10,885 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. protonate

      shouldn't this be deprotonate instead of protonate?

    2. The vicinal dihalide formed is the reactant needed to produce the alkyene using double

      alkene should be alkyne

    3. using the double elimination process to protonate the alkane and from the 2 Pi bonds.

      The word from should be changed to form.

    1. Social isolation is common in elderly populations and refers to a complete or near-complete lack of contact with other people.


    1. The results of a DEXA scan are most often reported as T-scores. A T-score compares a person’s bone density to the average peak bone density of a healthy 30-year-old population of the same gender. A T-score of −1.0 or above indicates normal bone density. A person with a T-score between −1.0 and −2.5 has low bone density, which is a condition referred to as osteopenia. A person with a T-score of −2.5 or below is diagnosed with osteoporosis.

      T score levels for bone density.

    1. salient


    2. Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting information. This process, which is shown in Figure 2.1 “The Perception Process”, includes the perception of select stimuli that pass through our perceptual filters, are organized into our existing structures and patterns, and are then interpreted based on previous experiences.

      The define perception

    1. uced during replication is caused by a rare, temporary misalignment of a few bases between the template strand and daughter strand (Figure\PageIndex{2}). This strand-slippage


    1. In the third step of bone remodeling, the site is prepared for building. In this stage, sugars and proteins accumulate along the bone’s surface, forming a cement line which acts to form a strong bond between the old bone and the new bone that will be made. These first three steps take approximately two to three weeks to complete.

      Bone remodeling process.

    2. In adulthood, our bones stop growing and modeling, but continue to go through a process of bone remodeling.

      I would challenge that fact.

    3. Bone tissue cells include osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes. The osteoprogenitor cells are cells that have not matured yet. Once they are stimulated, some will become osteoblasts, the bone builders, and others will become osteoclasts, the cells that break bone down. Osteocytes are the most abundant cells in bone tissue. Osteocytes are star-shaped cells that are connected throughout the bone and exchange nutrients from bones to the blood and lymph.

      The Asteo Class of Bone Tissue

    4. Your bones are stronger than reinforced concrete. Bone tissue is a composite of fibrous collagen strands that resemble the steel rebar in concrete and a hardened mineralized matrix that contains large amounts of calcium, just like concrete.

      What Is Bone?

    1. Intermolecular attractions, which generally increase with molecular weight, cause the PV product to decrease as higher pressure

      Intermolecular attractions

    1. Electron shielding describes the ability of an atom's inner electrons to shield its positively-charged nucleus from its valence electrons

      Basically think of a cloth as you put more energy levels between the nucleus and the furthest valence electron the shielding increases as you have more electrons and the elements who don't have as much electrons have less shielding.

    2. Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from a neutral atom in its gaseous phase. Conceptually, ionization energy is the opposite of electronegativity. The lower this energy is, the more readily the atom becomes a cation. Therefore, the higher this energy is, the more unlikely it is the atom becomes a cation. Generally, elements on the right side of the periodic table have a higher ionization energy because their valence shell is nearly filled. Elements on the left side of the periodic table have low ionization energies because of their willingness to lose electrons and become cations. Thus, ionization energy increases from left to right on the periodic table.

      Ionization energy increases as you go from left to right because the elements who want to lose their electrons takes less energy and the element who have a nearly full valence shell takes more energy to remove an electron.

    1. When a net force acting on a physical system has a component in the direction of its motion, there is work done.

      if the force and displacement are in the same direction then work is being done

    1. somatic nervous system

      it is the nervous system where the brain send electrochemical signals to the motor nerves to prefom contractions

    1. subtle electronic ones, more significant covalent modifications, or structural changes arising from the flexibility inherent in enzymes, but not present in chemical catalysts. Flexibility allows movement and movement facilitates alteration of electronic environments necessary for catalysis. Enzymes are, thus, much more efficient than rigid chemical catalysts as a result of their abilities to facilitate the changes necessary to optimize the catalytic process.

