in the closed-pore state, their number is n(c) (where n(c)<br /> The maximal possible values of n(c) and n(o) are determined by the number and spatial arrangement of protein chemical groups that surround the substrate binding site. On the other hand, depending on the number and arrangement of matching chemical groups on the ligand, different ligands will be able to "exploit" different subsets of these possible ligand-protein interactions, resulting in different values of eta. Furthermore, ligands for which the absolute values of n(o) are different, but the ratio n(c)/n(o) is similar, will form apparent "eta-classes", i.e., will be arranged on a "eta-plot" along a straight line. (See attached image file for a graphical representation of the model.)

      This model would suggest that there is a single gating mechanism (i.e., the actual protein conformational change is similar regardless of which agonist is bound), but the relative stabilities of the ligand-bound closed and open states are agonist-dependent. Wouldn't such a mechanism equally well explain all the data shown? The authors should either acknowledge this possibility or discuss available structural or functional evidence to exclude it.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript will interest cognitive scientists, neuroimaging researchers, and neuroscientists interested in the systems-level organization of brain activity. The authors describe four brain states that are present across a wide range of cognitive tasks and determine that the relative distribution of the brain states shows both commonalities and differences across task conditions.

      The authors characterized the low-dimensional latent space that has been shown to capture the major features of intrinsic brain activity using four states obtained with a Hidden Markov Model. They related the four states to previously-described functional gradients in the brain and examined the relative contribution of each state under different cognitive conditions. They showed that states related to the measured behavior for each condition differed, but that a common state appears to reflect disengagement across conditions. The authors bring together a state-of-the-art analysis of systems-level brain dynamics and cognitive neuroscience, bridging a gap that has long needed to be bridged.

      The strongest aspect of the study is its rigor. The authors use appropriate null models and examine multiple datasets (not used in the original analysis) to demonstrate that their findings replicate. Their thorough analysis convincingly supports their assertion that common states are present across a variety of conditions, but that different states may predict behavioural measures for different conditions. However, the authors could have better situated their work within the existing literature. It is not that a more exhaustive literature review is needed-it is that some of their results are unsurprising given the work reported in other manuscripts; some of their work reinforces or is reinforced by prior studies; and some of their work is not compared to similar findings obtained with other analysis approaches. While space is not unlimited, some of these gaps are important enough that they are worth addressing:

      1. The authors' own prior work on functional connectivity signatures of attention is not discussed in comparison to the latest work. Neither is work from other groups showing signatures of arousal that change over time, particularly in resting state scans. Attention and arousal are not the same things, but they are intertwined, and both have been linked to large-scale changes in brain activity that should be captured in the HMM latent states. The authors should discuss how the current work fits with existing studies.<br /> 2. The 'base state' has been described in a number of prior papers (for one early example, see https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27008543). The idea that it might serve as a hub or intermediary for other states has been raised in other studies, and discussion of the similarity or differences between those studies and this one would provide better context for the interpretation of the current work. One of the intriguing findings of the current study is that the incidence of this base state increases during sitcom watching, the strongest evidence to date is that it has a cognitive role and is not merely a configuration of activity that the brain must pass through when making a transition.<br /> 3. The link between latent states and functional connectivity gradients should be considered in the context of prior work showing that the spatiotemporal patterns of intrinsic activity that account for most of the structure in resting state fMRI also sweep across functional connectivity gradients (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33549755/ ). In fact, the spatiotemporal dynamics may give rise to the functional connectivity gradients (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35902649/ ). HMM states bear a marked resemblance to the high-activity phases of these patterns and are likely to be closely linked to them. The spatiotemporal patterns are typically obtained during rest, but they have been reported during task performance (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30753928/ ) which further suggests a link to the current work. Similar patterns have been observed in anesthetized animals, which also reinforces the conclusion of the current work that the states are fundamental aspects of the brain's functional organization.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The goal of this study is to identify transcription factors that mediate stem cell transitions during differentiation. To achieve this, the authors examine the type II Drosophila neuroblast lineage, using single-cell RNA sequencing to examine all cell types in the type II lineage. There are known patterns of expression for neurons in this lineage, so they can identify clusters in their data set that are in the developmental state of transitioning from neuroblast to immature intermediate neuronal progenitor. They have outlined a set of expression criteria for transcription factors that are candidates for fine-tuning stem cell fate. They find that an isoform of Fruitless, called FruC, is a candidate transcription factor. Using microscopy and several genetic perturbation conditions the authors find that FruC is expressed in neuroblasts and can alter the number of cells in the lineage. To determine the mechanism that FruC uses to influence stemness the authors examine genomic occupancy of FruC, changes in histone modifications in FruC loss-of-function studies, and examination of DNA occupancy of proteins that function in chromatin modification. The authors argue that FruC functions to promote low-level H3K27me3 enrichment to maintain stemness based on comparisons across these data sets. The identification of transcription factors and the mechanisms used to maintain or differentiate stem cells is an important goal and is still a fundamental question in biology. The Drosophila model is poised for this type of analysis, given the knowledge of gene expression across cell fate that the authors use in this study.

      Comments the authors should address:<br /> This is a valuable study that relies on several state-of-the-art genomic data sets to examine the mechanism that drives stemness. However, the authors should be using statical approaches to support their major conclusion regarding FruC and the role of H3K27me3. The study presents peak data in genome browser tracks of a handful of loci in the Notch pathway that show the pattern of reduced HK3K27me3 and not the other modifications they examine. However, it is not clear if the majority of FruC target genes in the genomic analyses have this pattern, though they argue they do. The major conclusion that FruC promotes a stem cell fate is based on the overlap between the list of genes they identify bound by FruC and the lists of genes that have changes in histone modifications (H3K27ac, H3K4me3, and H3K27me3). The limited use of statistical approaches to draw these conclusions is a weakness of the study. The authors do not use statistics to find changes in chromatin modification at loci, instead relying on 2-fold change calculations. Furthermore, the authors don't indicate if the genes with altered histone modification/binding peaks are significantly enriched (or not) with FruC targets, with no quantitative assessments of these data. The data in Figures 5,6 and S4 should have statistics/quantification to support the major conclusions of their study that FruC targets differ in H3K27me3, but not H3K27ac, and H3K4me3.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study optimized a protocol for analyzing microplastics (MPs) in bovine and human follicular fluid. The authors identified the most common plastic polymers in the follicular fluid and assessed the impact of polystyrene beads on bovine oocyte maturation based on the concentration of MPs in follicular fluid. The authors found a decrease in maturation rate in the presence of polystyrene beads and conducted proteomic analysis of oocytes treated with and without MPs, revealing protein alterations.

      Strengths:<br /> • The optimization of the protocol for analyzing MPs in follicular fluid, which is important for future research in this area.<br /> • Investigating the effects of MPs on oocyte maturation and proteomic profiles is significant.

      Weaknesses:<br /> • The effects of polystyrene beads on oocyte maturation and proteomic profiles are not directly demonstrated, and insufficient analysis is performed to support the claims made in the manuscript.<br /> • The use of polystyrene beads does not fully mimic the concentration and interaction of MPs in follicular fluid, which warrants careful interpretation and discussion.<br /> • A major weakness is the lack of mechanism. Determining the cause of meiotic arrest (decreased maturation rate) would be needed to strengthen the paper. Are spindle morphology, chromosome morphology/alignment and/or spindle assembly checkpoint mechanism perturbed in MPs-treated oocytes?<br /> • Functional assays to validate one or more of the pathways suggested by the proteomic analysis would be necessary to strengthen the paper.<br /> • The analysis of broken zona pellucida is not sufficiently convincing. Definitely the breakage of zona pellucida is most likely a result of oocyte denudation. However, this may indicate increased fragility of polystyrene beads-treated oocytes. Investigating cytoskeletal components in oocytes treated with or without polystyrene beads would strengthen this paper.<br /> • The percentage of degenerated oocytes in control group is abnormally high which raises concern that the oocytes are not healthy.<br /> • The small font size of the figures (such as Fig. 1C) affects the quality of the manuscript.<br /> • Finally, the authors should cite previous publications on the effects of MPs on female reproduction, as this is not a novel area of research, despite the use of different concentrations. For example, "Polystyrene microplastics lead to pyroptosis and apoptosis of ovarian granulosa cells via NLRP3/Caspase-1 signaling pathway in rats (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112012)".

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors performed a meta-analysis of GC concentrations and metabolic rates in birds and mammals. They found close associations for all studies showing a positive association between these two traits. As GCs have been viewed with close links to "stress," authors suggest that this overlooks the importance of metabolism and perhaps GC variation does not relate to "stress" per se but an increase in metabolism instead.

      This is an important meta-analysis, as most researchers acknowledge the link between GCs and metabolism, metabolism is often overlooked in studies. The field of conservation physiology is especially focused on GCs being a "stress" hormone, which overlooks the importance of GCs in mediating energy balance, i.e., an animal that has high GC concentrations may not be doing that poorly compared to an animal with low GC concentrations, it might just be expending more energy, e.g., caring for young. The results, with overwhelming directionality and strong effect sizes, support the link for a positive association with these two variables.

      My main concern lies in that most of the studies come from a few labs, therefore there may be limited data to test this relationship. I would include lab as a random effect to see how strong this effect might be. Furthermore, I would like to see a test of the directionality of the two variables. Authors suggest that changes in metabolism affect GC levels but likely changes in GC levels would affect metabolism. Why not look into studies that have altered GC levels experimentally and see the effect on metabolism? Based on the close link, authors suggest that GCs may not play a role outside of "stress" beyond the stressor's effect on metabolic rate. However, if they were to investigate manipulations of GCs on metabolic rate, the link may or may not be there, which would be interesting to look at. I firmly believe that GCs are tightly linked to metabolism; however, I also think that GCs have a range of effects outside of metabolism as well, depending on the course and strength of the stressor.

      This work helps in the thinking that GCs are not the same as a "stress" hormone or labelling hormones with only one function. As hormones are naturally pleiotropic, the view of any one hormone being X is overly simplistic.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The paper titled 'A dual function of the IDA peptide in regulating cell separation and modulating plant immunity at the molecular level' by Olsson Lalun et al., 2023 aims to understand how IDA-HAE/HSL2 signalling modulates immunity, a pathway that has previously been implicated in development. This is a timely question to address as conflicting reports exist within the field. IDL6/7 have previously been shown to negatively regulate immune signalling, disease resistance and stress responses in leaf tissue, however IDA has been shown to positively regulate immunity through the shedding of infected tissues. Moreover, recently the related receptor NUT/HSL3 has been shown to positively regulate immune signalling and disease resistance. This work has the potential to bring clarity to this field, however the manuscript requires some additional work to address these questions. This is especially the case as it contracts some previous work with IDL peptides which are perceived by the same receptor complexes.

      Can IDA induce pathogen resistance? Does the infiltration of IDA into leaf tissue enhance or reduce pathogen growth? Previously it has been shown that IDL6 makes plants more susceptible. Is this also true for IDA? Currently cytoplasmic calcium influx and apoplastic ROS as overinterpreted as immune responses - these can also be induced by many developmental cue e.g. CLE40 induced calcium transients. Whilst gene expression is more specific is also true that treatment with synthetic peptides, which are recognised by LRR-RKs, can induce immune gene expression, especially in the short term, even when that is not there in vivo function e.g. doi.org/10.15252/embj.2019103894.

      This paper shows that receptors other than hae/hsl2 are genetically required to induce defense gene expression, it would have been interesting to see what phenotype would be associated with higher order mutants of closely related haesa/haesa-like receptors. Indeed recently HSL1 has been shown to function as a receptor for IDA/IDL peptides. Could the triple mutant suppress all response? Could the different receptors have distinct outputs? For example for FRK1 gene expression the hae hsl2 mutant has an enhanced response. Could defence gene expression be primarily mediated by HSL1 with subfunctionalisation within this clade?

      One striking finding of the study is the strong additive interaction between IDA and flg22 treatment on gene expression. Do the authors also see this for co-treatment of different peptides with flg22, or is this unique function of IDA? Is this receptor dependent (HAE/HSL1/HSL2)?

      It is interesting how tissue specific calcium responses are in response to IDA and flg22, suggesting the cellular distribution of their cognate receptors. However, one striking observation made by the authors as well, is that the expression of promoter seems to be broader than the calcium response. Indicating that additional factors are required for the observed calcium response. Could diffusion of the peptide be a contributing factor, or are only some cells competent to induce a calcium response?<br /> It is interesting that the authors look for floral abscission phenotypes in cngc and rbohd/f mutants to conclude for genetic requirement of these in floral abscission. Do the authors have a hypothesis for why they failed to see a phenotype for the rbohd/f mutant as was published previously? Do you think there might be additional players redundantly mediating these processes?

      Can you observe callose deposition in the cotyledons of the 35S::HAE line? Are the receptors expressed in native cotyledons? This is the only phenotype tested in the cotyledons.

      Are flg22-induced calcium responses affected in hae hsl2?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Le Moigne and coworkers shed light on the structural details of the Sedoheptulose-1,7-Bisphosphatase (SBPase) from the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The SBPase is part of the Calvin cycle and catalyzes the dephosphorylation of sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate (SBP), which is a crucial step in the regeneration of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP), the substrate for Rubisco. The authors determine the crystal structure of the CrSBPase in an oxidized state. Based on this structure, potential active site residues and sites of post-translational modifications are identified. Furthermore, the authors determine the CrSBPase structure in a reduced state revealing the disruption of a disulfide bond in close proximity to the dimer interface. The authors then use molecular dynamics (MD) to gain insights into the redox-controlled dynamics of the CrSBPase and investigate the oligomerization of the protein using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and size-exclusion chromatography. Despite the difference in oligomerization, disruption of this disulfide bond did not impact the activity of CrSBPase, suggesting additional thiol-dependent regulatory mechanisms modulating the activity of the CrSBPase.

      The authors provide interesting new findings on a redox-mechanism that modulates the oligomeric behavior of the SBPase, however without investigating this potential mechanism in more detail. The conclusions of this manuscript are mostly supported by the data, but they should be more carefully evaluated in respect to what is known from other systems as e.g. the moss Physcomitrella patens. This is especially of interest, as SBPase was previously reported to be dimeric, whereas for FBPase a dimer/tetramer equilibrium has been observed.

      1.) Given that PpSBPase has been already characterized in detail, the authors should provide a more rigorous comparison to the existing data on SBPases. This includes a more conclusive structural comparison but also the enzymatic assays should be compared to the findings from P. patens. Do the authors observe differences between the moss and the chlorophyte systems, maybe even in regard to the oligomerization of the SBPase?

      2.) The authors should include the control experiments (untreated SBPase) and the assays performed with mutant versions of the SBPase, which are currently only mentioned in the text or not shown at all.

      3.) The representation of the structure in figures (especially Figures 1 and 3) should be adjusted to match the author's statements. In Figure 1, the angle from which the structure is displayed changes over the entire figure making it difficult to follow especially as a non-structural biologist. Furthermore, important aspects of the structure mentioned in the text are not labeled and should be highlighted, by e.g. a close-up. Same holds true for Figure 3 that currently mostly shows redundant information.

      4.) The authors state that mutation of C115 and C120 to serine destabilize the dimer formation, while more tetramer and monomer is formed. As the tetramer is essentially a dimer of dimers, the authors should elaborate how this might work mechanistically. In my opinion, dimer formation is a prerequisite for tetramer formation and the two mutations rather stabilize the tetramer instead of destabilizing the dimer.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors used mathematical models to explore the mechanism(s) underlying the process of polar tube extrusion and the transport of the sporoplasm and nucleus through this structure. They combined this with experimental observations of the structure of the tube during extrusion using serial block face EM providing 3 dimensional data on this process. They also examined the effect of hyperosmolar media on this process to evaluate which model fit the predicted observed behavior of the polar tube in these various media solutions. Overall, this work resulted in the authors arriving at a model of this process that fit the data (model 5, E-OE-PTPV-ExP). This model is consistent with other data in the literature and provides support for the concept that the polar tube functions by eversion (unfolding like a finger of a glove) and that the expanding polar vacuole is part of this process. Finally, the authors provide important new insights into the bucking of the spore wall (and possible cavitation) as providing force for the nucleus to be transported via the polar tube. This is an important observation that has not been in previous models of this process.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The goal of the authors is to use whole-exome sequencing to identify genomic factors contributing to asthenoteratozoospermia and male infertility. Using whole-exome sequencing, they discovered homozygous ZMYND12 variants in four unrelated patients. They examined the localization of key sperm tail components in sperm from the patients. To validate the findings, they knocked down the ortholog in Trypanosoma brucei. They further dissected the complex using co-immunoprecipitation and comparative proteomics with samples from Trypanosoma and Ttc29 KO mice. They concluded that ZMYND12 is a new asthenoteratozoospermia-associated gene, bi-allelic variants of which cause severe flagellum malformations and primary male infertility.

      The major strengths are that the authors used the cutting-edge technique, whole-exome sequencing, to identify genes associated with male infertility, and used a new model organism, Trypanosoma brucei to validate the findings; together with other high-throughput tools, including comparative proteomics to dissect the protein complex essential for normal sperm formation/function. The major weakness is that limited samples could be collected from the patients for further characterization by other approaches, including western blotting and TEM.

      In general, the authors achieved their goal and the conclusion is supported by their results. The findings not only provide another genetic marker for the diagnosis of asthenoteratozoospermia but also enrich the knowledge in cilia/flagella.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      In this study, Porter et al report on outcomes from a small, open-label, pilot randomized clinical trial comparing dornase-alfa to the best available care in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 pneumonia. As the number of randomized participants is small, investigators describe also a contemporary cohort of controls and the study concludes about a decrease of inflammation (reflected by CRP levels) after 7 days of treatment but no other statistically significant clinical benefit.

      Suggestions to the authors:<br /> • The RCT does not follow CONSORT statement and reporting guidelines<br /> • The authors have chosen a primary outcome that cannot be at least considered as clinically relevant or interesting. After 3 years of the pandemic with so much research, why investigate if a drug reduces CRP levels as we already have marketed drugs that provide beneficial clinical outcomes such as dexamethasone, anakinra, tocilizumab and baricitinib.<br /> • Please provide in Methods the timeframe for the investigation of the primary endpoint<br /> • Why day 35 was chosen for the read-out of the endpoint?<br /> • The authors performed an RCT but in parallel chose to compare also controls. They should explain their rationale as this is not usual. I am not very enthusiastic to see mixed results like Figures 2c and 2d.<br /> • Analysis is performed in mITT; this is a major limitation. The authors should provide at least ITT results. And they should describe in the main manuscript why they chose mITT analysis.<br /> • It is also not usual to exclude patients from analysis because investigators just do not have serial measurements. This is lost to follow up and investigators should have pre-decided what to do with lost-to-follow-up.<br /> • In Table 1 I would like to see all randomized patients (n=39), which is missing. There are also baseline characteristics that are missing, like which other treatments as BAT received by those patients except for dexamethasone.<br /> • In the first paragraph of clinical outcomes, the authors refer to a cohort that is not previously introduced in the manuscript. This is confusing. And I do not understand why this analysis is performed in the context of this RCT although I understand its pilot nature.<br /> • Propensity-score selected contemporary controls may introduce bias in favor of the primary study analysis, since controls are already adjusted for age, sex and comorbidities.<br /> • The authors do not clearly present numerically survivors and non-survivors at day 34, even though this is one of the main secondary outcomes.<br /> • It is unclear why another cohort (Berlin) was used to associate CRP with mortality. CRP association with mortality should (also) be performed within the current study.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Levy and Hasselmo investigated the representational codes of dorsal hippocampus neurons in episodic memory and spatial navigation. Specifically, how new learning affects previously acquired spatial memory. They asked if the hippocampal representational codes evolve in a different manner when two tasks governed by different rules are learnt in a single environment vs. when each rule is learnt in a separate environment. The two rules they used were based on the classical Packard & McGaugh (1996) experiment. In the original 1996 experiment there was a striatal-dependent response-based task vs. a hippocampal-dependent map-based task. In the current paper they either trained the two types of rules (response vs. map based) in two different contexts (Two-Maze), or in a single context (One-Maze). They found that the remapping of the second time in the response-based rule task was greater in the One-Maze variant of the experiment than in the Two-Maze variant, and they interpreted this by suggesting that in the One-Maze variant, the different intermediate map-based task interfered with the representation in the second response-based task, while in the Two-Maze variant no such interference occurred, and thus the hippocampal map remained more stable.

      The results of this paper are well supported by data; however, we believe the conclusion of paper should be different than the conclusion the authors have arrived at.

      Major issue:<br /> 1. The main claim is that a new behavioral rule in a familiar environment leads to an increase in the level of remapping of hippocampal activity when returning to the original rule in the same environment. However, we are worried that the result is not due to the interference by a different task in the same environment, but rather by the fact that the mouse spent more time in the environment, causing a larger representational drift. Consider, for example, the change in correlation in Figure 4E over days. In all cases, there is a maze-dependent reduction in correlation from day to day. This reduction continues in the One-maze case also when changing the rule, suggesting that what determined the larger reduction is the time spent in each context, and not the actual change of rule or behavior. Thus it is probable that the fact that the mouse was longer in the first maze in the one-maze variant was enough to create a difference in correlation. See also Khatib et al., bioRxiv, 2022 on the issue of context-dependent drift. To actually control for that, we suggest that the mouse spends twice the time in the first maze during the first Turn-Right session, in the Two-maze variant, and then the comparison will be more valid, by equating the amount of time spent in the first maze in-between comparisons, in the two types of experiments.

      Additional points:<br /> 2. Figure 1.d: While behaving differently, is there a difference in the representation? (e.g. mouse 2 on 7th day showed in the beginning very bad behavior). What is the relation between the reduction in performance and the change in representation?<br /> 3. Figure 3.c: We suggest to get a better estimate of the significance of the effect here using shuffling. Specifically, it could be a good idea to distinguish between signal correlations (derived from the overlapping spatial fields) vs. noise correlations. To what extent are the correlations dependent on spatial overlap? It could be worthwhile to determine the type of correlation: Is it due to the fact that the maps are similar for overlapping place cells, or is there noise correlations between these cells?<br /> 4. Figure 4.a: What is the explanation for the reduction in correlation between days 5 and 6?<br /> 5. Supplementary Figure 2: Higher correlations in all arms - note the higher correlation in all arms in the Two-Maze vs. the One-Maze, suggesting again that the effect is related to the longer time in the context, and not so much to the rule-change.<br /> 6. Methods: the researchers note that the animals were previously used in a different study. This should be stated clearly also in the results.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In their manuscript, Brischigliaro et al. show that the disruption of respiratory complex assembly results in Drosophila melanogaster results in the accumulation of respiratory supercomplexes. Further, they show that the change in the supercomplex abundance does not impact respiratory function suggesting that the main role of supercomplex formation is structural. Overall, the manuscript is well written and the results and conclusion are supported. The D. melanogaster system, in which the abundance of supercomplexes can be altered through the genetic disruption of the assembly of the individual complexes, will be important for the field to discover the role of the supercomplexes. This manuscript will be of broad interest to the field of mitochondrial bioenergetics. The findings are valuable and the evidence is convincing.


      The system developed in which the relative levels of SCs can be varied will be extremely useful for studying SC physiology.

      The experiments are clearly described and interpreted.


      The statement in the abstract regarding low amounts of SCs in "insect tissues" needs further support or should be narrowed. I am only aware of detailed characterization of the mitochondrial SC composition from D. melanogaster, which is insufficient to make a broad statement about the large and diverse category of insects. This should be rewritten.

      In the introduction (line 76) and discussion (line 283), the authors reference the CoQ binding sites in CI and CIII2 being "too far apart" to allow for substrate channeling. The distance between the active sites, though significant, is insufficient to rule out substrate channeling. A stronger argument arises from the fact that the CoQ sites of both CI and CIII2 are open to the membrane and that there are no clear barriers for the free exchange of CoQ with the membrane pool.

      Line 195, the slight elevation in CI amounts referred to here, does not appear to be statistically significant and therefore should not be discussed a being altered relative to the control.

      Figure 4H, the assignments of the observed larger bands seem incorrect. The largest band (currently assigned as SC I1+III2+IV1) represents too large of a shift for only the addition of CIV and the band currently assigned at SC I1+III2 appears to also contain CIV. The identity of these bands should be reevaluated and additional experiments are needed to definitively prove their identity. This uncertainty should be addressed experimentally or made more explicit in the text.

      Line 302, the authors state that the structural basis for less SC in D. melanogaster is "due to a more stable association of the NDUFA11 subunit..." However, this would not result is a less stable SC association and only explains why NDUFA11 is more stably associated with CI in the absence of CIII2. The more likely structural reason for the observation of less SC in D. melanogaster is the N-terminal truncation of Dm-NDUFB4 relative to mammalian NDUFB4. This truncation results in the loss of a major SC interaction site between CI and CIII2 in the matrix.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This article describes the development and refinement of an open-source software framework that is used to track how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted healthcare use in England over a range of key healthcare use indicators.

      Important strengths of this study include the high coverage of 99% of practices in England, the development of health care indicators with the input of a clinical advisory group, extensive online documentation, and rigorous safeguards for the protection of patient confidentiality.

      Perhaps the largest limitation is that only high-level descriptive data on the monthly volume of health outcomes are presented. It is not clear whether the system could be used to generate more fine-grained or stratified information, ex. weekly or daily data, or data stratified by important characteristics of practices or of patient characteristics. As such, the utility of the system for answering new scientific questions is unclear, and also what the utility and long-term potential uses of this system will be past the COVID-19 pandemic.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Fang H et al. describe a potential pathway, ITGB4-TNFAIP2-IQGAP1-Rac1, that may involve in the drug resistance in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). Mechanistically, it was demonstrated that TNFAIP2 bind with IQGAP1 and ITGB4 activating Rac1 and the following drug resistance. The present study focused on breast cancer cell lines with supporting data from mouse model and patient breast cancer tissues. The study is interesting. The experiments were well controlled and carefully carried out. The conclusion is supported by strong evidence provided in the manuscript. The authors may want to discuss the link between ITGB4 and Rac 1, between IQGAP1 and Rac1, and between TNFAIP2 and Rac1 as compared with the current results obtained. This is important considering some recent publications in this area (Cancer Sci 2021, J Biol Chem 2008, Cancer Res 2023).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Current experimental work reveals that brain areas implicated in episodic and spatial memory have a dynamic code, in which activity representing familiar events/locations changes over time. This paper shows that such reconfiguration is consistent with underlying changes in the excitability of cells in the population, which ties these observations to a physiological mechanism.

      Delamare et al. use a recurrent network model to consider the hypothesis that slow fluctuations in intrinsic excitability, together with spontaneous reactivations of ensembles, may cause the structure of the ensemble to change, consistent with the phenomenon of representational drift. The paper focuses on three main findings from their model: (1) fluctuations in intrinsic excitability lead to drift, (2) this drift has a temporal structure, and (3) a readout neuron can track the drift and continue to decode the memory. This paper is relevant and timely, and the work addresses questions of both a potential mechanism (fluctuations in intrinsic excitability) and purpose (time-stamping memories) of drift.

      The model used in this study consists of a pool of 50 all-to-all recurrently connected excitatory neurons with weights changing according to a Hebbian rule. All neurons receive the same input during stimulation, as well as global inhibition. The population has heterogeneous excitability, and each neuron's excitability is constant over time apart from a transient increase on a single day. The neurons are divided into ensembles of 10 neurons each, and on each day, a different ensemble receives a transient increase in the excitability of each of its neurons, with each neuron experiencing the same amplitude of increase. Each day for four days, repetitions of a binary stimulus pulse are applied to every neuron.

      The modeling choices focus in on the parameter of interest-the excitability-and other details are generally kept as straightforward as possible. That said, I wonder if certain aspects may be overly simple. The extent of the work already performed, however, does serve the intended purpose, and so I think it would be sufficient for the authors to comment on these choices rather than to take more space in this paper to actually implement these choices. What might happen were more complex modeling choices made? What is the justification for the choices that are made in the present work?

      The two specific modeling choices I question are (1) the excitability dynamics and (2) the input stimulus. The ensemble-wide synchronous and constant-amplitude excitability increase, followed by a return to baseline, seems to be a very simplified picture of the dynamics of intrinsic excitability. At the very least, justification for this simplified picture would benefit the reader, and I would be interested in the authors' speculation about how a more complex and biologically realistic dynamics model might impact the drift in their network model. Similarly, the input stimulus being binary means that, on the single-neuron level, the only type of drift that can occur is a sort of drop-in/drop-out drift; this choice excludes the possibility of a neuron maintaining significant tuning to a stimulus but changing its preferred value. How would the use of a continuous input variable influence the results.

      Result (1): Fluctuations in intrinsic excitability induce drift<br /> The two choices highlighted above appear to lead to representations that never recruit the neurons in the population with the lowest baseline excitability (Figure 1b: it appears that only 10 neurons ever show high firing rates) and produce networks with very strong bidirectional coupling between this subset of neurons and weak coupling elsewhere (Figure 1d). This low recruitment rate need may not necessarily be problematic, but it stands out as a point that should at least be commented on. The fact that only 10 neurons (20% of the population) are ever recruited in a representation also raises the question of what would happen if the model were scaled up to include more neurons.

      Result (2): The observed drift has a temporal structure<br /> The authors then demonstrate that the drift has a temporal structure (i.e., that activity is informative about the day on which it occurs), with methods inspired by Rubin et al. (2015). Rubin et al. (2015) compare single-trial activity patterns on a given session with full-session activity patterns from each session. In contrast, Delamare et al. here compare full-session patterns with baseline excitability (E = 0) patterns. This point of difference should be motivated. What does a comparison to this baseline excitability activity pattern tell us? The ordinal decoder, which decodes the session order, gives very interesting results: that an intermediate amplitude E of excitability increase maximizes this decoder's performance. This point is also discussed well by the authors. As a potential point of further exploration, the use of baseline excitability patterns in the day decoder had me wondering how the ordinal decoder would perform with these baseline patterns.

      Result (3): A readout neuron can track drift<br /> The authors conclude their work by connecting a readout neuron to the population with plastic weights evolving via a Hebbian rule. They show that this neuron can track the drifting ensemble by adjusting its weights. These results are shown very neatly and effectively and corroborate existing work that they cite very clearly.

      Overall, this paper is well-organized, offers a straightforward model of dynamic intrinsic excitability, and provides relevant results with appropriate interpretations. The methods could benefit from more justification of certain modeling choices, and/or an exploration (either speculative or via implementation) of what would happen with more complex choices. This modeling work paves the way for further explorations of how intrinsic excitability fluctuations influence drifting representations.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Qin et al. set out to investigate the role of mechanosensory feedback during swallowing and identify neural circuits that generate ingestion rhythms. They use Drosophila melanogaster swallowing as a model system, focusing their study on the neural mechanisms that control cibarium filling and emptying in vivo. They find that pump frequency is decreased in mutants of three mechanotransduction genes (nompC, piezo, and Tmc), and conclude that mechanosensation mainly contributes to the emptying phase of swallowing. Furthermore, they find that double mutants of nompC and Tmc have more pronounced cibarium pumping defects than either single mutants or Tmc/piezo double mutants. They discover that the expression patterns of nompC and Tmc overlap in two classes of neurons, md-C and md-L neurons. The dendrites of md-C neurons warp the cibarium and project their axons to the subesophageal zone of the brain. Silencing neurons that express both nompC and Tmc leads to severe ingestion defects, with decreased cibarium emptying. Optogenetic activation of the same population of neurons inhibited filling of the cibarium and accelerated cibarium emptying. In the brain, the axons of nompC∩Tmc cell types respond during ingestion of sugar but do not respond when the entire fly head is passively exposed to sucrose. Finally, the authors show that nompC∩Tmc cell types arborize close to the dendrites of motor neurons that are required for swallowing, and that swallowing motor neurons respond to the activation of the entire Tmc-GAL4 pattern.

      Strengths:<br /> -The authors rigorously quantify ingestion behavior to convincingly demonstrate the importance of mechanosensory genes in the control of swallowing rhythms and cibarium filling and emptying<br /> -The authors demonstrate that a small population of neurons that express both nompC and Tmc oppositely regulate cibarium emptying and filling when inhibited or activated, respectively<br /> -They provide evidence that the action of multiple mechanotransduction genes may converge in common cell types

      Weaknesses:<br /> -A major weakness of the paper is that the authors use reagents that are expressed in both md-C and md-L but describe the results as though only md-C is manipulated<br /> -Severing the labellum will not prevent optogenetic activation of md-L from triggering neural responses downstream of md-L. Optogenetic activation is strong enough to trigger action potentials in the remaining axons. Therefore, Qin et al. do not present convincing evidence that the defects they see in pumping can be specifically attributed to md-C.<br /> -GRASP is known to be non-specific and prone to false positives when neurons are in close proximity but not synaptically connected. A positive GRASP signal supports but does not confirm direct synaptic connectivity between md-C/md-L axons and MN11/MN12.<br /> -As seen in Figure Supplement 2, the expression pattern of Tmc-GAL4 is broader than md-C alone. Therefore, the functional connectivity the authors observe between Tmc expressing neurons and MN11 and 12 cannot be traced to md-C alone

      Overall, this work convincingly shows that swallowing and swallowing rhythms are dependent on several mechanosensory genes. Qin et al. also characterize a candidate neuron, md-C, that is likely to provide mechanosensory feedback to pumping motor neurons, but the results they present here are not sufficient to assign this function to md-C alone. This work will have a positive impact on the field by demonstrating the importance of mechanosensory feedback to swallowing rhythms and providing a potential entry point for future investigation of the identity and mechanisms of swallowing central pattern generators.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this preprint, Zhang et al. describe a new tool for mapping the connectivity of mouse neurons. Essentially, the tool leverages the known peculiar infection capabilities of Rabies virus: once injected into a specific site in the brain, this virus has the capability to "walk upstream" the neural circuits, both within cells and across cells: on one hand, the virus can enter from a nerve terminal and infect retrogradely the cell body of the same cell (retrograde transport). On the other hand, the virus can also spread to the presynaptic partners of the initial target cells, via retrograde viral transmission.

