3 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2022
cs.stanford.edu cs.stanford.edu
input (32x32x3)max activation: 0.5, min: -0.5max gradient: 1.08696, min: -1.53051Activations:Activation Gradients:Weights:Weight Gradients:conv (32x32x16)filter size 5x5x3, stride 1max activation: 3.75919, min: -4.48241max gradient: 0.36571, min: -0.33032parameters: 16x5x5x3+16 = 1216
The dimensions of these first two layers are explained here
- Oct 2021
colah.github.io colah.github.io
These layers warp and reshape the data to make it easier to classify.
- Apr 2021
www.infoq.com www.infoq.com
survival prediction of colorectal cancer is formulated as a multi-class classification problem