      Changes that occur to enzymes during a reaction. Not present in chemical catalysts

    2. activation energy

      required energy to start a reaction

    3. metabolic pathways

      The pathways that are the result of the dynamic reactions occurring in cells. The product of one reaction is often the substrate for another

    1. This is important because populations of bacteria exposed to an insufficient concentration of a particular drug or to a broad-spectrum antibiotic (one designed to inhibit many strains of bacteria) can evolve resistance to these drugs. Therefore, MIC scores aid in improving outcomes for patients and preventing evolution of drug-resistant microbial strains.


    1. An expression is a combination of values, variables, and operators. A value all by itself is considered an expression, and so is a variable, so the following are all legal expressions (assuming that the variable x has been assigned a value):


    1. A statement is a unit of code that the Python interpreter can execute. We have seen two kinds of statements: expression statement with "print" and assignment.


    1. An interpreter reads the source code of the program as written by the programmer, parses the source code, and interprets the instructions on the fly. Python is an interpreter and when we are running Python interactively, we can type a line of Python (a sentence) and Python processes it immediately and is ready for us to type another line of Python.


    1. and del global not with as elif if or yield assert else import pass break except in raise class finally is return continue for lambda try def from nonlocal while


    1. We call these stored instructions a program and the act of writing these instructions down and getting the instructions to be correct programming. /*<![CDATA[*/ $(function() { if(!window['autoDefinitionList']){ window['autoDefinitionList'] = true; $('dl').find('dt').on('click', function() { $(this).next().toggle('350'); }); } });/*]]>*/ /*<![CDATA[*/ var front = "auto"; if(front=="auto"){ front = "1.3: Computer Hardware Architecture"; if(front.includes(":")){ front = front.split(":")[0]; if(front.includes(".")){ front = front.split("."); front = front.map((int)=>int.includes("0")?parseInt(int,10):int).join("."); } front+="."; } else { front = ""; } } front = front.replace(/_/g," "); MathJaxConfig = { TeX: { equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "all", formatNumber: function (n) { if(false){ return front + (Number(n)+false); } else{return front + n; } } }, macros: { PageIndex: ["{"+front+" #1}",1], test: ["{"+front+" #1}",1] }, Macros: { PageIndex: ["{"+front+" #1}",1], test: ["{"+front+" #1}",1] }, SVG: { linebreaks: { automatic: true } } } }; MathJax.Hub.Config(MathJaxConfig); MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End", ()=>{if(activateBeeLine)activateBeeLine()}); /*]]>*/ /*<![CDATA[*/window.addEventListener('load', function(){$('iframe').iFrameResize({warningTimeout:0, scrolling: 'omit'});})/*]]>*/


    1. The following script calculates the pH of a random acid and its salt (base) concentration if you give it the Ka of the acid.  Note the commented out code uses the modules format while the code that is working uses the format function.

      This is a hyypothes.is contextual link to text within the Libretext that demos the Binder connection to the Jupyter Hub

    1. people are connected by their reliance on others in the division of labor.

      This is a connection between Marx's views and Durkheim's. Marx said that the proletariat gained strength against the bourgeois once they found connections with each other. When the workers were alienated and isolated they had no chance of advancing or rising against the ruling class. They first had to join together, forming trade unions before they could overthrow the ruling class. Similarly to this, Durkheim claims that people become connected by their reliance on each other in society. They all survive by helping each other like how the proletariats only escaped alienation and disillusionment once they joined together.

    1. Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Cancer is triggered by mutations in a cell’s genetic material. The cause of these changes may be inherited, or it may result from exposure to carcinogens, which are agents that can cause cancer. Carcinogens include chemicals, viruses, certain medical treatments such as radiation, pollution, or other substances and exposures that are known or suspected to cause cancer.

      What is Cancer

    1. Phytochemicals are chemicals in plants that may provide some health benefit. Carotenoids are one type of phytochemical that we will discuss in more detail below. Other phytochemicals include indoles, lignans, phytoestrogens, stanols, flavonoids, anthocyanidins, phenolic acids, and many more. They are found not only in fruits and vegetables, but also in grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes.