      Similarly to previously published approaches with other viruses, the authors engineer a complex library of viral variants, each carrying a unique sequence ('barcode'), so they can uniquely label and distinguish independent infection events and their specific presynaptic connections, and show that it is possible to read these barcodes in-situ, producing spatial connectivity maps. They also show that it is possible to read these barcodes together with endogenous mRNAs, and that this allows spatial mapping of cell types together with anatomical connectivity.

      The main novelty of this work lies in the combined use of rabies virus for retrograde labeling together with barcoding and in-situ readout. Previous studies had used rabies virus for retrograde labeling, albeit with low multiplexing capabilities, so only a handful of circuits could be traced at the same time. Other studies had instead used barcoded viral libraries for connectivity mapping, but mostly focused on the use of different viruses for labeling individual projections (anterograde tracing) and never used a retrograde-infective virus.

      The authors creatively merge these two bits of technology into a powerful genetic tool, and extensively and convincingly validate its performance against known anatomical knowledge. The authors also do a very good job at highlighting and discussing potential points of failure in the methods.

      Unresolved questions, which more broadly affect also other viral-labeling methods, are for example how to deal with uneven tropism (ie. if the virus is unable or inefficient in infecting some specific parts of the brain), or how to prevent the cytotoxicity induced by the high levels of viral replication and expression, which will tend to produce "no source networks", neural circuits whose initial cell can't be identified because it's dead. This last point is particularly relevant for in-situ based approaches: while high expression levels are desirable for the particular barcode detection chemistry the authors chose to use (gap-filling), they are also potentially detrimental for cell survival, and risk producing extensive cell death (which indeed the authors single out as a detectable pitfall in their analysis). This is likely to be one of the major optimisation challenges for future implementations of these types of barcoding approaches.

      Overall the paper is well balanced, the data are well presented and the conclusions are strongly supported by the data. Impact-wise, the method is definitely going to be useful for the neurobiology research community.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript describes an interesting experiment in which an animal had to judge a duration of an interval and press one of two levers depending on the duration. The Authors recorded activity of neurons in key areas of the basal ganglia (SNr and striatum), and noticed that they can be divided into 4 types.

      The data presented in the manuscript is very rich and interesting, however, I am not convinced by the interpretation of these data proposed in the paper. The Authors focus on neurons of types 1 & 2 and propose that their difference encodes the choice the animal makes. However, I would like to offer an alternative interpretation of the data. Looking at the description of task and animal movements seen in Figure 1, it seems to me that there are 4 main "actions" the animals may do in the task: press right lever, press left lever, move left, and move right. It seems to me that the 4 neurons authors observed may correspond to these actions, i.e. Figure 1 shows that Type 1 neurons decrease when right level becomes more likely to be correct, so their decrease may correspond to preparation of pressing right lever - they may be releasing this action from inhibition (analogously Type 2 neurons may be related to pressing left lever). Furthermore, comparing animal movements and timing of activity of neurons of type 3 and 4, it seems to me that type 3 neurons decrease when the animal moves left, while type 4 when the animal moves right.

      I suggest Authors analyse if this interpretation is valid, and if so, revise the interpretation in the paper and the model accordingly.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      In this work, Jain and colleagues have created two libraries of the AAV2 rep gene - either expressed separately from a strong heterologous promoter or embedded in the viral wild-type context - containing all possible single codon mutations. The libraries were cleverly made through a cloning process that ensured each mutant was attached to an exactly known 20-nt barcode included in each mutagenic oligo. This allowed the authors to confidently observe nearly all rep variants in their experiments, resulting in a comprehensive map between Rep protein variants and AAV production. Interrogation of these libraries identified several variants that improved AAV production, including mutations not observed in natural AAV isolates thus far, as independently verified through a conventional AAV vector production protocol. These benefits were also conserved across multiple natural AAV capsid variants including the heterologous AAV5 serotype.

      While many other groups have previously created and interrogated individual point mutants of the AAV rep gene/protein or domain swapping mutants, this study is distinguished and excels by its degree of comprehensiveness and the complexity of the two complementary libraries. This reflects the next step in the field's efforts to better understand the natural biology of AAV and, as a result, to improve the production of recombinant AAV gene transfer vectors. Considering the rapidly increasing momentum of these vectors in the clinics and as approved drugs on the gene therapy market, and considering that the individual validation experiments reported in this work support the conclusions, this work including the reported resources and technologies is likely to have a critical impact on current and future research on AAV biology and vector development.

      However, there are a few areas in which the study could be expanded for even greater impact. For instance, the authors may consider testing the selected rep variants in the context of a self-complementary AAV genome, which has different biology compared to the single-stranded genomes used in this study, and which is widely used granted its compatibility with the transgene of choice (which should be <2.5 kb). Likewise, it would be important to study the functionality of the selected rep variants with at least one AAV genome of regular size, considering that the two tested here seem rather unusual in length (2.9 kb, which is very small, or 5.0 kb, which is borderline large). Last but not least, despite the fact that the AAV2 ITRs are by far most commonly used in the field, it will also be interesting to test these rep variants in combination with ITRs derived from other AAV serotypes, considering that numerous groups have previously cloned and analyzed them, and that they can provide several benefits over the AAV2 ITRs.

      Furthermore, in interpreting the results of this study, the reader should bear in mind that what has been measured and validated in this work is the production of intact genome-containing AAVs. Production is a precondition to functional AAVs that can transduce cells but is not equivalent to it. While the two are likely well correlated, further studies are needed to determine how well the effects of Rep protein variants on AAV production translate to their ability to then transduce cells. The more relevant property for gene therapy is the efficiency by which an AAV preparation transduces cells. For example, might production-enhancing Rep protein variants change the ratio of empty capsids to genome-containing capsids in a way that influences transduction efficiency of the corresponding AAV preparations? Does this influence reduce or enhance the production benefit? This particular scenario of empty capsid ratios influencing transduction represents a population effect that is not possible to capture in the multiplex assay, but it seems like a good idea to at least test transduction of some individual variants because transduction is the important function of AAV for gene therapy.

      One additional aspect that may warrant further consideration is the assumption, as mentioned in Figure 2's legend, that synonymous mutations are neutral and can serve as controls for normalizing the production rate. However, Figures S5-6 and Figures S11-12 suggest that synonymous mutations are not necessarily neutral, as their distribution is similar to that of nonsynonymous mutations. Thus, a deeper examination of the impacts of synonymous mutations on the genotype-phenotype landscape could provide more nuanced insights into AAV2 rep gene function.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors identify an insect salivary protein participating viral initiate infection in plant host. They found a salivary LssaCA promoting RSV infection by interacting with OsTLP that could degrade callose in plants. Furthermore, RSV NP bond to LssaCA in salivary glands to form a complex, which then bond to OsTLP to promote degradation of callose.

      The story focus on tripartite virus-insect vector-plant interaction, and is interesting. However, the study is too simple and poor-conducted. The conclusion is also overstated due to unsolid findings.

      Major comments:<br /> 1. The key problem is that how long the LssCA functioned for in rice plant. Author declared that LssCA had no effect on viral initial infection, but on infection after viral inoculation. It is unreasonable to conclude that LssCA promoted viral infection based on the data that insect inoculated plant just for 2 days, but viral titer could be increased at 14 day post-feeding. How could saliva proteins, which reached phloem 12-14 days before, induce enough TLP to degrade callose to promote virus infection? It was unbelievable.

      2. Lines 110-116 and Fig. 1, the results of viruliferous insect feeding and microinjection with purified virus could not conclude the saliva factor necessary of RSV infection, because these two tests are not in parallel and comparable. Microinjection with salivary proteins combined with purified virus is comparable with microinjection with purified virus.

      The second problem is how many days post viruliferous insect feeding and microinjection with purified virus did author detect viral titers? in Method section, authors declared that viral titers was detected at 7-14 days post microinjection. Please demonstrate the days exactly.

      The last problem is that how author made sure that the viral titers in salivary glands of insects between two experiments was equal, causing different phenotype of rice plant. If not, different viral titers in salivary glands of insects between two experiments of course caused different phenotype of rice plant.

      3. The callose deposition in phloem can be induced by insect feeding. In Fig. 5H, why was the callose deposition increased in the whole vascular bundle, but not phloem? Could the transgenic rice plant directional express protein in the phloem? In Fig.5, why was callose deposition detected at 24 h after insect feeding? In Fig. 6A, why was callose deposition decreased in the phloem, but not all the cells of the of TLP OE plant? Also in Fig.6A and B, expression of callose synthase genes was required.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Bacteria can adapt to extremely diverse environments via extensive gene reprogramming at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. Small RNAs are key regulators of gene expression that participate in this adaptive response in bacteria, and often act as post-transcriptional regulators via pairing to multiple mRNA-targets.

      In this study, Melamed et al. identify four E. coli small RNAs whose expression is dependent on sigma 28 (FliA), involved in the regulation of flagellar gene expression. Even though they are all under the control of FliA, expression of these 4 sRNAs peaks under slightly different growth conditions and each has different effects on flagella synthesis/number and motility. Combining RILseq data, structural probing, northern-blots and reporter assays, the authors show that 3 of these sRNAs control fliC expression (negatively for FliX, positively for MotR and UhpU) and two of them regulate r-protein genes from the S10 operon (again positively for MotR, and negatively for FliX). UhpU also directly represses synthesis of the LrhA transcriptional regulator, that in turn regulates flhDC (at the top of flagella regulation cascade). Based on RILseq data, the fourth sRNA (FlgO) has very few targets and may act via a mechanism other than base-pairing.

      As r-protein S10 is also implicated in anti-termination via the NusB-S10 complex, the authors further hypothesize that the up-regulation of S10 gene expression by MotR promotes expression of the long flagellar operons through anti-termination. Consistent with this possible connection between ribosome and flagella synthesis, they show that MotR overexpression leads to an increase in flagella number and in the mRNA levels of two long flagellar operons, and that both effects are dependent on the NusB protein. Lastly, they provide data supporting a more general activating and repressing role for MotR and FliX, respectively, in flagellar genes expression and motility.

      This study brings a lot of new information on the regulation of flagellar genes, from the identification of novel sigma 28-dependent sRNAs to their effects on flagella production and motility. It represents a considerable amount of work; the experimental data are clear and solid and support the conclusions of the paper. Even though mechanistic details underlying the observed regulations by MotR or FliX sRNAs are lacking, the effect of these sRNAs on fliC, several rps/rpl genes, and flagellar genes and motility is convincing.<br /> The connection between r-protein genes regulation and flagellar operons is exciting and raises a few questions. First, from the RILseq data, chimeric reads with mRNA for r-proteins (including rpsJ) are not restricted to the sigma 28-dependent sRNAs (e.g. rpsJ-sucD3'UTR, rpsF-DicF, rplN-DicF, rplK-ChiX, rplU-CyaR, rpsT-CyaR, rpsK-CyaR, rpsF-MicA...), suggesting that regulation of r-protein synthesis by sRNAs is not necessarily related to flagella/motility. Second, it would be interesting to know if the flagellar operons are more sensitive than other long operons to antitermination following MotR overexpression? In other words, does pMotR similarly affect antitermination in rrn or other long operons?

      The general effect of pMotR or pFliX on the expression of multiple middle and late flagellar genes is also interesting even though the mechanism is not clear. While it may be difficult to fully address it, testing whether some of these regulatory events depend on the control of fliC and/or the S10 operon could be relevant (by analyzing the effects in strains deleted for fliC or nusB for instance).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Cytotoxic agents and immune checkpoint inhibitors are the most commonly used and efficacious treatments for lung cancers. However their use brings two significant pulmonary side-effects; namely Pneumocystis jirovecii infection and resultant pneumonia (PCP), and interstitial lung disease (ILD). To observe the potential immunological drivers of these adverse events, Yanagihara et al. analysed and compared cells present in the bronchoalveolar lavage of three patient groups (PCP, cytotoxic drug-induced ILD [DI-ILD], and ICI-associated ILD [ICI-ILD]) using mass cytometry (64 markers). In PCP, they observed an expansion of the CD16+ T cell population, with the highest CD16+ T proportion (97.5%) in a fatal case, whilst in ICI-ILD, they found an increase in CD57+ CD8+ T cells expressing immune checkpoints (TIGIT+ LAG3+ TIM-3+ PD-1+), FCRL5+ B cells, and CCR2+ CCR5+ CD14+ monocytes. Given the fatal case, the authors also assessed for, and found, a correlation between CD16+ T cells and disease severity in PCP, postulating that this may be owing to endothelial destruction. Although n numbers are relatively small (n=7-9 in each cohort; common numbers for CyTOF papers), the authors use a wide panel (n=65) and two clustering methodologies giving greater strength to the conclusions. The differential populations discovered using one or two of the analytical methods are robust: whole population shifts with clear and significant clustering. These data are an excellent resource for clinical disease specialists and pan-disease immunologists, with a broad and engaging contextual discussion about what they could mean.

      Strengths:<br /> • The differences in immune cells in BAL in these specific patient subgroups is relatively unexplored.<br /> • This is an observational study, with no starting hypothesis being tested.<br /> • Two analytical methods are used to cluster the data.<br /> • A relatively wide panel was used (64 markers), with particular strength in the alpha beta T cells and B cells.<br /> • Relevant biomarkers, beta-D-glucan and KL-6 were also analysed<br /> • Appropriate statistics were used throughout.<br /> • Numbers are low (7 cases of PCP, 9 of DI-ILD, and 9 of ICI-ILD) but these are difficult samples to collect and so in relative terms, and considering the use of CyTOF, these are good numbers.<br /> • Beta-D-glucan shows potential as a biomarker for PCP (as previously reported) whilst KL-6 shows potential as a biomarker for ICI-ILD (not reported before). Interestingly, KL-6 was not seen to be increased in DI-ILD patients.<br /> • Despite the relatively low n numbers and lack of matching there are some clear differentials. The CD4/CD8+CD16+HLA-DR+CXCR3+CD14- T cell result is striking - up in PCP (with EM CD4s significantly down) - whilst the CD8 EMRA population is clear in ICI-ILD and 'non-exhausted' CD4s, with lower numbers of EMRA CD8s in DI-ILD.<br /> • The authors identify 17/31 significantly differentiated clusters of myeloid cells, eg CD11bhi CD11chi CD64+ CD206+ alveolar macrophages with HLA-DRhi in PCP.<br /> • With respect to B cells, the authors found that FCRL5+ B cells were more abundant in patients with ICI-ILD compared to those with PCP and DI-ILD, suggesting these FCRL5+ B cells may have a role in irAE.<br /> • One patient's extreme CD16+ T cell (97.5% positive) and death, led the authors to consider CD16+ T cells as an indicator of disease severity in PCP. This was then tested and found to be correct.<br /> • Authors discuss results in context of literature leading them to suggest that CD16+ T cells may target endothelial cells and wonder if anti-complement therapy may be efficacious in PCP.<br /> • Great discussion on auto-reactive T cell clones where the authors suggest that in ICI-ILD CD8s may react against healthy lung, driving ILD.<br /> • An observation of CXCR3 in different CD8 populations in ICI-ILD and PCP lead the authors to hypothesise on the chemoattractants in the microenvironment.<br /> • Excellent point suggesting CD57 may not always be a marker of senescence on T cells - reflective of growing change within the community.<br /> • Well considered suggestion that FCRL5+ B cells may be involved in ICI-ILD driven autoimmunity.<br /> • The authors discuss the main weaknesses in the discussion and stress that the findings detailed in the paper "demonstrate a correlation rather than proof of causation".<br /> • Figures and legends are clear and pleasing to the eye.

      Weaknesses:<br /> • This is an observational study, with no starting hypothesis being tested.<br /> • Only patients who were able to have a lavage taken have been recruited.<br /> • One set of analysis wasn't carried out for one subgroup (ICI-ILD) as PD1 expression was negative owing to the use of nivolumab.<br /> • Some immune cell subsets wouldn't be picked up with the markers and gating strategies used; e.g. NK cells.<br /> • Some immune cells would be disproportionately damaged by the storage, thawing and preparation of the samples; e.g. granulocytes.<br /> • Numbers are low (7 cases of PCP, 9 of DI-ILD, and 9 of ICI-ILD), sex, age and adverse event matching wasn't performed, and treatment regimen are varied and 'suspected' (suggesting incomplete clinical data) - but these are difficult samples to collect. These numbers drop further for some analyses e.g. T cell clustering owing to factors such as low cell number.<br /> • The disease comparisons are with each other, there is no healthy control.<br /> • Samples are taken at one time point.<br /> • The discussion on probably the stand out result - the CD16+ T cells in PCP - relies on two papers - leading to a slightly skewed emphasis on one paper on CD16+ cells in COVID. There are other papers out there that have observed CD16+ T cells in other conditions. It is also worth being in mind that given the markers used, these CD16+ T cell may be gamma deltas.<br /> • The discussion on ICI patient consistently showing increased PD1, could have been greater, as given the ICI is targeting PD1, one would expect the opposite as commented on, and observed, in the methods section.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors took advantage of a large dataset of transcriptomic information obtained from parasites recovered from 35 patients. In addition, parasites from 13 of these patients were reared for 1 generation in vivo, 10 for 2 generations, and 1 for a third generation. This provided the authors with a remarkable resource for monitoring how parasites initially adapt to the environmental change of being grown in culture. They focused initially on var gene expression due to the importance of this gene family for parasite virulence, then subsequently assessed changes in the entire transcriptome. Their goal was to develop a more accurate and informative computational pipeline for assessing var gene expression and secondly, to document the adaptation process at the whole transcriptome level.

      Overall, the authors were largely successful in their aims. They provide convincing evidence that their new computational pipeline is better able to assemble var transcripts and assess the structure of the encoded PfEMP1s. They can also assess var gene switching as a tool for examining antigenic variation. They also documented potentially important changes in the overall transcriptome that will be important for researchers who employ ex vivo samples for assessing things like drug sensitivity profiles or metabolic states. These are likely to be important tools and insights for researchers working on field samples.

      One concern is that the abstract highlights "Unpredictable var gene switching....." and states that "Our results cast doubt on the validity of the common practice of using short-term cultured parasites......". This seems somewhat overly pessimistic with regard to var gene expression profiling and does not reflect the data described in the paper. In contrast, the main text of the paper repeatedly refers to "modest changes in var gene expression repertoire upon culture" or "relatively small changes in var expression from ex vivo to culture", and many additional similar assessments. On balance, it seems that transition to culture conditions causes relatively minor changes in var gene expression, at least in the initial generations. The authors do highlight that a few individuals in their analysis showed more pronounced and unpredictable changes, which certainly warrants caution for future studies but should not obscure the interesting observation that var gene expression remained relatively stable during transition to culture.

    1. Consensus Public Review:

      Ottenheimer et al., present an interesting study looking at the neural representation of value in mice performing a pavlovian association task. The task is repeated in the same animals using two odor sets, allowing a distinction between odor identity coding and value coding. The authors use state-of-the-art electrophysiological techniques to record thousands of neurons from 11 frontal cortical regions to conclude that 1) licking is represented more strongly in dorsal frontal regions, 2) odor cues are represented more strongly in ventral frontal regions, 3) cue values are evenly distributed across regions. They separately perform a calcium imaging study to track coding across days and conclude that the representation of task features increments with learning and remains stable thereafter.Overall, these conclusions are interesting and well supported by the data.

      The authors use reduced-rank kernel regression to characterize the 5332 recorded neurons on a cell-by-cell basis in terms of their responses to cues, licks, and reward, with a cell characterized as encoding one of these parameters if it accounts for at least 2% of the observed variance (while at first this seemed overly lenient, the authors present analyses demonstrating low false-positives at this threshold and that the results are robust to different cutoffs).

      Having identified lick, reward, and cue cells, the authors next select the 24% of "cue-only" neurons and look for cells that specifically encode cue value. Because the animal's perception of stimulus value can't be measured directly, the authors created a linear model that predicts the amount of anticipatory licking in the interval between odor cue and reward presentations. The session-average-predicted lick rate by this model is used as an estimate of cue value and is used in the regression analysis that identified value cells. (Hence, the authors' definition of value is dependent on the average amount of anticipatory behavior ahead of a reward, which indicates that compared to the CS+, mice licked around 70% as much to the CS50 and 10% as much to the CS-.) The claim that this is an encoding of value is strengthened by the fact that cells show similar scaling of responses to two odor sets tested. Whereas the authors found more "lick" cells in motor regions and more "cue" cells in sensory regions, they find a consistent percentage of "value" cells (that is, cells found to be cue-only in the initial round of analysis that is subsequently found to encode anticipatory lick rate) across all 11 recorded regions, leading to their claim of a distributed code of value.

      In subsequent sections, the authors expand their model of anticipatory-licking-as-value by incorporating trial and stimulus history terms into the model, allowing them to predict the anticipatory lick rate on individual trials within a session. They also use 2-photon imaging in PFC to demonstrate that neural coding of cue and lick are stable across three days of imaging, supported by two lines of evidence. First, they show that the correlation between cell responses on all periods except for the start of day 1 is more correlated with day 3 responses than expected by chance (although the correlation is low, the authors attribute this to inherent limitations of the data), and that response for a given neuron is substantially better correlated with its own activity across time than random neurons. Second, they show that cue identity is able to capture the highest unique fraction of variance (around 8%) in day 3 cue cells across three days of imaging, and similarly for lick behavior in lick cells and cue+lick in cue+lick cells. Nonetheless, their sample rasters for all imaged cells also indicate that representations are not perfectly stable, and it will be interesting to see what *does* change across the three days of imaging.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work describes a novel high-throughput approach to diverse transgenesis which the authors have named TARDIS for Transgenic Arrays Resulting in Diversity of Integrated Sequences. The authors describe the general approach: the generation of a synthetic 'landing pad' for transgene insertion (as previously reported by this group) that has a split selection hygromycin resistance gene, meaning that only perfect integration with the insert confers resistance to the otherwise lethal hygromycin drug. The authors then demonstrate two possible applications of the technology: individually barcoded lineages for lineage tracing and transcriptional reporter lines generated by inserting multiple promoters. In both cases, the authors did a limited 'proof of concept' study including many important controls, showcasing the potential of the method. The conclusions for applications of this method in C. elegans are supported by the data and the authors discuss important observations and considerations. In the discussion, the discuss the potential application of the method beyond C. elegans, although this remains speculative at this point given that a nontrivial aspect of the success of the method in worms is the self-assembly of DNA into heritable extrachromosomal arrays (a feature that is absent in most other systems).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors investigated state-dependent changes in evoked brain activity, using electrical stimulation combined with multisite neural activity across wakefulness and anesthesia. The approach is novel, and the results are compelling. The study benefits from in depth sophisticated analysis of neural signals. The effects of behavioral state on brain responses to stimulation are generally convincing.

      It is possible that the authors' use of "an average reference montage that removed signals common to all EEG electrodes" could also remove useful components of the signal, which are common across EEG electrodes, especially during deep anesthesia. For example, it is possible (in fact from my experience I would be surprised if it is not the case) that under isoflurane anesthesia, electrical stimulation induces a generalized slow wave or a burst of activity across the brain. Subtracting the average signal will simply remove that from all channels. This does not only result in signals under anesthesia being affected more by the referencing procedure than during waking, but also will have different effects on different channels, e.g. depending on how strong the response is in a specific channel.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript, "A versatile high-throughput assay based on 3D ring-shaped cardiac tissues generated from human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes" developed a unique culture platform with PEG hydrogel that facilitates the in-situ measurement of contractile dynamics of the engineered cardiac rings. The authors optimized the tissue seeding conditions, demonstrated tissue morphology with expressions of cardiac and fibroblast markers, mathematically modeled the equation to derive contractile forces and other parameters based on imaging analysis, and ended by testing several compounds with known cardiac responses.

      To strengthen the paper, the following comments should be considered:

      1. This paper provided an intriguing platform that creates miniature cardiac rings with merely thousands of CMs per tissue in a 96-well plate format. The shape of the ring and the squeezing motion can recapitulate the contraction of the cardiac chamber to a certain degree. However, Thavandiran et al (PNAS 2013) created a larger version of the cardiac ring and found the electrical propagation revealed spontaneous infinite loop-like cycles of activation propagation traversing the ring. This model was used to mimic a reentrant wave during arrhythmia. Therefore, it presents great concerns if a large number of cardiac tissues experience arrhythmia by geometry-induced re-entry current and cannot be used as a healthy tissue model. It would be interesting to see the impulse propagation/calcium transient on these miniature cardiac rings and evaluate the % of arrhythmia occurrence.

      2. The platform can produce 21 cardiac rings per well in 96-well plates. The throughput has been the highest among competing platforms. The resulting tissues have good sarcomere striation due to the strain from the pillars. Now the emerging questions are culture longevity and reproducibility among tissues. According to Figure 1E, there was uneven ring formation around the pillar, which leads to the tissue thinning and breaking off. There is only 50% survival after 20 days of culture in the optimized seeding group. Is there any way to improve it? The tissues had two compartments, cardiac and fibroblast-rich regions, where fibroblasts are responsible for maintaining the attachment to the glass slides. Do the cardiac rings detach from the glass slides and roll up? The SD of the force measurement is a quarter of the value, which is not ideal with such a high replicate number. As the platform utilizes imaging analysis to derive contractile dynamics, calibration should be done based on the angle and the distance of the camera lens to the individual tissues to reduce the error. On the other hand, how reproducible of the pillars? It is highly recommended to mechanically evaluate the consistency of the hydrogel-based pillars across different wells and within the wells to understand the variance.

      3. Does the platform allow the observation of non-synchronized beating when testing with compounds? This can be extremely important as the intended applications of this platform are drug testing and cardiac disease modeling. The author should elaborate on the method in the manuscript and explain the obtained results in detail.

      4. The results of drug testing are interesting. Isoproterenol is typically causing positive chronotropic and positive inotropic responses, where inotropic responses are difficult to obtain due to low tissue maturity. It is inconsistent with other reported results that cardiac rings do not exhibit increased beating frequency, but slightly increased forces only. Zhao et al were using electrical pacing at a defined rate during force measurement, whereas the ring constructs are not.

      Overall, the manuscript is well written and the designed platform presented the unique advantages of high throughput cardiac tissue culture. Besides the contractile dynamics and IHC images, the paper lacks other cardiac functional evaluations, such as calcium handling, impulse propagation, and/or electrophysiology. The culture reproducibility (high SD) and longevity (<20 days) still remain unsolved.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Kou and Kang et al. investigated the role of Notch-RBP-J signaling in regulating monocyte homeostasis. Specifically, they examined how a conditional knockout of Rbpj expression in monocytes through a Rbpjfl/fl Lyz2cre/cre mouse affects the homeostasis of Ly6Chi versus Ly6Clo monocytes. They discovered that Rbpj deficiency did not affect the percentage of Ly6Chi monocytes but instead, led to an accumulation of Ly6Clo monocytes in the peripheral blood. Using a comprehensive number of in vivo techniques to investigate the origin of this increase, the authors revealed that the accumulation of Rbpj deficient Ly6Clo monocytes was not due to an increase in bone marrow egress and that this defect was cell intrinsic. However, EdU-labelling and apoptosis assays revealed that this defect was not due to an increase in proliferation nor conversion of Ly6Chi to Ly6Clo monocytes. Interestingly, it was revealed that Rbpj deficient Ly6Clo monocytes had increased expression of CCR2 and ablation of CCR2 expression reversed the accumulation of these cells in the periphery. Lastly, they discovered that Rbpj deficiency also led to downstream effects such as an accumulation of Ly6Clo monocytes in the lung tissue and increased CD16.2+ interstitial macrophages, presumably due to dysregulated monocyte differentiation and function.

      Their findings are interesting and highlight a previously unexplored mechanistic link between Notch-RBP-J signaling and CCR2 expression in monocyte homeostasis, providing further insight into the distinct pathways that regulate Ly6Chi vs Ly6Clo monocyte subsets individually.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well substantiated from the experimental data. The strengths of this paper include the use of multiple conditional genetic knock out mouse models to explore their hypothesis and the use of sophisticated in vivo techniques to study the major mechanisms involved in monocyte homeostasis.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript entitled, "Loss of PTPMT1 limits mitochondrial utilization of carbohydrates and leads to muscle atrophy and heart failure," by Zheng, et al., is focused on assessing the role of deletion of PTPMT1, a mitochondria-based phosphatase, in mitochondrial fuel selection. Authors show that the utilization of pyruvate, a key mitochondrial substrate derived from glucose, is inhibited, whereas fatty acid utilization is enhanced. Importantly, while the deletion of PTPMT1 does not impact development of skeletal muscle or heart, the metabolic inflexibility leads to muscular atrophy, heart failure, and sudden death. Mechanistically, authors claim that the prolonged substrate shift from carbohydrates to lipids causes oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to accumulation of lipids and muscle cell and CM damage in the KO. Interestingly, PTPMT1 deletion from the liver or adipose tissue does not generate any local or systemic defects. Authors conclude that PTPMT1 plays an important role in maintaining mitochondrial flexibility and that the balanced utilization of carbohydrates and lipids is essential for skeletal muscle and heart. While interesting and authors did a ton of experiments for this project, several major concerns exist. First, because both the CKMM- and the MYHC-Cre express early, during development , it seems the effects of the deletion of PTPMT1 are more likely be specific to defects in muscle and cardiac development rather than postnatal, especially since loss of PTPMT1 affects mTOR activity; indeed, previous reports have shown that selective deletion of mTOR or raptor in skeletal muscle during embryonic development leads to a reduction in postnatal growth and the development of late-onset myopathy and premature death around 6 to 8 months of age. The effects of the deletion in muscle seem eerily similar and therefore likely mechanistically function the same -embryonically, as has been previously suggested. This is also true for cardiac abnormalities, where developmental defects can manifest in mice as they age after at least 3-4 months and decreased mTOR activity can lead to significant cardiac dysfunction and failure (similarly to the effects observed here by the authors). To prove one way or another, authors should show developmental data providing evidence that the effects are not occurring at this stage. It is a lot of work, but the right way to differentiate pre- vs post- development functions of PTPMT1 in the muscle and heart, otherwise cannot verify mechanistically what the precise cause for the phenotype may be. Authors could consider generating mice that have inducible Cre drivers. In addition, how is it that the effects of loss of PTPMT1 are similar between muscle and heart given the differences in energy usage and utilization between these two tissues? Increases in AMPK are usually associated with better metabolic outcomes, particularly in the heart. Increased AMPK activation has also been shown to help reduce fat storage, increase insulin sensitivity, reduce cholesterol/triglyceride production, and suppress chronic inflammation. In addition, increases in carnitines are associated with enhanced metabolic function. Carnitines facilitate transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix, triggering cardioprotective effects through reduced oxidative stress, inflammation and necrosis of cardiac myocytes. All of these factors are positive, so how do authors explain this discrepancy in their findings which suggest opposing outcomes- as above, I suggest the explanation is that it is due to developmental effects of deletion of PTPMT1.

      Authors attribute much of the pathology in the muscle and heart due to increased lipid accumulation in these tissues; but how do authors explain how hearts and muscle have more fat when the mice are smaller than wt? Is there a difference in energy expenditure in the mice? What about changes in white fat, core temperature or browning of fat? Authors do not mechanistically prove that lipid accumulation is the cause of death in these animals. Rescue experiments should be considered.

    1. Public Review:

      In this manuscript, Karl et al. explore mechanisms underlying the activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase FGFR1 and stimulation of intracellular signaling pathways in response to FGF4, FGF8, or FGF9 binding to the extracellular domain of FGFR1. Quantitative binding experiments presented in the manuscript demonstrate that FGF4, FGF8, and FGF9 exhibit distinct binding affinities towards FGFRs. It is also proposed that FGF8 exhibits "biased ligand" characteristics that is manifested via binding and activation FGFR1 mediated by "structural differences in the FGF- FGFR1 dimers, which impact the interactions of the FGFR1 trans membrane helices, leading to differential recruitment and activation of the downstream signaling adapter FRS2".

