- Nov 2022
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This appears like it might fit the bill for my Call for Model Examples of Zettelkasten Output Processea
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Eleanor Konik</span> in The Konik Method for Making Useful Notes (<time class='dt-published'>11/07/2022 12:03:38</time>)</cite></small>
www.obsidianroundup.org www.obsidianroundup.org
Eleanor Konik explores, in reasonable depth, how she makes notes and uses Obsidian to manage them. She doesn't talk much about the philosophy of her method in a prescriptive manner so much as she looks directly at her process.
This isn't so much a "rules" set, but takes some pre-existing rules (unstated) and shows how she bends them to her particular needs for outputs primarily in non-academic settings.
I never want to be one of those people who who write extensively about note-writing but rarely have a serious context of use.
She's probably right that too many" influencers" in the space don't have actual context for use.
Love that she links to Andy Matuschak's admonishment about this...