    2. The primary function of Vitamin E is as an antioxidant. Alpha-tocopherol and vitamin E’s other constituents are primarily responsible for protecting cell membranes against lipid destruction caused by free radicals.

      Vitamin E

    1. Excessive exposure to environmental sources of free radicals can contribute to disease by overwhelming the free radical detoxifying systems and those processes involved in repairing oxidative damage.

      Air Pollution

    2. While our bodies have acquired multiple defenses against free radicals, we also use free radicals to support its functions. For example, the immune system uses the cell-damaging properties of free radicals to kill pathogens.

      Free Radicals can also help the body, by killing bacterium like pathogens.

    3. hydrophobic antioxidants are largely responsible for protecting cell membranes from free radical damage. The body can synthesize some antioxidants, but others must be obtained from the diet.

      Hydrophobic Antioxidants

    4. Hydrophilic antioxidants act in the cytosol of cells or in extracellular fluids such as blood;

      Hydrophilic Antioxidants

    5. The body’s two major defense systems are free radical detoxifying enzymes and antioxidants.

      The two body's defense systems

    6. Atoms and molecules such as superoxide that have unpaired electrons are called free radicals (Figure\PageIndex{2}2). The unpaired electron in free radicals makes the atom or molecule unstable.

      Free Radicals are unpaired

    7. there is no scientific evidence that antioxidants singularly provide bodily benefits, but there is evidence that certain benefits are achieved by ingesting antioxidants as part of a balanced, healthy, nutrient-rich diet. This is to say antioxidants may go a long way toward preventing damage, but other nutrients are necessary to repair damage and sustain health. No one nutrient acts alone!

      There is no evidence that antioxidants benefit

    1. In general nonenzymatic SN1 reaction can occur with either retention or inversion of configuration at the electrophilic carbon, leading to racemization if the carbon is chiral.

      Should be: "In general, non enzymatic SN1 reactions can occur with either...."

    1. The speaker is the bridge between the poem’s experience and the reader, and similar to language, when it works best, it becomes invisible, cemented to, part and particle of the poem’s experience.

      The speaker is the bridge between the poem’s experience and the reader, and similar to language, when it works best, it becomes invisible, cemented to, part and particle of the poem’s experience.

    1. Periodic Table. Except for hydrogen, (ZeffZeffZ_{eff} is always less than ZZZ, and (ZeffZeffZ_{eff} increases from left to right as you go across a row.

      The reason that the effictive nucelar charge resets every period is the fact that a new shell is now added so the distance is greater between electrons and the nucleus.

    2. Therefore as we go from left to right on the periodic table the effective nuclear charge of an atom increases in strength and holds the outer electrons closer and tighter to the nucleus.

      left to right, Zeff goes up, radius size goes down

    1. because E[Zt|Xn,Xn−1,…]

      because we expect future values of white noise terms to be 0 -- but we keep previous values as wt because we have already observed them

    1. Which flower color seemed to dominate over the other? Explain your answer.

      Violet dominated white, given that in Mendel’s experiment , it occurred 3 times vs the white

    2. . If he observed 200 F2 plants, approximately how many would have purple flowers? Approximately how many would have white flowers? Explain your answers.

      150, 50. Given the ratio in Mendel’s Experiment of 3:1

    3. Why did he allow the plants in the F1 generation to self-pollinate?

      Mendel wondered what had happened to the white-flower characteristic. He assumed some type of inherited factor produces white flowers and some other inherited factor produces violet flowers. He allowed self pollination to see.

    4. Why do you think he only tested one characteristic at a time?

      Because his research only wanted to see how characteristics are passed from parents to offspring.

    5. Why did he use pea plants with different characteristics for the parental generation?

      Pea plants are easy to observe, they have visible and have 2 obvious distinction in their characteristics. They are also fast growing and easy to raise.