      Major points:

      1. Previous studies have demonstrated that the variability of signal transduction stimulated by different FGF family members originates from their preferential activation of different members of the FGFR family (Ornitz et al., 1996). For example, it was previously shown that members of the FGF8 subfamily preferentially activate FGFR3c, whereas members of the FGF4 subfamily activate FGFR1c more potently than other FGFs. Moreover, it was shown that FGF18, a member of the FGF8 subfamily, preferentially binds to and activates the FGFR3c isoform. Indeed, this can be seen in the data shown in Figure 3 in this manuscript, where maximum levels of FGFR1 pY653/4 and pFRS2 are reached at different concentrations when stimulated with increasing concentrations of each ligand in HEK293T cells. In order to be sure that the 'biased agonist' described in this manuscript for FGF8 binding is not caused by binding preference towards different FGFR members, the authors should present data comparing cell signaling via FGFR3c stimulated by FGF4, FGF8, and FGF9.

      2. It is well-established that FGFR signaling by canonical FGF family members including FGF4, FGF8, and FGF9 is dependent on interactions of heparin or heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG) to the ligand the receptors. Differential contributions of heparin to cell signaling mediated by FGF4, FGF8, and FGF9 binding and activation of different FGFRs expressed in RCS cells as this cell express endogenous HSPG molecules. This question should be addressed by comparing cell signaling via FGFRs ectopically expressed in BAF/3 cells (which do not possess endogenous FGFRs and HSPG) stimulated by FGF4, FGF8, and FGF9 in the absence or presence of different heparin concentrations. This approach has been applied many times in the past to explore and establish the role of heparin in control of ligand induced FGFR activation. It is impossible to interpret the FGFR binding characteristics and cellular activates of FGF4, FGF8, and FGF9 in the absence of information about the role of heparin in their binding and activation.

      3. It is not clear how some of the experimental data were analyzed. Blots in Figures 3A and 3B should include controls (total FGFR1 for pY653/4 and total FRS for pFRS2). How are the data shown in Figure 3C normalized? It does look like the level of phosphorylation was all normalized against the strongest signals irrespective of which ligand was used. Each data representing each ligand should be separately normalized.

      4. In page 6, authors used the plot shown in Figure 3 for 'FGFR downregulation' to conclude that "the effect of FGF4 on FGFR1 downregulation is smaller when compared to the effects of FGF8 and FGF9. However, it is unclear how the data shown in the plot was normalized - none of the data seem to reach "1.0". Moreover, the plot seems to suggest that FGF4 can strongly downregulate FGFR as it can downregulate FGFR with higher potency.

      5. The structural basis of FGFR1 ligand bias and the different dimeric configurations and interactions between the kinase domain of FGFR1 dimers are not warranted (Figure 6). In the absence of any structural experimental data of different forms of FGFR dimers stimulated by FGF ligands the model presents in the manuscript is speculative and misleading.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      I feel that this study has potentially high public health significance and should be made known to the public, especially the usefulness of a natural chemical product, oligomeric proanthocyanidins, in preventing SARS-CoV2 infection. The studies are very well designed, using the first 5 figures to compare carefully the effects of tannic acid, punicalagin, and oligomeric proanthocyanidins in disrupting the interaction of the virus with host cells and in inhibiting the enzymatic activity of transmembrane serine protease 2 required for viral entry. I am especially impressed by the work done in Figures 6 and 7 in which the investigators put their efforts into quantitating the amounts of oligomeric proanthocyanidins, tannic acid, and punicalagin present in the grape seed, peel, flesh as well as juice. I also appreciate the translational application in which the investigators prepared grape seed extract capsules (200 mg and 400 mg), recruited healthy human subjects to take these capsules once or twice, and showed that the sera from randomized human subjects taking grape seed extract capsules indeed exert does-dependent and time-dependent activities in suppressing the infection rate of various SARS-CoV2 variants using in vitro studies. The study in Figure 7 is indeed very well-designed and quite elegant. The manuscript is also well-written.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors of this manuscript are interested in identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying antidepressant action. Though most antidepressants target the serotonin system, regulation of glutamate neurotransmission has been associated with rapid treatment response. Here the authors find that monoaminergic targeted antidepressants are associated in some patients with expression of a small nucleolar RNA that they go on to show results in alterations to glutamate neurotransmission in a mouse model. These data offer a molecular mechanism that can link traditional monoaminergic targeted antidepressants with glutamatergic regulation and could offer a new way to estimate the efficacy of these drugs.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors generated detailed anatomical descriptions and images of the coronary vasculature of mice, quails, zebrafish, Japanese tree frogs, Japanese fire belly newt, African clawed frogs, salmon sharks, Japanese sleeper rays and bird-beak dogfish. Using this data, they are able to show anatomical similarities in the origination points of evolutionary distant vertebrates from the third to fourth brachial arch. Additionally, the authors highlight the additional presence of a coronary vascular plexuses as a unique amniote trait, since it is seen in quail and mice but not xenopus frogs. Based on the presence of the possible homologies, the authors propose that the early developmental amniotic coronary artery is a derived from the ancestral hypobrachial artery. The methods for labeling and imaging the cardiac vessels are robust and congruent with previous studies describing these structures in mice and zebrafish. The study also presents an intriguing hypothesis; however, it could benefit from a more expansive survey of vertebrate coronary diversity using an increased number of species and developmental time points. A more exhaustive surveying of vertebrate diversity is required to demonstrate that the coronary vasculature anatomy observed is from common ancestral states or novel adaptations. The author's claim that a primitive vascular plexus represents a novel amniote phenotype, is reasonable, but could benefit from further confirmation using additional species.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):<br /> <br /> Lobanov et al. investigated the effects of spatial structure in microbial communities that interact via secreted metabolites. The work builds up on a previous theoretical model by the authors that considered well-mixed populations in which different bacterial species secrete and consume different sets of metabolites, and metabolites in turn modify the growth rates of species. The model considers communities that are periodically exposed to dilutions, and the authors focus on the regime in which bacterial densities do not reach saturation before the next dilution. Analyzing the stable outcome of these dynamics through comparison with well-mixed scenarios, the authors found that space can favor species richness, especially in the case of communities with prevalent facilitative interactions. This positive effect on species coexistence is also more pronounced in situations in which species produce more kinds of metabolites than they consume. On the other hand, the positive effects on coexistence can be reversed when bacterial dispersal becomes relevant over the timescale of the simulations, as well as in cases in which the diffusion of metabolites is too slow - which could even result in less coexistence than in well-mixed scenarios. These results add to an ongoing discussion on the different ways in which spatial effects can impact microbial community dynamics and species richness.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by the data, but some aspects of the methodology and analysis need to be clarified and extended.

      1) This is a model with many parameters and the manuscript should be clearer about how these parameters were used in different scenarios. It is probably a matter of rewriting the text, but I found it hard to understand which parameter values remained the same in scenarios with or without space, as well as how the strength of interactions was assigned, among a few other examples. In other cases, additional analysis (e.g. on how the spatial impact on coexistence depends on the average strength of interactions) would make the work more comprehensive.<br /> 2) To assess stable coexistence and richness, the authors use a criterium in which species have to be almost equally abundant (above 90% of the abundance of the fastest-growing species). It is not clear if the results would change significantly if potentially less abundant species would be classified as coexisting ones.<br /> 3) The majority of the results consider scenarios in which bacteria cannot disperse very effectively so bacterial dynamics is mostly driven by the growth of the initial populations at each region. Expanding on the analysis of higher dispersal rates would be valuable in order to analyze additional realistic scenarios of how bacteria grow and disperse in space.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Castrillon et al. analyze the heterogeneity of B cells exiting spontaneous germinal center reactions by scRNA-seq in a new mouse model of autoimmunity. In this model, they track the fate of wild-type Aid-Cre ERT2-EYFP B cells in the presence of 564 lgi B cells harboring a BCR specific for RNP. Throughout the manuscript, the authors compared the results obtained in the autoimmune model with those obtained after acute immunization with NP/OVA in Alum. They found extensive clonal overlap among dark/light zone germinal centers, memory B cells, and antibody-secreting cells (ASC). Within the ASC compartment, they found seven clusters. Through pseudotime analysis, they conclude the presence of two early ASC clusters, three intermediate ASC clusters, and two terminal ASC clusters. The two late ASCs have different patterns of gene expression (CD28, Itga4 among them), isotype expression (ASC_Late_1 mostly class-switched while ASC_Late_2 mostly IgM), and potentially different antibody-secreting capacity and metabolic program based on Ig counts and OXPHOS signature. Regarding memory B cells, they found four clusters of memory B cells with similar isotype expression (except for MemB2 which expresses more IgM) but different gene expression patterns (CD83, Fcrl5, Vim, Fcer2a). Finally, the authors found that FCRL5+ and CD23+ memory B cells are located in different areas of the spleen based on confocal microscopy analysis and their accessibility to blood after anti-CD45 iv administration. The data provided by the authors are very attractive and interesting. Yet, I found that the manuscript over relies on scRNA-seq. It will be important that authors back up some of their conclusions made from the scRNA-seq analysis with functional experiments, like measuring the differential antibody-secreting capacity of both terminal ASC subsets or profiling their metabolic status through one of the many metabolic techniques available.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript reports new findings about the role of the glutamate transporter EAAC1 in controlling neural activity in the striatum. The significance is two-fold - it addresses gaps in knowledge about the functional significance of EAAC1, as well as provides a potential explanation for how EAAC1 mutations contribute to striatal hyperexcitability and OCD-associated behaviors. The manuscript is clearly presented, and the well-designed experiments are rigorously performed and analyzed. The main results showing that EAAC1 deletion increases the dendritic arbor of MSN D1 neurons and increases excitatory synaptic connectivity, as well as reduces D1-to-D1 mediated IPSCs are convincing. These results clearly demonstrate that EAAC1 deletion can alter excitatory and inhibitory synaptic function. Modelling the potential consequences for these changes on D1 MSN neural activity, and the behavior changes are interesting. Minor weaknesses include incomplete support for the conclusions about how EAAC1 regulates GABAergic transmission.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript made use of a biologically realistic neuronal network model of cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic (CBGT) circuits and a cognitive drift-diffusion model (DDM) to account for both behavioural and functional neuroimaging (fMRI) data and to understand how change in reward contingency in the environment can affect different decision dynamics. They found that the rate of evidence accumulation was most affected, allowing explorative behaviour with a lower drift rate during likely contingency change and exploitative behaviour with a higher drift rate when contingency was likely similar. The multi-pronged approach presented in the manuscript is commendable. The biophysical model was sufficiently realistic with varying ramping firing rates of spiny projection neurons linked to the varying drift rates in the DDM. However, there are a few concerns regarding this work.

      The model's cortical neurons had no contralateral encoding, unlike their neuroimaging data. Another concern with this work is that it was unclear why the spiking neuronal network model with so many model parameters was used to account for coarse-scale fMRI data - a simple firing-rate neural population model would perhaps do the work. Moreover, the activity dynamics of the fMRI were not shown. It would have been more rigorous to show the fMRI (BOLD) signals in different (particularly CBGT) brain regions and compare that with the CBGT model simulations.

      The association between classier uncertainty and drift rate (by participants) was an order of magnitude difference between the simulated and actual participants (compare Figure 2E with Figure 4B). There was also a weak effect on human reaction times (Supp. Fig. 2).

      There were only 4 human participants that performed the experiment - the results would perhaps be better with more human participants.

      For such a complex biophysical computational model, there could perhaps have been more model predictions provided.

      Overall, this work is interesting and could potentially be a good contribution in the area of computational modelling and neuroscience of adaptive choice behaviour.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Modi et al present a novel method to analyze brain oscillations. Traditional approaches are typically based on analyzing spectral features on individual oscillations (univariate methods) or the power and phase relationship between two oscillations (bivariate methods). The authors take a different, multivariate, approach to simultaneously analyze interactions between multiple oscillations. This is a better way to study dynamics interactions in a complex system than the more traditional 'reductionist' approach and, so far, few methods exist that allow such multivariate analysis of neural oscillations. The method is well demonstrated in the paper, including several application cases. Several aspects of the results need to be better characterized, a clear discussion of the caveats and limitations of the method is lacking and the advantages over existing methods need to be outlined more clearly. Provided these issues are corrected I believe this would be an important contribution to the field that may have multiple applications.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Bohannon et al. continues a line of work from the Larsson laboratory with fundamental contributions describing the effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on the cardiac delayed rectifier potassium channel (IKs) formed by Kv7.1 and KCNE1 heteromers. Although the activating effect of PUFAs on these specific channels has been previously described, the authors now present a novel finding related to PUFAs containing large aromatic tyrosine head groups, showing significant activation effects on IKs, larger than other PUFAs previously studied. A combination of site-directed mutagenesis, electrophysiological and pharmacological approaches are used to dissect the different molecular mechanisms and sites involved in the functional interactions. The main conclusions are: 1) PUFA analogues with Tyr head groups are strong activators of the cardiac IKs channel by action on two previously described mechanisms: left-shift of the voltage-activation curve (by interaction with the voltage-sensor region of Kv7.1); and increased Gmax (by interacting with the pore region). 2) the underlying molecular interactions between PUFA and Kv7.1 are not cation-pi, as shown by the lack of effect of different chemical variations that disrupt the electrostatic surface potential. 3) the presence of electronegative groups on the aromatic ring favors increases in the maximal conductance. 4) the generation of a hydrogen bond with the -OH on the Tyr group seems to selectively impact on IKs voltage dependence of activation. 4) Kv7.1 sites involved in interactions with aromatic PUFAs are similar to the ones previously described for non-aromatic PUFAS, that is: R231 in S4 and K326 in S6. 5) residue T224 is newly identified as a potential site forming a hydrogen bond between the Tyr in the aromatic PUFA and Kv7.1.

      The manuscript is very well written and structured. The experiments are solid and lead to mostly well-grounded conclusions. There are some aspects that would benefit from some clarification, which are mainly related to the different effects of the aromatic PUFA variants on IKs voltage dependence and/or conductance.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study the authors investigate whether a presumably allosteric P2RX7 activating compound that they previously discovered reduces fibrosis in a bleomycin mouse model. They chose this particular model as publicly available mRNA data indicate that the P2XR7 pathway is downregulated in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients compared to control individuals. The authors first demonstrate that two proxies of lung damage, Ashcroft score and collagen fibers, are significantly reduced in the bleomycin model on HEI3090 treatment. Additional data implicate specific immune cell infiltrates and cytokines, namely inflammatory macrophages and damped release of IL-17A, as potential mechanistic links between their compound and reduced fibrosis. Finally, the researchers transplant splenocytes from WT, NLRP3-KO, and IL-18-KO mice into animals lacking the P2XR7 receptor to specifically ascertain how the transplanted splenocytes, which are WT for P2XR7 receptor, respond to HEI3090 (a P2XR7 agonist). Based on these results, the authors conclude that HEI3090 enhanced IL-18 production through the P2XR7-NLRP3 inflammasome axis to dampen fibrosis.

      These findings could be interesting to the field, as there are conflicting results as to whether NLRP3 activation contributes to fibrosis and if so, at what stage(s) (e.g., acute damage phase versus progression). However, major weaknesses of the study include inconsistent and small effect sizes in key outcomes used to measure fibrosis, small animal cohorts that do not empower results, and lack of key experimental controls. For example, damage indicators for the vehicle-treated mice transplanted with splenocytes of various genetic background are markedly different, and there are no statistical tests of these effects because the data are presented as separate graphs. Moreover, the fundamental assumption that HEI3090 acts specifically through the P2XR7 pathway in this model is questionable, as P2XR7 knockout mice are not included in the initial key experiments. These issues must be addressed as stimulating an inflammasome response might lead to pathogenic inflammation, which could counterproductively exacerbate fibrosis in the clinic and harm people.

      Experimental concerns:

      1. Ashcroft method quantification throughout is outdated and prone to bias. The methods describing quantification are lacking, and only include a citation: there should be mention of researcher blinding, etc. In general, please re-quantify using an automated classifier, and consider staining for additional markers of lung damage that are appropriate in the field.

      2. For Figure 2, P2XR7 knockout mice, and an additional P2XR7 activator, should be included (e.g, A74003, AZ10606120, others), to support the hypothesis that HEI3090 acts through this pathway to alleviate fibrosis. Moreover, these data are especially important as the author's conclusions are directly opposed to a previous study demonstrating that the P2XR7 receptor is required for inflammation/fibrosis in this model system (PMID: 20522787). Two-way ANOVA or similar statistical tests on all groups should be examined to see whether genetic knockout of this DAMP receptor alone is protective or exacerbates fibrosis (e.g., comparing the vehicle-alone groups), and whether compounds exert a specific effect through this receptor.

      3. Fig. 3A: Please show the individual IFN/IL-17A plots in the supplement, as a ratiometric result might mask variance. Moreover, please conduct a statistical test for the outlier in the HEI3090 condition (to potentially remove it), as this sole data point might skew the entire mean, causing the observed statistical difference between means despite a very modest change. If the results are still significant, please comment on effect size.

      4. Fig. 3: How is IL-17A measured and what is the abbreviation GMFI?

      5. Fig. 3E: It's unclear how the left and right figures align-it looks like the gates are 45.8 % and 25 %, respectively, but the means on the right are between 2-3%. Also, is this effect size (2 versus 3 %) significant biologically?

      6. For Figure 4B-G, the Ashcroft scores for the vehicle mice treated with HEI3090 are at entirely different starting points following adoptive transfer of cells with different genetic background. In Fig. 1, WT mice have starting scores of around 3 following the induction of fibrosis, with a modest decrease of about 0.8 following HEI3090 treatment. Here, there is a much greater effect of the genetic background itself rather than the treatment, with the IL-18 knockout mice having a much lower baseline "vehicle" score (~1) compared to Fig. 1F (both of which are 14 day treatments). In fact, adoptive transfer of WT splenocytes start at a baseline of 1.8 here, which is much lower than Fig. 1F, and NLRP3-KO splenocytes score nearly the same as Fig. 1F following BLM treatment, with a modest reduction following treatment with HEI3090. Please analyze all of these groups together with appropriate multiple hypothesis testing to examine the effect of the genetic background, and please comment on why IL-18-knockout splenocytes might be protective at vehicle baseline while NLRP3-knockout splenocytes might exacerbate the phenotype at vehicle baseline.

      7. The variance on Supplemental Figure 5C is quite large. These data have a decrease in mean Ashcroft score between untreated and HEI3090 treatment of around 0.8, which is similar to the WT mice in Figure 1. This is very concerning, as the underlying assumption is that KO of the protein required for HEI3090's on-target effect would completely ablate response, and this would be required for the subsequent adoptive transfer experiments in Figure 4. Please conduct power analysis, comment, and provide additional evidence (other than Ashcroft score).

      8. Figure 4: Should quantify collagen fibers or have an additional quantitative metric for lung damage, as in Fig. 2C/J.

      9. Figure 4: Should group the quantification of C/E/G and perform a 2-way Anova to assess effects of genetic background versus treatment.

      10. Fig. 4H, Supplemental Fig. 6D: Is it reasonable to expect differences in IL-1beta and IL-18 in sera compared to in lung tissue itself?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Satake and colleagues endeavored to explore the rates and patterns of somatic mutations in wild plants, with a focus on their relationship to longevity. The researchers examined slow- and fast-growing tropical tree species, demonstrating that slow-growing species exhibited five times more mutations than their fast-growing counterparts. The number of somatic mutations was found to increase linearly with branch length. Interestingly, the somatic mutation rate per meter was higher in slow-growing species, but the rate per year remained consistent across both species. A closer inspection revealed a prevalence of clock-like spontaneous mutations, specifically cytosine-to-thymine substitutions at CpG sites. The author suggested that somatic mutations were identified as neutral within an individual, but subject to purifying selection when transmitted to subsequent generations. The authors developed a model to assess the influence of cell division on mutational processes, suggesting that cell-division independent mutagenesis is the primary mechanism.

      The authors have gathered valuable data on somatic mutations, particularly regarding differences in growth rates among trees. Their meticulous computational analysis led to fascinating conclusions, primarily that most somatic mutations accumulate in a cell-division independent manner. The discovery of a molecular clock in somatic mutations significantly advances our comprehension of mutational processes that may generate genetic diversity in tropical ecosystems. The interpretation of the data appears to be based on the assumption that somatic mutations can be effectively transmitted to the next generation unless negative selection intervenes. However, accumulating evidence suggests that plants may also possess "effective germlines," which could render the somatic mutations detected in this study non-transmittable to progeny. Incorporating additional analyses/discussion in the context of plant developmental biology, particularly recent studies on cell lineage, could further enhance this study.

      Specifically, several recent studies address the topics of effective germline in plants. For instance, Robert Lanfear published an article in PLoS Biology exploring the fundamental question, "Do plants have a segregated germline?" A study in PNAS posited that "germline replications and somatic mutation accumulation are independent of vegetative life span in Arabidopsis." A phylogenetic-based analysis titled "Rates of Molecular Evolution Are Linked to Life History in Flowering Plants" discovered that "rates of molecular evolution are consistently low in trees and shrubs, with relatively long generation times, as compared with related herbaceous plants, which generally have shorter generation times." Another compelling study, "The architecture of intra-organism mutation rate variation in plants," published in PLoS Biology, detected somatic mutations in peach trees and strawberries. Although some of these studies are cited in the current work, a deeper examination of the findings in relation to the existing literature would strengthen the interpretation of the data.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Hayes et al. explored the potential of combining chromosomal instability with macrophage phagocytosis to enhance tumor clearance of B16-F10 melanoma. However, the manuscript suffers from substandard experimental design, some contradictory conclusions, and a lack of viable therapeutic effects.

      The authors suggest that early-stage chromosomal instability (CIN) is a vulnerability for tumorigenesis, CD47-SIRPa interactions prevent effective phagocytosis, and opsonization combined with inhibition of the CD47-SIRPa axis can amplify tumor clearance. While these interactions are important, the experimental methodology used to address them is lacking.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study by Ding et al demonstrated that microbial metabolite I3A reduced western diet induced steatosis and inflammation mice. They showed that I3A mediates its anti-inflammatory activities through AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-dependent manner in macrophages. Translationally, they proposed that I3A could be a potential therapeutic molecule in preventing the progression of steatosis to NASH.

      Major strengths<br /> • Authors clearly demonstrated that the Western Diet (WD)-induced steatosis and I3A treatment reduced steatosis and inflammation in pre-clinical models. Data clearly supports these statements.<br /> • I3A treatment rescued WD-altered bile acids as well partially rescued the metabolome, proteome in the liver.<br /> • I3A treatment reduced the levels of enzymes in fatty acid transport, de novo lipogenesis and β-oxidation<br /> • I3A mediates its anti-inflammatory activities through AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-dependent manner in macrophages.

      Minor Weakness<br /> Although data strongly support the notion that I3A reduced WD-induced steatosis and I3A treatment reduced steatosis and inflammation, the following concerns need to be addressed.<br /> • Authors suggested that I3A anti-inflammatory activities do not require AhR by using AhR-inhibitor in RAW cell lines. In the literature, studies do show that RAW cells do respond to AhR ligands such as TCDD and FICZ.<br /> • AhR-dependency needs to be confirmed by bone marrow derived macrophages isolated from AhR+/+ and AhR-/- or siRNA/ShRNA knockdown experiments.<br /> • Utilization of known AhR ligands as controls will strengthen the interpretation of the conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is an interesting study by Pinos and colleagues that examines the effect of beta carotene on atherosclerosis regression. The authors have previously shown that beta carotene reduces atherosclerosis progress and hepatic lipid metabolism, and now they seek to extend these findings by feeding mice a diet with excess beta carotene in a model of atherosclerosis regression (LDLR antisense oligo plus Western diet followed by LDLR sense oligo and chow diet). They show some metrics of lesion regression are increased upon beta carotene feeding (collagen content) while others remain equal to normal chow diet (macrophage content and lesion size). These effects are lost when beta carotene oxidase (BCO) is deleted. The study adds to the existing literature that beta carotene protects from atherosclerosis in general, and adds new information regarding regulatory T-cells. However, the study does not present significant evidence about how beta-carotene is affecting T-cells in atherosclerosis. For the most part, the conclusions are supported by the data presented, and the work is completed in multiple models, supporting its robustness. However there are a few areas that require additional information or evidence to support their conclusions and/or to align with the previously published work.

      Specific additional areas of focus for the authors:<br /> The premise of the story is that b-carotene is converted into retinoic acid, which acts as a ligand of the RAR transcription factor in T-regs. The authors measure hepatic markers of retinoic acid signaling (retinyl esters, Cyp26a1 expression) but none of these are measured in the lesion, which calls into question the conclusion that Tregs in the lesion are responsible for the regression observed with b-carotene supplementation.

      There does not appear to be a strong effect of Tregs on the b-carotene induced pro-regression phenotype presented in Figure 5. The only major CD25+ cell dependent b-carotene effect is on collagen content, which matches with the findings in Figure 1 +2. This mechanistically might be very interesting and novel, yet the authors do not investigate this further or add any additional detail regarding this observation. This would greatly strengthen the study and the novelty of the findings overall as it relates to b-carotene and atherosclerosis.

      The title indicates that beta-carotene induces Treg 'expansion' in the lesion, but this is not measured in the study.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Kim et al. investigated the mechanism by which uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate (IS) induces trained immunity, resulting in augmented pro-inflammatory cytokine production such as TNF and IL-6. The authors claim that IS treatment induced epigenetic and metabolic reprogramming, and the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)-mediated arachidonic acid pathway is required for establishing trained immunity in human monocytes. They also demonstrated that uremic sera from end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients can generate trained immunity in healthy control-derived monocytes.

      These are interesting results that introduce the important new concept of trained immunity and its importance in showing endogenous inflammatory stimuli-induced innate immune memory. Additional evidence proposing that IS plays a critical role in the initiation of inflammatory immune responses in patients with CKD is also interesting and a potential advance of the field. This study is in large part well done, but some components of the study are still incomplete and additional efforts are required to nail down the main conclusions.

      Specific comments:<br /> 1) Of greatest concern, there are concerns about the rigor of these experiments, whether the interpretation and conclusions are fully supported by the data. 1) Although many experiments have been sporadically conducted in many fields such as epigenetic, metabolic regulation, and AhR signaling, the causal relationship between each mechanism is not clear. 2) Throughout the manuscript, no distinction was made between the group treated with IS for 6 days and the group treated with the second LPS (addressed below). 3) Besides experiments using non-specific inhibitors, genetic experiments including siRNA or KO mice should be examined to strengthen and justify central suggestions.<br /> 2) The authors showed that IS-trained monocytes showed no change in TNF or IL-6, but increased the expression levels of TNF and IL-6 in response to the second LPS (Fig. 1B). This suggests that the different LPS responsiveness in IS-trained monocytes caused altered gene expression of TNF and IL-6. However, the authors also showed that IS-trained monocytes without LPS stimulation showed increased levels of H3K4me3 at the TNF and IL-6 loci, as well as highly elevated ECAR and OCR, leading to no changes in TNF and IL-6. Therefore, it is unclear why or how the epigenetic and metabolic states of IS-trained monocytes induce different LPS responses. For example, increased H3K4me3 in HK2 and PFKP is important for metabolic rewiring, but why increased H3K4me3 in TNF and IL6 does not affect gene expression needs to be explained.<br /> 3) The authors used human monocytes cultured in human serum without growth factors such as MCSF for 5-6 days. When we consider the short lifespan of monocytes (1-3 days), the authors need to explain the validity of the experimental model.<br /> 4) The authors' ELISA results clearly showed increased levels of TNF and IL-6 proteins, but it is well established that LPS-induced gene expression of TNF and IL-6 in monocytes peaked within 1-4 hours and returned to baseline by 24 hours. Therefore, authors need to investigate gene expression at appropriate time points.<br /> 5) It is a highly interesting finding that IS induces trained immunity via the AhR pathway. The authors also showed that the pretreatment of FICZ, an AhR agonist, was good enough to induce trained immunity in terms of the expression of TNF and IL-6. However, from this point of view, the authors need to discuss why trained immunity was not affected by kynurenic acid (KA), which is a well-known AhR ligand accumulated in CKD and has been reported to be involved in innate immune memory mechanisms (Fig. S1A).<br /> 6) The authors need to clarify the role of IL-10 in IS-trained monocytes. IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine that can be modulated by AhR, whose expression (Fig. 1E, Fig. 4D) may explain the inflammatory cytokine expression of IS-trained monocytes.<br /> 7) The authors need to show H3K4me3 levels in TNF and IL6 genes in all conditions in one figure. (Fig. 2B). Comparing Fig. 2B and Fig. S2B, H3K4me3 does not appear to be increased at all by LPS in the IL6 region.<br /> 8) The authors need to address the changes of H3K4me3 in the presence of MTA.<br /> 9) Interpretation of ChIP-seq results is not entirely convincing due to doubts about the quality of sequencing results. First, authors need to provide information on the quality of ChIP-seq data in reliable criteria such as Encode Pipeline. It should also provide representative tracks of H3K4me3 in the TNF and IL-6 genes (Fig. 2F). And in Fig. 2F, the author showed the H3K4me3 track of replicates, but the results between replicates were very different, so there are concerns about reproducibility. Finally, the authors need to show the correlation between ChIP-seq (Fig. 2) and RNA-seq (Fig. 5).<br /> 10) AhR changes in the cell nucleus should be provided (Fig. 4A).<br /> 11) Do other protein-bound uremic toxins (PBUTs), such as PCS, HA, IAA, and KA, change the mRNA expression of ALOX5, ALOX5AP, and LTB4R1? In the absence of genetic studies, it is difficult to be certain of the ALOX5-related mechanism claimed by the authors.<br /> 12) Fig.6 is based on the correlated expression of inflammatory genes or AA pathway genes. It does not clarify any mechanisms the authors claimed in the previous figures.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Park et. al. examines the interaction of macrophages with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and subsequent inflammatory reactions. The authors demonstrate that following intranasal delivery of spike it rapidly accumulates in alveolar macrophages. Inflammation associated with internalized spike recruits neutrophils to the lung, where they undergo a cell death process consistent with NETosis. The authors demonstrate that modifications spike to contain high mannose reduces uptake of spike protein and limits the inflammation induced. This finding could have implications on vaccine development, as vaccines containing modified spike could be safer and better tolerated.

      The authors use a number of different techniques, including in vivo modeling, imaging, human and murine systems to interrogate their hypotheses. These systems provide robust supporting information for their conclusions. There are two key aspects from the current manuscript which would add key evidence. The authors suggest that neutrophils exposed to spike protein undergo a process of NETosis. To confirm this hypothesis inhibitors of NETosis should be used to demonstrate that the cell death is prevented. Additionally, vaccination of a murine model with the modified spike protein would add additional support to the conclusion that modified spike protein would be less inflammatory while maintaining its utility as a vaccine antigen.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the present work the authors explore the molecular driving events involved in the establishment of constitutive heterochromatin during embryo development. The experiments have been carried out in a very accurate manner and clearly fulfill the proposed hypotheses.

      Regarding the methodology, the use of: i) an efficient system for conversion of ESCs to 2C-like cells by Dux overexpression; ii) a global approach through IPOTD that reveals the chromatome at each stage of development and iii) the STORM technology that allows visualization of DNA decompaction at high resolution, helps to provide clear and comprehensive answers to the conclusion raised.

      The contribution of the present work to the field is very important as it provides valuable information on chromatin-bound proteins at key stages of embryonic development that may help to understand other relevant processes beyond heterochromatin maintenance.

      The study could be improved through a more mechanistic approach that focuses on how SMARCAD1 and TOPBP1 cooperate and how they functionally connect with H3K9me3, HP1b and heterochromatin regulation during embryonic development. For example, addressing why topoisomerase activity is required or whether it connects (or not) to SWI/SNF function and the latter to heterochromatin establishment, are questions that would help to understand more deeply how SMARCAD1 and TOPBP1 operate in embryonic development.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The paper from Hsu and co-workers describes a new automated method for analyzing the cell wall peptidoglycan composition of bacteria using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC/MS) combined with newly developed analysis software. The work has great potential for determining the composition of bacterial cell walls from diverse bacteria in high-throughput, allowing new connections between cell wall structure and other important biological functions like cell morphology or host-microbe interactions to be discovered. In general, I find the paper to be well written and the methodology described to be useful for the field. However, there are areas where the details of the workflow could be clarified. I also think the claims connecting cell wall structure and stiffness of the cell surface are relatively weak. The text for this topic would benefit from a more thorough discussion of the weak points of the argument and a toning down of the conclusions drawn to make them more realistic.

      Specific points:

      1) It was unclear to me from reading the paper whether or not prior knowledge of the peptidoglycan structure of an organism is required to build the "DBuilder" database for muropeptides. Based on the text as written, I was left wondering whether bacterial samples of unknown cell wall composition could be analyzed with the methods described, or whether some preliminary characterization of the composition is needed before the high-throughput analysis can be performed. The paper would be significantly improved if this point were explicitly addressed in the main text.

