10 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. I sort of trace out these parallel developments

      for - history - connection stories that challenge the Genesis control story- begin with indigenous peoples of North America - then ping pong back and forth between Europe and North America - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton

      history - connection stories that challenge the Genesis control story - Indigenous elders of North America share stories with some Westerners in the United States and Canada - These are shared in Europe and become popular, especially amongst intellectuals - It was refreshing to hear an account of nature that wasn't considered evil and that had to be tamed and brought into God's order - Alexander von Humboldt wrote some of these and was widely read - Thoreau, WHitman and Rousseau read Humboldt - British and German Romantics such as Wordworth, Shelly and Coleridge are also influenced by it and see the rediscovery of the wonder of nature as an antidote to the alienation of the industrial age - Completing the circle, American intellects Thoreau and Emerson read the Romantics, in turn influencing Whitman and John Muir

  2. Sep 2024
  3. Jul 2024
    1. syntel. synthetic telepathy. i suspect they can read and write our thoughts and feelings.<br /> it would explain why so many people are so stupid and self-harming. its assisted suicide.<br /> wifi (2 to 5 GHz) is bad, but the power grid is the worst, because the low frequencies (50 or 60 Hz with harmonic overtones up to 20 KHz) are impossible to shield, so really the only solution is to get off grid, as far away as possible from their "civilization".

  4. Jun 2024
  5. Aug 2023
    1. The big tech companies, left to their own devices (so to speak), have already had a net negative effect on societies worldwide. At the moment, the three big threats these companies pose – aggressive surveillance, arbitrary suppression of content (the censorship problem), and the subtle manipulation of thoughts, behaviors, votes, purchases, attitudes and beliefs – are unchecked worldwide
      • for: quote, quote - Robert Epstein, quote - search engine bias,quote - future of democracy, quote - tilting elections, quote - progress trap, progress trap, cultural evolution, technology - futures, futures - technology, progress trap, indyweb - support, future - education
      • quote
        • The big tech companies, left to their own devices , have already had a net negative effect on societies worldwide.
        • At the moment, the three big threats these companies pose
          • aggressive surveillance,
          • arbitrary suppression of content,
            • the censorship problem, and
          • the subtle manipulation of
            • thoughts,
            • behaviors,
            • votes,
            • purchases,
            • attitudes and
            • beliefs
          • are unchecked worldwide
      • author: Robert Epstein
        • senior research psychologist at American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology
      • paraphrase
        • Epstein's organization is building two technologies that assist in combating these problems:
          • passively monitor what big tech companies are showing people online,
          • smart algorithms that will ultimately be able to identify online manipulations in realtime:
            • biased search results,
            • biased search suggestions,
            • biased newsfeeds,
            • platform-generated targeted messages,
            • platform-engineered virality,
            • shadow-banning,
            • email suppression, etc.
        • Tech evolves too quickly to be managed by laws and regulations,
          • but monitoring systems are tech, and they can and will be used to curtail the destructive and dangerous powers of companies like Google and Facebook on an ongoing basis.
      • reference
    1. Early in 2013, Ronald Robertson, now a doctoral candidate at the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University in Boston, and I discovered that Google isn’t just spying on us; it also has the power to exert an enormous impact on our opinions, purchases and votes.
      • for: big tech - bias, big tech - manipulation, big tech - mind control, big tech - influence
      • paraphrase
        • Early in 2013, Ronald Robertson,
          • now a doctoral candidate at the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University in Boston,
        • and I discovered that Google isn’t just spying on us;
          • it also has the power to exert an enormous impact on our opinions, purchases and votes.
    2. he Search Suggestion Effect (SSE), the Answer Bot Effect (ABE), the Targeted Messaging Effect (TME), and the Opinion Matching Effect (OME), among others. Effects like these might now be impacting the opinions, beliefs, attitudes, decisions, purchases and voting preferences of more than two billion people every day.
      • for: search engine bias, google privacy, orwellian, privacy protection, mind control, google bias
      • title: Taming Big Tech: The Case for Monitoring
      • date: May 14th 2018
      • author: Robert Epstein

      • quote

      • paraphrase:
        • types of search engine bias
          • the Search Suggestion Effect (SSE),
          • the Answer Bot Effect (ABE),
          • the Targeted Messaging Effect (TME), and
          • the Opinion Matching Effect (OME), among others. -
        • Effects like these might now be impacting the
          • opinions,
          • beliefs,
          • attitudes,
          • decisions,
          • purchases and
          • voting preferences
        • of more than two billion people every day.
  6. Jul 2021
    1. By delivering 5G to marginalized communities, which face a growing digital divide that especially affects women and rural areas, countries can increase opportunity for greater information flow, access to education tools, and other societal benefits.

      By delivering 5G to "marginalized" communities they will expand the reach of the beast to all corners of the earth.

  7. Feb 2019
    1. e ma

      I can't remember who said this (maybe Stephen King?), but they described writing as a form of telepathy for exactly this reason: transferring ideas from one person to another. This idea is dramatized in Black Robe, a film about Jesuit missionaries in Canada during the 17th century. Worth a watch.

  8. Apr 2017
    1. But brain interfaces can also put information in. Meaning a clever hacker might be able to change your thoughts or your vote or your identity or make you want to do something terrible you normally wouldn’t ever consider.

      "Imperio!" anyone? Regards from the-one-who-should-not-be-named, otherwise known as "Tom Riddle" or "Voldie"...