    1. y the most complex substance. The most complex substance is the one with the largest number of different atoms, which is C7H16C7H16C_7H_{16}. We will assume initially that the final balanced chemical equation contains 1 molecule or formula unit of this substance. 2. Adjust the coefficients. a. Because one molecule of n-heptane contains 7 carbon atoms, we need 7 CO2 molecules, each of which contains 1 carbon atom, on the right side: C7H16(l)+O2(g)→7–CO2(g)+H2O(g)C7H16(l)+O2(g)→7_CO2(g)+H2O(g)\ce{C7H16 (l) + O2 (g) → } \underline{7} \ce{CO2 (g) + H2O (g) } \nonumber 7 carbon atoms on both reactant and product sides b. Because one molecule of n-heptane contains 16 hydrogen atoms, we need 8 H2O molecules, each of which contains 2 hydrogen atoms, on the right side: C7H16(l)+O2(g)→7CO2(g)+8–H2O(g)C7H16(l)+O2(g)→7CO2(g)+8_H2O(g)\ce{C7H16 (l) + O2 (g) → 7 CO2 (g) + } \underline{8} \ce{H2O (g) } \nonumber 16 hydrogen atoms on both reactant and product sides 3. Balance polyatomic ions as a unit. There are no polyatomic ions to be considered in this reaction. 4. Balance the remaining atoms. The carbon and hydrogen atoms are now balanced, but we have 22 oxygen atoms on the right side and only 2 oxygen atoms on the left. We can balance the oxygen atoms by adjusting the coefficient in front of the least complex substance, O2, on the reactant side: C7H16(l)+11–––O2(g)→7CO2(g)+8H2O(g)C7H16(l)+11_O2(g)→7CO2(g)+8H2O(g)\ce{C7H16 (l) + }\underline{11} \ce{ O2 (g) → 7 CO2 (g) + 8H2O (g) } \nonumber 22 oxygen atoms on both reactant and product sides 5. Check your work. The equation is now balanced, and there are no fractional coefficients: there are 7 carbon atoms, 16 hydrogen atoms, and 22 oxygen atoms on each side. Always check to be sure that a chemical equation is balanced.


    1. Transgender Children about two percent of the world’s population (Blackless et al., 2000). There are dozens of intersex conditions, and intersex individuals demonstrate the diverse variations of biological sex. Some examples of intersex conditions include: Turner syndrome or the absence of, or an imperfect, second X chromosome Congenital adrenal hyperplasia or a genetic disorder caused by an increased production of androgens

      I know this is a draft - but it is very disconcerting to see medical conditions listed under "transgender children". There is nothing "transgender" or intersex about a girl with Turner's and to combing transgender and intersex is simply wrong.

    1. You may be surprised to find out that the commonly held belief that people need to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day isn’t an official recommendation and isn’t based on any scientific evidence!

      there is no evidence.

    1. acidity

      In this table I counted 14 missing bonds that should be drawn in... I'm starting to question if this is on purpose or not and if it is I am so confused as to why.

    1. pKapKapK_a

      There are 2 bonds that are missing from the drawing of the aromatic compound below. There is an NH2 and H seemingly floating in space

    2. water

      There is no bond between the third H and the O in the hydronium Ion

    1. carbonyl

      The carbonyl oxygen has a single bond in the reactants and a double bond in the products. However in the reactants it has only 2 lone pairs, the amount necessary for a 0 formal charge when oxygen has a double bond and no formal charge is present in the reactants.

    2. The conjugate base of the acetate ion is missing the double bond of the oxygen in the products side of the reaction. The bond that is there was not drawn centered so the line is clearly missing.

    3. acid

      The picture of the OH + HCl reaction has a mistake, on the product side, the conjugate acid of OH, H2O does not have bonds drawn to both hydrogens, only to one of them. Yet the oxygen has only 2 lone pairs implying that it should have 2 bonds. I would have clicked on the picture but it would not let me.

  2. Sep 2020
    1. 0.6Tm where Tm is the melting point in degrees Kelvin.

      ¿A qué temperatura se dice que se está realizando un trabajo en caliente?