      2) The potential connection between the structure of different cell walls from bifidobacteria and cell stiffness is pretty weak. The cells analyzed are from different strains such that there are many possible reasons for the change in physical measurements made by AFM. I think this point needs to be explicitly addressed in the main text. Given the many possible explanations for the observed measurement differences (lines 445-448, for example), the authors could remove this portion of the paper entirely. Conclusions relating cell wall composition to stiffness would be best drawn from a single strain of bacteria genetically modified to have an altered content of 3-3 crosslinks.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, "Diminishing neuronal acidification by channelrhodopsins with low proton conduction" by Hayward and colleagues, the authors report on the properties of novel optogenetic tools, PsCatCh2.0 and ChR2-3M, that minimize photo-induced acidification. The authors point out that acidification is an undesirable side-effect of many optogenetic approaches that could be minimized using the new tools. ChRs are known to acidify cells, while Arch are known to alkalize cells. This becomes particularly important when optical stimulation is prolonged and pH changes can become significant. pH is known to affect neuronal excitability, vesicular release, and more. To develop novel optogenetic tools with minimal proton conductances, the authors combined channelrhodopsin stimulation with a red-shifted pH sensor to measure pH during optogenetic stimulation. The authors report that optogenetic activation of CheRiff caused slow cellular acidification. 150 seconds of illumination caused a 3-fold increase in protons or approximately a 0.6 unit pH change that returned to baseline very slowly. They also found that pH changes occurred more rapidly, and recovered more rapidly, in dendrites. The authors go on to robustly characterize PsCatCh2.0 and ChR2-3M in terms of their proton conductances, photocurrent, kinetics, and more. They convincingly show that these constructs induced reduced acidification while maintaining robust photocurrents. In sum, this manuscript shows important findings that convincingly characterizes 2 optogenetic tools that have reduced pH artifacts that may be of broad interest to the field of neuroscience research and optogenetic therapies.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The blood-brain barrier separates neural tissue from blood-borne factors and is important for maintaining central nervous system health and function. Endothelial cells are the site of the barrier. These cells exhibit unique features relative to peripheral endothelium and a unique pattern of gene expression. There remains much to be learned about how the transcriptome of brain endothelial cells is established in development and maintained throughout life.

      The manuscript by Sadanandan, Thomas et al. investigates this question by examining transcriptional and epigenetic changes in brain endothelial cells in embryonic and adult mice. Changes in transcript levels and histone marks for various BBB-relevant transcripts, including Cldn5, Mfsd2a and Zic3 were observed between E13.5 and adult mice. To perform these experiments, endothelial cells were isolated from E13.5 and adult mice, then cultured in vitro, then sequenced. This approach is problematic. It is well-established that brain endothelial cells rapidly lose their organotypic features in culture (https://elifesciences.org/articles/51276). Indeed, one of the primary genes investigated in this study, Cldn1, exhibits very low expression at the transcript level in vivo but is strongly upregulated in cultured ECs.

      (https://elifesciences.org/articles/36187 ; https://markfsabbagh.shinyapps.io/vectrdb/)

      This undermines the conclusions of the study.

      An additional concern is that for many experiments, siRNA knockdowns are performed without validation of the efficacy of the knockdown.

      Some experiments in the paper are promising, however. For example, the knockout of HDAC2 in endothelial cells resulting in BBB leakage was striking. Investigating the mechanisms underlying this phenotype in vivo could yield important insights.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The paper describes a robotic system that can be used for prolonged recording of forced activity in crawling Drosophila larvae. This is mostly intended to be a proof of principle description of a tool potentially useful for the community. The system - whose value lies completely in its reproducibility and adoption - is only superficially described in the paper, but a more detailed description is made available through Github, along with the software used for the collection and analysis of data.

      There is good, convincing evidence this can work as some sort of "larval conveyor belt", used to artificially prolong food crawling behaviour in the animals. More could be said about the ecological implications of the assay (for instance: how relevant is it to an animal's natural behaviour? Does the system introduce artifactual distortions in the analysis, driven by the fact that animals crawl greater distances than they would normally crawl in nature? Will this extensive activity affect their development to pupation or adulthood?).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript provides a structural analysis of bushy cells in the mouse cochlear nucleus. The analysis uses volume electron microscopy techniques to describe bushy cell-auditory nerve synapses and bushy cell dendrites. The analysis takes a morphological analysis of bushy cells to a new level, and the computational modeling is well done. The models are used to predict busy cell behavior, which leads to a major concern. The authors make reasonable assertions, but all of these need to be validated by electrophysiological studies before they can be treated as fact. Instead, they should be treated as predictions. For example, in the conclusions from the model section, that endbulb size does not strictly predict synaptic efficacy should be modified from an assertion to a prediction.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Ichinose et al., utilize a mixture of cultured hippocampal neurons and non-neuronal cells to identify the role of the transmembrane protein teneurin-2 (TEN-2) in the formation of inhibitory synapses along the dendritic shaft. First, they identify distinct clusters of gephyrin that are either actin-rich, microtubule-rich or contain neither actin nor microtubules and find that TEN-2 is enriched in microtubule-rich gephyrin clusters. This leads the authors to hypothesize that TEN-2 recruits microtubules (MTs) through the plus end binding protein EB1 when successfully matched with a pre-synaptic partner, and perform a variety of experiments to test this hypothesis. The authors then extend this finding to state quite strongly throughout the paper, including in the title, that TEN-2 acts as a signpost for the unloading of cargo from motor proteins without providing any supporting evidence. They use previous work to justify this conclusion, but without actual experiments to back up the claim, it seems like a reach.

      The strength of the paper lies in the various lines of evidence that the authors employ to assess the role of TEN-2 in MT recruitment and synaptogenesis. They have also been very thorough in validating the expression and functionality of various knock-in constructs, knock-down vectors and antibodies that were generated during the study. However, there are some discrepancies in the findings that have not been addressed satisfactorily, as well as some instances where the data presented is not of sufficient quality to support the conclusions derived from them.<br /> 1. The emphasis placed on the clustering analysis presented in figure 1 and the two associated supplementary figures is puzzling, since the conclusion derived from the results presented would be that Neuroligin 2 (NLGN2) is the strongest candidate to test for a relationship to MT recruitment at inhibitory post synapses. Instead, the authors cite prior evidence to exclude NLGN2 from subsequent analysis and choose to focus on TEN2 instead.<br /> 2. It is difficult to reach the same conclusion as the authors from the images and intensity plot shown on Figure 2 E and F. While there seems to be an obvious reduction in expression levels between the TEN2N-L and TEN2TM constructs, neither seem to co-localize with EB1.<br /> 3. The authors mimic the activity of TEN-2 at the inhibitory post synapse in non-neuronal cells by immobilizing HA- tagged TEN constructs in COS-7 cells as a proxy for synaptic partner matching. Using this model, they find that by immobilizing TEN2N-L, which contains EB1 binding motifs, MTs are excluded from the cell periphery (Figure 3D). This contradicts their conclusion that MTs are recruited through EB1 by TEN-2 on synaptic partner matching. Later in the paper, when they use the same TEN2N-L construct as a dominant negative in neuronal cells, they find that MTs are recruited the membrane, even if TEN2N-L is not immobilized by synaptic partner matching (Figure 6C). Taken together, these findings call into question the sequence of events driven by TEN-2 during synaptogenesis.<br /> 4. It is unclear how the authors could conclude that TEN-2 is at the semi-periphery (?) of inhibitory post synapses from the STORM data that is presented in the paper. Figure 4D and 4F show comparisons of Bassoon and TEN-2 localization vs TEN-2 and gephyrin, but the image quality is not sufficient to adequately portray a strong distinction in the distance of center of mass, which is also only depicted for the TEN2-Gephyrin pair and not the TEN2-Bassoon pair in Figure 4J.<br /> 5. The authors do not satisfactorily explain why gephyrin appears to have completely disappeared in the TEN2N-L condition (Figure 6A), instead of appearing uniformly distributed as one would expect if MTs are indiscriminately recruited to the membrane by the dominant negative construct that remains unanchored.<br /> 6. In a similar critique to that of Figure 2E and F, the distinction that the authors wish to portray between the effect of TEN2TM and TEN2N-L constructs on EGFP-TEN-2 and MAP2 colocalization (Figure 6 E and F) appear to be driven by a difference in overall expression levels of EGFP-TEN2 rather that a true difference in localization of TEN-2 and MTs.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Wu et al. sought to investigate the biological role of GPR110 in modulating hepatic lipid metabolism. The authors demonstrate a pathological role of GPR110 in promoting hepatic steatosis and generalized metabolic syndrome in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity. Furthermore, the authors identify enhanced SCD1 expression as an underlying mechanism promoting GPR110-induced metabolic dysfunction. Finally, the authors provide clinically relevant human data demonstrating a positive correlation between GPR110 expression and degree of hepatic steatosis. The strengths of this study include the rigorous design and execution of experiments, the utilization of gain and loss of function as well as pharmacological and genetic approaches, and the clinically relevant human data presented. The claims are supported by robust data. These findings have the potential to impact the field of metabolism in general, given their findings indicate targeting GPR110 can reverse diet induced obesity and metabolic syndrome. Only minor weaknesses were noted in regard to further interpretation of the data.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The first defined that FAM76B inhibited the NF-κB-mediated inflammation by modulating translocation of hnRNPA2B1 to cytosol, where hnRNPA2B1 bound to IKK and released active NFkB that translocated into nuclear and initiated inflammation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors have investigated the effect of aerobic exercise on the decline in cerebral blood flow and cognitive function in old mice. Using appropriately two-photon microscopy and optical coherence tomography they found that aerobic exercise restored capillary blood flow and oxygenation in the white matter more than in the grey matter in old female mice. Interestingly, this aerobic exercise also ameliorated cognitive performance in these mice. The data obtained strongly supports the hypothesis and supports the conclusion of the study. Nevertheless, it would be important to compare the effects of aerobic exercise in old mice to its effects in young animals. It will be also interesting to know if the protective effect of exercise is similar in male mice.

      This work brings new insights into the comprehension of the age-associated changes in cerebral microcirculation and in the protective effects of aerobic exercise.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Huang, Li, et al. describes the identification of variants in the gene coding for p31 comet, a protein required for silencing the spindle assembly checkpoint or SAC, in women with recurrent pregnancy loss upon IVF. In three families mutations affecting splicing or expression of full-length protein were identified. The authors show that oocytes of the patients arrest in meiosis I, are most likely to fail to inactivate the SAC without a fully functional p31 comet. Indeed, the metaphase I arrest occurring in mouse oocytes upon overexpression of Mad2 can be rescued by overexpression of wild-type p31 comet, but not a truncated version. Injection of wt p31 comet into 6 human oocytes from one patient rescued the meiosis I arrest.

      Main points:

      The fact that inactivation of the SAC is required for anaphase I onset in human oocytes is not novel. Biallelic mutations of TRIP13 were shown to lead to the same phenotype (Zhang et al. Am J. Hum Gen., 2020).

      No new mechanistic insights are obtained.

      The authors propose a role for female fertility, however, also a male patient with a p31 comet variant is sterile.

      The fact that the C-terminus of p31 comet is required for interaction with Mad2 and hence, turning off the SAC, is already known.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work reports an important demonstration of how to predict the mutational pathways to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) emergence, particularly in the enzyme DHFR (dihydrofolate reductase). Epistasis, or non-additive effects of mutations due to their background dependence, is a major confounding factor in the predictability of protein evolution, including proteins that confer antimicrobial resistance. In the first approach, they used the Rosetta to predict the mutant DHFR-drug binding affinity and the resulting selection coefficient, which then became inputs to a population genetics model. In the second approach, they use the observed clinical/environmental frequency of the variants to estimate the selection coefficient. Overall, this work is a compelling demonstration that a mechanistic model of the fitness landscape could recapitulate AMR evolution; however, considering that the number of mutations and pathways is small, a more compelling description of the robustness of the results and/or limitations of the model is needed.

      Major strengths:<br /> 1. This is a compelling multi-disciplinary work that combines a mechanistic fitness landscape of DHFR (previously articulated in literature and cited by the authors), Rosetta to determine the biophysical effects of mutations, and a population genetics model.<br /> 2. The study takes advantage of extensive data on the clinical/environmental prevalence of DHFR mutations.<br /> 3. Provides a careful review of the surrounding literature.

      Major weakness:<br /> 1. Considering that the number of mutations and pathways being recapitulated is rather small, I would suggest a more detailed description of the robustness of the results. For example:<br /> a. Please report the P-value for the correlation of the predicted DDG_{binding, theory} and DDG_{binding, experimental}. If interested in showing the correct assignment of mutational effects, perhaps use a contingency matrix to derive a P-value.<br /> b. Although the DDG_binding calculation in Rosetta seems to converge (Appendix figures 3 and 4), I do not think the DDG values before equilibration should be included in the final DDG estimate. In practice, there is a "burn in" number of runs where the force field optimizes the calculation to account for potential clashes in the structure, etc. This is particularly important since the starting structures are modeled from homology. Consequently, the distributions of DDG that include the equilibration runs are multimodal (Appendix figure 2), which means that calculating an average may be inappropriate.<br /> 2. The geographical areas over which the mutational pathways are independently estimated are not isolated, allowing for the potential that an AMR variant in one region arose due to "migration" from another area. For example, the S58R-S117N is the most frequent double mutant of PvDHFR in geographically proximate Southern/Southeastern Asia (Fig. 4). To a certain extent, similar mutational patterns occur for PfDHFR in Southern/Southeastern Asia (Fig. 3). Although accounting for mutant migration in the model may be beyond the scope of the study, a clear argument for the validity of the "isolated island" assumption is needed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work develops new and improved methods for tracking and quantifying yeast cells in time-lapse microscopy. Overall, the manuscript presents exceedingly clever solutions to many practical data analysis problems that arise in microfluidics, some of which may be useful in other image analysis settings.

      I find the manuscript is at times very dense and technical and is missing context for a general audience. Hard to know what are the most important contributions, and the authors assume the reader is familiar with many details of their previous work/field. Claims are made with little explanation, context or scientific logic.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are emerging as important mediators of cell-to-cell signaling. In this paper the authors aim to demonstrate that Stranded at second (Sas), a Drosophila cell surface protein, binds to dArc1 and Ptp10D to mediate intercellular transport of dArc1 via EVs. dArc1 protein has been shown to form virus-like capsids that carry dArc1 mRNA from neurons to muscle, but little is known about this new intercellular communication pathway. Similarly, not much is known generally about how EVs are targeted to specific cell types, or how specific EV cargo can be delivered. Thus, this work is of interest to cell biologists and neuroscientists. However, the jumbled description of the results and general lack of rigor of experiments diminish the impact and interpretability of the conclusions. Moreover, almost all experiments rely on gain-of-function and over-expression of Sas, thus the relevance to normal physiological signaling is unclear.

      Major strengths:<br /> 1. The data showing that Sas is released into EVs and delivered to cells is strong.<br /> 2. The EM data showing Sas localization to EVs is clear.

      Major weaknesses:<br /> The description of the results omits some data in the figures and is not in a logical order. This made it hard to read and follow. There is also a lack of rigor and quantification in some experiments. Specifically:

      1. Figure 2: Description of dArc1 putative capsids is absent from the results section (2f,g) until describing fig 4 data (line 362). Given that there is no immuno-EM labeling of dArc1 protein, it is not clear if Sas and dArc1 are localized to the same EVs. Nor is it clear if the double membrane EVs are actually EVs that contain capsids. Overall, the EM data lacks quantification. How many EVs on average show Sas labeling? How many EVs have double membranes? The dense protein staining surrounding EVs seems unusual, is this due to artifact of the purification? EV kits are generally non-specific and isolate non-EV membranes, corroboration using ultracentrifugation or size exclusion chromatography methods would be beneficial. SAS-FL overexpression results in more EVs, which confounds subsequent experiments suggesting that Sas targets EVs to specific cell types/regions.

      2. Figure 3: There are no data showing the expression of Sas in SG cells using the GAL4 lines. Is this expression restricted to just SG cells? The results jump from a-b to f-g. c-e are out of order. The quantification in g should be broken into two and paired with the actual data (c-e, and f). It is not clear how the quantification in g was performed. How many WBs were analyzed? There seems to be a bubble in the first lane of f, which would preclude quantification. Why is d not quantified and there seems to be an overall increase in background staining in e that is not specific to discs. The source data files are not labelled and these data should be incorporated into annotated supplemental figures. Is transfer in a-b due to Ptp10D? How many WBs were quantified in g?

      3. Figure 4: C and d, IP data has no inputs for IPs, no sizing markers, and no IgG controls for antibody specificity. These data would also be more convincing if done with FL Sas and included co-Ips from cell lysates.

      4. In general, the WBs in the figures show very white backgrounds with high contrast, which suggests the images may have been manipulated. Total protein controls are also missing.

      5. Figure 5: Ashley et al (Cell 2018) showed that dArc1 mRNA transfer required the 3'UTR so it is puzzling that the authors used heterologous UTRs. The results using FISH on endogenous dArc1 mRNA are dramatic. The authors should show definitively that their probe does not pick up over-expressed dArc1.

      6. Many of the conclusions would be strengthened by the loss of function experiments, especially showing a requirement for Sas in dArc1 transfer.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors of this manuscript address the question of whether vagal and sacral neural crest make distinct contributions to the enteric nervous system (ENS). The ENS regulates intestinal motility and many intestinal homeostatic functions; mutations in genes involved in ENS development lead to defects that can range from mild to catastrophic. The best studied of the ENS neuropathies is Hirschsprung disease, which is thought to result from failure of vagal neural crest cells to migrate properly into the distal intestine to differentiate into ENS neurons and glia. However, sacral neural crest cells are known to contribute to the distal ENS and have to migrate a considerably shorter distance. Thus, understanding whether there are distinct vagal and sacral contributions to the ENS provides insights into basic ENS biology as well as the basis of human disease. Previous transplantation and ablation studies have already revealed that vagal and sacral neural crest have differing ENS developmental potentials, although this has not been directly correlated with discrete cell types. Here the authors combine single cell RNA sequencing and a viral lineage tracing technique that is new to avians to gain insight into the different ENS cell types generated by vagal and sacral neural crest along the length of the intestine. They find that vagal and sacral neural crest exhibit distinct transcriptional profiles and contribute both similar and different progeny to the ENS. For example, both vagal and sacral crest contribute to progenitor cells, connective tissue and neurons, but most secretomotor neurons are vagal crest-derived whereas most adrenergic neurons and melanocytes in the distal intestine are sacral-crest derived. The authors also suggest a role of the local environment in determining the fate of vagal and sacral derivatives. The data presented in this manuscript provide a multitude of hypotheses about similarities and differences between vagal and sacral derived ENS cells. However, a shortcoming of the manuscript is that all of these hypotheses remain untested.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this project, the authors used a single-cell RNA sequencing technique, created a cell atlas of normal and diseased human anterior cruciate ligaments of 49,356 cells from 8 patients, explored the variations of the cell subtypes' spatial distributions, and found their associations with ligamental degeneration. Using the single-cell RNA sequencing data, the authors identified fibroblast subsets unique to normal and diseased tissues, revealed two processes of acute and chronic disease outcome in ligamental degeneration and found immune cell and stromal cell subclusters changed the extracellular matrix in ligament and contributed to the disease. Combined with spatial transcriptome sequencing, they found the spatial distribution of immune and stromal cells associated with the disease and demonstrated cell-cell communications among endothelial cells, macrophages, and fibroblasts.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      It has been previously shown that defective autophagy and disorganized microtubule network contribute to the pathogenesis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). The authors previously reported that nitrite oxide synthase 2 (NOX2) regulates these alterations. It was also shown that acetylated tubulin facilitates autophagosome-lysosome fusion and thus autophagy. In the present study, the authors showed that autophagy is differentially regulated by redox and acetylation modifications in dystrophic mdx mice. The ablation of Nox2 in mdx mice activated the autophagosome maturation but not its fusion with the lysosome. On the other hand, the inhibition of histone acetylase 6 (HDAC6) restored microtubule acetylation, promoted autophagosome-lysosome fusion, and improved muscle function in mdx mice. The strength of this paper is the combination of different approaches to decipher the mechanism, including the evaluation of the level and interaction of several proteins involved in the maturation of autophagosomes and in the fusion between autophagosomes and lysosomes.

      This study reveals an important molecular mechanism by which increasing microtubule acetylation improves autophagy and muscle function in dystrophic mice. This has a translational impact on several diseases in which autophagy is impaired. The improvement of autophagosome-lysosome fusion with HDAC6 inhibitor is supported by several data, but some parts merit further analysis:

      1) To add appropriate controls (e.g. without antibodies) to support protein-protein interaction for all co-immunoprecipitation assays.<br /> 2) The simple evaluation of the protein levels of p62 and LC3-II is not sufficient to claim autophagy improvement after HDAC6 inhibition. It would be good to evaluate the autophagic flux in vivo in all groups of mice (to treat the mice with or without autophagy inhibitor and evaluate whether the difference in the level of LC3-II between the two conditions is higher with HDAC6 inhibitor than without in the mdx mice).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The purpose of this study was to investigate within the diverse Multiethnic Cohort (MEC) study on how COVID-19 impacted access to cancer screenings and treatment through a cross-sectional survey in this study population.

      Major strengths were leveraging existing participants in a cohort study that contained a diverse population. The MEC cohort participants have been studied since the 90's. The investigators used a well-designed survey and performed analysis on responses focused on cancer screening attendance. Weaknesses of this study are low response rates that make the results not generalizable to other populations, especially younger populations, and possible bias of specific types of individuals responding.

      This study found associations with racial/ethnic, age, comorbidities, and education to be key factors associated with cancer-related screening and healthcare seeking during the COVID-19 pandemic.

      Whether the associations observed by the investigators would remain over time is unknown, as health care seeking changed as the pandemic evolved and prevention tools (including mass testing and vaccination) became available. It is important to note that this is a snapshot in time, so while it is informative, it will be important to monitor whether certain groups/populations that may be at high risk for cancer may need to be targeted for early diagnosis and screening.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study provided evidence to interpret and understand the aging and developmental processes in children. The main strength of the study is it measures a set of biological age measures and a set of developmental measures, thus providing multi-faceted evidence to explain the associations between aging and development in children. The main weakness of this study is that how to measure and test the aging hypothesis of "a buildup of biological capital model" and "wear and tear" is not well-explained. Why the observed associations between biological age measures and developmental measures could support the aforementioned aging theories?

      1. Abstract - conclusion: The aging hypothesis of "a buildup of biological capital model" and "wear and tear" were mentioned in the conclusion without an explanation of these theories in the previous section. Readers who are not experts in the field may not understand the logic.<br /> 2. Result - Biological age marker performance: the correlation between transcriptome age and chronological age is very strong (r =0.94). I am afraid that very little age-independent information could be captured by the transcriptome age. Is it possible to down-regulate the age dependency of the transcriptome age in the training process?<br /> 3. The study population comes from several cohorts, which might influence the results. How the cohort effects were controlled for in the analyses?<br /> 4. Figure 3 only showed the number of p values. Can the author also provide the number of point estimates and 95% confidence intervals, perhaps in the supplemental table?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript, titled "Comparative single-cell profiling reveals distinct cardiac resident macrophages essential for zebrafish heart regeneration," Wei et al. perform bulk and single-cell RNA-sequencing on uninjured and injured zebrafish hearts with or without prior macrophage depletion by clodronate. For the single-cell RNA sequencing, the authors sort macrophages and neutrophils prior to sequencing by using fluorescent reporters for each of the two lineages. The authors characterize the differential gene expression between injured and uninjured hearts with and without prior macrophage depletion. The single-cell analyses allow the characterization of nine discrete subpopulations of macrophages and two distinct neutrophil types. The manuscript is largely descriptive with lots of discussion of specific differentially expressed genes. The authors conclude that tissue-resident macrophages are important for heart regeneration through the remodeling of the microenvironment and by promoting revascularization. Circulating monocyte-derived macrophages cannot adequately replace the resident macrophages even after recovery from clodronate depletion.

      The manuscript presents a very large catalog of useful gene expression data and further characterizes the diversity of macrophages and neutrophils in the heart following injury. Although the conclusions that resident macrophages are important for regeneration and that circulating macrophages cannot adequately substitute for them are not particularly novel, this manuscript provides additional support for those ideas and extends that work by providing a wealth of gene expression data from the different macrophage sub-populations in the zebrafish and how they respond to and promote regeneration. The authors also present a nice analysis supporting the interactions of macrophages with neutrophils via comparing receptors and ligands (from gene expression data) on the two populations - this should be a useful resource.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the current work, the authors aimed to investigate the genetic and non-genetic factors that impact structural asymmetry.

      A major strength is the number of data samples included in the study to assess brain structural asymmetry. A consequence of the inclusion of many samples is then also the sample size. Given that the authors also work with longitudinal data, it would be nice to be able to appreciate the individual effects across time points, this is now a little unclear. A possible less well-developed approach is the genetic basis, as this was stated as the main question, here the investigations are not that deep and may only touch upon the question. Moreover, the association with cognition, handedness, sex, and ICV is somewhat interesting yet seems also a bit minimal to fully grasp its implications.

      To some extent, the aim of the study could still be written with more clarity. However, the authors have in part achieved their aims - assuming it is found a consensus on the brain asymmetry patterns in humans as is stated in the abstract. Overall the results support the conclusions, yet the strong interpretation of early life factors in particular is not empirically investigated as far as I gather.

      Overall this is a nice and thorough work on asymmetry that may inform further work on brain asymmetry, its genetic basis, development, environmentally induced change, and link to behavioural variation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript puts forward the concept that there is a specific time window during which YAP/TAZ driven transcription provides feedback for optimal endothelial cell adhesion, cytoskeletal organization and migration. The study follows up on previous elegant findings from this group and others which established the importance of YAP/TAZ-mediated transcription for persistent endothelial cell migration. The data presented here extends the concept at two levels: first, the data may explain why there are differences between experimental setups where YAP/TAZ activity are inhibited for prolonged times (e.g. cultures of YAP knockdown cells), versus experiments in which the transient inhibition of YAP/TAZ and (global) transcription affects endothelial cell dynamics prior to their equilibrium.

      All experiments are convincing, clearly visualized and quantified. I have some questions that the authors may address to strengthen this exciting new concept:

      • Point for more elaborate discussion: Apparently the timescale of negative feedback signals is conserved between endothelial cell migration in vitro (with human cells) and endothelial migration during the formation of ISVs in zebrafish. What do you think might be an explanation for such conserved timescales? Are there certain processes within cytoskeletal tension build up that require this quantity of time to establish? Or does it relate to the time that is needed to begin to express the YAP/TAZ target genes that mediate feedback?<br /> • Do you expect different timescales for slower endothelial migratory processes (e.g. for instance during fin vascular regeneration which takes days) ?<br /> • Is the ~4hrs and 8hrs feedback time window a general property or does it differ between specific endothelial cell types? In the veins the endothelial cells generate less stress fibers and adhesions compared to in the arteries. Does this mean that there might be a difference in the feedback time window, or does that mean that certain endothelial cell types may not have such YAP/TAZ-controlled feedback system?<br /> • The experiments are based on perturbations to prove that transcriptional feedback is needed for endothelial migration. What would happen if the feedback systems is always switched on? An experiment to add might be to analyse the responsiveness of endothelial cells expressing constitutively active YAP/TAZ.<br /> • To investigate the role of YAP-mediated transcription in an accurate time-dependent manner the authors may consider using the recently developed optogenetic YAP translocation tool: https://doi.org/10.15252/embr.202154401

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors set out to develop an organoid model of the junction between early telencephalic and ocular tissues to model RGC development and pathfinding in a human model. The authors have succeeded in developing a robust model of optic stalk(OS) and optic disc(OD) tissue with innervating retinal ganglion cells. The OS and OD have a robust pattern with distinct developmental and functional borders that allow for a distinct pathway for pathfinding RGC neurites.

      This study falls short on a thorough analysis of their single cell transcriptomics (scRNAseq). From the scRNAseq it is unclear the quality and quantity of the targeted cell types that exist in the model. A comparative analysis of the scRNAseq profiles of their cell-types with existing organoid protocols, to determine a technical improvement, or with fetal tissue, to determine fidelity to target cells, would greatly improve the description of this model and determine its utility. This is especially necessary for the RGCs developed in this protocol as they recommend this as an improved model to study RGCs.

      Future work targeting RGC neurite outgrowth mechanisms will be exciting.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this article, the authors found a distinct fibroblast subpopulation named AG fibroblasts, which are capable of regulating myeloid cells, T cells and ILCs, and proposed that AG fibroblasts function as a previously unrecognized surveillant to orchestrate chronic gingival inflammation in periodontitis. Generally speaking, this article is innovative and interesting, however, there are some problems that need to be addressed to improve the quality of the manuscript.


      1) It is recommended to add HE staining and immunohistochemistry staining to observe the inflammation, tissue damage, and repair status from 0 to 7 days, so that readers can understand cell phenotype changes corresponding to the periodontitis stage. The observation index can include inflammation and vascular related indicators.

      2) Figure 1A-1D can be placed in the supplementary figure.

      3) I suggest the authors to put the detection of the existence of AG fibroblasts before exploring its relationship with other types of cells.

      4) The layout of the picture should be closely related to the topic of the article. It is recommended to readjust the layout of the picture. Figure 1 should be the detection of AG cells and their proportion changes from 0 to 7 days. In other figures, the authors can separately describe the proportion changes of myeloid cells, T cells and ILCs, and explored the association between AG fibroblasts and these cell types.


      It is recommended to separately list the statistical methods section. The statistical method used in the article should be one-way ANOVA.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Overall, I find the work performed by the authors very interesting. However, the authors have not always included literature that seems relevant to their study. For instance, I do not understand why two papers Dunican et al 2013 and Dunican et al 2015, which provide important insight into Lsh/HELLS function in mouse, frog and fish were not cited. It is also important that the authors are specific about what is known and in particular about what is not known about CDCA7 function in DNA methylation regulation. Unless I am mistaken, there is currently only one study (Velasco et al 2018) investigating the effect of CDCA7 disruption on DNA methylation levels (in ICF3 patient lymphoblastoid cell lines) on a genome-wide scale (Illumina 450K arrays). Unoki et al 2019 report that CDCA7 and HELLS gene knockout in human HEK293T cells moderately and extremely reduces DNA methylation levels at pericentromeric satellite-2 and centromeric alpha-satellite repeats, respectively. No other loci were investigated, and it is therefore not known whether a CDCA7-associated maintenance methylation phenotype extends beyond (peri)centromeric satellites. Thijssen et al performed siRNA-mediated knockdown experiments in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (differentiated cells) and showed that lower levels of Zbtb24, Cdca7 and Hells protein correlate with reduced minor satellite repeat methylation, thereby implicating these factors in mouse minor satellite repeat DNA methylation maintenance. Furthermore, studies that demonstrate a HELLS-CDCA7 interaction are currently limited to Xenopus egg extract (Jenness et al 2018) and the human HEK293 cell line (Unoki et al 2019). Whether such an interaction exists in any other organism and is of relevance to DNA methylation mechanisms remains to be determined. Therefore, in my opinion, the conclusion that "Our co-evolution analysis suggests that DNA methylation-related functionalities of CDCA7 and HELLS are inherited from LECA" should be softened, as the evidence for this scenario is not very compelling and seems premature in the absence of molecular data from more species.

      The authors used BLAST searches to characterize the evolutionary conservation of CDCA7 family proteins in vertebrates. From Figure 2A, it seems that they identify a LEDGF binding motif in CDCA7/JPO1. Is this correct and if yes, could you please elaborate and show this result? This is interesting and important to clarify because previous literature (Tesina et al 2015) reports a LEDGF binding motif only in CDCA7L/JPO2.

      To provide evidence for a potential evolutionary co-selection of CDCA7, HELLS and the DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) the authors performed CoPAP analysis. Throughout the manuscript, it is unclear to me what the authors mean when referring to "DNMT3". In the Material and Methods section, the authors mention that human DNMT3A was used in BLAST searches to identify proteins with DNA methyltransferase domains. Does this mean that "DNMT3" should be DNMT3A? And if yes, should "DNMT3" be corrected to "DNMT3A"? Is there a reason that "DNMT3A" was chosen for the BLAST searches?

      CoPAP analysis revealed that CDCA7 and HELLS are dynamically lost in the Hymenoptera clade and either co-occurs with DNMT3 or DNMT1/UHRF1 loss, which seems important. Unfortunately, the authors do not provide sufficient information in their figures or supplementary data about what is already known regarding DNA methylation levels in the different Hymenoptera species to further consider a potential impact of this observation. What is "the DNA methylation status" of all these organisms? This information cannot be easily retrieved from Table S2. A clearer presentation of what is actually known already would improve this paragraph.

