7 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2022
www.rubydoc.info www.rubydoc.info
Booleans and nil can be compared by identity and therefore the `be` matcher is preferable as it is a more strict test.
a rare case of "because you can, you should"?
asdf-vm.com asdf-vm.com
Just because you can create a plugin for any tool and manage its versions with asdf, does not mean that is the best course of action for that specific tool.
- Jun 2021
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
When mocking is deemed profitable:
- Feb 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
That such minimalism is possible does not mean that it is necessarily desirable
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
This is Sass based, and therefore doesn't require Svelte components
Just because we could make Svelte wrapper components for each Material typography [thing], doesn't mean we should.
material-ui [react] did make wrapper components for typography.
- But why did they? Is there a technical reason why they couldn't just do what svelte-material-ui did (as in, something technical that Svelte empowers/allows?), or did they just not consider it?
svelte-material-ui did not.
- And they were probably wise to not do so. Just reuse the existing work from the Material team so that there's less work for you to keep in sync and less chance of divergence.
However, that really doesn't mean we should expose everything else in JSON too...
- Oct 2020
ponyfoo.com ponyfoo.comPony Foo1
There are other features you *could* actually polyfill, such as Array.of, Number.isNaN or Object.assign, because those don’t introduce syntax changes to the language – except that you shouldn’t.