    1. more energy is required to add an electron to a negative ion (i.e., second electron affinity)

      because of the repulsion force that will significantly increase if you add another electron.

    1. Malthus urged “moral restraint.” That is, he declared that people must practice abstinence before marriage, forced sterilization where necessary, and institute criminal punishments for so-called unprepared parents who had more children than they could support

      Answer to Question 1

    1. sucrose

      This question is not entirely true, sugar especially like salt can't actually sit for years, maybe 3-6 months if you're lucky and don't like to bake a whole lot. If sugar sits, it's a humectant so it draws in the moisture in the air and creates large clumps that become rocks and are unusable. The question is simply false.

    1. For the tetrahedral complex, the dxy, dxz, and dyz orbitals are raised in energy while the dz², dx²-y² orbitals are lowered.

      Opposite to that which occurs for octahedral complexes

    1. The need for equitable, ethical, and sustainable use of Earth’s resources by a global population that nears the carrying capacity of the planet requires us not only to understand how human behaviors affect the environment,

      This is my comment

    1. In particular, if ∂T∂qj∂T∂qj \dfrac{\partial T}{\partial q_{j}}, then ∂V∂qj∂V∂qj \dfrac{\partial V}{\partial q_{j}} is constant.

      if what? it seems that there is no criteria for the statement. is this a mistake or am I not getting something?

    1. ddt∂T∂q˙j−∂T∂qj=∂V∂qj

      Is this equation correct? I think there is a typo. We need a minus(-) in the right hand side of this equation

    1. You work well under pressure, and when you do finally sit down to accomplish a task, you can sit and work for hours. In these times, you can be extremely focused and shut out the rest of the world in order to complete what’s needed.

      this sounds similiar to me

    2. You like to make checklists and feel great satisfaction when you can cross something off of your to-do list

      This is definitely true for me, but i don't rush to get things done asap

    1. Body weights of children with Marasmus may be up to 80 percent less than that of a normal child of the same age. Marasmus is a Greek word, meaning “starvation.” It is characterized by an extreme emaciated appearance, poor skin health, and growth retardation. The symptoms are acute fatigue, hunger, and diarrhea.

      Marasmus disease

    2. The name Kwashiorkor comes from a language in Ghana and means, “the sickness the child gets when the new baby comes". The syndrome was named because it occurred most commonly in children who had recently been weaned from the breast, usually because another child had just been born. Subsequently the child was fed watery porridge made from low-protein grains, which accounts for the low protein intake. Kwashiorkor is characterized by swelling (edema) of the feet and abdomen, poor skin health, growth retardation, low muscle mass, and liver malfunction (Figure\PageIndex{1}1).

      Kwashiorkor disease

    1. When a foreign substance attacks the body, the immune system produces antibodies (Figure\PageIndex{3}2) to defend against it. Antibodies are special proteins that recognize a unique molecule on harmful bacteria and viruses known as an antigen. Antibodies bind to the antigen and destroy it. Antibodies also trigger other factors in the immune system to seek and destroy unwanted intruders.

      Defintion for Antibodies

    2. The pH scale ranges from 0 (strongly acidic) to 14 (strongly basic/alkaline). Blood pH is maintained between 7.35 and 7.45, which is slightly basic. Even a slight change in blood pH can affect body functions. Acidic conditions can stop proteins from functioning. The body has several systems that hold the blood pH within the normal range to prevent this from happening. Some proteins act as buffers and release hydrogen (H+) into the blood if it gets too basic. Proteins can also take hydrogen from the blood if it gets too acidic. By releasing and taking hydrogen when needed, proteins maintain acid-base balance and keep blood pH within a normal range.

      Proper pH balance is the measure of how the acidic or basic substance is measured in the blood.

    3. The most abundant protein in blood is the protein known as albumin. Albumin’s presence in the blood makes the protein concentration in the blood similar to that in cells. Therefore, fluid exchange between the blood and cells is not in the extreme, but rather is minimized to preserve the status quo.