      Furthermore, A. thaliana DDM1, and mouse and human Lsh/Hells are known to preferably promote DNA methylation at satellite repeats, transposable elements and repetitive regions of the genome. On the other hand, DNA methylation in insects and other invertebrates occurs in genic rather than intergenic regions and transposable elements (e.g. Bewick et al 2017; Werren JH PlosGenetics 2013). It would be helpful to elaborate on these differences.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript focused on roles of a key fatty-acid synthesis enzyme, acetyl-coA-carboxylase 1 (ACC1), in the metabolism, gene regulation and homeostasis of invariant natural killer T (NKT_ cells and impact on these T cells' roles during asthma pathogenesis. The authors presented data showing that the acetyl-coA-carboxylase 1 enzyme regulates the expression of PPARg then the function of NKT cells including the secretion of Th2-type cytokines to impact on asthma pathogenesis. The results are clearcut and data were logically presented.

      Major concerns:

      1. This study heavily relied on the CD4-CreACC1fl/fl mice. While using of a-GalCer stimulation and Ja18KO mice mitigated the concern, it is still a major concern that at least some of the phenotype were due to the effect on conventional CD4 T cells. For example, the deletion of ACC1 gene seems also decreased the numbers of conventional CD4 T cells (Fig. 2D, Fig. S1D). Previously there were reports showing ACC1 gene in conventional CD4 T cells also plays a role in lung inflammation (Nakajima et al., J. Exp. Med. 218, 2021). If the authors believe the phenotype observed was mainly due to iNKT cells, rather than conventional CD4 T cells, a compare/contrast of the two studies should be discussed to explain or reconcile the results.

      2. The overall significance of the manuscript is related to the potential clinical suppression of ACC1 in human asthma patients. However, the authors only showed the elevated ACC1 genes in these patients, not even in vitro data demonstrating that suppression of ACC1 genes in the iNKT cells from patients could have potential therapeutic effect or suppression of the relevant cytokines.

      3. The authors report that a-GalCer administration can induce the AHR, however, in the cited paper (Hachem et al., Eur J. Immunol. 35, 2793, 2005), iNKT cell activation seems to have the opposite effect to inhibit AHR. Did the authors mean to cite different papers?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the study by Venkat et al. the authors expand the current knowledge of allosteric diversity in the human kinome by c-terminal splicing variants using as a paradigm DCLK1. In this work, the authors provide evolutionary and some mechanistic evidence about how c-terminal isoform specific variants generated by alternative splicing can regulate catalytic activity by means of coupling specific phosphorylation sites to dynamical and conformational changes controlling active site and substrate pocket occupancy, as well as interfering with protein-protein interacting interfaces that altogether provides evidence of c-terminal isoform specific regulation of the catalytic activity in protein kinases.

      The paper is overall well written, the rationale and the fundamental questions are clear and well explained, the evolutionary and MD analyses are very detailed and well explained. The methodology applied in terms of the biochemical and biophysical tools falls a bit short in some places and some comments and suggestions are given in this respect. If the authors could monitor somehow protein auto-phosphorylation as a functional readout would be very useful by means of using phospho-specific antibodies to monitor activity. Overall I think this is a study that brings some new aspects and concepts that are important for the protein kinase field, in particular the allosteric regulation of the catalytic core by c-terminal segments, and how evolutionary cues generate more sophisticated mechanisms of allosteric control in protein kinases. However a revision would be recommended.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Original review:

      This manuscript by Walker et. al. explores the interplay between the global regulators HapR (the QS master high cell density (HDC) regulator) and CRP. Using ChIP-Seq, the authors find that at several sites, the HapR and CRP binding sites overlap. A detailed exploration of the murPQ promoter finds that CRP binding promotes HapR binding, which leads to repression of murPQ. The authors have a comprehensive set of experiments that paints a nice story providing a mechanistic explanation for converging global regulation. I did feel there are some weak points though, in particular the lack of integration of previously identified transcription start sites, the lack of replication (at least replication presented in the manuscript) for many figures, some oddities in the growth curve, and not reexamining their HapR/CRP cooperative binding model in vivo using ChIP-Seq.

      Review of revised version:

      This revised manuscript by Walker et. al. addresses some of the editorial points and conceptual discussion, but in general, most of my suggestions (as the previous reviewer #1) for additional experimentation or addition were not addressed as discussed below. Therefore, my overall review has not changed.

      1) For example, in point 1, the suggested analysis was not performed because it is not trivial. My reason for making this suggestion is that the original manuscript was limited to Vibrio cholerae, and the impact of the manuscript would increase if the findings here were demonstrated to be more broadly applicable. I expect papers published in eLife to have such broad applicability. But no changes were made to the manuscript in this regard. The revised version is still limited to only Vibrio cholerae.

      2) For point 2, the activity of FLAG-tag luxO could have been simply validated in a complementation assay. Yes, they demonstrated DNA binding, but that is not the only activity of LuxO.

      3) For point 7, the transcriptional fusions were not explored at different times or different media, which is also something that was hinted at by other reviewers. In regard to exploring expression at different time points, this seems particularly relevant for QS regulated genes.

      4) For point 13, the authors express that doing an additional CHIP-Seq is outside of the scope of this manuscript. Perhaps that is the case, but the point of the comment is to validate the in vitro binding results with an in vivo binding assay. A targeted CHIP-Seq approach specifically analyzing the promoters where cooperative binding was observed in vitro could have addressed this point.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript describes that cultured mammalian cells adapt to chronic stress by increasing their size and protein translation through Hsp90. The authors extensively use Hsp90 knockout cells and mass spectrometry to provide solid evidence that chronic heat shock response is accompanied by cell size changes and stress resistance in large cells. The major strength of the work is the authors ability to document the heat shock response in detail, while the main weakness is that the cell size changes appear not to be quantitative making it difficult to assess how much the cell density is changed in chronic stress. Nevertheless, the increased stress resistance of large cells is conceptually important and provides one potential explanation why cells need to control their size. This work adds to our understanding of how cellular stress is managed, and while stress responses have been observed previously in relation to cell size, this work provides evidence for increased stress resistance in larger cells.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      "MAGIC" was introduced by the Rong Li lab in a Nature letters article in 2017. This manuscript is an extension of this original work and uses a genome wide screen the Baker's yeast to decipher which cellular pathways influence MAGIC. Overall, this manuscript is a logical extension of the 2017 study, however the manuscript is challenging to follow, complicated by the data often being discussed out of sequence. Although the manuscripts makes claims of a mechanism being pinpointed, there are many gaps and the true mechanisms of how the factors identified in the screen influence MAGIC is not clear. A key issue is that there are many assumptions drawn on previous literature, but central aspects of the mechanisms being proposed are not adequately shown.

      Key comments:

      [1] Reasoning and pipelines presented in the first two sections of the results are disordered and do not follow figure order. In some instances, the background to experimental analyses such as detailing the generation of spGFP constructs in the YKO mutant library, or validation of Snf1 activation are mentioned after respective results are discussed. This needs to be fixed.<br /> [2] In general there is a lack of data to support microscopy data and supporting quantification analysis. The validity of this data could be significantly strengthened with accompanying western blots showing accumulation of a given constructs in mitochondrial sub compartments (as was the case in the labs original paper in 2017).<br /> [3] Much of the mechanisms proposed relies on the Snf1 activation. This is however not shown, but assumed to be taking place. Given that this activation is central to the mechanism proposed this should be explicitly shown here - for example survey the phosophorylation status of the protein.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Smirnova et al. present a cryo-EM structure of human SIRT6 bound to a nucleosome as well as the results from molecular dynamics simulations. The results show that the combined conformational flexibilities of SIRT6 and the N-terminal tail of histone H3 limit the residues with access to the active site, partially explaining the substrate specificity of this sirtuin-class histone deacetylase. The cryo-EM analysis in its current form is incomplete, lacking aspects of validation such as angular distribution information and other standard measurements of the quality of the reconstruction. Biochemical validation of the structural findings is inadequate, relying primarily on previous publications. Importantly, two other groups have recently published cryo-EM structures of SIRT6:nucleosome complexes. This manuscript by Smirnova et al., therefore, confirms and complements these previous findings, with the addition of some novel insights into the role of structural flexibility in substrate selection.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Gehr and colleagues used an elegant method, using neuropixels probes, to study retinal input integration by mouse superior collicular cells in vivo. Compared to a previous report of the same group, they opto-tagged inhibitory neurons and defined the differential integration onto each group. Through these experiments, the author concluded that overall, there is no clear difference between the retina connectivity to excitatory and inhibitory superior colliculus neurons. The exception to that rule is that excitatory neurons might be driven slightly stronger than inhibitory ones. Technically, this work is performed at a high level, and the plots are beautifully conceived, but I have doubts if the interpretation given by the authors is solid. I will elaborate below.

      Some thoughts about the interpretation of the results.

      My main concern is the "survivor bias" of this work, which can lead to skewed conclusions. From the data set acquired, 305 connections were measured, 1/3 inhibitory and 2/3 excitatory. These connections arise from 83 RGC onto 124 RGC (I'm interpreting the axis of Fig.2 C). Here it is worth mentioning that different RGC types have different axonal diameters (Perge et al., 2009). Here the diameter is also related to the way cells relay information (max frequencies, for example). It is possible that thicker axons are easier to measure, given the larger potential changes would likely occur, and thus, selectively being picked up by the neuropixels probe. If this is the case, we would have a clear case of "survival bias", which should be tested and discussed. One way to determine if the response properties of axonal termini are from an unbiased sample is to make a rough functional characterization as generally performed (see Baden et al. 2006). This is fundamental since all other conclusions are based on unbiased sampling.

      One aspect that is not clear to me is to measure of connectivity strength in Figure 2. Here it seems that connectivity strength is directly correlated with the baseline firing rate of the SC neuron (see example plots). If this is a general case, the synaptic strength can be assumed but would only differ in strength due to the excitability of the postsynaptic cell. This should be tested by plotting the correlation coefficient analysis against the baseline firing rate.

      My third concern is the assessment of functional similarity in Fig. 3. It is not clear to me why the similarity value was taken by the arithmetic mean. For example, even if the responses are identical for one connected pair that exclusively responds either to the ON or OFF sparse noise, the maximal value can only be 0.67. Perhaps I misunderstood something. Secondly, correlations in natural(istic) movies can differ dramatically depending on the frame rate that the movie was acquired and the way it is displayed to the animal. What looks natural to us will elicit several artifacts at a retinal level, e.g., due to big jumps between frames (no direction-selective response) or overall little modulation (large spatial correlations). I would rather opt for uniform stimuli, as suggested previously. Of course, these are also approximations but can be easily reproduced by different labs and are not subjected to the intricacies of the detailed naturalistic stimulus used.

      Fourth. It is important to control the proportion of inhibitory cells activated optogenetically across the recording probe. Currently, it is not possible to assess if there are false negatives. One way of controlling for this would be to show that the number of inhibitory interneurons doesn't vary across the probe.

      Fifth. In Fig. 4, the ISI had a minimal bound of 5 ms. Why? This would cap the firing rate at 200Hz, but we know that RGC in explants can fire at higher frequencies for evoked responses. I would set a lower bound since it should come naturally from the after-depolarization block. Another aspect that remains unclear is to what extent the paired-spike ratio depends on the baseline firing rate. This would change the interpretation from the particular synaptic connection to the intrinsic properties of the cell and is plausible since the bassline firing rate varies tremendously. One related analysis would be to plot the change of PSR depending on the ISI. It would be intuitive to make a scatter plot for all paired spikes of all recorded neurons (separated into inhibitory and excitatory) of ISI vs. PSR.

      Panel 4E is confusing to me. Here what is plotted is efficacy 1st against PSR (which is efficacy 2nd/efficacy 1st). Given that you have a linear relation between efficacy 1st and efficacy 2nd (panel 4C), you are essentially re-plotting the same information, which should necessarily have a hyperbolic relationship: [ f(x) = y/x ]. Thus, fitting this with a linear function makes no sense and it has to be decaying if efficacy 2nd > efficacy1st as shown in 4C.

      Finally, in Figure 5, the perspective is inverted, and the spike correlations are seen from the perspective of SC neurons. Here it would also be good to plot the cumulative histograms and not look at the averages. Regarding the similarity index and use of natural stats, please see my previous comments. Also, would it be possible to plot the contribution v/s the firing rate with the baseline firing rate with no stimulation or full-field stimulation? This is important since naturalistic movies have too many correlations and dependencies that make this plot difficult to interpret.

      Overall, the paper only speaks from excitatory and inhibitory differences in the introduction and results. However, it is known that there are three clear morphologically distinct classes of excitatory neurons (wide-field, narrow-field, and stellate). This topic is touched in the discussion but not directly in the context of these results. Smaller cells might likely be driven much stronger. Wide-field cells would likely not be driven by one RGC input only and will probably integrate from many more cells than 6.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Segas et al. present a novel solution to an upper-limb control problem which is often neglected by academia. The problem the authors are trying to solve is how to control the multiple degrees of freedom of the lower arm to enable grasp in people with transhumeral limb loss. The proposed solution is a neural network based approach which uses information from the position of the arm along with contextual information which defines the position and orientation of the target in space. Experimental work is presented, based on virtual simulations and a telerobotic proof of concept.

      The strength of this paper is that it proposes a method of control for people with transhumeral limb loss which does not rely upon additional surgical intervention to enable grasping objects in the local environment. A challenge the work faces is that it can be argued that a great many problems in upper limb prosthesis control can be solved given precise knowledge of the object to be grasped, its relative position in 3D space and its orientation. It is difficult to know how directly results obtained in a virtual environment will translate to real world impact. Some of the comparisons made in the paper are to physical systems which attempt to solve the same problem. It is important to note that real world prosthesis control introduces numerous challenges which do not exist in virtual spaces or in teleoperation robotics.

      The authors claim that the movement times obtained using their virtual system, and a teleoperation proof of concept demonstration, are comparable to natural movement times. The speed of movements obtained and presented are easier to understand by viewing the supplementary materials prior to reading the paper. The position of the upper arm and a given target are used as input to a classifier, which determines the positions of the lower arm, wrist and the end effector. The state of the virtual shoulder in the pick and place task is quite dynamic and includes humeral rotations which would be challenging to engineer in a real physical prosthesis above the elbow. Another question related to the pick and place task used is whether or not there are cases where both the pick position and the place position can be reached via the same, or very similar, shoulder positions? i.e. with the shoulder flexion-extension and abduction-adduction remaining fixed, can the ANN use the remaining five joint angles to solve the movement problem with little to no participant input, simply based on the new target position? If this was the case, movements times in the virtual space would present a very different distribution to natural movements, while the mean values could be similar. The arguments made in the paper could be supported by including individual participant data showing distributions of movement times and the distances travelled by the end effector where real movements are compared to those made by an ANN.

      In the proposed approach users control where the hand is in space via the shoulder. The position of the upper arm and a given target are used as input to a classifier, which determines the positions of the lower arm, wrist and the effector. The supplementary materials suggest the output of the classifier occurs instantaneously, in that from the start of the trial the user can explore the 3D space associated with the shoulder in order to reach the object. When the object is reached a visual indicator appears. In a virtual space this feedback will allow rapid exploration of different end effector positions which may contribute to the movement times presented. In a real world application, movement of a distal end-effector via the shoulder is not to be as graceful and a speed accuracy trade off would be necessary to ensure objects are grasped, rather than knocked or moved.

      Another aspect of the movement times presented which is of note, although it is not necessarily incorrect, is that the virtual prosthesis performance is close too perfect. In that, at the start of each trial period, either pick or place, the ANN appears to have already selected the position of the five joints it controls, leaving the user to position the upper arm such that the end effector reaches the target. This type of classification is achievable given a single object type to grasp and a limited number of orientations, however scaling this approach to work robustly in a real world environment will necessitate solving a number of challenges in machine learning and in particular computer vision which are not trivial in nature. On this topic, it is also important to note that, while very elegant, the teleoperation proof of concept of movement based control does not seem to feature a similar range of object distance from the user as the virtual environment. This would have been interesting to see and I look forward to seeing further real world demonstrations in the authors future work.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Drougard et al. examined the consequences of an acute high fat diet (HFD) on microglia in mice. 3-day HFD influenced the regulation of systemic glucose homeostasis in a microglia-dependent and independent manner, as determined using microglial depletion with PLX5622. 3-day HFD increased microglial membrane potential and the levels of palmitate and stearate in cerebrospinal fluid in vivo. Using confocal imaging, respirometry and stable isotope-assisted tracing in primary microglial cultures, the authors suggest an increase in mitochondrial fission and metabolic remodelling occurs when exposed to palmitate, which increases the release of glutamate, succinate and itaconate that may alter neuronal metabolism. This acute microglial metabolic response following acute HFD is subsequently linked to improved higher cognitive function (learning and memory) in a microglia and DRP1-dependent manner.

      Strengths:<br /> Overall, this study is interesting and novel in linking acute high fat diet to changes in microglia and improved learning and memory in mice. The role for microglia and DRP1 in regulating glucose homeostasis and memory in vivo appears to be supported by the data.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors suggest that utilisation of palmitate by microglia following HFD is the driver of the acute metabolic changes and that the release of microglial-derived lactate, succinate, glutamate and itaconate are causally linked to improvements in learning and memory.<br /> A major weakness is that the authors provide no mechanistic link between beta-oxidation of palmitate (or other fatty acids) in microglia and the observed systemic metabolic and memory phenotypes in vivo. Pharmacological inhibition of CPT1a could be considered or CPT1a-deficient microglia.

      Another major weakness is that the authors also suggest that 3-day HFD microglial response (increase membrane potential) is likely driven by palmitate-induced increases in itaconate feedforward inhibition of complex II/SDH. Whilst this is an interesting hypothesis, the in vitro metabolic characterisation is not entirely convincing. The authors suggest that acute palmitate appears to rapidly compromise or saturate complex II activity. Succinate is a membrane impermeable dicarboxylate. It can enter cells via MCT transporters at acidic pH. It is not clear that I) Succinate is taken up into microglia, II) If the succinate used was pH neutral sodium succinate or succinic acid, and III) If the observed changes are due to succinate oxidation, changes in pH or activation of the succinate receptor SUCNR1 on microglia. In the absence of these succinate treatments, there are no alterations in mitochondrial respiration or membrane potential following palmitate treatment, which does not support this hypothesis. Intracellular itaconate measurements and quantification are lacking and IRG1 expression is not assessed. There also appears to be more labelled itaconate in neuronal cultures from control (BSA) microglia conditioned media, which is not discussed. What is the total level of itaconate in neurons from these conditioned media experiments? No evidence is provided that the in vivo response is dependent on IRG1, the mitochondrial enzyme responsible for itaconate synthesis, or itaconate. To causally link IRG1/itaconate, IRG1-deficient mice could be used in future work.

      While microglial DRP1 is causally implicated the role of palmitate is not convincing. Mitochondrial morphology changes are subtle including TOMM20 and DRP1 staining and co-localization - additional supporting data should be provided. Electron microscopy of mitochondrial structure would provide more detailed insight to morphology changes. Western blot of fission-associated proteins Drp1, phospho-Drp1 (S616), MFF and MiD49/51. Higher magnification and quality confocal imaging of DRP1/TOMM20. Drp1 recruitment to mitochondrial membranes can be assessed using subcellular fractionation. No characterisation of primary microglia from DRP1-knockout mice is performed with palmitate treatment. Authors demonstrate an increase in both stearate and palmitate in CSF following 3-day HFD. Only palmitate was tested in the regulation of microglial responses, but it may be more informative to test stearate and palmitate combined.

  2. May 2023
    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript by Douglas et al, the investigative team seeks to identify Staphylococcus aureus genes (and associated polymorphisms) that confer altered susceptibility to human serum, with the hypothesis that such genes might contribute to the propensity of a strain to cause bacteremia, invasive disease, and/or death. Using an innovative GWAS-like approach applied to a bank of over 300 well-characterized clinical S. aureus isolates, the authors discover SNPs in seven different staphylococcal genes that confer increased survival in the setting of serum exposure. The authors then mainly focus on one gene, tcaA, and illustrate a potential mechanism whereby modification of peptidoglycan structure and WTA display leads to altered susceptibility to serum, serum-derived antimicrobial compounds, and antibiotics. One particularly significant finding is that the identified tcaA SNP is significantly associated with patient mortality, in that patients infected with the SNP bearing isolate are less likely to die from infection. It is therefore hypothesized that this SNP represents an adaptive mutation that promotes serum survival while decreasing virulence and host mortality. In a murine model of infection, the strain bearing the WT allele of tcaA is significantly more virulent than the tcaA mutant, suggesting that the role of tcaA in bacteremia is infection-phase dependent.

      This manuscript has many strengths. The triangulation of genomic analysis, patient outcomes data, and in vitro and in vivo mechanistic testing adds to the significance of the findings in terms of human disease. Testing the impact of mutating tcaA in multiple staphylococcal lineages and backgrounds also increases the rigor of the study. The identification of bacterial loci that impact susceptibility to both host antimicrobial compounds and commonly used antibiotics is also a strength of this work, given the evolutionary and treatment implications for such genes.

      One moderate weakness is that the impact of the identified SNP in tcaA is only tested in some of the assays, whereas the majority of the testing is performed with a whole gene knockout. In some cases this results in more speculative conclusions that will require further testing to validate. All in all, this is an exciting manuscript that will be of interest to the broader research communities focused on staphylococcal pathogenesis, bacterial evolution, and host-pathogen interactions, as well as to clinicians who care for patients with invasive staphylococcal infection.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Using an immobilised metal affinity chromatography (IMAC)-based assay coupled with Western blot immunodetection analysis, SbtB, the regulatory protein for SbtA activity, is shown in itself to be regulated by the local adenylate energy charge (AEC), with inhibitory binding of SbtB to SbtA disfavoured at high ATP:ADP ratios. Such conditions are expected to be encountered during steady-state photosynthesis with the associated cellular demand for Ci and SbtA activity.

      By homology with ATP-binding PII proteins, ATP is proposed to interact with a loop region of SbtB, changing its conformation on binding and inhibiting the formation of the (inactive) SbtA:SbtB complex. On the basis of this, the authors propose that SbtB acts an AEC-sensing 'curfew' protein for SbtA activity, tuning bicarbonate import by this protein for situations when carbon fixation would be physiologically (and energetically) advantageous. As SbtA is a HCO3-/Na+ symporter, Na+ homeostasis would also be controlled by regulation of this transporter.

      The IMAC assay used to monitor SbtA:SbtB complex stability as a function of AEC seems robust, is relatively straightforward and may be of interest to other researchers investigating adenylate-sensing protein reaction partners (with the usual caveats on extrapolating in vitro results to living systems, as noted by the authors).

      In this study, SbtA regulation was also investigated in vivo in a Synechococcus HCO3- transporter knockout mutant via measurement of labelled HCO3- uptake and overall photosynthetic performance (MIMS-monitored O2 evolution as a function of PAR). Here, SbtB was inferred to regulate SbtA activity during the induction of photosynthesis (i.e. at low ATP:ADP) and not when photosynthesis was fully activated and in a steady-state condition. SbtA inactivation on a light-dark transition was also demonstrated in vivo irrespective of the presence SbtB, indicative of additional regulatory pathways affecting the activity of this transporter. These conclusions seem to be well-supported by the presented data.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Here, Ensinck et al. investigated the composition of the yeast mRNA m6A methyltransferase complex required for meiosis. This complex was known to contain three proteins but is much more complex in mammals, insects, and plants. Through IP-MS analysis, they identified three more proteins Kar4, Ygl036w, and Dyn2. Of these, Kar4 and Ygl036w are homologous to Mettl14 and Virma, respectively, and, like the previously described factors, are essential for m6A deposition, mating, and binding of the reader Pho92 to mRNA during meiosis by evidence acquired with appropriate methodology. Dyn2 is a novel factor not described for any m6A complex and is not essential for m6A deposition, mating, and binding of the reader Pho92 to mRNA during meiosis.

      In addition, detailed analysis of the Slz1 revealed homology to the mammalian factor m6A complex member ZC3H13 to comprise a conserved complex of five proteins, Mettl3, Mettl14, Mum2/WTAP, Virma, and Slz/ZC3H13. When co-expressed in insect cells, they co-purify stoichiometrically, and the presence of Mum2 as a dimer is also indicated, as shown for WTAP.

      Complementary to these data, they show that the stability of the individual complex members is affected in mutants supporting that they are stabilized through complex formation.<br /> Furthermore, the authors then show that kar4 has additional roles in mating that are separable from its role through the m6A complex in meiosis.<br /> The authors employ appropriate methodology throughout to address their aims and present convincing evidence for their claims. The evidence presented here reinforces that the m6A complex is evolutionary and highly conserved, with a broad scope for its functional analysis in humans and model organisms.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The current study was designed to test the hypothesis that neural circuit plasticity during adolescence can be targeted to restore cortical function under conditions of developmental disruptions that are relevant to psychiatric disorders. Specifically, the authors targeted the mesofrontal cortical dopamine system in 2 genetic mouse models of schizophrenia and performed optical recordings in combination with behavior and chemogenetic manipulations. Major findings and strengths include that stimulation of frontal dopaminergic projections in a limited adolescent time window can stably reverse defects in cortical neuronal activity and cognitive control in adulthood in 2 genetic mouse models of psychiatric disorders. While the precise postsynaptic mechanisms underlying the positive impact of adolescent mesofrontal dopamine stimulation were not address, another strength of this study is that the authors performed key manipulations using age and dose/intensity as dependent variables to show that the level of neural circuit activation during adolescence follows an inverted U-shape pattern. Collectively, this is a well-design study with many strengths and novel findings that are likely to positively impact a widespread of disciplines within the biological psychiatry and neuroscience field.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors aimed to contrast the effects of pharmacologically enhanced catecholamine and acetylcholine levels versus the effects of voluntary spatial attention on decision making in a standard spatial cueing paradigm. Meticulously reported, the authors show that atomoxetine, a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, and cue validity both enhance model-based evidence accumulation rate, but have several distinct effects on EEG signatures of pre-stimulus cortical excitability, evoked sensory EEG potentials and perceptual evidence accumulation. The results are based on a reasonable sample size (N=28) and state-of-the art modeling and EEG methods.

      Although the authors draw a few partial conclusions that are not fully supported by the data (see below), I think that the authors' EEG findings provide sufficient support for the overall conclusion that "selective attention and neuromodulatory systems shape perception largely independently and in qualitatively different ways". This is an important conclusion because neuromodulatory systems and selective spatial attention are both known to regulate the neural gain of task-relevant single neurons and neural networks. Apparently, these effects on neural gain affect decision making in dissociable ways.

      The effects of donepezil, a cholinesterase inhibitor, were generally less strong than those of atomoxetine, and in various analyses went in the opposite direction. The authors fairly conclude that more work is necessary to determine the effects of cholinergic neuromodulation on perceptual decision making.

      1) I believe that the following partial conclusions are not fully supported by the data:

      a) In the results section on page 6, the authors conclude that "Attention and ATX both enhanced the rate of evidence accumulation towards a decision threshold, whereas cholinergic effects were negligible." I believe "negligible" is wrong here: the corresponding effects of donepezil had p-values of .09 (effect of donepezil on drift rate), .07 (effect of donepezil on the cue validity effect on drift rate) and .09 (effect of donepezil on non-decision time), and were all in the same direction as the effects of atomoxetine, and would presumably have been significant with a somewhat larger sample size. I would say the effects of donepezil were "in the same direction but less robust" (or at the very least "less robust") instead of "negligible".

      b) "In the results section on page 8, the authors conclude that "Summarizing, we show that drug condition and cue validity both affect the CPP, but they do so by affecting different features of this component (i.e. peak amplitude and slope, respectively)."<br /> This conclusion is a bit problematic for two reasons. First, drug condition had a significant effect not only on peak amplitude but also on slope. Second, cue validity had a significant effect not only on slope but also on peak amplitude. It may well be that some effects were more significant than others, but I think this does not warrant the authors' conclusion.

      c) In the discussion section on page 11, the authors conclude that "First, although both attention and catecholaminergic enhancement affected centro-parietal decision signals in the EEG related to evidence accumulation (O'Connell et al., 2012; Twomey et al., 2015), attention mainly affected the build-up rate (slope) whereas ATX increased the amplitude of the CPP component (Figure 3D-F)."<br /> As I wrote above, I believe it is not correct that "attention mainly affected the build-up rate or slope", given that the effect of cue-validity on CPP slope was also significant. Also, while the authors' data do support the conclusion that ATX increased the amplitude and not the slope of the CPP component, a previous study in humans found the opposite: ATX increased the slope but did not affect the peak amplitude of the CPP (Loughnane et al 2019, JoCN, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30883291/). Although the authors cite this study (as from 2018 instead of 2019), they do not draw attention to this important discrepancy between the two studies. I encourage the authors to dedicate some discussion to these conflicting findings.

      2) On page 12 and page 14 the authors suggest a selective effect of ATX on *tonic* catecholamine activity, but to my knowledge the exact effects of ATX on phasic vs. tonic catecholamine activity are unknown. Although microdialysis studies have shown that a single dose of atomoxetine increases catecholamine concentrations in rodents, it is unknown whether this reflects an increase in tonic and/or phasic activity, due to the limited temporal resolution of microanalysis. Thus, atomoxetine may affect tonic and/or phasic catecholamine activity, and which of these two effects dominates is still unknown, I think.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Ruby et al. have investigated patterns of age-specific mortality in the exceptionally long-lived naked mole-rat (NMR), under captive conditions. The authors first visited this topic five years previously with an unprecedently large data set and concluded that naked mole-rats are 'non-aging': because analyses of their survival did not detect an increasing mortality hazard with age. This result has obvious applied interest in humans because of its implications for maintaining health into later life. One criticism directed at this previous work was that a limited number 'old-aged' individuals in their data set (individuals in what might be expected to be the latter half of the life course) reduced the power with which to detect an age-related increase in mortality - or to convincingly demonstrate its absence. The current study revisits this topic with a larger sample across the life course. The authors also provide additional analyses that explore various predictors of mortality, including breeding status, body weight and colony size, and now also make direct comparisons to mortality patterns in other species of African mole-rat from the Fukomys clade (which share many convergent social and life history features). I found the analyses of Fukomys mortality particularly illuminating. However, while these additional analyses provide some useful context and can generate interesting discussion points about ageing patterns in an extremely unusual species, the principal issue at hand whether the absence of Gompertzian mortality in NMR is a robust pattern.

      In this respect, a major limitation of the current study is that only 11% of the animals (n = 755) had died at the point of its conclusion- the remaining 89% being right-censored (n = 6138). This means that, as in the previous analysis, there are still relatively small numbers of individuals that have died in the older age classes (see Fig 1 for the high level of right-censoring between 15-20 years and the low numbers of deaths after this point, also Supp 1 for the raw data): the part of the life course where one would predict mortality rates to increase from an evolutionary perspective. Thus, while the authors claim very generally that the "demographic data has doubled", this in no way reflects whether the new data is informative to the question at hand, which relies on an ability to estimate death rates in older individuals accurately. If one looks more closely at the numbers which do matter, then one can see that the number of deaths in the data set has shifted from 447 in the former treatment (Ruby et al. 2018) to 755 currently, but that the number of later-stage deaths remains somewhat modest (and that this is probably reflected in the large confidence intervals for the mortality hazards at this time). I therefore remain unconvinced that the current study can rule out an exponential increase in hazard in older individuals.

      The authors have also not provided any statistical evidence that the mortality hazard changes with age (or not), instead relying on visual comparisons of aggregated data. This is a fundamental problem and demands a more thorough treatment that compares survival models with different shape profiles. If anything, it seems that the hazard rate is declining with age - see Figures 1B & 2C, and while this may strengthen the authors argument if supported statistically, I would still wonder whether the higher mortality in early life - say 6 months to 3 years of age - is a consequence of the costs of early life development and that this is not a useful baseline against which to compare 'adult' mortality. It would also not overcome the data limitations identified above.

      An additional concern is that the paper is selective in its presentation of previous work, with the authors focussing on results which support their main interpretations and glossing over those that don't. For example, the study refers to the fact that NMRs are resistant to various age-related diseases and do not show many age-related declines in physiology. Yet, while this argument of negligible senescence might hold generally, the literature contains various reports of later life declines in NMR physiology (Andziak et al. 2006; Edrey et al., 2011). Referring to work from your own group, Braude et al. (2021) write "several typical mammalian age-related lesions of muscles, bone, heart, liver, and eye, including sarcopenia, osteoarthritis, a decline in articular cartilage thickness of the condyles, lipofuscin accumulation in several organs, eye cataracts, and kidney fibrosis have been described in naked mole-rats older than 26 years (Edrey et al., 2011)". A more balanced treatment of physiology in extremely old individuals would prove constructive.

      Another way in which the study fails to fully represent the literature is with respect to the divergence in ageing rates between breeders and non-breeders. This pattern has proved seductive for various mole-rat researchers because of its similarities to social insects and the suggestion that it is reproduction itself which delays ageing. While this is a clear possibility with some empirical support, it is important to also consider the question from the other way: which is to ask why non-breeders die at higher rates than breeders. For other cooperative breeders such as meerkats, the answer is clear: dominant, breeding individuals evict subordinates and once evicted from the group, the chances that these individuals will survive plummets (e.g. Cram et al. 2028). Is it possible that a similar form of dominance control might contribute the shorter life span of non-breeders in captivity? You reference Toor et al. (2020) elsewhere and this is relevant here again.<br /> Captivity also prevents non-breeders from dispersing when they would otherwise ordinarily do so (Braude 2000): is it possible that this also affects their mortality in captivity? Perhaps not being able to disperse induces chronic stress (see for example the discussion in Novikov et al. 2015). The idea that breeders show a lower intrinsic rate of aging is attractive, but many factors could contribute to this and alternatives should be considered unless they can be strongly refuted.

