- Oct 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Yet another PKM Guru channel. A mixture of (he says) Tiago Forte (BASB, CODE), zettelkasten, and PKM.
Uses Craft, Canva, Figma, Spotify (for ambient focus).
He's actively creating/using some of the words and definitions of others, but also creating his own "system" definition. (hubs, etc.) He redefines Forte's C.O.D.E. to give it his own spin: Capture, Connect, Create Share.
He's got a subtle proselytizing Christian underlying message. Mentions Bible. Has hat with word "WRSHP". "Adding value to someone else's life" by sharing. Personal conversation is important to him (proselytizing). Speaking at his church about what "God has put in his heart."
Turning notes into "diamonds"
There's an outline of a system here, but he doesn't show actual practice, which is possibly the most important part, otherwise it may be unusable theory. To be able to do this system, I think, one would need to already be conversant in what is going on generally in the space or have Forte's system under control. By this point, what is Wheeler's real contribution other than a small example?
productivehappiness.substack.com productivehappiness.substack.com
Zettlekasten is an index card method of storing notes for future use. Popularized by Ryan Holiday, author of The Obstacle is The Way, the Zettlekasten system has gained a lot of traction in recent years. YouTuber Greg Wheeler, in this short but very detailed video, shares how he integrates the Zettlekasten system with Tiago Forte’s second brain methodology in a complete walkthrough:
We have now reached peak zettelkasten-I-just-don't-know-what-the-definition-even-is-anymore. And this is a Substack focused on productivity.
The definition of zettelkasten here is the lowest possible version.
It's (falsely, I think) described as "popularized by Ryan Holiday" who has a form of practice, but doesn't describe it as zettelkasten. (Has he ever used the word on his blog? There's one throw away mention to it and Luhmann #, Google doesn't find any others.)
Then as a cherry on top, he presents a mélange of methods as a Hybrid PKM system.