      Albumin's refers to

    4. Fluid balance refers to maintaining the distribution of water in the body. If too much water in the blood suddenly moves into a tissue, the results are swelling and, potentially, cell death. Water always flows from an area of high concentration to one of a low concentration.

      Fluid Balance refers to, biological processes of the body to maintain the status of changing environment.

    5. A major function of hormones is to turn enzymes on and off, so some proteins can even regulate the actions of other proteins. While not all hormones are made from proteins, many of them are.

      Number one function of hormones is to turn enzymes on and off.

    1. The first step in protein digestion involves chewing. The teeth begin the mechanical breakdown of food into smaller pieces that can be swallowed. The salivary glands provide some saliva to aid swallowing and the passage of the smaller pieces of food through the esophagus and then on to the stomach through the esophageal sphincter.

      The first process to digestion of protein

    1. The peptide bond forms between the carboxylic acid group of one amino acid and the amino group of another, releasing a molecule of water.

      Defintion of Peptide bond

    1. how the author hopes this topic will be treated in the future.

      i've always learned to put a "so what"

    2. may fade.

      i definitely do

    3. Restating the question can sometimes be an effective strategy

      i think sometimes I tend to do this

    4. paper

      I usually write my introduction last to ensure I'm covering everything that was said in the paper - is this okay?

    1. first or final sentence in a paragraph. It's possible that it can appear in the middle, but that can be confusing for a reader

      interesting - i have never done this

    2. Begin writing with the part you know the most about

      i do this frequently, as well as writing only one paragraph at a time

    1. ground

      underline green

    2. auspices

      underline black

    3. intermediary

      underline black

    4. Church’s hierarchy

      underline blue

    5. anticipated a permanent break

      underline red

    6. one

      underline orange

    7. outside

      underline green

    8. Church

      underline blue

    9. zeal

      underline black

    10. reforming

      underline light green

    11. during the fifteenth century

      underline purple

    12. reform

      underline light green

    13. period

      underline purple

    14. strong

      underline red

    15. Church

      underline blue

    16. Spanish

      underline green

    17. change

      underline red

    18. Church

      underline blue

    19. peers and superiors

      underline blue

    20. corruption

      underline red

    21. abhorred

      underline black and underneath underline red

    22. Numerous

      underline orange

    23. Church’s

      underline blue

    24. devout priests, monks, and nuns

      underline blue

    25. live

      underline purple

    26. address

      underline green

    27. persistent

      underline red

    28. widespread

      underline green and underneath underline blue

    29. reform

      underline light green

    30. Church

      underline blue

    31. salvation

      underline red

    32. Church

      underline blue

    33. Bible

      underline blue

    34. time

      underline purple

    35. mid-fifteenth century

      underline purple

    36. handbook

      underline blue

    37. Church

      underline blue

    38. outside

      underline green

    39. laypeople

      underline green and underneath underline blue

    40. moral and spiritual life

      underline purple

    41. Netherlands

      underline green

    42. one

      underline orange

    43. around Europe

      underline green

    44. New

      underline purple

    45. priest, monk, or nun

      underline blue

    46. corruption

      underline red

    47. laypeople

      underline green and underneath underline blue

    48. monks and nuns and the wealth and luxury many monks and nuns

      underline blue

    49. poverty

      underline red

    50. monasteries

      underline blue

    51. land of the western kingdoms

      underline green

    52. 20%

      underline orange

    53. late fifteenth century

      underneath purple

    54. buying up or receiving land as gifts

      underline pink

    55. successful

      underline blue

    56. monasteries

      underline blue

    57. townspeople

      underline green and underneath underline blue

    58. relative luxury

      underline blue

    59. lived

      underline purple

    60. monks

      underline blue

    61. successful industries

      underline blue

    62. urban

      underline green

    63. ones

      underline orange

    64. monasteries

      underline blue

    65. early modern period

      underline purple

    66. imitating

      underline red

    67. orders

      underline light green

    68. Christ

      underline blue

    69. life

      underline purple

    70. Church

      underline blue