      Lastly, it would be very beneficial to have more information on how individuals become breeders in the captive population/s. For the purposes of the analyses, individuals have been categorised as a breeder or a non-breeder based on whether they bred or not at some point in their life (i.e., they are a "breeder" for their whole life for the purposes of the Kaplan Meier curves and the estimation of mortality hazards). I think it is therefore important to rule out the possibility that only high-quality individuals become breeders and that this is what drives the contrast in breeder and non-breeder mortality. In short, is it the case that most breeders are created through the random pairing of a male and a female? Or do new breeders inherit the position once the old queen dies? The latter could lead to breeders being of generally higher quality, which might affect their mortality hazard independently of status.

      Overall, I think that the authors can confidently conclude that any onset of actuarial senescence is heavily delayed in naked mole-rats, but the main conclusion that naked mole-rats "defy Gompertzian mortality" is based on inadequate evidence. It seems very possible that the inability to detect an increasing mortality hazard in such a long-lived species arises from data limitations. The central finding of the study should therefore be viewed very critically.

      Refs:<br /> Anziak et al. (2006) Aging Cell 5:463-471.<br /> Braude et al. (2021) Biological Reviews 96: 376-293.<br /> Cram et al. (2018) Current Biology 28: 1-6.<br /> Edrey et al. (2011) ILAR Journal 52:41-53.<br /> Novikov et al. (2015) Biogerontology 16: 723-732.<br /> Toor et al. (2020) Animal Behaviour 168: 45-58.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a well-written manuscript, aiming to seek experimental evidence to establish anatomical and functional connectivity between the cerebellum and the nucleus accumbens (NAc). The authors combined anatomical, neural tracing, and electrophysiological approaches with electrical stimulation and optogenetics and provided a novel and solid set of data supporting the existence of disynaptic connections between the cerebellum and the NAc. The results are convincing and the main conclusion is supported by the data. Overall, this was a well-conceived project, and the experiments were conducted carefully, though some gaps remain to be filled. The knowledge generated from this manuscript will build a foundation for further research focusing on the interaction between cerebellum and limbic system as well as the role of such interaction in controlling motivated behavior.

      Overall, this is a well-conceived project. The experiments were conducted carefully. The results support the conclusion of the existence of disynaptic circuits from the cerebellum to the NAc.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this work, Vezina et al. present Bactabolize, a rapid reconstruction tool for the generation of strain-specific metabolic models. Similar to other reconstruction pipelines such as CarveMe, Bactabolize builds a strain-specific draft reconstruction and subsequently gap-fills it. The model can afterwards be used to predict growth in any defined medium the user specifies. The authors constructed a pan-model of the Klebsiella pneumoniae species complex (KpSC) and used it as input for Bactabolize to construct a genome-sale reconstruction of K. pneumoniae KPPR1. They compared the generated reconstruction with a reconstruction built through CarveMe as well as a manually curated reconstruction for the same strain. They then compared predictions of carbon, nitrogen, phosphor, and sulfur sources and found that the Bactabolize reconstruction had the overall highest accuracy. Finally, they built draft reconstructions for 10 clinical isolates of K. pneumoniae and evaluated their predictive performance. Overall, this is a useful tool, the data is well-presented, and the paper is well-written. However, the predictions are only compared with two existing reconstruction tools though more have been recently published.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors aimed to provide information about the likely function of uncharacterised genes in fission yeast. The authors highlight the bias in the literature to well-studied genes/proteins and the fact that the functions of many proteins that are conserved from yeast to humans remain unknown. Initial functional characterisation could provide the impetus for researchers to dedicate time and resources to detailed investigations of protein function. The authors subject the fission yeast deletion set to a battery of perturbations (drug treatments etc) and measured the resultant colony size. In total, 131 conditions were analysed for nearly 3,500 mutants, representing a rich dataset. Clustering analysis was then used to identify common phenotype patterns and thereby infer protein functions using a "guilt by association approach. To assign potential GO terms to uncharacterised proteins, the authors developed a new computational approach (NET-FF) which combined two previous approaches, which they validated against curated annotations on the S. pombe database Pombase. Finally, the authors chose a group of genes which their analysis predicted to be involved in cellular ageing for experimental validation, cross-validating a priority unstudied novel gene (SPAC23C4.09c) to be involved in this process. Overall, the functional analysis performed in this manuscript is rigorous, thorough and incorporates some novel approaches leading to new insights and predicted protein functions. It will be an important resource for the fission yeast community.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      The manuscript by Lolicato and colleagues characterizes the role of FGF2 dimerization in the unconventional secretion of this signaling molecule using a combination of cell-based and in vitro assays. FGF2 is secreted from the cell via an unconventional mechanism because it lacks a signal sequence. Previous studies by the same group have established a compelling model in which FGF2 forms an oligomer in a PIP2-dependent manner at the plasma membrane, which drives its translocation to the cell exterior. The same group also identified two cysteine residues (C77 and C95) critical for FGF2 oligomerization and secretion.

      In this study, the authors analyzed the impact of single cysteine to alanine substitution on the oligomerization and secretion of FGF2. They found that C95 but not C77 is required for PIP2-dependent membrane binding, FGF2 oligomerization, and secretion. On the other hand, C77 regulates the interaction of FGF2 with the plasma membrane Na, K-ATPase, which is thought to enhance the FGF2-PIP2 interaction. Using a set of bi-functional crosslinkers, the authors were able to capture an FGF2 homo-dimer whose formation is dependent on C95.

      They propose that FGF2 forms a disulfide-bridged dimer via C95, the building block for FGF2 oligomerization in the plasma membrane.

      While most experiments were carefully designed and the data are of high quality, a few issues need further clarification.

      A significant concern is a need for more direct evidence for the proposed disulfide-bridged FGF2 dimer in the cytoplasm despite multiple assays highlighting the critical role of C95 in FGF2 oligomerization and secretion. The crosslinking experiments only suggest that C95 is close to another C95 in crosslinked FGF2 dimers. Given that the reducing cytosolic environment does not usually support disulfide bond formation and that no electron acceptor has been identified to support this unusual model, the reviewers feel that the authors should consider an alternative and more plausible explanation for their observations, which is that the C95A mutation disrupts the dimerization interface. This is actually the author's explanation for why the C77A FGF2 mutant fails to bind Na, K-ATPase. For these reasons, the reviewers feel it is an overstatement to claim that FGF2 forms a disulfide dimer in the cytoplasm.

      Furthermore, the authors propose that FGF2 dimers can assemble into a transient higher-order FGF2 oligomer to form a toroidal pore for protein secretion. This is supported by a computational simulation study, which suggests that FGF2 dimers exhibit a higher affinity for PI(4,5)P2 than monomers. However, the model would be much stronger if the authors could provide additional experimental validation.

      Additionally, the authors propose that C95-dependent FGF2 dimerization may generate a signaling module. They cited a few structure papers on page 9 (Plotnikov et al., 1999; Plotnikov et al., 2000; Schlessinger et al., 2000), suggesting that the FGF2 dimer reported here may be the primary signaling unit. However, this statement may mislead the reader, as it has been clearly stated in these papers that FGF2 does not form a dimer directly. Instead, heparin facilitates the dimerization of the FGF receptor, which results in the recruitment of two FGF2 molecules.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This fascinating paper by A.L. Schneider et al. describes voyAGEr, a shiny-based interface for easy exploration of the GTEx dataset by non- or novice programmers. Importantly, voyAGEr is open source and available from github, which could greatly accelerate additional development and further uses of this interesting tool.

      The authors developed a pipeline for modeling age-related changes in gene expression in the GTEx data called ShARP-LM, fitting a linear model for age, sex, and age&sex interaction terms. This pipeline underlies the later analyses that can be applied within voyAGEr. These analyses are labeled by tissue so that users can easily begin a query based on a tissue or a gene of possible interest.

      voyAGEr implements many kinds of interesting R-based tools such as pathway overrepresentation analysis and gene co-expression module analysis, in a way that makes these approaches accessible to non-bioinformaticist aging researchers.

      As the tidal wave of publicly available large, high-dimensional datasets such as transcriptomes continues to grow exponentially, the usefulness of tools such as voyAGEr will only increase. While test users may be able to imagine features or refinements they wish were already present, due to the open source approach they or anyone else including but not limited to the present authors can implement additional features in the future. I look forward to using this tool and to staying abreast of its future development.

      Overall, this study describes a new tool of interest to the field. The manuscript is clearly written overall. The figures and supplementary information are all clear and all add to the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study by Sokač et al. entitled "GENIUS: GEnome traNsformatIon and spatial representation of mUltiomicS data" presents an integrative multi-omics approach which maps several genomic data sources onto an image structure on which established deep-learning methods are trained with the purpose of classifying samples by their metastatic disease progression signatures. Using published samples from the Cancer Genome Atlas the authors characterize the classification performance of their method which only seems to yield results when mapped onto one out of four tested image-layouts.

      Major recommendations:

      - In its current form, GENIUS analysis is neither computationally reproducible nor are the presented scripts on GitHub generic enough for varied applications with other data. The GENIUS GitHub repository provides a collection of analysis scripts and not a finished software solution (e.g. command line tool or other user interface) (the presented scripts do not even suffice for a software prototype). In detail, the README on their GitHub repository is largely incomplete and reads analogous to an incomplete and poorly documented analysis script and is far from serving as a manual for a generic software solution (this claim was made in the manuscript). The authors should invest substantially into adding more details on how data can be retrieved (with example code) from the cited databases and how such data should then be curated alongside the input genome to generically create the "genomic image". In addition, when looking at the source code, parameter configurations for training and running various modules of GENIUS were hard-coded into the source code and users would have to manually change them in the source code rather than as command line flags in the software call. Furthermore, file paths to the local machine of the author are hard-coded in the source code, suggesting that images are sourced from a local folder and won't work when other users wish to replicate the analysis with other data. I would strongly recommend building a comprehensive command line tool where parameter and threshold configurations can be generically altered by the user via command line flags. A comprehensive manual would need to be provided to ensure that users can easily run GENIUS with other types of input data (since this is the claim of the manuscript). Overall, due to the lack of documentation and hard-coded local-machine folder paths it was impossible to computationally reproduce this study or run GENIUS in general.

      - In the Introduction the authors write: "To correct for such multiple hypothesis testing, drastic adjustments of p-values are often applied which ultimately leads to the rejection of all but the most significant results, likely eliminating a large number of weaker but true associations.". While this is surely true for any method attempting to separate noise from signal, their argument fails to substantiate how their data transformation will solve this issue. Data transformation and projection onto an image for deep-learning processing will only shift the noise-to-signal evaluation process to the postprocessing steps and won't "magically" solve it during training. In addition, multiple-testing correction is usually done based on one particular data source (e.g. expression data), while their approach claims to integrate five very different genomic data sources with different levels and structures of technical noise. How are these applications comparable and how is the training procedure able to account for these different structures of technical noise? Please provide sufficient evidence for making this claim (especially in the postprocessing steps after classification).

      - I didn't find any computational benchmark of GENIUS. What are the computational run times, hardware requirements (e.g. memory usage) etc that a user will have to deal with when running an analogous experiment, but with different input data sources? What kind of hardware is required GPUs/CPUs/Cluster?

      - A general comment about the Methods section: Models, training, and validation are very vaguely described and the source code on GitHub is very poorly documented so that parameter choices, model validation, test and validation frameworks and parameter choices are neither clear nor reproducible. Please provide a sufficient mathematical definition of the models, thresholds, training and testing frameworks.

      - In chapter "Latent representation of genome" the authors write: "After successful model training, we extracted the latent representations of each genome and performed the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) of the data. The UMAP projected latent representations into two dimensions which could then be visualized. In order to avoid modeling noise, this step was used to address model accuracy and inspect if the model is distinguishing between variables of interest.". In the recent light of criticism when using the first two dimensions of UMAP projections with omics data, what is the evidence in support of the author's claim that model accuracy can be quantified with such a 2D UMAP projection? How is 'model accuracy' objectively quantified in this visual projection?

      - In the same paragraph "Latent representation of genome" the authors write: "We observed that all training scenarios successfully utilized genome images to make predictions with the exception of Age and randomized cancer type (negative control), where the model performed poorly (Figure 2B).". Did I understand correctly that all negative controls performed poorly? How can the authors make any claims if the controls fail? In general, I was missing sufficient controls for any of their claims, but openly stating that even the most rudimentary controls fail to deliver sufficient signals raises substantial issues with their approach. A clarification would substantially improve this chapter combined with further controls.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Gametocytes are erythrocytic sexual stages of the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium, and are essential for parasite transmission and reproduction in the mosquito vector. In this study, Murata et al investigated the mechanisms of gene regulation in female gametocytes in the rodent malaria model parasite Plasmodium berghei. According to current views, gene regulation in Plasmodium parasites is dominated by the family of AP2 transcription factors (TFs), such as the AP2-G TF, which drives sexual commitment. The same authors previously identified one AP2 TF, called AP2-FG, as an essential TF mediating differentiation of female gametocytes. Here, they identified a novel protein, called PFG (for partner of AP2-FG), which cooperates with AP2-FG to regulate a subset of female gametocyte genes.

      PFG was identified among AP2-G targets, but possesses no known DNA binding or other characterized domain. The authors show that PFG-knockout P. berghei parasites can form male and female gametocytes yet cannot transmit to mosquitoes, due to a defect in female gametocyte development. Using RNA-seq, they show that many female-specific genes are down-regulated in PFG(-)parasites. Chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with DNA sequencing (ChIP-seq) revealed that PFG colocalizes with AP2-FG on a ten-base motif that is enriched upstream of female-specific genes. Importantly, the ChIP-seq profile of PFG is unchanged in the absence of AP2-FG, suggesting that PFG binds to DNA independently of AP2-FG. Mutation of the ten-base motif in one target gene using CRISPR-Cas9 demonstrates that this motif is required for PFG localization at the gene locus. The data also show that binding of AP2-FG is affected in the absence of PFG, with disruption of AP2-FG interaction with the ten-base motif, but conservation of AP2-FG binding to distinct five-base motifs. Using a recombinant AP2 domain from AP2-FG, the authors demonstrate that the AP2 domain of AP2-FG binds to the five-base motifs. Using CRISPR they show that disruption of the five-base motifs in the genome abrogates AP2-FG binding, and using a reporter expression system they confirm that these motifs act as a cis-activating promoter element.

      Through the analysis of target genes based on the presence of the ten- versus five-base motifs, the authors propose a model where AP2-FG can function in two forms, associated or not with PFG, and acting on the ten- or five-base motifs, respectively, to regulate distinct gene subsets during development of female gametocyte development.

      The paper is very well written, with a clear narrative, and the work is very well performed, relying on robust molecular approaches. Generally the conclusions and the model proposed by the authors are well supported by the data. Nevertheless, the study as it stands raises a number of questions. First, it is unclear how the authors selected PFG as a candidate protein as the protein lacks any known DNA binding or regulatory domain. Detailing the reasoning that led to the identification of PFG would make the entire study more appealing. While the data convincingly show that PFG and AP2-FG cooperate to regulate the expression of a subset of female-specific genes, the paper does not show whether the two proteins actually interact with each other to form a complex. Finally, how PFG binds to DNA and whether the protein has transactivating activity remains elusive, as the protein apparently possesses no known DNA-binding or activating domain. These points could be discussed in more detail in the manuscript and/or be the subject of follow up studies.

      In summary, this work reveals the essential role of a Plasmodium protein with no known DNA binding or regulatory domain, illustrating that unknown facets remain to be uncovered in this fascinating pathogen.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Thermogenic adipocyte activity associate with cardiometabolic health in humans, but decline with age. Identifying the underlying mechanisms of this decline is therefore highly important.

      To address this task, Holman and co-authors investigated the effects of two major determinants of thermogenic activity: cold, which induce thermogenic de novo differentiation as well as conversion of dormant thermogenic inguinal adipocytes: and aging, which strongly reduce thermogenic activity. The authors study young and middle-aged mice at thermoneutrality and following cold exposure.

      Using linage tracing, the authors conclude that the older group produce less thermogenic adipocytes from progenitor differentiation. However, they found no differences between thermogenic differentiation capacity between the age groups when progenitors are isolated and differentiated in vitro. This finding is consistent with previous findings in humans, demonstrating that progenitor cells derived from dormant perirenal brown fat of humans differentiate into thermogenic adipocytes in vitro. Taken together, this underscores that age-related changes in the microenvironment rather than autonomous alterations in the ASPCs explain the age related decline in thermogenic capacity, This is an important finding in terms of identifying new approaches to switch dormant adipocytes into an active thermogenic phenotype.

      To gain insight into the age-related changes, the authors use single cell and single nuclei RNA sequencing mapping of their two age groups, comparing thermoneutral and cold conditions between the two groups. Interestingly, where the literature previously demonstrated that de novo lipogenesis (DNL) occurs in relation to thermogenic activation, the authors show that DNL in fact is activated in a white adipocyte cell type, whereas the beige thermogenic adipocytes form a separate cluster.

      Considering recent findings, that adipose tissue contains several subtypes of ASPCs and adipocytes, mapping the changes at single cell resolution following cold intervention provides an important contribution to the field, in particular as an older group with limited thermogenic adaptation is analyzed in parallel with a younger, more responsive group. This model also allowed for detection of microenvironment as a determining factor of thermogenic response.

      The use of only two time points (young and middle-aged) along the aging continuum limits the conclusions that can be made on aging as the only driver of the observed differences between the groups. It should for example be noted that the older mice had higher weights and larger fat depots, thus the phenotype is complex and this should be taken into consideration when interpreting the data.

      In conclusion, this study provides an important resource for further studies on how to reactivate dormant thermogenic fat and potentially improve metabolic health.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The proposed study provides an innovative framework for the identification of muscle synergies taking into account their task relevance. State-of-the-art techniques for extracting muscle interactions use unsupervised machine-learning algorithms applied to the envelopes of the electromyographic signals without taking into account the information related to the task being performed. In this work, the authors suggest including the task parameters in extracting muscle synergies using a network information framework previously proposed. This allows the identification of muscle interactions that are relevant, irrelevant, or redundant to the parameters of the task executed.

      The proposed framework is a powerful tool to understand and identify muscle interactions for specific task parameters and it may be used to improve man-machine interfaces for the control of prostheses and robotic exoskeletons.

      With respect to the network information framework recently published, this work added an important part to estimate the relevance of specific muscle interactions to the parameters of the task executed. However, the authors should better explain what is the added value of this contribution with respect to the previous one, also in terms of computational methods.

      In general, the method proposed relies on several hyperparameters and cost functions that have been optimized for the specific datasets. A sensitivity analysis should be performed, varying these parameters and reporting the performance of the framework.

      It is not clear how the well-known phenomenon of cross-talk during the recording of electromyographic muscle activity may affect the performance of the proposed technique and how it may bias the overall outcomes of the framework.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Despite numerous studies on quinidine therapies for epilepsies associated with GOF mutant variants of Slack, there is no consensus on its utility due to contradictory results. In this study Yuan et al. investigated the role of different sodium selective ion channels on the sensitization of Slack to quinidine block. The study employed electrophysiological approaches, FRET studies, genetically modified proteins and biochemistry to demonstrate that Nav1.6 N- and C-tail interacts with Slack's C-terminus and significantly increases Slack sensitivity to quinidine blockade in vitro and in vivo. This finding inspired the authors to investigate whether they could rescue Slack GOF mutant variants by simply disrupting the interaction between Slack and Nav1.6. They find that the isolated C-terminus of Slack can reduce the current amplitude of Slack GOF mutant variants co-expressed with Nav1.6 in HEK cells and prevent Slack induced seizures in mouse models of epilepsy. This study adds to the growing list of channels that are modulated by protein-protein interactions, and is of great value for future therapeutic strategies.

      I have a few comments with regard to how Nav1.6 sensitize Slack to block by quinidine.

      It is not clear to me if the Slack induced current amplitude varies depending on the specific Nav subtype. To this end, it would be valuable to test if Slack open probability is affected by the presence of specific Nav subtypes. Nav induced differences in Slack current amplitude and open probability could explain why individual Nav subtypes show varied ability to sensitize Slack to quinidine blockade.

      It has previously been shown that INaP (persistent sodium current) is important for inducing Slack currents. Here the authors show that INaT (transient sodium current) of Nav1.6 is necessary for the sensitization of Slack to quinidine block whereas INaP surprisingly has no effect. The authors then show that the N-tail together with C-tail of Nav1.6 can induce same effect on Slack as full-length Nav1.6 in presence of high intracellular concentrations of sodium. However, it is not clear to me how the isolated N- and C-tail of Nav1.6 can induce sensitization of Slack to quinidine by interacting with C-terminus of Slack, while sensitization also is dependent on INaT. The authors speculate on different slack open conformation, but one could speculate if there is a missing link, such as an un-identified additional interacting protein that causes the coupling.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      With genephys, the author provides a generative model of brain responses to stimulation. This generative model allows mimicking of specific parameters of a brain response at the sensor level, to test the impact of those parameters on critical analytic methods utilized on real M/EEG data. Specifically, they compare the decoding output for differently set parameters to the decoding pattern observed in a classical passive viewing study in terms of the resulting temporal generalization matrix (TGM). They identify that the correspondence between the mimicked and the experimental TGM depends on an oscillatory component that spans multiple channels, frequencies, and latencies of response; and an additive, slower response with a specific (cross-frequency) relation to the phase of the oscillatory, faster component.

      A strength of the article is that it considers the complexity of neural data that contributes to the findings obtained in stimulation experiments. An additional strength is the provision of a Python package that allows scientists to explore the potential contribution of different aspects of neural signals to obtained experimental data and thereby to potentially test their theoretical assumptions critical parameters that contribute to their experimental data.

      A weakness of the paper is that the power of the model is illustrated for only one specific set of parameters, added in a stepwise manner and the comparison to on specific empirical TGM, assumed to be prototypical; And that this comparison remains descriptive. (That is could a different selection of parameters lead to similar results and is there TGM data which matches these settings less well.) It further remained unclear to me, which implications may be drawn from the generative model, following from the capacities to mimic this specific TGM (i) for more complex cases, such as the comparison between experimental conditions, and (ii) about the complex nature of neural processes involved.

      Towards this end, I would appreciate (i) a more profound explanation of the conclusions that can be drawn from this specific showcase, including potential limitations, as well as wider considerations of how scientists may empower the generative model to (ii) understand their experimental data better and (iii) which added value the model may have in understanding the nature of underlying brain mechanism (rather than a mere technical characterization of sensor data).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The paper by Dongsheng Xiao, Yuhao Yan and Timothy H Murphy presents a timely approach to record neuronal activity at multiple temporal and spatial scales. Such approaches are at the forefront of system neuroscience and a few examples include, among others, fMRI alongside electrophysiology (Logothetis et al, 2021. Nature) or widefield calcium imaging (Lake et al, 2020. Nat Meth) , or functional ultrasound imaging and multi unit recording (Claron et al, 2023 Cell Reports), The method presented here combines "low resolution" (i.e. cortical regions) widefield calcium imaging across most of the dorsal portions of the murine cortex combined with electrical recording of single neurons in specific cortical and subcortical locations (as a matter of fact, this later components can be used everywhere in the murine brain).

      The method presented here is straightforward to implement and very well documented. Examples of novel insights that this approach can generate are well presented and demonstrate the strength of the presented approach, some aspects of the analysis require clarification.

      For example, the author reveal Spike-Triggered average cortical activation Maps (STMs) linked to the activity of single neurons (Figs 4 and 5) This allows to directly asses the functional connectivity between cortical and sub-cortical areas. It nevertheless unclear what is the stability of the established relationships. The nature of the "recordings" in Fig 4. is unclear. It looks like these are imaging sessions on the same day, the length of these recordings as well as the interval between them is not stated. It will be fundamental to build a metric to compare STMs variability across sessions/recordings/days; a root-mean-square from an average map across all recordings could provide a starting point.

      Also with respect to the STMs analysis, the data-driven choice of 10 clusters might need a bit more explorations. While the silhouette clustering accuracy peaks at 10 (Fig 5A), this metrics comes without a confidence intervals making it difficult to know if a difference of less than 10% (i.e. 11 or 13 clusters) should be deemed different. Maybe a bootstrapping approach could be used here to build such confidence intervals. Another approach to reach the number of cluster to use could be based on "consensus" between different partitioning algorithms (e.g. Strehl, A. & Ghosh, J. itions. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 3, 583-617 (2001). A much stronger argument should be provided to use the 0.3 correlation cutoff value which seems to be arbitrarily low. The main point here is that the authors should show that their conclusions hold within a range of parameter values (number of clusters and correlation threshold).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Hoops et al. showed that Netrin-1 and UNC5c can guide dopaminergic innervation from nucleus accumbens to cortex during adolescence in rodent models. They found that these dopamine axons project to the prefrontal cortex in a Netrin-1 dependent manner and knocking down Netrin-1 disrupted motor and learning behaviors in mice. Furthermroe, the authors used hamsters, a seasonal model that is affected by the length of daylight, to demonstrate that the guidance of dopamine axons is mediated by the environmental factor such as daytime length and in sex dependent manner. While this study highlighted the important roles of two neurodevelopmental markers, netrin-1 and UNC5C, in the projection of dopaminergic azons in the adolescence/adult brain, the major weakness is that the data are quite superficial and do not establish any definitive evidence to support the causal relationship between the expression of netrin-1 and UNC5C in the projection of dopaminergic axons remain unclear.<br /> Below are several major concerns regarding the data presented in this manuscript:

      1. Despite the well-established role of Netrin-1 and UNC5C axon guidance during embryonic commissural axons, it remains unclear which cell type(s) express Netrin-1 or UNC5C in the dopaminergic axons and their targets. For instance, the data in Figure 1F-G and Figure 2 are quite confusing. Does Netrin-1 or UNC5C express in all cell types or only dopamine-positive neurons in these two mouse models? It will also be important to provide quantitative assessments of UNC5C expression in dopaminergic axons at different ages.

      2. Figure 1 used shRNA to knockdown Netrin-1 in the Septum and these mice were subjected to behavioral testing. These results, again, are not supported by any valid data that the knockdown approach actually worked in dopaminergic axons. It is also unclear whether knocking down Netrin-1 in the septum will re-route dopaminergic axons or lead to cell death in the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta?

      3. Another issue with Figure1J. It is unclear whether the viruses were injected into a WT mouse model or into a Cre-mouse model driven by a promoter specifically expresses in dorsal peduncular cortex? The authors should provide evidence that Netrin-1 mRNA and proteins are indeed significantly reduced. The authors should address the anatomic results of the area of virus diffusion to confirm the virus specifically infected the cells in dorsal peduncular cortex.

      4. The authors need to provide information regarding the efficiency and duration of knocking down. For instance, in Figure 1K, the mice were tested after 53 days post injection, can the virus activity in the brain last for such a long time?

      5. In Figure 1N-Q, silencing Netrin-1 results in less DA axons targeting to infralimbic cortex, but why the Netrin-1 knocking down mice revealed the improved behavior?

      6. What is the effect of knocking down UNC5C on dopamine axons guidance to the cortex?

      7. In Figures 2-4, the authors only showed the amount of DA axons and UNC5C in NAcc. However, it remains unclear whether these experiments also impact the projections of dopaminergic axons to other brain regions, critical for the behavioral phenotypes. What about other brain regions such as prefrontal cortex? Do the projection of DA axons and UNC5c level in cortex have similar pattern to those in NAcc?

      8. Can overexpression of UNC5c or Netrin-1 in male winter hamsters mimic the observations in summer hamsters? Or overexpression of UNC5c in female summer hamsters to mimic the winter hamster? This would be helpful to confirm the causal role of UNC5C in guiding DA axons during adolescence.

      9. The entire study relied on using tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) as a marker for dopaminergic axons. However, the expression of TH (either by IHC or IF) can be influenced by other environmental factors, that could alter the expression of TH at the cellular level.

      10. Are Netrin-1/UNC5C the only signal guiding dopamine axon during adolescence? Are there other neuronal circuits involved in this process?

      11. Finally, despite the authors' claim that the dopaminergic axon project is sensitive to the duration of daylight in the hamster, they never provided definitive evidence to support this hypothesis.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper describes the development and initial validation of an approach-avoidance task and its relationship to anxiety. The task is a two-armed bandit where one choice is 'safer' - has no probability of punishment, delivered as an aversive sound, but also lower probability of reward - and the other choice involves a reward-punishment conflict. The authors fit a computational model of reinforcement learning to this task and found that self-reported state anxiety during the task was related to a greater likelihood of choosing the safe stimulus when the other (conflict) stimulus had a higher likelihood of punishment. Computationally, this was represented by a smaller value for the ratio of reward to punishment sensitivity in people with higher task-induced anxiety. They replicated this finding, but not another finding that this behavior was related to a measure of psychopathology (experiential avoidance), in a second sample. They also tested test-retest reliability in a sub-sample tested twice, one week apart and found that some aspects of task behavior had acceptable levels of reliability. The introduction makes a strong appeal to back-translation and computational validity, but many aspects of the rationale for this task need to be strengthened or better explained. The task design is clever and most methods are solid - it is encouraging to see attempts to validate tasks as they are developed. There are a few methodological questions and interpretation issues, but they do not affect the overall findings. The lack of replicated effects with psychopathology may mean that this task is better suited to assess state anxiety, or to serve as a foundation for additional task development.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Sensory neurons of the mechanosensory bristles on the head of the fly project to the sub esophageal ganglion (SEZ). In this manuscript, the authors have built on a large body of previous work to comprehensively classify and quantify the head bristles. They broadly identify the nerves that various bristles use to project to the SEZ and describe their region-specific innervation in the SEZ. They use dye-fills, clonal labelling, and electron microscopic reconstructions to describe in detail the phenomenon of somatotopy - conserved peripheral representations within the central brain - within the innervation of these neurons. In the process they develop novel tools to access subsets of these neurons. They use these to demostrate that groups of bristles in different parts of the head control different aspects of the grooming sequence.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This important study reveals the structure of human STEAP2 for the first time and suggests the electron transport pathway, but some questions remain regarding the interpretation of the in vitro electron transport experiments, the lack of available redox couples, and potential alternative hypotheses that would if addressed, strengthen the claims in the manuscript.


      One of the clear strengths of the manuscript that stands out is the determination of the structure of human STEAP2. The structures of some other homologs are known, but STEAP2's structure was not, and STEAP2 seems to have an unusually low activity towards certain metal chelates. The approach of producing the human STEAP2 in insect cells with the supplementation of cofactor biogenesis components nicely results in cofactor-replete protein. The structure of STEAP2 reveals a domain-swapped trimer, with the NADPH-binding domain of the neighboring protomer within electron-transport distance of the FAD-heme axis. The FAD has an interesting and somewhat unusual extended conformation and abuts a Leu residue that may regulate electron transport. Another strength of the manuscript is the demonstration that STEAP1, which does not have the internal NADPH binding domain, can interact modestly and shuttle electrons to the heme in STEAP1 through FAD. These experiments nicely expand information on the function of STEAP1 and provide a structural basis for electron transport in STEAP2.


      A major weakness in the manuscript lies with the kinetics data and how the data, as presented, are unclear to the reader regarding their impact and their connection to the purported electron transport scheme. While multiple sets of data are reported, the analysis in all cases is simply the reduction of a hexacoordinate heme and its related spectra and kinetic parameters. In most cases, it's unclear to the reader which part of the electron pathway is being tested in which experiment. Simple diagrams would be helpful in each case. However, it's also unclear if all of the potential order of addition experiments were actually performed; i.e., flavin but no NADPH; NADPH but no flavin; flavin before NADPH; flavin after NADPH, etc. As there are multiple permutations that should be tested to demonstrate the electron transport pathway, presenting the data in a way that makes it clear to the reader is challenging. Particularly missing are the determined redox potentials of the hemes in both STEAP1 and STEAP2. Could differences in these heme redox potentials be drivers of the difference in metal reduction rates? Also, the text indicates that STEAP2 does not show a reduction rate dependence on the [Fe3+-NTA], but Figure 1A shows a difference in rates dependent on [Fe3+-NTA], and the shape of the reduction curve also changes based on [Fe3+-NTA]. This discrepancy should be rectified.

      A second major weakness is the lack of any verification of the relevance of the STEAP2 oligomerization to its in vivo function. Is the same domain-swapped trimer known to exist in vivo? If the protein were prepared in other detergents, is the oligomerization preserved? It is alluded to in the text that another STEAP protein is also a trimer. Was this oligomerization verified in vivo? Could this oligomerization be disrupted to impede or abrogate electron transport to underscore the oligomerization relevance? This point is germane, as it would further suggest that the domain-swapped trimer observed in the STEAP2 cryo-EM structure is physiologically relevant, especially given how far the distance between the NADPH and the FAD would otherwise be to support electron transport.

      Beyond these two areas in which the manuscript could be improved there are a couple of minor considerations. First, the modest resolution of the STEAP2 structure prevents assigning the states of NADP+/NADPH and FAD/FADH2 with confidence. An orthogonal measure would be useful for modeling the accurate states in the structure. Finally, the BLI b5R/STEAP1 binding/unbinding fits seem somewhat poor, especially at high concentrations of b5R in the dissociation regime, which likely influences the derived value of Kd. A different fitting equilibrium might yield better agreement between the experimental and theoretical results. Moreover, whether this binding strength is influenced by the reduction state of the NADPH would be helpful in understanding and contextualizing the weak binding affinity.

    1. We propose a simple solution to use a single Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model to translatebetween multiple languages. Our solution requires no changes to the model architecture from a standardNMT system but instead introduces an artificial token at the beginning of the input sentence to specifythe required target language. The rest of the model, which includes an encoder, decoder and attentionmodule, remains unchanged and is shared across all languages. Using a shared wordpiece vocabulary, ourapproach enables Multilingual NMT using a single model without any increase in parameters, which issignificantly simpler than previous proposals for Multilingual NMT. On the WMT’14 benchmarks, a singlemultilingual model achieves comparable performance for English→French and surpasses state-of-the-artresults for English→German. Similarly, a single multilingual model surpasses state-of-the-art resultsfor French→English and German→English on WMT’14 and WMT’15 benchmarks, respectively. Onproduction corpora, multilingual models of up to twelve language pairs allow for better translation ofmany individual pairs. In addition to improving the translation quality of language pairs that the modelwas trained with, our models can also learn to perform implicit bridging between language pairs neverseen explicitly during training, showing that transfer learning and zero-shot translation is possible forneural translation. Finally, we show analyses that hints at a universal interlingua representation in ourmodels and show some interesting examples when mixing languages.

      this could help me

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study aims to identify the existence of hedonic feeding and to distinguish it from homeostatic feeding, in Drosophila. The authors use direct observation of feeding events, a novel automated feeding event detector, inventive behavioral assays, and genetics to separate out the ways that the Drosophila interacts with food. Using two choice assays, the authors find an increased duration of interactions with high-concentration sugars under conditions of expected satiety, which is considered to be hedonic feeding.

      The technical advances in the measurement of animal interactions with food will help advance the understanding of feeding behavior and motivational states. The correlation of specific types of food interactions across satiation state, sex, and circadian time will help drive forward the understanding of the scope of an animal's goals with feeding, and likely their relation between species and eating disorders. The assessment of mushroom body circuitry in a type of food interaction is helpful for understanding the coding of feeding control in the brain.

      The bulk of the feeding data presented in the manuscript are from the interactions of individual flies with a source of liquid food, where interaction is defined as 'physical contact of a specific duration.' Although the assay they use allows for measurements to be made at high temporal resolution, the authors include some data showing that solid food consumption follows the same trend.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors use a combination of crop modeling and field experiments to argue that drought during seedling establishment likely severely impacts the yield of pearl millet, an important but understudied cereal crop, and that rapid seedling root elongation could play a major role in mitigating this. They further argue that this trait has a strong genetic basis and that major polymorphisms in candidate genes can be identified using standard methods from modern genetics and genomics. Finally, they use homology with the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana to argue that the function of one putatively causal gene is to regulate root cell elongation.

      The major strength of this paper is that it convincingly demonstrates how modern methods from plant breeding and model organisms can be combined to address questions of great practical importance in important but poorly understood crops. The notion that it is possible to connect single-locus polymorphism and cellular biology to drought tolerance and crop yield in pearl millet is not a trivial one.

      The weakness is obvious: while the argument made is convincing, it must be recognized that the strength of the evidence is by no means of the level expected in a model organism. Conclusions could easily be wrong, and there is no direct evidence that regulatory variation in PgGRXC9 leads to higher crop yield via cell elongation and seedling drought tolerance. However, generating such evidence in a poorly studied crop would be a monumental undertaking, and should probably not be the priority of people working on pearl millet!

      The utility of this work is that it suggests that it is practicable to gain valuable insight into crop adaptation by clever use of modern methods from a variety of sources.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Specifically controlling the level of proteins in bacteria is an important tool for many aspects of microbiology, from basic research to protein production. While there are several established methods for regulating transcription or translation of proteins with light, optogenetic protein degradation has so far not been established in bacteria. In this paper, the authors present a degradation sequence, which they name "LOVtag", based on iLID, a modified version of the blue-light-responsive LOV2 domain of Avena sativa phototropin I (AsLOV2). The authors reasoned that by removing the three C-terminal amino acids of iLID, the modified protein ends in "-E-A-A", similar to the "-L-A-A" C-terminus of the widely used SsrA degradation tag. The authors further speculated that, given the light-induced unfolding of the C-terminal domain of iLID and similar proteins, the "-E-A-A" C-terminus would become more accessible and, in turn, the protein would be more efficiently degraded in blue light than in the dark.

      Indeed, several tested proteins tagged with the "LOVtag" show clearly lower cellular levels in blue light than in the dark. While the system works efficiently with mCherry (10-20x lower levels upon illumination), the effect is rather modest (2-3x lower levels) in most other cases. Accordingly, the authors propose to use their system in combination with other light-controlled expression systems and provide data validating this approach. Unfortunately, despite the claim that the "LOVtag" should work faster than optogenetic systems controlling transcription or translation of protein, the degradation kinetics are not consistently shown; in the one case where this is done, the response time and overall efficiency are similar or slightly worse than for EL222, an optogenetic expression system.

      The manuscript and the figures are generally very well-composed and follow a clear structure. The schematics nicely explain the underlying principles. However, limitations of the method in its main proposed area of use, protein production, should be highlighted more clearly, e.g., (i) the need to attach a C-terminal tag of considerable size to the protein of interest, (ii) the limited efficiency (slightly less efficient and slower than EL222, a light-dependent transcriptional control mechanism), and (iii) the incompletely understood prerequisites for its application. In addition, several important controls and measurements of the characteristics of the systems, such as the degradation kinetics, would need to be shown to allow a comparison of the system with established approaches. The current version also contains several minor mistakes in the figures.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      The manuscript presented by Pabba et al. studied chromatin dynamics throughout the cell cycle. The authors used fluorescence signals and patterns of GFP-PCNA (GFP tagged proliferating cell nuclear antigen) and CY3-dUTP (which labels newly synthesized DNA but not the DNA template) to determine cell cycle stages in asynchronized HeLa (Kyoto) cells and track movements of chromatin domains. PCNA binds to replication forks and form replication foci during the S phase. The major conclusions are: (1) Labeled chromatin domains were more mobile in G1/G2 relative to the S-phase. (2) Restricted chromatin motion occurred at sites in proximity to DNA replication sites. (3) Chromatin motion was restricted by the loading of replisomes, independent of DNA synthesis. This work is based on previous work published in 2015, entitled "4D Visualization of replication foci in mammalian cells corresponding to individual replicons," in which the labeling method was demonstrated to be sound. Although interesting, reduced chromatin mobility in S relative to G1 phase is not new to the field. The genome in HeLa cells is greatly abnormal with heterogeneous aneuploidy, which makes quantification complicated and weakens the conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      She et al studied the evolution of gene expression reaction norms when individuals colonise a new environment that exposes them to physiologically challenging conditions. Their objective was to test the "plasticity first" hypothesis, which suggest that traits that are already plastic (their value changes when facing a new environment compared to the original environment) facilitates the colonisation of novel environments, which, if true, would be predicted to result in the evolution of gene expression values that are similar in the population that colonised the new environment and evolved under these particular selection pressures. To test this prediction, they studied gene expression in cardiac and muscle tissues in individuals originating from three conditions: lowland individuals in their natural environment (ancestral state), lowland individuals exposed to hypoxia (the plastic response state), and a highland population facing hypoxia for several generations (the coloniser state). They classified gene expression patterns as maladaptive or adaptive in lowland individuals responding to short term hypoxia by classifying gene expression patterns using genes that differed between the ancestral state (lowland) and colonised state (highland). Genes expressed in the same direction in lowland individuals facing hypoxia (the plastic state) as what is found in the colonised state are defined as adaptative, while genes with the opposite expression pattern were labelled as maladaptive, using the assumption that the colonised state must represent the result of natural selection. Furthermore, genes could be classified as representing reversion plasticity when the expression pattern differed between the plasticity and colonised states and as reinforcement when they were in the same direction (for example more expressed in the plastic state and the colonised state than in the ancestral state). They found that more genes had a plastic expression pattern that was labelled as maladaptive than adaptive. Therefore, some of the genes have an expression pattern in accordance with what would be predicted based on the plasticity-first hypothesis, while others do not.

      As pointed out by the authors themselves, the fact that temperature was not included as a variable, which would make the experimental design much more complex, misses the opportunity to more accurately reflect the environmental conditions that the colonizer individuals face at high altitude. Also pointed out by the authors, the acclimation experiment in hypoxia lasted 4 weeks. It is possible that longer term effects would be identifiable in gene expression in the lowland individuals facing hypoxia on a longer time scale. Furthermore, a sample size of 3 or 4 individuals per group depending on the tissue for wild individuals may miss some of the natural variation present in these populations. Stating that they have a n=7 for the plastic stage and n= 14 for the ancestral and colonized stages refers to the total number of tissue samples and not the number of individuals, according to supplementary table 1. Finally, I could not find a statement indicating that the lowland individuals placed in hypoxia (plastic stage) were from the same population as the lowland individuals for which transcriptomic data was already available, used as the "ancestral state" group (which themselves seem to come from 3 populations Qinghuangdao, Beijing, and Tianjin, according to supplementary table 2) nor if they were sampled in the same time of year (pre reproduction, during breeding, after, or if they were juveniles, proportion of males or females, etc). These two aspects could affect both gene expression (through neutral or adaptive genetic variation among lowland populations that can affect gene expression, or environmental effects other than hypoxia that differ in these populations' environments or because of their sexes or age). This could potentially also affect the FST analysis done by the authors, which they use to claim that strong selective pressure acted on the expression level of some of the genes in the colonised group.

      Impact of the work<br /> There has been work showing that populations adapted to high altitude environments show changes in their hypoxia response that differs from the short-term acclimation response of lowland population of the same species. For example, in humans, see Erzurum et al. 2007 and Peng et al. 2017, where they show that the hypoxia response cascade, which starts with the gene HIF (Hypoxia-Inducible Factor) and includes the EPO gene, which codes for erythropoietin, which in turns activates the production of red blood cell, is LESS activated in high altitude individuals compared to the activation level in lowland individuals (which gives it its name). The present work adds to this body of knowledge showing that the short-term response to hypoxia and the long term one can affect different pathways and that acclimation/plasticity does not always predict what physiological traits will evolve in populations that colonize these environments over many generations and additional selection pressure (UV exposure, temperature, nutrient availability).

      Altogether, this work provides new information on the evolution of reaction norms of genes associated with the physiological response to one of the main environmental variables that affects almost all animals, oxygen availability. It also provides an interesting model system to study this type of question further in a natural population of homeotherms.

      Erzurum, S. C., S. Ghosh, A. J. Janocha, W. Xu, S. Bauer, N. S. Bryan, J. Tejero et al. "Higher blood flow and circulating NO products offset high-altitude hypoxia among Tibetans." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, no. 45 (2007): 17593-17598.

      Peng, Y., C. Cui, Y. He, Ouzhuluobu, H. Zhang, D. Yang, Q. Zhang, Bianbazhuoma, L. Yang, Y. He, et al. 2017. Down-regulation of EPAS1 transcription and genetic adaptation of Tibetans to high-altitude hypoxia. Molecular biology and evolution 34:818-830.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this paper, authors used IL-33KO and ILC2KO mice to generate evidence for pregnancy specific enrichment of ILC2s and their unique molecular signatures. They documented that uterine ILC2s are distinct from the ILC2s residing in lung and lymph nodes. They have provided solid evidence that although litter size did not change, but fetuses from ILC2KO mice showed growth restriction. In the absence of ILC2s, LPS injections lead to increased abortion rates and fetal loss suggesting the critical role of ILC2s in protection against infection induced pathology. Most of the results presented in the paper support the conclusion, but in some instances the evidence is indirect. Some clarifications on experimental interpretations are required as below.

      • The immunohistology experiments revealed that IL-33 predominately co-localizes with ILC2 in the myometrium, but the staining appears to be diffused throughout the myometrium. It is difficult to pinpoint ILC2 specific IL-33 colocalization. Is the decidual expression of IL-33 largely restricted to ILC2s? Also, IL-33 is produced by a variety of other cell types including endothelial cells, which is difficult to ascertain from the images in Fig 1.<br /> • Authors report that ILC2s are responsible for fetal growth restriction (FGR) noted in the ILC2 KO mice. They attribute FGR to utero-placental abnormalities but the experimental evidence, including spiral arterial remodelling and glucose transporter gene expression are indirect. Is there any compensation from other cell types such as macrophages in the absence of ILC2s as they reported increased dendritic cells, neutrophils, and macrophages in ILC2KO mice. Clarify whether IL-33 levels were consistent between WT and ILC2KO mice. How do these other increased numbers of macrophages, DCs and neutrophils fit in the FGR context besides gene expression changes they captured in DCs and macrophages.<br /> • They captured spiral arterial wall to lumen ratio alterations in ILC2KO mice suggesting sub-optimal vascular changes in ILC2KO mice. They did not find any changes in the uNK cells or IFN-production between WT and ILC2KO. What would be the mechanistic link between ILC2 and spiral arterial vascular changes. They indirectly link it to the IL1B gene expression.<br /> • In the LPS induced abortion in ILC2 KO mice experiments, how do they reconcile the predominant role of macrophages and LPS induced TNF-a in the pathology? They did not find any differences in the gene expression in the LPS induced signature cytokine, TNF-a despite increased numbers of macrophages in ILC2 KO mice. Clarification is required on whether these inflammatory alterations that they captured directly linked to utero-placental insufficiency between WT and ILC2KO. The type 2 cytokines were barely detectable in ILC2KO mice, which likely predispose them for utero-placental alterations.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study Guss and colleagues identify a requirement of the ECM component Perlecan for the maintenance of neuronal structures. The authors convincingly demonstrate that the absence of Perlecan (in the entire organism) causes a severe perturbation of the ECM-based neural lamella, a support structure surrounding axon bundles and, to a lesser extent, the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Likely because of these ECM perturbations, axons and even entire nerve bundles break at sites prior to the innervation of the peripheral muscles. Within hemisegments all affected motoneurons show signs of degeneration and synapses are retracted (degenerate). Through targeted genetic approaches in combination with immunohistochemical and electrophysiological approaches the authors aim to elucidate cell specific requirements of Perlecan. Interestingly, knock down of Perlecan in single tissues but also in combinations of tissues (neurons, glia and muscles) was not sufficient to recapitulate the phenotypes observed after ubiquitous knock down. Similarly, a rescue of these phenotypes via motoneuron expression in null mutants was not successful.

      The authors very convincingly demonstrate that in the absence of Perlecan synaptic terminals degenerate and that axon and neural lamella morphology and structure is perturbed. All processes were analyzed using multiple and complementary approaches including live-imaging and electrophysiology. The precise correlation of these phenotypes and especially the careful classification into degenerated and non-affected NMJs revealed that the cause for all phenotypes is likely the disruption of the neural lamella that - through thus far unknown mechanisms - cause axonal breakage and subsequently synaptic retractions.

      This study highlights the importance of the ECM to maintain neuronal structures, however, the precise source of Perlecan and the precise cause of axonal breakage remains still unresolved.

      Further rescue experiments would be necessary to resolve the source of Perlecan. This requires a first demonstration that a rescue is possible with the available tools using a ubiquitous-expression analogous to the RNAi-experiments.<br /> In addition, a careful longitudinal analysis of the integrity of individual axons (e.g. MN1 or MN4) combined with an ECM analysis may provide insights into the place and cause of the axonal breakages that are likely causal for all other observed phenotypes. As pointed out in the discussion a disruption of the blood-brain barrier at specific (?) vulnerable sites seems currently the most reasonable explanation for the observed effects. Surprisingly, the authors did not observe any rescue effect after the inhibition of Wallarian degeneration mechanisms highlighting that the cellular mechanisms underlying these two forms of degeneration in which axons are disrupted may be different.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      We conclude that this descriptive study has some strengths but additionally, we propose several ways in which to increase its potential impact and to strengthen some of the claims. This study describes the remodeling of Merkel cells and their innervating sensory axons in the skin. By using transgenic mouse lines in which these cells were genetically fluorescently labeled, the authors performed a series of analyses mostly focusing on the number and location of Merkel cells and the sensory axons that innervate them.

      One of the major strengths of the study is the establishment of intravital imaging techniques to investigate the dynamic simultaneous behavior of Merkel cells and their innervation during homeostasis and hair regeneration. However, how the findings integrate into the existing knowledge of skin development is unfortunately only partially addressed.

      To the best of our understanding, a few technical limitations of the study define its major weaknesses: First, Merkel cell loss is dramatic and it's unclear whether this reduction is part of a developmentally controlled reduction in cell number, or whether additional cells are expected to be integrated into the system. Longer windows of imaging might help here. Second, the depilation agent might be too aggressive and lead to cell death and thus better controls might be suggested. Similarly, ablating Merkal cells throughout development might cause developmental issues that might mask the proposed homeostasis analyses. A controlled adult specific ablation might be suggested. Finally, the TrkC based transgenic mouse is expected to be heterozygous - could that be an issue? Either better controls, or a textual addressing of this topic are advised.

      All in all, we think this study has the potential to establish a high resolution description of Merkel cells - sensory axon dynamic interactions. We hope that the authors will be encouraged to improve the paper based on our comments, something that will likely improve its potential significance and impact.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript, the authors tried to explore the molecular alterations of adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in PCOS by global proteomic and phosphorylation site analysis. In the study, the samples are valuable, while there are no repeats for MS and there are no functional studies for the indicted proteins, phosphorylation sites. The authors achieved their aims to some extent, but not enough.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Holzinger et al. investigated potential antimicrobial compounds for cystic fibrosis (CF) infection with similarity to a host-derived antimicrobial, bactericidal permeability-increasing protein (BPI). Human BPI (huBPI) is neutralised by anti-BPI antibodies, rendering it ineffective at eradicating Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a large proportion of people with cystic fibrosis. BPI produced by mice (muBPI), scorpionfish (scoBPI), and oysters (oyBPI) was evaluated on their anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and immunogenic potency. The authors showed that each BPI orthologue evaded recognition by anti-BPI. The cationic BPI orthologues also reduced bacterial burden in vitro, reducing the expression of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF) and significantly decreasing cell culture density in the laboratory and multidrug-resistant P. aeruginosa strains. ScoBPI was the most potent, with greater anti-inflammatory and bactericidal activity than huBPI and all other orthologues.

      This study investigates the action of BPI orthologues as potential CF antimicrobials. While scoBPI appears significantly more effective as an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent compared to huBPI, the orthologue has not been tested in environments that model the CF lung environment. The authors describe the cationic BPI as binding to the LPS via electrostatic interaction. This interaction could be limited in vivo, as anionic extracellular DNA, cationic metal ions and polyamines, and other charged substances may impede interaction. Further, delivery of scoBPI to the infection site may be detrimentally impacted, due to the viscous mucous in the lungs and the biofilm mode of growth of P. aeruginosa. The discussion of the study could be improved by describing important considerations for future development. These could include in vitro testing against P. aeruginosa biofilms in relevant sputum-mimicking media, and in vivo validation in Galleria mellonella, and CF and non-CF mouse models.

      Overall, the authors present an interesting study that provides a compelling basis for a potential novel antimicrobial for CF chronic airway infection. The authors' claims are well supported by their data, which they present in a clear, logical manner. To build on these findings, the authors could test scoBPI in models that recapitulate core factors of the CF environment.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the present study, Yasuko Isoe, Ryohei Nakamura & colleagues follow a lineage analysis study aiming at identifying the clonal organization of the dorsal telencephalon. The authors use the teleost fish medaka to conduct their experiments since it displays a clearly delineated dorsal pallium. After identifying the clonal units that constitute the dorsal telencephalon, they analyze the epigenetic landscape in each unit. The authors identify then differential open chromatin patterns that they relate to functional aspects of each unit, and additionally, use the epigenetic landscape to infer the identity of transcription factors operating as putative regulators. Overall, the study consists of an impressive amount of data that shed light on the organization of a central brain region in vertebrates.

      The findings in the manuscript are organized into two main sections: lineage analysis and epigenetic organization. The authors combine genetic tools with laser dissections of specific clones and ATAC-seq and RNA-seq analysis in multiple samples, an approach that is very elegant and follows high technical standards. For lineage analysis, the authors used a basic, but appropriate, tool to induce and follow clones generated in early embryos, with the side note that lineages are followed using a non-ubiquitous promoter so that the authors restrict their analysis to neural progenitors. My overall impression is that the authors have collected a massive amount of high-quality data, which unfortunately is not properly integrated or discussed in the manuscript. There is only a superficial effort in incorporating the two main findings, which contrasts with the depth of acquired data.

      The observation of clonal sectors in the pallium is a great finding that deserves a more detailed analysis in terms of their developmental and evolutionary origin: How may progenitors are used to set up the entire pallium? What is the smallest clone that contributes to it? Is there any laterality bias in the clonal architecture? Is the clonal architecture exclusive for progenitors or does it extend to neurons as well? How has the clonal architecture impacted the morphological diversity of the pallium among teleosts? What are possible evolutionary paths to explain this phenomenon? The authors' discussion on this point circles around one concept, illustrated in the following sentence: " (The clonal architecture) ... possibly explains how the difference in diversity between the pallium and subpallium has emerged: the subpallium is conserved because cells belong to various clonal units intertwined with each other, which has constrained their modification during evolution; whereas the pallium is diverse because of the modular nature of the clonal units which allows for the emergence of diversity". This is the concept that I have the most problems with. The authors' reason that a more defined clonal structure (pallium) makes a system more prone to evolutionary novelties, while a region where clones intermingle (subpallium) is more rigid and therefore more conserved between species.  Is there experimental data that backs up this statement in any other systems? If there is, I urge the authors to share these here. If this is just a speculation, then the argument would benefit from an explanation of how this clonal organization allows for evolutionary novelty. Would it happen by the appearance of more clones at the early stages of development? The authors leave this central point untouched even when discussing the evolutionary origin of the pallium in teleosts.

      Having shown the clonal architecture of the pallium and conducted a detailed epigenetic analysis in clones, the authors could also speculate on what is special about this type of organisation. Particularly, how they envision that cells belonging to the same clone inherit a common epigenetic landscape that will define their function later on. There is little analysis of the cellular organization of each clone, mainly because the authors labeled only a subset of the real, genetic clone. The authors present images of entire brains and optical horizontal and transverse sections, which largely sustain their claims for a clonal organization. The difference in the clonal arrangements between the Dld and the Vd is clear, but the authors could provide a higher-resolution image of some clones in the telencephalon to get an idea of the cellular composition of the regions they use for their analysis. What is the extent of non-GFP cells in the regions they use for RNAseq and ATACseq? From the images shown it is very difficult to realize whether all cells in the clonal sector do indeed belong to the clone.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this paper, the authors use patch-clamp recordings of immature (4w and 5w) and mature granule cells (GC) in hippocampal slices to study stimulus-response properties at different cell ages. First analyzing spike trains generated by a fluctuating stimulus, they show that the reliability of spiking responses increases with cell age. They then fit a Spike Response Model (SRM), a type of GLM that translates inputs to membrane potential and then membrane potential to spikes. Using this model they compare the model parameters from different cells. Time constants for the input-voltage filter are faster for the mDGCs than the 4w, with 5w intermediate, and time constants across all cells appear to be faster when reliability is higher. They analyze stimulus reconstruction and stimulus-response information using the recordings and then extend this to pseudo-populations to test how heterogeneous properties contribute to coding efficacy. They find that mixed pools of neurons, including cells of multiple ages, decode stimuli more accurately.

      Overall, this is a cleverly designed study with sound methodology. A major contribution of the paper is demonstrating with precise, quantitative methods how a degree of heterogeneity that naturally arises in neural populations may be beneficial to decoding the stimulus, despite the fact that some of the heterogeneity arises from variability in single cells. This is an intriguing result showing how neural coding and decoding may actually benefit from heterogeneous response properties rather than only be hindered by variation.

      The paper has a couple of weaknesses. First, it is difficult to assess how meaningful the effects that the authors measure are. For example, is a 3% improvement in decoding (Fig. 4H) with mixed populations of GCs substantial? A second issue not currently addressed in the paper is the relative roles of age-dependent variability and within-group variability: how much of the improvement in stimulus decoding/information encoding is achieved by heterogeneity across model parameters that appears in each age group? Further analyses and clarifications in this vein are suggested.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript by Toshima et al. describes a study of the organization of traffic in the endomembrane system of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The authors address the relation between endocytosis and the Golgi (TGN: a collection of maturing membrane elements derived from the trans-Golgi). The study builds on a previous article by the group of Benjamin Glick. In that study (Day et al., 2018), it was postulated that the TGN is the first destination for yeast endocytic traffic after internalization from the plasma membrane. Additionally, Day et al. had shown that endocytic recycling traffic towards the plasma membrane departs from the TGN as well. Therefore, early endosome and recycling endosome compartments would be identical to the TGN or contained within it. Here, Toshima et al. use super-resolution confocal live imaging microscopy (SCLIM) to refine a model of endocytic pathway organization. This powerful imaging technology allows them to show that out of two partially overlapping TGN markers, namely Tlg2 and Sec7, the syntaxin Tlg2 correlates better with the arrival of fluorescently labeled endocytic cargo than alternative TGN marker Sec7. Building on this main finding, the authors conclude that a specific part of the TGN (an "independent sub-compartment") functions as the early endosome. Further experiments in mutants for GGA clathrin adaptors, required for departure of endocytic cargo from the TGN to the Rab5-positive prevacuolar endosome, show again that endocytosed cargo accumulation correlates better with Tlg2 than with Sec7. Furthermore, in GGA mutants the overlap between Tlg2 and Sec7 is decreased, suggesting that GGA is required for maturation of this Tlg2 sub-compartment.

      The study is well conducted and its main conclusion that a Tlg2 subregion within the TGN functions as the early endosome seems well supported by the superb live imaging and the analysis of GGA mutants.

      Although a technical feat in live superresolution imaging, this single kind of data (moving, shape-shifting blobs of fluorescently-labeled proteins) does not totally fill with meaning the terms "compartment", "sub-compartment", or "independent sub-compartment". This, I think, is the main limitation of the study. Are these compartments or sub-compartments individuated membrane elements, collections of vesicles, regions of the same cisterna or saccule? For this, electron microscopy would be needed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Luu et al. have developed a genome-edited African elite rice variety, Komboka. The work was initiated in response to the outbreak in Eastern Africa by Xanthomonas oryzae strains that are phylogenetically related to Asian strains and carry TALes, similar to strains from China, possessing an expanded repertoire of TALes compared to those in endemic strains. As these emerging strains contain TALe targeting SWEET11a, as well as that suppressing Xa1, pthXo1, and iTALes, the authors have generated edited lines targeting promoter regions of SWEET11a, 13 and 14 in African elite rice variety, Komboka. The same team has previously generated genome-edited lines targeting the promoter regions of SWEET11a, 13, and 14 in varieties Kitaake, IR64, and Ciherang-Sub1. Bacterial blight outbreaks and emerging pathogen lineages remain to be a threat to rice production. Thus, efforts in targeting pathogen weaknesses to generate genome-edited varieties possessing broad-spectrum resistance are required. The survey, collection of isolates, and strain characterization studies on >800 strains are commendable. This study has taken advantage of this ongoing collection to stay ahead in the arms race to deploy broad-spectrum resistance in an elite rice variety using TALe targets.

      Overall conclusions presented here are supported to some extent; however, I have listed some of my comments and concerns below.

      1. Data in supplementary table 2 suggests that Komboka is still a moderately resistant variety under field conditions in Africa, with a disease severity scale of 2 i.e. 4-6% disease severity, compared to other varieties having a disease severity scale of 5. Thus, I am not convinced that emerging strains are of concern on the Komboka variety under field conditions, thus, question the justification of Komboka being a choice for editing to tackle emerging strains.

      2. Is Xa4 from Komboka related to Xa4_Teqing? The breakdown of Xa4T was due to the mutant allele of avrXa4 in virulent Xoo CR6. But this breakdown was accompanied by a fitness penalty and residual QTL had a significant residual effect on virulent strains. Would this be why Komboka carrying Xa1 (Xa45(t) and Xa4 under field conditions still showed moderate resistance? But Xoo strains showed susceptibility in leaf clipping assays.

      3. I felt a bit of a disconnect in sections on phenotypic assays confirming the virulence profile of strains on Komboka and then understanding mechanisms underlying virulence since the same strains used in path data were not the ones mentioned in WGS and TALe analysis, leaving the readers with the only one strain to support the hypothesis of the basis for higher disease severity on Komboka due to new TALes, pthXo1, and iTALe. Do authors have pathogenicity data for African strains T19, Dak16, and Xoo3-1 that grouped with endemic African strains on Komboka? Authors present data on CIX4457, 4458, and 4462 being virulent on Komboka, and show that they cluster with Asian strains. However, in the tree, 4462 is the only one shown to be closely related to Chinese strains. Where are 4457 and 4458 placed? Do 4457 and 4458 also contain pthXo1 and iTALe? Authors could also provide path data for 4506/4509 that they included in TALe figure and in the phylogenetic tree.

      4. The authors present pathogenicity data on EBE-edited T0, T1, and T2 lines of Komboka which are promising against the Tanzanian strains carrying new TALes. The cas9/cpf1 system developed here to target multiple EBEs will be a valuable contribution to the scientific community. What are the agronomic characteristics of these edited lines? As the edited lines have not been tested against a diversity panel of Asian and African strains, I would be skeptical of the choice of the term "broad-spectrum" yet.<br /> Regardless of my comment earlier on Komboka being moderately resistant under field conditions and thus a questionable choice for EBE-editing here, the genome-edited lines in any variety imparting resistance to bacterial blight remain to be a valuable contribution to managing disease outbreaks.

      5. As this manuscript utilizes the diversity of African strains to generate edited lines, it would be good to make diagnostics and path data for 833 strains available to the scientific community (instead of select strains as indicated in the supplementary table), especially for the fact stated here in the manuscript about scarce data on Xoo in Africa and the goal of systematic comparison of the pathogen population.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study used intersectional genetic approaches to stimulate a specific brainstem region while recording swallow/laryngeal motor responses. These results, coupled with histology, demonstrate that the PiCo region of the IRt mediates swallow/laryngeal behaviors, and their coordination with breathing. The data were gathered using solid methods and difficult electrophysiological techniques. This study and its findings are interesting and relevant. The analysis (and/or the presentation of the analysis) is incomplete, as there are analyses that need to be added to the manuscript. The interpretation of the data is mostly valid, but there are claims that are too speculative and are not well-supported by the results. The introduction and discussion would benefit from more citations and a deeper exploration of how this study relates to other work - especially a thorough accounting of and comparison to other studies concerning putative swallow gates.

      General/major concerns:

      • The field of respiratory control is far from unified regarding the role of PiCo in breathing or any other laryngeal behaviors. If anything, the current consensus does not support the triple-oscillator hypothesis (in which PiCo is one of 3 essential respiratory oscillators). The name "PiCo", short for "post-inspiratory complex", suggests a function that has not been well-supported by data - it is a putative post-inspiratory complex, at best. I suggest putting this area in context with other discussions i.e. IRt (such as in Toor et al., 2019) or Dhingra et al. 2020 showed broad activation of many brainstem sites at the post-I period (including pons, BotC, NTS)

      • Did you perform control experiments in which the opto stimulations were done on animals without the genetic channels (for example, WT or uncrossed ChAT-ires-cre, etc.), or in mice with the genetic channels that weren't crossed (uncrossed Ai32 mice)? If so, please include. If not, why?

      • How do you know that your opto activations simulate physiological activation? First, the intensive optical activation at the stim site does not occur in those neurons naturally. Doing a natural (water) stim for comparison is good, but it cannot necessarily be directly compared to the opto stim. The water stim would activate many other brainstem regions in addition to PiCo. A caveat is that opto PiCo stim =/= water stim (in terms of underlying mechanisms) should be included. Second, in looking at the differences between water vs opto swallows in Table S2: it appears that the ChAT animals (S2A) have something weaker than a swallow with opto stim. For the Vglut2 and ChAT/Vglut2 (S2B&C), the opto swallows also aren't as "strong" as the water swallows (the X and EMG amplitudes are smaller). The interpretation/discussion attributes this to the lack of sensory input during opto stim, but does not mention the strong possibility that there is a difference in central mechanisms occurring. It also seems to be dismissed with the characterization of the swallow as "all-or-none" (see note on Fig 3 results).

      • The writing needs extensive copy editing to improve clarity and precision, and to fix errors.

      • Results/Fig 1: What proportion had no/other motor response (non-swallow, non-laryngeal) to the opto stim? I can extrapolate by subtraction, but it would be nice to see the "no/other response" on the plot.

      • The explanation of genetics is too spread out and confusing. There needs to be more detail about all the genetic tools used, using the standard language for such tools, in one spot. Please also provide a clear explanation of what those tools accomplish. Include a figure if necessary. Pick a conventional designator/abbreviation for the different strains, define them in the methods and in the first paragraph of the results section, and use those abbreviations throughout. I think that using ChAT as an abbreviation for your ChAT-ires-cre x Ai32 mice is confusing because it makes it sound like you're talking about the enzyme rather than the specific strain/neurons. Saying "ChAT stimulated swallows... swallows evoked by water or ChAT" makes it sound like the enzyme choline acetyltransferase itself is stimulating swallow. As is convention, pick a more precise abbreviation like ChAT-cre/Ai32 or ChAT:Ai32 or ChAT-ChR2 or ChAT/EYFP. This goes for the other strains as well.

      • For Fig S2C&D, why does it say mCherry? Isn't it tdTomato? Is it just an anti-ChAT antibody and then the tdTomato Ai65 is only labeling Vglut2? I don't see this in the methods section.

      • I also don't see methods for all the staining in Fig S3. The photomicrograph says Vglut2-cre Ai6, but there's no mention of Ai6 anywhere else. Which mice are these? Did you cross Vglut2-cre with an Ai6 reporter mouse? How can you image an Ai6 mouse (which I assume expresses ZsGreen? and that you excited at 488?) and a 488 anti-goat in the same section (that's the only secondary listed in the methods that would work with your goat anti-ChAT)? Is there an error in listing the fluorophores in the methods? Please give more details on the microscopy including which filters were used for the triple staining.

      • Regarding the staining: I would expect the staining/maps in for the 2 different ChAT/Vglut2 intersectional strains to be similar (Fig 5A/B and S2C/D). The photomicrographs look very different to me, while the heat maps (this goes for all the heat maps in the paper) have barely distinguishable differences. In Fig 5, the staining looks much stronger than in Fig S2C. Why does it look like there are so many more transfected neurons in Fig 5A2 than there are red neurons in the corresponding panel Fig S2C2? And for Fig 5A4 and Fig S2C44? The plot and results text for Fig 5 says the avg number of neurons was 123+¬11. The plot for Fig S2D says 112+¬15, but the results text says 242+¬12 (not sure which is the correct number).

      • The results text for Fig S2C also says the staining is "similar to the previous ChAT staining...", which I assume refers to S2A/B. The plot and results text for Fig S2B reports 403+¬39 neurons, while S2D is either 112 or 242 (not sure?). The plots have different Y scales, which should be changed to be the same. But why do the photomicrographs and the heat maps look so similar? I would expect far fewer neurons to be stained in the intersectional mice (Fig 5 and Fig S2C/D) than in the ChAT staining (Fig S2A/B). I am having trouble reconciling the different presentations/quantifications and making sense of the data in these histology figures.

      • How can you distinguish PiCo from non-PiCo in the histology, especially in the ChAT-only staining? It seems that you have arbitrarily defined the PiCo region, and only counted neurons within that very constrained area. I can see stained neurons in the area immediately outside of PiCo, and I'd like to see lower-magnification images that show the staining distribution in a broader region surrounding PiCo as well, especially in the rest of the reticular formation.

      • Similarly, how can you be sure you're stereotaxically targeting PiCo precisely (600um in diameter?) with your opto fiber (200um in diameter). Wouldn't small variations in anatomy put the fiber outside the tiny PiCo area?

      • Please put N's and stats results in Table S1 for both swallow and laryngeal activity. I took what I assume to be the Ns (10, 11, and 4) and did some stats like the ones you presented for the laryngeal duration. The differences between vagus duration for 40 and 200 ms pulse durations are all significant for each strain, by my calculations. Also, I think there must be an error in the orange swallow plot in Fig 3A. The orange dots don't correspond to the table values. I plotted all the Table S1 values for each strain. Each line looks similar to the blue laryngeal activation plot in Fig 3A. The slopes of the Vglut2 were less than the other strains, and the slopes for the swallow behavior were less than the laryngeal behavior for all strains. Otherwise, they all look similar. Please double-check your values/stats to address these discrepancies. If it is indeed true that the stim pulse duration affects swallow duration, revise the interpretations and manuscript accordingly.

      • Please add more details on stats in general, including the specific tests that were performed, F values and degrees of freedom, etc.

      • How do you know that you're not just activating motoneurons in the NA when you stimulate your ChAT animals, especially given the results in Fig 1B? In this case, the phase-specific results could be explained by inhibitory inputs (during inspiration) to motoneurons in the region of the opto stim.

      • While the study from Toor et al is cited, there needs to be a much more thorough discussion of how their findings relate to the current study. They demonstrated that PiCo isn't necessary for the apneic portion of swallow. Inhibiting this region also didn't affect TI. PiCo cannot be the sole source of post-I timing, and the evidence overwhelmingly favors the major involvement of other regions such as the pons. They also showed that inhibition of all neurons (not just ChAT/Vglut) in the PiCo region suppresses post-I activity in eupnea. This suppression was overcome by the increased respiratory drive during hypoxia.

      • This study has not demonstrated some of the things that are depicted in Fig 7 and included in the discussion. While swallow can inhibit inspiration, there are many mechanisms by which this can happen other than a direct inhibitory connection from the DGS to PreBotC. You cite Sun et al., 2011 findings of "a group of neurons that inhibits inspiration" during SLN stim, but don't mention that it is the BotC and that the paper shows that swallow apnea is dependent on BotC. That is also supported by the Toor study. I don't understand how post-I (aka E) can be discussed without discussion of the BotC - this is a glaring omission.

      • Why is it necessary for PiCo to innervate the cNTS? That is true if the conjecture that PiCo gates swallowing is true, as the cNTS is the only known region for central swallow gating. However, PiCo could influence afferent input to the NTS less directly, and therefore not function as a gating hub per se. The experimental evidence does not warrant the claim that PiCo gates swallowing. The definition of a swallow gate(s) is a topic of much debate and no conclusive experimental evidence has emerged for swallow gating regions to exist anywhere except in the NTS. The current study's evidence also does not meet the criteria necessary to conclusively call PiCo a swallow gate. The authors should soften this claim and language throughout the manuscript.<br /> It is also unclear that PiCo acts directly on the swallow pattern generator to gate swallowing. It is not just "conceivable that the gating mechanism involves" the pons, but nearly certain. Swallow gating by respiratory activity may not be able to be ascribed to one particular location. At a minimum, it likely involves the NTS/DSG, pons, and possibly IRt (inclusive of PiCo). The authors are correct that "further studies are necessary to understand the interaction between PiCo and the pontine respiratory group on the gating swallow and other airway protective behaviors." This is why it shouldn't be stated that "this small brainstem microcircuits acts as a central gating mechanism for airway protective behaviors."<br /> PiCo is likely part of the VSG (and thus the swallow pattern generator). PiCo, as part of the IRt/VSG could indeed be surveilling afferent information and providing output that affects swallow or other laryngeal activation and the coordination of these behaviors with breathing. However, this is not the responsibility of PiCo alone. This role is likely shared by other parts of the SPG, and may require distributed SPG network participation to be functional. If one were to stim other regions of the distributed SPG, similar results might be expected. When Toor et al silenced the PiCo area (and locations that lie at least lightly beyond the borders of what the present study defines as PiCo), stim-evoked fictive swallows were greatly suppressed. However, swallow-related apnea was unaffected. This supports the role of PiCo as a premotor relay for swallow motor activation, but not as the site that terminates inspiration. Therefore, it cannot be called a gate.

      • Similarly, Fig 7 does not accurately depict things that are already well-supported by evidence. PiCo should be included as part of the swallow pattern generator (VSG), not as a separate entity acting on it. The BotC and pons are glaring omissions. This study has not demonstrated the labeled inhibitory connection from DSG to PreBotC. The legend states speculations as fact and needs to be dialed way back to either include statements with solid experimental evidence or to clearly mark things as putative/speculative.

      • The discussion of expiratory laryngeal motoneurons needs to be expanded and integrated better into the discussion of swallow, post-I, and other laryngeal motor activation. Why can't PiCo just be premotor to ELMs?

      • Concerning the discussion of "PiCo's influence as a gate for airway protective behaviors is blurred...": The incomplete swallow motor sequence didn't seem super different in timing or duration compared to the fully transfected animals (comparing plots from Fig 6 to Fig S1, and Table S2 to Table S3. The values for swallow durations (XII and X) for each group for water and opto seem within similar ranges, as do the differences between water & opto-evoked swallows between strains. While the motor pattern is distinctive from the normal swallow, with laryngeal activity rather than submental activity leading, one might not even be able to call that a swallow. Is it evidence against a classic all-or-nothing swallow behavior any more than the graded swallow results from (fully transfected) Table S1?

      • Please expand on this point and put it into context with others' results: "This brings into question whether this is the first evidence against the classic dogma of swallow as an "all or nothing" behavior, and/or whether this is an indication that activating the cholinergic/glutamatergic neurons in PiCo is not only gating the SPG, but is actually involved in assembling the swallow motor pattern itself."

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper explores the potential regulatory role of a previously unstudied phosphorylation site in the Src kinase SH3 domain. The data presented conclusively demonstrate that a phosphomimetic mutation of this site, src90E, causes an elevation in Src kinase activity, changes the structure of the Src catalytic domain as determined with a FRET sensor, disrupts certain SH3 domain interactions, causes changes in kinase intracellular dynamicity, and promotes cell invasiveness. Based on the behavior of the phosphomimetic mutant, the idea that constitutive phosphorylation of Y90 could have all of these effects is well-supported by the data. However, in wild-type cells or cells transformed by activated forms of Src, there is no constitutive phosphorylation of this site. Therefore, the question remains whether Y90 phosphorylation occurs to any significant extent in cells, and the data suggesting that it could do so is limited. It also remains to be conclusively established whether Y90 phosphorylation occurs via autophosphorylation.

      Major comments:

      1. Y90 was identified as a site of phosphorylation in Luo et al. It would be helpful if more information were provided about its significance relative to other sites identified in that study. Was it detected in non-transformed cells? Was it a major site? How does it relate to Y416 in abundance? The reference to the identification of the site in a different study from the White lab is made in the discussion but not in the introduction (this should be corrected). How abundant was it that study? A fuller description of its detection would strengthen the rationale for this study. Any additional phosphoproteomics studies that identified it should also be included.

      2. Related to point 1, is there evidence from the literature indicating a significant site of phosphorylation in Src has been overlooked? Or, was this site only identified because of the recent advances in MS technology and increased sensitivity of this methodology? An introduction to these points would also enhance the rationale for the study.

      3. The explanation of the MS experiment designed to show that Y90 phosphorylation happens in cells is insufficient in the text. It is not clear why the SYF cells were not used and not clear why the FRET sensor constructs were used. It is also not clear whether or how the proteins were purified before MS analysis. Also, rather than showing the MS data as a relative level, it would be preferable to provide the number of spectra obtained for each peptide/phosphopeptide and compare this also to Y416. A fuller comparison between the phosphorylation of Y90 to that of Y416 is necessary in order to place the potential Y90-mediated phosphoregulation in context.

      4. I would like to see conclusive evidence that Y90 phosphorylation is due to autophosphorylation. This would involve relatively simple experiments. As one possibility, an IP kinase assay followed by immunoblotting with a site-specific antibody or MS or other types of phosphopeptide visualization/identification.

      5. A few other mutations would be interesting to examine in both kinase and transformation assays for comparison to the mutants that were: Y527F Y416F; Y527F Y416F Y90E. The first is a low activity control and the second is for understanding whether Y90E could overcome the lack of Y416 phosphorylation.

      5. I recommend that the results are discussed in a more circumspect manner. The results presented in Figure 7 on the double mutant, Y527F Y90F, suggest that phosphorylation of Y90 is not a very significant component of Src kinase regulation, at least in these biological contexts. That Y90 phosphorylation isn't a major regulatory factor does not diminish the value of the work describing Y90 phosphorylation. However, it does alter the interpretations. I encourage a more conservative discussion of its importance and a broader discussion of why it isn't a major site of Src phosphorylation, particularly if it is due to autophosphorylation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript reports the results of a clever chemogenetic manipulation study designed to probe how stimulation (excitation and inhibition) of D1-expressing spiny projection neurons in the striatum (direct pathway) influences hemodynamic characteristics of local and global regions in the brain in mice. Stimulating in the dorsal caudate, the authors found alteration of the local hemodynamic BOLD responses in adjacent areas of the striatum, regions of the thalamus known to project back to the striatum, and more unimodal cortical regions. The authors also observed a decrease in functional connectivity between several cortical regions and the striatum with direct pathway excitation, and the opposite effect with direct pathway inhibition. Put together the results begin to paint a picture of the macroscopic signatures of direct pathway stimulation (and inhibition) that could be used to help infer global BOLD patterns in task-related experiments.

      Overall, this appears to be a timely study. The rise of papers using chemo/optogenetic methods to probe the underlying mechanisms of the BOLD response is crucial for the neuroimaging field to continue moving forward. The methods are, for the most part, rigorous and clear. There are, however, a few open issues that require addressing in order for readers to reach the same conclusion as the authors.


      1. Classifier as an evaluation method.

      The authors largely rely on a support vector machine (SVM) classifier to predict whether BOLD dynamics within atlas-defined regions reflect stimulation-on or stimulation-off windows. While in one way this is a conservative method for evaluating stimulation effects in the resting BOLD fluctuations, the authors largely report their findings as accuracies of the classifier. Figures 3-5 largely only report model accuracy effects, but we get no sense as to what exactly is happening to the BOLD dynamics in each region. The autocorrelation analysis (Fig. 6) somewhat tries to get at this, but only for a subset of regions and the results are largely unclear (see comment below). As a result, a key goal of the study is left largely unaddressed for the reader: i.e. how do intra-region BOLD dynamics change with direct pathway stimulation? The study needs more effort put into this descriptive level of analysis to complement the rigorous classifier analysis.

      Also, the classifier method itself seems highly parameterized. The hctsa method returns 7702 features for each time series. It is unclear exactly how many were in the final set used to run the classification, but even if half of the features were removed, it would still make the classification problem highly overparameterized (e.g., 23 and 25 observations against thousands of features for the excitation and inhibition classifiers respectively). Assuming the authors used cross-validation correctly (which we need more information to support), the risk of inflated classification performance is mitigated. However, we need the details to be able to vet that the bias-variance tradeoff was resolved effectively in this model. In addition, it would be nice to know the features that loaded highly on the final model to resolve the questions about what changes in the local BOLD dynamics from excitation and inhibition of the direct pathway.

      2. Local stimulation effects in the striatum

      Figure 3 is quite confusing. The classifier is supposed to predict stimulation (excitation or inhibition) on vs. stimulation off (control) periods. This would predict a single number (balanced prediction accuracy) per striatal nuclei. Yet the heat maps shown in this figure show classification accuracies for both stimulation and control conditions. Where do the two numbers come from? Also, given the extremely limited short-range lateral connectivity in the striatum, why are the only stimulation effects observed not in the subnucleus being stimulated (Cpl,dm,cd), but for adjacent subnuclei (CPre, CPivmv) and *only* for excitation conditions? This lack of direct change in BOLD dynamics at the stimulated site seems important and largely ignored.

      3. Autocorrelation findings.

      The one attempt to characterize what happens in the intra-region BOLD dynamics is the autocorrelation analysis reported on page 11 and in Figure 6. However this analysis a) only focuses on the thalamic nuclei (not also the cortical and the single striatal site shown to exhibit stimulation effects) and b) only focuses on a few time series measures. Why this limited focus of both target (thalamic nuclei) and measure (first lag of the autocorrelation)? There are many measures for characterizing the temporal characteristics of autocorrelated series from the hctsa analysis. This selective focus seems both narrow and incomplete.

      4. Connectivity results

      The changes in functional connectivity as a result of direct pathway stimulation (excitation and inhibition) are both fascinating and limited. There is a clear excitation/inhibition difference in effects, as shown in Figure 7 B-C. However, Figure 7B suggests something different than the change results shown in Figure 7C. It appears that the application of clozapine increases functional connectivity in the control mice (black line Fig. 7B). This effect is exaggerated in the inhibition condition, but (most importantly) direct pathway excitation does not really reveal a significant change in the BOLD connectivity patterns. Now this does not change the authors' overall conclusions (connectivity is suppressed with direct pathway excitation relative to control mice), but the nuance of what is happening in the control mice is important for interpretation purposes: direct pathway excitation does not necessarily decrease functional connectivity but does not express the increase in connectivity observed from the application of clozapine. This needs to be elaborated more.

      Along the same lines, there is an interesting disconnect between the intra-region results and the inter-region (connectivity) results. It is clear that resting BOLD dynamics in thalamic nuclei that project back to the striatum, as well as more unimodal cortical areas, change from direct pathway stimulation in the dorsal caudate. Yet, only one cortical region (MOp) with significant functional connectivity changes overlaps with the set of nuclei that exhibit intra-region BOLD changes. This suggests that local BOLD dynamics and global connectivity are largely disconnected effects. Yet this seems to be largely ignored in the current work. It would be nice to see more analysis, and discussion, of the intra-region and inter-region stimulation effects.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors carried out a clever and systematic analysis. Most SNARE complex assembly reactions are thought to involve multi-subunit tethers, and it now seems possible that Uso1/p115 plays this role in the case of the ER-to-Golgi SNARE complex. In addition to documenting the main conclusions of the paper, they characterized Uso1 in various ways, including an analysis of how the different domains of Uso1 contribute to the higher-order structure of the protein and to interactions with other components.

      I have only one significant comment about the presentation. The concept that the mutant Uso1 rescues the loss of Rab1 by binding more tightly to SNAREs is reasonable and likely but is not formally proven by the data. Instead, the data show that the mutant binds better to Golgi membranes in the absence of Rab1 and also binds better to Bos1. It should be acknowledged that this correlation is merely suggestive.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This work by Stauber et al. is focused on understanding the signaling mechanisms that are associated with tendinopathy development, and by screening a panel of human tendinopathy samples, identified IL-6/JAK/STAT as a potential mediator of this pathology. Using an innovative explant model they delineated the requirement for IL-6 in the main body of the tendon to alter the dynamics of cells in the peritendinous synovial sheath space.

      The use of a publicly available existing dataset is considered a strength since this dataset includes expression data from several different human tendons experiencing tendinopathy. This facilitates the identification of potentially conserved regulators of the tendinopathy phenotype.

      The clear transcriptional shifts between WT and IL6-/- cores demonstrates the utility of the assembloid model, and supports the importance of IL6 in potentiating the cell response to this stimuli.

      There are two main concerns with the manuscript in its current form:<br /> First, the experimental approach does not directly assess proliferation, as such the conclusions regarding proliferation are not well supported. In the ex-vivo model, the use of cell counting approaches is somewhat acceptable since the system is constrained by the absence of potential influx of new cells. However, given the nearly unlimited supply of extrinsically derived cells in vivo (vs. the explant model), assessment of actual proliferation (e.g. Edu, BrdU, Ki67) is critical to support this conclusion.

      Second, the justification for the use of Scx-GFP+ cells as a progenitor population is not well supported. Indeed, in the discussion, Scx+ cells are treated as though they are uniformly a progenitor population, when the diversity of this population has been established by the cited studies, which do not suggest that these are progenitor populations. Additional definition/ delineation of these cells to identify the subset of these cells that may actually display other putative progenitor markers would support the conclusions. As it stands, the study currently provides important information on the impact of IL6 on Scx+ cells, but not tendon progenitors.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors examined the putative functions of hypothalamic groups identifiable through Foxb1 expression, namely the parvofox Foxb1 of the LHA and the PMd Foxb1, with emphasis on innate defensive responses. First, they reported that chemogenetic activation of Foxb1hypothalamic cell groups led to tachypnea. The authors tend to attribute this effect to the activation of hM3Dq expressed in the parvofox Foxb1 but did not rule out the participation of the PMd Foxb1 cell group which may as well have expressed hM3Dq, particularly considering the large volume (200 nl) of the viral construct injected. It is also noteworthy that the activation of the Foxb1hypothalamic cell groups in this experiment did not alter the gross locomotor activity, such as time spent immobile state. Thus, contrasts with the authors finding on the optogenetic activation of the Foxb1hypothalamic fibers projecting to the dorsolateral PAG. In the second experiment, the authors applied optogenetic ChR2-mediated excitation of the Foxb1+ cell bodies' axonal endings in the dlPAG leading to freezing and, in a few cases, bradycardia as well. The effective site to evoke freezing was the rostral PAGdl, and fibers positioned either ventral or caudal to this target had no response. Considering the pattern of Foxb1hypothalamic cell groups projection to the PAG, the fibers projecting to the rostral PAGdl are likely to arise from the PMd Foxb1 cell group, and not from the parvofox Foxb1 of the LHA. Here it is important to consider that optogenetic ChR2-mediated excitation of the axonal endings is likely to have activated the cell bodies originating these fibers, and one cannot ascertain whether the behavioral effects are related to the activation of the terminals in the PAGdl or the cell bodies originating the projection. Moreover, activation of PMd CCK cell group, which consists of around 90% of the PMd cells, evokes escape, and not freezing. According to the present findings, a specific population of PMd Foxb1 cells may be involved in producing freezing. In addition, only a small number of the animals with correct fiber placement presented sudden onset of bradycardia in response to the photostimulation. Considering the authors' findings, the Foxb1+ hypothalamic groups are likely to mediate behavioral responses related to innate defensive responses, where the parvofox Foxb1 of the LHA would be involved in promoting tachypnea and the PMd Foxb1group in mediating freezing and bradycardia. These findings are very interesting, and, at this point, they need to be tested in a scenario of real exposure to a natural predator.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Somasundaram and colleagues explore the role of transcription factors in retinal ganglion cell (RGC) death and axonal regeneration after a disease relevant insult (mechanical axonal injury). The work significantly extends our knowledge of the role of MAPK and integrated stress response (ISR) in controlling RGC fate after injury. Specifically, the manuscript shows that after axonal injury PERK-activated ISR acts through Atf4 to drive a prodeath transcriptional response in RGCs, in part by crosstalk with the prodeath JUN transcriptional program. Also, and perhaps most interesting, the work shows that PERK-ATF4 pathway activation is pro-regenerative for RGC axons. A major plus of the manuscript is that many new RNA-seq datasets are generated that describe the major prodegenerative and proregenerative gene networks altered after axonal injury.

      A limitation of the study is that it does not directly compare the effect of inhibiting the PERK-ATF4 pathway with inhibiting JUN and/or JUN-CHOP double deficient animals. It would also be useful, for the cell survival experiments shown in Figure 1, to examine a longer time point than 14 days to understand the long-term consequence of manipulating the PERK-ATF4 pathway.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study by Oikawa and colleagues demonstrates for the first time that a descending inhibitory pathway for nociception exists in non-mammalian organisms, such as Drosophila. This descending inhibitory pathway is mediated by a Drosophila neuropeptide called Drosulfakinin (DSK), which is homologous to mammalian cholecystokinin (CCK). The study creates and uses several Drosophila mutants to convincingly show that DSK negatively regulates nociception. They then use several sophisticated transgenic manipulations to demonstrate that a descending inhibitory pathway for nociception exists in Drosophila.


      This study creates the possibility of using Drosophila to study descending nociceptive systems.

      CRISPR/Cas9 is used to generate mutants of dsk, CCKLR-17D1, and CCKLR-17D3. The authors then use these mutants to clearly show that DSK negatively regulates nociception.

      Several GAL4s are used to clearly show that these effects are likely mediated by two sets of neurons in the brain, MP1 and Sv.

      RNAi and rescue experiments further show that CCKLR-17D1, a DSK receptor, functions in Goro neurons to negatively regulate nociception.

      Thermogenetic experiments nicely show that activation of DSK neurons attenuates the nociceptive response.


      Future studies should address how DSK negatively regulates nociception. An earlier study at the Drosophila nmj shows that loss of DSK signaling impairs neurotransmission and synaptic growth. In the current study, loss of CCKLR-17D1 in Goro neurons seems to increase intracellular calcium levels in the presence of noxious heat. An interesting future study would be the examination of the underlying mechanisms for this increase in intracellular calcium.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      stdpopsim is an existing, community-driven resource to support population genetics simulations across multiple species. This paper describes improvements and extensions to this resource and discusses various considerations of relevance to chromosome-scale evolutionary simulations. As such, the paper does not analyse data or present new results but rather serves as a general and useful guide for anyone interested in using the stdpopsim resource or in population genetics simulations in general.

      Two new features in stdpopsim are described, which expand the types of evolutionary processes that can be simulated. First, the authors describe the addition of the ability to simulate non-crossover recombination events, i.e. gene conversion, in addition to standard crossover recombination. This will allow for simulations that come closer to the actual recombination processes occurring in many species. Second, the authors mention how genome annotations can now be incorporated into the simulations, to allow different processes to apply to different parts of the genome - however, the authors note that this addition will be further detailed in a separate, future publication. These additions to stdpopsim will certainly be useful to many users and represent a step forward in the degree of ambition for realistic population genetics simulations.

      The paper also describes the expansion of the community-curated catalog of pre-defined, ready-to-use simulation set-ups for various species, from the previous 6 to 21 species (though not all new species have demographic models implemented, some have just population genetic parameters such as mutation rates and generation times). For each species, an attempt was made to implement parameters and simulations that are as realistic as possible with respect to what's known about the evolutionary history of that species, using only information that can be traced to the published literature. This process by which this was done appears quite rigorous and includes a quality-control process involving two people. Two examples are given, for Anopheles gambiae and Bos taurus. The detailed discussion of how various population genetic and demographic parameters were extracted from the literature for these two species usefully highlights the numerous non-trivial steps involved and showcases the great deal of care that underlies the stdpopsim resource.

      The paper is clearly written and well-referenced, and I have no technical or conceptual concerns. The paper will be useful to anyone interested in population genetics simulations, and will hopefully serve as an inspiration for the broader effort of making simulations increasingly more realistic and flexible, while at the same time trying to make them accessible not just to a small number of experts.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Dominici et. al. show that small molecule inhibition of Type I PRMTs in muscle stem cells (MSCs) can result in the expansion of this cell type in vitro, solving a major limitation in the field. Importantly, once the inhibitor is removed these stem cells differentiate "normally". This advance will likely facilitate CRISPR-based screening approaches and stem cell engraftment therapy. Furthermore, they show that when a mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy is treated with these same inhibitors these mice rather rapidly gain grip strength, demonstrating the therapeutic value of these findings.


      - Previous studies from the same group have shown that the conditional ablation of PRMT1 in MSCs results in the expansion of this cell type, but this expanded PRMT1-null MSC pool cannot terminate the myogenic differentiation program. This raises the question of whether PRMT1 small molecule inhibition of MSCs will also facilitate the expansion of these cells, and if the removal of the inhibitor after expansion will result in a large functional pool of MSCs, which could then be used for both in vitro and in vivo studies.

      - Using a combination of muscle fiber culture, myoblast culture, and single-cell RNA-seq, this is indeed what they show.

      - They also perform two types of in vivo experiments to validate their cell culture findings; 1) MSCs expanded under the treatment of MS023 were washed clean of the inhibitor and engrafted into the tibialis anterior muscle. These cells were marked with GFP to allow efficient tracking. Mice receiving the MS023-treated MSCs produced more than double the mature GFP+ muscle fibers than cells treated with DMSO. 2) A mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy displayed grip strength improvement after just one treatment of MS023.

      - MS023 is a Type I PRMT inhibitor and thus can also target CARM1. CARM1 has been implicated in MSC function by the Rudnicki group. Importantly, they exclude a role for CARM1 in the expansion of MSC cell numbers by treatment with a very specific CARM1 inhibitor, TP064. Thus, indicating that PRMT1 inhibition is likely the main driver of this expansion phenotype.

    1. Public Review:

      Barreat and Katzourakis analyze the evolutionary history of eukaryotic viruses (and related mobile elements) in the Bamfordvirae kingdom, and discuss potential scenarios regarding the origin of different viral taxa in this group. This version of their manuscript now includes a larger number of sequences to better represent diversity in these viral groups, and explored new evolutionary scenarios, including a "virophage-first" hypothesis now presented as the one best supported by phylogenetic analyses. The authors also present compelling analyses suggesting that the "nuclear escape" hypothesis in which these different viral groups separately "escaped" from nuclear (integrated) elements is not consistent with the current genomic and phylogenetic information available.

      This work is thus an important step in our collective understanding of the ancient evolutionary history of eukaryotic viruses, and more generally of the constraints and main drivers of virus evolution.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      In this manuscript, Xie et al report the development of SCA-seq, a multiOME mapping method that can obtain chromatin accessibility, methylation, and 3D genome information at the same time. This method is highly relevant to a few previously reported long read sequencing technologies. Specifically, NanoNome, SMAC-seq, and Fiber-seq have been reported to use m6A or GpC methyltransferase accessibility to map open chromatin, or open chromatin together with CpG methylation; Pore-C and MC-3C have been reported to use long read sequencing to map multiplex chromatin interactions, or together with CpG methylation. Therefore, as a combination of NanoNome/SMAC-seq/Fiber-seq and Pore-C/MC-3C, SCA-seq is one step forward. The authors tested SCA-seq in 293T cells and performed benchmark analyses testing the performance of SCA-seq in generating each data module (open chromatin and 3D genome). The QC metrics appear to be good and the methods, data and analyses broadly support the claims. However, there are some concerns regarding data analysis and conclusions, and some important information seems to be missing.

      1. The chromatin accessibility tracks from SCA-seq seem to be noisy, with higher background than DNase-seq and ATAC-seq (Fig. 2f, Fig. 4a and Fig. S5). Also, SCA-seq is much less sensitive than both DNase-seq and ATAC-seq (Figs. 2a and 2b). This and other limitations of SCA-seq (high background, high sequencing cost, requirement of specific equipment, etc) need to be carefully discussed.

      2. In Fig. 2f, many smaller peaks are present besides the major peaks. Are they caused by baseline DNA methylation? How many of the small methylation signals are called peaks? In Fig. 4a, it seems that the authors define many more enhancers from SCA-seq data than what will be defined from ATAC-seq or DHS. Are those additional enhancers false positives? Also, it is difficult to distinguish the gray "inaccessible segments" from the light purple "accessible segments.

      3. For 3D genome analysis, it is important to provide information about data yield from SCA-seq. With 30X sequencing depth, how many contacts are obtained (with long-read sequencing, this should be the number of ligation junctions)? How is the number compared to Hi-C.

      4. Fig 3j. Because SCA-seq only do GpC methylation, the capability to detect the footprint at individual CTCF peaks depends on the density of GpC nearby. Have the authors taken GpC density into account when defining CTCF sites with or without footprint?<br /> 5. This study only performs higher resolution chromatin interaction analysis based on individual read concatenates. It is unclear to me if the data have enough depth to perform loop analysis with Hi-C pipelines.

      6. It appears that SCA-seq is of low efficiency in detecting chromatin interactions. As shown in Fig. S7a, 65.4% of sequenced reads contained only one restriction enzyme (RE) fragment/segment (with no genomic contact), which is much higher than that reported in published PORE-C methods. In addition, Fig. S7g is very confusing and in conflict with Fig. S7a. For example, in Fig. S7g, 21.4% and 22.2% of CSA-seq concatemers contain one and two segments, whereas the numbers are 65.4% and 14.7% in Fig. S7a, respectively. Please explain.

      7. I disagree with the rationale of the entire Fig. S9. Biologically there is no evidence that chromatin accessibility will change due to genome interactions (the opposite is more likely), therefore the definition of "expected chromatin accessibility" is hard to believe. If the authors truly believe this is possible, they will need to test their hypothesis by deleting cohesin and check if the chromatin accessibility driven by "power center" are truly abolished. The math in Fig. S9 is also confusing. Firstly, the dimension of the contact matrix in Fig. S9 appears to be wrong, it should have 8 rows. Secondly, I don't understand why the interaction matrix is not symmetric. Third, if I understand correctly the diagonal of the matrix should be all 1, it is also hard to understand why the matrix only has 1, 0 or -1. It appears that the authors assume that the observed accessibility is a simple sum of the expected accessibility of all its interacting regions; this is wrong. In my opinion, the whole Fig. S9 should be deleted unless the authors can make sense of it and ideally also provide more evidence.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The paper is based around one very nice new marine reptile fossil from South China, but the authors make an excellent case in their Introduction that this can shed light on a wide range of fundamental phylogenetic problems around a whole array of Early and Middle Triassic marine reptiles. The description of the fossil is detailed and thorough and makes constant reference to comparative material of other taxa of saurosphargids. The phylogenetic analysis smartly adds some Triassic turtles and some other Early Triassic marine reptiles to a published cladistic data matrix and then can provide some really significant phylogenetic conclusions around Sauropterygia origins and Archelosauria.